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How Do You Feel When You Know Someone Else Right Now At The Age Of 16 Already Has A GF/BF, And You Don't?

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Jun 28, 2015 1:17 AM

Jul 2012
Deftones said:
mayukachan said:
I feel bad for them because they're probably fucking around with some loser. I highly doubt 16 year olds know what love is.

What constitutes a loser at that age? Beyond the petty social hierarchy that is. It's not like you're expected to do much other then stay in school and maybe hold down a part time job.

idk, like someone who doesn't know where he's going in life.
Hey there's nothing wrong with being one. But for me, I'd have to meet someone with goals and dreams.
Jun 28, 2015 1:19 AM

Jun 2014
Don't care
Jun 28, 2015 1:27 AM
Feb 2014
mayukachan said:
I feel bad for them because they're probably fucking around with some loser. I highly doubt 16 year olds know what love is.

I discovered love at a little older than that, and I believe anyone at any age can discover love. The word has multiple meanings. Although in this case, we're referring to romantic love. I'm not sure about you, but as a person who's in a relationship right now and in one for 3 years, I want you to think about what you're saying. You need to experience it firsthand to truly know it.
Jun 28, 2015 1:30 AM

May 2015
I had a gf when I was 16.
I have had 2 different gfs since I turned 17. (none currently)
So no I don't give a shit.
Dating is not really a big deal, my friends little bro has a gf and he is 12.
Jun 28, 2015 1:30 AM
Jun 28, 2015 1:34 AM

Jul 2012
Deftones said:
mayukachan said:

idk, like someone who doesn't know where he's going in life.
Hey there's nothing wrong with being one. But for me, I'd have to meet someone with goals and dreams.

You said "he's" in your definition for a loser so you're implying that you were only holding teenage boys up to this standard and you only feel bad for the girls who are with them. Just pointing out the double standards here.

Not everyone figures out their future in high school, that goes for boys and girls.

Oh, I'm not excluding females. lol Girls who have no future seem like losers to me too. I'm bothered that so many guys don't care about how ambitious, intelligent or educated their girlfriends are.

TheBasedNico said:
mayukachan said:
I feel bad for them because they're probably fucking around with some loser. I highly doubt 16 year olds know what love is.

I discovered love at a little older than that, and I believe anyone at any age can discover love. The word has multiple meanings. Although in this case, we're referring to romantic love. I'm not sure about you, but as a person who's in a relationship right now and in one for 3 years, I want you to think about what you're saying. You need to experience it firsthand to truly know it.

It's unlikely though, at a younger age. I've loved a person, but I haven't been in a relationship with that person.
Jun 28, 2015 1:40 AM

Mar 2015
mayukachan said:
Oh, I'm not excluding females. lol Girls who have no future seem like losers to me too. I'm bothered that so many guys don't care about how ambitious, intelligent or educated their girlfriends are.

"So many guys". Why do you generalize so? A one night stand, maybe. But you better believe we care about those types of things for a potential girlfriend. After all, we have to spend time with her. We wouldn't spend time with someone we couldn't stand being around. Men are stupid. I'm stupid. But we're not that dumb.
Jun 28, 2015 1:41 AM

Jul 2012
(gonna sleep, will reply tmr)

Like-A-Dance said:
mayukachan said:
Oh, I'm not excluding females. lol Girls who have no future seem like losers to me too. I'm bothered that so many guys don't care about how ambitious, intelligent or educated their girlfriends are.

"So many guys". Why do you generalize so? A one night stand, maybe. But you better believe we care about those types of things for a potential girlfriend. After all, we have to spend time with her. We wouldn't spend time with someone we couldn't stand being around. Men are stupid. I'm stupid. But we're not that dumb.

Erm, idk, that's what I got out of the "Women Have Higher Standards Than Men" thread. That only females care about status, education and wealthy while the reverse does not apply.

Jun 28, 2015 1:45 AM

Mar 2015
mayukachan said:
Erm, idk, that's what I got out of the "Women Have Higher Standards Than Men" thread. That only females care about status, education and wealthy while the reverse does not apply.

