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Feb 21, 2008 6:32 AM

Feb 2008
Yey! Here goes the Sensei! LOL!

I don't quite understand the 1st Lieutenant's message for Melissa. Keep it hidden from others that the Lieutenant and him are best friends? Did he mean the deceased Lieutenant or Melissa? LOL! XD
Mar 5, 2008 2:36 AM

Jan 2008
^ He was talking about the deceased Gail McAllen. He didn't want the troops of his unit, the guys with codename Uruz, to sympathize with him over the loss of their friend Gail but to move on and be stronger and fight. He wants to keep his self-image for his team as the bad guy who feels nothing but power to fight.

I didn't quite understand Chidori's reaction to that one girl with the sister. Some sort of eerie feeling or maybe some "whispered" side-effect. I'm guessing its just a huge bad feeling that set her off the edge.

Jul 11, 2008 10:49 PM

Feb 2008
Kanaka, well it was probably also because she might've got an hunch that sousuke was missing etc.

I like the new character introduction, they did it well, but they just had to ruin it with spoon feeding you his and captain's (whatever her name is, I'm bad at names :p) intentions with the introduction.
Jan 25, 2009 5:10 PM

Aug 2008
Ahh. The twin sisters died. D;
I really likes them. Mostly when they killed ppl b/c it was really fast and cool. :o
Feb 4, 2009 7:43 AM

Jun 2008
Damn that Sagura he made my Tessa cry.
Mar 24, 2009 9:23 PM

Dec 2008
well im now interested in ben's technique that he used to defeat sousuke.
well onto the next one, it seems promising
Jul 22, 2009 12:58 PM
Feb 2008
WTF @ Tessa's little tirade! Though I gotta say it's about time!

Also when did this McAllen guy? I'm assuming in the first series but I don't remember. This one is significantly better than the original
Nov 9, 2009 3:18 PM

Oct 2009
Stupid Sousuke snap out of it already!
Nov 15, 2009 4:48 PM

Mar 2008
Damn I sure hope that room was soundproof. That was quite an incdient there. I suppose it had to happen though. Sousuke really doesn't react until someone throws it in his face. Of course Tessa made solid points there. He's pretty much using orders to make it easier on himself. If it's an order there is nothing he can do about it. He needs to step up and say what it is he wants. Until he's at least honest with himself he won't get anywhere at all.

Though it's not a good move on Tessa's part to bush him toward that unit. He already is frustrated with it, but with it being a reason he was taken away from Chidori he'll only resent and hate it which won't help him use it any better. It's a risky move to try what they are doing. It'll either work or severely backfire.
Dec 28, 2009 4:48 AM

Aug 2008
ewww, in first minutes Tessa annoyed me so much -.- i wanted throw somethin at the monitor when she started to cry,
Jan 5, 2010 8:00 PM
May 2008
Interesting episode, but I'm more interested in Chidori's situation. Sousuke's current story is rather tiring, and no as entertaining atm.
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Feb 4, 2010 10:34 PM

Jan 2009
The new leader seemed pretty solid. I just hope he doesn't turn evil or something and just continues being a baddass.

Mar 5, 2010 4:17 PM

Mar 2010
Tessa pwned Sousuke so bad.
Jan 3, 2011 7:59 PM

May 2010
Arrgh, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be taking this series! Is it entertainment, or is it art? I wish they'd throw aside all pretense, and do what they clearly want to do. It annoys me how some of these scenes are gad damn beautiful, and others are pandering silliness. And even the best parts are too incoherent, as the messages are mixed and unrelated to each other. Go figure that the better this series gets, the more I get angry at it for not being perfect...
“Money can't buy dere”
Feb 4, 2011 9:12 PM

Oct 2008
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Feb 11, 2011 3:56 AM

Oct 2009
Eh, poor new Lieutenant though...and i think the bad guy maybe his probably the Leader, the guy with long white hair is probably Tessa's brother they talked about in one of the earlier episodes >:O
Apr 19, 2011 1:27 PM

Jul 2009
Another great episode. Tessa acted like a selfish brat rather than a Captain at the start and Sousuke's responses were so blunt it made me laugh. I wonder what the history between Melissa and the new Lieutenant is though.
May 2, 2011 10:25 PM

Feb 2009
So that's the guy who saved them in Sicilia, looks like an interesting character. Sagara turning bad? I could totally see it, though it won't happen. Anyway, I wonder who's stationed to guard Chidori.
Nov 17, 2011 12:37 PM

Feb 2010
Tessa was saying legitimate things.. but then she had to get all annoying 1/2 way through. Stop while you're ahead or STFU Tessa.

