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How do you deal with waiting a month for just one chapter?

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Sep 12, 2017 4:08 AM

Aug 2015
It usually goes two ways for me. i either wait until the chapter comes out then read it straight away. or i stop reading the series for a while then read it when a few chapters are out
Sep 12, 2017 6:08 AM

Jan 2016
zodd0 said:
dadnaya said:

Sounds harsh.. Was it Noragami by any chance?


I will never drop the manga though. It means too much to me.
I thought you were talking about Hunter x Hunter for a second.
The word elitist is stupid since it's just used by people who can't defend their favorite shows and use it on people who criticize their favorite shows.
Sep 15, 2017 1:47 PM

Jul 2015
I usually wait a couple of months before going back to it, and during that time, I invest myself in other series. Then when I feel like it, I'll pick up the manga again, binge it, then repeat the whole cycle.

caught in the wonder
Nov 30, 2017 8:21 PM

Dec 2014
Giffa said:
The_Missing_Link said:
to put it in perspective, these are my two favorite manga's hiatus charts

Wait whaaat?
People made charts out of manga hiatus? oh wow
I read berserk too though, havent read it for 2 years but as far as i know the chapter only added only a bit ... smh
^image original source and link to many charts for different series

Monthly manga is bearable compared to the hiatus of series like hxh and berserk. I also try to finish off my endless list of plan to read manga while waiting.

Dec 1, 2017 1:13 PM

Nov 2013
I just favourite these manga on my manga reading app, forget them and read something else, then bam, I get notified when a new chapter comes out and I get all giddy. Rinse and repeat.
Raise it up, raise up the happiness.
Dec 1, 2017 1:56 PM
Jun 2016
it can be a bit hard, like I read most/all the isekai manga in a few weeks, and now I have to wait a month or two for each, and especially a problem as by the time the new chapter comes out, I need to a chapter or two back a few times to remember whats going on and wich manga it is.
Dec 1, 2017 2:10 PM

Nov 2016
The secret is to read at lot of other manga to fill the void

I have an admiration for the die-hard fans of the Glass Mask manga which started in the '70s and is still ongoing.
Nana has been in a hiatus for almost 10 years
Loveless has been defunct between 2008 and 2012
I have two personal favorite manga that get updated once a year

... Waiting only for a month for your manga to get an update it's like living in the Elysian fields
Dec 1, 2017 3:11 PM

Sep 2015
My method is, I wait even more. I look up the story arcs and don't go beyond the last finished one, then wait for the next arc to be finished and catch up. Where the story doesn't matter, I read the full volumes and wait until the next is done. It's much easier to take a break like this than to read 18-45 pages each month. It's also much better experience. Reading one chapter a month kills the pacing.
Dec 3, 2017 3:27 AM

Dec 2013
I just wait for it while doing other stuff and check every now and then if the chapter is released.
Dec 3, 2017 4:58 AM
Jul 2018
Have thousands of manga at the same time, I guess.

Hiatus is a very very common thing in the manga world. Be prepared for it. Some can last years before seeing anything new. It's sometimes just annoying. BTW use a manga reader app, so you'll be notified when it comes out otherwise you will forget about it.
Dec 3, 2017 7:41 AM
Jul 2017
dadnaya said:
Hello! I'm new to mangas (I've watched anime for years tho), and yesterday I started Horimiya (and finished what is out today), but now I have to wait a whole month for one chapter... Which I can read in 10 minutes?

How do you guys and girls deal with waiting so much for just a little bit? And also sometimes in Horimiya the chapter focused on a side character I didnt care about, so it must suck waiting a whole month just for that

Another Horimiya reader? I feel your pain. You know, if you observe my list, why I read a pretty good amount of manga (in my opinion. I'm not that invested in manga reading) is because I have to wait for a chapter of Horimiya to be released. Thank God I decided to read Horimiya when it's already in its 80 chapters. One of my pals read Horimiya from the start of publishing until now. I could say that his list expands a little too big than mine because of the wait time.

So, in short. I think you should give another manga a try when waiting for it to come out.
"To rule the time is to control the world" - Amane Suzuha
Dec 5, 2017 6:09 AM

Jan 2017
I read many ongoing mangas. I read completed manga while waiting for them. Easy.
Dec 5, 2017 4:48 PM

Dec 2017
1. Wait impatiently each month and read two chapters or so that way
2. Lose enthusiasm and read maybe one more chapter
3. Stop caring/Forget
4. Find out there are a bunch of chapters I've missed out and read them all
5. Repeat

Tʜɪꜱ ꜱɪɢɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ
Dec 5, 2017 11:59 PM

Sep 2015
A month is nothing, there are even the cases where the author stops completely
I deal with it by reading hundreds of manga at once (horrible choice tbh) and alternate between anime, weeby music and games. So I'm not reading manga 24/7
Dec 8, 2017 10:04 AM

Oct 2017
First you got to recognize that quality takes time (most of the time). Second, you got to recognize that you can have as much fun reading other works while you wait (its just sort of hard to find them). Third, you got to recognize that the best story is your own story, your life, and try to live it not getting hung up too much waiting for some manga chapter.
Dec 8, 2017 10:10 AM

Feb 2016
I never really had a problem with it, I even never really had a problem with series that just stop at random (vagabond), I got a lot of enjoyment out of it and now that it's over (or on hiatus) I can reflect on it and find something else.
Dec 13, 2017 10:57 PM
Jul 2018
Read other manga, watch other anime or play video games.

