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Jan 30, 2018 1:07 PM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
This was a great episode, you could really feel the calm before the departure and how hype the build up was.

I was however not a big fan of the dramatic scene with Megu, was a bit too much. Greatly handled by Kimari though who just rejected it immediately.
Jan 30, 2018 1:11 PM

May 2016
At this point it looks like they're not going to reach Antarctica until the second half seeing that still have to stop at Australia first. Let's hope things don't start to get or feel rushed when they finally arrive.
"You talk too much. Think too much."
"I don't care how justified you think your reasons are. I won't tolerate liars or thieves."
"If you're not going to be nice to me, don't expect me to be nice to you."
"I'm a soldier, not a superhero. Don't ever think of me as one."
"The world doesn't revolve around you. Get that through your thick skull."
"People who live by their emotions go nowhere in their lives. They only find misery.
"If you don't like the way your life is than do something about it instead of sitting there feeling sorry for yourself."
"You want something go get it. Period."
Jan 30, 2018 1:13 PM

Feb 2007
Nice to see Mari and Megumi mend their friendship before the four left. Well, Mari, of course, didn't even notice anything being wrong, but the last day of hanging out with the others was enough to show Megumi the light. ^_^
Jan 30, 2018 1:16 PM

Jul 2017
-Stray said:
Kittens-kun said:

Yeah, no. That's completely wrong. You can tell just by the way Megu was acting before that something was troubling her. Plus, none of us? You're the only one who's complained about this so far.

Yeah right, their interactions were normal, Megu was always the calm and quiet type of girl, its you just figuring out that her previews actions meant something because something happened this episode, Im saying none of us saw it coming because if someone was, then there woulda been people commenting about it in the previews ep threads like "Megu's acting weird" or at the very least "It seems Mari's getting closer to Shirase.. Megu may get jealous" yet no one commented about it, until now that is. Im not about to start a debate about this, it isnt even that big of a deal, I found it surprising thats all, I'll keep my shit to myself and you keep your shit to yourself, I dont need your opinion.

From the last episode:
D1tchd1gger said:
I wonder if Megumi will help or hinder in this, she seems very lonely and is back tracking in her support a bit after giving Mari that initial push.

Direct link:

Although I will, and did, admit to not spotting all the clues. The bullies and Mari's mother finding out:
D1tchd1gger said:
The clues were there I just didn't think about it too much (poetic license/anime logic), but it actually had a sensible part in the plot.

Then during the episode when Megumi started talking about the rumours going around about shoplifting and messing around with boys, I thought at first that she was lying about the rumours, not that she had actually started them.

So yes I guessed that something wasn't right, but never guessed the extent of the betrayal.
D1tchd1ggerJan 30, 2018 1:22 PM
Jan 30, 2018 1:46 PM
Jun 2016
I really like this series, i wasn't sure how realistic it was going for, but I'm glad to watch it.
Jan 30, 2018 2:03 PM

Apr 2016
My best moments :

_ Right at the start : Shirase saying only "Itekimasu" something like "we're going" but the tone and her glare sounded more like "in your face! IN YOUR FACE ! IN YOUUUUUUR FAAAAAAACE !!!"
I loved it!
_ Kimari's sister hugging her and the father crying. What a great family she has.

It was from the previous episodes obvious Megumi wasn't too happy about Kimari's leaving, I thought she felt like left behind but I never thought she would have gone that far. On the other hand Kimari's mother knowing makes a lot more sense now.

I repeat myself but so far : Hinata's best girl. Clever, funny, fast-runner, travel-enthusiast, strong-willed and wise in the same time.
Jan 30, 2018 2:09 PM
Aug 2014
She only left with a backpack...
Jan 30, 2018 2:23 PM
May 2007
this show is so good. i didn't expect much going in but its been a real treat every single week.

as for this episode, the show had done so well sweeping you away in the flow of the stagnant water breaking free and spilling forth, or mari's seishun as it were, that it was easy to focus on having fun with all the new people and the exciting prep for their trip and forget about megumi and school life, just like mari did.

the clues were there to know something was up but mari wasn't intentionally dissing megumi, so she and the viewer are just on the ride together. as the viewer though, youre shown both sides in the episode, so you knew things were coming to a head with this before mari's sailing day.

it was just a very common and realistic situation executed real well and came naturally as a result of how the show had went up until now. anyone who thinks it's drama out of nowhere or forced hasn't been comprehending what they're watching
Jan 30, 2018 3:05 PM

Sep 2016
The subtitles didn't really do justice to how Shirase mangled her words in reaction to the "switch" comment. I'm fairly sure she was supposed to be saying "Soko! Watashi no koto hanashiteta ndesho?!" (そこ!私のこと話してたんでしょ?) but her hanashiteta ended up being more of a "hanashiteketeketa" which made me laugh so hard I had to rewatch the scene. More than once.

