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The pros and cons of your country (Discussion)

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Apr 6, 2016 10:03 AM

Sep 2014
Zazie122 said:
New Zealander here.

-It's expensive as shit. Food, house prices, petrol (gas), clothing, everything... We're one of the most expensive countries to live in (top 10 at least, IIRC).
-We don't get a lot of variety of products due to being such a small market. For example, there aren't any IKEAs here.
-Nothing ever happens. Political scandals here are the PM pulling a waitress's ponytail or the government thinking about spending millions of dollars to buy a couple of pandas from China.
-We're only good at sports nobody has even heard of.
-We're super far away from everywhere else. While this is a pro in some ways, it also means that travel is super expensive.
-Nobody takes things seriously. We're almost too laid back/casual for our own good.
-The mental health system is completely useless, although I'm sure this is the same no matter which country you're in.

I plan to live there. So thanks for the heads up. The way you describe it almost makes it sound like a retirement home.
Apr 6, 2016 10:15 AM

Nov 2015
FlatEight said:
Lothloran said:

I'm from Texas :) and there are a few Cons here, but I was raised in a tiny town called Alvin on a ranch for the first 12 years of my life.
I think the biggest con, at least in Texas is the Houston Metropolis Personality. Everyone there is soooo booshy, like they think they're the salt of the earth.

On the plus side, there's a huge LGBT culture in Houston and a lot of really really hot girls which serves me just fine ;) lesbian sex is best sex.

Other than that, I mean... in Alvin the con would be that if you hate farming or ranching you're screwed.
I loved all of it, hunting, ranching, taking care of horses and all that stuff, but some people I knew from school absolutely hated it,

I had a pet chicken which was the coolest thing ever.

Huh, small world. My girlfriend is from Alvin and lives here in Houston now.
I had a pet duck, which I would say is the coolest thing ever.

Ohhh what's her name I probably went to school with her or at least one of her family members lol, there's a 33% chance :P I went to shadow creek

Also, my chicken made me breakfast every morning ;) can your duck do that?

Vor uns liegt MAL, in uns marschiert MAL, und hinter uns, kommt MAL!
Apr 6, 2016 10:25 AM

Oct 2015
Lothloran said:
FlatEight said:

Huh, small world. My girlfriend is from Alvin and lives here in Houston now.
I had a pet duck, which I would say is the coolest thing ever.

Ohhh what's her name I probably went to school with her or at least one of her family members lol, there's a 33% chance :P I went to shadow creek

Also, my chicken made me breakfast every morning ;) can your duck do that?

Her name Mia. I have no idea what school she went to though.
Well, ducks can fly.
Apr 6, 2016 10:30 AM

Nov 2015
FlatEight said:
Lothloran said:

Ohhh what's her name I probably went to school with her or at least one of her family members lol, there's a 33% chance :P I went to shadow creek

Also, my chicken made me breakfast every morning ;) can your duck do that?

Her name Mia. I have no idea what school she went to though.
Well, ducks can fly.

Touche my friend, touche...

I knew like 3 Mia's lol do you know if she lived near aTHE kroger?

Vor uns liegt MAL, in uns marschiert MAL, und hinter uns, kommt MAL!
Apr 6, 2016 10:34 AM

Oct 2015
Lothloran said:
FlatEight said:

Her name Mia. I have no idea what school she went to though.
Well, ducks can fly.

Touche my friend, touche...

I knew like 3 Mia's lol do you know if she lived near aTHE kroger?

THE Kroger? Is that like the OG Kroger? I don't have a clue lol. Her last name is Neal if that helps.
Apr 6, 2016 10:47 AM

May 2015

-Freedom to say what you please and do what you please (so long as it's not illegal)
-Incredibly diverse and the food is good
-History is fascinating

-Government influence on citizens way behind the rest of the world
-Religion still far too prominent for a developed country
-Overreactive and aggressive foreign policy
Apr 6, 2016 10:56 AM

