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True as that was one reason for the regional forms I think, but go things like Annihilape and Dundunsparce xD. True about being funny at the time, but figured you'd understand xD. Great joke about Japanese thesaurus, boo not using new names in PreCure xD. Certainly, always good to learn things xD. True about Kohaku being my favorite and figured you'd understand xD. And luckily I was able to reply, but thanks for the luck with Umi as hopefully you enjoy the blog even with the issues this week xD.
Aye xD. That's true about cross-gen evos being so rare xD. Exactly as I think I remember you bringing up that silliness, but a shame for the translations maybe xD. Great joke about Japan saying idols shine, that makes sense but I agree this is going too far xD. Indeed for the Turn A term, I think I've heard it in some other series but I see about it becoming anime fan terminology xD. Fair about the Aikatsu one not wearing hers a lot but indeed I was thinking of her (maybe Koharu would be a better example, she at least performs in glasses too as rare as she performs xD) but cool about confirming AiPri S2 as that's a relief then xD.
Figured you'd understand xD. Aye xD. Makes sense as everyone was expecting that, a shame they weren't able to due to gen 5 keeping to itself xD. Fair about all the weird localizations at the time, and sounds funny about Pokémon referencing the musician in another game xD. True about all the variants too, boo the long list of awful things that the name involves this season (though great reference to Gundam still xD). That would be nice, like with Aoi, and hopefully there will be a second season as PriMagi wasn't graced with one I think xD.
That they did, but that happens when you write something that far in the (respective) past xD. Aye for Pitch, and glad you liked the silly name too xD. Exactly and not just because of its palidrome name xD. Awesome, and I see for the Spanish name as that is pretty funny, go linking the Spanish musician and glad he doesn't sing songs like Macho Grubba does xD. That she does, at least it's not "KiraKira" though as we've had enough of that lately xD. Certainly and cool you know the one, go meganekko girls showing up indeed xD.A
Agreed! That makes sense, like how they specified how Bubble Lead was pronounced xD. Same here, though I do like the little bird the most, and true for the octopus with the oddly "depressing" name xD. True about being a sunfish indeed, but that sounds very silly about the name being the opposite in Spanish and being a "moon fish" xD. That makes sense about the Ludicolo and Sudowoodo helping you like Miror B. more as if he needed the help with all those great things xD. Figured you'd agree and same, I would have mentioned the Purple but I didn't know her Cure name yet xD (no worries though xD). True about Mikoto being cool even if she's a Pink fangirl and knew you'd understand xD (I also like the meganekko side character in AiPri too xD).
Agreed with the coincidence and poor Ayame the Guilty meganekko indeed! I hadn't heard about that but I believe it, that does kinda ruin the seriousness of that boss now xD. Makes sense about the cat, tiny bird, and girl octopus even if they aren't as popular as the first trio, and makes sense as I always thought that she was slime-related in the past somehow xD (and true for the painter and fairy staying together xD). That makes sense, I imagine Miror B. may have helped influence that maybe but go the dancer xD. Go PriPara's many epic finales and aye for the joke xD. Glad you liked mine too xD. True about the Pink Cure bias starting already and true for the useless Pink Intro/Outro as well as Cure Idol being fangirled too much, hopefully when Cure Wink joins next time she'll be fangirled as well! And hopefully the meganekko friend doesn't get captured repeatably like what happend in GoPri with Yui xD. And agreed for the cute shopping in Mirai Days too xD.
Agreed about the NEET and Guilty chuunibyou, though funny enough coincidentally both names are used in the Neet Kunoichi show; Hina is cute despite being the bad luck clumsy sort but poor Ayame doesn't deserve to share a name with the trap xD. True about that, though great reasoning on why Mega Man maybe floats in water due to being full of air xD. Makes sense as in Dream Land 2/3 they had separate movesets, and I understand about Adelaide and Ribbon remaining a team too xD). Exactly and great way to pair them too xD. True about it being sily but sounds goofy about PriPara having so many climaxes and great comparison to LoTR xD. Great comparison as well, no doubt the Tamagami has high M.Evade so it took several attempts for the 80% hit rate to affect him xD.
