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May 17, 2016 9:22 AM

Feb 2016
Just a random curiosity thread on driving.

Questions (for the drivers);

1. What age did you start driving?
2. Did you pass your driving test first time round?
3. Have you ever been involved in an accident?
4. Who paid for your 1st car?
5. Do you like your car?
6. Have you ever struggled to pay for the costs of driving (fuel, car maintenance etc)?
7. Do you enjoy driving?
8. Have you ever felt jealous over someone who owns a particular car?

Questions (for the non-drivers);
1. Why don't you drive?
2. Do you ever want to drive?

Questions (general- for anyone);
1. Do you think there are too many cars on the roads?
2. What do you think about people who spend a lot of money on buying a brand new car?
May 17, 2016 9:30 AM

Mar 2016

No, 2nd time.

Yes but a minor one. I was in tension at that time.

My father paid and yes I like it.

I don't pay for fuel so nope.

I enjoyed driving at start not anymore.

I hardly feel jealous over anything so no.
May 17, 2016 9:33 AM

Jun 2010
Questions (for the non-drivers);
1. Why don't you drive?
No money for a car, plus it's unnecessary where I live (the subway's right there)

2. Do you ever want to drive?
If I ever move to the countryside or something.

Questions (general- for anyone);
1. Do you think there are too many cars on the roads?
Yes.. It would be cooler if there were more bicycles instead

2. What do you think about people who spend a lot of money on buying a brand new car?
Well it's their money.. *shrug*
May 17, 2016 10:20 AM

Dec 2015
Not gonna answer every question but I'll just say I used to drive but the city I live in now is a nightmare to get around in via car, so I just walk everywhere and don't currently own a car.
May 17, 2016 10:21 AM
Jul 2018
I have a car and a permit, but I haven't gotten my full licence yet. I really want/need to get it soon ;-;
May 17, 2016 10:25 AM

May 2013
I love driving, I sometimes drive around just for fun. Driving rocks!

And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
May 17, 2016 11:44 AM

Jan 2009
Driver Questions:

1. 18 with License
2. Yes, I passed both the theoretical and practical Exam on the first Try.
3. No, I haven't been in an Accident so far.
4. My Parents paid for my first Car.
5. It appeals to me, however, I don't have any strong Feelings for it.
6. No, I haven't.
7. I don't enjoy it, but I don't dislike it, either.
8. No, I've never felt jealous because of a transportable Cabin that can't show its Power in the City Traffic, anyway.

General Questions:

1. A bit during Rush Hours, but generally, the Problem is not the Quantity of Cars, but rather the Quality of the Drivers who take several Decades until they've found the Gas Pedal or drive deliberately much slower than the Speed Limit and take one thousand and one Nights for every Turn.
2. The same as what I think about People who generally spend a lot of Money: It's not mine, so I don't care what they do with theirs.
NoboruMay 17, 2016 11:48 AM
May 17, 2016 11:57 AM

Jul 2014
1. What age did you start driving? First time was when I was 15, but "officially" (with a license) when I was 17.
2. Did you pass your driving test first time round? Yup, first try for written and practical.
3. Have you ever been involved in an accident? Not anything big. I did bump the front of my car onto a sidewalk (and my car is lowered) because I was talking with a friend walking alongside me. rofl
4. Who paid for your 1st car? Dad and stepmom, got it on my 18th birthday.
5. Do you like your car? I chose it, so yes. I'd like another (much bigger) one though~
6. Have you ever struggled to pay for the costs of driving (fuel, car maintenance etc)? Maintenance and annual registrations are a pain (I mean, who likes to pay??) but I haven't struggled to pay for them though.
7. Do you enjoy driving? Yes, it's so convenient. Rather not ride public transpo. here.. it's much safer in your own car.
8. Have you ever felt jealous over someone who owns a particular car? Sure, especially the cool looking ones xD


1. Do you think there are too many cars on the roads? Y-E-S. UGH.
2. What do you think about people who spend a lot of money on buying a brand new car? Not much, I guess? I mean, good for them that they can afford it.
. . . . . . . . . .
DO NOT touch my rice. . . . . .
I'm Asian. . . . . .
May 17, 2016 11:57 AM

Mar 2008
I don't have a license. I don't know why I have an avoidance to getting one.

