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does anyone else here just hate the everliving shit out of valentine's day like i do?

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Feb 18, 2017 11:12 AM

Jun 2014
To be honest, I forgot Valentine's Day even happened. I don't leave my house much, so I don't see people around. Although, my Mom gave me some chocolates.

I only dated one girl in my life, and that was back when I was 16. But ironically, I dumped her on Valentine's Day.

Feb 18, 2017 11:19 AM

Mar 2014
Who cares, it was just another day.
Feb 18, 2017 11:28 AM

Aug 2009
How about acting like its a regular day. Better yet go to the gym and improve on those numbers fam. 145 bench? I was lifting more than that in middle school. Also if you're curling 65 either your bicpes are way disproportionate to your chest or you need to clean up dat form, stop swinging your arms and using your back.

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Feb 18, 2017 11:41 AM

Aug 2014
LoneWolf said:
How about acting like its a regular day. Better yet go to the gym and improve on those numbers fam. 145 bench? I was lifting more than that in middle school. Also if you're curling 65 either your bicpes are way disproportionate to your chest or you need to clean up dat form, stop swinging your arms and using your back.

i've got bad shoulders because i used to be 60 pounds overweight, you can even see that by the 85lb shoulder press lmfao
incelFeb 18, 2017 11:45 AM

penis lol
Feb 18, 2017 11:46 AM

Jun 2014
LoneWolf said:
How about acting like its a regular day. Better yet go to the gym and improve on those numbers fam. 145 bench? I was lifting more than that in middle school. Also if you're curling 65 either your bicpes are way disproportionate to your chest or you need to clean up dat form, stop swinging your arms and using your back.

Does everything have to be about "The Gym" with you? Do you fear that people won't think you're a man if you don't tell them that you lift or something?

Feb 18, 2017 11:57 AM

Aug 2009
dickkickem said:
LoneWolf said:
How about acting like its a regular day. Better yet go to the gym and improve on those numbers fam. 145 bench? I was lifting more than that in middle school. Also if you're curling 65 either your bicpes are way disproportionate to your chest or you need to clean up dat form, stop swinging your arms and using your back.

i've got bad shoulders because i used to be 60 pounds overweight, you can even see that by the 85lb shoulder press lmfao

I used to be 70 lbs overweight and I had a rotator cuff injury. I can bench 245 with some discomfort and 205 with pretty much no discomfort. Obviously don't push yourself too hard, but just keep adding weight gradually and make sure no muscle groups are significantly lagging . You're gonna end up looking disproportionate and its gonna end up negatively affecting your physique overall.

@Seiya The man put his numbers in his signature. I wouldn't comment on it if I felt like it was irrelevant or he didn't care. I don't just randomly talk about "the gym". Context is important.

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Feb 18, 2017 12:38 PM

Dec 2014
I don't necessarily despise it. I suppose it must feel a little lonely, but honestly, half the time I practically forget that Valentines day usually has a legitimate meaning aside from chocolate and new layouts for some sites on the internet.
Feb 18, 2017 1:31 PM

Mar 2008
dickkickem said:
traed said:
every year I block all Valentines Day threads because any mention of it severely depresses me. I also dislike the holiday in general because if you only spend time with a love to do thing on that day your relationship is shit. You should spend all the time you can get within reason.

agreed man, also can you tell me how to block the valentine's day threads?

The button on the right of threads before you open it or "toggle hide"if youre inn it.
Feb 18, 2017 1:45 PM

Jun 2008
I see valentine's as just a normal day. That way i won't have a problem with it.
Feb 18, 2017 2:04 PM

Oct 2016
I enjoy valentines day with my waifu. Fuck all of you normies.
Feb 18, 2017 4:42 PM

Aug 2014
traed said:
dickkickem said:

agreed man, also can you tell me how to block the valentine's day threads?

The button on the right of threads before you open it or "toggle hide"if youre inn it.

thank you my dude now i know what to do next year.

penis lol
Feb 18, 2017 4:57 PM

Mar 2014
Vamzet said:

You can say whatever you want, bourgeois kid, but the capitalism doesn't work, even in the usa
I'd take capitalism over communism any day of the year

Although I don't like unlimited capitalism either
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Feb 18, 2017 5:03 PM

Jun 2014
dickkickem said:
honestly it's the one holiday where couples are bragging it up and having sex and shit and if you're single you're just left to watch all around you that everyone is happy and you're lonely and sad.

valentine's day is honestly the only day where my amount of suicidal and rage-filled thoughts heavily increase and it screws up my entire day. just seeing everyone with someone who truly likes them (which is clearly something i don't have) makes me want to scatter my brains all over my room with a sawed off.

i'm honestly surprised that i made it through valentine's this year.

anyone (who is single) with me on this?

