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I don’t hate women but I think women might hate me

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Aug 16, 2020 9:56 AM
Jul 2018

Men should be worried because the divorce courts are not fair to men. And men tend to not have any support network because often men become socially isolated in marriage. It’s already been happening to me. My fiancée forced me to cut off all of my female friends.

Divorce courts being misandrist is sadly normal, but the other half I'm pretty sure isn't. As I said before, I'm sure you are being abused. What I underlined doesn't sound like a healthy normal relationship nor does this:

I was devastated. I called her and confronted her. Do you know what she did? She called the police and told them that I stole her phone!

They all read as extremely abusive to me.

Oh, and one more, thing please don't use it as a cop-out, but instead, I recommend using cheating or other methods to get out of the relationship if it's this toxic. I don't major or anything like that, so take everything I said here with a grain of salt. Those are just my thoughts on the issue.
removed-userAug 16, 2020 10:00 AM
Aug 16, 2020 10:02 AM

Apr 2010
You really should try to find some better girls to date and spend time around instead of toxic girls dude. I don't even think you should get married to be honest. From what I read I don't think it will work out and you're gonna end up wasting money on the marriage and getting divorced. You should probably just leave her and try to focus on patching some issues you have involving yourself.
Aug 16, 2020 10:07 AM
Jul 2018
Do not worry. Women are peculiar disputants. Most of them, when they are about to lose an argument, will start calling you misogynist, homophobe and so on.
Aug 16, 2020 10:46 AM

Mar 2008
But I have seen a darker side to women and it has caused me to doubt that people tale their marriage vows seriously. It’s supposed to be until death do us part and for better or for worse. But it seems marriage is really only until there is a big bust up.

Was that before or after you were cheating on your fiancée? If after that's just projection to make yourself feel better that it's the norm. If before it's to make yourself feel justified.

Men should be worried because the divorce courts are not fair to men. And men tend to not have any support network because often men become socially isolated in marriage. It’s already been happening to me. My fiancée forced me to cut off all of my female friends.

Not really that much. Shared assets get divided but not assets that are for each individual. There is no law forcing married people to have a shared bank account. Shared assets means you BOTH own it. Unfortunately there is a tax penalty in some places where two married people both working are taxed for it which is just stupid. As for custody it usually is equal custody if they live in same area iirc. It only goes to mothers more if it can't be equal for ( whatever reason) because they more often have formed a stronger bond having been around their kids more or have more experience knowing how to take care of them. Of course there are cases of screwups both ways. Not sure if there is anything else you had in mind there.

Well you did say you're cheating on her so of course she would if she knew how you act around other girls. If it weren't for that I would say that is her overstepping bounds. You have to earn trust not be handed it and trust is needed for a healthy relationship but only if the trust is earned.

Even a girl I was sexting on MAL has blocked me. I sent her a link to my post where I talked about how I got into meeting trans and how I had to cut off a trans to get back to my girl. When I sent the link I told her that I know that this may cause her to want nothing to do with me and that’s exactly what happened.

Why would some random girl want to be potentially dragged into a drama like that? You literally told her you're with someone else inadvertently letting her know you're using her. Although some are into it many wouldn't want to potentially be the one to break up a marriage.

My mistrust of women really peaked when I was in my early 20s. I was considering proposing to my girlfriend from college days when we got back together. She literally got me to break up with another girl I just started seeing only to betray me in the worst way ever.

One day she left her phone in my car. She called me from her landline and asked me to check for the phone. Then as I was about to drop the call she said I could look through her phone if I want as she has nothing to hide. I thought that was an odd thing to say so I did indeed take a look.

I found that she was dating several guys. She had their contacts listed not as names but as job titles. And she had notes comparing them all to me. She just saw me as, “Alright.” And she was looking for guys with better looks and more money. I couldn’t believe it!

I was devastated. I called her and confronted her. Do you know what she did? She called the police and told them that I stole her phone!

I called the guys that she was dating too. Just to let them know I was her bf and to ask them if they knew about me. They didn’t know who I was talking about until I shared her phone number. They all had her down as a different fake name and none of them knew she was dating anybody else. 😢

There are other times I was cheated on but that was the worst experience. Can you guys understand me now why I am concerned that getting married was my childhood dream and is what my religion says I should do but it could all go so horribly wrong and society doesn’t give a shit about it?

That's pretty shitty but that isn't a reason to do basically the same kind of things. Haven't you considered that it could be a cycle? It doesn't matter who started it but a guy or girl gets hurt by another and may spread that hurt onto others so wouldn't it be best to end the cycle?

Ryuk9428 said:

I feel your pain man.

This is why I constantly advocate for a return to traditional society and norms. Because it is the only way we are going to restore balance to this absolutely fucked up gender dynamic that feminism has created. Men and women can't trust each other in today's society and really shouldn't trust one another because there's way too many shitheads out there who are exploiting systems that haven't kept up with the times and properly punish people for immoral behavior.

In a traditional society you would be lobotomized.
Aug 16, 2020 11:19 AM

Jun 2020
Ryuk9428 said:

I feel your pain man.

This is why I constantly advocate for a return to traditional society and norms. Because it is the only way we are going to restore balance to this absolutely fucked up gender dynamic that feminism has created. Men and women can't trust each other in today's society and really shouldn't trust one another because there's way too many shitheads out there who are exploiting systems that haven't kept up with the times and properly punish people for immoral behavior.

Back then strong religious values were keeping society in check.
Now there is nothing keeping society from falling apart anymore.
This why degeneracy and hedonism are on the rise.
Judeo-Christian values are the basic fabric of western civilization if we are ever to return to that time period we need to restore religion to it's rightful place in society and prevent left from waging war on Christianity.
Aug 16, 2020 11:24 AM

Mar 2019
ProfessionalNEET said:
Ryuk9428 said:

That study is utter bullshit. I one time asked a full time housewife I know how many hours she worked a week specifically because somebody here on MAL tried to claim exactly what you are claiming and she said it was 10 hours a week.

Yes 1 piece of anecdotal evidence trumps the meticulous work of a team of researchers.

Abusive men is where the law and order part comes in. Throw these men in prison and set an example. If a woman's husband was found to be abusive then we can put her on welfare benefits, but only in the event that her husband is proven to have behaved criminally. Women who just divorce their husband would not be entitled to the same benefits.

The problem here is that the arrangement you're proposing would almost certainly give more power to men than to women. Such a lopsided power arrangement would likely make laws (or the enforcement of such laws) tend to favor men over women, including in domestic violence cases. Studies have found that gender bias in the courts is quite common. Additionally, studies have found the police to bad at dealing with violence against women, particularly rape. Also, many police officers are known to be domestic abusers, so I'm not sure to what extent we can trust them to handle domestic violence.
The fact is that men are largely emotionally dependent on women.

This is often true, I won't argue with that. However, I'm not sure I'd put emotional dependence on the same level as economic dependence.

Courtrooms are biased... Against men.

I mean this is just ridiculous, judges and juriors are known to have a "women are wonderful" bias.

Financial and emotional dependency are pretty much the same. Either way, going without the person you need is going to make your life miserable. If both partners have something they are dependent on the other for then we'd remove the incentive for broken marriages and families but right now 70-80% of divorces are being initiated by women because the power balance has been tilted radically in favor of women who have plenty to gain and little to lose from divorce.

Anecdotal evidence of one person is enough because the work doesn't change unless you create more work for yourself. After the age of 5, kids go to public school and increasingly become more independent every year after that. Housework is stressful for a few years but quickly becomes a lot less work.