I wish public transport in the US was as available as Western Europe and Japan.

AudioDruid said:
I have a car and a permit, but I haven't gotten my full licence yet. I really want/need to get it soon ;-;

Get out yer gun and put it to someone's head, tell them ride with you.
May 17, 2016 12:27 PM

Jul 2013
Robert De Niro and Ryan Gosling tried to teach me but I kinda fucked up. Since then, I haven't tried to learn again.
May 17, 2016 12:38 PM

Feb 2014
Questions (for the non-drivers);
1. Why don't you drive? becuz not 18
2. Do you ever want to drive? yea , I will get a ferrari and I'll make all the ladies wet.

Questions (general- for anyone);
1. Do you think there are too many cars on the roads? perhaps
2. What do you think about people who spend a lot of money on buying a brand new car? If they can afford it , why not ?
May 17, 2016 1:17 PM

Oct 2014
I don't drive very well. I got my learner's license at 18 (2 years after I was first allowed to get it) and I failed my first road test.
May 17, 2016 1:31 PM

Jun 2015
I don't drive, I'm too young lol
I'd like to drive once I'm legally allowed though.
I live in a not-so-small-town so there's not much traffic, but yes I think there's a little bit too much cars, and about the people who spends too much on cars is just dumb. (personally lol) It'll break around the time a cheaper car will break... Anyway, it's their money, they can do whatever they want with it.
Cherry_BMay 17, 2016 1:35 PM

May 17, 2016 1:35 PM

Apr 2015
Questions (for the drivers);

1. 18
2. 4th
3. Someone parked their car directly into my car while I was standing still.
4. I don't have a car.
5. Nope.
6. Not yet
7. T'is K
8. I don't care.

Questions (general- for anyone);
1. I think there are too many drunk drivers on the road.
2. Unless it's a fuel efficient car, it's wasted money.
May 17, 2016 1:38 PM
Mar 2013
nah my family was/is too poor to afford lessons and honestly I am not that interested
May 17, 2016 1:41 PM

Jun 2015
Questions (for the drivers);

1. What age did you start driving?
2. Did you pass your driving test first time round?
3. Have you ever been involved in an accident?
4. Who paid for your 1st car?
5. Do you like your car?
I mean, it runs. I'm not picky.
6. Have you ever struggled to pay for the costs of driving (fuel, car maintenance etc)?
Gas back when I first started because I drove way too much.
7. Do you enjoy driving?
I did, loved it. Now it's just kinda a thing to get around.
8. Have you ever felt jealous over someone who owns a particular car?
Kinda, less the car itself and more specifically the heated seats inside it.

Questions (general- for anyone);
1. Do you think there are too many cars on the roads?
That would depend entirely on where you live.
2. What do you think about people who spend a lot of money on buying a brand new car?
I think that they value owning a brand new car. That's it.
May 17, 2016 1:43 PM

Dec 2010
1. What age did you start driving?
I think 17? maybe 16. that entire part of my life is a blur
2. Did you pass your driving test first time round?
ya I did really well, didn't get any mistakes at all
3. Have you ever been involved in an accident?
lol ironically, I got into a car accident the day I got my license. I was prreetty high, but I don't think that being sober could have prevented the accident from happening because I drive find either way. I've been in another minor accident this past year
4. Who paid for your 1st car?
I paid for my first car, it was a 2001 civic. $1500 off a friend and I had to fix it up a little before it was drivable
5. Do you like your car?
currently, yeah, sure. I mean, it works, nothing's wrong with it, it's a 2007 corolla. I liked my old car better, a super cool mr2.
6. Have you ever struggled to pay for the costs of driving (fuel, car maintenance etc)?
definitely. shops overcharge the fuck out of their lazy ass labor
7. Do you enjoy driving?
I genuinely do enjoy driving unless it's when I just want something right away. like going to get food is a pain in the ass when I'm hungry, but I enjoy driving to far places. jamming out in my car is cool
8. Have you ever felt jealous over someone who owns a particular car?
no, not really. I've liked other people's cars yeah, but never jealous