Haha just be yourself my man haha just close your eyes if you dont like it my man haha

Feb 18, 2017 5:05 PM

Apr 2013
Quite indifferent. If I was in a relationship though I'd dislike it 'cause then I'll be forced to pretend to care.
Feb 18, 2017 5:59 PM

Sep 2015
Judging by the OP's attitude in this thread, it's really no surprise. Hating on people because of their interests
star wars loving nerds

band nerds who play csgo all day

And starting shit with them based on their body
5'4 acne covered scrawny

Hmm, I do wonder why the OP can't get a girlfriend... Oh wait, that's right. It's because you're a colossal cunt. How fucking dense are you that you can't see that? Are you a primitive barbarian that bases a person's worth on how tall and muscular they are? Is that all that matters? How utterly ridiculous and narrow-sighted.

You might think guys look better when they're muscular. You might think scrawny guys aren't attractive. Your opinion doesn't fucking matter. I used to be one of those super scrawny people. 6"5, 165lbs. Fucking hated myself for the longest time. Yet I had plenty of female friends tell me that they think skinnier guys are better looking. I've had a few say that they think people with a beer belly and builder's physique are better looking to them. I've had a few prefer the leaner, more muscular guys.

See where I'm going with this? Each person is different; different people have different preferences. 'Scrawny' is not synonymous with 'unnatractive'. It isn't an inherently negative term, so stop treating it as such.

Furthermore, your colossal obsession with physique is an awful reason to go to the gym. The attitude you display is nothing more than "I GO TO THE GYM AND LIFT SO GIRLS SHOULD LOVE ME". Na mate, fuck off. You're going to the gym for the wrong reason. You should be going there because you enjoy it, for self-improvement. Making yourself better to your own standards, not to the standards you think other people will like. I myself go to the gym 4 times a week, I've put on about 15lbs or so in the last 7 months (being a hard-gainer sucks) and my numbers slowly go up each week. But I'm not going solely because I want to get a girlfriend. I go because I enjoy throwing some heavy shit on my back and squatting it. I go because mentally it does a lot of good for me.

I want to put on weight because I personally would prefer to be a heavier weight. I've been told by attractive women that they prefer taller, skinny guys - a physique which I fit the bill - but I still want to change my weight because I would prefer it that way. Not because I just have this ridiculous notion that lifting means I should get chicks.

Not to mention that your bitterness is leading you to attack other people over the most petty and inane reasons; not to mention the hypocrisy. You're complaining about how "nerds who like star wars don't deserve girlfriends" .... on an anime forum. Like, what the fuck? Are you for real? On what grounds does anime have a higher social standing? Why does anime apparently have a better repute and make one more worthy of having a girlfriend than Star Wars? There is no basis for that. There are no grounds. It's nothing more than you being judgemental and bitter.

There's more to life than the physical appearance. Aesthetics are not everything. Personality is what keeps someone interested in you after the initial interest garnered by physique and appearance. And it's clear that your personality is terribly lacking. Your physique might be attractive but your personality is not. To quote some lyrics :- "Beauty is skin deep, but ugly runs all the way through."
Fix yourself and you might have better luck. Putting other people down and throwing them under the bus because you're desperate and jealous, and apparently "deserve" (honestly, this is one of the most fucking arrogant and big-headed things I've ever seen) a girlfriend just because you work out is fucking immature and childish.
It's an entirely different kind of flying, altogether!
It's an entirely different kind of flying.
Feb 18, 2017 7:48 PM
Jul 2018
dickkickem said:
SnugglyWhuggly said:

...It's honestly amazing that you wonder why you're not "rewarded" with an attitude like this. I don't know what it is with a lot of the users on this site and complete lack of self awareness. The only thing you "deserve" with a personality like that is to be given a wide berth by any decent human being. Self pity and bitterness are never attractive qualities.

It's a no brainer why you're single, and it's a good thing you are, you clearly aren't ready for any kind of relationship. I suggest you grow up, stop viewing the world in such tunnel vision, get over your petty jealously, learn to realise that the world doesn't owe you anything (even if you believe you work hard for something), and stop getting into such a huffy fit over literally nothing.
Valentine's is just another day, get over it.

so what you're saying is that 5'4, scrawny (sometimes fat as fuck) star wars loving nerds with trailer-trash-esque hygiene who don't even try to look good should get a gf and even when i work hard i shouldn't?

yeah i'm not even going to reply to you anymore.

Because you're putting other people down (plus, I bet you exaggerate everything you're saying about them) and for me, it looks that way that you see "these blonde girls" as the trophy you want so badly. But you don't care about the relationship they might have at all.

You have "to feel it" to get into a relationship.
Just try to connect to a girl you like genuinely and hope she's feeling the same.
But the world doesn't owe you a girlfriend, because you want one to feel better about yourself or because you're lifting weights. This is just the wrong reason to get into a relationship.

Besides, a relationship is not the solution for all your problems. You have to gain self-confidence on your own.
It can ruin people mentally and psychically, if they are under the pressure for being responsible to preserve the self-confindence of their s/o.

