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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (light novel)
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Mar 12, 7:06 AM

Dec 2021
After last episode's insane cut of sakuga at the end, I wasn't expecting anything on the same level ofc, but hey, that clash scene at the start between Theresia and Wilhelm was better than I expected. But yeah, not many other highlights outside of that clash. I mean, most of the episode was just Theresia’s backstory, which was about as sad as I expected it to be.

Didn’t think we would get to see the white whale encounter that killed her, but hey, we finally did, and it was nice to see… but also very sad. Episode as a whole was very emotional, especially when we come back to the present with with the OST in the back… and the they say “I love you” at the same time… </3

Honestly could care less about Reinhard’s whole family, but even still, this was a pretty enjoyable and emotional episode.

P.S. WF cooked so hard with the milf ver of Theresia.

Mar 12, 7:16 AM

May 2020
Another amazing episode this week
This episode also shows how complex the beef is between the Astreas' family members.
They teased Pandora again. It's been quite awhile since we last saw her.
can't wait for more

Some LN Extra Details (Volume 20, Chapter 4-5 )
- Heinkel's sword is named `Astrea`, which is ironically passed by Wilhelm at some point.
- Heinkel was once very dedicated with his sword training, even when not being rewarded much, before everything falls apart
- Heinkel's wife's name is Louanna, who at one point afflicted with sleeping beauty disease, which broke his family apart. Heinkel grew twisted and Reinhard only wanted to be loved.
- Not all Sword Saint have ever seen the bare naked Dragon Sword. Some never unsheathed it during their whole life
- On battle, Theresia can see a white line on living being, When she traced it, it easily splits the enemy. (This kinda reminds me of Shiki's power from Tsukihime)
- When Theresia held a sword to kill, she often heard the Sword God's voice, either laughter or bloodlust shouts in her heads. When not holding a sword for a very long time, it gives her a peaceful bliss with Wilhelm taking the sword from her. She cherished the moment greatly

Differences from LN
- In LN, Theresia's encounter against Pandora seems to be depicted in daylight, but seems like a nighttime in the anime

Homura24Mar 12, 8:42 AM

Mar 12, 7:51 AM

Feb 2019
White fox cooked up another masterclass. Them splitting up the season in two like this was such a smart decision. It’s like a completely different studio from the first two seasons. Left this one in tears.

The fight went faster than I remember it which I guess makes sense because Reinhard is THAT broken, of course he’d easily take out a reanimated version of theresia without her blessing, but they really knocked it out the park with the flashbacks. I want what Theresia and Wilhelm had. Just a beautiful love story that has transcended time. It’s such a shame it ended the way it did, but at least they spent so many happy years together after all the pain she went through losing her brothers and uncle.

The Sword Saint blessing is so cruel. It came to her when she didn’t want it and left her when she needed it the most. It also went to the person who wanted it the least, her older brother was a much better fit.

I was getting so frustrated at Wilhelm for not saying he loved Theresia 😂 I’m so glad he got to tell her in the end, even though she already knew. Actions speak louder than words and it was clear from day 1 they both were in love with one another.

I feel bad for Reinhard though tbh. He’s so cold and alone you can tell. He doesn’t have anyone to help him with this sword saint journey like Theresia had Wilhelm.. maybe felt will be that for him?

Great episode.
Marinate1016Mar 12, 12:12 PM
Mar 12, 7:59 AM

Jul 2017
Wilhelm's history with his wife Theresia, it's a love-hate affair until Heinkel has to interrupt the couple's fight, prompting Reinhard to take matters into his own hands to kill off the fake. But it's only back when she was 12 years old, that receiving the divine protection of the Sword Saint through the destruction of the Death God, confirms suspicions that she overtook her brother's dream to be someone of note for the wars ahead of her, losing her siblings in the process.

To think that we would get the same parallel of Theresia and Wilhelm of their initial meeting once again (it's been a while since Season 2's White Whale encounter for that matter), that story extended to see the birth of Reinhard and their happy marriage life, only for it to come apart as Theresia's role as the Sword Saint only exacerbates once the White Whale comes out of its hiding and her meeting her death at the hands of a Sin Archibishop. All this while, with a single "I love you" after 20 years since Theresia's death, the van Astrea family truly is cursed to live and die by the sword, or by external circumstances.

