shanimebib said:It's strange how Leafa didn't even think how Kirito is asking her about a game where he is so good at already. That was pretty bad imho. She should have been at least surprised because of his skill level doesn't make sense for a new player.
I am also a bit surprised that she didn't realize Kirito is Kazuto. The whole world (well not the whole, probably entire Japan) knows about him as the hero from SAO and they probably have identified his nick in the game. And if I recall correctly, it was a huge news all over, right? But yeah, I guess Suguha never really pried into it, so I will let that part slide.
Other than that, I found the episode pretty good. Much better than the last episode. It's a downer that such a promising character like Asuna has become so weak as the series progressed. Romance usually makes characters stronger. SAO has made it the complete opposite.
Luna_ said:
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