Aug 26, 2014 7:59 PM
Minuscule spoilers ahead. I recommend running along if you haven't seen the first three episodes, at least. This thread inspired this one. So, Lisa. Some of you love her, some of you don't. What about her do you like? What about her do you not like? In my case, I don't like her. It didn't take me long to get tired of seeing her. Why? She annoys me. I just can't find anything redeeming about her character. Am I supposed to like her and feel sorry for her because she's cute...? Is that all she has going for her? She has some issues with her mother, I get that. But did she ever try to make things better? From what I've seen, all she does is ignore her mother, worry her sick, and make their relationship worse. And in the end, she selfishly ran away from home and left her mother alone. When she was being bullied, did she ever speak up about it? Were there any implications that she ever asked for help? Did she ever try to help herself? Not from what I've seen. I got sick of watching poor Lisa never do anything to help herself or make her situation any better. Her mom is overbearing, yes. But would she text Lisa constantly if she wasn't worried nonstop about being left alone? Would she be at the door the second Lisa gets home if she knew where she was, or when she was supposed to be back? I'm not saying that everything would be perfect if Lisa acted like she cared about her mom, but a little affection and consideration never hurt anyone. TL;DR: Lisa is annoying and I can't stand her. Knock yourselves out. |
Aug 26, 2014 8:07 PM
I don't like her, and it's all the same reasons why you don't. |
Aug 26, 2014 8:37 PM
Tsindria said: Minuscule spoilers ahead. I recommend running along if you haven't seen the first three episodes, at least. This thread inspired this one. So, Lisa. Some of you love her, some of you don't. What about her do you like? What about her do you not like? In my case, I don't like her. It didn't take me long to get tired of seeing her. Why? She annoys me. I just can't find anything redeeming about her character. Am I supposed to like her and feel sorry for her because she's cute...? Is that all she has going for her? She has some issues with her mother, I get that. But did she ever try to make things better? From what I've seen, all she does is ignore her mother, worry her sick, and make their relationship worse. And in the end, she selfishly ran away from home and left her mother alone. When she was being bullied, did she ever speak up about it? Were there any implications that she ever asked for help? Did she ever try to help herself? Not from what I've seen. I got sick of watching poor Lisa never do anything to help herself or make her situation any better. Her mom is overbearing, yes. But would she text Lisa constantly if she wasn't worried nonstop about being left alone? Would she be at the door the second Lisa gets home if she knew where she was, or when she was supposed to be back? I'm not saying that everything would be perfect if Lisa acted like she cared about her mom, but a little affection and consideration never hurt anyone. TL;DR: Lisa is annoying and I can't stand her. Knock yourselves out. I like Lisa cause she's average. She's not a star, she' not a big tit bimbo, she's just a character who stands for the viewer's perspective. It's refreshing to see a character who isn't made for fan service and have yet to see a panty shot or very unnecessary angle of the camera. And the mother was wicked. She's texting per second, asking her how is she. She holds her daughter painfully, Lisa tries to speak with her calmly but the mother shouts disrespectfully, shaking her daughter. The mother is in a emotional wreck. She can't open at the house cause her mom's psycho, the people bullying her has control over her since speaking up results in worsen health and painful stakes of the dare. Added by these bullies looking and owning a clean record outside of discussion, nothing's helping her. The way she opened herself up in Episode four and explain how she felt, I understand and the reasons why she acts the way she does. And I don't remember the last time a teen tells her mom that she's busy working with terrorists and being an accomplice by blowing up a major building. Yeah, sounds logical. Uh huh. Nor could she lie since no friends or companions are shown, thus a friend's house is out of the question. I get what I need by reading in between the lines, not by using what the anime gives me and going by what's given. It's like inception, did it happen, or did it not? |
Aug 27, 2014 5:25 PM
