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Oct 15, 2013 12:15 AM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
HalibelTheEspada said:
Lol @ people being offended by people not liking this show.

It looks like only a few people complained about the complainers, though I personally get annoyed when people call a show "shit" just because it's not their taste. I don't like a lot of shows but I don't go around calling them shit, but that's just me. You did it right though, explaining why this show doesn't appeal to you. Especially if you don't find the comedy funny while other people do, then it's a good indication that it's not for you :) (But honestly if you approach things with open mind, then you may be able to actually start to like it, at least that's what happened with me and Gintama as well as with episode 2 of Kill La Kill, but again, maybe that's just me)

I mean the one person who looks halfway intelligent in this show wasn't even smart enough to go and wait at the side before the bridge... does it hurt to step back a few steps?

Just picking on you, but maybe Yukiya thought there was enough space and ended up underestimating the size of the truck, as well as his ability to balance on the side of the bridge? Something similar has happened to me before, though I didn't fall into water or anything.

Nothing so far has happened that I didn't see coming a mile away, or that I haven't seen before. Hell the only scene that I even chuckled at was when he sneezed and broke that thing in the first few minutes of the episode. The minute he opened the album, I already figured out that he would look in it, laugh at the pictures, see the rest of the club then suddenly realize he wasn't in them... and I knew that it would be because he was the one with the camera.
Well my ability to predict what will happen next isn't as strong as yours, but I have to agree that the first part of the episode wasn't the greatest.

Besides being emotionless, it feels kinda weird that in an anime that's trying to show how different people with glasses are, there's not a single character who doesn't have glasses. It's like making a series about racism, with only black people.

Hmm I never thought about it that way, I kind of viewed it as a device to make the basic premise interesting. I don't think that it's trying to show how different people with glasses are per se, but to show what this club that revolves around glasses does. Think of it as all those other slice of life/school anime where the story revolves around one club and its members, it's bascially the same premise but different focus.
tingyOct 15, 2013 12:19 AM
Oct 15, 2013 7:08 PM

Apr 2012
everything seemed so random and it wasnt that entertaining.
the first half was pretty boring, those two shota boys aren't cute and kinda piss me off :/
but the second half was better. there was like no background music though and almost no talking so it was kinda awkward and hard to watch.
this anime isnt leaving that great of an impression on me
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 15, 2013 10:30 PM

Oct 2012
omg this anime is actually so great. Was not too impressed at the first episode but the second episode was amazing.
Oct 16, 2013 8:27 AM
Oct 2011
Stark700 said:
parfaited said:
Stark dropping a show o_o that in itself might be historical.

Oh I have dropped shows before :P, usually 1-2 per season.

Haha yes, I was also surprised when I saw Stark saying that he was dropping something XD You're everywhere~

"Do you know where hell is? Inside your head" - Chrona=
"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow" - Lelouch Lamperouge
"If you pretend to feel a certain way, the feeling can become genuine all by accident" - Hei
"I want chocolate! No need for love!! Just give me sugar!!!" & "If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end" - Sakata Gintoki
Oct 16, 2013 1:39 PM

Jun 2012
tingy said:
HalibelTheEspada said:
Lol @ people being offended by people not liking this show.
It looks like only a few people complained about the complainers, though I personally get annoyed when people call a show "shit" just because it's not their taste. I don't like a lot of shows but I don't go around calling them shit, but that's just me. You did it right though, explaining why this show doesn't appeal to you. Especially if you don't find the comedy funny while other people do, then it's a good indication that it's not for you :) (But honestly if you approach things with open mind, then you may be able to actually start to like it, at least that's what happened with me and Gintama as well as with episode 2 of Kill La Kill, but again, maybe that's just me)
Perhaps I did jump the gun a bit, it just annoys me when it seems like people only get to have a free opinion if they like the show. But I do think it's dumb that people are saying it's because it has an all male cast that people can't enjoy it... 'cause that never even factored into my mind while watching the show.
But you're right, I think the people who just say "oh it's shit... dropped!" are just as annoying and immature, and they would probably get less negative responses if they didn't leave such uncreative posts. But again, I'm not dropping the series... just because I don't enjoy it yet doesn't mean I won't later... I won't judge it until the final episode, but for now it was just kinda stale to me.

