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Jan 30, 10:03 AM

Aug 2014
Yep, though I am pretty loose with the term. I have people I can count on and do hang out with sometimes, but maybe not a significant amount of time or am particularly open with about things (though I would like to work on this).
Jan 30, 10:08 AM

Jan 2023
Reply to Otakupervert890
@juanlqr irl = in reality it's a common acronym used online for the purpose of shortening messages in conversation.

Oh, okay. My native language is Spanish so I often don't understand those acronyms.

Yes, I have friends, some from when I went to primary school. I've known my best friend since I was 12 (I'm 36). With her I can talk about everything and we know everything about each other.
Others I hang out with to go to soccer games (Like today, in a few hours).

And others who are the closest, I usually see them every week.
Jan 30, 10:14 AM
Jul 2018
Yes, there was a time where I didn't, but I do now.
Jan 30, 3:04 PM

Jan 2021
Reading this thread makes me depressed

I have friends, you guys should also try to find some

Humans aren't built to be only by themselves
Jan 30, 4:13 PM

Apr 2012
Reply to Cammell
Reading this thread makes me depressed

I have friends, you guys should also try to find some

Humans aren't built to be only by themselves
@Cammell123 It's possible that people here simply underestimate or overestimate the concept of a friend. For example, my childhood best friend only called his closest friends friends, calling everyone else buddies because the word friend was too important to him. What I'm saying is that people often either don't realize that they can call someone a friend, or they call friends someone who isn't really that close to them.
Jan 30, 4:16 PM

Nov 2012
Yeah, I have a few friends and family members that I love and care for. But sometimes, I wish I had a bigger friend group.
Jan 30, 4:46 PM

Mar 2020
Bro deleted his account 💀.

Well, something similar happened to me. After school I got depressed because of personal issues and I just wanted to be alone. So, I cut everyone off. I only responded to texts after days. Cancelled or straight up declined hang outs and never contacted them first. Over time I had less and less contact with them, until it completely stopped.

I know that it is my fault. But I'm also a little bit angry. No one asked if something was wrong. Who would cut off contact with friends they've known for years for no reason? The last text I've gotten in the group chat was "He wasn't like this before". Yeah, no shit. I've changed, but not because I wanted to. At that time in my life, I would have probably even cut off my family if I didn't live with them. After I've overcome my depression for the most part I wanted to reach out to them and apologize. But I didn't have the courage for that.

Looking back, I've never had a super deep friendship. Maybe that's just how it is with men. I've heard that men tend to have superficial friendships and women are the ones who have deep and close friendships. I envy that.

I sometimes tell myself that it wasn't that bad that I lost them. They had bad qualities I wouldn't tolerate in people I've just met. But maybe that's just me lying to myself. Years have passed since then. Maybe they've changed for the better and grew as people.

I had hoped to find new friends in uni, but that was a huge L. One guy approached me and I basically ignored him because I panicked. I then saw him talk to someone else and overheard them laughing and exchanging Discord adds. Being a shy introvert is hard.

Gosh, this turned into a personal rant.
Kei_XIJan 30, 4:55 PM
Jan 31, 12:08 AM

Jan 2021
Reply to RobertBobert
@Cammell123 It's possible that people here simply underestimate or overestimate the concept of a friend. For example, my childhood best friend only called his closest friends friends, calling everyone else buddies because the word friend was too important to him. What I'm saying is that people often either don't realize that they can call someone a friend, or they call friends someone who isn't really that close to them.
@RobertBobert I understand what you are saying

But in your head, if you don't even have a one true friend how are you going to feel

I know there are people who don't consider anyone their true friend, for you mental state you gotta have at least 1
Jan 31, 1:23 AM

Jan 2020
Yes, I have more in-person friends than internet friends. We hang out often and I plan to go to the movies with a couple friends soon.

« »
🍙 Koizumi Hanayo
Dareka Tasukete!!!
Jan 31, 4:00 AM

Jan 2024
I had a big group once when I was in high school but now everybody is busy with their lives and that sucks.
Jan 31, 8:44 AM

Apr 2012
Reply to Cammell
@RobertBobert I understand what you are saying

But in your head, if you don't even have a one true friend how are you going to feel

I know there are people who don't consider anyone their true friend, for you mental state you gotta have at least 1
@Cammell123 Some, on the contrary, avoid active communication and prefer to spend most of their time alone. Even when choosing a job that will correspond to this regime.
Jan 31, 12:56 PM

Jan 2021
Reply to RobertBobert
@Cammell123 Some, on the contrary, avoid active communication and prefer to spend most of their time alone. Even when choosing a job that will correspond to this regime.
@RobertBobert Sure, but I won't support that

Do you think those people are fulfilled? I don't think one can truly bring out their full potential if always alone

Without sharing what do we become, I think then we lose a huge part of the edge that we have over other living creatures

