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Mar 14, 2014 1:22 PM

Jul 2013
Tennouji_ said:
RightSaidFred said:
A lot of material is omitted.

Like? If anything, are they even important? If not, then that's poor justification.

The anime is rushed and omits material. 24 episodes to cover 8 volumes of material. That's the biggest complaint about the anime. Read the light novel and judge for yourself.

People have commented that Koko turning her affections towards Banri seemed too fast and she must be crazy for falling in love with another guy so soon. The anime makes it seem like a matter of a couple of days, when in fact the period of time was much longer and the two spent a lot of time together. So it wasn't a knee jerk reaction on Koko's part.
Mar 14, 2014 1:34 PM

Nov 2010
What the fuck just happened.
Mar 14, 2014 2:04 PM

Sep 2010
I like Linda, but don't really like Banri or Koko. They're both drama queens to me and it makes the show less enjoyable.
Mar 14, 2014 2:45 PM

Jun 2012
Satire said:
Nawhdee said:
I'm a little confused as to how everyone keeps mentioning that the issues in this series can be so "easily" resolved. It's akin, in my mind, to when some reviewers mentioned that Aku No Hana has no real tension and is thus boring.

Just because the problems can be "easily" fixed, in your head, doesn't mean that the [portrayed] reality of the situation is necessarily so easy. I've never felt like the drama was forced, because I think (or, rather, feel) the characterization is strong enough - for all of its flaws - to give me the impression of the depth of their issues. So long as that empathetic connection is maintained...which was built over a long slog (I also, unlike others, don't think much of arguments about poor pacing), I can continue to feel, rather than mock or dislike, the drama.

To echo a previous comment: we also shouldn't underestimate the depth of the issues in the series. Banri's, in particular...but also the amount of guilt and misery felt by Linda, along with other characters.

In this series in particular their problems actually can be easily resolved. The core issue with the "problems" in Golden Time is that people don't want to use their mouths to simply talk things out. Banri has a group of friends, and girlfriend for that matter, willing to listen to his problems, support him, and accept him for who he is. He still manages to screw up big time because he literally runs away from his issues. In a situation where he didn't have supportive friends or anyone to talk to, the drama may have made sense. That isn't the case here. We're 22 episodes in and I haven't once felt any empathy. Maybe if how the issues were presented didn't feel so out of place and actually had a decent build up, this series may have had something.

Maybe we have a different perception as to what strong characterization is. There really isn't much growth nor maturity amongst the characters to warrant the depth you're talking about. What ruins this series, for me, is both Ghost Banri and the fact that Banri himself is terrible, unlikable MC.

We must have different ideas of strong characterization, then. It's clear that Banri has a friend group to speak to. But it's not as if drama is characterized by a particular arrangement of events or circumstances...drama, for me, should be the result of how the interiorities of the various characters interact. It's a mental phenomenon. Those friends exist, but the trauma and fear that Banri possesses prevents him from opening up...and I suppose it's really just a matter of how much you "buy" into those sentiments. I do, but you don't seem to. I might just be overly feely/imaginative.

I do agree, however, with your comment on Ghost Banri. I laughed when he said he'd curse Banri for trying to forget.
Mar 14, 2014 2:55 PM
Oct 2013
Wow, this episode actually 'permitted' Kouko haters to go on a rampage, huh? I know they just waiting for their chance to do this, I can see insult anywhere, not like I don't see it in previous episode discussion, but this is getting ridiculous there's also some haters that felt relieved that Kouko did what she did this episode just to reaffirm and taking this as a proof of their hatred towards Kouko.. Maybe I expected too much for having an actual discussion instead of bashing of characters?? #sigh
I cannot bring myself to rate anime that I have completed below 5. Well, it just because I have use up my precious time to watch it. so, the worse you will get from me is 5 (changes may apply)
Mar 14, 2014 3:04 PM
Jan 2013
well shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
that was intense
linda is so much better than koko fo real
Mar 14, 2014 3:31 PM

Feb 2014
What the heck just happened?


It looks like something out of a choose your own adventure game at the end of the episode. Whoever he chooses, I hope it has a happy ending for all the characters.
Mar 14, 2014 3:49 PM
Jan 2012
Best girl this week: Nana-senpai :)
Mar 14, 2014 4:07 PM

May 2009
RightSaidFred said:
Tennouji_ said:
RightSaidFred said:
A lot of material is omitted.