1. Do you think there are too many cars on the roads?
I live in california so yes
2. What do you think about people who spend a lot of money on buying a brand new car?
cool, I guess? their hobby, their money

May 17, 2016 1:45 PM
Oct 2014
- I was turning 20
- nope. Actually I did barely take any lessons haha.
- nope, not yet
- I don't have a car of my own
- ^
- I pay for fuel when I borrow one of my parents' or a relative's car
- depends on the car
- nope, never

May 17, 2016 1:47 PM

Mar 2014
1. Why don't you drive?
I'm too young
2. Do you ever want to drive?
I have a feeling I wouldn't be able to drive very well so no not really
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
May 17, 2016 2:23 PM

Oct 2012
Tokis86 said:
Just a random curiosity thread on driving.

Questions (for the drivers);

1. What age did you start driving?
2. Did you pass your driving test first time round?
3. Have you ever been involved in an accident?
4. Who paid for your 1st car?
5. Do you like your car?
6. Have you ever struggled to pay for the costs of driving (fuel, car maintenance etc)?
7. Do you enjoy driving?
8. Have you ever felt jealous over someone who owns a particular car?

1. 16, but i've been behind the wheel a few times before then.
2. Yes, Honestly it baffles me that anyone could have trouble with it unless the person testing is extremely strict.
3. No, thankfully.
4. The car isn't technically mine, but its the car i've driven the most.
5. Sure, its pretty nice and easy to drive. Thats all that matters to me.
6. Not really, but then again im not the one in charge of maintainence.
7. I don't mind it, but its not my most favorite thing to do.
8. No, not really. I view cars more as a way to get from point A to point B. I don't care about social postering as much so if someone has a "good" car, "good" for them.
May 17, 2016 2:28 PM

Jan 2012
1. 15
2. Yes
3. No
4. My "first car" was actually my dad's, but now my parents are separated, so my mom bought me the car I own now.
5. Yes
6. No
7. Yes
8. Well of course xP

May 17, 2016 2:44 PM

Jul 2014
1. Why don't you drive?
I live in Sweden... Public transport is several times cheaper and very accessible.
2. Do you ever want to drive?
No, it would be a pointless skill.
Wecc said:
All hail HaXXspetten king of the loli traps!
May 17, 2016 2:49 PM

Sep 2014
1. Why don't you drive?
I have a Bus Pass and don't see much benefits of driving, seeing that I'm fine using the Bus in my current situation.
2. Do you ever want to drive?
Most likely, I will learn how to drive in the future as I do see it as a good skill to have.

May 17, 2016 3:26 PM

Apr 2016
Questions (for the drivers);

1. What age did you start driving?
2. Did you pass your driving test first time round?
3. Have you ever been involved in an accident?
Nope :)
4. Who paid for your 1st car?
5. Do you like your car?
6. Have you ever struggled to pay for the costs of driving (fuel, car maintenance etc)?
Not really thank you daddy ♥
7. Do you enjoy driving?
8. Have you ever felt jealous over someone who owns a particular car?

Questions (general- for anyone);
1. Do you think there are too many cars on the roads?
Sometimes yes, I love driving at night less more traffic
2. What do you think about people who spend a lot of money on buying a brand new car?
We need them to get cheap used cars. Or I'm wrong?
EnergyPuddingMay 17, 2016 3:35 PM
May 17, 2016 3:33 PM

Apr 2016
I started driving when I was 16.

Nope 3rd time with the help of a lucky cat with an extra toe.

Not me personally but when I was younger my mom got in one.

My mom.

I love my car!

Yes! My car is a total lemon so it takes most of my paycheck to keep the poor thing going.

When my car is working properly I do.

Nope, my car is my unhealthy baby, I love him.
May 17, 2016 6:22 PM

Nov 2013
1. 15 years old.
2. Yup.
3. Nope.
4. My dad.
5. Gets the job done.
6. Only for the first few months when I didn't have a job yet.
7. For the most part, yes. Traffic can suck though.
8. Eh sometimes when I see a newer model of mine wish I could afford it. Someday.
9. Yeah I do. Too many people with cars that can't drive.
10. Stupid. So much money wasted buying a car brand new off the lot.
May 17, 2016 6:45 PM

Oct 2014
1. 16
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. My first one? A Boyfriend O.o
5. The one I have now? Nope. No particular reason. Just don't like it.
6. Nope. I have a job so no excuse.
7. Somedays
8. Jealous? No! Angry when they're in like a corvette and they're holding up traffic. What is your purpose!? Why did you buy that to just go 40 in a 70!? Fix your life!!!!!

