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Things you wish the anime community would stop doing

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Dec 11, 2016 6:30 PM

Aug 2015
Is 'everything' an acceptable answer? No? Well, of all the things I could say, I have to go with the ridiculous sub vs. dub argument. Am I supposed to care what language you watch anime in?
...And on the pedestal, these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings; Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains...
Dec 11, 2016 6:52 PM
Jul 2018
Stop making hateful reviews and making stupid threads
Dec 11, 2016 6:57 PM

Apr 2015
This is more for the YouTube anime community: Stop posting videos that have spoilers on either title or thumbnail. Sometimes I'm not even looking for a video but shows up on those related videos tab and ruin accidentally.
Dec 11, 2016 7:30 PM

Mar 2012
charlemagneurban said:
Anime fans need to stop fapping to loli hentai, seriously. Lolicon has become too commonplace within anime communities.

anime fans need to stop being SJW's who treat fiction as if its real
Dec 11, 2016 7:30 PM
Aug 2015
Frostbytes said:
Not finger pointing at anyone, just in general. Roleplaying on youtube, like changing your youtube name into an anime character and circlejerking. I know it doesn't effect whether I should enjoy watching anime, but it irks me.
Also, trying to convince someone that a show is bad and they shouldn't watch it. Shit, if a show is bad, I'm sure the watcher knows too.

Explain what you think.

Making shows that are killing the anime anime industry

Eg: shoujo, Yaoi, Josei, reverse harem series
Dec 11, 2016 7:59 PM

Apr 2015
Wanna know? here is my list so far:

-Stop making toxic discussions.
-Stop generalizing every single thing.
-Stop worrying about other people's taste.
-Stop whining about top favorite shows.
-Stop arguing about the stupidest things.
-Stop getting triggered over people for criticizing your favorite show.
-Stop acting like manchildren and use common sense.
-Stop attacking people who doesn't shared the same ideals and thoughts as you.

I could probably extent this list a lot more but doing so would only be a time waster.
Dec 11, 2016 8:40 PM

Sep 2011
Getting butthurt when opinions differ.

Dec 11, 2016 8:46 PM

Sep 2014
Existing The anime community should stop existing.
Dec 11, 2016 8:49 PM

Jul 2008
I dislike when people who dislike a popular anime others out of their way to find that their opinion is wrong. If the person gave the series a try and didn't like it, then they didn't like it.

Also stop arguing if subbed or dubbed is better. Some like subbed only and some like dubbed only. Some like both, neither person is greater, we're all a bunch of dorks that like anime and might enjoy the same show.
Dec 11, 2016 9:09 PM

Dec 2014
quit defending dragon ball super............. its awful
the worlds greatest gamer , guaranteed
Dec 11, 2016 9:24 PM

Nov 2013
Shoryu said:
Using "autism" as some kind of way to describe an anime, or its characters or whatever.
I seriously never understood what people mean when they use it in that way. Highly doubt they have or know someone with autism. Even then, it's a spectrum disorder, so it has varying degrees of severity; none of the traits make sense when commenting on certain anime/characters.

Ironically, I bet I'll get called "autistic" for this observation, LOL

This! So much this! It's annoying and doesn't make any sense.

Also to stop spreading misconceptions would be nice. And the hating on certain shows/genres is ridiculous and pathetic in my opinion.
You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Dec 11, 2016 11:26 PM

Jun 2015
saying that anime has gotten worse over the past few years when in reality it's a human's taste that changes as they age
Dec 11, 2016 11:54 PM
Nov 2016
LeWeebJames said:
People that keep asking when does a show get good,fuck outta here with that shit.It's either good from the beginning or it's not for you.
What about Ginatama? I see a lot of people saying that the first 20 odd episodes or so are slow, but after that it gets good...
Dec 12, 2016 1:03 AM
Feb 2014
Existing is the big one. But for the most part, thinking they have power when they're just people behind a computer screen and a keyboard and use shitty, obscure, perhaps rejected opinions in a shitting contest that would never exist off the Internet.