Also, Yuzuki's reaction to the picture of Shirase singing cracked me up. It felt so... intense, like it was a pretty big deal and she was genuinely relieved for not having been there. "一緒じゃなくてよかった!"

derprume said:
She only left with a backpack...

After all the talk they had about the 100 kg weight allowance and the scenes about her making a mess in her room while doing the packing? She packed the rest of her stuff and had it loaded on the ship or something.
Yet these hands will never hold anything.
Thus I pray, Unlimited Waifu Works!

Jan 30, 2018 3:07 PM

Feb 2013
SJ7izm said:
Megu is one of the most toxic types of "friends" one can have.

Megu is also a teenager that had this comportment because of different factors and regret to do it in the final, changing that part of her.
Jan 30, 2018 3:42 PM
Nov 2017
Ugh, soooo gooooood. so many feels. the girls are ready to go. also, i think lowkey-the dad has to be my favorite characters. his weeping uncontrollably was hilarious.
Jan 30, 2018 3:42 PM

Oct 2008
oh drama...that's quite a drama between Mari & Megumi!
haha "Breakup Rejected!" Mari won't allow the friendship to be tarnished especially with Megumi.
Megumi: "We're not friends anymore..."
Mari: "OH NO YOU DON'T!"
5/5. - cuz of DRAMA!!! lolz

Jan 30, 2018 3:49 PM

Nov 2007
Kittens-kun said:
-Stray said:
Seems everyone liked the sudden drama that popped in between Megu and Mari, I find it out of nowhere, I was more pushed into the "What the fuck is this" than "oooh mah feels"
Anyways besides that I loved everything else! Madhouse pulling those beautiful art everywhere, and finally off they go! to Antartica and BEYOND! (but first lets make a pit stop at Singapore)

It definitely didn't come out of nowhere. The strain on there friendship was pretty obvious.

Yep. It was there since episode 3. Self quoting from episode 3:
shanimebib said:
karlstein12 said:
Yes four of them now, altogether. I hope Mari's classmate somehow joins the group as well, I kind of have a feeling she will join up at the last moment.

Very few anime break out from the 4 girls rule. There are very few exceptions like Tamayura and K-On! I don't see Megumi joining them. She will probably have some part to play in adding some drama. Nothing more.

Beautiful episode although I predicted after episode 3 that Megumi will stir some drama but it was still handled with heartwarming emotions pouring out so I am all good.

This anime just keeps on getting better. The light-hearted nature of the story is incredibly soothing. Really reminds me of Tamayura but the plot wasn't as grand as going to Antarctica but it was a beautiful anime too, that went under the radar of many anime fans.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Jan 30, 2018 3:59 PM

Nov 2017
When I started the show, the premise made it sound super stupid but honestly it's Top 3 of the Season! So many feels, my dude. Can't wait for the next episode!
(Translator's Note: "nico nico nii" means "SHINY DAYS in My Pocket")

nico nico nii.

Jan 30, 2018 4:02 PM

Oct 2010
I could praise this show to no end with its amazing interactions and chemistry, great art, adventure vibes, pacing and prospects. It has done so many things right and it has been such a joy to watch so far... but this is the first episode of this series that has left me speechless. From beginning to end.
Jan 30, 2018 4:06 PM

May 2015
Every episode again, this show always finds a way to blow my mind....

Amazing episode, as usual.
ReverberateJan 30, 2018 4:09 PM

Jan 30, 2018 4:18 PM
Discord Moderator
May 2016
derprume said:
She only left with a backpack...

I snorted a little when I saw that. I was like, wait, where is all her stuff? Lol

But yes, it was incredibly obvious that Megu was becoming more and more distant. I've been noticing her only response is "try not to push yourself too much" and she stares off into space or completely disregards everything. I knew this was coming, but I'm so happy with the way it was handled. It was subtle, but not subtle enough to not being able to tell the difference in their friendship. Megu was barely shown and there was a reason for that. She was being left behind and it was starting to destroy her.
Jan 30, 2018 4:27 PM
Aug 2014
nerdokingoftrash said:

derprume said:
She only left with a backpack...

