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Fullmetal Alchemist
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Aug 25, 2012 10:01 PM
Mar 2012
for me personally its brotherhood reason being that i feel that they greatly approved upon the original by a hundred fold
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Aug 26, 2012 12:28 AM

Jan 2011
They are both supposedly very good. I know people who say the first was better and others who say the second.

In the end I think it comes down to personal preference, neither is distinctively better than the other.
Aug 26, 2012 12:34 AM

Nov 2011

They are both good in their own way. The main difference is one branches off into its own original story and other sticks with the manga. Which are both pretty good.

I think the deciding factor for A LOT of viewers is the difference in endings. Not really a spoiler I guess? Just in case..

I preferred Brotherhood more in the end though.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Aug 26, 2012 12:37 AM

Apr 2012
The original was better.
Aug 26, 2012 12:38 AM

Apr 2011
brotherhood by far i hated the second half of the original
Aug 26, 2012 4:05 AM

Aug 2012
If you liked Claymore/Gantz "original" anime endings and/or filler episodes in DBZ/Naruto/Bleach etc you should like FMA. If you want to stick to the real meat that is following the storyline, go for Brotherhood. In that regard you won't "waste" your time watching FMA to then watch Brotherhood in order to get the real ending... And not only that but alot of characters in addition to the plot were modified in FMA.

Aug 27, 2012 5:21 AM
Oct 2011
There's a great post about Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood here which I think you may be interested to read.
Sep 4, 2012 11:07 PM

May 2011
Sep 4, 2012 11:16 PM

Nov 2010
Brotherhood all the way, I didn't know FMA made up everything when I first watched it and still didn't like it. Brotherhood blew me away with everything, music, art, story, ending.
Sep 4, 2012 11:19 PM

Mar 2012
Brotherhood(even though i haven't watch finish). :D
Sep 4, 2012 11:23 PM

Nov 2011
Definitely Brotherhood imo. The original series was alright but Brotherhood was just something else that made it very enjoyable for me to watch.
Sep 4, 2012 11:26 PM

Sep 2011
Either. I think it's really up to the person and what they like in my opinion.

Brotherhood is much tighter and feels like a far more complete experience, but it definitely retains a more shounen feel to its story. The original FMA had a more mature atmosphere to its story-telling that was really thought-provoking to the point that it was borderline seinen, but since it couldn't use the manga as a guide, its story wasn't as tightly written.
ronriSep 6, 2012 4:57 PM
Sep 5, 2012 3:21 PM

Sep 2011
Both of them had their good and bad things, but I liked Brotherhood way more (and not just because of the ending). Somehow the whole feel to it was just more awesome, I can't really explain. A lot of the important moments which appeared in both were portrayed better in Brotherhood. And I also really liked the whole idea of Truth.
FMA is a 7 for me and FMA:B is a 9 btw.
Sep 5, 2012 3:50 PM

Mar 2012
I'm at episode 12 and so far the original is a lot better....much darker and doesn't try to be funny in every scene, the Nina scene was 1000 times better, same for Hughes, and of course the Izumi's baby scene, which are the highlights of the first half of the show, now since we're getting to the latter half of the manga content in brotherhood I hope we get some similar stuff and at the same time the anime slows down and gets more serious
End Zionazism
Sep 6, 2012 12:08 PM
Dec 2007
Mikasa said:
I'm at episode 12 and so far the original is a lot better....much darker and doesn't try to be funny in every scene, the Nina scene was 1000 times better, same for Hughes, and of course the Izumi's baby scene, which are the highlights of the first half of the show, now since we're getting to the latter half of the manga content in brotherhood I hope we get some similar stuff and at the same time the anime slows down and gets more serious
It does slow down. That said, the manga is more shounen than the original anime hence Brotherhood is not "dark" or gritty. It seems you went into it expecting more of the old one, especially of the old content. The original anime went a completely differenr oute, many of the jokes you didn't like ARE actually from the manga.

