All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 134.0
Mean Score:
- Watching4
- Completed532
- On-Hold27
- Dropped144
- Plan to Watch13
- Total Entries720
- Rewatched34
- Episodes8,113
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 356.6
Mean Score:
- Reading60
- Completed615
- On-Hold310
- Dropped210
- Plan to Read4
- Total Entries1,199
- Reread41
- Chapters48,875
- Volumes4,826
All Comments (44) Comments
Ye fair, balancing other activities can be pain(which I empathise with tbh).
Nevertheless, You watched 8 episode in 17 November :DD
How are you doing?
Yay spread the little bean's love ♥ xD
Make sure to watch it! It's adorable... too bad we didn't get a translation for the rest of the seasons T_T
Thanks for the image~
I did edit it slightly but it's pretty much the original picture lol
I do mess around with gfx occasionally but I'm not good enough to have skills to show off ahahah
The songs in that show go so hard lol
I saw your post in Sumno & Winsu and I just wanted to stop by and say your signature is super cute!
I really like Crying for Rain as well, so it seems like we have similar music tastes haha
I hope today's a good one for you!
I'm glad you like it! ^.^ it was super hard to cover haha
Mind if I start a conversation?
I like to meet new people ^^
And wow, I didn't expect such a serious answer!!!
I guess that happens from time to time - it didn't affect you too much, right?