Didn't we go over this before? Using MAL as a platform for your social and life views is a big "no".
Jun 28, 2015 1:47 AM

Aug 2014
Nothing really, in fact I'm happy for them i find it nice to see people falling in love
Jun 28, 2015 1:49 AM

Mar 2009
I feel sad that there will be fewer mages to arise.
Jun 28, 2015 2:42 AM

Sep 2013
mayukachan said:
Deftones said:

What constitutes a loser at that age? Beyond the petty social hierarchy that is. It's not like you're expected to do much other then stay in school and maybe hold down a part time job.

idk, like someone who doesn't know where he's going in life.
Hey there's nothing wrong with being one. But for me, I'd have to meet someone with goals and dreams.

I've been in love when i was younger simply because i liked being with the person. I don't think in a young age, you have to have feelings for someone just because they have dreams and goals.

mayukachan said:
I feel bad for them because they're probably fucking around with some loser. I highly doubt 16 year olds know what love is.

Why do they have to know that in a young age? It's simple. If you like someone, then you like someone. It doesn't have to be a person you should be with for the rest of your life, but just in the moment. Ambition is something you can think about later on, i believe that people who doesn't have ambitition still have the ability to make someone happy ~ That should be it, i wouldn't dare to think about stuff like that, while i'm still in school and have no idea what i want to become either.

And i probably have no idea what "love" is, but it's different from person to person. There's no right way to love someone.
Jun 28, 2015 3:17 AM

Jan 2013
mayukachan said:
I feel bad for them because they're probably fucking around with some loser. I highly doubt 16 year olds know what love is.
Then what is love?
mayukachan said:
Yes. I'm also one of those people with 0% real love experience, but 101% with romance novels, otome games and anime. LOL I also used to be a loner like her, except I can actually talk to people if I try.
Didn't you post this before? Care to explain?
Jun 28, 2015 3:30 AM

Mar 2012
It doesn't really bother me.

Some people find love, some people don't.
Some people become a professional in their favourite sport, some people dont.
Some people become a millionaire, some people don't.

It's a matter of acceptance, life would be pitiful without it.
Jun 28, 2015 10:16 AM

Jul 2014
Never been in a relationship in my entire life and I'm quite content
Take care of yourself

Jun 28, 2015 10:27 AM

Jun 2008
MrHawkeye said:
I am 16 and try not to make too many advances because in my mind both I and my potential partners are to immature to buils a stable and lasting relationship.

That the good thing dude. You can fuck them but you won't have to spend the next decades with them.
Jun 28, 2015 10:32 AM

Aug 2013
I remember that line from that comedy show

characters 1 through 4 (two couples): I bet seeing us all together makes you feel a bit lonely

Chaarcter 5: yeah you must be right, now excuse me while i go do what i want when i want forever.

Who needs relationships, when you can get laid without them.
Jun 28, 2015 10:36 AM

Mar 2015
OkayCaim said:
mayukachan said:
Yes. I'm also one of those people with 0% real love experience, but 101% with romance novels, otome games and anime. LOL I also used to be a loner like her, except I can actually talk to people if I try.
Didn't you post this before? Care to explain?

Ohhhh this explains it. No wonder mayuka generalizes guys so much. She's never even experienced what it means to care for someone.
Jun 28, 2015 10:37 AM
Jun 2014
wow, op. Stop being a soppy pleb and focus on your life.
'The way of the wang is long...and hard'
Jun 28, 2015 12:06 PM

May 2013
'already at the age of 16' lol
Jun 28, 2015 12:18 PM

Jan 2014
I feel like imma not care and smoke weed, exercise and binge watch netflix. #ForeverMALone
Jun 28, 2015 12:19 PM
Aug 2014
really depends on the person, i know that i am mostly happier during a relationship but plenty of my friends prefer being single

some of my friends never really had a relationship and are 19-20 and I'm sure there are older ones here, whatever you believe is right or makes you happy should be what you pursue

I think people who say that you can't have real love at 16 are pretty jaded, who gets to define how real a relationship or feelings are, if nothing else if it brings you happiness you might as well pursue it, you grow through experiences and you learn things that you wouldn't otherwise in relationships
celeminusJun 28, 2015 1:18 PM
Jun 28, 2015 12:36 PM
Apr 2014
TheBasedNico said:
>implying everyone on MAL is a sweaty lardass beta cuckfaggot male virgin with rage who is now growing hair on his neck because he's forever in the zone
I also get the impression that most of the people who make these generalizations are the ones who fall under that description.
Jun 28, 2015 12:48 PM

May 2014
Gholy said:
TheBasedNico said:
>implying everyone on MAL is a sweaty lardass beta cuckfaggot male virgin with rage who is now growing hair on his neck because he's forever in the zone
I also get the impression that most of the people who make these generalizations are the ones who fall under that description.

