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Jan 11, 2014 10:29 PM

Apr 2007
Sorry, weird title. But there was a "why don't people like mecha anime?" thread over in Anime Discussion a few days ago. There's a real lack of mecha on my list, and what is there isn't rated very highly. But I don't think that's enough to just dismiss mecha outright.

Completed mecha anime I didn't like:
Code Geass (4) - I liked Code Geass at the start, but the plot just turned into asspulls and plot twists out of nowhere for shock value.
Rideback (4) - First four episodes were great; I thought this would turn out to be some sort of racing show. Then the political subplot overtook the 'motorcycle robot racing!' subplot and it started sucking.
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (first season 6, second season 5, movie 4) - my first foray into what is probably the most popular mecha franchise out there. I can barely remember the plot, so it's hard to say why I didn't like it now. I remember that while it was airing it was entertaining for all the wrong reasons - I especially loved to make fun of the characters and the stupid things they did and said, and I wasn't very interested in the giant robot battles.

Mecha I dropped:
Basquash - I can't even remember what this show is about. Basketball mecha? What?
Code Geass R2 - see under Code Geass
Dragonaut the Resonance - boooooobs
Gundam Seed - realised after two episodes that if Gundam 00 wasn't really my thing this wouldn't be either
Neon Genesis Evangelion - long story short: had it on DVD; moved house; couldn't find DVD anymore; thought, 'fuck it, getting another copy's not worth it'; dropped it

Completed mecha shows I did like:
Gurren Lagann (9) - relentless over the top action. Humor and heart. Is completely ridiculous but doesn't take itself seriously.
Suisei no Gargantia (8) - Not really a mecha show, I think. There is one (spoiler later two) cool giant robot of note in the entire show, the rest are functional, ugly-looking drones used mostly for scavenging scrap or other mundane tasks. For most of its run the show is a slice of life story about a fish-out-of-water super soldier learning to cope with the peaceful new world he's stranded on. Not a show about giant robots pounding on each other.

So, in summary: I only like two mecha shows, but I haven't watched a lot of mecha. Is there anything else the genre has to offer me?
Jan 11, 2014 10:31 PM

Mar 2012

That is all.
I'm dead. Don't come looking for me.
Jan 11, 2014 10:34 PM

Jun 2007
Zegapain, they are around but they are just a plot device for the most part.

Gun x Sword has mecha but is essentially Cowboy Bebop mixed with Trigun mixed with better music and a more likable cast than both.

I completely forgot it, but I agree with some later posts that mention Macross - specifically Frontier.
TallonKarrde23Jan 12, 2014 12:28 AM
Jan 11, 2014 10:41 PM

Jan 2013
Negative-Travis said:

That is all.
CabronJan 11, 2014 10:44 PM
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

Jan 11, 2014 10:43 PM
Aug 2013
TallonKarrde23 said:
Zegapain, they are around but they are just a plot device for the most part.

Gun x Sword has mecha but is essentially Cowboy Bebop mixed with Trigun mixed with better music and a more likable cast than both.

I second Gun x Sword i REALLY dont like mecha anime usually but this one is definitly in my top 10 favorite anime.

I see that you just lost Evanglion but i highly reccomend at least trying to find it i would give a link but im pretty sure its against the rules..

Eureka Seven is also good
Jan 11, 2014 10:43 PM

Dec 2012
I recommend:

1. Full Metal Panic!(action-mecha with a little bit of rom-com).

2. Infinite Stratos(romance-harem with a little bit of action & school theme).
I like anime.
Jan 11, 2014 10:44 PM

Mar 2008
+1 Nadesico
Aim for the Top! Gunbuster - unsure about this, but it's short and generally 'light' and overthetop gainax
The Big O - film noir, 'western' favourite and episodic variety
Mobile Police Patlabor: Early Days OVA - light hearted police drama with mechs
Shin Mazinger - constant crazy, hit or miss.
Giant Robo - The Day the Earth Stood Still - not at all a formulaic mecha. Drama, homages and oldschool.