Elegade said:
Existing The anime community should stop existing.

He gets it. Good goy.
Dec 12, 2016 1:09 AM

Apr 2015
People who hyped seasonal crap of course...
Dec 12, 2016 1:42 AM

Mar 2016
Stop thinking just cause you have watched lots of anime that you can speak Japanese just fine and talk good with Japanese people.

No! Sorry to tell you but you will just make yourself look like an ass in front of a Japanese person.. I have joked around and done it a few times myself in front of friends just messing around and it is not funny at all.
After living here for so long and have it happen to me...
Yeah it's very embarrassing and you will think of that person as an ass.

So please out of respect if you really want to learn how to speak Japanese please learn the right way, like I did for many years, study Japanese, start talking Japanese and start talking to people in Japanese daily.

Dec 12, 2016 3:12 AM

Nov 2014
Oliemaar said:
The stupid 'Best Girl' debate should end, it's pointless.

Haha just kidding the Best Girl debate is my life.
Dont do it! My kindred,Dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where Words Fail, Music Speaks.

-Han Christian Anderson
Dec 12, 2016 3:18 AM

Oct 2014
hamstar138 said:
I dislike when people who dislike a popular anime others out of their way to find that their opinion is wrong. If the person gave the series a try and didn't like it, then they didn't like it.

Also stop arguing if subbed or dubbed is better. Some like subbed only and some like dubbed only. Some like both, neither person is greater, we're all a bunch of dorks that like anime and might enjoy the same show.

Wait I don't get what you mean.
Do you mean that you hate fanboys who attack other ppl who think negatively about their favourite show and stuff right?
Dec 12, 2016 3:20 AM

Feb 2010
Same things I wish people in general would do less. Being stupid, spiteful, unreasonable, aggressive, intolerant, thoughtless, ignorant, confrontational, entitled, hypocritical, arrogant, human.
I probably regret this post by now.
Dec 12, 2016 3:30 AM

Jul 2015
Just like any other community out there :P
Dec 12, 2016 3:31 AM
Aug 2015
Stop promoting SEXIST/CANCER shows that are killing the anime industry

Shoujo, Yaoi, Josei, reverse harem series
Dec 12, 2016 3:45 AM

Nov 2009
Stop thinking every anime fan is exactly the same as themselves.

CapitalistGod said:
I think the part of the anime community that either wallows in self deprecation or that really believes that being somehow passionate about anime(however a person may show it) is somehow a negative thing should really stop what they're doing or to be exact, they're the cancer that should be removed in this community.

This. So much this.

DoctorSexy said:
Stop promoting SEXIST/CANCER shows that are killing the anime industry

Shoujo, Yaoi, Josei, reverse harem series

Stop wishing to shape anime industry. Nothing good ever comes out of trying to force things to go your way.

Bourmegar said:
hamstar138 said:
I dislike when people who dislike a popular anime others out of their way to find that their opinion is wrong. If the person gave the series a try and didn't like it, then they didn't like it.

Also stop arguing if subbed or dubbed is better. Some like subbed only and some like dubbed only. Some like both, neither person is greater, we're all a bunch of dorks that like anime and might enjoy the same show.

Wait I don't get what you mean.
Do you mean that you hate fanboys who attack other ppl who think negatively about their favourite show and stuff right?

I think he meant those people that take an anime they don't like, watch it to the end, and complain about it to no end.

Shoryu said:
Using "autism" as some kind of way to describe an anime, or its characters or whatever.
I seriously never understood what people mean when they use it in that way. Highly doubt they have or know someone with autism. Even then, it's a spectrum disorder, so it has varying degrees of severity; none of the traits make sense when commenting on certain anime/characters.

Ironically, I bet I'll get called "autistic" for this observation, LOL

Indeed, people who arbitrarily redefine words are really annoying. Language can only work because words mean the same things for all users of the language. If you need a new word, make it up. If you want to use a word, use it, don't look for a substitute.
Dec 12, 2016 3:48 AM
Jul 2018
IJN_Musashi92 said:
Stop thinking just cause you have watched lots of anime that you can speak Japanese just fine and talk good with Japanese people.