After all the talk they had about the 100 kg weight allowance and the scenes about her making a mess in her room while doing the packing? She packed the rest of her stuff and had it loaded on the ship or something.

The other 3 had suitcases with them, wouldn't they have done the same? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jan 30, 2018 4:36 PM

Aug 2015
Probably one of the most realistic portrayals of jealousy from a friend ever seen in anime. Also probably the funniest karaoke scene in anime since Hajime no Ippo.
Jan 30, 2018 4:47 PM

Oct 2012
Pretty good episode.

Have to say it's pretty ugly thing to say such bomb to your friend who is leaving.. and I also think rejecting her wish to be alone just makes things stopped for her, unresolved for three month, definitely not a good way how to say goodbye.

First I thought those rumours were just a bluff from her, definitely didn't expect it to be true but then again it was clear that Megumi was just being selfish and not very happy with Mari's leaving (and Mari should realize sooner). In a way this topic of jealousy was very well handled by this anime, even though it was bit of a stretch to believe Megumi would actually be able to do such things.

Anyway, seems like they are set to go so they would probably get there in the end. Although I believe there would be more coming stoms before they actually get there.
Jan 30, 2018 4:49 PM

May 2015
Another fantastic episode, this has become hands down my favorite show this season
Jan 30, 2018 5:46 PM

Jan 2011
while petty i could see and understand Megu's outburst shes still the worst but all the build up and realization of this shit was you! made me think they handled her act of passive aggressive Jealousy really well ,while i didn't pay too much attention to her behavior i kinda always thought she was a bit salty about the whole trip but this episode i knew it was just gonna blow up but not like that mild feels.

what a goodbye episode this was show has bumped up to my favorite this season.
Jan 30, 2018 5:56 PM

Jan 2012
Razuu said:
animefan8800 said:
Poor Megu-chan, losing her sense of self-worth and getting left out. Doomed to be nothing but a memory for the rest of the series until possibly the final episode. I don't condone what she did, but I can at least slightly understand it. Part of me feels like this conflict came a little bit out of nowhere just for the sake of drama, despite the revelations that she was behind previous events, but I will give the show points for even attempting something like this given what kind of show it is. And I guess it was nice when Mari denied the breakup in the end.

They were dropping hints throughout the episodes that Megumi wasn't feeling happy about her friend leaving her. This episode just propelled it forward and I thought it did a great job of it. Had the water works show up

Yes I....acknowledged that.
Jan 30, 2018 6:02 PM
Dec 2017
The ending of this episode felt really human.
Jan 30, 2018 6:13 PM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
This was a great episode. I really loved how Mari and the gang are getting themselves ready for their trip to Antarctica. Seeing Mari get used to the goodbyes she had to give were very nice and sweet. Not to mention the strained relationship with Megu was the strongest of part of the episode. Megu always clinged onto Mari and realized she can't keep doing that for much longer. For Megu to say she doesn't to not be friends anymore and Mari leaving her with a "breakup rejected" was beautiful and the strongest goodbye she's given.

Very much looking forward to the next episode.
Jan 30, 2018 6:39 PM
Sep 2013
LunyRed said:
Every time these girls are together, they're always having a blast! They're so fun to watch! :D This episode has plenty of funny moments (as always, which is great!), and some heartwarming moments, and finally the feels in the last part. I thought Megu-chan would run away after breaking up but Kimari stops her whispering two powerful words "Breakup rejected." It had a lot of impact thanks to a little slow motion along with the beautiful song in the background. They're friends since childhood and will always be friends forever. Simply well done! <3

The 4 girls are finally heading off! :D Bon voyage! \(^-^)/
this anime really similar to k-on, and give kyoani vibe. Nodokachan n meguchan not resembles at all though
Jan 30, 2018 7:11 PM

Jul 2014
JLaxius said:
Realistic af regarding the progress to Antarctica? Check
Actual character development and interaction? Check
Feels? Check
Stunning animation/colours? Check
OST full of feels and sense of accomplishment? Check
Non rushed pacing because the creators wisely thought it would be boring to see ice and water for 12 episodes and instead they focused on developing all the characters beforehand? Check

Well said!

I knew it was coming, that Mari's friend would be jealous and there would be a confrontation anytime soon, but I still loved it how they executed it. It was like I knew it was coming but still was surprised. I hoped that Megumi somehow joined the trip but rightly it wasn't to be. That video game bit though xD. Jealousy started to brew from that point on...
Jan 30, 2018 7:16 PM

Dec 2015
Terrible episode!

