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Oct 25, 2011 10:54 AM

May 2009
Certain types of users.
Oct 25, 2011 11:42 AM

Jan 2009
Nothing, I really enjoy social networking sites. I find them to be of great use. It's not the sites fault for anything listed in this thread, it's the people's fault. Ignorance is always astounding on these forums.
Oct 25, 2011 11:43 AM

Mar 2011
When people start chatting to me when I'm watching anime and I have to stop because otherwise they get annoyed, and sometimes I want to avoid that. I just forget to close the page sometimes before I start, it's silly....

Oh, the fact it was incredibly necessary to get news from school on. Don't need it now though, hah!
Oct 25, 2011 12:44 PM

Jun 2011
Ogriv83 said:
Online friends and real friends are very different.

Not always. I have had several online friends become "real" friends. How you meet someone doesn't necessarily indicate how genuine or intimate your relationship to that person is.

In response to the topic - I don't dislike social networking sites. It makes keeping in touch with long distance friends much more convenient. There are some things that people do on social networking sites that I dislike, but that really has nothing to do with the site itself.
Oct 25, 2011 3:55 PM

Jan 2010
I just don't like the concept of social networking overall.
It's a total time waster, imo, but hell, if it makes people happy (not that I believe such a product could even instill the feeling of true happiness) then why take it away from them?
I'd just rather spend my time writing or taking a walk.
Oct 25, 2011 3:58 PM

Dec 2009
Alpha-kudasu said:
That everyone else seems to able to make friends and have fun except me.

; _ ;
Mainly this.
I check out friend's pictures and they are always laughing, having fun....... ;_;
Oct 25, 2011 6:28 PM
Sep 2011
I think it's good for news updating and sending info. But people tend to abuse it with too much personal stuff. Like "I'm going to the toilet" and what they ate. A lot of useless information and no one is interested in that junk. Unless they are looking for meal ideas of course
Oct 25, 2011 6:41 PM

Jun 2008

I hate facebook, and I believe if you want to talk to your friends (who live only a FEW miles from your house) you should probably just get together....

....or you know, use a phone for what it was actually intended for....TALKING TO PEOPLE!!!
Oct 25, 2011 6:54 PM
Nov 2008
JustALEX said:

....or you know, use a phone for what it was actually intended for....TALKING TO PEOPLE!!!

Obviously you're not factoring in that it's cheaper to interact with friends over the internet.

Do you have any?
Oct 25, 2011 7:03 PM

Jun 2008
The fact that they serve no useful purpose whatsoever. WTF do i need a side to get in touch with my friends for? They are my fucking friends for Christ sake, i can just call them, text them or send them an e-mail, the social side brings nothing new at all.
Oct 25, 2011 7:08 PM

Feb 2007
AnnoKano said:
Trolls who just try and get a rise out of other people or just make obnoxious, snide remarks.

hahhahahahahhaha ilu annokano, you're a great online bro.
Oct 25, 2011 7:09 PM

Jun 2008
Onibokusu said:
Do you have any?

Yeah, I do, and instead of texting and sending endless messages on FB to "Socialize" we hang out and do REAL things together and we talk either through the phone or face to face....

I'm not going to be a jerk, Most of my friends have a FB and so do I....however I rarely use it because I find it horribly stupid, intrusive, non-private, and a complete waste of time.

OH BTW, the ONLY reason I still have a FB account is because you can get free stuff by "Liking" companies and shit like that...
Oct 25, 2011 7:10 PM

Apr 2008
Monad said:
The fact that they serve no useful purpose whatsoever. WTF do i need a side to get in touch with my friends for? They are my fucking friends for Christ sake, i can just call them, text them or send them an e-mail, the social side brings nothing new at all.

What's wrong with another method of communication? I don't like using the phone, nor do I care for e-mailing people, so Facebook is great for me. Not to mention social networking can create newer bros. It's not useless or purposeless at all.
Oct 25, 2011 7:11 PM
Nov 2008
JustALEX said:
Onibokusu said:
Do you have any?

Yeah, I do, and instead of texting and sending endless messages on FB to "Socialize" we hang out and do REAL things together and we talk either through the phone or face to face...

You can have Facebook and do those things.

I'm not going to be a jerk, Most of my friends have a FB and so do I....however I rarely use it because I find it horribly stupid, intrusive, non-private, and a complete waste of time.

Oct 25, 2011 7:42 PM

Jul 2011
now, i'm just going to bluntly state my opinion.
The Internet is a very bad place, you should never go there.
Oct 25, 2011 8:34 PM

Sep 2010
JustALEX said:
and we talk either through the phone or face to face....

people still talk on the telephone? i thought it was exclusively for texting
Oct 25, 2011 8:37 PM

Apr 2008
Onibokusu said:
JustALEX said:
Onibokusu said:
Do you have any?