I like Lisa. Sure she could use more development (I SERIOUSLY hope she's Shibazaki's daughter). But I can feel with her. Bullied, unstable mom, dad left, and now she's put in a position to either help or die. If I was in her shoes, I would prob commit suicide or piss my pants lol. I actually like most girls that people don't like. You see she's not a beach, not your typical annoying complaining outstanding goddess girl. I can relate to her in some way (not being that social). After episode 7, she's really starting to change. She's becoming aware of what's she involved in and now is certain she wants to help them. Sure maybe she screwed up (Id card and plane and Five is extremely smart) but she's capable of helping. So yeah, I like Lisa. |
Aug 27, 2014 5:33 PM
Aug 27, 2014 10:59 PM
Well, for one thing, I don't think the story was meant to be centered around Lisa's development as a person, so if I wanted to see Lisa speak out for herself and try to actively solve her own problems, I'd watch any other shoujo anime (not bashing on them, but the idea of self-improvement is a very common theme in shoujo anime). I will admit that I don't like Lisa as a character, for exactly the reasons Tsindria listed. She's gloomy, antisocial, bullied by others, and incompetent. She's basically a character you wouldn't like to look at in real life, less so in a good anime. Why? Because you feel so frustrated looking at someone like her who always gets pushed around. However, I like Lisa because she is a pretty realistic representation of girls with personal issues but can't speak out due to their personality and family circumstances. She's not a heroine and she just happened to catch Twelve's eye because she looked similar to one of the kids in the laboratory. Like BRK said, "I like Lisa cause she's average. She's not a star, she' not a big tit bimbo, she's just a character who stands for the viewer's perspective. It's refreshing to see a character who isn't made for fan service and have yet to see a panty shot or very unnecessary angle of the camera." Look at it from Lisa's perspective. She's been abandoned by her father, her mother is an emotional wreck that lashes out at Lisa, and she fails to make any friends because she always has bullies around her at school. If Lisa had experienced all these events daily (besides father leaving ofc) ever since she was young, any real life girl would end up like Lisa. Yeah, I don't know that. But knowing Lisa's soft-spoken personality, she's not the type to speak out against her struggles but keep it inside of her until she slowly rots away. Knowing this, I was happy for Lisa when she made the big step to change all by herself. She needed to get out, but could never find the excuse to do so. I was happy when she passionately said she'd help Nine and Twelve with their plan, because until now she's never shown that kind of determination. tl;dr I like Lisa because she's developing ever so slowly at her own pace and given her backgrounds and is not your typical female protagonist most commonly seen in anime. |
Aug 27, 2014 11:42 PM
pakoko said: Well, for one thing, I don't think the story was meant to be centered around Lisa's development as a person, so if I wanted to see Lisa speak out for herself and try to actively solve her own problems, I'd watch any other shoujo anime (not bashing on them, but the idea of self-improvement is a very common theme in shoujo anime). I will admit that I don't like Lisa as a character, for exactly the reasons Tsindria listed. She's gloomy, antisocial, bullied by others, and incompetent. She's basically a character you wouldn't like to look at in real life, less so in a good anime. Why? Because you feel so frustrated looking at someone like her who always gets pushed around. However, I like Lisa because she is a pretty realistic representation of girls with personal issues but can't speak out due to their personality and family circumstances. She's not a heroine and she just happened to catch Twelve's eye because she looked similar to one of the kids in the laboratory. Like BRK said, "I like Lisa cause she's average. She's not a star, she' not a big tit bimbo, she's just a character who stands for the viewer's perspective. It's refreshing to see a character who isn't made for fan service and have yet to see a panty shot or very unnecessary angle of the camera." Look at it from Lisa's perspective. She's been abandoned by her father, her mother is an emotional wreck that lashes out at Lisa, and she fails to make any friends because she always has bullies around her at school. If Lisa had experienced all these events daily (besides father leaving ofc) ever since she was young, any