Heinkel just really losing his sorry ass for a corpse that was manipulated using Secret Arts, and Reinhard's justification to kill off Wilhelm's wife at the heat of the moment, at this point, it's the pride of the heart that matters all the more, as the Sword Saint. What an emotional ride this was.
Mar 12, 8:10 AM
Aug 2018
This was quite a bit different than I remember from web novel, but maybe I just forgot, or maybe they've rewritten this whole sequence in LN.

But I have the same question as Heinkel: "what the hell was that at the end?" with Theresia coming back to life to have an emotional moment. Was she dead this whole time? Was she alive this whole time? Is it a mass hallucination? Is it an unexplained miracle?
Mar 12, 8:14 AM
May 2021
Great ep, only 2 more eps left ahhhh
Mar 12, 8:29 AM

May 2023
Hit after hit these past few weeks.
Mar 12, 8:35 AM

Jan 2017
Theresia's extended backstory GRAHHHHHHHHHHH, really showcases how having a blessing in this world is basically a cheat code that triumphs over years of hardwork (RIP her hardworking brother not getting to be a Sword Saint)

The Astrea family is basically in shambles now, how will they ever reconcile
Mar 12, 8:44 AM
Jul 2017
More reveals than in the Web novel, animation was superb, music was beautiful, great voice acting and one of my favorite backstories in fiction.
Mar 12, 8:49 AM

Feb 2020
I’m real sad bro 😭👍
Mar 12, 8:52 AM
Mar 2020
Best episode of the season ngl
Mar 12, 9:01 AM
Mar 2024
They really re animated the whole scene from season 1 damn another 10/10 episode I LOVE RE ZERO SO MUCH IT'S PEAKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!
Mar 12, 9:03 AM
Apr 2024
Great episode, but I'm so confused about Heinkel as a character. As always, I'm sure he's more fleshed out in the LN etc, but his behaviour made no sense in this episode.

Like, I guess it's supposed to show the extent of his hatred toward Reinhard, but you'd think that being seconds away from being cut down by an unaging, lifeless, black-robed version of your mother would sober him up, but instead he goes off on Reinhard for "killing" his mother, nani the fuk
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Marinate1016 said:
Not reading allat cause I don’t care. Tensura peak. Have a good one tho
Mar 12, 9:06 AM

Jan 2018
This was not an extended episode. We're probably not getting another one. But the opening didn't play. What we got at the beginning instead was a reanimation of certain flashback scenes from the 2nd cour of Re:Zero Season 1. Ngl I didn't think they'd go that far. They could've just reused some of the old footage. But it probably would've looked out of place and inconsistent because the character designer changed. So, this was a good call. I like how crisp things look in Season 3.

Man, this was an emotional episode. Theresia's story is just sad. She basically had no choice but to be the Sword Saint for her family. And many people including her family died because of it. And even after she met her husband Wilhelm, the happiness was just temporary. The damn white whale and the Bitch of Vainglory Pandora had to come and fuck everything up like she did in Season 2 to Emilia. It's sad. But at least she was finally able to say goodbye to Wilhelm in her last moments and she died content.

I basically say this every episode but the voice acting is just so good. Wilhelm and Heinkel's VAs pack so much emotion in their scenes. And Kikuko Inoue voicing adult Theresia certainly was a huge surprise. Loved it.

I think this was the third named episode of the season. And so it was great. This episode was just regular length but it felt like it was over so quickly. Now only 2 episodes are left. That makes me even sadder.

Weekly art featuring Theresia and Wilhelm by character designer Haruka Sagawa.

0451Mar 12, 9:25 AM
Mar 12, 9:14 AM

Nov 2019
I have mixed feelings about this episode's way of diluting Theresia's backstory, but some moments were really well directed. Definitely not a "priority" episode, but it feels jarring that a couple of the best arc V chapters don't feel like absolute peak in the show. I also think Heinkel has been done dirty. Nearly every anime only will now see him only as a forgettable douchebag or something. The last conversation between Wilhelm and Reinhard should feel much colder.