PS: No woman with healthy self-esteem wants to be rated on x/10-scales. Your attitude towards other people is really horrible, sorry.
It's nothing wrong with saying that someone is good looking and attractive, but you're not writing a fucking amazon review about a product you've bought there.
removed-userFeb 18, 2017 7:57 PM
Feb 18, 2017 8:13 PM

Feb 2016
dickkickem said:
honestly it's the one holiday where couples are bragging it up and having sex and shit and if you're single you're just left to watch all around you that everyone is happy and you're lonely and sad.

valentine's day is honestly the only day where my amount of suicidal and rage-filled thoughts heavily increase and it screws up my entire day. just seeing everyone with someone who truly likes them (which is clearly something i don't have) makes me want to scatter my brains all over my room with a sawed off.

i'm honestly surprised that i made it through valentine's this year.

anyone (who is single) with me on this?

Cry me a god damn river, Jesus Christ...

Is Valentine's Day a corporate money scheme? Hell yeah. Are you forced to participate? No.

Holy hell. Yeah, let's make the one holiday of the year where people can celebrate love all about you. If Valentine's Day makes you feel sad and lonely, do something about it. For someone who's also single, I find it much more annoying to hear people fucking complaining about how bad it is being single than seeing couples out having fun.

If it really depresses you this much, two things:

1. Get help, because being this upset is a problem, and
2. On the bright side, statistically, they have about a 50% chance of divorce, if not more. And those who are dating have an even higher chance of splitting up.

Also, a tip on attracting the opposite sex, your signature conveys to me that you're an incredibly narcissistic person.

Feb 18, 2017 8:29 PM

Feb 2017
dickkickem said:
honestly it's the one holiday where couples are bragging it up and having sex and shit and if you're single you're just left to watch all around you that everyone is happy and you're lonely and sad.

valentine's day is honestly the only day where my amount of suicidal and rage-filled thoughts heavily increase and it screws up my entire day. just seeing everyone with someone who truly likes them (which is clearly something i don't have) makes me want to scatter my brains all over my room with a sawed off.

i'm honestly surprised that i made it through valentine's this year.

anyone (who is single) with me on this?

I can't necessarily agree. I mean, while valentines day does annoy a big handful of people because they feel like they will 'never find a partner' because they're 'not good enough' etc, it's all in how you perceive the 'holiday'.
You can see it as cheesy people doing cheesy things for other people, or take it as some form of 'inspiration', like, 'that'll be me and xxx someday'.

Just my two cents :)
Having dated before i can safely say i'm absolutely not ready for a relationship at all, so cut those couples some slack, it's hard to maintain a good relationship and they should be admired imo.
Feb 18, 2017 9:09 PM

Jun 2016
No. Only the people who act disgustingly lovey-dovey on this day annoy me.

"Out of the night that conquers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul."

Feb 18, 2017 9:16 PM

Aug 2014
Maz said:
Judging by the OP's attitude in this thread, it's really no surprise. Hating on people because of their interests
star wars loving nerds

band nerds who play csgo all day

And starting shit with them based on their body
5'4 acne covered scrawny

Hmm, I do wonder why the OP can't get a girlfriend... Oh wait, that's right. It's because you're a colossal cunt. How fucking dense are you that you can't see that? Are you a primitive barbarian that bases a person's worth on how tall and muscular they are? Is that all that matters? How utterly ridiculous and narrow-sighted.

You might think guys look better when they're muscular. You might think scrawny guys aren't attractive. Your opinion doesn't fucking matter. I used to be one of those super scrawny people. 6"5, 165lbs. Fucking hated myself for the longest time. Yet I had plenty of female friends tell me that they think skinnier guys are better looking. I've had a few say that they think people with a beer belly and builder's physique are better looking to them. I've had a few prefer the leaner, more muscular guys.

See where I'm going with this? Each person is different; different people have different preferences. 'Scrawny' is not synonymous with 'unnatractive'. It isn't an inherently negative term, so stop treating it as such.

Furthermore, your colossal obsession with physique is an awful reason to go to the gym. The attitude you display is nothing more than "I GO TO THE GYM AND LIFT SO GIRLS SHOULD LOVE ME". Na mate, fuck off. You're going to the gym for the wrong reason. You should be going there because you enjoy it, for self-improvement. Making yourself better to your own standards, not to the standards you think other people will like. I myself go to the gym 4 times a week, I've put on about 15lbs or so in the last 7 months (being a hard-gainer sucks) and my numbers slowly go up each week. But I'm not going solely because I want to get a girlfriend. I go because I enjoy throwing some heavy shit on my back and squatting it. I go because mentally it does a lot of good for me.

I want to put on weight because I personally would prefer to be a heavier weight. I've been told by attractive women that they prefer taller, skinny guys - a physique which I fit the bill - but I still want to change my weight because I would prefer it that way. Not because I just have this ridiculous notion that lifting means I should get chicks.