Mar 2014
Franco Swedish grill here

I'll only explain the cons of Sweden in detail because I'm lazy


Shitty politics. Seriously, I don't think Swedish politics has been this bad since the 1940s. Our immigration policies are a mess, our taxes are too high, the health care system is only getting worse and worse etc. 90 % of the time our politicians are just arguing with each other like a bunch of kids in a sandbox instead of actually doing something worthwhile. It's good that at least some of them have finally started waking up now but there was a time when everything was chaos.
Radical feminists and SJWs. Imagine if tumblr was a country and there you have it: modern Swedish debate atmosphere. Everybody is oppressed and straight white cis males are to blame for everything. Oh, but you're not allowed to criticize the idea of open borders or Islam, because that's racist! They claim they're pro equality and yet they hate on men all the time, refuse to admit that cultural differences might be more of a social construct than sex AND even support ideas that would contribute to new, ACTUAL patriarchal structures being introduced in Swedish society (e.g. separate bathing times). "Open borders and multiculturalism will make people more open minded", no you morons, it will result in mass segregation, racism (both towards ethnic Swedes and immigrants) and sexism will increase and crime rates will sky rocket. YOU'RE AN ADULT, WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE FFS!
Law of Jante. For those of you who don't know what that is, read about it here. Some Swedes claim such a thing does not exist but I honestly think that's bullshit – especially since it's been driving me nuts ever since i moved back to Sweden (since one of my parents is from another country it's probably easier for me to notice such group behaviors). It's cool to hate the Swedish language, it's cool to hate Sweden, it's cool to avoid conflicts etc.

– High living standard
– Pretty and generally nice people (as long as they're not from Stockholm)
– Flashback forum


– Politics
– High way restaurants
– Catholics

– Very rich culture and history
– Great nature with variation
– Individuality is considered good
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Apr 6, 2016 10:57 AM

Nov 2015
FlatEight said:
Lothloran said:

Touche my friend, touche...

I knew like 3 Mia's lol do you know if she lived near aTHE kroger?

THE Kroger? Is that like the OG Kroger? I don't have a clue lol. Her last name is Neal if that helps.

Lol no... there's just only one Kroger in Alvin and one of my friends from highschool had a sister named Mia. Is she a black/dark haired girl?

Vor uns liegt MAL, in uns marschiert MAL, und hinter uns, kommt MAL!
Apr 6, 2016 10:59 AM

Nov 2015
Comic_Sans said:
Franco Swedish grill here

I'll only explain the cons of Sweden in detail because I'm lazy


Shitty politics. Seriously, I don't think Swedish politics has been this bad since the 1940s. Our immigration policies are a mess, our taxes are too high, the health care system is only getting worse and worse etc. 90 % of the time our politicians are just arguing with each other like a bunch of kids in a sandbox instead of actually doing something worthwhile. It's good that at least some of them have finally started waking up now but there was a time when everything was chaos.
Radical feminists and SJWs. Imagine if tumblr was a country and there you have it: modern Swedish debate atmosphere. Everybody is oppressed and straight white cis males are to blame for everything. Oh, but you're not allowed to criticize the idea of open borders or Islam, because that's racist! They claim they're pro equality and yet they hate on men all the time, refuse to admit that cultural differences might be more of a social construct than sex AND even support ideas that would contribute to new, ACTUAL patriarchal structures being introduced in Swedish society (e.g. separate bathing times). "Open borders and multiculturalism will make people more open minded", no you morons, it will result in mass segregation, racism (both towards ethnic Swedes and immigrants) and sexism will increase and crime rates will sky rocket. YOU'RE AN ADULT, WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE FFS!
Law of Jante. For those of you who don't know what that is, read about it here. Some Swedes claim such a thing does not exist but I honestly think that's bullshit – especially since it's been driving me nuts ever since i moved back to Sweden (since one of my parents is from another country it's probably easier for me to notice such group behaviors). It's cool to hate the Swedish language, it's cool to hate Sweden, it's cool to avoid conflicts etc.

– High living standard
– Pretty and generally nice people (as long as they're not from Stockholm)
– Flashback forum


– Politics
– High way restaurants
– Catholics

– Very rich culture and history
– Great nature with variation
– Individuality is considered good

You know.. I always wanted to visit Sweden but I figure I'd end up getting arrested for hurting someone's feelings. How SJW is Sweden on a scale of 1-10 relatively, like... idk 1 being not at all and 10 being Sweden.

Vor uns liegt MAL, in uns marschiert MAL, und hinter uns, kommt MAL!
Apr 6, 2016 11:06 AM

Oct 2015
Lothloran said:
FlatEight said:

THE Kroger? Is that like the OG Kroger? I don't have a clue lol. Her last name is Neal if that helps.

Lol no... there's just only one Kroger in Alvin and one of my friends from highschool had a sister named Mia. Is she a black/dark haired girl?

