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Jan 23, 2017 7:57 AM

Jun 2015
so I came across this stupid article and decided to make a thread.

so which ones have you unlocked and which ones are you not bother ed with and why>?

I have unlocked the following Achievements:

Nostalgia Addict

For Love of the Plot

Endless Patience [I regret this one]

One List to Rule Them All [almost 98% done]
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Jan 23, 2017 8:05 AM

Apr 2013
No Drop Policy - except for some old stuff I watched on German TV as a kid
Up to Date - One Piece, Dragonball, Naruto...
For Love of the Plot - I love fanservice :3
Genre Addict - comedy for me pls
Seiyuu Recognition - I never would've imagined that I would actually recognize voices in anime I watch
Jan 23, 2017 8:11 AM
Jul 2018
Going in Blind
Nostalgia Addict
Expert Binger

Best way to watch anime. Don't spoil yourself, enjoy the nostalgia, and watch in one or two sittings easily. Cheddar popcorn is a must.
Jan 23, 2017 8:12 AM

Dec 2012
None of them really fit me completely tbh o.o
But I guess I'm a little bit:
- Recommendation Guru
- Karaoke Master
- Well-versed in classics
- Seiyuu Recognition
Jan 23, 2017 8:26 AM

Jul 2015
Nostalgia Addict - I've watched some of my favorites like 8 times or so. No regrets
For Love of the Plot - Only idiots let fanservice ruin a good show for them.
Genre Addict - Comedy and shounen with tournaments.
Karaoke Master - Too lazy to skip.
Seiyuu Recognition - This is especially easy when you pick anime to watch according to their VA casts.
Jan 23, 2017 8:26 AM

Dec 2016
Going in blind: I don't read reviews, don't watch trailers, any promotional material, etc. I just start series following "hunches", if I found them randomly on a TV network and said to mylself "I kinda liked it"....or following friends unspoiled reccomendations.

Up to date: Dragon Ball Super is the first (and only) series I have watched while currently airing, and I've seen all of its aired episodes so far.

Well-versed in the classics: not counting movies, updated versions of a same series (like DBZ Kai), and OVAS continuing a series premiered pre-2000 (like the Saint Seiya and HXH ones), 83% of my completed list consists of pre-2000 shows
Jan 23, 2017 8:36 AM
Feb 2015
No Anime No Life
For Love of the Plot
Up to Date
Going in Blind
Expert Binger
Jan 23, 2017 8:40 AM

Jan 2016
Karaoke master: I just love those OPs and ENds .Even if they suck,I still listen

Recommendation guru:Just ask me, I'm always open for recommendations and I know what people would like

Going in blind: well sometimes
Jan 23, 2017 8:41 AM

Sep 2012
KuroudoAkabane said:
so I came across this stupid article and decided to make a thread.

Which also breaks the rules.Oh well why not.At least it is not a loli topic.

Going in Blind
Nostalgia Addict
Expert Binger
Jan 23, 2017 8:47 AM

Feb 2016
Going in Blind - You don't let yourself get tainted by promotional material, reviews, or previews.

I pretty much 99% of the time go by anime descriptions, so I don't look at promos/reviews/previews. Well... I check out promos sometimes but they don't do much. Just need the synopsis for the show to know if I'm intrigued or not.

For Love of the Plot - Save the panty-shots and gratuitous swimwear episodes for someone else: you watch your anime for the plot. No, really. It's not your fault every anime feels the need to include some cleavage, now is it?

I guess... I watch for entertainment which would include the plot, don't care about the panty shots and what not really, so I guess I got this? lol.

Expert Binger - You have the skill (and time) to sit down and watch every anime of up to 26 episodes in one or two sittings.

I've done this, but don't anymore. Does that count?

Seiyuu Recognition - Does that voice sound familiar? It does to you. You've developed the skill to recognize anime voice actors by their voice alone. You can name Yui Horie from two lines of dialogue. You are the seiyuu expert.

If I watch dubbed (english), I can do this usually. I tend to notice the characters voice sounding similar. Although I can't name the actual VAs since I don't know their names to begin with. I don't read the credits and I don't look them up, so it's more like "Sounds like.... -insert character here- from -insert anime here-. Cool."