If you can't stomach the main Gundams, then 0080: War in the Pocket is likely your thing, but beware of spoilers.
Jan 11, 2014 10:45 PM

Sep 2012
Guilty Crown is mecha, but doesn't really feel like it.

The mechs aren't central to the story.
Jan 11, 2014 10:50 PM

Dec 2012
Red_Keys said:
Guilty Crown is mecha, but doesn't really feel like it.

The mechs aren't central to the story.

It has mecha in it, not a mecha anime show.
I like anime.
Jan 11, 2014 10:55 PM

Mar 2012
Eureka 7

and....Battle Angel (she's a bad ass biotch!)
"People die if they get killed" who knew.
Jan 11, 2014 11:02 PM

Sep 2012
Pat_To_Do-List said:
Red_Keys said:
Guilty Crown is mecha, but doesn't really feel like it.

The mechs aren't central to the story.

It has mecha in it, not a mecha anime show.
Yea yea yea.

But if a show has distinct romance in it, but it's not specifically a romance show, it'd still be valid for a romance anime recommendation. Same thing applies to this.
Jan 11, 2014 11:21 PM

Dec 2012
Red_Keys said:
Yea yea yea.

But if a show has distinct romance in it, but it's not specifically a romance show, it'd still be valid for a romance anime recommendation. Same thing applies to this.

That is a different thing. The key word is "distinct."
I like anime.
Jan 12, 2014 12:04 AM

Sep 2012
Erm, if you don't think mechas are a distinct aspect of Guilty Crown, you may need to rewatch it.
Jan 12, 2014 12:08 AM

Nov 2012
Try out Getter Robo: Armageddon it shares the same craziness as TTGL

Macross - Highly recommend
Macross: Do You Remember Love (Can work as a standalone) - Highly recommend
Ckan said:
+1 Nadesico
Aim for the Top! Gunbuster - unsure about this, but it's short and generally 'light' and overthetop gainax
The Big O - film noir, 'western' favourite and episodic variety
Mobile Police Patlabor: Early Days OVA - light hearted police drama with mechs
Shin Mazinger - constant crazy, hit or miss.
Giant Robo - The Day the Earth Stood Still - not at all a formulaic mecha. Drama, homages and oldschool.

If you can't stomach the main Gundams, then 0080: War in the Pocket is likely your thing, but beware of spoilers.
Second these especially War in the Pocket.
RX-782Jan 12, 2014 12:12 AM
Jan 12, 2014 12:09 AM
Apr 2013
Macross Frontier
Jan 12, 2014 12:34 AM

Dec 2012
Red_Keys said:
Erm, if you don't think mechas are a distinct aspect of Guilty Crown, you may need to rewatch it.

I am sure you will understand what I mean in the future. Do not worry.
I like anime.
Jan 12, 2014 1:44 AM

Jan 2014
+1 Guilty Crown
+1 Infinite Stratos
Suisei No Gargantia
Jan 12, 2014 3:15 AM

Apr 2007
Thank you, everyone. I've added Nadesico, Gun x Sword, Gundam 0080, and The Big O to my PTW list and will probably add more once I'm back on a proper computer (MAL is kind of tricky to navigate on my phone).

Question for everyone who recommended Guilty Crown: As I said in my first post, I didn't really like Code Geass, and the two get compared to each other a lot — especially in the plotholes department. Is it still worth watching, considering my opinion of Geass?

More recommendations appreciated!
Jan 12, 2014 3:22 AM

Sep 2012
Well.... Guilty Crown's plot is kinda hard to follow at times, to be honest. There's quite a few things that I wouldn't really call asspulls.. but are simply not sufficiently explained. Guilty Crown is about half as long as Code Geass, so I guess technically speaking that gives it less room for plotholes. People are usually very polarized with this show, and either love it or hate it. Personally, I loved it for the characters.