She has curly, dark-brown hair. Was her brother's name Robert by any chance?
Apr 6, 2016 11:14 AM

Mar 2014
Lothloran said:
You know.. I always wanted to visit Sweden but I figure I'd end up getting arrested for hurting someone's feelings. How SJW is Sweden on a scale of 1-10 relatively, like... idk 1 being not at all and 10 being Sweden.
You're American, right? Make sure to only visit the richest parts of Stockholm and avoid the suburbs and they'll treat you like the second coming of Christ

I'd say it's at an 8 right now since more and more non SJW journalists have started voicing the opinion and more and more people have started getting enough of the rad fems and SJWs. We still have a long way to go but things have slowly started changing
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Apr 6, 2016 12:12 PM

Aug 2015
-birth place of buddha
-absolutely beautiful country
-wild life
-rich in culture and tradition
-no religion conflict
-very trustworthy people

Apr 6, 2016 12:13 PM

Oct 2015
Lothloran said:
FlatEight said:

She has curly, dark-brown hair. Was her brother's name Robert by any chance?

Hey!!! I've met your girlfriend!!! The world is even smaller!!! Wow this is weird, maybe I'm just drunk and it seems weirder than it is but it's still crazy.

Holy shit, we're pretty much like related lol. I feel so much closer to you now OP.
I'm sober and I think it's fucking nuts. But in a cool way.
Apr 6, 2016 12:16 PM

Jan 2013

- Train system is marvelous. You can literally go everywhere in the city areas by train/subway. Shikansen is great transportation for long distances (though it can be a bit pricey at times).
- 7-11, Family Mart (Conbinis in general) are the best things in the world.
- Japanese people are very nice and respectful. They will even get out of their way to help you if you're lost or don't understand anything.
- internet is amazingly fast
- If you enjoy other hobbies to include anime you will find a lot of places everywhere that will support it. (popular example is Akihabara).
- I fucking love the arcades here
- Springtime is my favorite time of the year, the sakura trees are a sight to see.
- there are vending machines every 10 feet
- omigosh the food and the festivals

- Road taxes, Japanese Compulsory Insurance, Car insurance, And highway fees take a huge toll on your wallet if you own a car. The most I will ever drive is to and from work or if I really want to see a specific place that can't be reached by train.
- Don't go softbank for a phone provider, I always encountered problems through them. The only good thing about them is if you go visit the United States you can use Sprint towers with Softbank.
- The work ethic here is very hard on the people here. My girlfriend works at an office job and always works overtime and barely gets time off. They weren't kidding when it was a contributing factor to the declining birth rate.
- I've been to events including Magical Mirai, Comiket, and Ultra Music Festival and the amount of people that goes to these events is insane. I literally go 5 hours early to most of these and even then I'm still waiting hours in line waiting behind a whole city amount of people.
- beware of some clubs and bars in Roppongi. I've had several friends get swindled and taken advantage of by a lot of the Nigerians that try to rope you in for cash.
- the small size of roadways and apartments.

I could go on forever but I will leave it at this
Apr 6, 2016 12:38 PM

May 2014
Volksdeutsche said:

interesting ...

1. Great heritage
2. Great elderly population
3. Home of one of the greatest revolutions in Europe

1. Women are allowed to vote
2. Can get arrested and imprisoned for discussing historical events
3. Anti-nationalism is encouraged
4. Presence of migrants, especially Muslims
5. Low birth rate for the natives
6. Men are weak
7. Native culture being displaced and suppressed for the sake of multiculturalism
Apr 6, 2016 12:56 PM

Mar 2016
Nonnel said:

Answering questions with bad analogies doesn't count as answering questions.

I already answered your question directly and with good analogies.
I see that you finally understood.
Apr 6, 2016 12:59 PM

Jan 2013
I'm from Discussionland.

- Nice discussions
- Fast discussions
- Sexy discussions

- Boring discussions
- Stupid discussions
- Annoying discussions

Apr 6, 2016 1:09 PM

Nov 2015
FlatEight said:
Lothloran said:

Hey!!! I've met your girlfriend!!! The world is even smaller!!! Wow this is weird, maybe I'm just drunk and it seems weirder than it is but it's still crazy.

Holy shit, we're pretty much like related lol. I feel so much closer to you now OP.
I'm sober and I think it's fucking nuts. But in a cool way.

If your girlfriend is from Alvin Texas you better start drinking and then get into a fist fight after church so you embrace our culture ;) trust me, she'll marry you for it.
Or leave you because she's trying to escape... either way.

Whatever you do, don't drink jack. It's anti-texas. I'm very drunk right now.

