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Jun 13, 2016 5:26 AM

Feb 2016

(Just a random curiosity thread), but does someone being a smoker make them less attractive to you?

Questions of interest (for sense of perspective on your answer);
1. Are you male or female?
2. Do you smoke?
3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?

PS: Please vote according to your gender (or whatever gender you identify most with etc) as I am also interested in seeing whether there are any gender disparities between people's general outlook on smoking VS attractiveness (so for example if you are male and don't find smoking attractive at all, please vote "(Male) I don't find smoking attractive at all!" etc).

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Jun 13, 2016 5:28 AM

Dec 2015
1. Are you male or female?

2. Do you smoke?

3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?

4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?

5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?

6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
Bobby2HandsJun 13, 2016 8:58 AM
Jun 13, 2016 5:31 AM
Jul 2015
1 - Male

2 - Nope

3 - Yes, less attractive

4 - Yes, I can't stand the smell

5 - No. It's just a way to waste money and get cancer

6 - Straight
Jun 13, 2016 5:37 AM

Dec 2013
1. Are you male or female?

2. Do you smoke?

3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
Less attractive

4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
Depends if she hits other interests. It isn't an end all thing.

5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
It isn't mature, it isn't cool. it isn't attractive.
Basically it is just waste of time.

6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
Jun 13, 2016 5:41 AM

Mar 2008
1. Are you male or female?

2. Do you smoke?

3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
Mixed effect but mostly negative effect.

4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
If I really liked them I would not reject them over it

5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
Nothing cool about it but I do enjoy the visuals of smoke dancing around in the air and I find thin pipes interesting visually. Those who think they are mature for it are childish minded. It's not attractive to smell like an old person who works at a crematory and taste like ash and other effects it causes to a person.

6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
Lets just go with straight
Jun 13, 2016 5:51 AM

Feb 2016
Back when I first took up smoking it was considered really cool amongst the crowds I hung out with back then (which were mostly alternative- the majority of my friends smoked).

But smoking has been a not been a happy relationship for me for a while now (wanting to quit but struggling with the addiction aspects of it) and I have also noticed that for many years now, its not widely considered attractive or cool etc anymore (but I wanna do a poll to see more accurately how people really feel on the matter etc).

As for me, smoking hasn't had any visual impact on me (if anything, by all accounts I look many years younger than I actually am etc). But that's just the point- I wanna quit before I start to notice the longer term effects of smoking etc (and besides, now is as good as time as any- I've been cutting down on smokes for over a year now and I feel very determined at the moment to go the full mile now. There are hardships/adversities in life at the moment but I'm also tired of procrastinating on the quitting smoking matter).

Of course I don't want to harass any smokers (everyone already knows how bad it is etc) but I do want to see people's honest opinions on the matter.

If I'm honest, I've long lost my love affair with smoking and I'm hoping this thread will help keep my resolve strengthened when I go through moments of weakness as I quit the habit (so far I have gone 2 days without smoking!!). However even if the poll has many people who turn out to not particularly care about smoking (or even find it attractive etc), I am still determined to quit (and stay quit!) regardless.

Edit PS: Oh! And for the record I voted "(Female) Its mildly off-putting". Even though I am still technically a smoker (I won't consider myself a non-smoker until I've at least managed to go a few weeks without it), the thing is while I wouldn't mind many of the aspects of smoking, if I found myself single I wouldn't really want to date a smoker as they'd probably be older than me (and if you haven't quit by your early to late 30's, then that starts to get worrying- even if you don't mind smoking, its obviously not a habit that you want to continue in the long term. And the longer you do it the harder it gets to quit it (and so by that age I would be concerned that said person was going to become a lifelong smoker).
Tokis86Jun 13, 2016 9:19 AM
Jun 13, 2016 5:56 AM

Sep 2009
I mean, you can make yourself look appealing visually, but it's certainly not attractive in a physical or conceptual sense. (Tobacco smell, bad breath, health problems)
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Jun 13, 2016 5:58 AM
Dec 2014
Non smoker, find it unattractive, and possibly a deal breaker.

*Given that what I find unappealing is the smell and second hand smoke, and I haven't made my mind on e-cigarettes. There is no smell so at least that part is good, but I am not sure if I'll ask them to do it elsewhere xD;
Jun 13, 2016 6:08 AM

Dec 2015
I voted: "(Male) I don't find smoking attractive at all! (your vote)".

