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Just a guy who loves to read manga and watch anime.

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Kaijuu 8-gou
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Kusuriya no Hitorigoto
Apr 6, 6:10 PM
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Ore dake Level Up na Ken
Ore dake Level Up na Ken
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Spy x Family
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Nagummo Jun 7, 2:46 PM
Happy Birthday! ^_^
MickHeal Jun 6, 4:16 PM
Happy Birthday! ^_^

ku_po_po Jan 12, 12:57 PM
G'day and it's my pleasure :)
Hazbyn Oct 5, 2023 2:26 PM
I sometimes go to a Facebook group of Record of Ragnarok to see raws and spoilers, and several people keep whining about how the match between Qin Shi Huang and Hades was a bad one, and Hades should have won; personally, I would have loved to see Qin Shi Huang using the Terracotta Warriors and Hades using demons, but things cannot be perfect all the time. Nevertheless, the design of the two of them was awesome, the two of them gave an awesome fight, and I consider that my favorite.
Beelzebub vs. Nikola Tesla is a very emotional one; prepare for what is coming. So far, I am loving the Valkyrie sister paired with Leonidas, she is amazing.

No, I can change anime series for anime movies; I know there are some very good movies, but after getting disappointed with Bakemono no Ko I just can´t jump into movies, especially if they are longer than 1 hour. I also like Seasonal for that reason, it feels less pressuring sometimes and is also engaging when is an original anime and you don´t know what is going to happen.

I know she represents the Yamato Nadeshiko view of traditional beauty by Japanese standards; kindness and patience are some of the characteristics, and clearly represents Komi a lot. Aside from hating when characters are treated like gods, such as the boring Aoyama from Clean Freak Aoyama-kun, I agree with your point since Komi only wants a normal life and to make friends.

Well, hopefully, it works so fans from the series receive another season.

Yeah, Reddit can be shortminded sometimes, especially on the AITA thread, which I tend to read since it has some awesome stories. Still, and to be honest, while my experience in Reddit hasn´t been that bad, I am sad to hear you met the worst part of it. Personally, my worst experience is with the people on a page where I tend to read manga; every time a BL manga appears on the database several guys start posting homophobic comments.

Yes, I was recommended to start reading the colored version before going into the regular black-and-white version; the colored one helps a lot to identify the characters since some of them are very similar.
I hope you enjoy Houseki no Kuni; tell me your opinion after finishing it.

Yeah, I know what you mean, is annoying to wait for chapter translations; surprisingly, is interesting how many manga are translated first into Indonesian. I read anime and manga is very popular there, so that may explain why even the most unknown manga have their chapters translated into Indonesian first.

Yeah, Bleach has a lot of chapters and volumes; once I wanted to buy the physical volumes but after seeing how many they are I remembered I am not rich hahaha. Regarding the filler, I heard the arc about the spirits of the Zampakuto physically appearing to fight their owners felt canon for a lot of people.
I don´t remember a lot about the OSTs of Bleach, just about the opening and ending songs. Was the OST of the first generation of the Gotei 13 also a remix?
I agree with you on that; the Quincy mainly came as villains wanting to overthrow Soul Society and kill all Shinigami, while also enslaving Hollow and Arrancar. Yet, the anime adaptation has been nothing but amazing; I love the Bankai animation sequences of Komamura, Shinji, Rukia, and Senjumaru.
When the TYBW arc finishes, I need to Tite Kubo to announce the continuation of the one shot of the Hell arc. I read he was very disappointed with the Bleach movie portraying hell and in just one chapter he raised several interesting questions. Is more than sure the first captains will be there.
Chocovainilla Oct 1, 2023 10:19 PM
Ohh im also reading it on Webtoon, but i havent added it here because i want to read more chapters hahhaa. But its pretty good.

Frieren, its also airing right now right?, i want to watch it, everyone says its very sad, at least the first episode apparently make a lot of people cry.

Yes, if you do, please tell me want you thought after watching it.

I read the manga so i knew what was happening, right now i only finished the part 1 of Season 4, i will probably wait till all the parts of season 4 air, so i can binge. But even so, i am not that fan of how the things happenend in the series, as you said, after the time skip, maybe because i had such wild ideas while reading/watching the firsts episodes-chapters, that the ending didnt satisfy me hahaha.

I havent read the manga, but i need to watch the seasons i missed, maybe when the new movie hits cinemas in my country i will binge, just as i didi with the previous seasons. Do you think MHA its almost finished? i didnt know about it, but after seeing the quantity of volumes, i guess its fair.
MickHeal Sep 30, 2023 5:59 PM
Hi. Yeah, it's been a bit. I will be a bit more busy myself in the future.

With how things are going in Oshi no Ko, it's hinting towards a relationship with Ruby. But just like you said with Aqua, I wouldn't be too shocked if Aqua didn't end up with anybody. I'm just very curious how things are going to play out with the movie.

Yeah. Undead Girl really brought a lot of interesting moments despite not really focusing on Aya's goal. It was consistent as well. Would like a season 2 if there's a chance.