Agreed, Momentary Lily seems to be hogging them all xD. True about both stages having a gravity-based gimmick, go not being entirely wrong xD. That I do so go your great idea, and cool you remembered Star Allies and that it would help with movesets then xD. Certainly and great way to put it even if you like the Grass-type leader and Water-themed Cure more xD. No worries but thanks for understanding! Great pun and she certainly was, unless she'll reveal herself to be even stronger once Dark Quartet Star is defeated or something xD. That's true but that's also not much of a challenge xD. And true about Daima being cool, I liked the old Namekian trying to convince the Tamagami to join the battle xD.
Unfortunate for the two series then xD. Cool as at first I was thinking of Star Man for some reason, but it was the right game but wrong master, and boo abusing the gimmick in those games then xD. That makes sense, as Zelda and Fire Emblem have already been used and no other series has quite as many characters compared to Kirby's xD (plus I think Star Allies has a lot of movesets for villains where they're playable too xD). True about Erika at least showing off her big ass, and boo MAL! Fair as I imagine the AiPri comment was posted as I was writing so my bad for not refreshing the page! True about Dark Chii sadly being one-upped by Dark Quartet, true that even as a villain she gets the shaft xD. And true about the odd placement for the filler (especially with the sun counting down), though fair point about that being what happens with kid's anime xD.
Unfortunate neither has a meganekko then, but hopefully I'll get to both eventually xD. That makes sense as I think one of the later MM games has a level with that gimmick, like Gravity Man from MM5, so no worries as I think I understand xD. And go beating even the hard levels then xD. Aye so go him and figured you'd like the reference, and I was wondering where it came from but great idea for a Kirby Warriors game too xD. And agreed about Momentary Lily being good and fair, though sorry for Eri being a cow, but true about it scoring poorly because MAL hates good fanservice xD.
Agreed about the poor hamster girl! Awesome then though glad you understand my issues even if I want to watch both xD. Certainly for her silly poses, and aye for the silly resemblance indeed xD. That makes sense, boo long maze-like levels and causing you to get stuck as well! I see about beating all the regular stages for the postgame content as I understand, hopefully it's not too hard xD. Go finding out trivia about Kine from Kirby being spelled like "Kain" in Japanese, and great joke about the poor fish betraying Kirby twice in the hypothetical Kirby RPG xD (I also imagine him leaping up and using the spear from later games in the series xD).
Exactly, and good point about Ayumu not getting the love the normal(-ish) girl deserved! Cool that both are cute and educative, and aye as both look good and I probably would have started them had their days not been especially busy xD. Great joke about Yohane's wrestling moves against the sisters not being what we meant, and indeed about the silly comparison tweet to the Spanish Panzer girl xD. No worries as I like hearing when you play games, go beating the Make a Good Mega Man Level 2 after delaying the final stage so good job beating it like the first and third in the past xD.
Figured it was appropriate, boo Hayate getting in loops of fanservice for terrible fans to pad out books! Makes sense if you compared to the Hokkaido girls series, but I do want to watch both that and Aquarion as they seem good xD. Glad you understood about the confusing name, and figured you'd agree about Kanon learning from him xD.
Good point about Kaguya's bow practice, and go beating Ishigami and being on par with Miyuki in arm wrestling xD. True about that it seems, but true about having Second as that helps xD. Agreed for her fun silly ideas, and go liking the scene as well xD. Exactly, boo naysayers xD.
Agreed for the classic reference xD. I see about that, boo being like Hayate and just being longer to make more money! That I did so no worries xD. Awesome for the Okinawa girls being friendly then xD. Agreed xD. Cool as I wasn't sure if it had a "c" in it or not, and indeed for the mask helping xD. Aye as I remember that about Buffaloman, he needs to teach Kanon a lesson obviously on how to show off Spanish pride xD.
True about Yor, though I'm surprised Kaguya is strong as well but cool for her too xD. Certainly, if only she wore her glasses more but still xD. Thanks as figured you'd like that, and true she's the one who devised their training regime xD (go finding the pic too). That's a relief, and true about Hinata proving that shy blue hair girls can win so go Naruto's good taste xD.
Exactly and great vocaloid reference too xD. Cool it isn't too long and boo Rent-a-Girlfriend being far too long! That's a great way of putting it, even if that makes it sound more interesting xD. Agreed, go aggressive girls being best xD. Go being cute and friendly rather than a tsundere xD. No worries as I liked that dog joke xD. I did so no worries but thanks for the warning, it helps that Jack Chi (or whatever faucet guy's name is) has a visor/mask over his eyes so it was hard to tell xD. And indeed it was a good ep xD.