Vor uns liegt MAL, in uns marschiert MAL, und hinter uns, kommt MAL!
Apr 6, 2016 1:39 PM

Mar 2008
United States of America

Lot of variety of landscape, weather and subculture. ( state wise this can sometimes be bad sicee you might wind up in a place you dont like)

Has some of the best medical treatments in the world.

Ghetto Black culture and Redneck culture. They both promote racism, ignorance and violence.

The public transport and footpaths are very scarce in acceptability and poor quality. It's almost impossible to get around places in the US without a car because everything is spaced so far apart. It's horrible. FFS why couldnt they have been more like western Europe and Japan?

Only developed country in the world that is so strongly obsessed with unnecessarily circumcising babies even at risk to their life.

Jehovah's Witnesses and Latter Day Saints showing up to the door all the time to try to get you to convert. It's really annoying and it feels like being targeted by some secret organization.

Race based affirmative action. I just think it is racist in itself.

Not good enough of welfare and healthcare programs. The poor should be taken care of.

A lot of improperly educated people. They can be pretty agitating how stupid they can get.

...well shit I thought of more cons than pros. It hard for me to think of good thing that are unique or scarce outside the US.
Apr 6, 2016 1:46 PM
Mar 2011
Low crime rates.
Almost free health care.
Fairly high life expectancy.
Beautiful nature.

High tax rates.
High unemployment rates.
High suicide rates.
At winter its so dark you can't see shit.
Horrible food.

Welcome to Finland.
Apr 6, 2016 2:05 PM

Oct 2015
Lothloran said:
FlatEight said:

Holy shit, we're pretty much like related lol. I feel so much closer to you now OP.
I'm sober and I think it's fucking nuts. But in a cool way.

If your girlfriend is from Alvin Texas you better start drinking and then get into a fist fight after church so you embrace our culture ;) trust me, she'll marry you for it.
Or leave you because she's trying to escape... either way.

Whatever you do, don't drink jack. It's anti-texas. I'm very drunk right now.

Sounds good, lol. Neither of us want to drink though 'cause she's studying to be a doctor and I'd just rather watch my beaner family and her country family get drunk and act crazy.

She could be lying to me though and actually wants to get fucked up on the weekends or in the middle of the day on a Wendsday like you OP.
Apr 6, 2016 2:07 PM

Apr 2014
pros: great food, amazing history and culture, beautiful language. lots of nice beaches and places. everybody is really chill and tolerant. paella and churros belong to us. and cervantes!

cons: the fuckign government, the entire "vino toritos flamenco siesta" stereotype. incredibly shitty educational system. did i mention that we have a shitty government?

spain is... mediocre.
Apr 6, 2016 2:08 PM

Nov 2015
FlatEight said:
Lothloran said:

If your girlfriend is from Alvin Texas you better start drinking and then get into a fist fight after church so you embrace our culture ;) trust me, she'll marry you for it.
Or leave you because she's trying to escape... either way.

Whatever you do, don't drink jack. It's anti-texas. I'm very drunk right now.

Sounds good, lol. Neither of us want to drink though 'cause she's studying to be a doctor and I'd just rather watch my beaner family and her country family get drunk and act crazy.

She could be lying to me though and actually wants to get fucked up on the weekends or in the middle of the day on a Wendsday like you OP.

Well.. if I know anything about med school students, and I do, she's getting absolutely trashed on a bi weekly basis ;)
just kidding!

but not really. Med school parties are the best

Vor uns liegt MAL, in uns marschiert MAL, und hinter uns, kommt MAL!
Apr 6, 2016 2:18 PM

Mar 2008
Comic_Sans said:
Lothloran said:
You know.. I always wanted to visit Sweden but I figure I'd end up getting arrested for hurting someone's feelings. How SJW is Sweden on a scale of 1-10 relatively, like... idk 1 being not at all and 10 being Sweden.
You're American, right? Make sure to only visit the richest parts of Stockholm and avoid the suburbs and they'll treat you like the second coming of Christ

hmm I do not see the down side to that.
Apr 6, 2016 2:20 PM

Oct 2015
Lothloran said:
FlatEight said:

Sounds good, lol. Neither of us want to drink though 'cause she's studying to be a doctor and I'd just rather watch my beaner family and her country family get drunk and act crazy.

She could be lying to me though and actually wants to get fucked up on the weekends or in the middle of the day on a Wendsday like you OP.