I've lived in a household like this my entire life, I've seen how it works. The idea that housewives are working more hours than office workers is quite frankly ridiculous.
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Aug 16, 2020 11:32 AM

Aug 2016
Wow. This topic is a "Sir, this a Wendy's" moment if I ever saw one

AngryAkko said:

It’s supposed to be until death do us part and for better or for worse. But it seems marriage is really only until there is a big bust up.

I feel this. It definitely has changed, but people have wanted it to be that way. More people are having kids out of wedlock to detrimental results. You got people crying about gender roles and disrespecting the traditional nuclear family. I think there was a long topic about this in this section before. Divorces are more common with courts being largely unfair. The institution of marriage being valued in a thing of the past. Not in my household but it's a sad trend..

[Even a girl I was sexting on MAL has blocked me. I sent her a link to my post where I talked about how I got into meeting trans and how I had to cut off a trans to get back to my girl. When I sent the link I told her that I know that this may cause her to want nothing to do with me and that’s exactly what happened.

That's tuff bro. I just started dming a guy on here. My rl gf has no idea. Wish me luck.
Aug 16, 2020 11:46 AM

Apr 2015
AnimeFanTalk said:
Tylaen said:

Even a girl I was sexting on MAL has blocked me. I sent her a link to my post where I talked about how I got into meeting trans and how I had to cut off a trans to get back to my girl. When I sent the link I told her that I know that this may cause her to want nothing to do with me and that’s exactly what happened.

I didn’t ask to be atttacted to women and trans. That’s just what I am attracted to. Like a moth to a flame 🦋 🔥

But it seems people think that if I like trans that means I hate women.

Why that's an interesting quote that I've never said. Wonder what that's meant to do...HMMmmm.

Am I being slandered, good sir?

Edit: Honest mistake, apparently?
TylaenAug 16, 2020 6:59 PM
Aug 16, 2020 11:58 AM

May 2013
Well in my humble opinion i think your approach is what is causing the issue.

Like i know you dont think all women are gold diggers but your original thread gave off the air of overgeneralization in part due the the salacious title.

An equivalent would be me making a thread with the title "Men are predators" and me backing that up with personal anecdotes on why men are predators. I have had some really fucked up stuff happen by both men and women and I try not to let my experiences cause me to generalize.

Now I know you aren't a misogynist but some of the stuff you say can be misconstrued as such, mainly because you yourself are at fault too which you are more than well aware of.

Moral of the story is take time to better yourself and try to be more careful with your words but that's my 2 cents.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Aug 16, 2020 12:08 PM
Jul 2018
Ryuk9428 said:
Courtrooms are biased... Against men.

I mean this is just ridiculous, judges and juriors are known to have a "women are wonderful" bias.

I suppose it varies depending on the situation, I hope we can agree on that much. I think I've heard that courts tend to favor mothers over fathers when it comes to custody battles. However, the justice system seems to largely fail women when it comes to dealing with things like rape and domestic violence.
Financial and emotional dependency are pretty much the same.

Let me put it this way. Emotional dependency means that, if you lose someone, then you might feel depressed but still have a roof over your head and food on the table. On the other hand, financial dependency means that, if you lose someone, then you might not have a roof over your head or food on the table in addition to feeling depressed and/or experiencing other mental health problems. That is why I say financial and emotional dependency are not the same.
If both partners have something they are dependent on the other for then we'd remove the incentive for broken marriages and families but right now 70-80% of divorces are being initiated by women because the power balance has been tilted radically in favor of women who have plenty to gain and little to lose from divorce.

According to the American Sociological Association, women are more likely than men to initiate divorces, but not non-marital breakups. Why is this the case? Here's what they say:
Perhaps women were more likely to initiate divorces because, as Rosenfeld found, married women reported lower levels of relationship quality than married men. In contrast, women and men in non-marital relationships reported equal levels of relationship quality.

Rosenfeld said his results support the feminist assertion that some women experience heterosexual marriage as oppressive or uncomfortable.

"I think that marriage as an institution has been a little bit slow to catch up with expectations for gender equality," Rosenfeld said. "Wives still take their husbands' surnames, and are sometimes pressured to do so. Husbands still expect their wives to do the bulk of the housework and the bulk of the childcare. On the other hand, I think that non-marital relationships lack the historical baggage and expectations of marriage, which makes the non-marital relationships more flexible and therefore more adaptable to modern expectations, including women's expectations for more gender equality."

I've noticed a tendency for you to fetishize "traditional" gender roles. You seem to have this idea that things were going wonderfully until suddenly a bunch of mean feminists came along in the 1960s and ruined everything. I grew up in a conservative, Christian family and this was, to an extent, what I was raised to believe. However, I eventually came to wonder, if traditional gender roles are so great, then why have most societies moved away from them to some degree? My research into the origin of things like Second-Wave Feminism and the Sexual Revolution led me to become more skeptical of what my parents taught me.
Aug 16, 2020 12:44 PM

Mar 2019
149597871 said:
Ryuk9428 said:

I feel your pain man.

This is why I constantly advocate for a return to traditional society and norms. Because it is the only way we are going to restore balance to this absolutely fucked up gender dynamic that feminism has created. Men and women can't trust each other in today's society and really shouldn't trust one another because there's way too many shitheads out there who are exploiting systems that haven't kept up with the times and properly punish people for immoral behavior.

The current gender dynamic wasn't a result of Feminism, but a necessary change in the system that was required due to the inexorable technological progress. Feminism is just a result rather than a cause here.

That being said, I cannot say I subscribe to the idea either. I hate seeing both men and women working themselves to death for the sake of infinite growth and then putting all the blame on misogyny or feminism. Same with the BLM movement, the system is now using the frustration of minorities to enforce another set of changes so we can have an even wider variety of slaves, and all the backlash will be directed at their stupid movement rather than the thing that is responsible for these changes in the first place.

operationvalkyri said:
A misogynistic thread a day keeps the women away.

misogynistic is the new literally I guess

Remember kids, thinking is bad. We all understand what misogyny means and if someone labels the thread as misogynistic then we can just use that preformed understanding of the word instead of actually trying to listen to what the person has to say.

Let me get my pitchfork, he's so cancelled.

Reminds me of the French Revolution and the revolutionary tribunal.

Yes, I've been comparing what's happening in the US now to the French Revolution ever since the riots began.

As far as the economy goes, I think the only way to solve this particular issue is through robots and automation. Once robots are able to do enough of the work, it will make it so that it isn't necessary for people to work long hours anymore.

That being said, I do think we could cut back on the quantity of hours people work. People already spend an incredible amount of time at the office pretending to work instead of actually working and it hasn't caused our society to crash. We might as well cut back on the hours so that there's more free time outside of the office and more productivity during the hours people are there.


I don't know why you think I haven't done the same.

I had to read the Feminine Mystique for a college class. I've taken multiple sociology courses. 90% of my professors were liberals and 10-20% of them were radical leftists.

What a lot of people on both the right and the left don't understand is this simple principal. Just because something was true of a certain time period does not mean that it was more true the further back you go.

For example, a lot of people believe that in the 1700s or earlier, that it was common for women to marry extremely young. I've seen historical TV shows where they act as if the woman is a spinster at the age of 15. This isn't true. The average age of marriage in the 1700s for women was actually about 25-26. Remarkably similar to the average age of marriage today and actually somewhat higher than the average age was in the year 2000. The 1950s had the youngest average age of marriage in our nation's entire history, including if you go all the way back to the revolution.