I like Shu a lot better than I like Lelouch.

The comparisons to Code Geass are really just superficial face-value comparisons based on the premise. Both feature superpowers, mecha, and an oppressive government/rebellion plot.
Jan 12, 2014 5:02 AM
Aug 2013
macross frontier

I generally dont' like mecha too, but that one is quite good
I will peacefully inflict pain on to him
Jan 12, 2014 7:17 AM
Nov 2013
ona said:
Neon Genesis Evangelion - long story short: had it on DVD; moved house; couldn't find DVD anymore; thought, 'fuck it, getting another copy's not worth it'; dropped it

I think you should watch it. I'm biased to say because for me Evangelion is perfect on every aspect. And The End of Evangelion is even better. Recently I showed to my cousin and he didn't like it, but it's a classic. Also, Macross Frontier is a good try.
Jan 12, 2014 8:38 AM

Jan 2014
Do you care for magical girl? Try Galaxy Fraulein Yuna. It has both.

I second:
Macross: Do You Remember Love and Nadesico
Jan 12, 2014 9:01 AM

Apr 2011
Full Metal Panic!
Jan 12, 2014 11:47 AM

Dec 2012
Guimend said:
ona said:
Neon Genesis Evangelion - long story short: had it on DVD; moved house; couldn't find DVD anymore; thought, 'fuck it, getting another copy's not worth it'; dropped it

I think you should watch it. I'm biased to say because for me Evangelion is perfect on every aspect. And The End of Evangelion is even better.

Perfect is pushing it. It's a trend-setting bar-setting piece of artistry, to be certain, but it had quite a few issues near the end, part due to budget constraints, and the 0.0 restart has had a couple of bumpy parts. That said, I consider Evangelion both an essential part of anime culture and necessary to understand how much other anime, including most mecha and most psychological, steal from this show as source material.

I consider the majority of mecha anime released after Evangelion to be imitations of the original, and without seeing Evangelion first, things like RahXephon seem like they were actually better than what they really were.
How do people get to 2000 hours when I'm already this bored?
Jan 12, 2014 12:28 PM
Aug 2011
People mentioned Macross (good for early 80's) and Macross Frontier (which is newish, and pretty epic with the soundtrack and visuals)

I'd actually recommend to start with the Macross OVAs - Macross Zero and Macross Plus. Each named installment of Macross has it's own "vibe", and features a new story with new characters, though they're all set in the same universe, and they do references previous events somewhat.

I also recommend checking out the Gundam - War in the Pocket OVA

Bokurano is also an interesting show, worth a look, though you have to watch a little bit to start getting an idea, it has mecha but focuses much more on the psychology of the cast.
Jan 12, 2014 12:31 PM
Dec 2013
You should try out Full metal panic.
Jan 12, 2014 2:25 PM

Apr 2007
Eva moved to on-hold.
Added to PTW: Full Metal Panic, Guilty Crown (both status as a mecha show and quality have been disputed, but now I'm curious enough to see for myself), Macross Frontier.

I love this thread, it's been much more helpful than I thought it would be. You've all given great suggestions (keep them coming!).
Jan 12, 2014 6:18 PM

Apr 2011
ona said:
Eva moved to on-hold.
Added to PTW: Full Metal Panic, Guilty Crown (both status as a mecha show and quality have been disputed, but now I'm curious enough to see for myself), Macross Frontier.

I love this thread, it's been much more helpful than I thought it would be. You've all given great suggestions (keep them coming!).

Just adding this: Full Metal Panic! gets much better in the second season (The Second Raid).
Jan 12, 2014 8:15 PM

Jan 2013
You might like Tekkaman Blade or Full Metal Panic.
Salmon is delicious.
Jan 12, 2014 8:54 PM

Feb 2013
Escaflowne is a fantasy adventure romance that has mecha.

