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2020 Anime Watching Challenge - Sign Up (OPEN until NOV 30)

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Nov 2, 2020 3:22 PM

Aug 2016
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 08, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 02, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 503
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 589

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #416
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Diamond
πŸ”» Restriction: Neat Freak

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format? Yes
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms? Yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used? Yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used? Yes

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages? Yes
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages? Yes

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them? Yes, and a few extra ones
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL) Yes

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title? Yes

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team? I don't think so
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 2, 2020 8:56 PM

Dec 2016
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 02, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 248
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 325

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #678
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Diamond Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: TV

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 3, 2020 2:37 AM
May 2018
Initial Post Number: #2395♬

πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: November 3rd, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (example: December 01, 2020; KEEP THIS FORMAT)

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:
πŸ“£ Link to your Anime+:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): INITIAL_NUMBER (when you post)
🚩 Time Zone: UTC/GMT_ZONE

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Bronze Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: RESTRICTION_USED (Optional; N/A if none)
πŸ₯‡ Anime in Forum Set: ANIME_USED (N/A if none; refers to your forum avatar and signature)

πŸ₯‡ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch

[*]Read the Rules section.
[*]Read the How to Participate section.
[*]Read the Challenge List with Explanations section.

[*]Use and keep the provided format for the dates.
[*]Add all extra information required for the items.

[*]Before turning-in, remove the unused or extra items/sections (depending on your difficulty).
[*]Update your Challenge Start and Finish Dates on both Sign-Up and Turn-In posts.

[*]To show that you've read this entire list, please add one of the following symbols to your initial post number (in the top corner of your sign-up post): ♬ ✩ ☩ ღ ° [/list][/spoiler][/quote]

πŸ›‘οΈ Challenge list:

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities.
Locked_SheepNov 3, 2020 2:45 AM
Nov 3, 2020 7:16 AM

May 2010
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: September 01, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 02, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 177
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 203

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 2245ღ
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Bronze Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: i cannot double up IPs (movies are ok)

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

    [Note: I finished my first anime before I decided to do this challenge, but within 2020]

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

Nov 3, 2020 12:11 PM

Apr 2015
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 08, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 03, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list: My anime list

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 325
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 357

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 239
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form: My sign-up form

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Bronze Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
🌨️ Anime list | Manga list 🌨️

Nov 3, 2020 12:53 PM
Nov 2019
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 03, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 03, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 97
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 216

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 1395
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Silver Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
LoxemNov 3, 2020 9:39 PM
Nov 4, 2020 4:47 PM
Sep 2009
Initial Post Number: #000

πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: November 5, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:
πŸ“£ Link to your Anime+:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 280
🚩 Time Zone: UTC/GMT_ZONE

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Bronze Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: RESTRICTION_USED (Optional; N/A if none)
πŸ₯‡ Anime in Forum Set: N/A

πŸ₯‡ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch

Starting up TO-DO list (remove once it's done)

πŸ›‘οΈ Challenge list:

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities.
Alex_LeGeekNov 4, 2020 4:56 PM
Nov 4, 2020 7:16 PM

Feb 2018
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 04, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 23, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 151
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 211

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1082
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Bronze Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format? Yes
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms? Yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used? Yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used? Yes

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages? Yes
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages? Yes

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them? Yes
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title? Yes

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team? No
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
RawbyDec 1, 2020 7:35 AM
Nov 4, 2020 10:01 PM

Aug 2010
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 04, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: April 08, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 381
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 461

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1086
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Bronze Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 5, 2020 3:30 PM

Apr 2011
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 06, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 555
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 757

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 19
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Diamond Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

» "You've fought a valiant duel, my friend..." «


inspector @ MAL's anime watching challenge
Nov 5, 2020 3:52 PM
Dec 2019
Initial Post Number: #2403✩

πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 4, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 27, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:
πŸ“£ Link to your Anime+:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 237
🚩 Time Zone: AKST
πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Diamond Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A
πŸ₯‡ Anime in Forum Set: N/A

πŸ₯‡ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch

πŸ›‘οΈ Challenge list:

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities.
JamesArmorJan 17, 2021 11:41 PM
Nov 5, 2020 11:48 PM
Nov 2017
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: May 16, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 05, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 133
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 158

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1859
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Bronze Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 6, 2020 7:41 AM
Sep 2008
Initial Post Number: #2405 ✩

πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 04, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 28, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:
πŸ“£ Link to your Anime+:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 786
🚩 Time Zone: EST

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Diamond Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: Blind Faith (personal restriction)
πŸ₯‡ Anime in Forum Set: N/A (N/A if none; refers to your forum avatar and signature)

πŸ₯‡ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch

πŸ›‘οΈ Challenge list:

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities.
MarseilleDec 13, 2020 7:44 AM
Nov 6, 2020 7:51 AM
Sep 2008
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 04, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 28, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 786
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 902

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #2405
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:
πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Diamond Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: Blind Faith (personal restriction)