Not to mention that your bitterness is leading you to attack other people over the most petty and inane reasons; not to mention the hypocrisy. You're complaining about how "nerds who like star wars don't deserve girlfriends" .... on an anime forum. Like, what the fuck? Are you for real? On what grounds does anime have a higher social standing? Why does anime apparently have a better repute and make one more worthy of having a girlfriend than Star Wars? There is no basis for that. There are no grounds. It's nothing more than you being judgemental and bitter.

There's more to life than the physical appearance. Aesthetics are not everything. Personality is what keeps someone interested in you after the initial interest garnered by physique and appearance. And it's clear that your personality is terribly lacking. Your physique might be attractive but your personality is not. To quote some lyrics :- "Beauty is skin deep, but ugly runs all the way through."
Fix yourself and you might have better luck. Putting other people down and throwing them under the bus because you're desperate and jealous, and apparently "deserve" (honestly, this is one of the most fucking arrogant and big-headed things I've ever seen) a girlfriend just because you work out is fucking immature and childish.

haha another good one, "Personality is what keeps someone interested in you after the initial interest garnered by physique and appearance." honestly bro tell that to the couple of girls who rejected me in 7th-8th grade when i was fucking fat as shit yet i was still nice to everyone and i was very sociable until freshman year when i lost weight.

and what's wrong with saying that hard work should get you treated? so you're saying nerds who don't accomplish anything except sperging, circlejerking to starwars, and playing games till 2 in the morning deserve a girlfriend? are you saying that larger, more muscular dudes who work hard in the gym to physically improve themselves deserve lesser when they're really trying hard and want to work out for a girlfriend? i'm not egotistic yet again, but anyone who at least tries for something should be entitled to it. i'm pretty sure you don't have a clue what losing 60lbs does to you, and for me it killed my self esteem, my metabolism, and my dignity as a person due to the lack of psychological change i went through, keeping all the insecurities and problems i had when i was fat as fuck. it never made me feel better, it made me feel worse because i honestly feel like at this point i really have nothing to improve except my muscles, and people who are basically less physically inactive than me have no problems with the things i've been trying to accomplish for the past 6-7 years. it really hurts hard. you're completely underestimating what i had to do to fix myself. i didn't necessarily "work out" i went through a 2 year motherfucking process (technically around 6 years but i was really lazy and was inconsistent until the 2 year process) to lose all my weight because i was on the edge of being obese, i was being bullied a bit (even though i beat the fuckin shit out of them sometimes), i had no friends, i couldn't get girls, and i wanted to stay healthy (and hopefully accomplish a social life). to you it seems like the "nerds" i'm talking about are doing harder work than me, and hell no they fuckin aren't, so like i said, get a FUCKIN GRIP brah.

and also by "star wars nerds" i mean by the type that literally just watches star wars every day and nothing else. addictions in general are pretty bad. clearly if you look at my recent anime updates i really don't watch that much. i used to be addicted to anime and games but freshman year i also stopped that, i regularly play flight sims and sometimes csgo. imo it's unhealthy to be completely obsessed with something like these nerds i'm talking about. (and yes, i've known these people i'm talking about for many years and they're literally addicted to such things as star wars and fifa on the xbox yet they have a good social life and have a healthy relationship with a girl)

and "Hmm, I do wonder why the OP can't get a girlfriend... Oh wait, that's right. It's because you're a colossal cunt." ok like girls around me irl totally know about my "colossal cunt" *cough* realistic *cough* personality. i'm the most quiet and stoic motherfucker irl due to me being insecure. i don't have an outgoing stance on my personality, and i try to be nice to people even though it's harder than trying to stick your dick in a cheerio.
incelFeb 18, 2017 9:20 PM

penis lol
Feb 18, 2017 9:35 PM

Aug 2014
Saucy said:
dickkickem said:
honestly it's the one holiday where couples are bragging it up and having sex and shit and if you're single you're just left to watch all around you that everyone is happy and you're lonely and sad.

valentine's day is honestly the only day where my amount of suicidal and rage-filled thoughts heavily increase and it screws up my entire day. just seeing everyone with someone who truly likes them (which is clearly something i don't have) makes me want to scatter my brains all over my room with a sawed off.

i'm honestly surprised that i made it through valentine's this year.

anyone (who is single) with me on this?

Cry me a god damn river, Jesus Christ...

Is Valentine's Day a corporate money scheme? Hell yeah. Are you forced to participate? No.

Holy hell. Yeah, let's make the one holiday of the year where people can celebrate love all about you. If Valentine's Day makes you feel sad and lonely, do something about it. For someone who's also single, I find it much more annoying to hear people fucking complaining about how bad it is being single than seeing couples out having fun.

If it really depresses you this much, two things:

1. Get help, because being this upset is a problem, and
2. On the bright side, statistically, they have about a 50% chance of divorce, if not more. And those who are dating have an even higher chance of splitting up.

