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Yakusoku no Neverland
Yakusoku no Neverland
Jun 6, 8:05 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored -
Uma Musume: Pretty Derby
Uma Musume: Pretty Derby
May 25, 8:57 PM
Watching 3/13 · Scored 4
Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu
Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu
May 24, 9:03 AM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
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Brutal: Satsujin Keisatsukan no Kokuhaku
Brutal: Satsujin Keisatsukan no Kokuhaku
May 24, 8:57 PM
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Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Boku dake ga Inai Machi
May 20, 2:08 PM
Completed 49/49 · Scored -
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
May 18, 7:23 PM
Completed 13/13 · Scored -

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CeciliaAda Yesterday, 6:03 PM
True😹 also to some apples they spray wax which is completely unnecessary🤔
You have summer holidays yet? :3
Thereisnoonehere Yesterday, 5:57 PM
CeciliaAda Jun 7, 3:49 PM
I think strawberry, apple and mango is my top 3 :D but i like all fruits tbh
Kyonman Jun 6, 8:30 PM
I think I will then. I've been nervous to reach out since its been so long. Maybe it'll be all good despite the time. I'm glad you caught up with them!
Of course! Haha trying to get people to give you more praise after those threads got deleted lol. I saw you mentioned mine too so thanks for that!
Kyonman Jun 6, 8:24 PM
Saw that you talked to an old friend! That's so cool. Funny because I was actually thinking about reaching out to a friend that I haven't talked to for about a year lol.
JusticeBastard Jun 6, 8:59 AM
Thanks, i needed that rn 😭.
Sadly no and i have to wake up tonight yet again 😞.
Kyonman Jun 4, 7:19 PM
Awesome! I'd love to talk about Haruhi as you go through it. I've actually never seen Death Parade but I've heard of the name. Whats it about? I don't even know the genre lol. I've seen some people with it on the favorites though.

Oh wow Forest Fairy 5 is a 3.34 on MAL. Lol its doesn't list a studio either. Quite interesting that it doesn't. I thought the image you posted was from a game at first lol. If definitely seems like a "so bad its good" type of show. Yeah its a shame it didn't get you in the feels. I also like shows that hit me in the heart. I've watched a few things that can get me crying and I've enjoyed them quite a bit. Same! It would have been so fun to hear you talk about the music aspect.

I've seen the Mandela Catalogue when I was alone before but it wasn't too scary. I used to watch an old youtube channel called Local 58 which did do horror really well. That channel used to freak me out so much lol. LMAO that image. Idk why but i was not expecting something like that when i opened up the spoiler lol.
I kinda do get scared easily but only when I'm in the mood to get scared if that makes sense. I get less scared if I'm watching a movie with other people but if I'm on my own I can get scared of a scary movie or whatever. Oh dang that VR does sound terrifying lol. Especially the feet grabber dude. Lol that does sound super weird to just have out in public for people to play.
Oh I've heard the new Dune movies are really good but I haven't seen them. My favorite movie is probably The Thing (1982). Its a horror movie but not too scary. It's like a Sci-fi/horror mix.

I did watched the first 3 episodes.

I mean some of the parties I went to were ok but some were maybe more exciting in my head than they actually turned out to be lol. Just drinking with other students can be fun but like it can get old fast if theres nothing else going on.

I do like how they make me look like I know what I'm doing haha. It helps when you're an accountant lol. I know how you feel but I'm sure you look good in glasses. Sometimes we are our harshest critics. I think thats why I have the same feeling if I wear them well lol. I do just wear them since they're so easy to put on and wear to work or where ever.
I did go and it was beautiful! It's been super hot here lol and I had a long weekend so we went to the beach. Yeah they are dating so thats why I was third wheeling. Haha it does feel so weird at times being single with a couple but it was alright. Got to relax at least. You going to the beach anytime soon?

Wow thats so cool! So your grandpa collects those old violins? Does he play the old ones ever? Talk about cool hobbies lol. Its really cool that your whole family plays an instrument. I know its really hard to do but its still super cool to me that you play the piano. I just have an appreciation for people who've put in the effort an practiced them so much. If you could instantly learn how to play any instrument what would it be?