To be honest if you've looked at any polls on Mal it appears that is the majority. its disheartening but unfortunately true.
I've been here way too long...
Jun 28, 2015 1:03 PM

Jan 2014
TheConquerer said:
Gholy said:
I also get the impression that most of the people who make these generalizations are the ones who fall under that description.

To be honest if you've looked at any polls on Mal it appears that is the majority. its disheartening but unfortunately true.

I'm not a lardass but everything else is pretty much on point.
Jun 28, 2015 1:11 PM

Oct 2013
Jun 28, 2015 1:17 PM

Aug 2013
TheConquerer said:
Gholy said:
I also get the impression that most of the people who make these generalizations are the ones who fall under that description.

To be honest if you've looked at any polls on Mal it appears that is the majority. its disheartening but unfortunately true.

curious to if you have a neckbeard
Jun 28, 2015 1:27 PM

May 2014
Spooks_McBones said:
TheConquerer said:

To be honest if you've looked at any polls on Mal it appears that is the majority. its disheartening but unfortunately true.

curious to if you have a neckbeard

Well I wasn't justifying that stereotype if that's what it seemed like, merely the part about being single and being a virgin that's so often polled on.
I've been here way too long...
Jun 28, 2015 1:28 PM

Aug 2014
Age of consent where im at is 16. So 16 is legal adult. Doesnt bother me.
Jun 28, 2015 1:30 PM
Apr 2014
TheConquerer said:
Spooks_McBones said:
curious to if you have a neckbeard
Well I wasn't justifying that stereotype if that's what it seemed like, merely the part about being single and being a virgin that's so often polled on.
Even then, being a single virgin =/= being a sweaty lardass beta cuckfaggot with a neckbeard
Jun 28, 2015 1:47 PM

Oct 2013
At the age of 16, I wouldn't really consider any of those relationships to actually contain any true partnership. Yes, some of them are successful, but very few of those relationships stick together. I'm not at all jealous or feel any pain for not having one. What relationships are based off at the age of 16 are quite different when you are older. Comparing a relationship within your 20s is much different than when you are 16.
Jun 28, 2015 1:48 PM
Mar 2014
Happy for them? The relationship probably won't last, but it's nice to hear regardless.
Jun 28, 2015 3:27 PM

Sep 2013
Im 16 myself im not in a relationship never was and prob never will be because im too concerned with nerdy things and being lazy.There are some couples in my class but i just think "good for them" and move on with my life . Im ugly anyways and dont really take care of myself and dont follow these society stereotypes because fuck society .
Jun 28, 2015 3:29 PM
Jul 2018
tomi02 said:
Im 16 myself im not in a relationship never was and prob never will be because im too concerned with nerdy things and being lazy.There are some couples in my class but i just think "good for them" and move on with my life . Im ugly anyways and dont really take care of myself and dont follow these society stereotypes because fuck society .

Jun 28, 2015 5:15 PM
Feb 2014
I guess I overexaggerated on my point, but the virgin with rage and "kill all those who have sex before me" mentality doesn't help the "nice guy" cause at all. Ugh, they piss me off more than it'd piss of a girl in all honesty. At least I've woken up from that spell in high school and decided not to care about getting a relationship while there.

I just hate greedy people and greedy people in denial.
Jun 28, 2015 6:04 PM

Apr 2014
[center][size=90]When I was really little, like maybe 10 or so, I used to think it would be gross to be in a relationship before 18, haha. As I got a little older, I thought maybe 16 would be the cutoff. I still think that relationships in middle school [ i.e. age 11-13 ] are kind of sketchy, but uh, whatever floats your boat I guess. So personal beliefs? Starting to date around 15-16, yeah, it's okay. I've had some friends who started going out around that age and maybe that's why.
Starting to date before that, I won't say anything to your face, but I think it's a little bit too young.