1. Are you male or female?

2. Do you smoke?
No. I do not like the taste/smell. And besides that there seem no other benefits. Tobacco that is not burnt smells good for some reason. I have a similar thing with coffee. But there I always like the smelll. Never like the taste. At least if it is not mixed with milk. And I also hate the taste of alcohol.

3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
It certainily would not make her more attractive. Wether it makes her less attractive or not ... that depends on if it affects their body. Some smokers have ugly fingernails and teeth - if they are heavily smoking a lot. I can say alcohol is easier to accept because it is smells less than smoke - and some people only drink alcohol on parties while they feel the need to smoke more often.

4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
Yes, if possible. Of course if there is too much positive in her favour it might overrule the negative aspects of smoking. But I'd say smoking and being vegan/vegetarian is a no-go most of the time - especially if the smoker smokes because he needs to relive stress (and does not do it because of the taste) and if the vegan/vegetarian does it because of morals. Cause I think that is stupid - mainly because I can just chill and relax without smoking. I prefer other cool persons that can be the same.

5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
Maybe pipes look cool. Or some mafia-style cigar + rum ha ha. I think that is why you also asked about sex/gender and the sexuality. Probably more people think that it sexy if guys are smoking - but the opposite for girls. That is at least my opinion. But I mainly care about girls. If you do it to relieve stress - not because you like the taste - then it is not mature in my opinon. There are other ways. But if you do it cause you like the taste ... that is okay. Just do what you want. But doing it to relive stress makes people seem like weak-willed personalities to me. And that itself already is a bit unattractive.

6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
Male. Hetero. There might be exceptions where I could be interested in guys. But I think the gay-porn I like ... I like it mainly cause it is hardore and because of the hardcore stuff - not cause I am that much into guys. (Kissing and stuff I do not like.) So more hetero. And I also do not like transgender that much. I just do not find it attractive.
Jun 13, 2016 6:10 AM
Dec 2014
@Bobby2Hands Your post was aimed at Tokis, I'll give my two cents.

I do not drink, but I also apply a slightly different standard to smokers. First of all, binge drinking is a deal breaker. The reason I may tolerate a casual drinker is because I find the smell a lot less offensive. I can kiss one (again, assuming they haven't been binge drinking because I don't want the taste of vomit in my mouth) but not the other.
Jun 13, 2016 6:11 AM

Jan 2013
1. Male
2. Social smoking
3. No
4. No
5. I find females smoking sexually attractive
6. Hetero
Jun 13, 2016 6:11 AM

Dec 2012
1. Are you male or female?

2. Do you smoke?

3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
I would probably find them less appealing

4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
I would try to avoid it, yes

5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
Not at all

6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
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Jun 13, 2016 6:13 AM

Apr 2013
1. Are you male or female?
2. Do you smoke?
3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
Jun 13, 2016 6:17 AM

Feb 2016
55Snakes said:
Nice pic btw

Thanks ^_^v . I wanted to use a pic that set the scene a little (of being single and seeing an attractive person smoking etc).

Its a pic of Ringo Sheena from the music video to her song "Nagaku Mijikai Matsuri" (長く短い祭 , "Long and Short Festival"). You can see the video here;

(^ I love the song and video)
Jun 13, 2016 6:36 AM

Jan 2009
I'm a non-smoking, straight Guy and I don't find anyone, who is wasting their Money on this Stuff, anywhere attractive as a Partner. I may be still sexually attracted to a female Smoker, but I wouldn't even want to go for an One Night Stand, as I personally find this should be done only with the Mindset to be prepared that it could develop into a serious Love Relationship.

Living with Parents and a Brother, who smoke, I've come to strongly dislike Smoking, especially inside. I would not want the Possibility happening that my Children would need to experience Passive Smoking.
NoboruJun 13, 2016 11:38 AM
Jun 13, 2016 6:38 AM

Aug 2015
1. Are you male or female?

2. Do you smoke?

3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
Yes, a little.

4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
Not if I otherwise find the person dateable.

5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
No I don't.

