Note: This is my first review and I am not a harsh critic on everything except story since I am not an expert reviewer who pays attention to ALL the details.
Story: 5/10 - Since this is a remake of an old anime and since episode 12 got rushed. It would've been better if there were some fillers to flesh out the small stories.
Sound: 8/10 - I usually never rate sound. I don't even know what this is. Voice acting is "very good"/10 (since I don't know what is good and bad) and the choice of opening and ending is 10/10.
Character: 6/10 - I love main
Alternative Titles
Japanese: BEM
Finished Airing
Jul 15, 2019 to Oct 14, 2019
Summer 2019
Mondays at 01:35 (JST)
LandQ studios
24 min. per ep.
PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Available AtResourcesStreaming Platforms | Reviews
Filtered Results: 14 / 14
Your Feelings Categories Aug 21, 2019
If you'd ask me that Bem was from a source that came out in the same period as the original comedic Dororo of the late 60s to early 70s, heck even the 2006 Studio Comet series, I would still scratch my head and ask: "What is that?"
In any sense of the word, this series, like Dororo, is meant to celebrate its 50th anniversary by creating yet ANOTHER original anime about the demon humanoid characters Bem, Bela and Belo. Only the most faithful of people who like Range Murata's works would ever chance upon this show, whereas for anime-onlys like myself, can only drought in its ... Oct 13, 2019
A bit spoilerish, but only a bit.
First things first: this is not original work, but I have never seen the source, so I will judge this one on its own merit. And oh boy I do have much to judge. Lets start with the easy part: -Art. Pretty mediocre, with some parts looking pretty bad to be honest. At least it is not CGI, but it isn't much. -Sound. Good opening, forgetable everything else. -Story/world. And here the real problems begin. World is awfully inconsistent, while main trio of monsters look like each other and are of one style, their enemies are something that looks like from ... Oct 2, 2019
Bem has a decent Plot that has potential. The Animation is very Poor and Lazy. This is one of those shows where it could have been good but the way it was done just killed it. The Art Style is Bland. The way the Fights are Animated is very disappointing. The Visuals and Fight execution are what makes this Anime look mediocre. It has a Nice Sounding opening that's Animated good and Unique but in the show, what you see is a far-cry from good. In some frames characters look decently rendered, and in other frames the quality of the characters make it seems as
Sep 12, 2019
The first episode really intrigued me, a goody two shoes detective comes to a rotten and corrupted city of thieves and scum, a classic detective noir setup. Throw in some monsters that want to become humans and I was sold. The problems started to appear in ep. 2, a really ok episode about Bella, yet two glaring issues from this episode will haunt this anime till finish I think.
One beeing the sometimes goofy and totally out of place henchman or monster that will leave confused and sometimes wondering if you aren't watching some other anime. The second beeing that you can clearly ... Oct 15, 2019
The potential existed for this story to be great, unfortunately it never reached that point. The beginning started off with some world building as well as introducing societal as well as social problems to the mix, which in my opinion is always a plus. The sad thing though, is that these problems were only slightly attempted at and the issues didn't show the slightest bit of progress towards the end. It's unfortunate because these issues were interwoven into the society that couldn't accept Bem,Belo, and Bela. It was a really interesting point to look at from , but the only difference between the end and
Oct 13, 2019
Well... it could've been worse. Unlike Arifuerta, where it was a beautiful mess, this was just a boring mess. I mean, it could've had some promise in it's early stages, but whatever we got, we got the worst version of it. It could've been a potential gem, but thanks to the underdeveloped writing, terrible characters and the awful world building.
First off, Bem is a terrible main character. After the pilot, he just becomes a nothing character even though the show is NAMED after him, but whatever. Belo is an annoying little shit that just comes off as obnoxious and Bela is the only character that ... Oct 22, 2019
Plot execution: meh
Characters: likeable Soundtrack: fantastic Long story short, storytelling destroyed this anime. I decided to write down a few words, because I had high hopes for this anime, which actually looked promising. Overall, characters are likeable, Sonia might be annoying, but she's harmless overall. The stories of three protagonists are showing their personalities and dreams well, despite not creating much of a character development (maybe a liiittle). But when it comes to the plot, it's full of question marks. Last episode was the absolute trash, being so rushed I had the feeling it's rather an abridged version of something longer, or that I actually missed at ... Nov 5, 2019
Bem is one of those shows that starts off with a lot of potential, but never really grows into its strengths. Instead meandering around semi-conscious before reaching a rushed conclusion that simply fails to satisfy.
The show begins in an unashamedly cliché American detective-cop story way, following a rogue hot head detective (Sonia) that gets themselves into trouble with their higher ups and gets sent to a dead end roll/position, but develops strongly afterwards following the main characters interactions and relationships over time as the cops try to figure out what is happening and the yokai and human-experiments are slowly revealed and explained. All very interesting ... Oct 14, 2019
I have not written a review in some time. This anime could be looked at in many ways. One of which the writer is trying to showcase the ugliness of human beings.
The story line goes to three characters that are humanoid monsters. They give little explanation to where they may have come from but what they do showcase is that they would like to become human. What is human however? They go on a journey in a corrupt city that sounds similar to classism. Separation of classes. I gave the story line a 6 due to the description I gave above. It showcases the real ... Oct 31, 2019
Politically, socially and philosophically (if you want to call it that way), BEM fails to create the serious plot that it wanted.
– Remember, children. Showing vague social stereotypes isn't good if you're trying to make a serious criticism about it. BEM takes place in Libra City, which is divided into Upper City (the city of the rich) and Outside (the city of the poor) through a bridge. The three protagonists meet on this bridge every night (and surprisingly no one ever discovers them there). The three Youkai Ningen save humans from different monsters, hoping that in the future they will become humans themselves. The plot doesn't sound ... Nov 9, 2021
Bem is a remake of the original Youkai Ningen Bem series from the late 60s. I'm generally not a fan of remakes, but this was a very strong show. The world they created was really interesting. It had this film noir style, reminiscent of the Batman TAS from the 90s. I also really liked how they developed the characters throughout the series. They wanted you to become invested in the world, and I definitely felt it. Unfortunately, the story felt rushed because of the brevity of the series. The original series was 26 episodes long. I think this series should've mirrored that in order to
Oct 19, 2019
I didnt saw the original series or the 2006 remake so i had nothing to compare it. I saw this show with no expectations at all and i think that best way to watch it in an objective way. SPOILERS
Story: The story is a mess... The show introduces 3 main characters Bem, Bela and Belo anthropomorfic monsters with the long to be humans that live in Libra City, a city that symbolize classism, and that summarize the whole show. The way that was written and directed are the main problem, the show tried to be a social criticism about the classism, humans being the real ... Oct 29, 2019
I don't know how to put this one easy. This anime is the biggest dissapointment i have seen this year apart from my own actions. When i saw the cover i should have noticed something was off in that poster, that it was trying to imitate that edgy shading but not nailing it right, but I as a fool when i read the synopsis i had hopes for this anime. I felt so dissapointed that I made an account for this website just to make this shitty angry bwaaaa bwaaaa, I'm a cry baby bwaaah review
What a fool I was. Animation: The animation is similar if ... |