What is all this melodrama doing in my kawaii moe show??? I want my cute girls doing good things already >:(

Kidding of course, this episode was amazing, as usual. The character animation for Megu during the break up scene was truly a heartbreaking and spectacularly animated. I actually expected the conflict between Megu and Mari to be resolved in a pretty bow by the end of the episode, but the unconventional way they actually ended it was rather bittersweet :(

Looks like they are arriving at Singapore next episode! Awesome. If the 7th episode is when they get to Australia, they SHOULD arrive at Antarctica by the 8th episode.

Can't wait to see the next episode!
"Anime is trash and so am I."
Jan 30, 2018 7:43 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
Poor Megumi, venting out all her emotions. While it may have been Kimari's fault for Megumi's sudden behavior, it was touching that in the end Kimari still deeply cares about her. Sometimes one doesn't know they are hurting someone until the other person tells them. It was indeed a very touching scene and powerful. Glad Kimari was able to keep their friendship going, she's a very sweet girl.

So they are finally leaving. I assume they will have some type of nourishment over there like on the ship because it's Antarctica after all.

Jan 30, 2018 7:56 PM

Aug 2012
-yo they're famous
-megumi got ntr'd by antarctica
-wait the title card wasn't a static loop this time
-hypewoman yuzuki sounds pretty different from her standard tone
-"fuck you" mode shirase is pretty funny
-100 kg including your body weight doesn't seem like a whole lot but what do i know
-this conversation on the train is raising tons of flags
-the fuck does mari's family have a diamond-coated frying pan for
-the thing about the pamphlets not giving packing information also seems like a flag
-yo it's puyo puyo
-mari's gonna be the first to get eaten by a leopard seal isn't she
-this entire going away thing seems super suspicious
-wow look at this framing, in more than one sense of the word
-megumi's just standing there with those soulless, vacant eyes and i an't look away
-alright that yelling at the karaoke was pretty funny
-yeah all of this goodbye stuff seems pretty ominous
-especially mari's goodbye to her room
-and especially with her goodbye to her family
-wow that's actually pretty scummy
-actually never mind megumi turned that around pretty fast
-this ED is actually really growing on me, and either i'm hearing things or they added more instruments
-is that... durian ice cream

The stinger of the last episode ended up getting explained in this one. The whole Megumi thing actually made sense and I guess I see the importance in getting it in before the girls all went to Antarctica. I wasn't too invested in it, however, until the part where Megumi actually showed some evidence of self-reflection. She actually didn't seem too scummy afterwards, and I was pleasantly surprised by it because it also allowed Mari to act like Mari. Now that I think about it a little more, everything this episode that consisted of Megumi trying to covertly cut ties with Mari was actually pretty heartwarming in hindsight. Like, despite all the underhanded things Mari got told by Megumi, whether it was when she was playing not Puyo Puyo or meeting up at the shrine, Mari was always blissfully oblivious to the malice, and that's pretty endearing. I didn't really think much of the break-up scene when I was watching it, but now that I've taken a bit of time to think about it, it's actually a really good transition point from Mari's Japanese life to the Antarctic life.

Not to mention all the death flags being raised. This should be interesting.
Jan 30, 2018 8:01 PM
Oct 2017
what a powerful 24 minutes rollercoaster that was!

Singapore, so they transit there before flight to Oz
Jan 30, 2018 9:35 PM
Apr 2016
WinterStar96 said:
I'm curious as to what scene after the credits is all about, Singapore never showed up in the story and then all of a sudden, they showed some Singapore landmarks and Durian Ice Cream which is loved in Singapore almost as if the location will play a part in the story.

Maybe it's nothing and I'm just overthinking things but it really didn't make any sense to me.

A stopover in Singapore before heading to Perth?
Phosphophyllite is best gem
Jan 30, 2018 9:58 PM
Apr 2013
I wasn't really a fan of the revelation that "Megu is that toxic kind of friend who stabs people from the back", although I appreciate the effort put into foreshadowing it in the previous episodes. Her and Mari having some form of drama before the latter leaves for Antartica could be seen from miles away, but the revelation goes so much against Megu's personality that was shown until Episode 4 to the point that I almost felt it's a classic case of character assassination.

Not to mention, the pacing was very rushed. The whole drama between them took up about half of this episode, while there was so much else going on at the same time. Part of me wished that it could have spanned across last episode and this, with the final scene being the two of them reconciling instead of merely having Mari whisper "breakup rejected" to Megu (a very forced way of resolving the drama).