1. Not too many cars but definitely too many scared drivers.
2. Once you get into the $30k cars I think that's stupid. I mean we all stop at the same red lights right? Plus maintenance becomes more expensive. BMW has to go to the BMW dealer. Lexus has to go to the lexus dealer. Thats basically a scam. I think a 2010-now with 1 previous owner is the prime buy. Everything is still basically new but the price is driven down.
May 17, 2016 6:58 PM
Jul 2018
1. What age did you start driving?
I don't remember
2. Did you pass your driving test first time round?
3. Have you ever been involved in an accident?
Yes, recently ish I just slid into a ditch but nothing happened to my truck besides the tires on my passenger side messed up good thing it cost 15 dollas to fix :0
4. Who paid for your 1st car?
5. Do you like your car?
Yes it's easy for me to drive through the floods and mud
6. Have you ever struggled to pay for the costs of driving (fuel, car maintenance etc)?
7. Do you enjoy driving?
8. Have you ever felt jealous over someone who owns a particular car?

1. Do you think there are too many cars on the roads?
I don't care
2. What do you think about people who spend a lot of money on buying a brand new car?
I don't care
May 17, 2016 7:04 PM

Apr 2016
1. What age did you start driving? 15.
2. Did you pass your driving test first time round? Yes.
3. Have you ever been involved in an accident? Yes. 2012. I still say it was an accident but I was found at fault. I literally did not see them when I started to pull out. Maybe if they hadn't been doing 60 in a 35 or driving on a revoked license it wouldn't have happened but hey...that's none of my business right?
4. Who paid for your 1st car? I did. It was a piece of shit but it was mine. It got stolen by my dick face brother.
5. Do you like your car? Yes, more than any of the others.
6. Have you ever struggled to pay for the costs of driving (fuel, car maintenance etc)? Yes. I had a Ford and every time I turned around I had to pay to fix something else. It was a V8 that ran rich too. It'd take me $50+ every week to fill it up. I sold it last year for $400. I've never been so happy as I was signing over the title to that piece of shit with blue oval syndrome.
7. Do you enjoy driving? Yes.
8. Have you ever felt jealous over someone who owns a particular car? Not really. I've never cared what my car looked like as long as it ran and I didn't have to spend half of every check to keep it running.
May 17, 2016 7:18 PM

Feb 2014
I have a license, but no car. I'll be getting a car this summer, though. It's gonna be my sister's 2008 Honda Civic, and my sister will get my Mom's Honda Insight, and my Mom will get a new car.

1) I passed when I was 19.
2) Passed all my written tests the first time around, but I passed the driving portion on my 6th or 7th or 8th try. If I had an excuse, it's that I wasn't enthusiastic about learning to drive. But I took it seriously after I almost got into an accident...
3) No accidents yet.
4) My parents paid for the Honda Civic.
5) Yep, the Civic is easy to handle and good mileage. No complaints here!
6) Nope, never struggled to pay for car maintenance/gas.
7) It's alright. I get tired really easily from driving, though. It saps so much of my energy just to concentrate.
8) No, but I admire Maseratis.

1) Nah, it's fine. Granted, I mostly take local and almost never LA traffic. The worst traffic I've been in is on the 210 Freeway.
2) Good for them! Their money, so they should spent it the way they want. But I really hate the new lights coming with new cars. They're so blindingly bright I can't even look at the road ahead of me because I have to turn my head away. Isn't there some brightness regulation on headlights? Because there should be. If not, I'd better start a petition..
Now I see the secret of the making of the best persons.
It is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth.
-Walt Whitman

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-Robert A. Heinlein
May 17, 2016 8:00 PM
Jul 2018
1. What age did you start driving?
When I was 18.