Like? If anything, are they even important? If not, then that's poor justification.

The anime is rushed and omits material. 24 episodes to cover 8 volumes of material. That's the biggest complaint about the anime. Read the light novel and judge for yourself.

People have commented that Koko turning her affections towards Banri seemed too fast and she must be crazy for falling in love with another guy so soon. The anime makes it seem like a matter of a couple of days, when in fact the period of time was much longer and the two spent a lot of time together. So it wasn't a knee jerk reaction on Koko's part.

Also 8th volume is 100 pages longer than all previous ones.
Mar 14, 2014 4:44 PM

Apr 2009
Oh great, here come the linda fags. :/
Mar 14, 2014 5:03 PM

May 2010
Mar 14, 2014 5:37 PM

Nov 2012
Mar 14, 2014 6:06 PM

Sep 2011
osmanabi said:
Best character. F*ck others.


hauhauhua Nana ever S2
Mar 14, 2014 6:16 PM
Feb 2014
For a moment there i though it was gonna be Banri X Nanae

I feel kinda sorry for the red head chap for being in the middle of it.

i reckon kouko should be killed or has to move away so it be Banri X Linda as they deserve each other
I only read books i have already read
Mar 14, 2014 7:32 PM

Jan 2012
There is hope my LindaBros.

Only true lovers can pull hair like that.
Mar 14, 2014 7:47 PM

Aug 2013
Dayum, this show doesn't go easy on the romance drama...

Nana is a real big sis. She's always them when Banri need help the most.

Mmm, so Koko broke with him because she felt he was playing and hiding thing from her.

Damn, that scene in the cafeteria was explosive, you could see that there was a misunderstanding between Koko and Banri and that it was ready to explode.

After seeing that Oka is still taking film of Banri and company, I wonder how it will end. I really think that after-accident Banri is destined to disappear with all his memory. Maybe it will end with the gang watching the tape Oka kept in the camera of Banri speaking for a last time on the Okamera?

I think we can interpret Linda work - ''What about my feeling then?'' - in two ways possible. Either she had feeling for him and putted them aside to help Koko to have a better relationship with Banri. If Banri renounced to Koko, it would be like that he tell her that she hided her feeling for nothing. The other possibility is that she never had romantic feeling for him and that renouncing to her would like to try to force his feeling on her. Anyway, that's how I see it.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Mar 14, 2014 8:23 PM

Jul 2013
She could be referencing any kind of feelings. Anime characters say similar things all the time and most of the time they aren't talking about love.

That whole scene just said to me that all she is feeling is guilt and sense of responsibility. She kept saying how she would redo he didn't get hurt. That was the major point she emphasized. Its possible that there is some underlying regret in a "what if" kind of way but she is more focused on trying to help him. His resignation would be spitting on all the effort she has put into supporting him.

Not feelings of love. Its a red herring driven by flashbacks of their past. If she ever did feel romantic love for him she has long since moved on from it. She probably sees Banri more of a little brother right now.

She has yet to give any real and actual signs that she loves him now. She hasn't since they 1st met in college again.
Mar 14, 2014 8:52 PM

Dec 2012
They officially broke up. Now I shall give Golden Time 10/10.
Mar 14, 2014 9:12 PM

Aug 2008
I love all these tears.
Mar 14, 2014 9:12 PM
Jan 2012
banri's VA is so freaking horrible. Everytime he's on one of his inane shrieking rants, I have to FF. chills all over from cringing so much.

that last scene with the president, linda and banri was WTF? escalated quickly would be putting it loosely. Does everybody on this show have mental problems? How can they all be so unaware of themselves? Between the really awkward, stale humor oscillating to the extreme freaking out, this entire show is a bit schizophrenic.