real life girl would end up like Lisa. Yeah, I don't know that. But knowing Lisa's soft-spoken personality, she's not the type to speak out against her struggles but keep it inside of her until she slowly rots away. Knowing this, I was happy for Lisa when she made the big step to change all by herself. She needed to get out, but could never find the excuse to do so. I was happy when she passionately said she'd help Nine and Twelve with their plan, because until now she's never shown that kind of determination. tl;dr I like Lisa because she's developing ever so slowly at her own pace and given her backgrounds and is not your typical female protagonist most commonly seen in anime. This! She's not progressing because the anime says so, she's moving like a human character. Who says humans need to hand exposition at a first meeting or anyone for that matter. You learn piece by piece when you stick with them longer.I'm never agitated by Lisa and i can visually place myself in her perspective and shoes and I shudder at the dreadful consequences passing her on a possibly daily basis. The third episode where she was getting shook and pushed by her mother and those empty eyes, I know too well. I haven't felt this much empathy for a character in a work of fiction in a long time. |
Aug 28, 2014 9:02 AM
Normally I will hate people like Lisa. Weak and useless, and clumsy..or what else. However I must say she's pretty realistic. Too realistic to the state I start thinking I'm similar with her. She has no self esteem, always be quiet and taking everything in, when she talks nobody listens, being abused and overprotected. Thus she becomes nothing and giving up everything. I even admired her because of not going insane have to face so many problems like that. Maybe her recent clumsiness on the flares and kidnappings are pretty annoying to watch. But hey, she is an amateur! I really expect she will change in the future, given her surroundings change too (I don't know if she is still going to school or not) I want to even know if she can make a bomb later. |
Your so-called peaceful world makes me bored, so don't blame me if I destroy all of it. - |
Aug 28, 2014 10:15 AM
I like her because I can empathize with her. I know how it feels to live in a toxic environment and want to escape. Anywhere else is better than that place, even in the company of 'terrorists'. She just wants to fit in somewhere and do something right, but she still feels useless. She tries, though. I want to see how she develops. |
Aug 28, 2014 2:35 PM
I like her. She has numerous serious problems and yet she still has the resolve to carry on. She really tries to be useful and not be a burden. Her character is more realistic and original unlike in other anime, where girls may be cute, over-confident or funny. I have to agree though, the way she handled the problem with her mom was wrong imo. If there were more episodes, her character development would be more evident. |
Aug 28, 2014 4:13 PM
You know, its so easy to criticize others, because, its not you. Clearly those who hate Lisa must be people who never walked in her shoes or never had a friend or someone close that walked her shoes. Those who accuse Lisa of being weak and clumsy...yeah, now, tell me what she could do? In Japan mental illness is a taboo subject. It's part of their culture to HIDE any mental disorder a family member might have. It kinda brings shame to a family and its seen as way worst than having a physical disease. yeah guys inform yourselves about the culture we're dealing with please. Weak? you try to receive more than 100 messages/calls of your mother per day and arrive home and be violently shaken by your mom, who is, btw, completely mentally unstable and does not even: - leaves the house - cooks - brushes her hair - turns on the lights etc. plus being bullied by your schoolmates. Our house is supposed to be our home, you see? the place you rest after a long tiring day. If you suffer from violence at school and at home, that is like ALL day, and believe me you will get hugely tired pretty soon. And after that, those who are criticizing Lisa please come here to share if you were able to "communicate" or keep your mental health completely intact. Do you know what girls could do in Lisa's place? I can give several examples: - Suicide - self harming - Risk behaviors (including sexual) oh and ps? I would wonder why Japan still has one of the highest incidences of suicide in the world. Seriously,Japan is ALWAYS on the first 10th places of that list. There, children's depression and suicide are a worsening problem. So she ran away from home, yeah not the