Also, a tip on attracting the opposite sex, your signature conveys to me that you're an incredibly narcissistic person.

how is my sig narcissistic, are you on fucking drugs?
incelFeb 18, 2017 9:42 PM

penis lol
Feb 18, 2017 9:40 PM

Nov 2016
Even if you're in a couple, the holiday is still pressuring you to spend lotsa money on stuff to prove you love your valentine and if she's stupid she's gonna hate you if you don't do it. What is love nowadays?

You can't buy happiness. Actually you can buy other's, just not yours.
Feb 18, 2017 9:43 PM

Feb 2016
dickkickem said:

how is my sig narcissistic, are you on something?

Do you honestly think that anyone gives the smallest semblance of a flying fuck about your height, weight, and how much you lift? If you're dense enough not to realize that the amount of people who care about that in real life and on MAL is roughly -42, then you're beyond help.

Yes, I'm definitely on something...

Judging by your other posts in the this thread, I am not the least surprised you're single. I'd be shocked if you found anyone with low enough self-esteem to date you, unless they're also just as narcissistic and oblivious. But then again, it sounds like you wouldn't even date the female version of you.

Feb 18, 2017 9:48 PM

Aug 2014
Saucy said:
dickkickem said:

how is my sig narcissistic, are you on something?

Do you honestly think that anyone gives the smallest semblance of a flying fuck about your height, weight, and how much you lift? If you're dense enough not to realize that the amount of people who care about that in real life and on MAL is roughly -42, then you're beyond help.

Yes, I'm definitely on something...

Judging by your other posts in the this thread, I am not the least surprised you're single. I'd be shocked if you found anyone with low enough self-esteem to date you, unless they're also just as narcissistic and oblivious. But then again, it sounds like you wouldn't even date the female version of you.

my sig is basically showing what i do in my freetime and what i like, which is working out. i like when someone else strikes a conversation with me about gains and stuff.

also bro "I am not the least surprised you're single." you're def on something lol. you legit think i act like this irl? i'm just venting/blowing off steam. hell, you could've even met me irl and not even known it was me.

penis lol
Feb 18, 2017 10:17 PM

Feb 2016
dickkickem said:
Saucy said:

Do you honestly think that anyone gives the smallest semblance of a flying fuck about your height, weight, and how much you lift? If you're dense enough not to realize that the amount of people who care about that in real life and on MAL is roughly -42, then you're beyond help.

Yes, I'm definitely on something...

Judging by your other posts in the this thread, I am not the least surprised you're single. I'd be shocked if you found anyone with low enough self-esteem to date you, unless they're also just as narcissistic and oblivious. But then again, it sounds like you wouldn't even date the female version of you.

my sig is basically showing what i do in my freetime and what i like, which is working out. i like when someone else strikes a conversation with me about gains and stuff.

also bro "I am not the least surprised you're single." you're def on something lol. you legit think i act like this irl? i'm just venting/blowing off steam. hell, you could've even met me irl and not even known it was me.

The fact that you edited your post to include a picture of a freaking online narcissism test is the funniest thing I've seen in a while, seriously, I wish I could convey how funny that was over the internet, but since it's the internet, this gif should suffice:

Anyway, I don't know what you act like in real life, I can only assume. What you've posted reflected how you think, unless you don't think what you've posted, in which case you've been trolling.

At any rate, what you think often informs how you act. I didn't say how you act, I just said that given what you've posted, it seems like you'd have a hard time finding a partner unless you're really good at acting. But since you yourself have said that you're not getting any, I can only take liberties with assuming how you act, if it is only for my twisted self-pleasure.

As far as your sig, that may pass for a sig at a fitness forum, but coupled with your attitude towards working out and women, there's about a 451% chance that you've posted that with intent of making yourself seem impressive to others.

Also, I find your description of "nerds" hilarious. It's like you're either 11 years old or exist as a stereotype jock from 90s horror flicks.

And here's another thing you've said which is extremely fucked up but clearly you see no problem with:

are you saying that larger, more muscular dudes who work hard in the gym to physically improve themselves deserve lesser when they're really trying hard and want to work out for a girlfriend . . . but anyone who at least tries for something should be entitled to it.

First of all, if you're working out to get a girlfriend, you're working out for the wrong reasons. Now, real talk for a second. A lot of people work out for that exact reason, but most have the good sense to not admit it. So pro tip, don't admit that you're working out to get laid, because to most people, you sound like a massive narcissistic cunt.

Second of all. You are not entitled to shit and that's part of why you're having trouble finding partners. Dating isn't about merit. If you think you're worthy or deserving of anyone, you're wrong and you don't understand how love works. You know who else thought he was entitled to women and that all the other "douchebag" guys got all the girls? This fucking guy.

You are absolutely not entitled to women no matter how hard you work at anything. That's the kind of attitude that rapists have.

Feb 18, 2017 10:28 PM

Aug 2014
Saucy said:
dickkickem said:

my sig is basically showing what i do in my freetime and what i like, which is working out. i like when someone else strikes a conversation with me about gains and stuff.

also bro "I am not the least surprised you're single." you're def on something lol. you legit think i act like this irl? i'm just venting/blowing off steam. hell, you could've even met me irl and not even known it was me.