Well.. if I know anything about med school students, and I do, she's getting absolutely trashed on a bi weekly basis ;)
just kidding!

but not really. Med school parties are the best

Oh man. She's not in med school yet, but she'll probably avoid those. Of course, she might not and just go all out when she gets there lol.
Apr 6, 2016 2:23 PM

Mar 2014
traed said:
Comic_Sans said:
You're American, right? Make sure to only visit the richest parts of Stockholm and avoid the suburbs and they'll treat you like the second coming of Christ

hmm I do not see the down side to that.
That's my point

There are no downsides if you're a Murican tourist
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Apr 6, 2016 3:20 PM

Dec 2015
NasalShark said:
Here we go lads.


  • Everyone loves tea as much as me
  • Free healthcare
  • No guns
  • Beautiful countryside
  • Long, rich history with many interesting landmarks


  • Majoritavely brash, stupid and somewhat racist populace
  • A clusterfuck of accents
  • All political parties are terrible
  • Huge University fees
  • People love tea a little too much, y'know
You said it better than I ever could. At least we have the Americans beat on the tea, healthcare, guns, … on everything except the country side.
Apr 6, 2016 4:08 PM

May 2015


  • No mass shootings
  • safe
  • Environment varies lots
  • high wages
  • laid back


  • so many slang words a simple sentance is morse code to people from other countries.
  • politicians don't know what they are doing.
  • too far away from everything
  • everything is too expensive.
Apr 6, 2016 4:27 PM
May 2015
Blahkabelison said:
Rick said:
So I'm from Australia

- The "Outback" I love the tranquility.
- The animals.
- Most of the people are genuinely quite laid back, easy going and funny.

- The accent.
- Bogans.
- Everything is fucking expensive.

Australian accents are sexy af tho.

Well I'm glad some people think so <3
The vast majority are fine tbh but some here have a REALLY strong accent, and I was referring more to that and I, as an Australian, find it slightly off-putting.
Apr 6, 2016 4:31 PM
May 2015
leonstone said:
Rick said:

The vast majority are fine tbh but some here have a REALLY strong accent, and I was referring more to that and I, as an Australian, find it slightly off-putting.

strong accents are life tbh , so tough

Very tough indeed...I don't how I get up in the mornings :'(
Apr 6, 2016 4:34 PM
May 2015
leonstone said:
Rick said:
Very tough indeed...I don't how I get up in the mornings :'(

by tough I mean badass but okay xD ___

*Slaps forehead* sorry my bad xD haha
Apr 6, 2016 5:37 PM

Aug 2013

. Politically stable democracy

. Food

. Beaches

. Carnival

. Music even though it's seasonal

. Free education and healthcare (far better service if you pay for private healthcare though)

. National birds and flowers on the currency instead of dead or alive presidents or other former political leaders.

. Very small and muticultural/multiracial so not prone to civil war like big or bigger countries. Different races and ethnicities in a big country are more likely to form separate groups while with very small countries integration is more common.

. Best name abbreviation for a country.

. Not a major target for Muslim terrorism like America and Western Europe.


. Crime

. The Capital isn't the cleanest.
Apr 6, 2016 6:08 PM

Jun 2014


  • 'free' health care (will also be listed in cons later for various reasons)
  • fairly low tuition costs for residents (private Universities excluded)
  • Tax rate is above US but behind most of the EU while offering similar social programs
  • K-12 education stacks up well when compared to the rest of the world
  • Skill shortages can make finding a job easy depending on your specialties
  • Very strong unions (also a con depending who you ask)
  • poutine, ya it's that good.
  • Manners are still regarded highly and ingrained in the culture (arguably this is changing though)
  • Very beautiful country


  • Health care (it's not actually free in many provinces and wait times are extremely long)
  • crime rate (it's much higher than people think)
  • Kisses the United States ass
  • Identity crisis (seriously Canadian flags on backpacks, clothes, hats, etc. If a tourist is from'll know)
  • Cost of living is not balanced with wages in much of the country
  • Government is involved in more things than warranted. Example, with the exception of Alberta and BC, the Canadian government owns all liquor stores.
  • Quebec is part of the country
  • Curling is a thing
  • emphasis on multiculturalism and political correctness
  • The Queen is still a thing and the other 'royal' brats

I could go on and on, but that seems like a good stopping point.
retiring_animeApr 8, 2016 2:12 AM
Apr 6, 2016 8:50 PM

May 2015
Volksdeutsche said:
Nonnel said:

Answering questions with bad analogies doesn't count as answering questions.

I already answered your question directly and with good analogies.
I see that you finally understood.