2. Did you pass your driving test first time round?
Yep, but only marginally, the tester was a rather impatient guy who took off like twenty points for me waiting too long at a left turn signal. Still a passing score, so I was just happy I didn't have to retake

3. Have you ever been involved in an accident?
I totaled my first car after almost being run down by another driver at a four way stop and having to veer into a lamp pole as a result. The aforementioned pole still hasn't been replaced despite it being quite awhile since I filed the claim. Anyway, the car wasn't worth much to begin with. Later replaced said vehicle with a better one and began driving as usual, only have been involved in one tiiiiny collision since, which mashed up my front end slightly, but didn't require any insurance filing, as the guy I ran into at 5-10 mph had no damage to his back end.

4. Who paid for your 1st car?
My dad, however, he had his specifications:
the car couldn't be new, it absolutely had to be used
the car would preferably be japanese, although he at first almost obliged me wanting to get a VW Beetle til he realized that all the ones under 6-7k were Junkers
the car would cost under $5000 USD or barely above that, but no more than $6000

both my cars were a relatively cheap Honda/Acura, model year 2001/2003, and though they needed work the cost still would've been lower than a new car

5. Do you like your car?
Yep, it's zippyyyy, takes me to my destinations, and is overall behaving well lately so I see no need to gripe about it.

6. Have you ever struggled to pay for the costs of driving (fuel, car maintenance etc)?
The only costly dilemma I have with my car is the fact that it requires premium gas in order to maximize the performance and keep it working properly, but considering that I don't drive remarkably far, and how cheap the price of gas is here relative to other states, it's not too big an issue.

7. Do you enjoy driving?
Long as the radio is on or some kinda background noise is keeping me focused!

8. Have you ever felt jealous over someone who owns a particular car?
Of course. People with convertibles, classic cars, my dream car(s)! Of course, the envy quickly dissipates when I realize how much the cost would be to maintain and operate those things.
May 17, 2016 8:29 PM

Jan 2015
1. What age did you start driving?
When I was 17

2. Did you pass your driving test first time round?
Yeah, I was one point short of 100%

3. Have you ever been involved in an accident?
No, I try to be extremely cautious of my surroundings

4. Who paid for your 1st car?
My parents. It was a car we already owned, but my parents got a new SUV so they gave me the old one.

5. Do you like your car?
Of course! Nothing screams "ballin" like a Volkswagen.

6. Have you ever struggled to pay for the costs of driving (fuel, car maintenance
Not at all. Gas is cheap and my car is pretty fuel-efficient.

7. Do you enjoy driving?
Driving is pretty fun when I'm not behind a shitty driver

8. Have you ever felt jealous over someone who owns a particular car?
Not really. I've always wanted to get a motorcycle, so I guess I get jealous of those.
May 18, 2016 4:00 AM

Oct 2011
I tried learning to drive once using our family van, was very nervous so I didn't continue. I would be willing to learn again, with a smaller car.
May 18, 2016 4:04 AM

Jan 2016
I'm old enough to be able to drive but I don't have a license and I do want to learn.
May 18, 2016 4:15 AM

Jul 2013
Questions (for the drivers);

1. What age did you start driving?
-Around 17
2. Did you pass your driving test first time round?
3. Have you ever been involved in an accident?
-Twice but nothing serious.
4. Who paid for your 1st car?
-I don't own one. It's my mom's or more like a family car.
5. Do you like your car?
-It could be better but yeah I like it.
6. Have you ever struggled to pay for the costs of driving (fuel, car maintenance etc)?
-My mom handles all these. hehe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
7. Do you enjoy driving?
-When it's not traffic? Hell yes!
8. Have you ever felt jealous over someone who owns a particular car?
-No. I'm contented with what I have.
May 18, 2016 4:22 AM

Apr 2013
1. What age did you start driving?
2. Did you pass your driving test first time round?
Nope, second time.
3. Have you ever been involved in an accident?
Yep, only one though.
4. Who paid for your 1st car?
Technically I never had my own car, shared one with my brothers which my parents bought.
5. Do you like your car?
I have no car.
6. Have you ever struggled to pay for the costs of driving (fuel, car maintenance etc)?
No I rarely had money problems back then.
7. Do you enjoy driving?
Nah, I'm not too fond of it.
8. Have you ever felt jealous over someone who owns a particular car?
No for me a car is a tool to get from A to B not some status symbol or something.