The fact that you edited your post to include a picture of a freaking online narcissism test is the funniest thing I've seen in a while, seriously, I wish I could convey how funny that was over the internet, but since it's the internet, this gif should suffice:

Anyway, I don't know what you act like in real life, I can only assume. What you've posted reflected how you think, unless you don't think what you've posted, in which case you've been trolling.

At any rate, what you think often informs how you act. I didn't say how you act, I just said that given what you've posted, it seems like you'd have a hard time finding a partner unless you're really good at acting. But since you yourself have said that you're not getting any, I can only take liberties with assuming how you act, if it is only for my twisted self-pleasure.

As far as your sig, that may pass for a sig at a fitness forum, but coupled with your attitude towards working out and women, there's about a 451% chance that you've posted that with intent of making yourself seem impressive to others.

Also, I find your description of "nerds" hilarious. It's like you're either 11 years old or exist as a stereotype jock from 90s horror flicks.

And here's another thing you've said which is extremely fucked up but clearly you see no problem with:

are you saying that larger, more muscular dudes who work hard in the gym to physically improve themselves deserve lesser when they're really trying hard and want to work out for a girlfriend . . . but anyone who at least tries for something should be entitled to it.

First of all, if you're working out to get a girlfriend, you're working out for the wrong reasons. Now, real talk for a second. A lot of people work out for that exact reason, but most have the good sense to not admit it. So pro tip, don't admit that you're working out to get laid, because to most people, you sound like a massive narcissistic cunt.

Second of all. You are not entitled to shit and that's part of why you're having trouble finding partners. Dating isn't about merit. If you think you're worthy or deserving of anyone, you're wrong and you don't understand how love works. You know who else thought he was entitled to women and that all the other "douchebag" guys got all the girls? This fucking guy.

You are absolutely not entitled to women no matter how hard you work at anything. That's the kind of attitude that rapists have.

i mean i guess you're kind of right with this comment but here's some things:

i'm not 11 nor a stereotypical jock in a 90s horror film, the way i label the "nerds" is EXACTLY how they are in real life, and i've been to middle school with most of them. i'm pretty sure i've noted that somewhere in one of my comments.

look @ the full long ass response that i posted to that one guy, getting girls was ONE of the reasons why i started working out, not the entire reason why i started working out. that would be absolutely fucking stupid.

also i'm not working out to get laid, either. for me getting laid and getting a girlfriend is a different thing. i honestly just want someone who is pure and actually loving to spend time with. however if you've actually went through my forum history you can clearly see several months ago i was all about that "gettin' laid life" but i kinda changed from then.

penis lol
Feb 18, 2017 10:39 PM
Nov 2016
I don't hate it but I can agree it's pretty bad.

Feb 18, 2017 10:55 PM

Dec 2014
dickkickem said:

and what's wrong with saying that hard work should get you treated? so you're saying nerds who don't accomplish anything except sperging, circlejerking to starwars, and playing games till 2 in the morning deserve a girlfriend? are you saying that larger, more muscular dudes who work hard in the gym to physically improve themselves deserve lesser when they're really trying hard and want to work out for a girlfriend? i'm not egotistic yet again, but anyone who at least tries for something should be entitled to it. .

welcome to irl hun.

In all seriousness though, I don't think girls like guys actively seeking a relationship.
From my observations they like why you do things, not what you do things for.

I'm not saying this is you but which one sounds more attractive?
Person1: "I'm just workin out, gotta keep these guns up to get some babes at the beach".

Person2: "I wanna beat all my records and set new records so that I can look back and laugh at my old ones"

Honestly I don't see the rush, as long as you're in the mindset of self improvement lost in the fields of your interest, girls should/will notice and come naturally based on my observations and research (I'm INTP, ) , also noted girls also go through the phase of not knowing wtf they want eventually maturing.
Is this where you live?

Feb 18, 2017 11:15 PM

Feb 2016
dickkickem said:

i mean i guess you're kind of right with this comment but here's some things:

i'm not 11 nor a stereotypical jock in a 90s horror film, the way i label the "nerds" is EXACTLY how they are in real life, and i've been to middle school with most of them. i'm pretty sure i've noted that somewhere in one of my comments.

look @ the full long ass response that i posted to that one guy, getting girls was ONE of the reasons why i started working out, not the entire reason why i started working out. that would be absolutely fucking stupid.

also i'm not working out to get laid, either. for me getting laid and getting a girlfriend is a different thing. i honestly just want someone who is pure and actually loving to spend time with. however if you've actually went through my forum history you can clearly see several months ago i was all about that "gettin' laid life" but i kinda changed from then.

Alright. Given that your age is stated as around 18, which I can't verify but it sounds about right to me, AND since you weren't responding like a prick, I'll give you something I would consider approaching the realm of wisdom.