No! Sorry to tell you but you will just make yourself look like an ass in front of a Japanese person.. I have joked around and done it a few times myself in front of friends just messing around and it is not funny at all.
After living here for so long and have it happen to me...
Yeah it's very embarrassing and you will think of that person as an ass.

So please out of respect if you really want to learn how to speak Japanese please learn the right way, like I did for many years, study Japanese, start talking Japanese and start talking to people in Japanese daily.

Lol yeah, just in case this
Dec 12, 2016 3:53 AM

Nov 2009
IJN_Musashi92 said:
Stop thinking just cause you have watched lots of anime that you can speak Japanese just fine and talk good with Japanese people.

No! Sorry to tell you but you will just make yourself look like an ass in front of a Japanese person.. I have joked around and done it a few times myself in front of friends just messing around and it is not funny at all.
After living here for so long and have it happen to me...
Yeah it's very embarrassing and you will think of that person as an ass.

So please out of respect if you really want to learn how to speak Japanese please learn the right way, like I did for many years, study Japanese, start talking Japanese and start talking to people in Japanese daily.

1) Unless one is a nationalist (I prefer to say "nazi", because I hate them all, including ones that share my nationality), what possible reason one might have to get angry at a person speaking his language poorly?

2) From what I know about Japan, I have more chances to successfully speak to a Japanese person in anime-japanese than in English. And almost no chances to successfully speak to one in my native language.
Even though my English is better, very few Japanese actually speak enough English to actually speak it. This has something to do with Japanese education only teaching to work hard, instead of actually teaching anything useful.
Dec 12, 2016 4:07 AM

Feb 2015
Shoryu said:
Using "autism" as some kind of way to describe an anime, or its characters or whatever.
I seriously never understood what people mean when they use it in that way. Highly doubt they have or know someone with autism. Even then, it's a spectrum disorder, so it has varying degrees of severity; none of the traits make sense when commenting on certain anime/characters.

Ironically, I bet I'll get called "autistic" for this observation, LOL
Autistic post is autistic, could you maybe act a little less autistic? thank you.
Dec 12, 2016 4:53 AM

Oct 2014
flannan said:
Stop thinking every anime fan is exactly the same as themselves.

CapitalistGod said:
I think the part of the anime community that either wallows in self deprecation or that really believes that being somehow passionate about anime(however a person may show it) is somehow a negative thing should really stop what they're doing or to be exact, they're the cancer that should be removed in this community.

This. So much this.

DoctorSexy said:
Stop promoting SEXIST/CANCER shows that are killing the anime industry

Shoujo, Yaoi, Josei, reverse harem series

Stop wishing to shape anime industry. Nothing good ever comes out of trying to force things to go your way.

Bourmegar said:

Wait I don't get what you mean.
Do you mean that you hate fanboys who attack other ppl who think negatively about their favourite show and stuff right?

I think he meant those people that take an anime they don't like, watch it to the end, and complain about it to no end.
Well we can only find out when he gives us the answer.
Dec 12, 2016 5:13 AM

Aug 2016
Constantly attacking/hating on specific genres (such as yaoi), simply because it doesn't suit their personal and 'oh-so-important' tastes. That's officially the most shallow thing that I've ever seen, and something that I would've only expected small kids to do.

Once we seize space, we'll all...
Dec 12, 2016 5:43 AM

Nov 2015
Attacking people who give low ratings to their favorite anime.
Attacking people who give high ratings to the anime that they hate.
Attacking people who criticized their favorite anime.
For salty fans
Dec 12, 2016 5:58 AM

Jan 2016
Ok, here is my list of things.....