In the late 19th century and early 20th century, women were more "career women" than they are even today. Most women had to work in extremely hard, industrial jobs. The book "The Great Unmarried" for example by Gallichan Walter claims that women in the early 20th century suffered from... And yes he used this exact term... Involuntary celibacy because industrial society was working them so hard in the factories that they had no energy for sex or reproduction anymore.

Now Betty Friedan proposed that traditional society was making women unhappy, but the fact is that there is no society which can make everybody happy. You can certainly interview people who aren't happy, but what has been discovered again and again is that despite the small flaws in conservative ideology, it overall does make everybody a lot more happy than progressive ideology does which can be shown by our own society's increasingly unhappy people. Both men and women are becoming more and more unhappy and mentally ill.

In the Soviet Union, Vladimir Lenin instituted state feminism and found that fertility rates plummeted to the point that their economy was going to crash if they didn't do something so Joseph Stalin ended up amending those laws in the 1930s.

Trust me, everything progressives want has already been done before and failed. The only societies that work are the ones that right-wingers advocate for.
Ryuk9428Aug 16, 2020 12:49 PM
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Aug 16, 2020 2:56 PM

May 2018
Ryuk9428 said:
Megatronsmurf said:

sooooo we go back to ? women knowing their role in the kitchen and letting the men fight in hand to hand combat to the death to prove their virility for mating rights and social status?

Fight hand to hand combat for mating rights? What kind of crack are you smoking mate? I said traditional society not behave like fucking barbarians. Did you see anybody fighting hand to hand combat for mating rights in the 1950s? C'mon man use your brain. If anything we're more like that today than we were in the 1950s.

Women are happier and live longer when they stay in the home looking after children. In Japan where being a housewife isn't stigmatized, women's happiness ratings are primarily being driven up by full time housewives and women still rate themselves as happier than men are despite claiming that society favors men and men being more involved in the economy and politics.

The women who are happiest are "students," "full time housewives" and "retired."

Surprise surprise, having more free time and less stress makes you happier. Its amazing that human beings are so easily brainwashed by herd mentality that they've come to see relieving your wife of the burden of having a stressful job as "oppressive."

Its true that we men will take on more stress as a result and it will make us less happy but it will provide us with a happy and appreciative wife which makes it worth it. Do this, and you will see gender relations improve dramatically. Tell me, do the men in Japan seem anywhere near as angry at women as liberalized men in the west are?

Explain how quoting a single anecdotal study proves the fact that women feel happier in traditional 1800's roles? Happiness isn't even a quantifiable measure, and add to the fact that it is a very mercurial measure to evaluate, meaning that people feel differently based on personal whim.
You try telling an independent working woman to go back to being a housewife, and see how well that goes for you.
Don't think happiness really isn't as simple as traditional and liberal viewpoints. I know you'd like it to be that way, but it just isn't.
Aug 16, 2020 3:32 PM

Mar 2019
Crawlie said:
Ryuk9428 said:

Fight hand to hand combat for mating rights? What kind of crack are you smoking mate? I said traditional society not behave like fucking barbarians. Did you see anybody fighting hand to hand combat for mating rights in the 1950s? C'mon man use your brain. If anything we're more like that today than we were in the 1950s.

Women are happier and live longer when they stay in the home looking after children. In Japan where being a housewife isn't stigmatized, women's happiness ratings are primarily being driven up by full time housewives and women still rate themselves as happier than men are despite claiming that society favors men and men being more involved in the economy and politics.

The women who are happiest are "students," "full time housewives" and "retired."

Surprise surprise, having more free time and less stress makes you happier. Its amazing that human beings are so easily brainwashed by herd mentality that they've come to see relieving your wife of the burden of having a stressful job as "oppressive."

Its true that we men will take on more stress as a result and it will make us less happy but it will provide us with a happy and appreciative wife which makes it worth it. Do this, and you will see gender relations improve dramatically. Tell me, do the men in Japan seem anywhere near as angry at women as liberalized men in the west are?

Explain how quoting a single anecdotal study proves the fact that women feel happier in traditional 1800's roles? Happiness isn't even a quantifiable measure, and add to the fact that it is a very mercurial measure to evaluate, meaning that people feel differently based on personal whim.
You try telling an independent working woman to go back to being a housewife, and see how well that goes for you.
Don't think happiness really isn't as simple as traditional and liberal viewpoints. I know you'd like it to be that way, but it just isn't.
Crawlie said:
Ryuk9428 said:

Fight hand to hand combat for mating rights? What kind of crack are you smoking mate? I said traditional society not behave like fucking barbarians. Did you see anybody fighting hand to hand combat for mating rights in the 1950s? C'mon man use your brain. If anything we're more like that today than we were in the 1950s.

Women are happier and live longer when they stay in the home looking after children. In Japan where being a housewife isn't stigmatized, women's happiness ratings are primarily being driven up by full time housewives and women still rate themselves as happier than men are despite claiming that society favors men and men being more involved in the economy and politics.

The women who are happiest are "students," "full time housewives" and "retired."

Surprise surprise, having more free time and less stress makes you happier. Its amazing that human beings are so easily brainwashed by herd mentality that they've come to see relieving your wife of the burden of having a stressful job as "oppressive."

Its true that we men will take on more stress as a result and it will make us less happy but it will provide us with a happy and appreciative wife which makes it worth it. Do this, and you will see gender relations improve dramatically. Tell me, do the men in Japan seem anywhere near as angry at women as liberalized men in the west are?

Explain how quoting a single anecdotal study proves the fact that women feel happier in traditional 1800's roles? Happiness isn't even a quantifiable measure, and add to the fact that it is a very mercurial measure to evaluate, meaning that people feel differently based on personal whim.
You try telling an independent working woman to go back to being a housewife, and see how well that goes for you.
Don't think happiness really isn't as simple as traditional and liberal viewpoints. I know you'd like it to be that way, but it just isn't.

I already told everybody that the 1800s did not adhere to traditional norms as we know them.

You can mathematically measure literally anything. You can scan a person's genetic code and mathematically measure how angry of a person they are likely to be. You can scan the chemicals in a person's brain to determine how happy they are.

Yes people who's worldview and values have already been shaped and coded into them are not going to like it. Didn't need to be told that.

If you just paid attention to my posts I already explained everything which makes it incredibly tiring to argue with you over something I already explained.
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Aug 16, 2020 3:41 PM
Jul 2018
If progressivism is so bad, why do you think academics (particularly those who study the issues progressivism deals with) tend to support it? Also, why do you think education in general is positively correlated with embracing left-wing political views?
Aug 16, 2020 6:36 PM

Mar 2019
ProfessionalNEET said:
If progressivism is so bad, why do you think academics (particularly those who study the issues progressivism deals with) tend to support it? Also, why do you think education in general is positively correlated with embracing left-wing political views?

Well a major part of that is because the universities are refusing to hire any conservative professors. As time has gone on the university system has become more and more hostile to conservative professors and they often get canceled by their left-wing students and the administration backs up the students instead of the professors. This is the big topic of a Stanford law professor who got canceled and is now operating a website called "Legal Insurrection."

As for why educated people tend to be leftist. Its because you are only given the leftist point of view in college and the further you go through academia, the more hostile it gets to conservatives and there's a high chance you either won't be hired or you will get fired if they do find out what you views are. Universities have a constant level of threat to them, you know if you speak up in class or write something the professor doesn't want to hear in your paper that you're going to get a bad grade so a lot of people just don't do it.