First. No. There's no such thing as "nerds" in the real world. That's an arbitrary label that has no logical consistency or meaning beyond middle school walls.

Second, as I've said before, if being single and being reminded of it bothers you so much, do something about it. I don't care how ugly or fat you are, I don't even care how toxic your personality is, you can find someone out there for you. How do I know this? The same way you know this. Just look at how many "undeserving" guys get girlfriends. The ugliest, most annoying, and most toxic people I have ever met have had more sexual encounters than I have. If they can, anybody can.

I don't know your situation, but trust me, if you try, you will succeed. Try Tinder, online dating, whatever you think is your best bet, but for the love of God, stop sulking. Posting on forums about how much you hate being single is the opposite of how you want to solve that problem.

Hell, use Valentines day to pick up someone you like or at least talk to them. Somebody ordered a freaking choir to sing for a girl during one of my classes on Valentine's. It's quite literally a day to celebrate love and to find love. If any day was tilted in your favour, it's this one.

Edit: spelling, it was late OKAY
SaucyFeb 19, 2017 10:06 AM

Feb 19, 2017 12:35 AM

Aug 2016
Saucy said:
Alright. Given that your age is stated as around 18, which I can't very but it sounds about right to me, AND since you weren't responding like prick, I'll give you something I would consider approaching the realm of wisdom.

First. No. There's no such thing as "nerds" in the real world. That's an arbitrary label that has no logical consistency or meaning beyond middle school walls.

Second, as I've said before, if being single and being reminded of it bothers you so much, do something about it. I don't care how ugly or fat you are, I don't even care how toxic your personality is, you can find someone out there for you. How do I know this? The same way you know this. Just look at how many "undeserving" guys get girlfriends. The ugliest, most annoying, and most toxic people I have ever met have had more sexual encounters than I have. If they can, anybody can.

I don't know your situation, but trust me, if you try, you will succeed. Try Tinder, online dating, whatever you think is your best bet, but for the love of God, stop sulking. Posting on forums about how much you hate being single is the opposite of how you want to solve that problem.

Hell, use Valentines day to pick up someone you like or at least talk to them. Somebody ordered a freaking choir to sing for a girl during one of my classes on Valentine's. It's quite literally a day to celebrate love and to find love. If any day was tilted in your favour, it's this one.

I gotta agree with every word of this. This is real advice here.

For me, I find no reason to hate this particular day despite not having a partner. My friends hate it, because they feel lonely and makes them more aware of how single they are. I don't mind that no one is in a relationship with me, and feel happy for other couples who are enjoying their days together while their relationship lasts.

I dunno man, if you really want a partner, maybe try finding one? If you're still in school, you could ask someone you like out, see if they match you and if a relationship can blossom. If not, try looking out and maybe join activities (like volunteer work or some kind of lesson) where you might make more friends and go further with them. Or yeah, online dating could work too, since both parties have a common interest things are more likely to work out.

I can't really give advice, having not been in a relationship before and also being quite a young person, but hopefully that helped a little. Just try and think of February 14th as a day. You can try to love it when you're in a relationship, but just leave it for now, you have better things to do, I'm sure.
Feb 19, 2017 12:44 AM
Jul 2015
I can't say I have any strong feelings about it. It passed by this year almost without notice to me.
Feb 19, 2017 2:31 AM
Jul 2018
dickkickem said:
and what's wrong with saying that hard work should get you treated?

Maybe you're gonna ignoring this anyway, but you're reading it. XD
Other human beings aren't a price and this is a horrible and very childish way of thinking.

Most people do care abouth the looks, at least a little bit, but you can't fall in love with someone, who has to stay silent around you, because their mindset and attitude towards others (and way of thinking of others and themselves) give you chills. You wanna get them away from you and don't spending your time (maybe your life) with some personality you don't like. People are growing old and everyone will end as a wrinkled grandma or grandpa.
Your muscles can't counterbalance a lack of connection you (don't) have with someone. And it's hard to get one, if you're viewing a girlfriend as a price for hard work.
Believe it or not, but most people aren't this dumb and they do have a good sense for these things.

Plus, I never know around this sort of guys for sure, if they are acting nice, because of the sake of it and they are a genuinely kind person, or if they just want something from you. Namely sex in this case.
Kindness doesn't owe you anything either. It's just human basic requirement.
Feb 19, 2017 3:02 AM

Jun 2014
@dickkickem Maybe you're just ugly? That would explain why no girl ventures near you.

Feb 19, 2017 4:13 AM
Émilia Hoarfrost

Dec 2015
I don't give a fuck, like most people who aren't concerned.
Though I ate shit (not really but more, it tasted awful) on diner this day so thanks the cook...
@romagia kiss the cook yay

Feb 19, 2017 4:21 AM

Feb 2014
eeesh angry raging kid saying he DESERVES a girlfriend and how life is unfair lmao calm down and mature a lil then in time youll meet someone
o and dont forget to lower your standards if youre really that desperate
Feb 19, 2017 6:09 AM

Feb 2015
I see it as just another day since I enjoy being single. After all, I am able to be involved in many more activities than I could if I were in a time consuming relationship.
Feb 19, 2017 6:12 AM

Jun 2015
I normally ignore the day.
This year it was kind of bad, but working retail brought a lot of attention to it.