Sep 7, 2012 12:38 PM

Apr 2009
Only at episode 11 at the moment so my opinion probably doesn't count too much, but while enjoyable, the adaption has been quite sub-optimal so far. The thing that really defines the overall mood so far is the fast pacing, so in other words there haven't been many outstanding scenes required to build up an atmosphere or let us savor certain developments emotionally. So far the story has been moving really fast, which leaves mostly the quick flow and comedy to stand out. It's not like BH has been completely streamlined out of everything "extra", but the arrangement of scenes just feels vaguely off. I'd call it "let's get the stuff that was already in the first series quickly because nobody wants to postpone seeing the new stuff" syndrome.

But then again, the first adaption partly made the decision to focus on atmosphere to make up for lack of material.When BH reaches the stages of huge scale and new material that will define it compared to the original it should get much better. For example, HxH 2011 had the same problem, or even worse, but it got much better after it reached the more delicious and anticipated parts and I'm possibly enjoying it more than the parts in the manga. I hope that will be the case here as well eventually. But for now, I'd say the first anime version of FMA was slightly better covering the early parts. On the other hand, it's been years since I last watched the first anime so I don't remember details about how it flowed and such. What I remember are only the strongest scenes and the atmosphere they carried (which BH doesn't focus on, at least yet, so the comparison is unfair in that regard as well), so those nostalgia goggles and might as well be the cause I favor the first version at this point.
VictimOfFateSep 7, 2012 1:08 PM
Sep 21, 2012 6:52 AM

Sep 2012
Brotherhood was way more better for me.
Sep 24, 2012 10:33 AM
May 2012
Brotherhood, hands down. The first version was pretty good, fun to watch, however the story line in Brotherhood is very different (not in the beginning, as the anime progresses), and I was more satisfied with the twists and turns in Brotherhood. Especially why I think it's better is because of the ending.
Sep 25, 2012 4:11 PM
Dec 2007
Anyway, I think I didn't properly say my opinion:

Basically, I think Brotherhood's main flaw was it's begginning. They went into it sloppily half expecting people to already know how the start went. Once you reach Rush Valley and Dublith and we start heading into the until-then manga-exclusive territory it starts exploiting the potential of the original story the writer penned. Honestly, I liked Roy Mustang a lot in this one, it felt like he was the most naive and self-sacrificing of all the cast, even though he was also one of the most cunning protagonists. It was a nice change from what I remember of him in the original where he was mostly the face to the "adult" reality Ed kept facing.

In reality both series are so different it's almost pointless to compare. FMA focused on the gritty side of things. Brotherhood had it's dark moments but it felt like Ed was more focused. He knew all the time that he was punished, that humans should not try to be anything BUT humans and that life is precious and shouldn't be toyed with which I kinda liked. It eliminated the dark side of Ed's persona but instead it showed he did learned something from his tragedies, he was proud and quick to anger but he was all in all a selfless person which meant his tragedy was not for naught. It also nicely ties to how he finally ends his trip(
) which honestly is far better than the end they gave him in FMA. It ties better with the message they wanted to give and also allows them to have a happy ending.
Leon-GunSep 25, 2012 4:21 PM

Oct 4, 2012 6:27 AM

Aug 2012
umm brotherhood one of the best anime Ive seen so far
Oct 4, 2012 10:27 AM
May 2012
I was really into the first enjoyed it alot, but once I read the manga and watched brotherhood, my opinion completely changed.
I prefer brotherhood because the original story of the first wasn't to my liking(still can't get over Hitler guest starring).

Oct 5, 2012 6:33 PM

Oct 2011
Oct 7, 2012 7:35 AM

Oct 2012
Brotherhood for sure
Oct 9, 2012 7:30 PM
Sep 2012
I like Brotherhood because it wasn't as bleak and it was related to the manga. FMA was depressing but I liked Dante more than father as an antagonist.
Oct 9, 2012 7:38 PM

Feb 2012
Brotherhood is a generic shounen adventure that offers absolutely nothing to someone who has already seen a dozen of them.
Oct 9, 2012 7:43 PM

Nov 2010
mecharobot said:
Brotherhood is a generic shounen adventure that offers absolutely nothing to someone who has already seen a dozen of them.
So you are saying that the original was way better? I have watched more than a dozen and I loved Brotherhood and found it better than a lot of shounen anime.
Oct 9, 2012 7:59 PM

