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May 23, 2020 1:27 PM
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May 23, 2020 9:17 AM
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Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai? Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai? Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
May 23, 2020 8:47 AM
Watching 6/12 · Scored -
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Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria
Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria
May 13, 2020 8:23 PM
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Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e
Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e
May 12, 2020 11:39 PM
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Kimi no Na wa. Another Side: Earthbound
Kimi no Na wa. Another Side: Earthbound
Mar 1, 2020 7:34 AM
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iyssayu Jun 2, 2021 6:03 PM
puneetsingh Oct 11, 2020 12:52 AM
Otaku329 May 15, 2020 9:45 AM
I see.. im all caught up on manga.. same here i love both too but anime left out many good chapters also ngl anime messed up yuu's character development dont ya think?
However your right about va and facial expressions they are lit also the opening i love it !! So it basically balances everything out however still i prefer manga a little..
Who's your favorite character?
ChaximelOld May 14, 2020 11:08 AM
been playing Minecraft and watching a bit of anime ^^
ChaximelOld May 11, 2020 2:42 PM
ikr, how have you been?
ChaximelOld May 10, 2020 10:39 PM
Otaku329 May 8, 2020 3:01 PM
Hey there!!
Thanks for accepting the request!!
Nice to meet ya!!
How are you?

I see you also have kaguya sama manga as your favourites!!
Tell me which one you prefer anime or manga of kaguya?
elooscar23 May 7, 2020 12:24 PM
I haven't readed Moon Cradle yet, and it's not really latest, Unital Ring arc is, MC comes before UR and after whole Alicization arc, anyway it's nice to hear that. And yeah I see that, I did got to rewatch Konosuba first episodes about a month ago or more, and didn't honestly got much caught compared to first time, so I guess you're right after all. And oh I see, well I didn't meant to compare them anyway, again both shows are totally different, being fan of both shows, so I too find the comparison people made, was absurd overall. For SAO, well I never skipped any arc, and honestly if anything I think FD has a good story compared to og SAO, it just comes out different to the 1st season overall and fairly easily to missunderstand specially with what the story is about, but I always seen it as key story for Leafa to move on and for Kirito too just to prove how much he's willing to go for when being pushed to its limit. S2 was amazing agree, I loved the Mother Rosario arc and cried a lot with it. And it's okay, Jojo is hard to get to, don't worry, happened to me though I don't really remember why exactly I changed my mind. And wow sounds nice and like I'll really have a good time watching KLK then! And yeahh lmao agree so much, I don't even know what they tried to do, pulling those aliens out nowhere, 02 being as big as a Franxx, them fighting all in space, just what the hell was that show anymore lol, and personally I thought the first half had just many wasted opportunities or moments that just get you angry, we see Ichigo kiss Hiro once and... that's it, Hiro just outright ignored her ever since lmao, and the one who has a crush on Ichigo gets ignored too? Kokoro also out of nowhere gets laid by Mitsuru just cause why not and then gets married?? So many flags with it lol. I doubt I will rewatch it either lol, but 02 x Hiro was definetly what most interested me too.

Btw won't probably be answering much for a while due to having much college stuff rn, so we can continue some other day or idk if you use Discord or Twitter too, they're on my profile, we could chat anytime you want!
elooscar23 May 7, 2020 9:03 AM
Indeed! I really would like Progressive to became the main cannon too, love how every character is explained to detail, despite I liked original too. You can even tell in anime they were trying to do something else to the original novel by reordering the events/volumes and adapting a story from Progressive in Episode 2. And yeah, I think so too, guess it wasn't so bad, just that there are better shows. And yeahh, S;G is amazing for the interactions they have, and I guess the humor is best appreciated on the visual novel anyway, which gotta admit it was fantastic having it read altogeher as I was watching the anime, although the anime is amazing anyway. The Assistant is the best indeed, I ship her so much with Okabe. And that's allright, I too was hesitant and refusing to watch Jojo because art style and because people used it to despise SAO or say it was bad compared to Jojo, and that comparison is just something I always hated as not only they're absolutely different and SAO is just really missunderstood by people who don't even bother to understand the show, but upon watching Jojo on its side I realized it has way more culture than I thought and has way too many iconic phrases or quotes, memetic or not, which never tires me no matter how much I may watch it, no wonder why it's referenced so much in many animes lol. But it's okay, just my opinion having watched it that's all. And cool, Kill la Kill seemed really good to me, watched an episode or 2 I think but couldn't have much time to continue it, so I definetly willl have in mind both BNA and Kill la kill! Studio Trigger's DITF didn't seem that bad honestly, but they did really fucked up with the ending and latest episodes in so many ways, such a shame cause I liked the show in all honestly up till then.
elooscar23 May 7, 2020 7:30 AM
Ah I see that, and cool hyped to watch it then and check which is best girl! Progressive is amazing and on another level to original SAO, can't wait in a future to have an adaptation of it whenever it gets finished! Well, it's not really the best type of humor indeed, there are much better animes of course, at least myself I enjoyed for how wacky it becomes and just not a typicial harem anime, and I have yet to see the movie anyway. I liked way more the humor of shows like Steins;Gate or Jojo (and I'm sure you relate me for S;G given it's your favourite as well lol), even if they are a total different thing on their own.