I was preparing myself for something bad since a friend of mine talked about how bad the ending of Wonder Egg Priority was. I seriously cannot understand how I became disappointed despite knowing how bad ending the was.

You finished Bleach? Don't know how many episodes there would be without fillers, but I'm still impressed. I don't have the willpower to finish anything more than 100 episodes anymore.
Hazbyn Sep 2, 2023 5:59 PM
Don´t worry about it; I have had some sleep schedule changes sometimes in the past, and it is not nice at all.
How have you been?

Oh my god, I remember that match like it was yesterday; the win could have been for either side and as much as I was rooting for Qin Shi Huang, I swear I didn´t see him winning. I don´t understand why so many people hated that fight, I think it was one of the good ones, especially because China´s first emperor showed how strong he was by causing a lot of harm to Hades.
The next match was between Nikola Tesla and Beelzebub, and the current match was between Leonidas vs Apollo. If you have time, I recommend you to keep reading it.

I completely understand you in that area; to me is the same, and even worse because the longer anime I have watched in the past have truly disappointed me. I had expectations for Gundam Wing and SKET Dance, and I didn´t enjoy them at all. I swear I forgot Mirai Nikki was that long hahaha.

I watched some short clips of Yanai's dubbed rant against Tadano and Naruse, and it was hilarious. Yet, she is indeed a stalker, and I think in the manga she really wanted to kill Tadano the first time she kidnapped him. I understand what you mean, I remember Orihime had a lesbian friend in Bleach, and she was very over the top.
I am not going to lie, I don´t remember Najimi being pushy; the anime finished airing not so long ago, but my memory sucks quite a lot. I mostly remember disliking how obsessed everyone was towards Komi, and the only ones who treated her normally, and by extension the characters I came to like a lot, were Tadano, Najimi, Otori, and Onemine.

That would make sense; I have heard the anime does the manga a lot of justice, and I have even heard the newer season is very popular. Although I have my reservations regarding the author, I want to think he has good material for the future.

I feel those extra chapters were completely unnecessary; I liked that open-ended finale where the main couple spent their last days together without showing what they do, but clearly stating they were going to die together. Yet, the extra chapters ruined my enjoyment a bit, especially because they were completely unrelated to the main plot.

Although that is a very controversial issue, I still don´t believe his hatred for the LGBT community was justified; that chapter does not go well with me, but I still think the guys were on the wrong side there. I am sorry you faced some idiotic people, was it here on MAL?

Houseki no Kuni is a masterpiece, but prepare yourself emotionally because at some it gets really hard and heavy. I will recommend you the same thing I was recommended; watch the anime first to get accustomed to the characters, then read the colored version of the manga which is currently 40, and then keep on reading the normal black and white manga. I swear that despite the emotional damage, is a good story worth the read.

Yeah, it is horrible to wait for manga to be translated. There are two manga I am reading, Boku no Orion and A Bouquet for an Ugly Girl, but the former final chapters are nowhere to be found, while the latter remaining 20 chapters are still in Japanese. Now I am having the same issues with Three Exorcism Siblings.

Sadly, I heard the popularity of Haruhi has decreased during the years, something related to inner disputes and the Light Novel series not doing as usual. Still, I have heard the movie was acclaimed by almost everyone who watched it.

Congratulations, did you like it? Although Bleach has some very long filler arcs, I have to say I love its soundtrack; both, the opening and ending songs, are mostly superb. The TYBW arc soundtrack is not the best, but I consider the second ending, Enroll, to be amazing, catchy, and very creepy.
Chocovainilla Aug 31, 2023 10:25 PM
Dont worry about the time of reply, i also take my time, everyone has lives outside MAL.
If you like Annarasumanara, i think you could like Taste of Illness, because they have the same creator, and its also kinda short.

If you have time, you should watch the second season, really good, and it has one of my favorite moments. I have to catch up with AOT and MHA, i havent seen the newest seasons of each one. AOT i already know how it ends, but im curious to see how they adapted this last season (and the one to come).
Chocovainilla Aug 20, 2023 6:00 PM
I have read some manhwa like "Taste of illness", i thought it was really cool and "About death" which was kinda sad, both are on Line Webtoon and free with daily passes if you are interested.
And watching i recently the anime of "86", really recommended if you havent watch it.
Kzara Aug 15, 2023 10:45 PM
Shibuya is looking to be absolutely insane if they keep up the production quality and I would not be surprised if after it all airs, given it's adapted well, JJK season 2 will be one of the greats of shonen. It's got everything it needs to succeed, lots of fights, high stakes, great studio behind it, and plenty of hype and dedicated fans. Hopefully it all gets adapted perfectly, I am very excited for this fall.
MickHeal Aug 15, 2023 5:55 PM
The only time I recall quick subtitles is by Matsumoto from Vivy and the Monogatari series in general. Since you mentioned Tatami Galaxy, I assume the subtitles are really quick.