Blue_Pie_Ninja said:
WinterStar96 said:
I'm curious as to what scene after the credits is all about, Singapore never showed up in the story and then all of a sudden, they showed some Singapore landmarks and Durian Ice Cream which is loved in Singapore almost as if the location will play a part in the story.

Maybe it's nothing and I'm just overthinking things but it really didn't make any sense to me.

A stopover in Singapore before heading to Perth?

More likely than not, next episode will be a Singapore episode. Not really looking forward to it if that's the case, because I don't see the purpose of having one episode specifically for a stopover.
MasterGhostJan 30, 2018 10:01 PM
Jan 30, 2018 11:17 PM

Nov 2013
Kay, I thought Megu was just a pessimist, and I see miles away that there'll be drama between her and Kimari, but I didn't expect her to be this dirty. Imagine if those 'gyaru' in ep 1 managed to steal Shirase's money, how heart broken Shirase would be, like years of part time job becomes nothing (two times in a row). She'd slam doors everyday like she did in the first time she lost her money.

The gossip about pleasing men in kaubkicho too. Kimari and Shirase could've become a proud high school girls who went to Antarctica, but if the gossip becomes out of control they'd become girls who please men to go to Antarctica. I could understand Shirase's rage this time (eventhough she ignores every insult before) because she wanted to proof herself but this gossip could make her reputation even worse.

Still, this episode also shows that you just don't breakup with your friends after they did one or two bad things to you. This episode further develops Kimari's character as she becomes stronger every time.
Jan 30, 2018 11:18 PM

Mar 2016
Wow, they're off. I seriously didn't see megu-chan as the villain. I just thought that she might have been jealous and wanted to go with her. But the things she spilled at the ending was really sentimental and real. Those motivations really do start fake friendships...
Jan 30, 2018 11:52 PM
Oct 2017
JLaxius said:
Realistic af regarding the progress to Antarctica? Check
Actual character development and interaction? Check
Feels? Check
Stunning animation/colours? Check
OST full of feels and sense of accomplishment? Check
Non rushed pacing because the creators wisely thought it would be boring to see ice and water for 12 episodes and instead they focused on developing all the characters beforehand? Check

Why is this anime not at least 8.5/10 yet?!! This is easily a 9/10 for me so far and I can't imagine what will prevent me from giving it a 10! I mean..high school girls, going to A N T A R C T I C A! And done right!

I couldn't agree anymore!
Current rating is so underrated.
At least 8.5-9/10. But for me so far 10/10
Jan 30, 2018 11:53 PM

Aug 2015
Not sure why i'm still watching this, its just so boring. if it doesnt pick up in the next couples eps ill probs drop it
Jan 31, 2018 12:00 AM

May 2015
Gotta hand it to the directing of this episode. The comedy was subtle, but I like how they don't over exaggerate it. And most if not all of it is animated without transitioning to a different cut. Good. Very good.

As funny as Shirase is, I think Hinata is the best character here. She knows her stuff.

Megumi's confession was a little abrupt, but I suspected it with the way she was acting in the previous episodes. Mari was going to Antarctica, but Megumi was cool with it...maybe a little too cool with it. The anime portrayed the jealousy quite well, and I can understand where Megumi is coming from. Since Yuzuki is a celebrity and is heading off to Antarctica, that means the expedition will have some segments shown on TV right? Megumi better be watching!
Jan 31, 2018 12:38 AM

Feb 2016
Jan 31, 2018 2:11 AM

Jul 2017
This show is beautiful.

That's all I can say.
Jan 31, 2018 2:42 AM

Jan 2017
Best episode so far. Looking forward on their journey.

So why is Singapore shown at the end?
Jan 31, 2018 3:01 AM
Apr 2016
MasterGhost said:
I wasn't really a fan of the revelation that "Megu is that toxic kind of friend who stabs people from the back", although I appreciate the effort put into foreshadowing it in the previous episodes. Her and Mari having some form of drama before the latter leaves for Antartica could be seen from miles away, but the revelation goes so much against Megu's personality that was shown until Episode 4 to the point that I almost felt it's a classic case of character assassination.

Not to mention, the pacing was very rushed. The whole drama between them took up about half of this episode, while there was so much else going on at the same time. Part of me wished that it could have spanned across last episode and this, with the final scene being the two of them reconciling instead of merely having Mari whisper "breakup rejected" to Megu (a very forced way of resolving the drama).

Blue_Pie_Ninja said:

A stopover in Singapore before heading to Perth?