I rather wait a month for 1 chapter than waiting for 4+ years for a manga to return from hiatus.
Dec 13, 2017 11:52 PM
Nov 2017
I don't really mind since I tend to jump from manga to manga. I like to occupy myself by reading others haha, plus there are constant updates on the many ones I have started
Dec 14, 2017 1:20 AM

Jan 2015
Simple. You don't
Rance X is A GOAT.
Dec 14, 2017 7:22 AM

Oct 2014
Just read one shots or pick up random titles to pass time. A month is over wau before you know it. Some of the titles I was reading got dropped mid way due to no translation...scanlation issues have made me forget so many titles it's not funny

Jan 2, 2018 11:00 PM

Sep 2016
I just pick up the completed ones now. My interest in the manga usually dies down if i have to wait for a month for the story to progress.
Jan 3, 2018 10:51 AM

Mar 2017
Being really invested in the series helps. Find something that makes you really look forward to reading the next chapter. From personal experience, I'd recc Yakusoku no Neverland in that regard.
Jan 3, 2018 4:46 PM

Dec 2011
What I'll do is catch up, then won't pick it back up again until there's enough chapters for me to marathon through. Waiting for 1 chapter every month / every few months otherwise, I would just forget what's going on.

Ex: I've been wanting to read Glass Mask for so long but that manga has been going on since the 1970s! I've chosen to wait until it's complete to avoid the waiting/hiatuses.
Jan 4, 2018 12:41 PM

Jun 2012
MrGoldiii said:
I just favourite these manga on my manga reading app, forget them and read something else, then bam, I get notified when a new chapter comes out and I get all giddy. Rinse and repeat.

I do exactly the same. It doesn't feel that bad when you get used to it.
Eight-Man said:
Remember, be an artist, not an autist.

"If anything simply cannot go wrong it will anyway."

~ Murphy's 5th law
Jan 6, 2018 5:05 AM
Jun 2017
Hah. I wait nearly HALF A YEAR for chapter 2 of one manga.
Jan 7, 2018 1:17 PM

Dec 2014
Well... in my case I read +200 ongoing series, and I am starting new ones weekly, some times daily. That is a lot. By the time I catch up what I consider important, new chapters of ohter series are already out. So is rarely unbarable to wait. D-Gray Man learned me patience I guess.
Jan 20, 2018 3:24 AM

Oct 2014
My way is pretty stupid and would probably suck the enjoyment of manga out of a lot of people, but i just read more manga. Whenever i'm bored and waiting for new chapters or have just completed a manga, i go to the recently updated section on my manga reader and just find anything that looks mildly interesting to my list.
I have a metric shit ton of manga that i'm currently reading because of this but for me it's a great way of finding hidden gems or enjoyable manga that i would otherwise have never picked up or heard of
Jan 20, 2018 4:03 AM
Jul 2018
One month... haha, that's cute! :'D

No really, atm I wait for the monthly chapters of Owari no Seraph and that's something you are looking forward to.
Jan 20, 2018 4:25 AM
Jul 2018
Waiting isn't that bad if you look at it in a different way.
Just try to imagine possible developments that might come in the next chapter and all the possible variables. That might keep you busy.
Feb 1, 2018 9:51 AM

Aug 2015
Read something else.

'one month is better than never'

❝ falling sick on a journey
my dream wanders around
fields of dry grass. ❞
May 3, 2018 5:09 PM
May 2018
When you really love a manga, it’s well worth the wait. That’s the story with me and Berserk... :|
May 4, 2018 1:59 AM

Sep 2011
Well good thing that I'm not of person who reads manga a lot. But if I do, I don't think I would bear it because I'm kinda an impatient person.

May 4, 2018 2:32 AM
Nov 2017
I just read other mangas

May 4, 2018 3:05 AM

Apr 2017
I drown my sorrows by reading more manga.
...and the process repeats.
May 4, 2018 11:15 AM

Feb 2015
You know, just live normally.
It was Nov 2017 just yesterday and now we have May 2018.
Time continues to flow and in the end you won't even notice months passing by.
I'm watching anime since 2012. I also play games, sometimes.

Don't bother me if you want to 'become friends' or things like that.
It's tiresome. I know you just want to collect some meaningless numbers.
Thought: How many people sparked H. Charlotta just for blue pot?
May 6, 2018 8:07 AM

Dec 2013
I don't deal with it, what will usually happen is that I'll catch up to the manga and never check again for new chapters because I'm forgetful
Actually, I know when jojolion chapters get released but I'm still too lazy to catch up. The best I can do is remembering the manga after a year and thinking "oh hey wasn't that cool??" and then proceed to catch up. Rinse and repeat
May 8, 2018 7:47 PM
Jul 2018
The only way in the manga world is to have about 30-40 at the minimum ongoing manga at the same time. Then you might have something to read every single day. The more the better.