Yeah, that part has yet to be disclosed. I feel as though that will not be fully revealed, but rather have an implication at the end of OnK. I just hope there will be some meaning to that crow girl. And about shipping. While Ruby wanted to actually go with that, I really don't like that idea given Aqua and Ruby's circumstances. It's like My Stepmom's Daughter Is My Ex all over again. With how it is, I think it will end up being Kana and Aqua.

Haha. I see what you mean. They're pretty interesting characters. Quite excited for tomorrow's episode.

I actually ended up finishing it. I see why so many have such mixed feelings about it. Overall I feel it was just straight up bad, because of how it ended. I'll talk about the good points first. How it started was very intriguing. It had a lot of potential. Great music, appealing animation and an interesting story. It progressed nicely even if I started to lose interest somewhere along the way. What was huge nail in the coffin was how it ended. Not remotely satisfying and only served as a way to rub on to my face.
Chocovainilla Aug 12, 2023 8:21 PM
Thanks to you for sending a Friends Request ;D
Hazbyn Aug 8, 2023 2:10 PM
Thank you a lot for the message; it doesn´t matter if it is late, I deeply appreciate the gesture :)

Honestly, I don´t read that much Manhwa either, Tower of God is the first story I followed after some weeks of catching up during the pandemic. Manhwa chapters are very long and time-consuming, hence I don´t have too much time to read as many as I would like to. Still, there are some that call my attention and I will try to read them sooner or later; for instance, Solo Leveling and Annarasumanara. Still, I hope you enjoy Tower of God.

I wish Record of Ragnarok was weekly hahaha; still, I value the quality and length of the chapters and that there are some times when the authors released two chapters monthly. Which fight did you recently finish?

As I mentioned Mirai Nikki was the first anime I watched after separating cartoons from anime, and I think I found it on a Youtube video; I think I heard one of the opening or ending songs, and then I decided to watch the anime. It was a very dark story with very unlikeable Main Characters, and I mean that a lot; Yuki is selfish, bratty, and whiny, while Yuno is crazy and toxic, the two of them experienced some harsh moments in life, but still.
Even though I don´t follow anime pages on Instagram and Facebook, the amount of spoilers I get from pages I don´t follow is huge hahaha. Still, thanks to those pages popping out of nowhere I have read and watched some interesting manga and anime hahaha.

I enjoy the comedy of Komi-san and the cute moments between Komi and Tadano; yet, there are some scenes that were weird, like Yanai running away with Komi´s panties on her face.
I think Rent-A-Girlfriend is one of those things people love to hate; I have seen Reality Shows for a while, and there are some participants that tend to be horrible people and nasty individuals, and fans love seeing them there to hate them. Hence, I think is in humans nature to find something to dislike.

I got a bit confused over which manga you mentioned being one of the first you ever read; I thought it was Umarekawattemo, but you mentioned it was in your PTR. Hence, I almost made a huge spoiler hahaha.
I cannot stop thinking it was weird; I mean in the climax of Jumyou wo Kaitotte Moratta. Ichinen ni Tsuki, Ichimanen de we have MC finally being happy with the woman he fell in love with, and the two of them spent the rest of their time together. Yet, the final two chapters felt a bit out of place.

I don´t remember the names of many of the characters, but I recall that scene and I did not like it either. In my opinion, the girls were trying to be as supportive as possible about Toma´s sexuality, and then the guy who first hit Toma gives the explanation of why he hit him and that he was assaulted by a gay man once, and then Shingo said something that did not go well with me that much. I was on the girl's side during that argument. Which problems did you get into after talking about the chapter?

For rear? There is only one chapter left for Insomniacs after School? I don´t know why but I am surprised; I am currently reading Houseki no Kuni to catch up on the most recent chapters.

I understand what you mean, I added some other manga names to my current reading list, and it is slowly growing each day hahaha. Some of the manga there are currently finished, but I have been unable to find the final chapters, which is completely annoying.

I have heard so many good things about Undead Girl Murder Farce; I think I am going to give it a chance now.

I just saw that The Endless Eight was also on the Light Novels, and I consider it works better on a book than in anime; I have heard that the arc repeats itself in newer episodes and has some small differences until the loop ends, but still, I think it wasn´t a good decision to add it to a season with few episodes. That arc was basically the whole season hahaha. Still, I can understand why so many viewers at the time were annoyed with watching the same episode over and over again; I would have thought the site I watch anime was trolling with me hahaha.
I was aware that The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya was adapted into a nearly 3 hours film, but I did not know it was because the studio couldn´t make it fit into an anime season. Maybe the Endless Eight arc could have worked as a series of OVAs or maybe a movie, but even if I haven´t watched the anime yet, I don´t think it was a good choice.

I want to thank you again for your birthday message, have a nice week :)
Kzara Jul 30, 2023 7:33 PM
All good, yeah I've been working through One Piece and finished Naruto when I got interested in anime, so Bleach is the last of the big three for me to catch up on.

Been really happy with the current season of JJK, happy that Toji has been animated and looks to be a favorite of MAPPA, they definitely nailed him.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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