Sep 2012
I gotta go with Brotherhood. I liked the original but the ending kinda came out of nowhere. Brotherhood ended a lot better, and pretty much every character besides Lust was better. Art, plot, characters, and action were much better in Brotherhood.
A match made in heaven set the fires in hell
Jan 18, 2014 11:43 PM
Jan 2014
for me it was the original! soooo many amazing moments that just made me cry! i loved how all of the homonucleus were sins created by humans who attempted resurrecting the dead and that to kill them u needed a part of their living self and, it broke my heart when ed and al had to dig up their moms grave to get it. i love how they kept nina in the series for a while and kinda had us attached to her before killing her. i also love how hughes had a larger part in this series and that they even showed us how elisia was born. in addition to all of that there was the element of surprise that sloth is their mother, wrath was izumis son and envy was ed and als half brother. and the part where scar sacrificed himself and turned al into the philosphers stone was sooo uncalled for it was simply amazing... adding to that the irony of having mustang wearing the eye patch at the end and if we throw in the ending of the movie... ed never got any part of his body back and thus remained true to the name FMA and both him and al ended up in a universe where there is no alchemy... it was brilliant!!!!
Jan 21, 2014 8:33 PM

Apr 2009
mecharobot said:
Brotherhood is a generic shounen adventure that offers absolutely nothing to someone who has already seen a dozen of them.

I watched a lot of shonens, none of them have entertained me as consistently and to the extent of brotherhood. It's not a typical shonen, in how it's grounded in reality. Fantastic screenplay, and incredible pacing(once it gets past around ep 12) with a plot that just keeps expanding and expanding. And the characters all add something unique to the plot and are developed better then most animes.

For me it's definitely brotherhood, but the original was a fantastic anime as well. I think people should start with the original anime and then move on to brotherhood, because brotherhood really rushed through its first part and the original did it better imo.
Feb 6, 2014 7:34 PM
Jun 2012
the original full metal was way better no contest about it. the story and plot was far more interesting than brotherhood. brotherhood had a rather confusingly stupid twisted ending in my opinion. however, if you like watching anime solely for the animated action then you ought to go with brotherhood although the original has its fair share. still if id rank the original as one of the greatest anime of all time along side with cowboy bebop.
Feb 7, 2014 7:19 AM

Mar 2013
Brotherhood, because the story it's same as the manga and I liked FMA manga too ^^
Feb 7, 2014 12:39 PM

Nov 2012
Brotherhood. both are masterpieces and must watch!
Feb 7, 2014 12:50 PM

Dec 2013
Brotherhood. It follows the manga better than the other FMA

Feb 7, 2014 12:51 PM

Sep 2012
Brotherhood is better than the original, but the original has more than Brotherhood does.

Some Purists will argue that the original is better because of that but I couldn't disagree more. Better is better regardless of the quantity.

If you were to watch both though, I'd say go with the original first.
☕ Truth be told, I'm quite proud of my house blend. To attain my flavor and fragrance, I use five different types of coffee beans. ☕
Mar 11, 2014 10:24 PM

Apr 2013
High five to all my people who can respect both series! I prefer FMA 2003, but Brotherhood is far from being shit. When I'm in the mood for a bit of a darker tone I go for 2003. When I'm really feeling up for some action I'll go for Brotherhood. They both have something to offer and are definitely worth your time.
Mar 12, 2014 1:47 PM

Jun 2013
I am of the rare ones who likes first FMA more. Darker tone, more character development (See death of Maes (oops spoiler-alert)) and that kind of animation are for me perfectly combined.
Ad Astra Per Aspera
Mar 12, 2014 1:49 PM

Nov 2013
The original was amazing but brotherhood managed to surpass it by a thin margin imo.
Mar 12, 2014 8:39 PM

Sep 2013
I have to say that I was really hard on Brotherhood when it started airing and quit after the second episode since it seemed to lose the dark tone and center on comedic value. Years later I finally get back to Brotherhood and am glad that I watched it.

The problem was that the original FMA had placed an idea of the tone in my head that Brotherhood couldn't match up to in its early going. Brotherhood took a lighter approach, shied away from details on Ed's surgery, showed less of his entrance exam, and a few minor other scenes. That being said, after it got going and into episodes 20+ and after the split, Brotherhood picked up a far more mature tone.