Because progressive policies don't really work, the only way you can get people to agree with them is through careful brainwashing from the time they are children and the way they do this is through white male guilt. They embed in white males an extreme fear of being called racist or sexist, this fear is so strong that it causes many white males to turn against their own people out of fear and they push their progressive policies through by exploiting that fear. Even conservatives are so afraid of being called a racist or sexist that they often won't tell the truth to people.
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Aug 16, 2020 6:44 PM
osmamthus wine

May 2014
one thing is clear from what i've heard about and from you: you are not happy where you are. so what is there to do, then?

you can continue as you are--you can stand at that alter and marry your fiancee, but at this point you're doing so knowing that you are and will continue to be miserable. that isn't just a choice, it's an active choice.

the alternative is to change something to help yourself be happier. i agree with everyone else who says this means splitting up with your fiancee. i know the pressure religion can put on getting married early, but let me tell you what my highly religious mother told me: there are far worse things than not being married. being single in a religious/married society may seem like misery, but you already seem pretty miserable, so what do you have to lose?

stop living for what others expect you to be. you lose all the joy of being married when you go into things the way your fiancee and you are. what you're doing is only hurting you. so ask yourself; why are you so willing to put yourself in a situation that only hurts?

normally i don't advocate dropping everything and moving far, far away, but it sounds like exactly what you need for a fresh start.

sorry if this sounds armchair-psychologist-ish, but it does sound like you're really not happy with where you're at.

Aug 16, 2020 6:45 PM
Jul 2018
Ryuk9428 said:
ProfessionalNEET said:
If progressivism is so bad, why do you think academics (particularly those who study the issues progressivism deals with) tend to support it? Also, why do you think education in general is positively correlated with embracing left-wing political views?

Well a major part of that is because the universities are refusing to hire any conservative professors. As time has gone on the university system has become more and more hostile to conservative professors and they often get canceled by their left-wing students and the administration backs up the students instead of the professors. This is the big topic of a Stanford law professor who got canceled and is now operating a website called "Legal Insurrection."

As for why educated people tend to be leftist. Its because you are only given the leftist point of view in college and the further you go through academia, the more hostile it gets to conservatives and there's a high chance you either won't be hired or you will get fired if they do find out what you views are. Universities have a constant level of threat to them, you know if you speak up in class or write something the professor doesn't want to hear in your paper that you're going to get a bad grade so a lot of people just don't do it.

Because progressive policies don't really work, the only way you can get people to agree with them is through careful brainwashing from the time they are children and the way they do this is through white male guilt. They embed in white males an extreme fear of being called racist or sexist, this fear is so strong that it causes many white males to turn against their own people out of fear and they push their progressive policies through by exploiting that fear. Even conservatives are so afraid of being called a racist or sexist that they often won't tell the truth to people.

Why are universities often hostile to right-wingers to begin with? There's got to be something that makes left-wing ideas more appealing to them than right-wing ones.
Aug 16, 2020 6:55 PM
Jul 2018
ProfessionalNEET said:
If progressivism is so bad, why do you think academics (particularly those who study the issues progressivism deals with) tend to support it? Also, why do you think education in general is positively correlated with embracing left-wing political views?

Don't you know that everyone there is brainwashed? By that evil left wing that wants people to live free?

Seriously, nobody except Ryuks would appreciate such a society nowadays. And I know that there are some Ryuks out there, but that's exactly what worries me.
In the 50s society, they maybe had put me in such a typical 50s mental hospital where they tortured me with electro therapy and conversion therapy, because I dare not to like cocks, I guess.
Tho people like Ryuk would say "WhY DoN'T yOU tRy To fiT In THeN!!?"
That society was fun for everyone. If everyone equals just christian conservatives and nobody else. xD

Back to topic and npw a serious and longer answer @AngryAkko
Do you know what? I fully understand that you hate that bitch. Her awful action was not only destroying your trust, which would be bad enough, rating you with such adjectives is dehumanizing, since people and especially your partner aren't objects that you would rate like that. To that point, yes I really understand that you got trust issues from that and that you have been heartbroken. If something had done that to me, I'd feel the same.

But that doesn't mean that you should do the same to your fiancee now or that it's okay and right to do. It's a circle like @traed said. And you manipulate your own happiness and hers by your actions.
At this point I don't know, if she is toxic in general or if she would act like that, if you act in other ways, or if she suspects strongly that you cheated on her so many times. Ofc it's toxic of her to forbid you to talk and meet up with your female friends, but I guess, you know very well that you are not innocent about it. But here you generalize it and act like that, like "all men become more isolated in a marriage!"
And you know how I feel about it, you can have an open or poly relationship, but you agreed by your own will to a monogamous one.

No matter how you look at it, generalizing a gender based on a few experiences is not only sexism, it gives you a very blurred view on other people and how you think that their minds work.
And don't say: "But I met mostly women like this and other men I know made the same experiences!" Maybe there is something at your aura and the things that you subconsciously radiate, that you attract toxic people. You seem to prefer to presort yourself many trash people as well.
removed-userAug 16, 2020 7:23 PM
Aug 16, 2020 7:04 PM

Aug 2018
how can anyone non-trans be into trans people wtf but ok, uh women just like complaining too much, I see nothing wrong with your posts...

Aug 16, 2020 7:06 PM

Oct 2018
You seem to have women in your mind quite often. There's other ways to feel pleassure or spend a good time with oniichan. No need to focus on them alone. We can't make everyone likes us. There must be a few ladies out there into ya. I'm fucked up as hell and still managed to pop a cherry.

Aug 16, 2020 7:21 PM

May 2018
@Ryuk9428 (just tagging you for the time being because these quotes are getting too long from cascading on top of each other)

Yes, I looked at your other posts on the matter, you don't really correctly address the counterargument which was brought forth by other users. The fact that your evidence is purely anecdotal and completely unsubstantiated by any further empirical research.

And about the other thing, your assertion that everything can be mathematically supported is incorrect. And you offer two almost trivial analogies which make little sense to the argument at hand. Not only was that scientifically incorrect, it makes little sense for your own argument. I don't want to delve deeper into this because its going to divert the focus of the discussion.

Emotions/Feelings are a very sophisticated biological process shaped by a multitude of factors (one of which is genetic of course but not the only one). The idea that you seem to be putting forward that "Women should be confined to ancient traditional roles based on their genetic code." is a very highly unsubstantiated claim. I challenge you to actually find some research on this matter specifically, because whatever you have right now is insufficient.
Aug 16, 2020 7:23 PM

May 2018
Oh ye, since I didn't actually reply to the OP. Here's my two cents.

If you're looking for advice. You should cancel your marriage or whatever. Spare her the pain and misery, especially because from what you've said, you cannot be faithful to your wife (as being faithful seems to be her priority), and thus cannot control your own desires.

Let your woman find someone more worthy, and not ruin her life any longer.
Aug 16, 2020 7:27 PM

Mar 2019
ProfessionalNEET said:
Ryuk9428 said:

Well a major part of that is because the universities are refusing to hire any conservative professors. As time has gone on the university system has become more and more hostile to conservative professors and they often get canceled by their left-wing students and the administration backs up the students instead of the professors. This is the big topic of a Stanford law professor who got canceled and is now operating a website called "Legal Insurrection."

As for why educated people tend to be leftist. Its because you are only given the leftist point of view in college and the further you go through academia, the more hostile it gets to conservatives and there's a high chance you either won't be hired or you will get fired if they do find out what you views are. Universities have a constant level of threat to them, you know if you speak up in class or write something the professor doesn't want to hear in your paper that you're going to get a bad grade so a lot of people just don't do it.

Because progressive policies don't really work, the only way you can get people to agree with them is through careful brainwashing from the time they are children and the way they do this is through white male guilt. They embed in white males an extreme fear of being called racist or sexist, this fear is so strong that it causes many white males to turn against their own people out of fear and they push their progressive policies through by exploiting that fear. Even conservatives are so afraid of being called a racist or sexist that they often won't tell the truth to people.