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

MarseilleDec 2, 2020 1:49 PM
Nov 7, 2020 7:48 AM

Feb 2015
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 08, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 07, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 220
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 248

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #254
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Bronze Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: Neat Freak

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 7, 2020 8:12 AM
Aug 2017
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 12, 2020 (example: January 01, 2020; KEEP THIS FORMAT)
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 06, 2020 (example: November 30, 2020; KEEP THIS FORMAT)

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 313
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 362

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #925#
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Bronze Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A (Optional; N/A if none)

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? No (only answer if selected "Yes" for inspection)

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 7, 2020 10:02 AM

Mar 2018
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 20, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: September 13, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 147
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 228

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1187
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Silver Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: Marathon | TV-type

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 7, 2020 11:21 AM

Mar 2017
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 08, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 07, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 128
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 164

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 521
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Bronze Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 7, 2020 9:12 PM

Nov 2018
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 07, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: August 09, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 93
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 221

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #384
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Diamond
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 8, 2020 12:14 AM

Mar 2017
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: MARCH 27, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: NOVEMBER 07, 2020 DECEMBER 05, 2020 (DUE TO INVAILD ENTIRES)

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list: JRFiveThirty8's Anime List

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 201
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 424

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1726
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form: Sign-Up Form

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: SILVER
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

Edit: DECEMBER 04, 2020 (Changed the anime for #12 [Bronze], #21 [Sliver], and #36, plus changed the requirement for entry #40)
Edit: DECEMBER 06, 2020 (Changed the Challenge complete date and completed anime at turn-in, due to invalid entries)
JRFiveThirty8Jan 26, 2021 10:30 PM
Nov 8, 2020 3:45 AM

Jan 2009
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: Nov 08, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 946
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1,031

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 856
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Diamond
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 8, 2020 3:43 PM
Mar 2016
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: May 12, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: August 03, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 536
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 605

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 1862
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Bronze Metalist
πŸ”» Restriction: Marathon
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
deoxysjrDec 5, 2020 5:50 PM
Nov 9, 2020 4:36 AM

Nov 2012
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 09, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 22, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1012
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1163

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #620
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Gold Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Bell_czDec 18, 2020 4:15 AM
☩☩☩ MALoween 2023 ☩☩☩

Nov 9, 2020 7:48 PM

Nov 2016
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: December 12, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 171
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 453

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #139
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Diamond Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: Marathon

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Mikaytama13Dec 14, 2020 3:28 PM
Nov 9, 2020 7:49 PM

Dec 2015
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: February 27, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 5, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 237
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 628

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1637
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Diamond Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 10, 2020 5:46 PM

Sep 2015
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 27, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 10, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 454
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 525

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 1286
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form: here

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Diamond Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

(Optional) Grab a completed banner from our Banners List and show it off on your profile/forum signature.
γ€€γ€€— You can use them as soon as you post your sign-up/turn-in forms. To donate, please check the Challenge Discussion thread.

(Optional) Complete our [url=]inspections feedback form[/url] and let us know how we can improve this process.
γ€€γ€€— Will be available later on during January/February, depending on the first ones to turn in.
Nov 11, 2020 2:33 PM
May 2017
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 03, 2020 (example: January 01, 2020; KEEP THIS FORMAT)
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 12, 2020 (example: November 30, 2020; KEEP THIS FORMAT)

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 91
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 135

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 214
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Silver Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A (Optional; N/A if none)

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? No (only answer if selected "Yes" for inspection)

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
BredMakerNov 12, 2020 8:18 AM
Nov 11, 2020 3:24 PM
Sep 2018
Initial Post Number: #2419°

πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: NOVEMBER 11, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (example: December 01, 2020; KEEP THIS FORMAT)

πŸ“£ [b] Link to your completed anime list:
πŸ“£ Link to your Anime+:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): INITIAL_NUMBER (when you post)
🚩 Time Zone: UTC/GMT_ZONE

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Bronze Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A (Optional; N/A if none)
πŸ₯‡ Anime in Forum Set: ANIME_USED (N/A if none; refers to your forum avatar and signature)

πŸ₯‡ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch

Starting up TO-DO list (remove once it's done)

πŸ›‘οΈ Challenge list:

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities.
danrsilvaNov 24, 2020 6:35 PM
Nov 12, 2020 9:53 AM

May 2016
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 04, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 12, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 114
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 262

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1079 (became #1054)
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Diamond Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

forum set by k3ti
Nov 13, 2020 7:12 AM
𓆝 π“†Ÿ π“†ž

Apr 2020
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: March 22, 2020 (example: January 01, 2020; KEEP THIS FORMAT)
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 13, 2020 (example: November 30, 2020; KEEP THIS FORMAT)

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 55
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 98

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1898
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Silver Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A (Optional; N/A if none)

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 13, 2020 9:12 AM

Jul 2015
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: April 08, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 13, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 147
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 251

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1698
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Diamond Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? No
πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 13, 2020 2:12 PM

Dec 2015
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 02, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: December 08, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 238
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 308

