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Jan 8, 2009 5:59 PM
Dec 2008
this episode was amazing, art was fantastic, plot was great..just excellent episode, cant wait till next weeks =d
Jan 8, 2009 6:34 PM
Jan 2008
First Episode was good and funny as episode should be amazing!

Glad Ippo's back! W00T!
Jan 8, 2009 11:59 PM

Oct 2007
love how they say, blou-di cro-su
Jan 9, 2009 3:23 AM
Jun 2008
noteDhero said:
I get that the its been over what 4, 5 years since the last episode of the first series ended, but new ground was covered. Began the first 30-45 seconds rehashing the formula for the fights, and the flashing back/straight up copying scenes from the last series. Hopefully the rest of the show won't seem so recycled.

I think they were just trying to make it so that people who hadnt watched the original series could understand to some degree.

Personally i thought the flashbacks were minimal and the first ep had everything. Great comedy lines, random Aoki stuff, Ippo-Miyata yaoi and straight into an epic fight! Not to mention it was all in HD!

I was smiling throughout the whole episode!

"Kumi-san, i want to wear you like the Featherwieght Championship belt"
Jan 9, 2009 3:34 AM

May 2008
Can't wait to see the special attack named the bloody cross.

p.s. Genji Kamogawa has a new voice actor :'(
BlizzaraJan 9, 2009 3:40 AM

Jan 9, 2009 3:38 AM

Apr 2008
It certainly feels like Hajime no Ippo. Looking forward to this series.

Jan 9, 2009 4:29 AM

Dec 2007
that was a great start for season 2 of one of my favorite series :)

i can't wait for episode 2 now.

the art work is pretty different in this season and i can't say that i like it too much or that i dont like it. ( i still havent made up my mind about that xD )
Jan 9, 2009 8:17 AM
Sep 2007
Wow what a great start, and we're flying right into the first fight, awesome, season 2 is just going to blow everyone away, if they haven't read the manga yet. So many great fights to come, I have super high hopes for season 2.
Jan 9, 2009 7:42 PM
May 2007
Kamogawa is still played by Utsumi Kenji, the voice of Raoh from Hokuto no Ken

However, Kumi is no longer played by Kobayashi Sanae, but now by Hirata Yuka, a j-drama actress
Jan 10, 2009 6:42 AM

Oct 2007

|Picture from Animepaper|
Jan 10, 2009 10:11 AM

Mar 2008
What a great episode. I dig the updated animation too.
Jan 11, 2009 2:22 AM

Dec 2008
i realy liked the new season 1 episode ^-^
i was realy looking farward to it ^-^ and i wasnt disapointed at all ^-^
i had a fealing that the Hajime no Ippo didnt end ^-^ that rear ^-^ good work ^-^ heh
Jan 11, 2009 7:17 AM

May 2008
This season seems alot different than the first season. Ippo's attitude toward Miyata is clearly different. Its like he idolize's him more than he see's him as a rival. But it was still a good episode. I can't wait until the next one comes out.
Jan 11, 2009 11:43 AM

Oct 2008
yeah ive notice d it too but i think miyata realised ippo is much stronger then him now thats why.. it was a good episode looking forward to the next one.
Jan 11, 2009 2:30 PM
Jun 2008
groente12 said:
yeah ive notice d it too but i think miyata realised ippo is much stronger then him now thats why.. it was a good episode looking forward to the next one.

i think it was just a bit of a joke at themselves, ippo's attitude has always seemed a bit 'festive'. remember when he 'tripped' and grabbed miyata's arse and they all started hiding around the gym? case closed ;)
Jan 11, 2009 4:39 PM

Jun 2008
I never got to finish the season 1, so I'm glad that they did a little re-cap throughout the show. The animation is top notch though, although they did keep the same art style. Is it just me, or do the girls in this show look like shit? Just a thought.
I'm back.
Jan 11, 2009 5:27 PM

Jan 2009
love to see the updated animation and those shockwave impacts (again) when they punch on the opposing side i hope the animation will be like this episode through out this new series
Jan 11, 2009 7:27 PM

Aug 2008
Sick-Bastard said:
I never got to finish the season 1, so I'm glad that they did a little re-cap throughout the show. The animation is top notch though, although they did keep the same art style. Is it just me, or do the girls in this show look like shit? Just a thought.