The only possibility is that its remote controlled. I've seen that scheme a million times. I'll be honored to be your instructor. We'll have you winning in no time. First business partners now a volleyball team? The two of us together can't be stopped! Oh living so close to a creek sounds so peaceful. I can see why you went out there so much. RIP sandal lol. I actually lost a sandal when I was younger but in a not so cool way lol. There was a big mud hole because a water line had broke and just put a bunch of water in it so I got the bright idea of putting on swim trunks and sandals jump in it. It was like waist deep surprisingly and I lost a sandal in there. I was a very clean kid as well so idk why i got the call of the void over this single mud pit lol. Ah ok, yeah i imagine with a younger person it might be harder to teach them some of those things. Well if I'm your volleyball instructor then maybe you can be my piano instructor haha. Oh i know MOD now. Yeah i've seen that place before but never ate at it. I interned at Ernst and Young actually. Idk if you have heard of it but its a big firm. I was recommended by a professor of mine. If you ever have questions about the internship feel free to ask. I must be so thankful for a true artist to recognize my talents. Oh now a manga duo? I think you're onto something. There really is nothing that we cant do together. I'd love to see one of your sketches! That would really cool thank you. I'll get to see what my manga partner is working with haha.
Thanks! Now I know who to go to though if i'm craving pizza lol. My favorite type of pie is Apple for sure. I've made one before too which was amazing. Whats yours?
Oooh I love fried rice. Thats so cool that you make it. Now you got me hungry lol. Aww thats so sweet of you to make that for your friend. Oh no I hope your hand is alright now. Burns hurt so bad. That is a cool thing to bake though. Do you bake for your friends often?

I saw that they deleted them. I was upset too. A lot of people wrote some great things. Although I have to admit, yours was my favorite.
I'm glad I don't! I really enjoy reading and responding to your messages. Ah that makes sense. Yeah sometimes im just tabing back and forth between so many tabs lol.

We might be the best business ever actually. I think Fredrick takes this business from a 10/10 to a 1000/10. Who can say no to a sophisticated goose? I'm glad I'll have you there to help Fredrick like me. Or at the very least make sure he doesn't break my phone lol.
I wonder if it can work with chromebook. I've used the discord web browser before and it was ok. i downloaded the app later but I really liked the browser. I'm glad to hear it! Looking forward to adding you on there. Do you use social media much btw? I guess maybe discord and MAL count in as social media a way but I don't use others too often. I have accounts but mainly to see what friends post but I never usually post myself.

Oh visiting friends should be nice. Especially if you haven't seen them in a while. Hope you can land an internship. Again if you have questions I'm happy to answer. Yeah once works starts it vacation time off or nothing lol. Yeah take a little break. Even just a little break for yourself will be good.
JusticeBastard Jun 4, 6:17 PM
No Worries, Sadly i didn't fall asleep it's 6:45 am now 😭😭, everyone in home is awake now and they're making noises.
Right my family is pretty crazy, lmao 🤣.
JusticeBastard Jun 4, 3:52 PM
I'll try taking them too then i guess when i get them (lmao)
Right it really doesn't i get more sleepy after using screen until I sleep, and im not much sleepy if i don't use screen 1+2 hours prior to sleep time
It really is 😭😭, My family even gets mad sometimes since I'm like always Yawning 😭😭
JusticeBastard Jun 4, 3:39 PM
Right, tho I'm actually getting sleepy rn, wishing it was 3:30 pm here rn lol
Same I'm like sleepy and Yawning all day but I can't fall asleep the moment it's time to go to sleep lol, even after i stop using phone or laptop it still takes an hour or 2 for me to fall asleep lol
JusticeBastard Jun 4, 3:32 PM
Same, doing nothing, + I can't even go to sleep rn even tho it's like 4 am here 🗿
JusticeBastard Jun 4, 2:53 PM
Hii yen chan, what's good
DanzFcc Jun 3, 3:50 PM
Glad you like it!! I'm happy that someone listened to it lol, shocked someone actually enjoys it as most people tend to dislike it because it's vocaloidImagine 30 I'm on like 150 or smth

Yeah it's surprisingly catchy! I must confess I've never listened to vocaloid before (yes not even HatsuneMiku stuf... if she's vocaloid also?). This one is really cheery and jolly vibes!
Animeistaken Jun 1, 10:03 PM
*Quack Quack(Watashi wa daijōbudesu)
Just noticed Mob Psycho II in favorites :D
Odd Taxi was a good watch too.
Kyonman Jun 1, 9:03 PM
You've surpassed me haha. This is why you are the master now (lol I did, that was a good one).