I like the new Lieutenant. He's a hard ass.

C'mon Sagara snap outta it.
Nov 27, 2011 7:09 AM

Jul 2009
Tessa had some pent-up rage.

The new Lt's explanation that you work best with something you don't consider to be just a machine is believable.
'Everything is impossible until proven possible.' - Me

Mar 24, 2012 4:12 PM
Mar 2012
Interesting episode. Tessa's explosion was annoying, selfish, and unprofessional, but I suppose this was coming. It is nice that at least someone finally put it out in the open.

The new guy is kind of cool. Smart way of trying to get Sosuke to unleash the Arbalest's power.

There wasn't enough for me in this episode, though, and I'm not terribly interested in Sosuke's relationship with his AS. Not when more pressing matters are at hand, anyway.

And am I delusional, or is that Gauron's AS at the end? DOH!

3/5. The action scene was pretty good and Tessa's character arc has advanced a little bit. Worst episode so far this season, though.
Jul 29, 2012 7:35 PM

Jun 2010
The scene with Tessa was excellent. I'm surprised something so good came from this fake love-interest angle (there was never any chance that Sousuke would be attracted to Tessa). I like that she got genuinely angry with him and didn't immediately regret it.

Unfortunately, the rest of the episode was pretty terrible. This new character did nothing but play out shonen fighting anime cliches. Suddenly our badass hero who's prevailed in (almost) every circumstance before, including taking out a big scary villain at the end of the first series, is a sloppy weakling. What now? We going to spend episodes on him learning to be a better robot pilot? Sound fascinating. The new character delivering samurai cliche lines like "the weapon is an extension of the soldier's body" made it all the worse. The only upside is the scene where he and Mao talk and Sousuke's failure is connected to the stiff nature of his life in general.
Oct 11, 2012 12:03 AM

Sep 2011
Fuck you Tessa, fuck you. How dare you raise your voice to Sagara! You got the audacity to speak to him like that! LOL

Anyways, another amazing episode!
Dec 5, 2012 8:23 PM

Nov 2011
Man, I feel sooo bad for Sagara D=.

"I like to expose what people hide. I'm an intellectual rapist." - Furudo Erika
Apr 14, 2013 1:48 PM

Jan 2013
This was another amazing episode.
Sagara has a lot on his mind so it's understandable how he was defeated.
Hoping there's a kiss scene.
It would be so awesome after sitting through the first and second season with little romantic development.
May 16, 2013 7:17 AM

Oct 2010
I hate Tessa, such a selfish bitch.
Aug 14, 2013 7:18 PM

Apr 2013
Tessa being jealous... xD

The new captain is badass yet I can sense some sensitivity...

No Kaname =(


Dec 29, 2013 8:20 AM

May 2012
Damn what an episode... the commander acting like that and then this new dude who looks like a total jerk but is quite skilled well things sure are developing nice but the events happening are quite impacting to the story!
May 6, 2014 8:00 PM
Jul 2018
What an emotional episode, with Tessa crying in front of Sousuke like that and Weber and the new 1st lieutenant fighting...

Damn, what a great anime.
Aug 9, 2014 5:18 AM

Nov 2012
The feels, the action and the character development. My gassh. This season is somewhat of an emotional roller coaster ride. From the kaname's feelings of lost, tessas 'jealousy', souskes 'moping' and the new leader of SRT.
Aug 21, 2015 8:56 PM
Apr 2015
Tessa is crying not only because of jealousy toward Kaname; she's crying because she feels that she should have done more for Kaname as well. They are more than just love competitors.

Koyama-san joins the cast! Badass as usual.
Mar 2, 2016 4:58 AM

Apr 2011
Tessa is such a petty little shit, she KNOWS she doesn't have a fricking chance, she KNOWS how Sousuke feels about Kaname (damaged, emotionally constipated Sousuke), and yet she screams at him and cries because he doesn't wanna bang her? Frick this, I hate her. That isn't love, bitch. That's an obsessive, weak ass crush. She'd BETTER feel guilty, little bitch. > >