1. Stop shitposting
2. stop shipping.
3. Stop posting about "elitist" threads every single week
4. Stop with x vs y threads and waifu shit.
5. Stop spamming and use something we like to call "search function", its very nice once you learn how to use it.
Dec 12, 2016 6:08 AM

Jan 2012
What people should stop doing? this is easy:
1 - Those who watched more than 1000 anime needs to stop trying to judge others. They go all like "you don't deserve to be called a anime fan because you watched only the most popular anime/less than 1000 anime". I'm not generalizing, but I know a lot of people who do that.
2 - Act like they were the smartest human being just because it watches Steins:Gate or other "intelligent" anime. What scientific anime don't make you necessarily smarter.
3 - Stop attacking ecchi/hentai fans.
Dec 12, 2016 6:20 AM

Dec 2015
I know people can post anything they want on the internet but I absolutely hate it when they post spoilers. What's the point for other people to watch a series when they already know everything because of your shit-posting/spamming? I've been very triggered about this lately (because of YOI) so just stop posting spoilers without giving any warning.
Dec 12, 2016 6:24 AM

Jan 2012
yernnytengs said:
I know people can post anything they want on the internet but I absolutely hate it when they post spoilers. What's the point for other people to watch a series when they already know everything because of your shit-posting/spamming? I've been very triggered about this lately (because of YOI) so just stop posting spoilers without giving any warning.

This can also be applied to movies, books, video games, and series.
Peoples, if youwill spoil something, put a WARNING!
Dec 12, 2016 9:17 AM

Feb 2016
- bitching at homosexuality content in anime
- think cartoons and anime has different meaning
Dec 12, 2016 2:33 PM

Mar 2016

Will admit one can learn some simple Basics from anime but at the same time said person has to know what the word itself means, if the word is casual or formal and the right time to use said word. One might also have to take into account just what dialect the word might be as well.
When myself was learning Japanese never did take dialect into account.
Still find myself today asking friends or co-workers what something means sometimes. If person is in Kansai region if the person they are talking to lives there they might use the Kansai dialect.
Here in Osaka some people use what is called Osaka-ben dialect.

Like in Most every anime after a group of people sit down and get ready to eat, before they eat you will mostly hear them say "Itadakimasu" This is real however there is times where there is no need for it, like if eating alone it be kind of pointless really yes it still be respectful but since you are alone you might look like a nut. lol

But yeah, that is a very common thing in anime one might hear..
What you will not hear most of the time is the other stuff when it comes to eating.

Like how ended up fixing breakfast for my Girlfriend yesterday.
We both sit down at my Kotatsu and said Itadakimasu.
She must have been hungry, she eat all the food I made for her and said "Okawari" meaning like More food please.
Next thing Know she was taking some of my food off my plate with her chopsticks. She starts eating it and just says "Oishii" meaning like this food is really good. Just looked at her like. Really? why you little theft, can have made you more.. lol Did not have to start eating mine.
She just looks at me and says "Kekkou desu onaka ga ippai arigatou gozaimasu" meaning like No thank you I'm full, Thank you very much.
I just started laughing, I let her get away with to much.
She is Japanese, born and raised, I'm half Japanese from the US that moved here to Japan and have big weak spot for her cuteness and she knows it, that's how she gets away with so much from me. lol

Plus side I learn better Japanese from her and she slowly learns some English.
She likes some anime and try's to use the English dubs sometimes with Japanese Subtitles to learn some basic English.
Myself kind of learn a bad habit from that the other away around English subs why watching and sometimes point out just where they messed up.
Like one recall found funny was in Japanese in the anime the Female was saying to her Father: You are a asshole, just please leave me alone stupid.
In the English Subtitles it said: Leave me alone you stupid ass!
Was just.. Meh close but still off.

But anyway a person can learn some Basics from Anime but not that good.

flannan said:

1) Unless one is a nationalist (I prefer to say "nazi", because I hate them all, including ones that share my nationality), what possible reason one might have to get angry at a person speaking his language poorly?

2) From what I know about Japan, I have more chances to successfully speak to a Japanese person in anime-japanese than in English. And almost no chances to successfully speak to one in my native language.
Even though my English is better, very few Japanese actually speak enough English to actually speak it. This has something to do with Japanese education only teaching to work hard, instead of actually teaching anything useful.