I mean, making a video of lonely hearts club..... WHO DOES THAT?

i dont understand why this show has such a high rating. There's nothing poignant. Much of the show has been done featuring awkward turns and jokes. If this was supposed to be slice of life romance, 90% of this show has been about putting up fake fronts. They kinda dance around the issue of banri's problems, and resolve it by having a screaming match for the world to see.

right now golden time is like a 4/10 for me.
ftghbMar 14, 2014 9:19 PM
Mar 14, 2014 9:57 PM

Oct 2010
ftghb said:
banri's VA is so freaking horrible. Everytime he's on one of his inane shrieking rants, I have to FF. chills all over from cringing so much.
Lol, I have to agree with this. The first time I heard him shout I was like WTF? You're definitely right in describing it as shrieking, so hard to listen to.
Mar 14, 2014 10:14 PM

Jan 2013
ftghb said:
banri's VA is so freaking horrible. Everytime he's on one of his inane shrieking rants, I have to FF. chills all over from cringing so much.

that last scene with the president, linda and banri was WTF? escalated quickly would be putting it loosely. Does everybody on this show have mental problems? How can they all be so unaware of themselves? Between the really awkward, stale humor oscillating to the extreme freaking out, this entire show is a bit schizophrenic.

I mean, making a video of lonely hearts club..... WHO DOES THAT?

i dont understand why this show has such a high rating. There's nothing poignant. Much of the show has been done featuring awkward turns and jokes. If this was supposed to be slice of life romance, 90% of this show has been about putting up fake fronts. They kinda dance around the issue of banri's problems, and resolve it by having a screaming match for the world to see.

right now golden time is like a 4/10 for me.

Stick to the manga instead.
Mar 14, 2014 11:29 PM

Jan 2014
Well, love hurts. You can't be with someone forever.

This is getting tense. Used to be on the #teamkoko but I'm probably moving to #teamlinda.

Yana got pretty furious when it was all revealed.
"The one true, unchanging righteousness in the world is..cuteness! Cute makes right! All our needs, desires, and instincts seek cuteness, and it is for cuteness that we will give everything we have! That's just the way men are!" - Sora
Mar 14, 2014 11:35 PM

Jun 2013
Children, this is why you never, NEVER stick it in crazy.

But who am I kidding. Most of the characters in this show are crazy. That being said, I might have to kick small fuzzy animals if I don't get Linda x Banri in the end.
-Trippwire-Mar 14, 2014 11:46 PM
Mar 14, 2014 11:46 PM

Mar 2009
Nana is the only sane person in the cast.

Thankfully, there's only two episodes left of this show.
Mar 14, 2014 11:48 PM

Jun 2013
Yaelin said:
They officially broke up. Now I shall give Golden Time 10/10.
I award thee the internet.
Mar 14, 2014 11:59 PM
Jan 2013
OMG this episode actually made me cry. I never expected it, but I actually feel so heartbroken for Linda.

What are you doing Banri? FREAKING GO CHASE AFTER KOKO

Highlight of episode: Nana logic - "If you say 'I wanna die' that lightly, I'll kill you!"
Lol xD
Mar 15, 2014 1:21 AM

Feb 2012
So much draaaaaaama!!

Damn you Koko for being a b*tch after all!! Who would seriously be friends with an ex (koko) who, the next day, has no feelings what so ever about the breakup and reverts to being friends like nothing happened? And damn you Banri for being a weakling! Waiting for Koko to come back? Dang, are you the girl? You're supposed to do the chasing!!

Only thing I like about this episode is NANA, LINDA and OKA!!
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Mar 15, 2014 1:46 AM

Jan 2014
I'm just glad this anime is ending.
"Even if it's only one person go out and find someone unique"

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Feel free to recommend me some anime! Thank you! (o⌒.⌒o)

Mar 15, 2014 2:31 AM

Feb 2013

I don't know what is going on anymore, there better be a good end.
Mar 15, 2014 3:41 AM
Dec 2013
Wow, I totally thought Koko got ahold of her senses the next day, but she just wanted to pour salt in the wound. What a lame move. She had everyone relieved for a second there. Then WHAM with the bluntness.
Mar 15, 2014 3:46 AM
Dec 2013
Guess it's true.