smartest move to make indeed, but what to do when you have no one left to help you? Going through bullying at school? yeah surely she should be stronger and perhaps kick those girls in the ass...but to have that courage to that resolution? it usually takes years...and you must find help otherwise you just turn into a psycho and might get a gun and kill the bullies like it happens a lot in USA. Fortunately Lisa is none of those! ISNT SHE STRONG? to go through all that suffering and still remain still have hope, to still try to make bonds and dont become completely emotionless. She wasnt born a badass. she is REAL. And thank god for that. To me it made the anime 100% better. Hate someone because its weak...if we were all like that then surely the world would be dead by now in complete chaos. Because there are people who are willing not to hate but to try to UNDERSTAND the people that are bullied, this world keeps living and evoluting. If someone is weak than we should show them their strenght. It would be annoying if she was whinning all the time, even myself would start to "hate" her, but she doesnt, does she? Nine and Twelve if needed will kill people and everyone loves them. Lisa didnt kill anyone yet and everyone hates her...what a twisted world, huh. Im so glad the trio got together. Because Lisa made them like her and through that made them more kind. Copy paste from another thread: Lisa's mom is clearly ill. Its yet clear what mental disorder she has but I can assure you she does have one and she needs a psychologist/psychiatrist urgently. Lack of communication is different. And even if Lisa communicated with her she would probably won't stop being agressive and obsessively paranoid. Sending thousands of texts to someone during the whole day its pathological. Ofc she knew Lisa was at school. If she does not have that insight than her illness is worse. She might have depression and most likely a personality disorder. Its not Lisa that does not communicate with her, its her mom who is unable to communicate with Lisa (or anyone else it seems). Surely Lisa tried to "communicate" before but to live with a mentally unstable person is very, very hard, it gets you crazy, so usually you just stop trying, because no matter what you say that person does not have the ability to process it like a normal person. Surely Lisa's mom is not at fault for being sick, but please, Lisa isnt either, I'm so glad she got out of the violence cycle she was living, being bullied at school and at home. so in conclusion...a normal person doesnt become a badass terrorist in one week guys. She is trying her best...isnt that enough???? I do not love her but surely will never ever hate her. Just because someone reacts differently than you to a certain situation doesnt mean its weakness or it has to be hated. It has to be RESPECTED. |
OrulyonAug 28, 2014 4:44 PM
ワンダーランド花 ♥ |
Aug 28, 2014 5:00 PM
I like her. In an anime world saturated of cute girls just being there for the sake of being cute she don't bother me none. Besides it takes courage to run away from home as cowardly as that act make seem. How can running away from home be selfish? You're essentially leaving everything yours behind. It's clear here that her mother is not 100% mentally stable. Her actions go past beyond what I would consider overbearing. I doubt that she would sit down and have a nice little chat with her daughter. Some kids run away from home without telling their parents a single thing. Some kids will never speak up about how their being bullied. Do we always help ourselves? No. Not even adults are able to help themselves. I can drive go down to my sister's school and there's signs in the parking area telling the kids that they should speak up when they are being bullied. Last year she came home with pamphlets about the subject, i've turned on TV and seen ads about this. These things are being pushed on them because the majority of people simply do not go up to someone and say "Oh hey i'm being bulled." Would I like it if Lisa was a badass and upfront about her actions? Hell yeah, these are my favorite type of female characters. Anyway, I feel like Lisa's the least of Zankyou's problems right now. This has been slipping into unwanted directions for me as soon as Five stepped into the game. Another downside to this series is the short length that probably won't give us the time to properly explore everything about each character. 4 episodes is still kind of a lot though, I guess. TL;DR: I'm glad she's not a tsundere either. Honestly would have insta-dropped this. |
standAug 28, 2014 5:08 PM
Aug 28, 2014 6:02 PM