tingy said:
I mean the one person who looks halfway intelligent in this show wasn't even smart enough to go and wait at the side before the bridge... does it hurt to step back a few steps?
Just picking on you, but maybe Yukiya thought there was enough space and ended up underestimating the size of the truck, as well as his ability to balance on the side of the bridge? Something similar has happened to me before, though I didn't fall into water or anything.
Again, that's true... I don't really think he's an idiot, because things like that really can/do happen... I just felt like it took up more of the episode than it should've.

tingy said:
Besides being emotionless, it feels kinda weird that in an anime that's trying to show how different people with glasses are, there's not a single character who doesn't have glasses. It's like making a series about racism, with only black people.
Hmm I never thought about it that way, I kind of viewed it as a device to make the basic premise interesting. I don't think that it's trying to show how different people with glasses are per se, but to show what this club that revolves around glasses does. Think of it as all those other slice of life/school anime where the story revolves around one club and its members, it's bascially the same premise but different focus.
This could be true as well, I suppose that was more my expectations than anything. Depending on where it heads, I may or may not like it. But I'm gonna be kinda turned off if they continue trying to make x-ray glasses the entire show... I guess I just want to see more variety in the episodes for me to enjoy it more.
Oct 16, 2013 9:22 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
HalibelTheEspada said:
This could be true as well, I suppose that was more my expectations than anything. Depending on where it heads, I may or may not like it. But I'm gonna be kinda turned off if they continue trying to make x-ray glasses the entire show... I guess I just want to see more variety in the episodes for me to enjoy it more.

I'm glad we're seeing eye to eye on most of this :) It's also nice that you're going to try and stick with it, hopefully you will end up enjoying it at least a little. I agree that the x-ray glasses thing could get stale, but now that you mentioned it, they didn't really try to make it in this episode, though they did talk about it. Hopefully things will get more interesting when the student council members are introduced. Also, apparently there's going to be a new club member next week, I'm hoping that he won't be joining because he wants to make x-ray glasses ^^
Oct 17, 2013 12:03 AM

Jul 2008
Whoa. A lot of hostility in this thread. I surprisingly liked the first episode of Meganebu, (came in with no expectations and came out fairly happy) decided to stick with it due to the interesting style and interesting directing for a low budget show.

But I just didn't find the second episode all that engaging and gone were the unique directing skills from the episode. Color me slightly disappointed. I'll check out the third episode before making a verdict on this show.

The ED song for this show is basically what keeps me coming back for more. Sako Tomohisa has such a good voice.
Oct 17, 2013 4:58 PM

Nov 2011
meganerotic said:
If these were airheaded girls with tea no one would complain.

Yukiya is a cutie. He and Akira just formed my BROTP for this series.
Plus, my life won't be complete if I don't get the 'ALL YOU NEED IS M-E-G-A-N-E' song as my ringtone.

Oct 17, 2013 8:46 PM

Feb 2008
Boring episode, but that end made it worth watching.

"Your sight, my delight. Will you marry me?"
Oct 18, 2013 8:02 AM
Mar 2010
Why such a low score for this? Is it the art scheme and the animation? Honestly, I wouldn't call this a show deserving an average of 7 but 5.91? It's loads more fun than half of the anime this season.

Honestly, I bet if this was full of females instead of males it would have at least a 6.50 ranking.
phoenixaliaOct 18, 2013 8:06 AM
Check out the News Club for daily rankings, discussion on future CD and BD releases, manga and novels. New members are welcome!
Oct 18, 2013 9:14 AM

Jul 2012
LucyNightray said:
Plus, my life won't be complete if I don't get the 'ALL YOU NEED IS M-E-G-A-N-E' song as my ringtone.


phoenixalia said:
Honestly, I bet if this was full of females instead of males it would have at least a 6.50 ranking.

At least 7.50 if it was about cute girls with glasses, drinking tea and playing instruments.
Oct 18, 2013 12:11 PM
Sep 2012
While the comedy in the show isn't causing me to burst into laughter, it's getting me to chuckle. I'll keep watching.
Oct 18, 2013 7:53 PM
May 2013
I actually found some parts funny in this ep compared to the previous.
Will keep watching because of:
- Suwabe,
- I also use glasses lol,
- I love the bright colors.

