Fai said:tingy said:
Ah yeah, that's what I thought, with Urobuchi being a guest writer. I feel like when he's only writing for an episode or two in a series, it's probably the beginning and/or the end (Gargantia, A/Z), that's why I said it might end with his episodes. But thanks, I didn't think about it possibly being a joint venture as well.
I remember the complaints with Kekkai Sensen...but at least the former three you mentioned have had good reception overall, whereas it feels like Concrete Revolutio is almost unknown (on MAL) AND un-liked...I know preliminary scores aren't everything, but it's got a terrible score so far.
can't believe it's lower than Comet Lucifer
I am not surprised tbh.
Kekkai Sensen while it did get the hate at first, latter settled down - It was carried in japan almost solely by fujoshi fanbase and in the vest it did not make that big of a fuss and most viewers treated it as "episodic comedy"
Same with DRRR(yes I had someone genuinely tell me Durarara is "episodic funny show"). Actually if you notice most of those viewers will claim the first season(which was the most straightforward and had most comedic gags) to be the "best" while apparently the newer ones "have no plot" (ironically DRRR is kind of niche in japan too). Just like with Kekkai Sensen, a big part of MAL is watching it solely for moments of characters being silly.
Also in both of above cases, most people knew what to expect when jumping in. With concrete revolutio, that kind of audience expected "kill la kill" or "gurren lagann". They expected wacky comedy and giant robots causing explosions. Instead they got a show that uses unique in terms of anime medium storytelling method and is actually less focused on visual gags and more on telling the story. Cue the hate.
It frankly leads me to conclusion that a modern anime viewer is completely not used to actually having to think or put things together by themselves(I mean we are talking about generation of viewers who had trouble following freaking gakkou gurashi by not being able to recognize and seprate present time story from very clearly marked flashbacks).
The fact that
certain idiotic youtuber bitched on how the show "is episodic, makes no sense and has no plot" also did not help matters because we now got the hate-train phenomenon of something being "cool to dislike".
And yeah, its strange to see Comet Lucifer being rated higher, but not so weird to be honest- that show caters to an average neet far more than something like Concrete Revolutio - unlike this show, Comet Lucifer is very basic in terms of plot and a lot more focused on instant gratification and neet-pandering.