1. Do you think there are too many cars on the roads?
Yes, too much pollution imo.
2. What do you think about people who spend a lot of money on buying a brand new car?
I think they have too much money to spend for that stuff or it's just a very expensive hobby for them.
May 18, 2016 11:11 PM

Oct 2015
1. What age did you start driving? 16
2. Did you pass your driving test first time round? Yes
3. Have you ever been involved in an accident? No, but once some girl driving a BMW rear-ended me but it was only at 5 MPH and there was no damage.
4. Who paid for your 1st car? My Parents
5. Do you like your car? Yes
6. Have you ever struggled to pay for the costs of driving (fuel, car maintenance etc) No.
7. Do you enjoy driving? Yes
8. Have you ever felt jealous over someone who owns a particular car? No

Questions (general- for anyone);
1. Do you think there are too many cars on the roads?
Not really I mean around cities during rush hour it can be a nightmare but I generally don't have too many problems with traffic.

2. What do you think about people who spend a lot of money on buying a brand new car? I don't care, if somebody want's to buy an Expensive Mercedes or whatever they can go ahead, I'm happy driving my 2000 Saturn SL2 with 137,000 miles which cost around 3,500 when my parents bought it in 2012. The car still seems to be running well to, we haven't really had to do too much maintenance on it.

Though when that car finally dies If I have enough money I would like to buy something like a Mustang (Though it would defiantly be a low in one but I would probably go for the V6 as I would feel kinda stupid driving a 4 cylinder Mustang though on the other hand the car still looks nice) though if I can't afford it I'll just settle for something like a Nissan Versa or some used car. I wouldn't buy car I had unless I absolutely had to, the Saturn I got was a nice blue color and I liked the headlight design. the guy at the place we got it from was trying to sell me some hideous 1994 brown Toyota Corolla with a cracked windshield and 220,000 miles on it but I wouldn't back down from the Saturn, I think he was desperate to sell that Toyota as nobody probably wanted it.
MattKitsune96May 18, 2016 11:18 PM
May 18, 2016 11:23 PM

Dec 2012
I ride a motorbike and I like it.........
May 18, 2016 11:24 PM
Jul 2018
I don't drive because I live in a big city with easy access to a lot of great public transportation that is way cheaper than owning (and maintaining) my own car. I think I wanted to drive when I was really, really young, but I've had no desire to drive for a very long time; however, funnily enough, I do enjoy racing video games for whatever dumb reason. I also think there are too many cars on the road and don't see why someone would spend a mini fortune on a car when they could get a perfectly fine car for a [relatively] modest price; though, I don't know why most people want more than they need in general--e.g., big houses with more rooms than one could ever have any use for.
May 18, 2016 11:34 PM

Jun 2015
I know how to drive, I'm going to apply for student licence after my exams are over.
May 18, 2016 11:40 PM

Jul 2013
I have my license, and I could have access to a vehicle that is technically mine. However I hate driving, don't really have any reason to go out, and don't care to pay for the insurance on a vehicle. I only really got my license to shut people up that asked me if I had my license and didn't understand why I didn't get one.
Driving is really just a hassle.

1. What age did you start driving?
Since childhood really, I already knew the rules and my mom let me sit on her lap, she worked the clutch but I got to steer and shift. All I had to learn was the clutch when I turned 16.

2. Did you pass your driving test first time round

3. Have you ever been involved in an accident?

4. Who paid for your 1st car?
My mom? Technically my dad still uses it, but the truck is mine.

5. Do you like your car?
It's been a good truck, been around just as long as me. My mom actually bought it just before I was born for my dad.

6. Have you ever struggled to pay for the costs of driving (fuel, car maintenance etc)?
Nope, don't care to drive so I don't. Some day I will have to but for right now I neither find it fun or worth the cost.

7. Do you enjoy driving?
Hell no.

8. Have you ever felt jealous over someone who owns a particular car?
No, as long as it gets me from point a to point b without killing me or making me hate life i'm fine with it.
May 19, 2016 12:40 AM
May 2012
1. Why don't you drive?
A car will get wreck & my parents will kill me for some reason.