But anyway, two more episodes to go - Wednesdays gonna feel pretty empty.

No one sees Pandora coming... And the thing is I always wondered if this is her way to keep a particular powerhouse in check.
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
Mar 12, 9:14 AM
Feb 2021
Wow this episode was absolutely beautfiul from start to finish. They really hit the nail perfectly on the head with this one. From the shot selection, cinematography, overall music to tie in with the flashbacks and present day just made this episode whimsical. Re:zero has always been known for finding a massive beauty in traumatic emotional moments but executing them so well you actually get sucked into the world and feel what the characters on screen are feeling. This episode is what I call the epitome of storytelling and something every other series should strive to achieve. This is what television is about.
Mar 12, 9:19 AM

Jul 2015
I’m guessing Reinhard had a real good reason to take her power (assuming he could voluntarily do so). Also seems unusually cold of him to deny the presence of his mother… I feel like he was putting up a tough front… hopefully.
Mar 12, 9:20 AM

Jun 2014
Damn that was a really sad and emotional episode. The backstory was great and I’m glad Wilhelm got to tell Theresia he loves her before she faded away.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

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MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Mar 12, 9:27 AM

Mar 2020
Wilhelm and Theresia's backstory, nothing short of an emotional ride...

As expected, this episode focused around Theresia's backstory, with the White Whale battle, Reinhard's birth, and Theresia's role as the Sword Saint. It was very sad that her life ended at the hands of Pandora, but at least she got closure in the end with a confession of love. I really liked how the whole backstory was executed, and compared to the animation from Season 1 and 2, this season has made basically every scene hit harder. White Fox has been cooking nicely, and I hope they keep things up.
Mar 12, 9:33 AM

Aug 2020
No insert song for theresia,sad.
The episodes are only felt like 2min long each week, this final goodbye for theresia,poor Wilhelm and reinhard.
Pandora appears more mysteriously than echdina.
Mar 12, 9:36 AM

Jun 2020
This episode was made to bring some meaning to Reinhards family, and the Sword they weild.. and although I would of loved to see Theresia be brought back fully; it generally isn't worth much. This episode is okay overall, but nothing you'd write a great review for.

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Mar 12, 9:37 AM

Jun 2015
Nice to finally see this ep. The meeting and eventual bonding of Wilhelm and Theresia is one of the best relationships within the series. Their dual really showed how much the studio spent perfecting the combat for this arc. Heinkel's a failure as even a normal knight let alone an officer. I feel for Thersia's elder bro at losing his dream role to her. Her debut being the brutal demihuman war must had been ghasly for her. Even more so when the war cost her so much family. In the present it was nice that after all these years that Wilhelm was able to tell her the words he never had the chance too before.
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Mar 12, 9:40 AM

Aug 2020
title: Family Reunion

at least, he talked to her one last time...
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Mar 12, 9:49 AM
Oct 2016
props to White Fox dropping bomb after bomb
Mar 12, 9:52 AM

Jun 2021
Never been fan of re animation jutsu or when it was used in jjk and this one is also not exception. Anyway, atleast it is over and I hope there are no events like this in the future. Reinhards father should just join the witch Archbishop . He is pretty similar to those bunch of crazy characters.

My doctor has always told me to smoke. He even explains himself: “Smoke, my friend. Otherwise someone else will smoke in your place.”

Mar 12, 9:54 AM

May 2015
Thanos snapped again. Theresia got dusted!
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Mar 12, 9:58 AM
Mar 2022
One of the best dramatic ep for season 3. I loved the backstory of them both and how Theresia finally rest in peace
Mar 12, 10:21 AM

Oct 2017
Damn Reinhard drew his sword, holy! The shaking animation gave me chills. Wilhelm and Theresia backstory, tragic but Wilhelm did great getting stronger so that she wouldn't have to wield her sword. Alas the end wasn't something he could prevent. The loli voiced by Kugimiya Rie, Pandora was it, forgot how much we know of her.
MegamiRemMar 12, 10:57 AM
Mar 12, 10:23 AM

Jan 2024
And he kept his promise...