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 360
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Diamond Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
TrogoQDec 22, 2020 4:17 AM
Nov 13, 2020 2:53 PM

Jul 2014
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 02, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 13, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list: here

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 930
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1,077

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #20
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form: here

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Gold Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: Marathon

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 14, 2020 11:57 AM

Jan 2013
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 30, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 14, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 855
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 945

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 359
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Silver Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
PrOxAntoNov 30, 2020 2:59 PM
Nov 14, 2020 3:11 PM

Oct 2016
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 14, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 695
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 853

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #466
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Diamond Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
ceslavaDec 15, 2020 11:30 PM
Nov 15, 2020 2:35 AM
Dec 2017
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: April 09, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 12, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list: Here

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 497
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 669

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1750
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form: Here

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Diamond Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 15, 2020 4:30 AM

Dec 2015
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 08, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: December 31, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 272
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 387

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #217
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Diamond Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format? Yes
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms? Yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used? Yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used? Yes

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages? Yes
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages? Yes

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them? Yes
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL) Yes

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title? Yes

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team? No
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
KibouFokkoJan 30, 2021 12:21 PM
Nov 15, 2020 9:55 AM

Jan 2019
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 08, 2020 (example: January 01, 2020; KEEP THIS FORMAT)
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 15, 2020 (example: November 30, 2020; KEEP THIS FORMAT)

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 94
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 202

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #314
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Platinum
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A (Optional; N/A if none)

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer?No (only answer if selected "Yes" for inspection)

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 15, 2020 12:10 PM
Jul 2008
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: October 18, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1044
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1170

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #494
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Diamond Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: No seasonals unless it finished airing

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 15, 2020 2:35 PM

Mar 2018
Initial Post Number: #2432♬

πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: JANUARY 01, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: NOVEMBER 28, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:
πŸ“£ Link to your Anime+:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 335 (when you post)
🚩 Time Zone: UTC--5

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Bronze Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A
πŸ₯‡ Anime in Forum Set: Forum avatar: none | Signature: Iwakura Lain from Serial Experiments Lain

πŸ₯‡ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch

πŸ›‘οΈ Challenge list:

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities.
PentagonionDec 25, 2020 5:17 AM
"A name... Toru Rikiishi"
Nov 15, 2020 3:45 PM

Aug 2013
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 04, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 15, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1832
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1983

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #150
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Diamond Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: Marathon, Neat Freak & TV

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format? Yes
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms? Yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used? Yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used? Yes

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages? Yes
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages? Yes

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them? Yes
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL) Yes

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title? Yes

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team? No
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
meh :v
Nov 15, 2020 5:08 PM

Jan 2015
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: October 20, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 240
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 302

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #460
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Silver Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 15, 2020 9:43 PM

May 2017
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: August 13, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 15, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 375
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 396

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #2202
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Silver Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 16, 2020 10:56 AM

Jan 2017
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 07, 2020 (example: January 01, 2020; KEEP THIS FORMAT)
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: December 11, 2020 (example: November 30, 2020; KEEP THIS FORMAT)

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 800
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 832

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #2289
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Platin Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes or No (only answer if selected "Yes" for inspection)

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Tigre96Dec 12, 2020 9:20 AM
Nov 16, 2020 12:11 PM

Jun 2012
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 08, 2020 (example: January 01, 2020; KEEP THIS FORMAT)
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: August 11, 2020(example: November 30, 2020; KEEP THIS FORMAT)

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 187
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 210

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #230
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Bronze Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format? Yes
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms? Yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used? Yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used? Yes

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages? Yes
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages? Yes

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them? Yes
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL) Yes

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title? Yes

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team? No
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 16, 2020 7:04 PM

Jan 2017
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 16, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 2170
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 2468

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 68
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Diamond Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: TV Type Only

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 16, 2020 8:26 PM

Jul 2020
Initial Post Number: #2439 ✩

πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: November 16, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:
πŸ“£ Link to your Anime+:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 94
🚩 Time Zone: UTC/GMT_ZONE

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Bronze Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A
πŸ₯‡ Anime in Forum Set: Overlord

πŸ₯‡ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch

πŸ›‘οΈ Challenge list:

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities.
Captain-AndrewNov 30, 2020 1:32 AM
Nov 16, 2020 8:31 PM

Aug 2011
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: January 10, 2020
πŸ”Ά Challenge Finish Date: November 17, 2020

πŸ“£ Link to your completed anime list:

🚩 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 124
🚩 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 148

πŸ₯‡ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 573
πŸ₯‡ Link to your sign-up form:

πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Bronze Medalist
πŸ”» Restriction: N/A

πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ₯ Do you want your challenge inspected as Torch-Bearer? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.
When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item's Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 17, 2020 12:05 AM
Aug 2020
right]Initial Post Number: #000 [/right]
πŸ”· Challenge Start Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (example: January 01, 2020; KEEP THIS FORMAT)
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πŸ”Ί Difficulty: Bronze Medalist
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πŸ₯‡ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch
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