Yeah, I do, and instead of texting and sending endless messages on FB to "Socialize" we hang out and do REAL things together and we talk either through the phone or face to face...

You can have Facebook and do those things.

As a matter of fact, Facebook makes setting up these things easier. I can't tell you how often me and my friends used facebook to plan shit we're gonna do together.
Oct 26, 2011 12:20 AM

Jan 2010
Monad said:
The fact that they serve no useful purpose whatsoever. WTF do i need a side to get in touch with my friends for? They are my fucking friends for Christ sake, i can just call them, text them or send them an e-mail, the social side brings nothing new at all.
I find it easier to organise events using fb.
Sometimes it's just cheaper than texting back and forth.
Sometimes I don't have msn.

I dunno, shit like that.
I find it convenient to get around with when I don't want to use the phone.

It becomes stupid when your social life is lead by the internet.
Oct 26, 2011 12:23 AM
Nov 2008
Sucrose said:

It becomes stupid when your social life is lead by the internet.

Why? It's no different to the car and telephone of years gone by.
Oct 26, 2011 2:20 AM

Oct 2010
That complaint about their uselessness... how do you think I can reach an agreement with my friends? Should I have to call each one individually, instead of creating a group and discussing the details there?

Also, do you know that I meet a lot of people that I am not going to have the opportunity to talk about daily? You know, people from another places (schools, towns, countries), or from Internet forums... So, what? Do I e-mail or call them every time I need to ask them anything? I can instead send them a private message at the page, more comfortable than the first and cheaper than the second.

About the MSN, well, I hate the application so I spend a lot more time at Facebook. If we are going to be lead by the internet, I don't care if it's by one or another.
Oct 26, 2011 2:33 AM

Mar 2010
celestialocean said:
Ogriv83 said:
Online friends and real friends are very different.

Not always. I have had several online friends become "real" friends. How you meet someone doesn't necessarily indicate how genuine or intimate your relationship to that person is.

In response to the topic - I don't dislike social networking sites. It makes keeping in touch with long distance friends much more convenient. There are some things that people do on social networking sites that I dislike, but that really has nothing to do with the site itself.

I agree you can definatly make good friends over social websites. I have done so myslef as well as reconnected with very good friends from school and college but on a general scale there is a differemce.
Oct 26, 2011 1:49 PM

Jan 2010
Onibokusu said:
Sucrose said:

It becomes stupid when your social life is lead by the internet.

Why? It's no different to the car and telephone of years gone by.
By using those, you'll at least get to see a face/hear a voice.

So many people stutter whilst talking over a phone; it's easier to tell a lie apart from the truth. People don't take 5 minutes to reply with some fake emotion.
There is no "LOL" every 2nd line.

With social sites like fb, you almost throw the whole "no confidence" thing out of perspective. You don't need any real confidence to type shit in text. There's no feeling of direct confrontation.

Why the hell should anyone let some phony chatting sessions get in the way of real ones? Seriously, if too many people use fb, their upfront communication skills are going to go down a ditch.

Now this doesn't go without saying that fb isn't useful.. I use it alot, but if that seriously has to replace interaction with a real person upfront - then no, I don't want it.
Oct 26, 2011 2:23 PM

Oct 2011

What do I hate about Social websites?

a very intresting question???

My Reason:

1. No one tells the truth, even if they lie there is no way of knowing.
2. These sites have a huge quantity of unuseful and duplicated content and has a good chance to affect people's relationships with others.
3. People post every second of their useless life journey on Facebook/Twitter (e.g. "ToiletEater" - "Don't miss another trip to your toilet, let everyone know when you have to go...") (definitely you'll be the first to know) (Then, ohhh i am in a public toilet and damn there is a dude right next to me and he is making weird noises.) (weird...)
4. Everyone wants to become your friend. Some only look for hot chicks/half dressed chicks with their attractive pics.
5. Employers can check you facebook/twitter. **Dangerous**
I think crime pays. The hours are good, you travel a lot.

Oct 26, 2011 2:26 PM

Jun 2008
DrewTheDude said:
Monad said:
The fact that they serve no useful purpose whatsoever. WTF do i need a side to get in touch with my friends for? They are my fucking friends for Christ sake, i can just call them, text them or send them an e-mail, the social side brings nothing new at all.

What's wrong with another method of communication? I don't like using the phone, nor do I care for e-mailing people, so Facebook is great for me. Not to mention social networking can create newer bros. It's not useless or purposeless at all.