Lisa is clearly a point of contention between Nine and Twelve, and she is undoubtedly a liability, however she serves a clear role in humanising Nine and Twelve, who are otherwise the enigmatic Sphinx boys that blows shit up because... for revenge, I guess? Regardless of her weaknesses and flaws, Lisa serves the story better than Five, who, from her debut, has proven to be nothing but an over the top cartoony character of a villain that singlehandedly breaks my suspension of disbelief. |
faderunnerAug 28, 2014 6:05 PM
Aug 28, 2014 6:03 PM
I don't like Lisa simply because of how useless she is to the story. At least for now anyway. It feels as though they just kinda shoehorned her into plot. Her interactions with the two teens really hasn't had any impact on the way things has played out. If she was removed from the series entirely, the story and events would be relatively unchanged. I mean as far as her character designs goes, I don't have any problems with it. If she was actually important to the story then i would like her. |
Aug 28, 2014 6:04 PM
I like her when she isnt on my screen... |
Aug 28, 2014 6:51 PM
parfaited said: TL;DR: I'm glad she's not a tsundere either. Honestly would have insta-dropped this. Lisa: "'s not like I want to help you with your terrorist plan... b..baka!" |
Aug 28, 2014 7:13 PM
i like Lisa somewhat. i feel for her but for the longest time i have yet to figure out what role she has. but judging by the recent stuff, she might just might be Nine and Twelve's downfall....i hope not. i do like how she wants to feel useful tho unlike most useless characters. |
Aug 28, 2014 8:49 PM
pakoko said: Lisa: "'s not like I want to help you with your terrorist plan... b..baka!" dats beautiful~ |
Aug 28, 2014 9:13 PM
parfaited said: pakoko said: Lisa: "'s not like I want to help you with your terrorist plan... b..baka!" dats beautiful~ ur beautiful bby no homo |
Aug 29, 2014 6:33 PM
She's the most kawaii terrorist ever. Also, she's useless. |
Aug 31, 2014 8:33 AM
I like her, one of the most realistic characters ever. TheIMF said: she serves a clear role in humanising Nine and Twelve, who are otherwise the enigmatic Sphinx boys that blows shit up this and also, if they're not doing it only for revenge but maybe also for revealing some ugly secret or something, then Lisa sort of represents the kind of angry teens who want to change something, but can't and who would admire 9 and 12 or maybe help their cause? I don't know, the story is not that far yet and honestly, this thing with Five is kind of annoying because she's too cheesy for a real villain and a distraction from the bigger thought/theme of the anime (I hope there is one). |
Aug 31, 2014 11:34 AM
I hate that she randomly wants to be a part of what they're doing for no apparent reason at all. |
Aug 31, 2014 1:11 PM
lalabella said: I hate that she randomly wants to be a part of what they're doing for no apparent reason at all. When you are bullied, ruined by your parents and find no hope, these two boys come out of nowhere and lead her to a world that she might live in, escaping her dreadful one. She wished to destroy the world she lives in and specifically said to have everything black out or eliminate from her vision. |
Sep 1, 2014 5:35 PM
Unlike most similar characters, doesn't leave a normal life behind to help terrorists. Bonus points for not having a huge traumatic backstory. She's a normal human with family issues, who fled from home and joined up with the first group of people willing to accept her. Boring but realistic. |
Sep 1, 2014 8:58 PM
Ya I agree she really doesn't add anything interesting to the story. I'm guessing shes just there so the main characters have a reason to explain their past or something like that. |
Sep 2, 2014 2:36 AM
I like her a lot. I feel like early on she added a human element to the story in that she was someone who lived a stressful life and wanted to get away, even if it meant going into the unknown. Lately she's been shown to be incompetent, but hopefully they'll return to her emotional arc and have her bring out the more empathetic traits that Nine and Twelve repress. |
Kronie is mai waifu. Enema is my master. Shadowslave13 is my loli milk provider. Flume is my dark magic buddy cop sidekick™. And Afshar was my first MAL friend ;-; I have coveted these people, so that I may one day sacrifice them in the name of love. |
Sep 2, 2014 3:01 AM
Sep 2, 2014 3:50 AM
That after all, she's my favorite character. She's pretty realistic. |
Sep 2, 2014 3:57 AM
I hate her, i dont care if she's realistic. She just feels unnecessary. |
I only read books i have already read |
Sep 2, 2014 10:51 AM