Why are universities often hostile to right-wingers to begin with? There's got to be something that makes left-wing ideas more appealing to them than right-wing ones.

Because they were the primary centers of the 1960s revolutions and it just got more and more radical from there.


Nobody is in favor of lobotimizing people, the arguments you and @Traed use are just absurd. A return to traditional society would look like Japan, not literally everything that happened to be occurring in the 1950s.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 16, 2020 7:31 PM

Jan 2009
Crawlie said:
Let your woman find someone more worthy, and not ruin her life any longer.

if you love someone let them free but if they come back to you then its meant to be

classic lol
Aug 16, 2020 7:34 PM
Jul 2018
Ryuk9428 said:
Courtrooms are biased... Against men.

I mean this is just ridiculous, judges and juriors are known to have a "women are wonderful" bias.

This comment actually really bugs me because if you read the source, that's basically what Neet linked:
" Judges and lay people who supported traditional gender roles allocated more custody time to the mother than to the equally-qualified father, but the judges were even more biased in favoring the mother than were laypeople. Only three percent of the judges in the sample gave the father more custody time than the mother."

"In both of these cases, support for traditional gender roles was associated with decisions that encouraged women to engage in more family caregiving at the expense of their careers and discouraged men from participating in family caregiving at all." Miller said."

I actually linked that exact study in my own thread a while back.
I wouldn't say courtrooms are completely for women, as the flip side to giving the child to the mother is having the mother be expected to give up or do so at the expense of their careers.

Though what you linked was also, pretty valid. Prison sentences do favor girls.

Also, working moms actually report being happier:
"For example, mothers employed part time reported better overall health and fewer symptoms of depression than stay-at-home moms, while there were no reported differences in general health or depressive symptoms between moms employed part time and those who worked full time, the study said.

The part-time and full-time working moms also showed no significant differences when it came to the women’s perception that their employment supported family life, including their ability to be a better parent, the authors wrote.

The analysis found that mothers employed part time were just as involved in their child’s school as stay-at-home moms, and more involved than moms who worked full time."

And gender equality positively correlates with life satisfaction:
"Utilizing survey data from the World Values Survey and Eurobarometer, we find strong and consistent evidence that promoting gender equality leads to greater subjective well-being. Furthermore, we demonstrate that policies promoting gender equality tend to improve the quality of life for everyone, not just direct beneficiaries of the policies (women). Indeed, men also see strong and significant gains in life satisfaction when the sexes are more equal.
removed-userAug 16, 2020 7:37 PM
Aug 16, 2020 7:50 PM
Jul 2018
Ryuk9428 said:
Because they were the primary centers of the 1960s revolutions and it just got more and more radical from there.

And why did the 1960s revolutions start there? Why would college students and professors be the ones to start it? You still have to grapple with the fact that it was some of the most educated members of society that were pushing for them.
A return to traditional society would look like Japan, not literally everything that happened to be occurring in the 1950s.

I'd be careful about 1) romanticizing Japanese society (I doubt it's much better or worse than the U.S.) and 2) stereotyping Japanese people as being strict cultural conservatives. Besides, would you consider anime, particular things like yuri, yaoi, lolis, incest (heck your profile picture references an incest anime), ecchi, and hentai, to be the sort of thing your typical traditionalist would be a big fan of?
Aug 16, 2020 7:54 PM

Jun 2015
jesus christ lol

the reason people probably think you hate women is that you make a ton of threads that definitely lean towards misogynistic views, even if you don't directly state it

you can't know what someone thinks, but you can draw certain conclusions i guess

i honestly just think you troll, but it's irrelevant to most people

Aug 16, 2020 7:58 PM

Jun 2015
@ryuk9428 even if it were statistically true that most women preferred certain roles/were happier with them, why wouldn't we want to encourage freedom of choice?

seems like your mindset leads to some pretty awful conclusions

Aug 16, 2020 8:32 PM

Mar 2019
Peaceful_Critic said:
Ryuk9428 said:
Courtrooms are biased... Against men.

I mean this is just ridiculous, judges and juriors are known to have a "women are wonderful" bias.

This comment actually really bugs me because if you read the source, that's basically what Neet linked:
" Judges and lay people who supported traditional gender roles allocated more custody time to the mother than to the equally-qualified father, but the judges were even more biased in favoring the mother than were laypeople. Only three percent of the judges in the sample gave the father more custody time than the mother."

"In both of these cases, support for traditional gender roles was associated with decisions that encouraged women to engage in more family caregiving at the expense of their careers and discouraged men from participating in family caregiving at all." Miller said."

I actually linked that exact study in my own thread a while back.
I wouldn't say courtrooms are completely for women, as the flip side to giving the child to the mother is having the mother be expected to give up or do so at the expense of their careers.

Though what you linked was also, pretty valid. Prison sentences do favor girls.

Also, working moms actually report being happier:
"For example, mothers employed part time reported better overall health and fewer symptoms of depression than stay-at-home moms, while there were no reported differences in general health or depressive symptoms between moms employed part time and those who worked full time, the study said.

The part-time and full-time working moms also showed no significant differences when it came to the women’s perception that their employment supported family life, including their ability to be a better parent, the authors wrote.

The analysis found that mothers employed part time were just as involved in their child’s school as stay-at-home moms, and more involved than moms who worked full time."

And gender equality positively correlates with life satisfaction:
"Utilizing survey data from the World Values Survey and Eurobarometer, we find strong and consistent evidence that promoting gender equality leads to greater subjective well-being. Furthermore, we demonstrate that policies promoting gender equality tend to improve the quality of life for everyone, not just direct beneficiaries of the policies (women). Indeed, men also see strong and significant gains in life satisfaction when the sexes are more equal.

That's because the judges are naive. People raised in traditional societies are raised in a high trust culture where they expect other people to be more truthful and honest. The reason why its not working anymore is because they are behaving as if we still live in the 1950s when people are not as truthful and honest as they were back then.

Mothers with jobs tend to be healthier and happier than moms who stay at home during their children’s infancy and pre-school years

I've already mentioned that if we're talking about the infant and pre-school years, then yeah, it is pretty stressful.

But that period of time is pretty short lived and after they start going to school, it gets dramatically easier.

And gender equality positively correlates with life satisfaction:
"Utilizing survey data from the World Values Survey and Eurobarometer, we find strong and consistent evidence that promoting gender equality leads to greater subjective well-being. Furthermore, we demonstrate that policies promoting gender equality tend to improve the quality of life for everyone, not just direct beneficiaries of the policies (women). Indeed, men also see strong and significant gains in life satisfaction when the sexes are more equal.

Does it seem like men are happier to you Peaceful_Critic? Things are terrible right now, young men are the leading demographic in suicides.

ProfessionalNEET said:
Ryuk9428 said:
Because they were the primary centers of the 1960s revolutions and it just got more and more radical from there.

And why did the 1960s revolutions start there? Why would college students and professors be the ones to start it? You still have to grapple with the fact that it was some of the most educated members of society that were pushing for them.
A return to traditional society would look like Japan, not literally everything that happened to be occurring in the 1950s.

I'd be careful about 1) romanticizing Japanese society (I doubt it's much better or worse than the U.S.) and 2) stereotyping Japanese people as being strict cultural conservatives. Besides, would you consider anime, particular things like yuri, yaoi, lolis, incest (heck your profile picture references an incest anime), ecchi, and hentai, to be the sort of thing your typical traditionalist would be a big fan of?