6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
Straight white male, so my opinion doesn't probably matter.
Jun 13, 2016 6:43 AM

Apr 2016
1. Are you male or female?

2. Do you smoke?
Occasionally. If I'm out with friends who smoke and they offer me a cigarette I'll take it but I haven't bought a pack myself in a few years.

3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
Not really.

4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
Not necessarily, but I'd have some boundaries. I don't smoke in my car or home and would expect her to respect that.

5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
I guess I used to when I was a teenager. I used to steal cigarettes from my older brother and I thought I was cool as fuck. Now, not so much. I watched my grandfather die of lung cancer caused by a lifetime of smoking and I'm just not interested in suffering the same way.

6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
Straight guy
Jun 13, 2016 7:00 AM

Jun 2015
Male. No to 2 yes to 3-4. No to 5. Cisgender.
Jun 13, 2016 7:05 AM
Jul 2018
1. Are you male or female?
2. Do you smoke?
420 BLAZE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no
3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
Don't care
4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
Don't care
5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
Don't care
6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
Jun 13, 2016 7:14 AM

Nov 2015
1. Are you male or female?

2. Do you smoke?
Nope. I quit weed a year ago

3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
No. If anything it amplifies their hotness.

4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
Actually yes, just a little bit but I don't mind for the most part..

5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
Yes and no at the same time.
Mature? Nah..

6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
Straight male with maybe a few bisexual tendencies..

Bottomline is; seeing a chick smoke makes her more sexually attractive to me but I'd rather be with a non-smoker..
Jun 13, 2016 7:16 AM

Nov 2015
Some people pull off the smoking look... some don't. I don't find it unattractive at all but some girls just look hot af for some reason when they smoke.. no idea why lol. Also I only smoke when I drink and it's to look cool.
Jun 13, 2016 7:23 AM

Feb 2016
1. Are you male or female?

2. Do you smoke?
still, sadly

3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
I prefer when women smoke slim cigarettes instead of the standard size or dont smoke at all, i dont really know why.

4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
If I really liked them I would not reject them over it

5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
I enjoy the visuals of smoke dancing around in the air.

6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?

Oshii is probably the only director that loves dogs. He thinks he's a dog himself.

That's right, its slime! It will dissolve your clothing slowly before my eyes!

Jun 13, 2016 7:37 AM

Mar 2016
Smoking is degenerate. A woman who smokes is one of the most repulsive sights.
Jun 13, 2016 7:38 AM

Feb 2014
1. Are you male or female?
2. Do you smoke?
hell no
3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
its an instant turn off
4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
if i found out he smoked i wouldn't even attempt talking to him lol
5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
nope its vile
6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
Jun 13, 2016 7:47 AM

Oct 2015
Tokis86 said:
Questions of interest (for sense of perspective on your answer);
1. Are you male or female?


Tokis86 said:
2. Do you smoke?

I am smoking hot, if that counts (In my dreams I am, alright Q__Q)

Tokis86 said:
3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?

Still hot af *Drools*

Tokis86 said:
4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?

No, it's not a criteria for me (I would try to convince them to stop, for their own health, though)

Tokis86 said:
5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?

In mangas, smoking is cool. In real life, it smells. To think that my country's stereotype abroad is about women who smoke, huh.

Tokis86 said:
6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?

Jun 13, 2016 8:15 AM

Oct 2012
1. Are you male or female?


2. Do you smoke?


3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?

hmm, this is a bit too simplistic. just because someone's hot doesn't automatically make me attracted to the person. there's usually more to people than their addictions... I like to exercise though and that doesn't go well with smoking so me and a smoker just doesn't seem like a possibility.

4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?

refer to 3. I would try. one never knows until giving it a shot.

5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?

no. things I find cool and mature are all personality traits. attractiveness is chemistry and I almost failed that in hs so no explanations here ;)

6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?

I'm attracted to plush sharks. so a shark-sexual.

fadesJun 13, 2016 8:26 AM

Jun 13, 2016 8:44 AM
Jul 2018
I find it absolutely disgusting no matter who does it, but I'm not sure if I would entirely rule out a person if I liked them and found out they smoked.