I didn't have high hopes for this so I'm okay with how it's going so far lol
Oct 19, 2013 11:55 PM

Jun 2011
I love Hayato the most out of all of them!
Oct 20, 2013 10:36 AM

Dec 2012
i wouldn't say this anime is bad, but somehow i can't get into it.
the art style is unique and the soundtrack is really catchy, but the humor doesn't make me smile at all and the storyline is not really interesting. i always get distracted so easily when i watch this show.

maybe they should've done a short anime instead. like 8 minutes per episode.
Oct 20, 2013 10:19 PM
Nov 2010
If anyone can find that ringtonneee.... please post it on my profile.... everytime I hear it...LOL xDD!
Oct 21, 2013 3:49 PM

Aug 2012
I want that ringtone too !!! hahah

But yeah... why such a low score? This show isn't THAT bad, I don't understand.
Oct 31, 2013 3:35 PM

Jun 2011
Anmoly97 said:

What. No one said it was boring, we said it was shit . Everyone has their own opinion and if you like the anime, great watch it. We did not so we decided to drop it.


High School DxD in your list of favorite.. Okay, goodbye.

HalibelTheEspada said:
Lol @ people being offended by people not liking this show. It's true that I watch more slice of life's with a large share of female characters... but ye know what... in real life, there actually are females. Personally, I could care less that it's only males... what makes me not like this show is how stale it is, I can't relate to a single one of these characters. Where it tries to be funny, it's just dry and tasteless... it could easily have potential to be hilarious if it was done right.

So far the only scene that made an attempt to being dramatic was dull and incredibly cliche... like I haven't seen a character in anime before who was being laughed at and suddenly someone hands them a cloth... it's thoughtful, but it's done a thousand times before, and in much more creative ways. This hardly even revealed anything and it acted like we should understand now why the 4 other club members think about nothing besides pleasing Soma. I just can't feel for a group of mindless idiots who's only focus is making glasses to see under a girl's clothes. I mean the one person who looks halfway intelligent in this show wasn't even smart enough to go and wait at the side before the bridge... does it hurt to step back a few steps?

Nothing so far has happened that I didn't see coming a mile away, or that I haven't seen before. Hell the only scene that I even chuckled at was when he sneezed and broke that thing in the first few minutes of the episode. The minute he opened the album, I already figured out that he would look in it, laugh at the pictures, see the rest of the club then suddenly realize he wasn't in them... and I knew that it would be because he was the one with the camera.

Yeah, it may not say comedy... but that's really only because it fails to achieve such a thing. Slice of Life is really a theme more than an actual genre... it's an extremely broad term that just represents that the setting takes place in every day life. And without even making assumptions, it's obvious that this show focuses on trying to be funny.

Just to prove that I could care less about chicks and their tits (or lack of) being in shows, I find this currently airing show:

- to be about as boring and distasteful as Meganebu, and I assure you that Yuushibu has no shortage of female characters. Done right an all male cast series is perfectly fine. I haven't watched too many Shoujos, but I haven't seen or read a single one that I didn't like, before this one.

There's only 3 shows I've seen with next to zero male characters and really enjoyed... not because it was about cute/moe girls, but because all the characters and scenes were relatable and/or believable. Besides being emotionless, it feels kinda weird that in an anime that's trying to show how different people with glasses are, there's not a single character who doesn't have glasses. It's like making a series about racism, with only black people.

END RANT. Just for the record, I won't drop this series... but I really don't see it getting any better.

Bolded no.1: It's not trying hard to be funny, it's different from Noucome which tries VERY hard at times. Talk about stereotypes and cliche, nothing beats Noucome. The only non-cliche thing about Noucome is the "choice" curse. This show won't make anyone LOL, it wanted to bring just about a little smile on our face.

Bolded no.2: That's the point. Where have you seen that this show ever tried to be smart? It's just like KlK.

Bolded no.3: The truck was coming, he thought that he could balance himself standing there, so he subconsciously step aside, instead of purposely walk far back. That's what we normally do, don't we? Don't tell me that's not what you would do?