Penguins can die from loneliness, I believe this somewhat applies to humans too

Humans who have good social life live longer and live better lives

We shouldn't force people to interact, but promoting and normalizing loneliness is not fine with me - It isn't okay to be and feel alone
Feb 1, 11:47 AM

Jul 2014
Yep. I have a pretty close knit social circle, and I've been working at the same company as my two best friends for exactly a year now.
Take care of yourself

Feb 2, 4:12 AM

Sep 2020
Friendship is for sheep. I'm a wolf.
I LOVE Loli Hentai

Send me a PM if you want to debate my talking points.
Feb 2, 4:30 AM

Oct 2023
I have my close friends from school that we still go out and drink and then some people who I catch up with occasionally from school as well. Everyone gets busy with life so you lose some friends and also make more in your workplace.
Feb 2, 5:55 AM

Apr 2012
Reply to Cammell
@RobertBobert Sure, but I won't support that

Do you think those people are fulfilled? I don't think one can truly bring out their full potential if always alone

Without sharing what do we become, I think then we lose a huge part of the edge that we have over other living creatures

Penguins can die from loneliness, I believe this somewhat applies to humans too

Humans who have good social life live longer and live better lives

We shouldn't force people to interact, but promoting and normalizing loneliness is not fine with me - It isn't okay to be and feel alone
@Cammell123 I have never tried to normalize or even promote loneliness. But if the excessive lack of contact did not drive me crazy, I would not mind being alone periodically to restore my mental calm.
Feb 2, 12:17 PM

Jan 2021
Reply to RobertBobert
@Cammell123 I have never tried to normalize or even promote loneliness. But if the excessive lack of contact did not drive me crazy, I would not mind being alone periodically to restore my mental calm.
@RobertBobert I wasn't saying you were doing that, just talking about it in general

of course there is nothing bad with being alone sometimes

being alone does not equal loneliness
Feb 2, 3:32 PM

Dec 2023
Reply to Cammell
@RobertBobert I wasn't saying you were doing that, just talking about it in general

of course there is nothing bad with being alone sometimes

being alone does not equal loneliness
@Cammell123 Right, these are facts (I think you both have some very valid points!)
Feb 2, 4:29 PM
Oct 2019
Very few. Like two and a half friends lol, I’m cool with it though since I’m busy with school
Feb 3, 6:21 PM

Oct 2018
not particularly, I don't really get out much irl, and have some social anxiety to boot.

I have had friends, just not many that I've kept in touch with.
Fleeting_DreamFeb 4, 1:54 PM
Dreaming 'bout long gone things;
Days, on end, repeating infinitely.
Like the inside of a never-ending dream,
Whilst looking for the endless morn...
Only to return to the dream again
Feb 4, 6:49 AM

May 2010
I don't have friends, they are the ones who have me 😎
Hello can you please watch Kitaku-bu Katsudou Kiroku

Feb 4, 1:39 PM

Nov 2018
I am lucky enough to have a quite big group of friends who are really cool people

sos, there's a goddess
in disquise
Feb 19, 1:13 AM

Oct 2021
Yes. Only a few, but I don't really more tbh. It's nice to spend time with your friends and do something not alone, bring able to talk with someone, etc..
Feb 19, 11:21 AM

Sep 2014
I dont really know anymore. it certainly doesnt feel the same and i dont feel the same about them.
Feb 19, 8:18 PM

Aug 2019
I have a friend who moved to another city. I lost contact. I think we would still talk as friends if I saw it on the streets.

I had friends when I was a teenager, 1 they blocked me, the other I lost contact due to immaturity and stupid joviality.

I thought I had a friend a few days ago until suddenly there was disappointment.

Feb 20, 1:48 AM

Mar 2021
I used to have a lot of friends in high school, but I've lost contact with most of them. I talk to maybe 2 of them regularly now, and meet up with one at most twice a year. I can't really complain, I've become a lot more introverted since high school (and the lockdowns) so I don't mind not meeting up with them that much
May 9, 8:00 PM

Jun 2022
Yeah, for one my friend from middle school. We aren't too close but it's cool we're still friends at all. Used to be a group of 4 of us but it split in half kinda. The one I'm still friends with became a Jordan Peterson listening liberal-conservative, #1 gentrification supporter, funny enough. But we get along great.

Then I got my college friends, who it recently slipped to hanging out once a month not once a week and all of us realized its gotta be once a week at least, for wellbeing. We met through politics but none of us actually agree on much of anything lol. We're all nerds and like talking about real issues and intellectual shit but none of us are particularly intellectual lol. The one friend who was went off to grad school on the other side of the country.
May 10, 8:31 AM

Jul 2013
Yes I do...but not too many...probably no more than 5 or 6.
May 10, 1:58 PM

Jun 2023
Yeah, but I don't see them often. They're all in relationships and/or have kids, or don't live in the area anymore. Arranging times to hangout can be difficult due to that, as well as work schedules. Not to mention, sometimes I'm just too drained to be around people. I need some solitude. But people being busier than I am makes it difficult when I do crave the connection/company, so I usually spend time with family, tbh.
May 11, 12:01 PM

Jul 2013
There is nothing wrong with telling us this, bro...
May 11, 1:56 PM

Nov 2023
idk why but the replies in this thread kinda made me emotional lol
I wish you guys the best of luck.
And to answer the question, no.