I could go into all the reasons why Japan is better but that's too off-topic and this is already requiring me to make excruciatingly long posts.

I wouldn't say they are strict cultural conservatives, but they are definitely cultural conservatives. Japanese society is an improvement upon the Western conservative model. They allow plenty of sexual content in fiction stories, allowing for total freedom of expression and prostitution is also kept legal in Japan but they still strongly promote the idea that sex should stay between people in relationships without flipping out at people if they do happen to break this cultural standard. Even School Days is a strong endorsement of monogamous relationships. It explicitly shows Makoto attaining a healthy relationship whenever he stays faithful to the girls and relationships end in disaster in routes where he becomes a cheating manwhore.

But Japan is smarter about it than we are. Ultra-traditionalists in the West simply defer to a "sex is bad" mindset. Whereas Japanese society takes a more moderate approach and says "sex is good when its within the right context." Japanese society also does not take a negative attitude towards masturbation which there really is no rational reason for stigmatizing.

Because in the context of the 1960s, universities were where people were allowed to express more radical ideas and thoughts that they couldn't express in mainstream society without a stigma. In the 1960s, leftist opinions were stigmatized, so naturally, universities started becoming hotbeds of leftist beliefs. At the time universities did respect free speech but over time as they have become more radical and entrenched within academia, they no longer respect it today.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 16, 2020 10:26 PM

Mar 2008
Ryuk9428 said:
ProfessionalNEET said:

Why are universities often hostile to right-wingers to begin with? There's got to be something that makes left-wing ideas more appealing to them than right-wing ones.

Because they were the primary centers of the 1960s revolutions and it just got more and more radical from there.


Nobody is in favor of lobotimizing people, the arguments you and @Traed use are just absurd. A return to traditional society would look like Japan, not literally everything that happened to be occurring in the 1950s.

You took it too literally. I was saying you having a disability you would be seen as an undesirable of a traditional society due to troubles you would have with any social aspects of a society. A traditional society would not be kind to you. You have autism and you need to accept you will never grasp any society you're a part of in the same way as other people do unless there is a cure for autism, which will place you at a disadvantage in various social situations (and maybe an advantage in a few) and that will be the case no matter what society you're in.

You can't seporate thought from action. Thoughts influence actions. If you construct society like the past people will act more like they did in the past but there is a limit to this because change is a natural process for a productive society because adaptation is needed to be sustainable. You can't slow it without using authoritarian oppressive tactics which I loosely was alluding to with the mention of lobotomy.

Like Japan as in high suicide rates, high social pressure leading to social phenomena like hikikomori, and high expectations of conformity. Does that really sound ideal to you?
Aug 16, 2020 10:38 PM
Jul 2018



















fox surprise



@lamictal I never once said "All women" anything. All is speaking in absolutes. If I say, "Why do women" that isn't the same as saying, "Why do ALL women". Its just talking about the women who actually do / fit what I am describing and it leaves out all of the other women who are not a part of that. Besides, its a question anyway not a statement.

@JFuji Good luck! Thats small potatoes anyway. But if you don't want to end up a serial cheater like me then better watch yourself. Because if she finds out she may turn on you and hurt you back x1000 worse. And then you may become a villain for real.



removed-userAug 17, 2020 12:42 AM
Aug 16, 2020 10:44 PM

Aug 2020
traed said:

Like Japan as in high suicide rates, high social pressure leading to social phenomena like hikikomori, and high expectations of conformity. Does that really sound ideal to you?

I think he means more along the lines of women "act" like women , feminine etc. and men act like men, masculine and manly and listen to justin bieber un-ironically because they love his music.

or that he just wants the age of consent lowered to 13 .
KuuroAug 22, 2020 8:52 AM

Aug 16, 2020 10:47 PM

Jun 2008
It’s not easy man...

Being a man nowadays, you’re expected to do so much and to always take risks and practically debase yourself (sometimes) just to get affection from women.

And holy shit...before anyone calls me any names.

I’m not saying women should be subservient or should always say Yes to men or any crazy stuff.

Being a guy looking for a female partner is just tough.

We get rejected a LOT more than accepted.

We have to work very hard to try to look good, to make sure we have money, to make sure we’re worthwhile.

I understand very well.
Aug 16, 2020 10:54 PM
Jul 2018
That's because the judges are naive. People raised in traditional societies are raised in a high trust culture where they expect other people to be more truthful and honest. The reason why its not working anymore is because they are behaving as if we still live in the 1950s when people are not as truthful and honest as they were back then.

Eh, no it's because if you think girls are naturally more suited to caregiving it only makes sense to give women the child more often since the judge would want the best life for that child. And if it follows that women would do a naturally better job based on traditional beliefs, you would give them the child automatically.
Discriminatory views cause discriminatory actions/rulings.

Mothers with jobs tend to be healthier and happier than moms who stay at home during their children’s infancy and pre-school years

I've already mentioned that if we're talking about the infant and pre-school years, then yeah, it is pretty stressful.

But that period of time is pretty short-lived and after they start going to school, it gets dramatically easier.

Alright, fair enough. My study only did talk about those periods of time being happier for part-time moms. I looked at the link provided in that article to check upon it and it said the difference didn't remain afterward:
"At 6, 15, and 54 months, mothers employed part time reported fewer depressive symptoms than did nonemployed mothers. There were no differences at 36 months or once focal children began elementary school"-pg 6
And if you already conceded that stay at home moms raising younger children are less happy then the study I linked didn't change much except that it proves that part-time moms are overall more beneficial and that part-time moms aren't less happy(the data says there's no difference). But part-time moms seem to be healthier overall except for two points:
"We hypothesized that mothers employed part time would have better self-reported overall health than mothers who were not employed. Except for two time points(15 and 36 months), this hypothesis was supported (see Table 2)."-pg 6
". In all cases, where there were significant differences in maternal well-being, conflict between work and family, or parenting between part-time employment and either no employment or full-time employment, the comparison, favored part-time work."-pg 11

Does it seem like men are happier to you Peaceful_Critic? Things are terrible right now, young men are the leading demographic in suicides

I'm not claiming they are happier now. I'm claiming gender equality isn't the reason for this sadness. That it, in fact, increases happiness.
removed-userAug 16, 2020 10:58 PM
Aug 16, 2020 10:54 PM

Mar 2019
traed said:
Ryuk9428 said:

Because they were the primary centers of the 1960s revolutions and it just got more and more radical from there.


Nobody is in favor of lobotimizing people, the arguments you and @Traed use are just absurd. A return to traditional society would look like Japan, not literally everything that happened to be occurring in the 1950s.

You took it too literally. I was saying you having a disability you would be seen as an undesirable of a traditional society due to troubles you would have with any social aspects of a society. A traditional society would not be kind to you. You have autism and you need to accept you will never grasp any society you're a part of in the same way as other people do unless there is a cure for autism, which will place you at a disadvantage in various social situations (and maybe an advantage in a few) and that will be the case no matter what society you're in.

You can't seporate thought from action. Thoughts influence actions. If you construct society like the past people will act more like they did in the past but there is a limit to this because change is a natural process for a productive society because adaptation is needed to be sustainable. You can't slow it without using authoritarian oppressive tactics which I loosely was alluding to with the mention of lobotomy.

Like Japan as in high suicide rates, high social pressure leading to social phenomena like hikikomori, and high expectations of conformity. Does that really sound ideal to you?

Japan's suicide rates are pretty similar to a lot of Western countries. But more importantly, Japan's suicide rates are really highly concentrated among the very old whereas our suicide rates are concentrated the most among young men aged 18-24.