OP, I agree with you completely. Watching her is exhausting. I definitely don't feel bad for her at all. Sure, she helped somewhat at the airport, but otherwise she's worthless. I hate characters with no redeeming factors other than their cuteness. The "human element" she brings to the series is shallow and could have been done much better. I also dislike Five, but for completely different reasons. Her cocky attitude is obnoxious and cliche. I sure hope they develop these characters in the 4 eps they have left. The show is good, but so far I'd give it a 6/10. |
DanishSep 2, 2014 10:58 AM
Sep 2, 2014 11:00 AM
She has some nice boobs and smooth skin but her personality blows it all off. |
Stop the sequels high-ranking stupidity. Group franchises in Top Anime page. Because Gintama is just "one" anime and not 5. |
Sep 3, 2014 12:47 AM
She's been no help whatsoever in 7 episodes of an 11 episode anime. If anything she gets in the way and spoils the seriousness of the show. Its a real shame too, at this point I think she's just there to be cute and you feel bad about hating her because her life sucks. And even then we don't even know why her life sucks... Her mom is just an overprotective parent from what we've seen. I'm assuming that at the end she'll suddenly become useful in the hopes of them attempting to make it seem like she was necessary the entire time but if a character that has had screen time since episode one still is just a waste of space past the halfway point there's really no redeeming them in my eyes. When Five got like 2 minutes of screentime she was already thousands of times more interesting than Lisa and that's pretty bad. |
Sep 4, 2014 8:29 AM
Well, there are a variety of people who hate and like Lisa. But I can't seem to take sides. So while watching the show I decided I disliked not hated Lisa. Well Lisa overall is ordinary at first, then there's the imagery of Lisa getting bullied and going home with texts flooding phones, so and so. Well Lisa did care for her mother, but it was because her mother had disorders and the fact that Lisa could not even stand up for herself made her run away. The reason why I dislike Lisa is that I will never get to understand such sorrow but that does not mean Lisa should take on the "flower pot" role. (spoiler- if ya haven't watch ep 5 onwards)When five appeared, Lisa was a mere decoy, that was so unfit. I am sure bullies have a reason to why they pick their targets, firstly what's the point if ya wait for someone t appear to help ya. Lisa would have been a greater character if there was some initiative taken to stand up for herself, Lisa ain't illiterate . But one reason that I did not hate Lisa for was the will to continue, the motivation that pushed Lisa to have such a will tho was a terrorist attack, so what can we say? But yea that's how people are in reality sometimes so its fine, if the anime gave Lisa a few good lines it would have been upped. They might have thought to give Lisa an extremely and throw Lisa into a world of metamorphosis, who knows? |
AshuriNekoChanSep 4, 2014 8:36 AM
Sep 4, 2014 8:31 AM
lalabella said: I hate that she randomly wants to be a part of what they're doing for no apparent reason at all. Sense of belonging, I guess |
Sep 4, 2014 2:21 PM
Saturate said: women should be in the kitchen. dude wtf? Lisa at this point I have no reason to like her......there is basically nothing to her character. |
Sep 4, 2014 2:27 PM
she seems like a fairly useless character who was only added in to mess up 9 and 12's plans and get the antagonist going (5) |
Sep 4, 2014 2:30 PM
worthless character she literally serves no purpose in the show except fuck everything up. Her personality is bland. She can't even cook correctly. 0/10 not even waifu material. All she is now is a terrible plot device in Five's schemes. Shibazaki is more of a main character than she ever will be. |
zzzeallySep 4, 2014 2:34 PM
Sep 4, 2014 2:44 PM
I've been so optimistic but now she's making me cry. In fact the whole show is making me cry and it's not out of joy. |
Sep 4, 2014 2:58 PM