I can't say which is better since they split away from each other and become apples and oranges. They both turned out great, but I might give a nod to Brotherhood since it gave a few elements in the ending that I wish FMA '03 had.
Space for rent....
Mar 12, 2014 8:47 PM

Aug 2013
Depends what you value more.

Atmosphere? Tone? Main lead characters? The central recurring theme of 'to obtain, one must give something of equal value'? Tragedy? Then FMA 2003 is your answer.

Action? Comedy? Side characters? Longer length? A plot that makes a bit more sense? Then FMA:B is your answer.

They're both good on their own rights. Both flawed at the same time as well. I personally prefer the 2003 version, but even Brotherhood does a few things better than the original.
Fight Club > Anime
Scott Pilgrim > Manga
Death Cab for Cutie > Yuki Kajura

"Who'd you rather be? The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?"

Sep 10, 2014 3:35 AM

Oct 2010

Honestly, I'm confused. I'm only at the first episode of Brotherhood but I can't feel it reeling me in, just like what the 2003 version had done to me. And things worsened when I looked up the endings and openings of the 2003 one. Too much nostalgia. Made me really worried that Brotherhood is gonna be a letdown. I'm kind of glad that so many have taken their hats off for this Brotherhood, but I'm not sure whether I should continue...
Sep 10, 2014 3:52 AM

Nov 2012
mecharobot said:
Brotherhood is a generic shounen adventure that offers absolutely nothing to someone who has already seen a dozen of them.

Sep 10, 2014 3:55 AM

Jun 2009
fiane said:

Honestly, I'm confused. I'm only at the first episode of Brotherhood but I can't feel it reeling me in, just like what the 2003 version had done to me. And things worsened when I looked up the endings and openings of the 2003 one. Too much nostalgia. Made me really worried that Brotherhood is gonna be a letdown. I'm kind of glad that so many have taken their hats off for this Brotherhood, but I'm not sure whether I should continue...

You watched one, non-canon, episode yo. I mean, come on.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Sep 12, 2014 9:38 AM

Mar 2012
SuperRed said:
mecharobot said:
Brotherhood is a generic shounen adventure that offers absolutely nothing to someone who has already seen a dozen of them.


No. It's true.
End Zionazism
Sep 12, 2014 10:18 PM

Dec 2013
SuperRed said:
mecharobot said:
Brotherhood is a generic shounen adventure that offers absolutely nothing to someone who has already seen a dozen of them.

FMA may have been more unique than Brotherhood, and FMAB may be a bit more "generic" but it was still very well done.
Sep 12, 2014 10:21 PM

Jun 2014
There are definitely parts i preferred more in the original FMA than brotherhood, but overall I prefered Brotherhood
Sep 13, 2014 8:41 AM

Aug 2013
Mikasa said:
SuperRed said:


No. It's true.

Somewhat, perhaps.
Fight Club > Anime
Scott Pilgrim > Manga
Death Cab for Cutie > Yuki Kajura

"Who'd you rather be? The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?"

Sep 14, 2014 1:20 AM

Mar 2013
Brotherhood. Original is good though.
added the fourth most popular anime onto this site
Sep 19, 2014 10:12 PM

Oct 2010
insan3soldiern said:
fiane said:

Honestly, I'm confused. I'm only at the first episode of Brotherhood but I can't feel it reeling me in, just like what the 2003 version had done to me. And things worsened when I looked up the endings and openings of the 2003 one. Too much nostalgia. Made me really worried that Brotherhood is gonna be a letdown. I'm kind of glad that so many have taken their hats off for this Brotherhood, but I'm not sure whether I should continue...

You watched one, non-canon, episode yo. I mean, come on.

True that. I've just finished Brotherhood, and damn glad I did.

Now, it's a tie for me :)
Sep 27, 2014 5:58 PM

Jan 2014
After my re-watch, they are of equal quality.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Sep 27, 2014 6:00 PM
Jul 2014
Both are really good. But I have a bias towards FMAB because EVERYONE keeps telling me how much better FMAB is than FMA. I've already finished FMA and it does seeem to lack a little bit of something. I've just started FMAB (only 4 eps in orz). So, really, all I can say is that both are good. But many others would probably say FMAB >>> FMA.
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