Consider also that Westerners have a lot of ways of indirectly suiciding that the Japanese don't. There is a lot of overlap between drug addicts or obese individuals and the potentially suicidal population but among drug addicts more of them end up dying from overdoses or from heart attacks due to extreme obesity before they can kill themselves directly. In the case of obesity, I will say that most of those deaths aren't necessarily among potentially suicidal people but I'm willing to bet that quite a few are. Among drug addicts though, I think there is a really strong overlap.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 16, 2020 11:01 PM
Feb 2020
i think we can all agree any self-proclaimed incel is a loser, but the word has long since branched out of referring to people like that and is now used as more of a cudgel to shut down the arguments of any male who dissents with any of the tenets of modernity, especially when it comes to relationships/dating. so take accusations like that as the NPC dialogue it is.

your opinion makes their lizard brain go "me angry, me want hit wrongthinker," but their rational mind knows they can't get away with hitting you. so then their next thought is "how can I hurt him and get away with it?" that's where social shaming, accusations of modern day heresy (sexism/racism/etc) and ostracizing comes in.

the funny thing? the whole unspoken sting of being called a misogynist/woman hater is that you're not supposed to notice and criticize trends and dominant attitudes of women, which is just a vestige of traditional gender roles that say women are infantile and need to be protected from the same sort of pattern recognition and cynicism that every other human being faces. feminists bounce back and forth between hyper-egalitarianism and the most puritan, old-fashioned neo-victorianism on earth depending on which is convenient for advancing their own power at the time.

the same people accusing you of "hating women" are the the types who go to protests and hurl rocks/molotovs at police, and then start screeching "STAAAAHP! YOU CAN'T TOUCH ME!! I'M A WAAAHMAN!!!" when they get arrested
Hillary_Clinton_Aug 16, 2020 11:04 PM
Aug 16, 2020 11:15 PM

Mar 2019
Ryuk9428 said:

Fight hand to hand combat for mating rights? What kind of crack are you smoking mate? I said traditional society not behave like fucking barbarians. Did you see anybody fighting hand to hand combat for mating rights in the 1950s? C'mon man use your brain. If anything we're more like that today than we were in the 1950s.

Women are happier and live longer when they stay in the home looking after children. In Japan where being a housewife isn't stigmatized, women's happiness ratings are primarily being driven up by full time housewives and women still rate themselves as happier than men are despite claiming that society favors men and men being more involved in the economy and politics.

The women who are happiest are "students," "full time housewives" and "retired."

Surprise surprise, having more free time and less stress makes you happier. Its amazing that human beings are so easily brainwashed by herd mentality that they've come to see relieving your wife of the burden of having a stressful job as "oppressive."

Its true that we men will take on more stress as a result and it will make us less happy but it will provide us with a happy and appreciative wife which makes it worth it. Do this, and you will see gender relations improve dramatically. Tell me, do the men in Japan seem anywhere near as angry at women as liberalized men in the west are?

Dude, It's kinda relieving that I find someone sharing such a mindset and opinions, samples like you are extremely rare nowadays.
Aug 16, 2020 11:27 PM

Mar 2019
Hillary_Clinton_ said:
i think we can all agree any self-proclaimed incel is a loser,

No I don't accept that premise.

I think sexual prowess is a really stupid measure of a person's worth. I don't really admire "chads" at all. I think they're a major contributing factor to the downfall of society because chad type guys are usually unbelievable mansluts with absolutely no self-discipline. They'll literally date like 5 girls at the same time or fuck a different girl every weekend. I've been around enough of these type of guys in college to know there is absolutely nothing admirable about most of them. Their lifestyle is quite frankly disgusting.

And no, I wouldn't behave like them if I had the chance. When I go to strip clubs, I became notorious one summer for never changing girls because I continuously stick to one favorite dancer and only buy dances from her. What this made me realize is that even if I had the chance and even if the environment encouraged me to, I wouldn't even want to be promiscuous. I like staying with the same girl.


Okay but going back to ProfessionalNEET's point. I am just saying I seriously doubt that judges would be lenient if they actually believed a guy abused his wife.
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Aug 16, 2020 11:32 PM
Jul 2018
See we got that discussion a few times now and you are just idealizing and fetishizing this imaginary society that never existed except in some cheesy movie like Pleasantville, which actually made fun of the naivity of idealizing that time lol

You maybe be better off in a society where your wife might get be shamed (or stoned) for a divorce since you just don't seem to understand why some divorces happen and you don't get the adult approach to relationships.
In some divorces there had been cases of abuse, in others people just don't fit anymore together as a couple. You just try to force people to stay together, so your little world looks nice and plastic on the outside.

And stop being a weeb who is fetishizing Japan. Japan would be a hell to live in. For me because of various reasons and because I'll go insane in a society with that high conformity and for you, they would give a shit about your autism and your needs either.
It's funny btw how you argue against societies with overwork attitudes and then you come here, bringing Japan as example...
Aug 16, 2020 11:32 PM
Jul 2018
AngryAkko said:
None of us are really good.

Don't drag us down to your level: we all have flaws; serious flaw. But there are some lines that once you cross, you become a despicable human being. Most of us have not crossed that line.

AngryAkko said:
I'm not proud of it

You sounded real proud when you PM'd me to check your blog post.

AngryAkko said:
I won't let you guys drive me to suicide over it.

Then stop making your personnel life and problems public; I've told you this several times. Instead of venting online to complete strangers who clearly have no clue how to help you (that includes me), go see a therapist.

AngryAkko said:
Life goes on.

Please don't try to get all poetic; what you've been doing is despicable; stop trying to justify it with excuses like, "Life goes on," "Neither of us are good people," etc; swallow it, and go seek help.

AngryAkko said:
As for my reputation - it doesn't matter.

No it does matter: the more you make your personnel problems public, the more you built a negative reputation, the more people will mock you for it either on threads, PMing you, or commenting on your profile, which will only make you feel worse.

90% of human beings do care about what others think of them: that's just human nature. The 10% don't care about what others think of them, because they reached a level of self-respect, confidence, and acceptance, that I do not think you have reached...yet at least. Hopefully you will one day.

Now...I am not expert on relationships, but if you keep getting into these toxic relationships with other women, it's probably because you (I'm guessing) approach women in a specific way, ie sexting, which you sounded very proud of when you PM'd me. That kind of behavior only attracts weirdos; because no one in their right mind asks someone they just met to have sexual relations with them, or flirts with them. A normal relationship starts off as just being friends; not sex buddies; not flirting. Just good friends. It's called common sense; it's called following the basic guidelines of the social contract.
removed-userAug 16, 2020 11:40 PM
Aug 16, 2020 11:37 PM
Feb 2020
_Maneki-Neko_ said:
See we got that discussion a few times now and you are just idealizing and fetishizing this imaginary society that never existed except in some cheesy movie like Pleasantville, which actually made fun of the naivity of idealizing that time lol

>the world was never a sterile vacuum free of nuance or temptation or corruption, therefore we should never aspire to be better and healthier
>Hollywood movies made fun of your values, therefore your values are automatically bad

wow... I never thought about it like that before... guess we should all just be hedonistic nihilistic animals forever then
Aug 16, 2020 11:44 PM
Jul 2018
SargonTheGreat said:
AbsurdTurk said:

Don't drag us down to your level: we all have flaws; serious flaw. But there are some lines that once you cross, you become a despicable human being. Most of us have not crossed that line.

You sounded real proud when you PM'd me to check your blog post.

Then stop making your personnel life and problems public; I've told you this several times. Instead of venting online to complete strangers who clearly have no clue how to help you (that includes me), go see a therapist.