Yeah I think the tropes arent too bad but maybe im forgetting lol. I hope its all good when you do watch it. I think the worst anime I enjoyed watching was called Revenger. It was super edgy and didnt have the best action scenes at all. It felt like it was trying to be campy but it was also super serious. I still really enjoyed it. I dont know if anyone watched it really lol. It was fun for me at least though. Lol Forest Fairy 5 sounds like it was an experience haha. Sounds like the studio just put it together with whatever they could find from free software lol. I gotta see how bad it is but im glad you had fun with it.
Sounds good! I'm excited to hear your thoughts on it if you do. Especially if you end up not liking it lol. It is hard to tell the genre of some classics. Some of them you just gotta experience to see what it is.
Yeah I figured you would have some issues with it since you have a music background. Yeah any musician isnt going to come back and even be half decent let alone a master. Haha I can imagine watching that with you and you getting worked up over it. That would have been a fun one to watch with you. It just didnt hit me with the feels like i thought it would. Is the manga better?

I'm glad you will! Oh analog horror can sometimes scare me but im not too scared of it overall. I've seen some weird analog horror youtube vids tho. Really? So horror doesnt really get you scared then. Thats a cool superpower lol. Oh my goodness that VR sounds like it must have been horrifying. What did it show you? Lol I can imagine how that video looks. Thats wild it scared you so much that you were curled up. Everyone was probably wondering what in the world you saw lol. I do like scary movies tbh but im also terrified of them lol. Even then I like to watch them but always with someone else so I have company haha. Whats your favorite movie in general if you have one?

Ok I'm game to watch it. 3 episodes by Sunday evening again? i'm going to have an open mind with it as well. All preconceived notions are going out the window.

Did you have a good time at the parties?

Haha well it looks like we understand that feeling then. Its so hard for me to tell if i look better in them or not. I still cant decide myself, its like i need someone else to tell me if i look better in them lol. I do like how people look in glasses in general though. Yeah I went and third wheeled lol. I'm not the biggest fan of that but it was alright.

Oh thats cool! No actually, no one else in my family played instruments I think. Well actually my dad played violin as a kid but none of my siblings actually did.

Haha it sounds like those matches are rigged from the start. I can definitely teach you what i know about volleyball and then youll be diving in no time or else your money back guaranteed! (lol I wouldnt charge you). I love trails and rivers too. Especially ones near mountains. I just love mountain scenery. I agree, a quite hike is so peaceful. Now that is something I would enjoy doing with friends if we had a lot of those kinda areas around here. Oh nice! I was thinking maybe you gave lessons since you know how to play. I dont think ive heard of MOD before. What kind of restaurant is it? I hope the internship hunt goes well! I know a lot of business recruit from big schools. I didn't work most of my time in college actually. I only worked one internship in my 4th year but that was it. Oh yeah I could tell you were a master artist from your skrib drawings. Couldn't you tell I can draw the finest of stickmen in all the land haha. What do you like to draw btw? So excluding everything i told you already I also like to cook and bake. I think im not too bad at them as well honestly. I usually like to bake cookies and pies from family recipes. Do you cook or bake often?

I'm glad you enjoy talking to me too! Again I also appreciate what you said in the praise thread. It didn't sound generic at all. I know you said that in your previous comment but it was so sweet! I'm actually so happy when I see your messages pop up in my inbox. It is super funny that we both mentioned the business partners thing lol. I hope what I said in your praise thread didn't sound too generic as well.
Aww thank you! I'm glad i could meet someone cool like you on here too. Also I hope I don't respond too fast! I usually respond whenever I'm relaxing after gym or work and the weekends.

Haha im so glad I got you laughing. I think business will be booming for us. If we have Fredrick on board then this thing is going to the moon. He will prove that maybe your goose can be this sophisticated haha. I hope Fredrick likes me or he might not be too keen on this business partnership lol.
That's alright! I hope it works when you get your new phone. On my phone it kinda acts up too but I mainly use my laptop for discord anyway. Let me know if it ever works and you wanna add me.

Lol i do the same but with some keyboard shortcut that i cant remember but closes everything out lol. Not the best idea to forget what that is lol.

So now that you're done with your first year any new plans? Chilling for the summer is definitely a good plan if you're wondering haha. Are you going to go visit home this summer too?
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