That being said, I'd definitely pester them about it. Because I'm the worst.
Jun 13, 2016 9:12 AM

Jan 2016
1. Are you male or female?
Let's say I'm both.
2. Do you smoke?
3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
It depends on what kind of attractiveness. If he's just simply hot, then no. But if he looks sweet, cute, clean, innocent that kind of attractive, then the contrast would make him more attractive to me. lol.
4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
Not really.
5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
Um... rationally, no. But logic aside, it depends on the person I guess. Some people looks more mature and cool when smoking at some pose, but some aren't.
6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
"The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply." - Unknown
Jun 13, 2016 9:14 AM

Sep 2009
1. Are you male or female?

2. Do you smoke?

3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
Yeah it would.

4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
It's not a deal breaker for me. But I might encourage them to quit out of concern for their health.

5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
I don't really think anything of it. To me, it's just another part of that person.

6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
Jun 13, 2016 9:47 AM

Apr 2016
1. Are you male or female?
2. Do you smoke?
3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
Jun 13, 2016 9:48 AM

Apr 2016
1. Are you male or female? I am a female
2. Do you smoke? I quit.
3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you? Probably not.
4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker? No
5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc? Maybe
6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with? I am straight.

Upon closer inspection I am a little iffy about smokers, my mom smokes and she's like my hero, so growing up I'd get a sense of comfort smelling her perfume mixed with the smoke. So I think it's the thought of smoking being cool versus the actuality of it. No one wants to kiss an ashtray, and being someone who previously smoked, it was never pleasing to me, the taste was terrible, it made me jittery until I got used to it and the cravings are nuts so...mixed feelings on this one.
Jun 13, 2016 10:50 AM

Jun 2015
1. Are you male or female?

2. Do you smoke?
No, and I don't plan to.

3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
It wouldn't tbh. If a person seems attractive to me, I will be attracted to her no matter if she is smoking or not.

4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
I won't, but I'd try to persuade her to give it up.

5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
No, smoking is stupid.

6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?

Just stay strong, and visualize the healthy lifestyle you will soon have.
InsaniusJun 13, 2016 10:57 AM
Jun 13, 2016 10:56 AM

Jul 2015
I'm a girl. In anime it looks really cool, but irl it's disgusting to me. Dunno why.
If someone said they were a smoker, I'd instantly think they were less attractive.
Jun 13, 2016 11:12 AM

Sep 2015
Male and straight. I will not consider myself as a smoker, not even moderate/casual one but I did ever smoke at some very rare occasion and sometimes I still do.

If I genuinely found a girl attractive, then she would still attractive for me regardless, because smoking has nothing to do with it. Though between two equal girls, I preferably choose the one who doesn't smoke.

Tobacco Causes Severe Health Problems, Smoke Moderately While Respecting Others.
Jun 13, 2016 11:17 AM

Feb 2010
1. Are you male or female?

2. Do you smoke?

3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
no, my aunt said that it's better if male smokes so he at least won't smell like a wet frog, think there are some truth in it.

4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
smokes ain't whole life

5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
depends on who and how much

6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
Jun 13, 2016 11:46 AM

May 2016
1. Are you male or female?

2. Do you smoke?

3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
I think he would still be attractive to me

4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?

5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
No. Paying to kill yourself slowly is something stupid to me.

6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
Jun 13, 2016 1:29 PM

May 2016
1. Are you male or female?
2. Do you smoke?
3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?

My parents smoke shit loads. I'm used to it. I wouldn't care
Jun 13, 2016 1:33 PM

Jun 2015
1. Are you male or female?

2. Do you smoke?
No. I used to, but I stopped about 3 years ago and now I think it's

3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?

4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
Hmm... Maybe yes.

5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
No. Sometimes I am embarrassed to tell people I used to smoke.

6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
Jun 13, 2016 2:15 PM

May 2013
I personally love the smell of cigarette smoke, but I don't smoke nor does anyone in my immediate family.
If I were to smoke it would be for myself, not to look cool. Like literally I would just smoke quietly in my own abode.