"What is drama but life with the dull bits cut out."
-Alfred Hitchcock
Mar 15, 2014 3:47 AM

Sep 2008
This is what happens when an anime has a main character with a weird name like Tada Banri.
Mar 15, 2014 4:09 AM

Sep 2013
Drakewinm said:
This episode has regained my faith in Golden Time

When Kaga acted normal I was like "This is the worst anime ever..." I was so wrong

haha just like me in the first few minutes of the episode.. but then yea, we were so wrong!
Mar 15, 2014 4:20 AM

Sep 2013
ilykegoodanime said:
dont wanna be rude but honestly you're only fooling yourself if you think he won't end up with koko, lol. Good anime but man I hate these two girls. Koko is a huge beyotch and Linda is just too boring.

haha i salute that post.. yeah koko is a bitch and linda's boring :D
Mar 15, 2014 4:30 AM
Dec 2013
Now that I think about it, Koko reminds me more and more of this crazy chick my best friend dated in college. XD
Mar 15, 2014 4:40 AM

Sep 2013
damn that escalated quickly...

a good episode for me and it feels like that whole episode is just five minutes... the preview for this ep last week really fools me, and i think the preview for next week is a lie too..... >.<
Mar 15, 2014 5:33 AM
Mar 2014
I think that Banri and Koko are still a better couple. The reason for it is, every time he saw Linda he was pushed further into his past. The feelings of losing yourself was initially initiated with his interaction with Linda. Koko, even if she is a spoiled brat she seems to be able to have a power to help Banri move on from his past. She's not exactly the nurturing type like Linda but she tries her best to make Banri happy. I think when she saw the video when he was calling out to Linda, it was a huge feeling of betrayal and that's why she acts so weirdly to him in episode 22. If I were her, I would do the same. I'd break up with my boyfriend and pretend it's okay. Not because I'm a brat but because I would be so overwhelmed with my feelings I wouldn't know what to do. She doesn't want to lose a connection with Banri but at the same time she can't afford to keep getting hurt by him. You have to realize that Koko has been suffering a lot as well for the sake of Banri. She's done her best in order to accept him and his problems.
During the nightclub incident, I would have definitely broken up with Banri but instead she still went to his place despite being so hurt and stayed with him because she truly loves him so much. I think Banri isn't in the wrong with the break up but it's not exactly as if he's chasing after her in order to make it clear to her how he feels. If you've noticed in the anime, Banri has kept a lot to himself and Koko only finds out later because of hints (i.e. The pills in the trash, the picture of Linda and Banri from high school)
Koko has gone through a lot with Banri and she's gotten to the point of being an emotional mess. She needs to be reassured that Banri will be there for her because from what I see, she's willing to go the distance and he isn't as much. He honestly needs to pin that girl down and be like listen:
"I can't guarantee that I won't lose myself and sometimes I do things that I don't even understand. I'm sorry I hurt you and I know you feel betrayed by me. But I am going to try my best not just for you but for our relationship. You've brought a light in my world when I felt like there was nothing but darkness and you were able to accept me for who I am. I love you and I'm never going to give up on us..." Or something like that

In the end, I think Banri will end up chasing Koko to show her that he will try his best to be there for her. He needs to realize the things through her perspective. Going with Linda would be taking the easy way out and just be clinging to the past. Sometimes some things are left better in the past. I guess the reason I sympathize with Koko is because of my dating experience xD

P.S: For those of you who have yet to experience your true first love. Just know that Love makes you go absolutely crazy, and it makes life more difficult but at the end of the day if you truly love someone you're ready to stick through with them through thick and thin :)
Mar 15, 2014 8:56 AM

Oct 2009
Yeah well fuck Kouko, I don't care what her reason's are. Fuck her.
Maybe the 2 broken hearts club members should get together >_>
Nana best girl!
Mar 15, 2014 9:39 AM
Aug 2011
poor banri :(
Mar 15, 2014 11:26 AM

Dec 2013
I really wasn't satisfied with last weeks drama but this week is like a complete 180, the exchange at the end of this episode was just perfect in my eyes. Banri's yell is so whiny though, bleh.
Mar 15, 2014 11:47 AM

Jun 2010
HA! Well, I have nothing to say. I'm sure they will still end up together but it's sad seeing Kouko bitching a lot.
Mar 15, 2014 11:51 AM