Yeah you don't care "writing" an e-mail but you care "writing" them messages threw facebook, yes i can see, that is obviously sooooo very different.
Newer bros? Yeah all those friend list are best buddies the moment they get on the list, everyone knows that, is not like they are strangers.
Oct 26, 2011 2:37 PM

Sep 2011
I dislike rude/assholish people.I mean I come on here to relax and have fun and they're just everything I don't want to see after a hard day.

And I don't get what the fuss is about with Facebook.There were plenty of other websites just like it way before it was made...
How/why did it get so popular when it's really nothing that new and/or original?I can't seem to understand what's so great or different about it compared to the older sites.
Anyone mind educating me on this?

And since I mentioned Facebook I have to say I hate the fact that people add complete strangers as their 'friends' just to seem 'popular'.This girl I know looks down on people just because they only have 50 or 60 friends on their friend list instead of her 500+...I doubt she knows that many people let alone is their friend.
skapandiOct 26, 2011 2:41 PM
Oct 26, 2011 3:12 PM

May 2011
There're people there.

Besides, I talk to my online friends online, and my real-life friends everywhere else. It's weird mixing the two.
Oct 26, 2011 5:41 PM

Jan 2011
What I hate about social networking sites?

All of it! Yay!

But mostly the voyeuristic, selfobsessed pandering.
It's humanity at it's worst.
In essence, Facebook fills all of the same functions as actually stalking someone, but without the social stigma.
> The Fellow MAL Users Social Link has reached level 6!
> Your power to create Forum Posts of the Anime Arcana has grown!
Oct 26, 2011 5:56 PM

Dec 2010
Vinter said:
In essence, Facebook fills all of the same functions as actually stalking someone, but without the social stigma.

To focus on the functions would be to ignore the methods; if you didn't you would realise that the lack of social stigma is for good reason - there's no invasion of privacy (for example) since the person has chosen to make it public. If the tide-mark of personal privacy is supposedly retracting as a result of FB (i.e. more and more stuff is being disclosed) it is the prerogative of the person revealing such personal information to do so.
I also don't understand how there is some massive fundamental difference between E-mailing someone and leaving them a message on FB, so any arguments criticising FB because there are alternatives ring hollow to me. I concede that there is merit in the concern that it is easier to lie/deceive etc on FB than by face-to-face, but such concerns existed before FB was brought into being anyway; FB was not the instigator of such a human trait.
Oct 26, 2011 6:12 PM
Oct 2011
Plun said:
People who act big and tough on social websites.
Oct 26, 2011 6:17 PM

Jan 2011
Jack_Rav said:
Vinter said:
In essence, Facebook fills all of the same functions as actually stalking someone, but without the social stigma.

To focus on the functions would be to ignore the methods; if you didn't you would realise that the lack of social stigma is for good reason - there's no invasion of privacy (for example) since the person has chosen to make it public. If the tide-mark of personal privacy is supposedly retracting as a result of FB (i.e. more and more stuff is being disclosed) it is the prerogative of the person revealing such personal information to do so.

Just because the people you watch are all exhibitionists doesn't make it any less creepy.
> The Fellow MAL Users Social Link has reached level 6!
> Your power to create Forum Posts of the Anime Arcana has grown!
Oct 26, 2011 6:18 PM
Jun 2008
Ogriv83 said:
Anybody pretending to be someone or something their not.

This, especially when you know the person in real life.
Oct 26, 2011 8:39 PM

Jul 2011
People who pretend they are social, by using social websites.
Shameless self-promotion:
Slyr3do0n said:
MAL is the dark underbelly of the anime community. While other naive fanboys and fangirls run around in real life forming clubs and squealing in deafening high pitch noises about their favourite animus, we remain here, meticulously dismantling the credibility of each and every show, until all that remains is a steaming pile of tropes and ass pulls which we then devour to gratiyfy our glutinous and masochistic desires.
Oct 26, 2011 9:55 PM

Sep 2011
the fact most people feel the need to make a status update about everything thier doing. as if they were writing a biography or something.
Oct 26, 2011 10:06 PM
Sep 2011
The fact that certain people can't say things to another person's face anymore and resort to internet anonymity.
Oct 26, 2011 11:04 PM

Aug 2009
That people can find your personal information out easily and don't even need to know you in real life to find it out.
Oct 27, 2011 12:00 AM

Apr 2008
dakotasapphire said:
That people can find your personal information out easily and don't even need to know you in real life to find it out.

And is that anyone else's fault besides your own?

Monad said:

Yeah you don't care "writing" an e-mail but you care "writing" them messages threw facebook, yes i can see, that is obviously sooooo very different.
Newer bros? Yeah all those friend list are best buddies the moment they get on the list, everyone knows that, is not like they are strangers.

But yet there IS a fucking difference if you go on Facebook. For one thing, you can set up event pages and invite numerous people and an are for people to discuss such an event. And it's conveniently laid out so it's easy to see what everyone has to say about it. Also, in general, sending messages on facebook also has a much better layout and is much easier to read format than what generic e-mails do. Actually, really, e-mails are usually used for mostly business nowadays for very good reason.