#1 Do not know but it happens no matter where on this earth a person might be.
Speaking about Nazis in fact. Like my older Half sisters side of family is German mixed and nice part of them do speak German, so try to learn German one time and boy did I suck at it!
One time had someone from that side of family.. It was my Step Father brother in fact, he just tell me: You are More Japanese then German, do not even try to learn German you will forever suck at it.
Why yes he was right I did suck at it, just called him a Nazi and told him to go fuck himself with dead Hitlers cock. He never did like me ever again after that.. Oh well he was asshole, only person who even give me to the time of day to try and learn and talk in German was my older half sisters grandmother who ended up moving back to Germany, always did love her for that why most of the rest of the family's take on it was if you can not speak it good, do not speak it at all.
Really stupid if you ask me, like they can not even respect that you are trying to learn there language.
There is people out there who is like that who get upset if can not speak there language good.

#2 That really is a gray line, why yes Japanese born and raised people have a very hard time learning English, there is people who put the effort into learning where they can talk to a English person okay for the most part.
My Girlfriends younger Brother who is like 15 knows better English then my Girlfriend who is the same age as me.

My Boss at work can speak some English but is broken here and there..
Feel like taking to Kongo from Kancolle sometimes.. English words Japanese words English words and so on, it is like, Hey since you are my Boss not even going to ask you to just stay with what you know.

My good friend who let me stay with her for about 4 months before got my own place she study English and wants to visit the US sometime in her life.

The good friend who let me stay with her with was meeting her family, her Mother known basic English.

One of my Co-workers see her study with English books at lunch sometimes.

My Father he knows English okay, then again he gone to college in the US as a foreign exchange student really, that's how he met my Mother who was Hawaiian.

There is Japanese people who know English and can talk to them some..
However yes in school why they do learn English it really is nothing that make them learn how to speak it unless they really want to learn how and start learning it them self's.

Was in the Osaka news paper long time back about Japans need for Better English so there will be more Japanese people who can speak English since the 2020 Olympics as well as High amount of tourist who come to Japan now in days.

Some people do take that heart and study and get better, why others if they know someone knows good English they might just ask them for help with stuff.. AKA My Boss. lol

Boss: Can you help me with something real fast? Kind of need some English help with something, that Okay with you?

Me: Sure will help you, what you need help with if may ask?

Then I'm being used for something just cause I know Okay English. lol

Dec 12, 2016 2:34 PM

Oct 2014
romagia said:
giving generalization but not examples

but people can easily call out why your argument is completely flawed if you give examples
Dec 12, 2016 2:37 PM

Jul 2012
I wish they would stop watching anime.
Dec 12, 2016 2:44 PM

Dec 2015
they should stop making Gintama reach into the top 10.
Dec 12, 2016 2:52 PM

Jun 2015
Mkim said:
Frostbytes said:

Lmfao I was expecting someone to say that.
soz for the predictable answer papa mama
I don't even believe a "anime community" exists, at least not as big as people think it is
it exists

not on mal.

but in japan.

its the actual collective of the ppl involved financially in anime, story writing, show production, number crunching, uppity cunt marketing, paying your hard earned money [or parents] for buying anime cds n merch & watching anime.

as far as those ppl are concerned, we dont exist.
Dec 12, 2016 2:57 PM

May 2014
MTKN1998 said:
Attacking people who give low ratings to their favorite anime.
Attacking people who give high ratings to the anime that they hate.
Attacking people who criticized their favorite anime.

