Takuan_Soho said: Mostly a good episode, they did Masaki very well, and the fluidity of the episode was done right, but as I have been saying 20 episodes I think now, they continue to go out of their way to minimize Erika and Miyuki.
While they showed Orochimaru, there was nothing in there about how Erika receiving this sword was her official acceptance into the Chiba family nor again just how happy she is with it and with having the chance to kill people. It's like the adapters are afraid that they will lose fans if they divert from "Cute Erika" ignoring that this isn't the reason readers like Erika.
Miyuki's scene was all wrong, we got absolutely no sense of how powerful and terrifying her spell and indeed she is. First when she jumped out of the helicopter her magical interference was so powerful that no one could cast magic (including Mari), second it doesn't "freeze" their bodies, it freezes their minds. Third it is omnidirectional, the attackers were not in convenient mass. Fourth everyone felt it, so it should have been animated like a pulse. Fifth, everyone outside of Erika were terrified by the spell and her as well as they should be: she can look at people and they die. She doesn't need a CAD (they at least showed that properly), it kiills who she wants and spares who she wants, its a magic so far outside of the normal realm that the reaction should have been animated.
Perhaps these are minor points, but for me both scenes were favorites of mine and I think both would have been good scenes to spend a little more time on.
Been agreeing with you on most points since the early episodes of this anime.
I swear, even though I haven't read up to the current arc, just by watching this and from the background provided by LN readers, you can already see just how much of the adaptation has been butchered, and how only small additions could have made this so much better.
First, I swear, this entire episode lacked something extremely important: Tension. Literally all we did was watch a show with people walking around everywhere like they were taking a casual stroll in the park.
Even the battle scenes lacked tension. No one was really having a hard time in dealing with the invasion. It seemed like those kids would be completely fine in dealing with things on their own, no parental supervision required at all.
It wasn't until Kirihara got his leg blown off that I felt like they were actually in a fight, and even then all it took was less than 1 minute to dispel any and all tension from the show yet again with Miyuki hailing Tatsuya like she was hailing a taxi down on 5th Avenue, Tatsuya flying in, taking two looks at both sempais and then "whoosh" point CAD, "click", heal, repeat. It didn't even show the girlfriends anxious or worried about them afterwards, all four of them on the ground look like they just woke up from some sort of dream instead. Where's the tension in that?!?
Then for the explanation of the more complex magic, seriously if they wanted to, they could have just made a Tatsuya voice-over during the magic to provide a small info-dump for said magic, I doubt any fans would have any issue if said magic were explained properly in the process of it being casted (sort of like Suzuka during her 9SC event, but shorter).
As for the animation for their signature combat moves, I too am playing the mobile "Lost Zero" game, and whilst I haven't read up to that point in the novels, I can already swear that in comparison, the game animation for Erika's move was way more spectacular, way more flashy, and didn't even take half a second to animate properly. So why the heck did it look like she was just swinging a huge yellow banana in this episode??? It looked so dumb and so out of place... In fact, if we threw all the animation for those combat moves from the game into the anime, I swear it's be THAT much more spectacular! They pretty much gimped the animation of any and all magic in this arc.
It's seriously disappointing.
That said, I still wish they could come out with a second season to further adapt the rest of the novels, because despite all the flaws, I still think this story deserves to be told in its entirety. |