Not only the girls, everyone is ugly in this show. It's just the style of the show, though, I got over it a while back ago.
Jan 12, 2009 12:23 AM

Oct 2008
They really nailed it. Awesome animation, big fight, comedy, takamura. 5/5
Jan 12, 2009 3:39 AM
Aug 2008
inevitable_death said:
This season seems alot different than the first season. Ippo's attitude toward Miyata is clearly different. Its like he idolize's him more than he see's him as a rival. But it was still a good episode. I can't wait until the next one comes out.

I Couldn't agree more, I know that there are a lot of otakus that like BGs and such, but Ippo hadn't this felling on the first season... it was akward and I didn't enjoyed at all!
Besides that (and that damn orchestra) the rest of the episode was a good way to remember the series and a nostalgic felling has taken me =)
Jan 12, 2009 9:31 PM

Aug 2007
yaHzee said:
The only thing that semi bothers me is the fact that kumi has a new voice actress?

I noticed that too, I was kind of disappointed. I've already imprinted her voice in my head and when I heard it, I guess I wasn't used to it.
Jan 12, 2009 9:50 PM
May 2007
hopefully this change with kumi's voice actress being changed won't put us hni fans to the level of sonic fan boys who hate jason griffith
Jan 12, 2009 11:31 PM
Nov 2008
inevitable_death said:
Ippo's attitude toward Miyata is clearly different. Its like he idolize's him more than he see's him as a rival.

It actually closely resembles the manga in that sense.
Jan 13, 2009 3:39 AM

Jul 2008
Damn Ippo, get a room. I enjoyed the episode except for the different voice actress for Kumi, oh well I'll get used to it in a month or two.
Jan 13, 2009 4:57 AM

Jan 2008
Since it's been so long since I last watched the show, I'm already used to the new seiyuu for Kumi, somewhat. The voice is definitely livable.

It definitely felt like how the first season started out, minus the lack of bullying. I can't wait to get back into this.
I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
Jan 13, 2009 7:21 AM

Oct 2008
Ehm, shouldn't eps 2 be out now ?
Jan 13, 2009 9:22 AM

Oct 2008
I thought it was great, especially nice to see slicker animation. Just one issue, so far the music is far inferior from what the first season had. We've only heard 3-4 songs but none of them were really any good. Especially the one when they were in the gym was horrible.
Jan 13, 2009 2:31 PM

Oct 2008
Reizhan said:
I thought it was great, especially nice to see slicker animation. Just one issue, so far the music is far inferior from what the first season had. We've only heard 3-4 songs but none of them were really any good. Especially the one when they were in the gym was horrible.

Yeah I thought so to. The music wasn't great, but it`s only the first episode so I guess we just have to wait and see.
Jan 13, 2009 5:11 PM

Dec 2007
I just got done watching the first episode and I have to say that i'm very impressed. I've read all of the Manga up to the currently chapters and it's very refreshing to see the series back. The animation was great, the OP/ED's were great, and the music was up to par.

Looking forward to the rest of the season.
Jan 17, 2009 1:36 AM

Mar 2008
Decent start for the new series... But probably because I just finished the old one, this one felt different.
The animation is good but the art style is far from the one used before. It's cleaner, but I still prefer the old one. Also, why are Ippo's eyes hazel now? xD
The background music was awful! But it was just the first episode, so I can't say much about it yet.
As for Kumi's change in voice actress, the new voice actually fits her better than the old.