This is why Willhem is best character, Theresia best wife and both of them better than any other couple in this series.

I have been waiting for this episode for longest time and it delivered. Best episode of the season.

Was worried about Willhem that he might choose double suicide or something. One the one hand it wouldn't be bad but other hand I am pleased they went wholesome way. Seeing Willhem fighting/killing her dead wife would be really sad.

Nothing good in part of Reinhardt though. The fact that he didn't even care who he killed just for the sake of justice not even his grandmother who also died indirectly because of him. When in comparison you make Heinkel the sane person.
Willhem concluded well.

Theresia found a life outside her sword. Her life became a curse because of her blessing. Because of it she lost her whole family. Willhem really saved her and gave happiness. So nice to see them with their family over the years. And even before leaving him she made sure Willhem couldn't follow her. Which not only saved him but also allowed him to avenge her death.
And thanks to this she gets to meet him one more time giving both of them a closure♥️

Loved both of them from S1 and really satisfied and happy with this episode...
WaterMageMar 12, 11:58 PM
Mar 12, 10:28 AM
Dec 2024
Very well done episode very emotional and good idk how they do it but they always end up making me cry 😭
Mar 12, 10:37 AM
Oct 2024
whitefox always does its best with whatever they got... another amazing episode...
Ive been waiting to see pandora again lol!
Mar 12, 10:46 AM
Apr 2014
Can somebody explain how these happened?
1. How Reinhard's dad magically appeared exactly where fight was going on? Seemed like deus ex machina for me
2. Why Theresia in the end awoked her senses for multiple minutes? The same was with Blue Hulk guy, but here it's bothering me even more
3. Why Theresia died from the sword's slice? Her and Blue Hulk were corpses, in the previous episode Blue Hulk got his hand injured and it didn't even bleed so they don't have beating heart, so such a slice wouldn't cause her bleeding to death so she should be alive.
4. Why Theresia went out in some shiny particles whiles Blue Hulk just break down like a statue?
Mar 12, 10:49 AM
May 2017
i don't care what the haters have to say, this arc has it all
Mar 12, 11:04 AM
Oct 2024
this was what i was looking forward to the most this season and... its nowhere near as good as the source material :/

so much subtle things were cut and the emotional impact just isnt the same. this chapter easily couldve been 2 episodes or even an extended special and it shows in how fast paced it moves and how much it skips. this anime has completely forgotten what made season 1 so good and what made parts of season 2 so good. even if season 2 cut major plot points, at least what it did adapt was done well. id rather have big chunks be cut rather than little things that stack up, which is what season 3 is doing. it feels like nothing has mattered since the admittedly great adaptation of the tower loop back in episode 2. i legit dont want to watch this anymore because i always find myself so frustrated at the direction. even if Arc 5 isnt the most well recieved arc in the novels, it is FAR better than the absolute butcher job they are doing it in the anime. it feels like a generic isekai rather than the beautiful, psychological thriller it is in the novels
Mar 12, 11:07 AM

Jun 2024
Quanda1eDing1e said:
i don't care what the haters have to say, this arc has it all

The past 3 episodes have been so stacked bro! Re: Zero does not disappoint in the slightest. Depending on season finale, this could be my personal favorite season of the show.
Mar 12, 11:07 AM
Oct 2024
Mar 12, 11:26 AM

Aug 2022
Okay so this was definitely one of the best episodes recently cause the last few episodes this season have been kinda dull.

I’ve always loved the story of the sword saint and sword demon It mean it’s just a touching love story which is done so well. So getting I guess some form of closure with this is really nice.

One thing I don’t understand is I could have sworn gluttony killed the sword saint not Pandora. So I’m a little confused on that part.

But regardless definitely one of the best episodes recently.
Mar 12, 11:27 AM

Jul 2011
Family reunion!