AKB0048... um... idols singing and dancing on mecha?... Yea, it's that awesome.

My list has a bunch of mecha on it. Take what ya want.
Jan 12, 2014 9:23 PM

Apr 2013
I'm not really a big mecha fan, but I think Eureka 7 is an anime that can be enjoyed regardless of that fact.
Jan 12, 2014 9:34 PM
Jul 2012
Guilty Crown has only random mechas for cool factor but it's total garbage, if you thought cg was shock value you'll despise that. It has also a lot of fanservice which you seem to dislike

Anyway I highly recommend that you watch Evangelion one way or another, it's truly worth it, don't mind too much what anime community says about it, it's simply a must-watch if you're into anime in general, it's even mentionned in classes that are related to japanese culture/animation classes/cinema classes. Don't let adamant fanboys/haters or whatnot ruin it for you and just finish watching it with an open mind

Watch Eureka Seven also, it's not really about the mecha it's more of a coming of age/adventure anime that is centered on it's characters/worldbuilding
TarextherexJan 12, 2014 9:44 PM
Jan 12, 2014 9:59 PM

Apr 2010
Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari [url][/url]
Its better to have burned out than to have never really shined...
Jan 13, 2014 11:14 AM
Dec 2013
I think should be, for mecha though I hate harems now. But still it is a good to watch if you don't have something to watch.
私はあなたを愛して。 29915250
It takes one step backward, and two steps forward. *Avi
Jan 13, 2014 6:03 PM

Apr 2007
KillJoyMafia said:
You might as well give up now since you've basically disliked the majority of the big hits of the mecha genre.

This thread's convinced me not to give up, though.
Jan 13, 2014 6:34 PM
Jun 2012
i really don't like Mecha that much either, but thought Full Metal Panic! was a masterpiece.
Jan 13, 2014 9:36 PM

Apr 2007
Minor update: I'm halfway thorugh Gundam 0080, and I have to thank everyone who recommended it.

Series prediction (I've stayed away from spoilers like a good little child):
Jan 13, 2014 9:40 PM

Oct 2012
Kind of surprised no one has mentioned Break Blade.

Probably the best mech series imo, has a great story/art etc.

It is six episodes at an hour each. The manga goes on much longer than the anime.

I also see people mentioning Gundam, try Endless Waltz (movie) and Gundam Wing.

Along with the newish one Gundam Unicorn (superb art)
Jan 14, 2014 10:15 AM
Nov 2013
Srsly, nothing wrong with this, but the most common post that I see here on MAL is: "I don't like mecha but..." there is always a "but" and there's always "I don't like mecha" hahahaha
Jan 14, 2014 3:26 PM

Sep 2013
ona said:
Sorry, weird title. But there was a "why don't people like mecha anime?" thread over in Anime Discussion a few days ago. There's a real lack of mecha on my list, and what is there isn't rated very highly. But I don't think that's enough to just dismiss mecha outright.

Completed mecha anime I didn't like:
Code Geass (4) - I liked Code Geass at the start, but the plot just turned into asspulls and plot twists out of nowhere for shock value.
Rideback (4) - First four episodes were great; I thought this would turn out to be some sort of racing show. Then the political subplot overtook the 'motorcycle robot racing!' subplot and it started sucking.
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (first season 6, second season 5, movie 4) - my first foray into what is probably the most popular mecha franchise out there. I can barely remember the plot, so it's hard to say why I didn't like it now. I remember that while it was airing it was entertaining for all the wrong reasons - I especially loved to make fun of the characters and the stupid things they did and said, and I wasn't very interested in the giant robot battles.