I'm finally 16 now and ay can I just say single life is best life
Just kidding [ somewhat ]. I don't care about being single; I'm enjoying it while I can because there's a lot of commitments involved with a relationship. I've been generally trying to avoid getting into a serious relationship with anyone because ASIAN PARENTS SAY I HAVE TO GO TO HARVARDYALEPRINCETON AND I GOTTA FOCUS ON MY GRADES MAN IM SO CLOSE TO THAT 2400 ON THE SAT
So if I'm going to be spending a lot of time studying I don't think I'll be looking to go out with anyone at this point, unless whoever asks me out is okay with me being 'afk' 70% of the time.
I don't feel jealous or upset if anyone my age is dating. I'm single, you're in a relationship, so what? Doesn't really matter. Sure, I'd like someone to hug and hold hands with, but that's what husbandos are for I mean what
Imo most high school relationships won't last past graduation, and I don't want to deal with heartbreak when I'm writing my college apps, so...
But if you're in a relationship around 16, well, good for you! I'll cheer you on. I hope your relationship will last for many years. I've never been deeply in love with somebody before, so I'm hardly in any position to judge whether or not such 'love' is real.

[ a ] [ i ] wo atsumete
たくさん の あい お あつめたら
ことば で きみ に とどけよう
みえない きもち お かたち に したら
こころ の なか まで とどく から

Jun 28, 2015 6:07 PM
Jul 2018
We watch anime of course we don't have a GF/BF
Jun 28, 2015 6:35 PM

Mar 2014
I would think it is cute and wish them fun.
Redheadphones said:
The 'Children' continue to flock around me. They see me as a guide on their path to salvation. They wish to transcend their powerless existences, to grow from mere boys and girls into men and women of worth and value.

Pick a number between 1-4 and hope to get lucky.
1 2 3 4
Jun 29, 2015 4:36 AM

Jul 2012
OkayCaim said:
Didn't you post this before? Care to explain?

Like-A-Dance said:
Ohhhh this explains it. No wonder mayuka generalizes guys so much. She's never even experienced what it means to care for someone.

Not dated before =/= not caring for someone

wtf? You can be in love with someone but not have "love experience"
MayukaJun 29, 2015 4:42 AM
Jun 29, 2015 4:44 AM

Mar 2014
I changed my mind, I couldn't care less.
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood
I have created over a Thousand Blades
Unaware of Loss,
Nor aware of Gain.
Withstood Pain to create Weapons, Waiting for one’s Arrival
I have no Regrets. This is the only Path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works"
Jun 29, 2015 4:53 AM

Jul 2012
Animetive said:
I've been in love when i was younger simply because i liked being with the person. I don't think in a young age, you have to have feelings for someone just because they have dreams and goals.

Why do they have to know that in a young age? It's simple. If you like someone, then you like someone. It doesn't have to be a person you should be with for the rest of your life, but just in the moment. Ambition is something you can think about later on, i believe that people who doesn't have ambitition still have the ability to make someone happy ~ That should be it, i wouldn't dare to think about stuff like that, while i'm still in school and have no idea what i want to become either.

And i probably have no idea what "love" is, but it's different from person to person. There's no right way to love someone.

Basing your feelings off pure passion and heart will not satisfy the long run. Crushes and infatuation =/= love
Jun 29, 2015 6:16 AM

Sep 2013
mayukachan said:
Animetive said:
I've been in love when i was younger simply because i liked being with the person. I don't think in a young age, you have to have feelings for someone just because they have dreams and goals.

Why do they have to know that in a young age? It's simple. If you like someone, then you like someone. It doesn't have to be a person you should be with for the rest of your life, but just in the moment. Ambition is something you can think about later on, i believe that people who doesn't have ambitition still have the ability to make someone happy ~ That should be it, i wouldn't dare to think about stuff like that, while i'm still in school and have no idea what i want to become either.

And i probably have no idea what "love" is, but it's different from person to person. There's no right way to love someone.