Please don't try to get all poetic; what you've been doing is despicable; stop trying to justify it with excuses like, "Life goes on," "Neither of us are good people," etc; swallow it, and go seek help.

No it does matter: the more you make your personnel problems public, the more you built a negative reputation, the more people will mock you for it either on threads, PMing you, or commenting on your profile, which will only make you feel worse.

90% of human beings do care about what others think of them: that's just human nature. The 10% don't care about what others think of them, because they reached a level of self-respect, confidence, and acceptance, that I do not think you have reached...yet at least. Hopefully you will one day.
ok buddyguy why you gotta hate on akko like that

Because he openly talks about cheating on his fiance/wife, PM'd me about it in a way where he sounded REALLY damn proud of it. And he keeps making threads about his personnel issues, even after I've told him several times NOT to make his personnel life and issues public, because it'll only draw negative attention.
I don't hate the guy; I have no energy to waste to hate someone like him; but I am disgusted with him.
KuuroAug 22, 2020 8:55 AM
Aug 16, 2020 11:44 PM
Jul 2018
Hillary_Clinton_ said:
_Maneki-Neko_ said:
See we got that discussion a few times now and you are just idealizing and fetishizing this imaginary society that never existed except in some cheesy movie like Pleasantville, which actually made fun of the naivity of idealizing that time lol

>the world was never a sterile vacuum free of nuance or temptation or corruption, therefore we should never aspire to be better and healthier
>Hollywood movies made fun of your values, therefore your values are automatically bad

wow... I never thought about it like that before... guess we should all just be hedonistic nihilistic animals forever then

Having the ideals of a kid as an adult man is a little bit eerie, but hey, he / you do your do. You guys are living in the 50s because you just can't deal with life how it is, so everyone else should live in a dishonest and made-up society again, where only the outside of every family was nice to look at.
Aug 16, 2020 11:46 PM

Mar 2019
_Maneki-Neko_ said:
See we got that discussion a few times now and you are just idealizing and fetishizing this imaginary society that never existed except in some cheesy movie like Pleasantville, which actually made fun of the naivity of idealizing that time lol

You maybe be better off in a society where your wife might get be shamed (or stoned) for a divorce since you just don't seem to understand why some divorces happen and you don't get the adult approach to relationships.
In some cases there had been cases of abuse, in others people just don't fit anymore together as a couple. You just try to force people to stay together, so your little world looks nice and plastic on the outside.

And stop being a weeb who is fetishizing Japan. Japan would be a hell to live in. For me because of various reasons and because I'll go insane in a society with that high conformity and for you, they would give a shit about your autism and your needs either.
It's funny btw how you argue against societies with overwork attitudes and then you come here, bringing Japan as example...

Admittedly its their biggest flaw but you can't have everything. Everything else makes it worth it. Although from what I've researched, things are changing a lot there as far as that is concerned.
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Aug 16, 2020 11:48 PM

Mar 2008
Another quick thing to ad. You sound like you're afraid things will take a bad turn in your upcoming marriage and seem to be trying to gather other girls as a backup plan sort of a sefty net but this is self sabotage because it would mean you would be the one to make things turn bad.
Aug 16, 2020 11:57 PM
Jul 2018

What Neet linked is 74 pages long. I don't want to read all of it. 12 pages or so are doable and articles/abstracts are easy, but 74 pages are just a crazy amount of time.

I mean it does seem to support what Neet was saying, but I only really skimmed through it:
" 94 percent of professionals do not believe that the law adequately addresses
the crime of sexual assault"-pg 5

"Nationwide, the prosecution, conviction, and incarceration rates for sexual assault are very low."-pg 11
Aug 17, 2020 12:01 AM

Mar 2019
Xelecus said:
Ryuk9428 said:

Fight hand to hand combat for mating rights? What kind of crack are you smoking mate? I said traditional society not behave like fucking barbarians. Did you see anybody fighting hand to hand combat for mating rights in the 1950s? C'mon man use your brain. If anything we're more like that today than we were in the 1950s.

Women are happier and live longer when they stay in the home looking after children. In Japan where being a housewife isn't stigmatized, women's happiness ratings are primarily being driven up by full time housewives and women still rate themselves as happier than men are despite claiming that society favors men and men being more involved in the economy and politics.

The women who are happiest are "students," "full time housewives" and "retired."

Surprise surprise, having more free time and less stress makes you happier. Its amazing that human beings are so easily brainwashed by herd mentality that they've come to see relieving your wife of the burden of having a stressful job as "oppressive."

Its true that we men will take on more stress as a result and it will make us less happy but it will provide us with a happy and appreciative wife which makes it worth it. Do this, and you will see gender relations improve dramatically. Tell me, do the men in Japan seem anywhere near as angry at women as liberalized men in the west are?

Dude, It's kinda relieving that I find someone sharing such a mindset and opinions, samples like you are extremely rare nowadays.

Thanks for the compliments man, its true people like me are very rare. I've noticed that people either seem to love that or hate that.
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Aug 17, 2020 12:28 AM
Jul 2018
Has there ever been a relationship that lasted until death do us part where one didn't abuse the other in some way or another? *shrugs*
Anyway, thank you for finally starting to understand me.

Domestic abuse isn't in 100% of marriages, gosh! Imagine that kind of world. It's sadly common, but it's not THAT common. Healthy relationships do exist. If I thought about relationships as you did, I would think of it as Satan's potion and never want to be one under any circumstances(not just because of introverted behaviors I have as is the reason now).

Abuse shouldn't be waved off like that. It can do some serious mental damage.
removed-userAug 17, 2020 12:33 AM
Aug 17, 2020 12:33 AM
Jul 2018
AngryAkko said:

_Maneki-Neko_ said:
Btw in other cases I'd say it's toxic for your financee to forbid to contact your female friends, but since you are that dishonest to her and she seems to know it...
It's still kinda toxic of her, but I can understand it as well.

She's not the perfect person. Nobody is. I can understand her flaws and where she is coming from. She knows that she is clingy and needy and I know where it stems from. It isn't just that she knows I may have cheated on her and that I am into trans. She also doesn't know her bilogical father. Her mother won't tell her after all these years. She ha a half sister who has another father that her mother actually married. The younger sister is treated way better simply because her dad was still around. Relationships are complicated. So you guys telling me to just get rid of her actually makes thigns worse for her. She has nowhere to go either. She sees me as her flawed knight in shining armour.

I don't say she has to be flawless and I understand it pretty much like that, but you said that she's already suspecting that you are cheating on her. So I understand her very well, you know. You keep gaslighting her although you exactly do the things she suspects. I imagine that woman must by now questioning her own mind and becomes paranoid of other women in your life.
And you know, you know that she has nowhere to go, so it gives here the vibes that you could do with her whatever you want, because she will come back or maybe won't leave.

Peaceful_Critic said:
Has there ever been a relationship that lasted until death do us part where one didn't abuse the other in some way or another? *shrugs*
Anyway, thank you for finally starting to understand me.

Domestic abuse isn't in 100% of marriages, gosh! Imagine that kind of world. It's sadly common, but it's not THAT common. Healthy relationships do exist. If I thought relationships as you did, I would think of it as Satan's potion and never want to be one under any circumstances(not just because of introverted behaviors I have as is the reason now).

Abuse shouldn't be waved off like that. It can do some serious mental damage.

I mean, every relationship like family and friendships has its unhealthy sides, but many aren't really abusive.
Aug 17, 2020 12:37 AM
Jul 2018

But unhealthiness has ranges though. Abuse is up to 11 in that spectrum.
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