4/15, not bad I guess?

“Don’t just mindlessly judge people as you please.” – Rin Okumura
“Your past shouldn’t stop you from achieving your goals and dreams.” – Rin Okumura
Jan 23, 2017 8:48 AM
Jan 2016
No Drop Policy - So far.
Going in Blind - Sometimes
Nostalgia Addict - There are a couple of older anime that I watched multiple times since I was young such as Digimon.
Expert Binger - Yeah I've done that plenty of times.
KelJan 23, 2017 8:53 AM
Jan 23, 2017 9:03 AM

Jul 2015
for me just :
-Going in Blind -> watching anime without knowing anything about the plot is definitely a good thing (spoilers can ruin a lot)
-Expert Binger -> i prefer binging than watching slowly

others are nay
Jan 23, 2017 9:08 AM
Jul 2018
Nostalgia Addict: Madoka watched 11 times
Genre Addict: Psychological and yuri
Expert Binger: I've had nights without sleeping to watch anime nonstop
Karaoke Master: never skip an OP or ED. NEVER.
Jan 23, 2017 9:17 AM
Jul 2018
You have just unlocked:
No Drop Policy
Going in Blind
Nostalgia Addict
For the Love of the Plot
Genre Addict
Expert Binger

-Yeah, even if a show is terrible I don't quit on it.
-You might just stumble upon your new favorite anime if you go in blind
-I've watched Zero no Tsukaima like 4 times (almost an annual tradition)
-plot all the way
-If I don't like an anime that that much I will leave it hanging for a long time. If it's interesting I finish it in a day or two.
removed-userJan 23, 2017 9:21 AM
Jan 23, 2017 9:36 AM

Mar 2008
Going in Blind: exactly this.
Recommendation Guru: just watch conan.
Seiyuu Recognition

sadly i'm not a true otaku. Sorry mom.
Jan 23, 2017 9:42 AM

May 2016
Seiyuu Recognition
Expert Binger
Up to date
Nostalgia addict

Jan 23, 2017 9:51 AM
Jul 2018
Expert Binger
Nostalgia Addict

I would put Going in Blind too, but a lot of the time I watch shows based on reviews and overall recognition.

I don't bingewatch that much anymore though. Last time I binged more than 10 episodes was over a year ago o.
Jan 23, 2017 9:55 AM

Feb 2013
None of those really apply to me ;d Except Going in Blind maybe

I will submit an application for "Least achievements" achievement
Jan 23, 2017 10:00 AM

Feb 2016
Nolstagia Addict: I watched Toradora and Grace of Fireflies 3 times each. Now I feel like I need to watch them 3 more times.

Genre Addict: I love romance. I will watch every romance anime that's fits my criteria that I can find.

Used to have a No Drop Policy, but Re:Zero and Chobits are just sooooo bad. I might finish them and go back to that policy though.
Jan 23, 2017 10:04 AM
Sep 2014
Nostalgia Addict, Genre Addict, Seiyuu Recognition definitely fit me.
Jan 23, 2017 10:04 AM

Aug 2008
Probably Going in Blind and Expert Binger
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Jan 23, 2017 10:10 AM
Sep 2015
I haven't achieved many but there few lol,
Expert Binger(done a lot)
Genre Addict(Romance and comedy)
For Love of the Plot (sometimes little echi works)
Nostalgia Addict(watched 'nourin' 6 times and 'baka to test' quiet a few times)
Going in Blind
No Drop Policy(Well what can I say? ...I love anime XD)
Jan 23, 2017 10:12 AM

Sep 2015
No Drop Policy - I might lose this one. Not sure if I'll ever actually finish Naruto: Shippuuden after already finishing the manga.
For Love of the Plot - Of course I watch it for the plot, what else is there to see?
Expert Binger - Not everytime, but it's no problem if I'm really hooked.

Not quite:
Going in Blind - I don't intentionally watch trailers or previews, but I do usually skim through one or two reviews before adding it to my "to watch" list. And with the amount of anime I have on that list I probably saw some footage from at least half of them by this point.