Feb 19, 2017 9:36 AM

Aug 2014
Finkl said:
@dickkickem Maybe you're just ugly? That would explain why no girl ventures near you.

that's what i honestly think but the friends of my parents and shit think i'm good looking idk

penis lol
Feb 19, 2017 9:40 AM

Oct 2016
I see valentines day as something positive. Even though I'm single af rn and in a dry spell, I know I'ma be happy on valentines day one day like all these other couples. I'm not worried about it. Glad to see people happy though and doing them. Theres hope for all of us.

And my advice to you is when it comes to talking to girls.. Just do it and be yourself. If you get rejected, say fuck it. Use you being rejected to make shit like that easier. I personally see myself as a handsome dude and I've been rejected before but I don't take the rejection as something negative. Everyone is ugly to someone so everyone will be rejected at some point. Just do it bro.. Life is too short.
YasuoFeb 19, 2017 9:45 AM
Feb 19, 2017 9:45 AM
Feb 2016
Though I am still single, I had a pretty good valentines day overall. It's not fun being romantically lonely, but Valentine's Day is over now.

Feb 19, 2017 9:59 AM

Jan 2009
Nope; too little Free-Time to worry about Stuff like that. Besides, I wouldn't like the Prospect of having to pay Attention to someone or to feel needy for Affection/Attention myself, so I don't long for a Relationship - at least not until I'd feel ready for one. And since I don't long for a Relationship, I have no strong Feelings for Valentine's Day or anything that has to do with Romance.
Feb 19, 2017 10:06 AM
Jan 2016
I hate Valentines's Day it drives me crazy seeing all of the decorations and people acting extra romantic.
Feb 19, 2017 10:13 AM

Feb 2016
dickkickem said:
Finkl said:
@dickkickem Maybe you're just ugly? That would explain why no girl ventures near you.

that's what i honestly think but the friends of my parents and shit think i'm good looking idk

You might be decent looking, but from my experience, confidence overshadows almost any kind of physical deficiency. I've seen acne ridden chub buckets score more girlfriends than me because they are way more confident and outgoing.

Do women care about looks? Sure, we all do. But even if they find you visually appealing, that appeal can be turned off very quickly by your personality or lack of personality. You can really only rely on looks to get you anywhere if you're both drinking.

Feb 19, 2017 11:20 AM

Aug 2014
Saucy said:
dickkickem said:

that's what i honestly think but the friends of my parents and shit think i'm good looking idk

You might be decent looking, but from my experience, confidence overshadows almost any kind of physical deficiency. I've seen acne ridden chub buckets score more girlfriends than me because they are way more confident and outgoing.

Do women care about looks? Sure, we all do. But even if they find you visually appealing, that appeal can be turned off very quickly by your personality or lack of personality. You can really only rely on looks to get you anywhere if you're both drinking.

well shit i don't know how to be confident anymore

penis lol
Feb 19, 2017 12:16 PM

Apr 2016
Just a normal day for me, don't see why people get so worked up over it.
Feb 19, 2017 7:01 PM

Aug 2014
OP said:
Just a normal day for me, don't see why people get so worked up over it.

i dunno for me it's just a hard holiday to get through.

penis lol
Feb 19, 2017 7:51 PM

Aug 2016
Holy fuck the amount of edgy self pity in this thread.

Fun fact, fuckers: Being alone isn't the end of the world
People who put MAL stats in their sigs are losers lol
Feb 19, 2017 8:06 PM

Dec 2014
No I don't hate Valentine's day and I never have. I have nothing against people who celebrate it, I don't see why I should. Its their personal life, not mine. Its their relationship. I don't ever feel the need to celebrate it and I've never felt the need to be in a relationship. If I am in a relationship, it's because I love the person not because of wanting the label of a girlfriend or wanting to depend on someone or wanting to feel loved.
Sorry man, I read your posts and you need to grow up. Instead of complaining that life is unfair, that people not as pretty as you seem to be happier than you, maybe do something about it. Change your attitude. Because you can have a nice bod but it's not as attractive as a nice personality, as corny as it sounds. I wish you luck for next Valentine's Day xx

Feb 19, 2017 9:41 PM

Aug 2014
Psyotic said:
Holy fuck the amount of edgy self pity in this thread.

Fun fact, fuckers: Being alone isn't the end of the world

well being alone is the end of the world for me

penis lol
Feb 19, 2017 10:58 PM

Aug 2016
dickkickem said:

well being alone is the end of the world for me

*sips tea loudly*


you probably have a very rose colored view of what being in a romantic relationship is like.
People who put MAL stats in their sigs are losers lol
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