The scenes with Ippo idolizing Miyata were "gay-ed" to the max, which will get old soon, if they keep them that way.
Aoki is as amusing as allways ("I want to be your champion belt" xD), and so is Takamura xD
o.o The dog is fat!
And it was somewhat strange seeing Ippo get all authoritative with Takamura, but still amusing.
Jan 25, 2009 12:50 PM
Dec 2007
Very good episode, but I find the animation to be somewhat weaker than the previous series (6 years after, it's a bit strange), and I miss the old music and Kumi's previous seiyuu too. A lot.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Apr 21, 2009 4:49 AM

Sep 2008
8GaugeBrett said:
The fight scenes this season look like they are going to be absolutely amazing.

Jun 26, 2009 11:13 AM

Feb 2008
The graphics is just so amazing. It wasn't even comparable to the Kimura vs. Mashiba movie. LOL!

The vivid colors and other details are so great. Actually, I got annoyed from some flashbacks, but I think it's alright...

It's kinda unreasonable to see Wanpo get big like that in just like a year. But I think that's alright, LOL! Ippo's minor changes in the attitude is good too... Haha!

Aug 26, 2009 11:46 PM

Feb 2008
the art is better, but Kumi still looks like a guy in drag.

Miyata should just give it up and move up a class, Ippo would probably follow him.
Oct 19, 2009 5:02 AM

Nov 2007
Nice start to the second season ^^, some drawings seemed a little off but the animation quality has really improved, makes me excited to watch the following episodes as always xD
Jan 21, 2010 7:44 PM

Dec 2008
The animation looks more clean, still the same Ippo. (Thats a good thing) xD Cant to see whats next.
Oct 29, 2010 12:09 AM

May 2008
New Kumi voice.... >.>
Original was way better.

Besides that, the quality has been hella amped up, and the series looks fantastic. Let's hope it can keep up what the old series did.
Jan 3, 2011 6:18 PM

Aug 2008
Seeing this show in HD is outstanding! Hope Miyata kicks that Aussie's ass and his short, punk ass trainer, too. Arnie Gregory? Wow... that's a horrible name. Even for an English/Aussie caricature.

Jul 1, 2011 11:19 PM

May 2010
Great start for the series with a short connecting scene with the 1st OVA.. the OP and ED songs were done great as usual! Kumi is really getting cute! :-)) wahaha The animation as expected was upgraded and is top notched! Clean and crisp drawing and animation!

As my expectation were meet.. I really feel this 2nd season of Ippo is going to be a thrill to watch!
Jul 6, 2011 1:19 AM

May 2010
Did they fire Kumi's old VA...?
Jul 18, 2011 1:56 PM

Jul 2008
good start i'd say
After I Crush Your Dreams......
Your Bones Will Follow......
Oct 13, 2011 4:55 AM

Dec 2009
Oh boy, it's the first episode and I am already going through the whole "just one more episode" feeling. That is a very good sign ^_^
Apr 19, 2013 2:49 PM

Mar 2010
finally some miyata kun
Aug 30, 2013 10:04 PM

Jul 2013
The jump in the animation from the first season to this one is nice, but I'm sad that they changed Kumi's seiyuu, I don't think I'll get used to her new voice. Also I noticed some changes in Ippo's attitude, but I'm cool with that. With this animation, I'm expecting the Miyata vs Arnie fight to be stellar.
Oct 24, 2013 9:37 PM

Mar 2012
Great episode although I do miss Kumi's old voice ;_; Also what's up with the dog? Wondering how much time passed since he's freaking huge now lol.
Nov 26, 2013 8:17 PM

Nov 2011
Go Ippo~

"I want to be your championship belt". For some reason, that sounded really wrong.
Very nice start so far. Ippo, you got some serious competition this season.
Nov 29, 2013 4:06 PM

Apr 2013
don king spotted lol
Jan 23, 2014 6:13 AM

Jun 2009
Time to continue on with one of anime/Kanga's greatest legacies.
Jan 30, 2014 8:36 AM

Jun 2012
Da fuq happened to Wanpo?
Aug 12, 2014 1:04 PM

May 2012
Kumi-chan has a different voice and look for a reason, I really don't like this change :| The episode itself was pretty lovely though quite liked the overall development so let's see what happens next!
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