Basing your feelings off pure passion and heart will not satisfy the long run. Crushes and infatuation =/= love

Why does it have to be the long run relationship? Even though you might only have a boyfriend for a year, you can still learn a lot about yourself from the experience. If you only base everything on the fact you might not hold very long, then you're overthinking things way to much.

If i fell in love with someone, anything else wouldn't matter. If we were to break up, then that would be it. I just believe that i wouldn't be able to find the right guy i want to marry, if i haven't experienced different kind of relationship, since i believe you learn a lot about yourself, and can take it with you to later on in life. You develop your intelligence by your actions in life. If you stand back, not doing anything new in your life, then i believe you've missed out the whole point of growing up.
Jun 29, 2015 6:37 AM

Feb 2014
they mostly break up within months or even weeks and moreover I don't give a shit about that
Jun 29, 2015 6:42 AM

Jun 2015
Wow_Such_Doge said:
Relationships in the teenage years are rather unstable, y'know? They'll probably break up sooner or later. I don't really care, lel
anyway ill just leave this here

^This guy gets it, so does hawkeye and mafia princess. The relationships can still be fun though but don't expect a meaningful relationship so early, it's rare
Jun 29, 2015 12:33 PM
Jul 2018
mayukachan said:
Basing your feelings off pure passion and heart will not satisfy the long run. Crushes and infatuation =/= love

Well, love develops from crushes and infatuations anyway.

And at one point, if I want to be with someone and they want to be with me, I don't really care if it's "true" love or not. Either way, I'll be with them. If it doesn't work out in the long run, that's sad but I'd rather not prevent myself from enjoying my time with them in the fear it doesn't work out later because it wasn't genuine enough or something. Having such high expectations is just going to ruin my luv.

Anyway, I was in a relationship at 16 years old and still am over a year later. I'm good. Don't care about other people's relationships unless they're my friends.
Jun 29, 2015 2:25 PM

Mar 2015
mayukachan said:
Not dated before =/= not caring for someone

wtf? You can be in love with someone but not have "love experience"

Just because you read books on it, watch anime on it, and play games on it doesn't mean you know what it's like. Rofl. I can read books on war, but I've never been in one. How the hell can I make any kind of insinuation into the struggles of battle? I can't. You're acting like because you have that fictional 101% experience in reading romance novels, you know what you're talking about.

And being in love with someone is not true depending, because being "in love" requires more then one person. You having some infatuation with someone from a distance is not love. Lol. And family love is separate from romantic love. We throw the term "love" around far too often on things that are not love nowadays.

You're being arrogant. Throwing out brash generalizations and petty "ya bro I know what I'm talking", despite the fact you don't. You never have. You've never dated, you've never given it all, you've never felt what it's like to make one person more important than yourself. To sacrifice. To compromise. To enjoy each moment with them. And they doing the same for you. That is love my dear. Real love. And I hope one day you really do find it. Because this cynical, narcissistic, Dunning-Kruger attitude will make your heart cold.

And when love does truly come around, will you be too frozen to thaw out for it? I wonder.
Jun 29, 2015 2:30 PM

Jul 2012
Like-A-Dance said:
We throw the term "love" around far too often on things that are not love nowadays.

This is my point. Kids use this term so often that it doesn't mean anything most of the time.

I've loved a person, romantically. I don't believe it has to be requited to be "in love".

OkayCaim said:
I think you don't know what you're talking about.

I don't think you do either.

Animetive said:
Why does it have to be the long run relationship? Even though you might only have a boyfriend for a year, you can still learn a lot about yourself from the experience. If you only base everything on the fact you might not hold very long, then you're overthinking things way to much.

If i fell in love with someone, anything else wouldn't matter. If we were to break up, then that would be it. I just believe that i wouldn't be able to find the right guy i want to marry, if i haven't experienced different kind of relationship, since i believe you learn a lot about yourself, and can take it with you to later on in life. You develop your intelligence by your actions in life. If you stand back, not doing anything new in your life, then i believe you've missed out the whole point of growing up.

I agree with you on the last part but I don't think anything should be rushed. I think it's fine for some people to think more seriously about these things rather than try going out with anyone out there.

I seek long term. You don't and that's fine but the purpose of dating is to find a marriage partner for me.
Jun 29, 2015 2:39 PM

Oct 2011
Is 16 the new 35 or did I miss something?

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