Also try to find some way to get notified when a new chapter is released.

@Tenma (my last one)
May 9, 2018 12:02 PM

Aug 2013
What i find a total pain is when a new chapter comes out, you have already forgotten half the plot and forces you to re-read the entire thing.
May 9, 2018 8:27 PM

Aug 2017
I usually completely forget most ongoing mangas I read and just remember casually later on when there's one to three new chapters out so I don't mind much.
Pincushions. I'm a long time threatening to buy one. Sticking them all over the place. Needles in window curtains.
May 9, 2018 8:37 PM

Jul 2012
I don't read any ongoing series unless:

1) I know it'll be done soon and completely scanlated in English
2) It's a very chill, episodic manga where the chapters aren't really linked and it's not plot heavy
Jul 30, 2019 12:12 AM

Dec 2015
I found this old thread by googling. Cause I needed a thread to talk about monthly releases of manga chaptesr.

Imo for anime it is best to watch them weekly. Easy to enjoy. Easy to remember. 1 week is not a problem. Everythign watching at 1 day would be too much.

I don't know about weekly manga - since I don't read them.

For AoT - basically the only real monthly manga I read (I don't read many manga) I noticed that I tend to easily forget stuff. Don't know anymore whats going on. Have a harder time to remember the looks of the chars. (This is also because of no colors and looks might change over time once chars get older. New chars might join.)

Basically I disliked season 1 of AoT cause before it started a lot of the manga was out and I read it and liked the faster pacing in the manga. Anime was too slow. Now witth the currend arc (I hope the manga ends soon) and the recent anime adaption (getting better every season) I really look forward to the last season and it getting adapted.

Reading the latest chapters is only mainly for clicking + in my list. I'm not really enjoying it.

Since Vinland Saga is still being published and the manga airing now ... I decided not to pick the manga up (Might end up at the point where I'd have to read monthly. I don't want that.) I'll wait for the anime to do more adaption. Or at least for the manga to finish (hopefully it won't run endlessly.) Then going to read it at my own pace without long breaks in between.


Anime: weekly > binging/"at your own pace"
Manga: "binging/at your own pace" > monthly.

Have't tried weekly anime. And the reason I avoid most manga is becaus good stuff often gets already adaptions. Or too long/still being published. Need more good stuff fully finished and fully translated available - without adaption (yet) - set in a fantay or medieval-like setting.

Edit: Seems arc-wise reading (waiting for a new arc to finish then reading the arc in one go/at your own pace) is recommended here a lot. I had expected that. Was my idea as well now that the manga for AoT if at a lot of chapters. Fully re-reading after a break seems silly. I have my chapter count accurately counted with my list. And the arcs are well-known. With the last season whe end of the manga should be dated as well. So it might be possible to time reading the last arc (re-reading from the start) to have the animated stuff covered before it airs ... while timing the end (if they end anime + manga at the same time - not uncommon nowadays) to read this without too long breaks in between readhing the chaps.
LuthandoriusJul 30, 2019 12:22 AM
Aug 6, 2019 1:07 AM

Oct 2016
I read other series. There's a whole lot of other series you can read while waiting for your favorite series to be updated.
Aug 6, 2019 11:38 AM

Oct 2015
Just put yourself in a cryogenic sleep and tell them to unfreeze you when the manga ends.
Aug 6, 2019 11:59 AM

Oct 2013
After following snk monthly manga since 2013, you will get use to it.
Aug 6, 2019 1:27 PM

Jun 2019
As others have said, I don't I read JoJo a while ago, caught up, and just dropped it. I'll pick it back it when I hear about it being finished.
Aug 6, 2019 1:30 PM

Apr 2013
Either I or Kentarou, Miura will die of old age before Berserk is concluded.
Aug 7, 2019 12:57 AM
Jul 2019
only have one monthly series on the go and almost up to date with another. in both cases the author writes good plot relevant chapters with awesome art each month. also have multiple series on the go so barely notice the breaks except when they last a few months.
Aug 7, 2019 7:53 AM

Oct 2015
i don't mind waiting a month because i've waited much longer for new chapters to come out :c
⠀     ‧     ⠀
Aug 9, 2019 4:04 PM

Apr 2011
Sigh... when you read manga like Berserk, waiting several months only is a luxury really
But the hype is real when it finally comes out. Aaand so is the disappointment *cough* another Griffith chapter *cough*
Aug 9, 2019 6:15 PM

Jan 2018
What I like to do that I have multiple different anime, manga, and manhwa to watch and read. Soon you'll realize time is passing by fast and its already time for a monthly release of a new chapter. Hell, it's already August 4 more months and it's 2020.
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