Mecha I dropped:
Basquash - I can't even remember what this show is about. Basketball mecha? What?
Code Geass R2 - see under Code Geass
Dragonaut the Resonance - boooooobs
Gundam Seed - realised after two episodes that if Gundam 00 wasn't really my thing this wouldn't be either
Neon Genesis Evangelion - long story short: had it on DVD; moved house; couldn't find DVD anymore; thought, 'fuck it, getting another copy's not worth it'; dropped it

Completed mecha shows I did like:
Gurren Lagann (9) - relentless over the top action. Humor and heart. Is completely ridiculous but doesn't take itself seriously.
Suisei no Gargantia (8) - Not really a mecha show, I think. There is one (spoiler later two) cool giant robot of note in the entire show, the rest are functional, ugly-looking drones used mostly for scavenging scrap or other mundane tasks. For most of its run the show is a slice of life story about a fish-out-of-water super soldier learning to cope with the peaceful new world he's stranded on. Not a show about giant robots pounding on each other.

So, in summary: I only like two mecha shows, but I haven't watched a lot of mecha. Is there anything else the genre has to offer me?

TTGL over Code Geass?

Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 14, 2014 3:42 PM

Apr 2007
SynShinden said:
TTGL over Code Geass?


Yeah, so? If you aren't going to suggest anything, get out.

Guimend said:
Srsly, nothing wrong with this, but the most common post that I see here on MAL is: "I don't like mecha but..." there is always a "but" and there's always "I don't like mecha" hahahaha

At least I'm trying to find something I do like instead of dismissing the genre completely :<
Jan 14, 2014 4:26 PM
Jan 2014
How about Vandread?
I think it's highly underrated.
"Mathematicians should not work a lot,they should think a lot."-Ph.D. Arif Zolic

Yes,I'm proud to be a mathematician! :D
Jan 14, 2014 10:53 PM

Jul 2013
I'm not really a fan of traditional Mecha either but these I really liked:

Eureka 7
Full Metal Panic
Jan 14, 2014 11:29 PM

Apr 2010
ona said:
SynShinden said:
TTGL over Code Geass?


Yeah, so? If you aren't going to suggest anything, get out.

Guimend said:
Srsly, nothing wrong with this, but the most common post that I see here on MAL is: "I don't like mecha but..." there is always a "but" and there's always "I don't like mecha" hahahaha

At least I'm trying to find something I do like instead of dismissing the genre completely :<

you tell em boss
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann >Code Geass all day every day


Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari ~ awesome mecha anime definatly worth watching

+1 for vandread
+1 for Blue gender
Its better to have burned out than to have never really shined...
Jan 14, 2014 11:38 PM

Jan 2009
Escaflowne - this is an old anime but the animation is top notch and it has romance too
Eureka 7 - if you like a long mecha action watch with a lot of shounen elements
Star Driver - its fabulous lol too much action and some sort of slice of life moments
Aquarion EVOL - its mecha with lots of LOVE (backwards of EVOL)
Jan 15, 2014 1:27 AM

Dec 2013
Infinite stratos? Boobs + Mecha but more boobs
Stay in yesterday 時を止めて
Jan 15, 2014 1:40 AM

Sep 2012
infinite stratos
eureka 7
aquarion evol
Jan 15, 2014 3:14 AM
Nov 2013
ona said:
Guimend said:
Srsly, nothing wrong with this, but the most common post that I see here on MAL is: "I don't like mecha but..." there is always a "but" and there's always "I don't like mecha" hahahaha

At least I'm trying to find something I do like instead of dismissing the genre completely :<

Yes, I know, and that's good, the same thing that I try to do with harem. But I wasn't talking about your thread, just posts in the forum and in this thread. Is always "I don't like mecha but..." haha. This makes me think that the problem isn't the mecha itself, it should be: "I like mecha but..."

Same thing applies to me. I like harem, but some elements in this kind of anime annoys me. Completely off topic haha, sorry about that. Also, I don't think Code Geass is that good, maybe is the most overrated show that I've ever seen. For me any mecha is better than code geass.
Jan 15, 2014 3:20 AM

Jul 2013
Kannazuki No Miko, lol

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