1. Are you male or female?
2. Do you smoke?
3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
Not really.
6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
Jun 13, 2016 2:47 PM
Sep 2015
I'm surprised there are so few smokers on MAL (well from this thread at least)
1. Are you male or female?
2. Do you smoke?
No, never bothered.
3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
As long as they don't look like a walking furnice, it wouldn't.
4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
As long as they're just casual smokers, know how to smoke properly (not blow the smoke in my direction) and have some mints at hand I don't see why I would.
5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
No, though sometimes when I see someone smoking I might think that it suits their style or vice versa that they look silly smoking.
6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
Jun 13, 2016 5:13 PM

Jan 2014
1. Are you male or female?
2. Do you smoke?
3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
Yes, smoking is disgusting, will explain further.
4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
Most likely.
5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
No. You're literally killing yourself, I think it's literally a mental disease. How weird is it we're the only species that willingly kills itself just because it's "cool"?
6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
I sexually identify with... what? I like women, women are great. They're the gift to all humanity. Except for SJW's, they're cancer.

Now, let me explain why. If you've dated someone who smoked (like I have), and you just so happened to KISS this person (omfg kissing holy shit) after they smoked, you would know IT TASTES AND SMELLS LIKE UTTER GARBAGE. That's all there is to it, it's repulsive. Now, lets say this person was like "oh dw m8 i'll quit smoking," then they'd turn into a "maybe." But as we all know, addictions are hard to break.

edit: Let me add something, if someone tells me "but but but my significant other never told me they didn't like it!" Probably because they were too scared to hurt your feelings with the intent to save your health, aka: pussy. Trust me, they're thinking it, and you should stop. "But but but, i'm a strong independent man/woman and don't need to be told what to do!" You're an idiot, you're literally killing yourself.
Jun 13, 2016 5:16 PM

Dec 2013
Don't smoke
I find smoking to be a complete turnoff. There are very few people, if any, I'd ever be willing to date who smoked.
I would definitely avoid dating a smoker
Smoking is not cool, mature, or attractive, it's just the opposite.
I'm a straight male, I love the ladies.
Immahnoob said:
They say Jesus walked on water.
People are made out of 79% water.
I can walk on people.
So I am 79% Jesus.
Sourire said:
I once fucked an apple pie.
Jun 13, 2016 5:17 PM

Dec 2013
Veneficia said:
1. Are you male or female?

Well, I think it's time to call it a day with that one. Please excuse me as I contemplate the meaning of life and if it's even worth living.
Immahnoob said:
They say Jesus walked on water.
People are made out of 79% water.
I can walk on people.
So I am 79% Jesus.
Sourire said:
I once fucked an apple pie.
Jun 13, 2016 5:20 PM

Jun 2015
Yes, smoking is one of the biggest turnoffs for me, if not the biggest.

1. Male
2. Heavens no
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Never
6. Heterosexual

I'd be with a girl who smokes if she's really pretty, rich, if we madly loved each other, and if we could live happily ever after.

I respect your opinion as long as you respect mine.
Jun 13, 2016 7:55 PM

Jan 2016
Other. i dont mind both of them, if they want to smoke, have fun, it doesnt annoy me.
Jun 13, 2016 7:57 PM

Jun 2011
1. Are you male or female?
2. Do you smoke?
3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
Jun 13, 2016 8:35 PM

Jun 2008
It's very unattractive when a woman smokes. It shows she's either stupid, weak minded, or just doesn't care enough about her body
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Jun 13, 2016 8:41 PM

Mar 2016
1. Are you male or female?

2. Do you smoke?

3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
Slightly. I am not one for snap judgements.

4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?
Yes. I dated a smoker in the past and it put a strain on our relationship. I have dated people who only smoke when they are drunk and that's manageable. The smoke makes me sneeze and I worry about health too much.

5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
It only ever looks cool in media. In real life most smokers usually end up looking pathetic, somehow. I think because they often do it alone.

6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
Jun 13, 2016 9:18 PM
May 2016
1. Are you male or female?

2. Do you smoke?
No, I vape (yes I'm that douche bag :P) and sometimes hit up the hookah.

3. If you were single and saw someone really hot, if said person was smoking would that make them less attractive to you?
Yes because I have asthma and I personally hate being around smokers. They smell bad.

4. Would you try to avoid dating a smoker?

5. Do you think smoking is in any way cool, mature or attractive etc?
No, it's disgusting.

6. What sexuality are you/do you most identify with?
Jun 13, 2016 11:22 PM

Dec 2015
I once had a major crush on some girl until she lighted that sigarette. I don't like smoking at all.
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