Oct 2013
Well, the break up was expected but...I can't take this show seriously at all (even if some episodes are really good) next episode's pv just kill all of the enjoyment for me.
Mar 15, 2014 12:29 PM
Jan 2013
laurz280 said:
I think that Banri and Koko are still a better couple. The reason for it is, every time he saw Linda he was pushed further into his past. The feelings of losing yourself was initially initiated with his interaction with Linda. Koko, even if she is a spoiled brat she seems to be able to have a power to help Banri move on from his past. She's not exactly the nurturing type like Linda but she tries her best to make Banri happy. I think when she saw the video when he was calling out to Linda, it was a huge feeling of betrayal and that's why she acts so weirdly to him in episode 22. If I were her, I would do the same. I'd break up with my boyfriend and pretend it's okay. Not because I'm a brat but because I would be so overwhelmed with my feelings I wouldn't know what to do. She doesn't want to lose a connection with Banri but at the same time she can't afford to keep getting hurt by him. You have to realize that Koko has been suffering a lot as well for the sake of Banri. She's done her best in order to accept him and his problems.
During the nightclub incident, I would have definitely broken up with Banri but instead she still went to his place despite being so hurt and stayed with him because she truly loves him so much. I think Banri isn't in the wrong with the break up but it's not exactly as if he's chasing after her in order to make it clear to her how he feels. If you've noticed in the anime, Banri has kept a lot to himself and Koko only finds out later because of hints (i.e. The pills in the trash, the picture of Linda and Banri from high school)
Koko has gone through a lot with Banri and she's gotten to the point of being an emotional mess. She needs to be reassured that Banri will be there for her because from what I see, she's willing to go the distance and he isn't as much. He honestly needs to pin that girl down and be like listen:
"I can't guarantee that I won't lose myself and sometimes I do things that I don't even understand. I'm sorry I hurt you and I know you feel betrayed by me. But I am going to try my best not just for you but for our relationship. You've brought a light in my world when I felt like there was nothing but darkness and you were able to accept me for who I am. I love you and I'm never going to give up on us..." Or something like that

In the end, I think Banri will end up chasing Koko to show her that he will try his best to be there for her. He needs to realize the things through her perspective. Going with Linda would be taking the easy way out and just be clinging to the past. Sometimes some things are left better in the past. I guess the reason I sympathize with Koko is because of my dating experience xD

P.S: For those of you who have yet to experience your true first love. Just know that Love makes you go absolutely crazy, and it makes life more difficult but at the end of the day if you truly love someone you're ready to stick through with them through thick and thin :)

^THIS. Everyone calling Koko a bitch: she has a good reason. Banri has put Koko through a lot of crap and she's had enough. She doesn't want to be hurt. Banri has never been completely open with Koko, the person he's supposed to love most, and she feels betrayed. The only way Banri can fix it is to chase after her like his life depended on it, and put it all right. Tell her everything. Tell her how much he loves her. Take care of her instead of Koko always taking care of him.
Mar 15, 2014 12:50 PM

Oct 2010
ricchan15 said:
Everyone calling Koko a bitch: she has a good reason. Banri has put Koko through a lot of crap and she's had enough. She doesn't want to be hurt. Banri has never been completely open with Koko, the person he's supposed to love most, and she feels betrayed. The only way Banri can fix it is to chase after her like his life depended on it, and put it all right. Tell her everything. Tell her how much he loves her. Take care of her instead of Koko always taking care of him.
But you guys are saying that as if Koko has never put Banri through any crap and has always been completely open with him, which isn't the case. Remember the whole car accident fiasco and how immature Koko acted back then? all over a stupid dream, and then Banri had to very much take care of her, it isn't always the other way around. And I can list several instances in which she wasn't open with Banri either, and gave him mixed signals on what she wanted from him. The situation isn't all his fault.

And even if Koko has valid reasons for the break up, her manner of doing so is completely unjustified. She's acting completely heartless and Banri doesn't deserve that given his situation. Regardless of whether she's trying to prevent herself from getting hurt, make things easier for Banri, or both, there are better ways of going about this.
Mar 15, 2014 2:58 PM