Answer, without an analogy, why you're so fixated on cultures. Why do they matter?
Apr 6, 2016 9:25 PM

Oct 2009

- It's still a very free country. I know it's becoming less and less free as time goes by, but it still shits on every other country with its freedom. The fact that I can pirate whatever I want without consequence is proof of that. Nobody's monitoring my internet activity.
- Most of the cool shit is designed in America.
- Donald Trump
- Donald Trump


Apr 6, 2016 9:57 PM

Jan 2015
You said:
Lothloran said:
Yall better start discussing harder before this thread get locked in the Gulag

What sort of religions are you allowed to have? or any religion as long as it's A religion?
For example, if you're an atheist but need to choose one would you be able to put down Norse Asatru just to have one? or do you actually have to follow some sort of government sanctioned guidelines?

Also, I can imagine how difficult that must be, because I assume while you're still underaged your parents get to decide what religion goes on your card so you just end up being tied to that or else risk making your family mad at you.

There's only 6 religions legalized by the government here (Islam, Protestant, Roman Catholic, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.) Idk but in our country, Christianity are being separated into that two groups. And yeah I ended up having my ID card as a Roman Catholic because of my family background.

I have to add that a lot of Indonesian are actually irreligious, it's not like they are not having a religion in general, but mostly are not really into it, even most of the Javanese people are still having their animism beliefs even when their ID card said 'Islam' or 'Catholic', which is actually do good for us as it is harder to be indoctrinated by religious extremist. It is actually easier to get Indonesian to fight each others on the base of racism/tribalism than the religious one.

And to talk about atheism in the world largest muslim population nation we could go a way back to the worldwide socialist-communist movement, which some of the nationalist intellectual-political movement has been taken part to seek international support for the rights of self-determination. The 'red' faction throughout our history would later on becomes the world third largest communist party after the Soviet and China. Atheism and non-theism is closely related to the movement due to its synergy, which is later on purged from the political and social spectrum in one of the most controversial and secretive ops in the cold war history, the 30 Sept. movement. During the purge, the atheist theme are used in propaganda to rally the religious faction against the communist faction, which is why the entire spectrum of atheism (including agnosticism, animism, and confucianism) is stigmatized and officially banned along with the communist movement. After the purge atheist would identify themselves as 'muslim' or 'christian', depends on their closest social groups.
Apr 6, 2016 10:04 PM

Nov 2013

- Food
- cultural diversity
- bollywood movies
- Tourism

-caste discrimination
-gender discrimination
-such social evils like Child labour, dowry system etc. is still pretty common.

Ehhh..India needs to do a lot more for its development. :/
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 6, 2016 10:08 PM

Apr 2015
Biru- said:
You said:

There's only 6 religions legalized by the government here (Islam, Protestant, Roman Catholic, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.) Idk but in our country, Christianity are being separated into that two groups. And yeah I ended up having my ID card as a Roman Catholic because of my family background.

I have to add that a lot of Indonesian are actually irreligious, it's not like they are not having a religion in general, but mostly are not really into it, even most of the Javanese people are still having their animism beliefs even when their ID card said 'Islam' or 'Catholic', which is actually do good for us as it is harder to be indoctrinated by religious extremist. It is actually easier to get Indonesian to fight each others on the base of racism/tribalism than the religious one.

And to talk about atheism in the world largest muslim population nation we could go a way back to the worldwide socialist-communist movement, which some of the nationalist intellectual-political movement has been taken part to seek international support for the rights of self-determination. The 'red' faction throughout our history would later on becomes the world third largest communist party after the Soviet and China. Atheism and non-theism is closely related to the movement due to its synergy, which is later on purged from the political and social spectrum in one of the most controversial and secretive ops in the cold war history, the 30 Sept. movement. During the purge, the atheist theme are used in propaganda to rally the religious faction against the communist faction, which is why the entire spectrum of atheism (including agnosticism, animism, and confucianism) is stigmatized and officially banned along with the communist movement. After the purge atheist would identify themselves as 'muslim' or 'christian', depends on their closest social groups.

Ah yeah the Indonesian Communist Parties, although communism isn't exactly the same as atheism, that propaganda somehow works and yep, racial discrimination still exists latently here.
Apr 6, 2016 10:41 PM

Mar 2015
Not going to specify


My hometown is pretty dope
No consequence of piracy
Rainy season is beautiful


Everyone's a selfish cunt
Women are uglier and more overweight than men
Religious and nationalist nuts run everything
Capital is dirty as fuck.
Education sector is really competitive but has little rewards
Rich history but few places with historical significance
Really bigoted people and most share authoritarian mindset
Everyone is corrupt
Apr 6, 2016 10:59 PM

Mar 2016
Nonnel said:

Answer, without an analogy, why you're so fixated on cultures. Why do they matter?