elooscar23 May 6, 2020 9:31 PM
Oh Kaguya wasn't delayed in the end? Looks like I got a case of mandela effect lol, I could have sworn that it was delayed like with WoU, HF, and Re Zero S2. Also I haven't really started Kaguya yet, but it's on my Plan to watch, as I'm really curious to see Chika, she seems like a good girl! I did watched Re Zero myself like 2 times last one being less than a year ago, so the news for it being delayed got me rather mad too lol. Oregairu seems really great from what I heard, and in fact few friends of mine freaked out when 3rd part got delayed, ugh this fuc*ing virus... Ohhh Alicization ending was so sad indeed, I cried a lot, and got depressed too, but being such big fan I was for SAO, I just needed to continue, so I followed the story on light novel right almost instantly after Episode 24 aired lol, and made it almost to around same time to where the last episode adapts or a bit earlier before WoU was confirmed to be in the works, and it really becomes amazing on novel and got written so good, so back when WoU first aired I didn't really had my expectatives high enough simply because I was convinced there would be no way it could be adpated that good, also given to how fist part of Alicization wasn't adapted quite well and a bit rushed in second cour, but to my surprise they made it really good in WoU, saving for Episode 3 or 12 imo. And no ofc, Deen still did great animes much later to Stay Night, like Konosuba, but in terms of Fate, yeah no indeed.
elooscar23 May 6, 2020 5:34 PM
Oh shoot lmaoo I confused the name actually, I typed Kobayashi and I indeed meant Kaguya S2, I always tend to do that same mistake with some anime names who are similar as I'm not japanese lol, if I had remembered the english name I wouldn't confuse so much XD. And yeah, A1 still does good stuff, like for example SAO adaptations specially on the last season WoU is really good imo. And yeah Deen's art is really ugly compared to ufotable's, but eh I guess in terms of the story and such it's not definetly the worst thing. And yeah, sadly we can't tell exactly the date since this virus thing doesn't have a date to end, so sad, and hope this ends as soon as possible.
elooscar23 May 6, 2020 4:51 PM
Oh yeah, it's certainly not as good as Zero no doubt, in fact it's animated by A1-Pictures, another studio, but that's a mistake to compare it to mainline Fate like Stay Night or Zero, since it's a spinoff, another thing on its own part of the universe, but not of the timeline or cannon. And I watched and started by Deen's one as advice, and I regret it in terms of having watching that adaptation, I know if I started by Zero or UBW I probably wouldn't even bother to watch it, but eh I think the route at least introduced me very well to the franchise to say the least. And not really sure tbh, but given how many shows like Kobayashi S2 or SAO War of Underworld got moved to July, it's most likely HF will be to that time as well.
elooscar23 May 6, 2020 11:35 AM
Well, I don't know in terms of adaptation since I haven't read the Apocrypha novel yet, but yeah even for Astolfo is prety great XD, and all other servants, mostly Jeanne d'Arc, Morded, the main/final villain (who's look similar to Emiya Shirou/Archer but totally unrelated and way more badass), are all also great imo! As for visual novels, oh no don't worry, the original 2004 novel is the one with erotic scenes, they actually re-released the game as F/SN: Realta Nua in 2010, where they removed all erotic scenes and made it more suited for everyone actually, so yeah if you're still curious avoid the 2004 and get to Realta Nua instead, and you should be fine. I had started the prologue and the first days of the first route , I think it's worth checking at least due to the first route being soo much better as the original anime, and for finishing Heaven's Feel too considering we'll have until July till the 3rd movie. Sadly for me, like with FGO, can't continue it since it's on my broken pc as well (bad luck brian). As for Salomon, indeed would be weird, the story is only 15 chapters long, and could been adapted easily with just one long movie, let's hope it comes out great anyway. And it's okay, totally understandable, I hope you can somehow still watch FGO story soon though!
elooscar23 May 6, 2020 9:15 AM
Yeah, Brotherhood adapted fully the original source as it was finished by then already, original is full of filler and anime only episodes instead.
Oh then I am same as you too, saving for apocrypha, I still also have to start any of the other VNs, like Hollow Artaxia, Extella, original Stay Night novel, and am also planning to get to Nasuverse series like Garden of Sinners, etc. Nice that you saw Babylonia, I hadn't seen yet since I wanted to reach it in the game first, but got to half of the 3rd singularity Okeanos only, and yeah sadly there's no anime announced of first 5 singularities for some reason, Camelot and Salomon been announced (6th and 8th arc, respectively) only, but maybe in a future we'll have news for the others I hope. 1st and 3rd arc are so far the ones I most liked from the game. And well, I got first to a Let's Play of the 1st arc having watched First Order already, but since the game triggers you 2 different choices as you go throught each scene, I said, why not checking it myself instead? And then dowloaded it and liked the gameplay so much I guess haha, it might come a bit annoying that you have too many quest, but eh I don't mind, the gameplay's still really good and triggering Noble Phantasm's of the Servants or seeing their animation is also great. All in all, I'm just saying it's best to experience it in person, but of course up to you, you don't really need to be much of a gamer just to enjoy it.
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