I get where the new lieutenant was coming from, still wouldn't surprise me if by the end of all of this Sousuke is like f u to the entire Mithil organization and goes home to Kaname. I know that's what I would do. :x
Ericonator said:
By definition, everything is retro since by the time you realize something has happened it's already in the past.
Mar 24, 2016 9:50 AM
May 2010
Was a very well built up scene with Tessa, whom as usual is able to see right through what Sagara is doing. Although she did step out a bit of line in terms of making it personal, she hit the nail on the head in a lot of spots. And whilst it is kind of obvious whom the true pairing of the show is, there's nothing wrong with the characters in that show not knowing it, or still trying to fight for it. After all, human beings tend to be fairly emotional, and given the amount of stress and worry that Tessa goes through on an almost daily basis, it was good to see her finally get a chance to vent her frustrations.
Jul 14, 2016 11:02 PM

Jan 2009
Remembering this episode after years. I think it was one of the best episodes of the series. The moment when Sousuke talks with his new superior and doesn't understanding why he was defeated, with that sad soundtrack... I just wish KyoAni made another season with this quality.
Dec 6, 2016 2:41 AM
Jun 2013
alot of tense talking moments this season. I mean seeing Tessa break down and explain how hard it is making this decision was pretty strong. Also the fact that she has feeling for this guy and even though shes a rival to kaname shes still her friend and she knows doing this can put her in danger as well. so the pony tail robot that makes no sense returns.
Dec 6, 2016 9:39 PM

Jan 2012
Dayum, Teletha was straight up GARBAGE this episode! ;D Well she never had a chance anyway, but that certainly was the last nail in the coffin. I like the new guy, who it turns out saved them in Sicily. He gave Sousuke quite the nicely animated sparring session, and some good advice. Back to Kaname next.
May 7, 2017 6:27 AM

Jan 2013
Solid episode, compared to the first half it's really starting to feel like I'm watching art unfold.
Not sure how I feel about Tessa though, she was right about some points but she's taking it way too perosnal.

I'm liking the new Lieutenant.
Dec 28, 2019 4:35 PM
Jul 2013
Very good episode, it went by like 5 mins instead of 20.
Tessa's breakdown is what you get when you put teenagers in command. Yet it still was quite powerful. Plus we get a life lesson from the new Uruz 1.
Feb 9, 2020 1:45 AM

Dec 2014
damn that was depressing being used like that
Dec 14, 2020 10:41 PM
Dec 2016
Boy, if I was Souseke I think I would leave Mithril after this episode. I don’t think I would be able to trust my superiors. At first he’s only assigned as part of a team of three to serve as an undercover bodyguard. Then he gets assigned to conduct missions in addition to his original role. Then his teammates are removed so he’s doing one job that previously took three people alone, in addition to whatever other random missions he’s assigned. In order to remain undercover he has to devote a significant amount of time to miscellaneous school assignments, while also delivering reports regarding his primary and secondary missions. In addition he has to deal with a machine that won’t listen to him that’s success is required in order to ensure the safety of his teammates. After having to handle the stress of all three of these different tasks, not to mention the stress of watching numerous teammates die due to incompetence, misjudgement, and betrayal, he’s told that he’s simply not good enough at his job to serve as a bodyguard anymore and is removed from his post without warning. Then while dealing with the emotional and mental stress caused by all of this, he gets berated by his immediate superior for being selfish. Finally, he is assigned a new boss who is given approval by the superior who just finished berating him to insult his dead former commanding officer, order him to fight, and then hospitalize him. I admire Souseke for not giving up, because I’m pretty sure if this were me I would. I suppose that’s why I’m not the star of an anime though.
Jun 9, 2021 8:30 PM
Nov 2010
Just give Tessa the D she wants so badly, Sousuke! hehe
Feb 3, 2023 11:24 AM

Jul 2014
Tessa is honestly such a shit, pointless character that any melodrama around her and her feelings for Sousuke simply does not work. She was making some good points at first, but ultimately just devolved into throwing a temper tantrum cos Sousuke doesn't really care about her (and why would he, when they almost never interact in anything other than a professional capacity?).

I've kinda just realised at this point that I don't give a damn about anything whatsoever involving Mithril, it's by far the most tedious part of the entire show to sit through and adds almost nothing to the overall experience. I liked it much better when it was more or less a framing device for Sousuke doing soldier things in school and public in general, rather than being the exclusive focus of the show: every episode without Kaname is thoroughly mediocre at best.
Dec 28, 2023 4:30 PM

Sep 2014
McAllen was their team leader? I thought that was Melissas job? I dont think I have ever even seen him in a mech.

This season has all the developement I would have expected to have happened in season 1.

Not very professional from the captain.

Just how big is Mithril actually?
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.

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