To do:
Endless Patience - I'm still wondering if I should first read the novel, the manga, or watch the anime and what order I should even watch it in. :P
One List to Rule Them All - Endless struggle since it seems to be growing faster than I can watch it.
Jan 23, 2017 10:27 AM

Jul 2013
Only two.

No Drop Policy: Except for some shows when I was younger, currently I don't drop anything.

Seiyuu Recognition: I'm a certified seiyuu trash fanatic.
Jan 23, 2017 10:47 AM

Feb 2010
No Drop Policy - No thanks, I don't hate myself that much just yet

Perfect 10 Only - My IQ is over 10 making me able to differentiate.

Going in Blind - I never read reviews/previews and almost never watch trailers so I guess I qualify

Nostalgia Addict - I resent the implication that I only rewatch for nostalgia and not because the best just deserves to be experienced multiple times. But I do barely qualify, having watched Bebop 3 times.

Up to Date - No Conan here so I guess not, but I've watched every long-runner from the last 10 years or so while they aired (from FT and BLeach to Toriko HxH and World Trigger to Ace of Diamond and whatnot. Only missing DBS I guess, but I eventually plan to get to it just like I did with DB Kai

For Love of the Plot - yeah don't need sexual fanservice

Genre Addict - the description implies not watching much aside from that genre so I guess it doesn't fit because I value variety a lot but I actually do consider myself addicted to certain genres that I keep coming back to, watching everything that I can get my hands on. Mainly sports, battle shounen and mystery.

Recommendation Guru - I recommended my fair share of anime over the years, even got people into the medium. But having seen so much it's often hard to limit myself to one or two recs, it's impossible to choose just a small amount when so many shows usually come to my mind. So I try to stick with recommending the stuff people are unlikely to get recommended by other people, the niche and/or older titles.

Expert Binger - the description of this one contradicts itself, first it talks about binging shows you really like (I do that) and then about binging every show under 26 episodes (I don't do that). But I decided to count it.

Karaoke Master - I certainly do skip OPs and EDs but I also sung along countless times so based on the title of the 'achievement' I think I qualify :P

Seiyuu Recognition - I definitely recognize a few seiyuus, and even more I recognize the voice without knowing the name by heart

Well-versed in the Classics - It's far from the majority (partly due to watching a lot of seasonals for a lot of years, partly due to how many shorts/music videos/commercials are in the DB from the post 2000 era, but I've still watched more pre-2000 anime than most people so I decide to count that ^^

Endless Patience - I did watch every episode of the endless eight arc, if that's what they were getting at. But I never rewatched Haruhi.

One List to Rule Them All - far from it, I only managed to reduce it to under 500 titles, it used to be over 700.

No Anime No Life - I watched my 1000th anime in 2014 :>
I probably regret this post by now.
Jan 23, 2017 4:14 PM

Sep 2015
Pullman said:
Expert Binger - the description of this one contradicts itself, first it talks about binging shows you really like (I do that) and then about binging every show under 26 episodes (I don't do that). But I decided to count it.

Eh, just poorly worded. "You have the skill (and time) to sit down and watch any anime (you really like) of up to 26 episodes in one or two sittings."
Jan 23, 2017 4:25 PM

Oct 2015
Genre addict is the only title fits me.
I barely watch show with no romance.
Jan 23, 2017 4:27 PM

Dec 2016
-Going in Blind (I usually watch first, then see review for the episode for fun, rinse and repeat, so it counts, right?)
-Nostalgia Addict (Mmm, I remember rereading Dengeki Daisy for 7 times already, and the last time I did this was November...)
-Karaoke Master (I'm ashamed of this....)
-Seiyuu Recognition (Seiyuus are important for me. xD)

Those who have the No Drop Policy must be hardcore, or maybe they just know how to avoid the uglies... =v=
kuzushikoJan 23, 2017 4:33 PM

~Le Signature
Jan 23, 2017 4:28 PM
Jun 2016
I am definitely
Going in blind
And karaoke master
Jan 23, 2017 4:29 PM

Jan 2008
Going in Blind - I don't even watch the majority of trailers in the first place, only the good stuff like Keijo and Nekopara. For new seasons, a good majority of shows I just watch the first episode and go from there. (Most get dropped).