Orulyon said: You know, its so easy to criticize others, because, its not you. Clearly those who hate Lisa must be people who never walked in her shoes or never had a friend or someone close that walked her shoes. Those who accuse Lisa of being weak and clumsy...yeah, now, tell me what she could do? In Japan mental illness is a taboo subject. It's part of their culture to HIDE any mental disorder a family member might have. It kinda brings shame to a family and its seen as way worst than having a physical disease. yeah guys inform yourselves about the culture we're dealing with please. Weak? you try to receive more than 100 messages/calls of your mother per day and arrive home and be violently shaken by your mom, who is, btw, completely mentally unstable and does not even: - leaves the house - cooks - brushes her hair - turns on the lights etc. plus being bullied by your schoolmates. Our house is supposed to be our home, you see? the place you rest after a long tiring day. If you suffer from violence at school and at home, that is like ALL day, and believe me you will get hugely tired pretty soon. And after that, those who are criticizing Lisa please come here to share if you were able to "communicate" or keep your mental health completely intact. Do you know what girls could do in Lisa's place? I can give several examples: - Suicide - self harming - Risk behaviors (including sexual) oh and ps? I would wonder why Japan still has one of the highest incidences of suicide in the world. Seriously,Japan is ALWAYS on the first 10th places of that list. There, children's depression and suicide are a worsening problem. So she ran away from home, yeah not the smartest move to make indeed, but what to do when you have no one left to help you? Going through bullying at school? yeah surely she should be stronger and perhaps kick those girls in the ass...but to have that courage to that resolution? it usually takes years...and you must find help otherwise you just turn into a psycho and might get a gun and kill the bullies like it happens a lot in USA. Fortunately Lisa is none of those! ISNT SHE STRONG? to go through all that suffering and still remain still have hope, to still try to make bonds and dont become completely emotionless. She wasnt born a badass. she is REAL. And thank god for that. To me it made the anime 100% better. Hate someone because its weak...if we were all like that then surely the world would be dead by now in complete chaos. Because there are people who are willing not to hate but to try to UNDERSTAND the people that are bullied, this world keeps living and evoluting. If someone is weak than we should show them their strenght. It would be annoying if she was whinning all the time, even myself would start to "hate" her, but she doesnt, does she? Nine and Twelve if needed will kill people and everyone loves them. Lisa didnt kill anyone yet and everyone hates her...what a twisted world, huh. Im so glad the trio got together. Because Lisa made them like her and through that made them more kind. Wow this. thank you! Finally someone stating the facts! Yes, to live something like that and to be nevertheless trying to be a good human and to help others! Ths is TRUE STRENGTH! |
Sep 4, 2014 3:48 PM
why have the creators made lisa so pathetic?!?!?! hands down the most pathetic female character ever, heck even minor characters from other anime I have seen have never been this bad. edit: lisa is worse than yukiteru from future diary and shu from guilty crown. |
number35Sep 23, 2014 5:03 PM
Sep 4, 2014 4:46 PM
She just put pocky or something in a curry, now I'm even more unsure of what to think of her. |
Sep 4, 2014 4:56 PM
I sympathize a lot with Lisa Lisa as she reminds me of myself when I was younger. As someone who ran away from home once due to having to deal with an oppressive mother (although she wasn't as extreme as Lisa's), I could definitely relate to her actions and mindset. She's definitely the highlight of the series for me and I probably wouldn't enjoy it as much if she weren't in the show. I understand why people hate her though. I think she's one of those characters you either feel sympathy for if you can relate to her circumstances or you don't care at all; there's little to no middle ground. Shinji was mentioned before and I think it's a good comparison to make. |
Sep 4, 2014 5:01 PM
R4vel said: She just put pocky or something in a curry, now I'm even more unsure of what to think of her. Obviously that she's a cooking genius. The moderate (?) amount of chocolate she puts in will enrich the curry flavor. Scientifically proven. |
Sep 4, 2014 5:04 PM
I don't hate her, I think her actions are pretty realistic and understandable for someone in her shoes. I loved her in the first three episodes, but now I don't really have much of an opinion of her. Hopefully she'll become more important as the show goes on. |
Sep 4, 2014 5:57 PM
A burden. Unnecessary character. So annoying that it makes me want to cry. I had high expectations before this show was aired but she ended up being a total disappointment. I would not be surprised if one of the guys die because of her. |
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