As far as social networking goes Facebook is FAR more multi-dimensional than simple e-mails. Not only can it serve the simple function that e-mails do, and better as far as I'm concerned, but they can also do statuses, better profiles, easy linking to other pages, easier to follow certain groups or people with fanpages and such, etc. Facebook isn't so simple as to be just another way of sending e-mails to people.

Haha, seriously dude? So how is anyone you meet on Facebook far less intimate than the ones you meet anywhere else? I've met a number people on Facebook and have had a lot of discussions with them leading up to them being bros. I've also had a lot of great discussion from people's statuses alone and have gotten to know others better purely based off of their statuses that I otherwise wouldn't. Not exactly a function of E-Mail, now is it?

If you prefer e-mails that's fine and all, but why diss another form of communication you don't prefer using? Just because you don't PREFER using it? You're argument isn't very strong.

Really, Facebook in terms of its design is terrific. The only reason anyone has anything against it is due to the Emo attention whores and retards that infest the site which, unless you're one yourself, shouldn't be on your friend's list to begin with.

Shabaneu said:
The fact that certain people can't say things to another person's face anymore and resort to internet anonymity.

I see this said by so many people, pretty much all of them morons, and to me it's still idiotic as the first time I heard.

So what? What WOULD it matter if it was said to their face? Would you physically assault them if you said something they didn't like? Hell, if we're talking about the case of this site I would definitely say it's impossible to even do that. What, you expect me to pay a couple of hundred dollar for a plane flight down to wherever you live so I can say something to you personally? pffft.

Personally I'd say anything to anyone's face if prompted, but I find myself to be more adequate in writing arguments than speaking them and in general... I think written arguments tend to be better anyway.

And as a another point, some things are brought up online that otherwise wouldn't be casually brought up in real life and that an online community full of animu fans is much different than a community of middle wage workers at some corporate business. I'm sure what people bring up in both will be entirely different, so it's pretty difficult to determine what they would and wouldn't say. How people react to things is all very situational, you know.
DrewTheDudeOct 27, 2011 12:25 AM
Oct 27, 2011 12:13 AM
Sep 2011
dakotasapphire said:
That people can find your personal information out easily and don't even need to know you in real life to find it out.

This. But we are to blame putting it out there anyway :(
Oct 29, 2011 8:54 PM

Apr 2007

Oct 29, 2011 9:07 PM

Oct 2011
Things like send me a message for this or like this status for this. For example, Facebook's like for confessions is something I can't stand at all. It goes like;
"Like this status for a confession"
"Confession2:Anya is my bmfl love you xxx"

The confessions are always like this. Seriously.
Oct 30, 2011 12:34 AM

Jul 2009
In general, the people. But, well, that's a problem in real life as well. It's the users responsibility to figure out who is shit and who isn't.
Oct 30, 2011 5:17 AM
Jul 2010
Ogriv83 said:
Anybody pretending to be someone or something their not.

^This + people who can't help but write everything about their uninteresting life.
Oct 30, 2011 5:39 AM
Nov 2008
Sucrose said:
By using those, you'll at least get to see a face/hear a voice.

This isn't an advantage or a pro. If you're complaining about thing like anonymity and things being clearer through other mediums, like in person conversations or over the phone, I've got news for you: you're not very social, and it's showing.
Oct 30, 2011 9:50 AM

Jul 2009
The updates...the horror the updates also the fact i can put something inspiring and have no one like is and someone put something dumb or slutty and 20 people like it
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Oct 30, 2011 7:26 PM

Aug 2009
Yeah well pretty much everything the posts in the first page say.
I hate fake people the most. In real life they refuse to even recognize you.
Oct 30, 2011 7:45 PM

Oct 2011
I feel like a stalker on social networks. Not to mention you can also get stalked. And the spammers. Never can forget those!
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Oct 31, 2011 2:32 AM
Apr 2009
Haven't read everything in this thread, but I dislike how everyone goes round boasting about themselves on social networks
Oct 31, 2011 4:03 AM

Jan 2011
Same difference. THIS sums it up.

Oct 31, 2011 4:40 AM
Jul 2018
Just how people tend to act likes dicks over the internet.
Oct 31, 2011 11:39 AM

Jun 2011
I hate their names. I went on facebook expecting to read up on a book about human face physiology. I went on myspace expecting a site about astronomical findings.

Fuck those shitty misleading sites.
Oct 31, 2011 12:08 PM

Mar 2011
People who tell me their life stories via frequent and long status updates. Somehow the more I hide the posts of the offending people, the more that pop up from other people.
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