2. Do you ever want to drive?
Someday. Even though I have 3 cars but shame I still have no license until today.
May 20, 2016 2:30 AM
Jul 2018
Questions (for the drivers);

1. I remember the first time I drove, I was 17. My bf and I usually ditched during break, and one day he taught me how to drive his stick, Honda.

2. Yeah, even though my bf literally had to teach me where all the stuff in the car was... 10 mins. before I took the test, haha!

3. No, and I hope it stays that way.

4. My parents did. They set the price range, and my bf helped me pick the car.

5. Yes, I love it. It's a 2010 Mercedes C300.

6. No, my parents usually give me money for gas. And my bf would help me if anything bad happened to it, since he knows how to fix them and stuff.

7. Kinda', I like it better when I'm w/ someone.

8. Definitely, my dream car is baby Blue Bentley or an AMG. I also really like BMWs, other Mercedes and luxury cars.


Questions (general- for anyone);

1. No. Mostly bc I live in a small town, so there's not too many cars where I am.

2. I think they should buy me a new car too, hehe. But, seriously, if I did have the money to spend I would be that person and see no problem w/ it.
removed-userMay 20, 2016 2:35 AM
May 20, 2016 8:43 AM

Dec 2015
Questions (for the drivers);

1. 14, I got my license later at 16.
2. Yes.
3. Yeah but not while I was driving.
4. I did.
5. I love it, its a crusty old Mazda 323 from 1994 but it's a great little buzzbox.
6. Yeah the first few months I had it needed heaps of new parts because of the previous owner.
7. Do you enjoy driving? Love it.
8. Have you ever felt jealous over someone who owns a particular car?
I've always wanted a Gemini TE, so I get jealous af whenever I see one.

Questions (general- for anyone);
1. Do you think there are too many cars on the roads?
Nah, if people don't drive like assholes there's plenty of room for more cars and traffic isn't as bad.
2. What do you think about people who spend a lot of money on buying a brand new car? It's their own money, but they should really consider second hand there's some really cool cars you can buy cheaply second hand with little to no problems.
May 20, 2016 8:53 AM

Mar 2015
Tokis86 said:

1. What age did you start driving?
2. Did you pass your driving test first time round?
3. Have you ever been involved in an accident?
4. Who paid for your 1st car?
5. Do you like your car?
6. Have you ever struggled to pay for the costs of driving (fuel, car maintenance etc)?
My dad's car. He takes cares of all the expenses, i only drive for fun
7. Do you enjoy driving?
8. Have you ever felt jealous over someone who owns a particular car?
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 22, 2016 12:28 AM

Apr 2013
1. Started driving at 15, licensed at 16.
2. Yeah. It was too easy.
3. Nope, never been!
4. I paid for my first car, overly eager with myself getting on the road so I bought a beat-up 1996 Ford Taurus wagon.
5. I currently have two cars and I like them very much. I have a 2000 Nissan Maxima as my DD, manual transmission unlike most of the cars out there, and a lightly-modified 1993 Toyota MR2 for fun.
6. Never did, but since I've been driving my MR2 too often, I've been really pushing it with gas these days and premium fuel from Shell is not exactly the cheapest (I gas up my Maxima at Costco and it's a full $0.20 cheaper for the same fuel though I don't trust Costco gas to be the highest quality).
7. I enjoy SPIRITED driving. If it's commuting like in my Maxima-- forget it. I can drive for fun in any car though.
8. As a car guy? Yeah. Totally. My friend had a C63 AMG and I was hella jealous.

1. I really do think there are more cars than we need. I think cars should be a luxury and public transportation should be the norm, but that's because I doubt we can support the amount of pollution.
2. I mean, if they really want to buy it, I can't stop them. But come on now, really think: you're blowing your finances on something you're gonna replace in a few years anyways. Unless you're leasing or really plan to keep it for a long time, then don't blow the money.
Just need to find out how to quote this every time so I can dodge the stupid 30-character limit.
May 22, 2016 2:04 AM
Jan 2016
1. 16
2. failed the written 1st time, passed the actual 1st try
3. nop
4. me
5. could use some mods/paint job
6. not rly
7. 8/10 of the time ya
8. hell ya my dude

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