Nostalgia Addict - Might not really apply to me since it's been less than a year since I rewatched something I considered my favorite but definitely seen it more than 3 times.

Recommendation Guru - I'd say more than half of my posts are in the recommendation section.

Expert Binger - Finish a 2 cour show I'm enjoying in 1 sitting? Easy peasy. Shame I haven't seen anything like that in a while though.

Seiyuu Recognition - I'm all about dem seiyuus.

No Anime No Life - It only says watch, so easily clear this if I include all the shows I've dropped and stuff I forget to add and all the hentai I've seen.

Might qualify for a few others.
Jan 23, 2017 4:30 PM

Jun 2015
One list to rule them all: my cw is simply decorative, I never bothered to update it.

Going in Blind:Well, if you exclude source material ofc

No anime, no life: Don't bother to add ova, some shorts, forgot plenty of movies and a few titles

Endless Patience: watched it, watched it with friends, as well as that one time with the cousins

Recommendation guru: pretty much

Expert binger: not much now, but back in college, oh man, those sweet long summer vacations.

Seiyuu Recognition: Don't know the names, but I can recognize the voices, especially funny when I said, holy shit, that's Kirito when Betelgeuse appeared in Re:Zero while watching at a mate's flat, he was in disbelief at first.

Nostalgia Addict: well not all of them, but some.

Genre Addict: fantasy and SoL masterrace

I kinda doubt the Well Versed in the Classics. Despite watching plenty of those, I don't think I have more than 500 under my belt. Maybe 200 or so at least.
Jan 23, 2017 4:34 PM
Mar 2016
Nostalgia Addict: Specifically No Game No Life (I've seen it like 5 times already.)
For Love of the Plot: While I don't have a problem with fanservicey shows, they have to have at least some other reason for me to watch it (that includes deals with some of my friends, who are ecchi fans, so yeah. I don't choose those ones myself.)
Recommendation Guru (partial): Only offline, and usually to the uncultured swine people who haven't started watching anime yet. Sometimes I suggest things for my experienced friends, but they usually have their own lists to go through anyway.
Karaoke Master (partial): I'm pretty sure my lyrics are usually an insult to all Japanese people out there, but I usually have the notes and rhythm down and can bs the Japanese enough to fool people IRL.
Jan 23, 2017 4:37 PM

Mar 2012
i think its pretty fucking obvious which one i am lol
Jan 23, 2017 4:41 PM

Aug 2014
Going in Blind - Don't know if reading the paragraph that gives a description of the anime counts or not, on MAL or Kissanime for example. I certainly don't read reviews, watch promotional stuff or watch trailers, so I'll count it, I guess.

Nostalgia Addict - I've seen multiple anime more than 3 times.

Up to Date - I don't watch Naruto and One Piece weekly since I get bored of doing that but I do catchup on them at the end of the year. Then once I've caught up I stop again until its end of the year and repeat. So I guess I don't earn this one but I'm always close to it.

For Love of the Plot - Always watch for the story/plot of the anime. If fan-service becomes over-bearing I tend to stop watching.

Genre Addict - Do love watching slice of life and comedy anime.

One List to Rule Them All - Never used the plan to watch section. So that probably the easiest achievement I've got.

The rest of them, I'm not even close to achieving except for endless patience but I'd rather not see that again.
Jan 23, 2017 4:47 PM
May 2015
ok i have:
- Nostalgia Addict
- For the love of the Plot: hate fanservice so much
- Raccomandation Guru: some friends don't even watch something if reccommended by someone other than me
- Karaoke Master
- Well-versed in the Classics: i literally love the old-style animation, it even makes some shit series look better than they are imo
Jan 23, 2017 4:48 PM
Jan 2016
Going in Blind- I give almost anything a try and going in without knowing anything about the show makes it even more interesting
Nostalgia Addict- I've seen my favorite shows at least 10 times or more, I'm a rewatch master
Recommendation Guru- you need an anime to watch? I'm your guy
Expert Binger - I've finished 26 episode seasons in a sitting before, I'm no novice to binging
Karaoke Master- Half the reason I watch shows is to listen to the OP and ending, love the music
Seiyuu Recognition- im kinda ashamed to admit it, but ya I notice the voice actors
Endless Patience- this is kinda like banging your head against a wall for 8 episodes, then rewatching those 8 episodes and doing it all over again.....