Bolded no.4: I think it's purposely made clear that IT'S PREDICTABLE. It won't bring in shits like twist or something. Before they reveal that there was no female optician, I've already realized that, but they didn't try very hard to show it, or present it, unlike Noucome. When ever did you find a SoL with twists here and there?

Bolded no.5: You'd be surprised at how many people actually watch Yuusha.. despite how bad it is, just because it has pretty art and moe girls, while show like this or Samurai Flamenco is ignored. Outbreak Company was just bland and not funny with the stereotypes cliche, and the characters are trying too hard to be cute. If I ever get started on Myusel or the Princess, I could write an essay out of it. As for Noucome, there are a few good jokes here and there, but the 2 female leads have split personality where sometimes they would have a 180 degree changes in their personality, and some jokes tried too hard to be funny. Voice acting wasn't even that good (except for the male MC). I could've find a lot more problem with it.

Well I am not saying that this has no flaw or something, but it's at least not trying hard to appeal, just.. relaxing..

Take away the moe factors (I won't ask for female to be taken away) from Yuusha.., Noucome, Outbreak Company, and no one would last until the god damn last episode. Kyoukai no Kanata can definitely stand on it's own without the moe factor, in fact, it's going to make the damn show a lot better.

mayukachan said:

phoenixalia said:
Honestly, I bet if this was full of females instead of males it would have at least a 6.50 ranking.

At least 7.50 if it was about cute girls with glasses, drinking tea and playing instruments.


shymel said:
While the comedy in the show isn't causing me to burst into laughter, it's getting me to chuckle. I'll keep watching.

This is the whole point of the show! It won't make you go "WAHAHAHAHAHA", instead it will make you "hehehe" while putting a smile on your face.

Nouilly said:

But yeah... why such a low score? This show isn't THAT bad, I don't understand.

I really don't understand too.

Nowadays you will see show with good art and cute female like Strike the Blood, Outbreak Company, Kyoukai no Kanata topping 1k rank, but deserving shows like Samurai Flamenco didn't even make it to Noucome's rank (which is respectively 1.6k and 1.2k), and this show gets 5.00++? I mean, what? -.-

I want that ringtone too hehe, would be funny if my phone rang when I am with my friends haha.
ToG25thBaamOct 31, 2013 3:41 PM
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Jun 18, 2014 1:12 PM

Apr 2014
This show is so gay I love it
Jul 1, 2014 6:45 AM

Jun 2012
I really liked the ending but I think I'll drop this. And how didnt hayato understand he was the one taking the pictures?
Jul 6, 2014 7:45 PM

Apr 2010
LOAD said:
This show is so gay I love it

Literally the only thing I think when watching this show.
Jul 22, 2014 1:03 PM

Aug 2007
I think Yukiya is my favorite.
The one hour afternoon naps and the fact he has copies of eyes so it looks like he isn't sleeping was really funny.

But the ending was SO awkward.
Like, I'm going to go see Akira and glasses fence with him. That's my idea of fun >>

Jul 22, 2014 1:22 PM

Jan 2012
kudos to you if you watched this and enjoy it as much as other random slice of life with girls instead. I'm guessing most females and homo males would fall into this category because this is catered to these type of audience (no shit captain obvious)

if you're a straight male and decided to dropped this shit b/c there's no females doing stupid shit instead of males then you're one sad person.

brb i love watching slice of life genre! BUT only if it's little pubescent girls doing stupid random shit in school instead of males..

hate to break it to you but that means you just like watching little girls, period.

Saying you like the genre because it's 'relaxing' and 'easy to watch' is just an excuse for your pathetic pedo mindset.

fuck this fucking gay earth..
Jan 21, 2015 10:16 PM

Jul 2012
Yeah, like before, the first part is pretty bland but the second one improved a lot especially when Akira and Yukiya met up and had their "strongest megane" battle. Man, those two are adorable! Gotta love the bromance in this series.

mayukachan said:
LucyNightray said:
Plus, my life won't be complete if I don't get the 'ALL YOU NEED IS M-E-G-A-N-E' song as my ringtone.


omg I forgot to do this lmao. THANKS MAL
Feb 6, 2016 4:02 PM

May 2008
This show isn't that bad... just not my cup of tea since I'm not really into glasses :P
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