More likely than not, next episode will be a Singapore episode. Not really looking forward to it if that's the case, because I don't see the purpose of having one episode specifically for a stopover.

Same here. I wouldn't mind maybe half an episode in Singapore, then maybe an episode or 2 and a half based in Australia before they jump on the ship to Antarctica.

Also I agree with your points above too, I think that if they showed Megu being more jealous or even maybe talking to others spreading rumors then it would have played out better. The way it is, it seems sort of forced drama that wasn't particularly needed.
Phosphophyllite is best gem
Jan 31, 2018 3:09 AM

Mar 2014
-Stray said:
Kittens-kun said:

It definitely didn't come out of nowhere. The strain on there friendship was pretty obvious.

It did, none of us saw this coming until this episode came in, there were no signs of Mari and Megu's friendship crumbling slowly, it all happened this episode, instantly. Anyways Im saying it came out of nowhere for me, if it didnt for you then.. good for you.
Imagine being denser than Mari. xD
Jan 31, 2018 3:12 AM

Mar 2014
Ysad_Ziwezhan said:
_ Kimari's sister hugging her and the father crying. What a great family she has.
Man, her father was already pulling at my heart with his reaction when he saw her but her sister hugging her just ruined me. ;_;
Jan 31, 2018 3:48 AM
Jun 2016
i'm not crying you are
Jan 31, 2018 3:53 AM

Dec 2015
Holy cow... I honestly think I might have to bump this to a 10 after that ending.

I was honestly worried how they would dedicate the episode towards Megumi considering how she's a side character + wouldn't be going to Antarctica. Not only did they send her off perfectly, the confession further developed the rest of the characters, especially Mari.

BIG PROPS to the writers for having the maturity in not going over the top with Megu's confession; anything more would have spoiled everything. Ep 5 and they're still in Japan, I wonder if we'll get a s2 🤔?
Jan 31, 2018 6:42 AM
Apr 2017
WinterStar96 said:
I'm curious as to what scene after the credits is all about, Singapore never showed up in the story and then all of a sudden, they showed some Singapore landmarks and Durian Ice Cream which is loved in Singapore almost as if the location will play a part in the story.

Singapore is a major flight transit center, so most probably they flew there to change flight to Aus

GangsterCat said:
megane character always the worst, surprise

Lol, I actually don't think she is bad, she's just trying to hold on on something she precious, which is not bad imo. For this and her

P.S. I live in Malaysia, Durian is one of the if not the most popular fruit here, and recently it make a huge spike in China market, which caused the price go up like hell.
P.S. Malaysia durian is the best...
Jan 31, 2018 6:44 AM
Apr 2017
D1tchd1gger said:

From the last episode:
D1tchd1gger said:
I wonder if Megumi will help or hinder in this, she seems very lonely and is back tracking in her support a bit after giving Mari that initial push.

I actually also noticed that way back in ep 2-3 and commented about it in last ep discussion...
Jan 31, 2018 6:59 AM
Oct 2017
Apple_BS said:
WinterStar96 said:
I'm curious as to what scene after the credits is all about, Singapore never showed up in the story and then all of a sudden, they showed some Singapore landmarks and Durian Ice Cream which is loved in Singapore almost as if the location will play a part in the story.

Singapore is a major flight transit center, so most probably they flew there to change flight to Aus

GangsterCat said:
megane character always the worst, surprise

Lol, I actually don't think she is bad, she's just trying to hold on on something she precious, which is not bad imo. For this and her

P.S. I live in Malaysia, Durian is one of the if not the most popular fruit here, and recently it make a huge spike in China market, which caused the price go up like hell.
P.S. Malaysia durian is the best...

Durian from back of my house still the best. no offense :"v
Jan 31, 2018 7:04 AM

Oct 2017
It feels like more than five episodes have passed, so many things happened so far! I feel like I've known these girls for a long long time. I liked the calm before the storm feeling of ok now that everything is settled and they ARE going, everyone can just soak in their perspective of the events, you know. I thought Megu was a little overdramatic but I kinda got it too, I think that must have felt kinda like peak anxiety for her because her best friend was completely escaping from her reach in a pace she couldn't keep up with. I loved how the whole explosion was for nothing though, that's exactly what I expected. Though I'll say, if I was about to leave for three months to like the end of the world and my best friend showed up just to make a scene and make me feel like shit, I would've slapped her right across the face Cher style and just dealt with it when I came home. I mean bitch????? FIX YOUR TIMING
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135 by Sun_Chan »»
Mar 6, 1:05 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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