Jul 2013
ricchan15 said:
laurz280 said:
I think that Banri and Koko are still a better couple. The reason for it is, every time he saw Linda he was pushed further into his past. The feelings of losing yourself was initially initiated with his interaction with Linda. Koko, even if she is a spoiled brat she seems to be able to have a power to help Banri move on from his past. She's not exactly the nurturing type like Linda but she tries her best to make Banri happy. I think when she saw the video when he was calling out to Linda, it was a huge feeling of betrayal and that's why she acts so weirdly to him in episode 22. If I were her, I would do the same. I'd break up with my boyfriend and pretend it's okay. Not because I'm a brat but because I would be so overwhelmed with my feelings I wouldn't know what to do. She doesn't want to lose a connection with Banri but at the same time she can't afford to keep getting hurt by him. You have to realize that Koko has been suffering a lot as well for the sake of Banri. She's done her best in order to accept him and his problems.
During the nightclub incident, I would have definitely broken up with Banri but instead she still went to his place despite being so hurt and stayed with him because she truly loves him so much. I think Banri isn't in the wrong with the break up but it's not exactly as if he's chasing after her in order to make it clear to her how he feels. If you've noticed in the anime, Banri has kept a lot to himself and Koko only finds out later because of hints (i.e. The pills in the trash, the picture of Linda and Banri from high school)
Koko has gone through a lot with Banri and she's gotten to the point of being an emotional mess. She needs to be reassured that Banri will be there for her because from what I see, she's willing to go the distance and he isn't as much. He honestly needs to pin that girl down and be like listen:
"I can't guarantee that I won't lose myself and sometimes I do things that I don't even understand. I'm sorry I hurt you and I know you feel betrayed by me. But I am going to try my best not just for you but for our relationship. You've brought a light in my world when I felt like there was nothing but darkness and you were able to accept me for who I am. I love you and I'm never going to give up on us..." Or something like that

In the end, I think Banri will end up chasing Koko to show her that he will try his best to be there for her. He needs to realize the things through her perspective. Going with Linda would be taking the easy way out and just be clinging to the past. Sometimes some things are left better in the past. I guess the reason I sympathize with Koko is because of my dating experience xD

P.S: For those of you who have yet to experience your true first love. Just know that Love makes you go absolutely crazy, and it makes life more difficult but at the end of the day if you truly love someone you're ready to stick through with them through thick and thin :)

^THIS. Everyone calling Koko a bitch: she has a good reason. Banri has put Koko through a lot of crap and she's had enough. She doesn't want to be hurt. Banri has never been completely open with Koko, the person he's supposed to love most, and she feels betrayed. The only way Banri can fix it is to chase after her like his life depended on it, and put it all right. Tell her everything. Tell her how much he loves her. Take care of her instead of Koko always taking care of him.

Nothing he did justifies her horrible behavior last episode. He didn't share like what two things? No one is 100% completely open, everyone has info they want to keep to themselves. No Banri should not "have to chase her like his life depended on it". If that is what she wants then its one of those Bullshit tests that some women think is cool to do in relationships. She bloody well knows Banri loves her. Its fine if she decides that in the long run the relationship is not worth it thats cool. The manner she did so was just unforgivable. She just shat on and confused a person whom she knows for a FACT is severely hurting and has mental confusion/instability. Yet that is how she approached ending their relationship.
Mar 15, 2014 3:39 PM

Sep 2013
wow!!!! so dramatic... so many tears

so when Koko saw Banri's medication in the garbage, was it empty, or had he also thrown out the pills?
mika_chuMar 15, 2014 3:55 PM
Mar 15, 2014 3:50 PM

Sep 2013
I don't see how Banri could choose Linda over Koko, given that THIS Banri loves Koko. He would only end up with Linda if the old Banri came back. That is the Banri that loved Linda.

I would feel really sad if I were Koko and I saw that footage as well... that wouldn't be easy to do. I don't know how she's managing to act the way she is acting right now, though. Hopefully she stops pushing him away and they get to talk properly, which looks like what's next.
Mar 15, 2014 3:55 PM

Dec 2012
Jesus! What a freaking mess. It seems the writers can't seem to make up their mind where the plot is going. Talk about poor character consistency and weak justifications for their motives. The show had such a good dramatic start with the relationships of Banri, Linda and Koko, then it kinda just forgets about Linda and Banri and decides to focus on Koko and Banri for the majority of the show. And now it completely drops the ball and decides to break Koko and Banri up for what seems like a rushed and abrupt plot twist with no build up what so ever just for the sake of creating drama. Even Koko's reason for breaking up with Banri seems weak. It shows how weak their love is which seems to contradict what the writing have been advocating for the majority of the show. And don't get me started on the poor transitions between serious and comedic moments. It was so unrealistic to see Banri smiling with Oka chan right after the break up. /End of rant
Mar 15, 2014 5:20 PM

Mar 2013
Well damn... shits hit the fan here at the end.
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