But that's the best part about the anime community.
Dec 12, 2016 3:02 PM
Jan 2013
KuroudoAkabane said:
Mkim said:
soz for the predictable answer papa mama
I don't even believe a "anime community" exists, at least not as big as people think it is
it exists

not on mal.

but in japan.

its the actual collective of the ppl involved financially in anime, story writing, show production, number crunching, uppity cunt marketing, paying your hard earned money [or parents] for buying anime cds n merch & watching anime.

as far as those ppl are concerned, we dont exist.
I don't dislike this definition
gone bai bai
Dec 12, 2016 3:30 PM

Aug 2013
"I've tried multiple times to have reasonable discussions about given topics in many threads, but i have an incredible urge to write the classic "stop making silly threads no one cares about this" in order to laugh at all the people who take me too seriously and get all butthurt about it. Could it be that my intellect has gone down so low from these retarded topics that that's all i can come up with in order to feel satisfaction?
I have become a type of user who i would have considered and idiot two years ago. Heck,i was about to respond like that up until i saw all the reasonable responses.
Or maybe, i have only become too intelligent for meaningless discussions like these made by people who don't recognise their own lack of intellect, that only awaken the self proclaimed intellectuals, so that they can get their daily fix of bullshit and uninformed banter.
These forums are slowly descending into madness. I shall not visit again.
Some reddit user - 2014
Haven't seen a response like this on MAL in way to long so i decided to add one in case some other people miss seeing shit like this on here too.
Also, sad reacts only please...
Dec 12, 2016 4:19 PM

Oct 2009
Filling the Casual Discussion board with nothing but shitpost topics. Seriously, there's almost no good topics in CD anymore. :/
Exclusively female yuri community with polls, games, member cards, and more. Join today.Recruiting Staff too!
Dec 12, 2016 4:24 PM

Apr 2016
Claiming a certain show has "saved" anime. As if it's actually going anywhere.
Dec 12, 2016 4:30 PM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
Idk, I guess it would be to stop making us look bad as a whole.

Like those people who take opinions of others seriously when they shouldn't or the ones that make memes saying things like "When people say anime is for kids" and the picture is just bloody scenes from different anime's.

It's definitely not gonna stop but I wish it did tbh.
Dec 12, 2016 4:31 PM

Nov 2014
i wish the mods would banned most users via ip adresse.
Dec 12, 2016 4:50 PM

Aug 2016
I wish some MAL users would stop being knobheads just because I liked anime like Madoka Magica and then shit on me saying I don't care much for the 1970-1960's era anime.

Seriously... -__-

slán abhaile corcaigh
Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin

☘ ☘ ☘

Currently stealing your heart,
your women and also your job

Dec 12, 2016 5:02 PM
Mar 2016
Roronoa said:
they should stop making Gintama reach into the top 10.
Another season in 2017 another top 10. Poor you
Dec 12, 2016 5:09 PM

Jan 2013
AnimoosFromChina said:
I wish some MAL users would stop being knobheads just because I liked anime like Madoka Magica and then shit on me saying I don't care much for the 1970-1960's era anime.

Seriously... -__-
Respect them old animu, doesn't mean you gotta like them.
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

Dec 12, 2016 5:12 PM

Aug 2016
Cabron said:
AnimoosFromChina said:
I wish some MAL users would stop being knobheads just because I liked anime like Madoka Magica and then shit on me saying I don't care much for the 1970-1960's era anime.

Seriously... -__-
Respect them old animu, doesn't mean you gotta like them.

Never said I hated them, it's more of the case where they shit on anything popular or mainstream.
I haven't ventured that far yet, I'm a complete anime casual XD.

slán abhaile corcaigh
Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin

☘ ☘ ☘

Currently stealing your heart,
your women and also your job

Dec 12, 2016 5:38 PM

Sep 2016
I wish the anime community would stop behaving like fodder goblins.
Now let me explain in this "example": Half of SAO haters are hating on the show just for the sake of it. I even met some haters who didn't watch the show but instead they heard from other ppl that it's shit even tho the ppl had no valid arguments for that (i know there are valid arguments but this is just an example), and thus the chain of hate continues.. same goes for every other anime (not just SAO), now this bunch of mongrels are really ruining the community imo.
But well asking them to stop doing that is too much and too late huh? That's sad.. Well anyway, nothing can be perfect ;x
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