Why does the body that keeps a nation tied and controls social cohesion matter? Culture is the very essence by which a nation transmits its values, traditions and teachings. Culture influences every institution. Education, politics, workplace, sports, etc. It's what ties a bond between the people of the land.

To poison culture is like to poison the water well from where you drink. You will be subsequently get infected if the source of your consumption gets infected.
Apr 6, 2016 11:13 PM

May 2015
Volksdeutsche said:
Nonnel said:

Answer, without an analogy, why you're so fixated on cultures. Why do they matter?

Why does the body that keeps a nation tied and controls social cohesion matter? Culture is the very essence by which a nation transmits its values, traditions and teachings. Culture influences every institution. Education, politics, workplace, sports, etc. It's what ties a bond between the people of the land.

To poison culture is like to poison the water well from where you drink. You will be subsequently get infected if the source of your consumption gets infected.

It ties a bond between the people of the land, but you seem to use it as a way to divide yourself from others. Is it not easier to ignore the arbitrary boundaries set by ancient people? Just because some people moved to the middle east a few thousand years ago, you won't let them into your club? Do you want the Earth reduced back to a bunch of bickering tribes? Why should anyone be proud of their heritage when they had no choice in what customs they actually believe in? Do you think ancient traditions mean anything? I mean, gee, I have so many questions for someone so backwards. And don't think I didn't notice that analogy.
Apr 6, 2016 11:20 PM

Mar 2016
Nonnel said:
Volksdeutsche said:

Why does the body that keeps a nation tied and controls social cohesion matter? Culture is the very essence by which a nation transmits its values, traditions and teachings. Culture influences every institution. Education, politics, workplace, sports, etc. It's what ties a bond between the people of the land.

To poison culture is like to poison the water well from where you drink. You will be subsequently get infected if the source of your consumption gets infected.

It ties a bond between the people of the land, but you seem to use it as a way to divide yourself from others. Is it not easier to ignore the arbitrary boundaries set by ancient people? Just because some people moved to the middle east a few thousand years ago, you won't let them into your club? Do you want the Earth reduced back to a bunch of bickering tribes? Why should anyone be proud of their heritage when they had no choice in what customs they actually believe in? Do you think ancient traditions mean anything? I mean, gee, I have so many questions for someone so backwards. And don't think I didn't notice that analogy.

I'll take the criticism. Whether you call it "backwards", "bad", "degenerate", etc., it doesn't matter, you'll get an honest and reasoned answer. I don't form baseless opinions and I have nothing to hide.

Now, for your critique. I do want to divide cultures, not people from within one culture. That's very essence of it. I'm not looking to annihilate other cultures, I'm looking to separate them from each other. Each culture for its own. Each land for its own. I want to keep the people of the land tied together, while keeping the lands separated. That doesn't mean we can't be friends and have trades, discussions, etc. But, we must respect each other's boundaries.

We can all live in the same neighborhood, but not in the same house. Different houses, different rules. Respect each other's spaces.
Apr 6, 2016 11:23 PM

May 2015
Volksdeutsche said:
Nonnel said:

It ties a bond between the people of the land, but you seem to use it as a way to divide yourself from others. Is it not easier to ignore the arbitrary boundaries set by ancient people? Just because some people moved to the middle east a few thousand years ago, you won't let them into your club? Do you want the Earth reduced back to a bunch of bickering tribes? Why should anyone be proud of their heritage when they had no choice in what customs they actually believe in? Do you think ancient traditions mean anything? I mean, gee, I have so many questions for someone so backwards. And don't think I didn't notice that analogy.

I'll take the criticism. Whether you call it "backwards", "bad", "degenerate", etc., it doesn't matter, you'll get an honest and reasoned answer. I don't form baseless opinions and I have nothing to hide.

Now, for your critique. I do want to divide cultures, not people from within one culture. That's very essence of it. I'm not looking to annihilate other cultures, I'm looking to separate them from each other. Each culture for its own. Each land for its own. I want to keep the people of the land tied together, while keeping the lands separated. That doesn't mean we can't be friends and have trades, discussions, etc. But, we must respect each other's boundaries.

We can all live in the same neighborhood, but not in the same house. Different houses, different rules. Respect each other's spaces.