May 11, 2:34 PM

Jul 2013
You need irl friends...or else you will be too vulnerable to the dangers of industrial civilization.
May 11, 3:07 PM

Mar 2009
I have 1 childhood friend we been friends for 30 years we still play games together on a daily bases. And I don´t need more cuz I do not trust people and looking on society today I fracking hate people even.
May 19, 11:38 AM
best user ever

May 2022
Yeah, I have like 15-20 friends. 5-10 of them being close ones.
May 19, 11:54 AM

Jul 2013
A few, but I dont talk to them anymore right now...
May 21, 2:44 AM

Jul 2023
I don't have any friends since high school because I don't get out of my room other than for doing physical exercise alone. I speak to a few older people in the rare instances I still go to the ping pong club but they're nothing like close friends.
May 21, 2:49 AM

Mar 2008
I havent in a very very long time and even when I did they werent real friends in most cases.
May 21, 3:15 AM

Feb 2020
No, not exactly.

There's a few fellow wrestling fans who live in my town, and we sometimes find ourselves at the same shows and all go back home together.

But one of them died suddenly last month, and that devastated me more than i thought it would. I knew this guy from attending shows at my hometown about 7 or 8 years back, but when I moved here I saw him around town. Just felt gutted because it felt like I was just starting to get to know him.

I've exchanged numbers with the other guy, but I'm not sure quite how I feel about him, he's not as clean-cut and wholesome as the guy who passed.

Feels so hard for me to make friends..... It sucks.
May 21, 10:13 AM

Jul 2013
Reply to traed
I havent in a very very long time and even when I did they werent real friends in most cases.
@traed do you wanna be my friend btw??
May 21, 12:30 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to DesuMaiden
@traed do you wanna be my friend btw??
You probably live far away so in context of the thread of in person seems unlikely, i havent even met someone ive known for many years. And being friends is something that just happens from repeated positive interactions rather than a decision early on without knowing someone well. I have been hesitant to get very close to anyone lately. So i couldnt really give an answer there.
May 21, 12:35 PM

Jul 2013
Reply to traed
You probably live far away so in context of the thread of in person seems unlikely, i havent even met someone ive known for many years. And being friends is something that just happens from repeated positive interactions rather than a decision early on without knowing someone well. I have been hesitant to get very close to anyone lately. So i couldnt really give an answer there.
@traed I sent you a link to my Deviant Art profile do you trust me yet??
May 21, 12:40 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to DesuMaiden
@traed I sent you a link to my Deviant Art profile do you trust me yet??
I dont know if i could fully trust anyone that much anymore. Trust is just for closer connections really, before that is compatibility of personalities and interests I guess you could say. I dont know, it's complicated yet simple.
May 21, 12:45 PM

Jul 2013
Reply to traed
I dont know if i could fully trust anyone that much anymore. Trust is just for closer connections really, before that is compatibility of personalities and interests I guess you could say. I dont know, it's complicated yet simple.
@traed so what is not trustworthy about me btw??
May 21, 12:53 PM

Jan 2021
No ofc I dont because I watch anime.....

But fr jokes aside we all got friends irl from school etc and if you dont have friends it's because you just dont want any.......
May 21, 12:59 PM

Feb 2024
Reply to Jamk_
No ofc I dont because I watch anime.....

But fr jokes aside we all got friends irl from school etc and if you dont have friends it's because you just dont want any.......
@Jamk_ How does watching anime affect whether you have friends or not?
May 21, 1:06 PM

Jan 2021
Reply to Swyzen
@Jamk_ How does watching anime affect whether you have friends or not?
@Swyzen jokes aside..........^^^
May 21, 1:15 PM

Feb 2024
Reply to Jamk_
@Swyzen jokes aside..........^^^
@Jamk_ My English is too bad, buddy :)
May 21, 1:18 PM

May 2024
Yeah I do! I'm lucky to have some very kind, very supportive real friends in my life :)
May 21, 1:34 PM

Jul 2013
Reply to 4630_Yen_Chan
Yeah I do! I'm lucky to have some very kind, very supportive real friends in my life :)
@4630_Yen_Chan are they your family members?
May 21, 1:37 PM

May 2024
Reply to DesuMaiden
@4630_Yen_Chan are they your family members?

Surprisingly not- but maybe their hallucinations 😨
Time to throw a rock at them and see if they disappear
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