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Satougashi no Dangan wa Uchinukenai: A Lollypop or A Bullet
Jun 25, 2023 9:36 AM
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All Comments (42) Comments
Hey, since you like Madoka Magica and Gakkougurashi, you should consider watching Princess Principal. Different story and setting, but the characters give off a similar vibe to those shows and the show also hits its emotional moments in a similar way. I watched it recently and it really blew away my expectations. It mixes several different genres and does them all REALLY well, starts good but keeps getting better.
As far as overall seasons, I definitely liked S1 over Kai. Kai is still very good and I definitely enjoyed it, but I just overall prefer the atmosphere and sense of mystery in S1 and feel it has better pacing (Kai got a bit slow at times in my opinion).
Also, just curious, who's the character in your profile pic?
Yeah, my family has 2 cats.
idk if Merle is a name people would use in other countries btw (Im german and my grandma named the cat :D)
also Ive seen what u study on ur yt and its cool (tho I watched that when really tired and dont really remember)
they are called Emily and Merle :D and urs?
if ur wondering how I found u, in that small discord u posted ur MAL :D
and yh sure I love talking about anime :)
also I saw u love cats. I got two cats myself :D
used to have more cats but some died / were given away / one ran away after I moved :/