After reading this I can't believe how many categories I fit in......not too proud of that to be honest lol
Jan 23, 2017 5:03 PM
Mar 2016
up to date somewhat
genre addict although there arent too many good psychological/dementia animes
going in blind when im desperate
Jan 23, 2017 5:03 PM

Oct 2014
Going in Blind - The majority of the time I watch anime no one even talks about.
Recommendation Guru
Seiyuu Recognition - Not too strong, but there are at least a few seiyuu I'll recognise instantly.

It's funny how some of these "achievements" are easier for casuals (all 10s, no drops, rewatched your favourites, and zero PTW), while others are dedicated to people who have seen a lot (recommendations, 1000 completed, and seiyuu).
Jan 23, 2017 5:09 PM

Feb 2015
One List To Rule Them All, but not sure if that's saying much, considering I try to keep my list as short as possible before clearing it again. None of the other categories really seem to fit me.
Jan 23, 2017 6:59 PM

Feb 2015
Mhhh.. I'm wondering where I am in that shit... But I'm not in the mood to look at the shit right now.

Anyway... @EcchiLordMamster for you, a pic of Keijo and title " No Fap No Life" is befitting...
Jan 23, 2017 7:03 PM

Jun 2013
Seiyuu Recognition (sometimes)

Up to date (some seasonal shows)

Going in Blind (most of the times)
Jan 23, 2017 7:18 PM

Mar 2012
_Ako_ said:
Mhhh.. I'm wondering where I am in that shit... But I'm not in the mood to look at the shit right now.

Anyway... @EcchiLordMamster for you, a pic of Keijo and title " No Fap No Life" is befitting...

LMAO yea definitely all though theres way too many anime that i could use as pics xD
Jan 23, 2017 7:19 PM

Feb 2015
EcchiLordMamster said:
_Ako_ said:
Mhhh.. I'm wondering where I am in that shit... But I'm not in the mood to look at the shit right now.

Anyway... @EcchiLordMamster for you, a pic of Keijo and title " No Fap No Life" is befitting...

LMAO yea definitely all though theres way too many anime that i could use as pics xD

Don't worry, you can put it all in a-never-ending gif dude.
Jan 23, 2017 7:28 PM

Jun 2016
For Love of the Plot
Genre Addict
No Drop Policy

Are the only ones for me I think...
Jan 23, 2017 7:31 PM

Sep 2012
Going in blind - definitely the type to just look at a picture, not know what's happening then watch it..
No Drop Policy - Rarely tend to drop animes unless it just pisses me off so much that I can't
Recommendation Guru - Yup, people tend to ask me since I've basically watched so many types...
Expert Binger - :) I mean... gotta watch it in one sitting you know :)))

But man that last achievement though, I really want it... LOL!!!!!! noanimenolife
Jan 23, 2017 7:34 PM
Jun 2016
Going in blind
Karaoke master
No drop policy
Genre addict
Jan 23, 2017 7:40 PM

Nov 2016
No Drop Policy (the only things I drop is not by choice, I just... forget about it...)
Going In Blind (can't always do that obviously but I like doing it)
Nostalgia Addict
Expert Binger (but it has to be really really captivating)
Seiyuu Recognition (the list of recognizable seiyuu is not very big however...)
Jan 23, 2017 7:41 PM

Apr 2014
~Going in Blind
~Nostalgia Addict
~For Love of the Plot
~Genre Addict
~Recommendation Guru
~Expert Binger
~One List to Rule Them All
Jan 23, 2017 9:06 PM

Jan 2017
For love of the plot (though for me, I guess it's more of the characters)

No Drop Policy
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