What harm does a Chinese and a German starting a family pose?
Apr 7, 2016 1:25 AM

Jul 2015

Great traditional food
Beautiful beaches, mountains, landscapes
Most people are friendly (not all of us though, like every country i guess)
You can easily find a crowded place or a quite one , with a few to no people
Every season is great for most places
Pretty helpful

Economic crisis
Many people are shit
The country is not as many ohters. It's like living 10+++ years ago (even before the economic crisis)
Bad internet connection (not as good as S. Korea or USA)
In order to be accepted by the majority of greeks ( i mean the younger ages like 13-26, not the adult+ ones, but sometimes even them) you have to satisfy some conditions, like being badass, anf if you are a closed and calm type of guy (introvert)...good luck
Apr 7, 2016 2:28 AM

Jun 2014
ColdNobility said:
lilcoffeebean said:

[*] Quebec is part of the country

Care to explain why Quebec is a ''con'' to Canada since it has always been the heart of Canada from the start of the country except for the recent decades?

It's not specifically, it's more of a jest based on an overall stereotype of a region. Although to be fair in this case it's not even a region it's a small subset of the population within a reigion i.e. separatist and/or french cultural elitists, or the worst, the people who believe they are the one and only 'true' French Canadians.
retiring_animeApr 7, 2016 3:36 AM
Apr 7, 2016 3:32 AM

Jun 2013


everything else I guess :P
Apr 7, 2016 3:43 AM

Feb 2012
caffeine_queen said:
Bear said:
@caffeine_queen quick ques, I don't really have any idea, but is weed legal there or nah?

not yet, justin trudeau, (recently elected prime minister) is aiming to legalize it, but apparently "It's going to take many years."

Oh, right. He's your PM! He got pretty famous when he went here in the Philippines, because apparently good-looking and stuff. they got this apec hottie thing going on, Canada vs Mexico.... these people...

set made by tsudecimo ★ i m a d g m t r a s h ★ pnch blc mal rewrite

Apr 7, 2016 4:01 AM

Dec 2015

-Beer, chocolate, waffles
-Easy to travel to anywhere in Europe
-Generally nice and friendly people
-Education and healthacare are affordable and efficient
-3 languages spoken so early adaptation to other languages and cultures
-Great place for concerts and music festivals

-One of the most confusing political systems in the world
-The country is pretty much divided in two communities barely talking to each other
-Brussels is boring, ugly and unsafe
-The country has little to no history, being an artifical country created less than 200 years ago
Apr 7, 2016 6:12 AM

Jan 2012
Russia: disgusting in everything. No good sides.
Apr 7, 2016 7:06 AM

May 2008
DAIO said:

I plan to live there. So thanks for the heads up. The way you describe it almost makes it sound like a retirement home.

Haha, that's pretty fitting! Really, the only main problem is the expense. On the one hand, I get it, but it's also pretty ridiculous.

We're on the upper end of petrol prices in the world and have some of the higher GST overall IIRC (I think it's 15%?).

Houses are also fucking expensive in the main cities. Where I live, the average house price is ~$500,000 (~US$339,000). In Auckland, the largest city, it's above $700,000 (~US$475,000). National average seems to be ~$400,000 (~US$271,000) or so.

I also forgot to mention another thing: driving. Oh boy. Nobody can drive. Especially not tourists. We have really narrow, windy roads -- even in the main cities. Chances are, you're gonna go around several corners. Having people from overseas driving on the other side of the road also probably doesn't help. Some of our country roads are really dangerous and we have a problem with tourists getting killed in car accidents frequently over the summer months. And we have a high road toll in general. There have already been 94 deaths on our roads this year. That's 94 people actually dying in three months. The yearly average seems to be around 300. Keep in mind that this doesn't include people involved in car crashes who survived, and I'm sure that number is a lot higher.

A major problem is the system that's in place for getting a license. You don't have to go to a driving school to take lessons. As long as you're with a licensed adult, you can drive! You just have to have a sticker on your car saying you're a learner. The only time you have to go to a driving school is when you actually take the test itself. And you can get a license at as young as 16 (it used to be 15).

I don't have a license and I have no intention of driving. I'm too jumpy/panicky and uncoordinated and I also don't fucking trust anyone else to actually drive properly. Even just driving around my suburb in the passenger seat I get road rage because of all the fuckers driving 10kms under the speed limit.

TL;DR: Our roads aren't that great and people underestimate them and it's pretty shitty really.
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