Reinhard should had toned down with his superspeed just enough to arrive after Heinkel is dead and go "Oh no. He is dead" in very monotone way.

With Theresia life re-flashing before her eyes, two questions arise. The Dragon Sword would want to be unsheathed in the Civil War for the sake being "fun" for them? Which is cooler, die by the White Whale or by Pandora, in-universe wise?

For 2 dumbasses(for a lack of better term), one that just want to get booty, a title, and can't say "I love you" to his wife, and one that is "all bark no bite". Both are so bald-faced to still gang up on Reinhard after this family reunion.
Mar 12, 11:34 AM

Feb 2021
Really nice episode, wasn't expecting to see Pandora again.

Yet it didn't show the part where Reinhard kills Theresia for the first time...
Mar 12, 11:37 AM

Feb 2014
The backstory of Theresia and Wilhelm was a sad one. I do like how White Fox re-animated their scene which was in season 1, but one thing I can take away from this backstory was how much responsibility falls onto your shoulders once you receive the divine protection of being the sword saint. It caused Theresia a lot of pain and even more so when members of her family died in the civil war before she finally accepted her roll as the sword saint.

Meeting Wilhelm and starting a family with him did give her some much needed happiness, but that sadly had to end during the white whale incident, where she was ultimately killed off by Pandora after her saint sword protection left her at such a horrid timing.

Back to the present and thanks to Reinhard stepping in, it at least gave Wilhelm a chance to say the words that he couldn't say to Theresia before, which was "I love you". It gave him the closure that he really needed. Heinkel almost feels like a bit of a lost cause with how he acted towards Reinhard, so it is a bit hard to feel sympathetic for him at all.

Overall, this episode was amazing. While the animation peaked with the saukga-fest last week, the production values were still really good, both for idle scenes as well as the battle between Wilhelm and the re-animated corpse of Theresia. Only 2 episodes left now, which does make me feel a bit sad, but also more eager to see how this arc will come to a close.
Mar 12, 11:49 AM
Aug 2013
Reply to BlichoBoy
Family reunion!

Reinhard should had toned down with his superspeed just enough to arrive after Heinkel is dead and go "Oh no. He is dead" in very monotone way.

With Theresia life re-flashing before her eyes, two questions arise. The Dragon Sword would want to be unsheathed in the Civil War for the sake being "fun" for them? Which is cooler, die by the White Whale or by Pandora, in-universe wise?

For 2 dumbasses(for a lack of better term), one that just want to get booty, a title, and can't say "I love you" to his wife, and one that is "all bark no bite". Both are so bald-faced to still gang up on Reinhard after this family reunion.
@BlichoBoy well in both cases with the white whale and pandora you wouldnt die, the white whale sends your soul to gluttony and pandora repurposed her soul into a "mindless" puppet warrior. though i guess being a puppet is still being preferable over being part of gluttonys soul amalgamation lol
Mar 12, 11:58 AM

Apr 2014
This was an emotional episode. I can only grieve and cry mentally in silence.
Mar 12, 12:01 PM
Oct 2024
My heart.
They did a fantastic adaptation of this part.
Mar 12, 12:19 PM

Jun 2023

that one room in undertale
Mar 12, 12:20 PM
Jul 2021
Absolutely perfect, every second, every detail, perfect. Hit me in the feels but still perfect. We got backstory and wilhelm got closure.
Mar 12, 12:30 PM

Jun 2012
I admire Reinhard and Wilhelm will power to not strike Heinkel's down, then again, if chihuahua keeps barking at you, you just smile and walk away.
Mar 12, 12:36 PM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
Yet another phenomenal episode this week, uttered spectacular. A grand marvel for my eyes, ears and heart to feast upon! Though we're inching ever closer to the conclusion of this season...
Mar 12, 12:36 PM

Jun 2017
It's a pity Heinkel showed up and ruined Wilhelm's fight, he was totally unnecessary to pop up there and all he did was talk shit too.
Mar 12, 12:43 PM
Nov 2020
10/10 Episode
Best anime of 2025 so far
Mar 12, 1:15 PM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
Crazy good, season is insane!
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
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