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Virtual-san wa Miteiru
Virtual-san wa Miteiru
Mar 11, 2:17 PM
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Holo no Graffiti
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Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2
Mar 11, 2:12 PM
Completed 10/10 · Scored 5
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Angel Cop
Mar 8, 2015 1:00 PM
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Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
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VincentHarkonnen Mar 22, 2016 7:12 AM
After Nolan's Dark Knight, everyone wan't to make a serious, but cool, grimdark comic movie, because they think, it's an easy way to being success. -> Oh yeah, and it's even funnier when you'll notice that we honestly came a full circle regarding that. Remember that era of the early 2000's where every comic book movie had to be grimdark and edgy just to avoid mistaking it for a kids movie, like Spawn or Daredevil? Good thing that we've moved away from that mindset, but it still shows that some directors really like such approach, even if it clearly doesn't work, unless the comic book you're adapting is The Punisher. At least Nolan's Batman was an okay series of movies (even if I'm not a big fan of these), so there's that I guess. To be fair, I hardly remember the older Fantastic Four movies, probably because the only older Marvel movies I actually cared about were the Spider-Man ones. Gotta love that Green Goblin costume straight out of Walmart :D

Anyway, I liked how they reused the same fight scene over, and over. =) -> Nah, the girl was just taking cues from John Cena - winning every fight with the exact same moveset and somehow being undefeated./sarcasm

So, are you going to buy that Limited Edition of Doom with a Revenant statue? :D I'll pass on it myself, not only it's insanely expensive, but also because there's nothing interesting in it aside of the statue (and even then, I'm not really that much into Revenants). I mean, gee, I can slap one of the five different id Software logos on my weapons in the Multiplayer? Totally worth the ludicrous place.
VincentHarkonnen Mar 17, 2016 2:20 PM
Haha, yeah, Fant4stic was absolutely amazing with how edgy and grimdark it was. I mean, wow, they even gave a sad backstory to "It's clobberin' time!", why would you even make it your own catchphrase as a superhero, if it reminds you of how your big brother used to beat you up? I still can't decide whether it's hilarious or messed up. To be honest, I'd still say that last year's Ant-Man was my personal favourite modern Marvel movie, but Deadpool was fantastic without a doubt. Definitely most fantastic than Fant4stic./sarcasm Or hell, do you remember how Mr. Fantastic created a friggin' stargate when he was a kid and the stereotypical evil teacher of his was like: "You better start thinking about a real science!", what the hell was that all about?

I thought, after Michael Bay's TMNT, hollywood can't desecrate another childhood classic so badly, but it seems, I was wrong. -> Yeah, and to think that so many people wanted this sequel for many, many years. Supposedly, even the guy who was in charge of the post-production has admitted that this movie looks like complete and utter shit, but just wait untilt he first negative reviews will appear - the feminists will eat them alive, thinking that we're disliking this movie because it doesn't have any manly men in it. At this point, I'd prefer to see Kylo Ren as a new ghostbuster, at least he would break a chair or two out of frustration.

After a hard day, watching some short and stupid stuff is the best way to turn off your brain. =D -> Try to watch Colosseum no Senki then, the ending of the second episode will shut off your brain in an instant. *wheezing laughter*
VincentHarkonnen Mar 17, 2016 1:03 PM
I can't say I've seen many interesting movies lately, aside of, of course, Deadpool. I've had my doubts about this one, but damn, it's good. Definitely better than this upcoming Ghostbusters movie (they should've called it Ghostbusters: The Feminist Edition). As for the games, I'm currently saving money for the upcoming 3DS preorders, which are Youkai Watch and Fire Emblem: Fates. It's a rare thing for me to actually buy something for my 3DS, so that's definitely going to be refreshing. I'm still a little bit on the edge regaridng the current PSN sale though, because Wolfenstein: The New Order is avaible insanely cheap right now.

Haha, I see that you're in the middle of a hentai marathon, just like me three weeks ago, when I was too braindead after the exams to pick up anything more ambitious :D
VincentHarkonnen Mar 15, 2016 8:11 AM
Happy Birthday, mate! :)
VincentHarkonnen Jan 3, 2016 8:20 AM
Yeah, it could've been worse, honestly. If only the recent election would've ended well in my country, it would've been even better, because now we're making an enemy out of the entire EU. As for the enw Star Wars, I haven't seen it yet, but I guess I'm in the minority who doesn't mind the new lightsaber design at all - it actually does look pretty cool, plus it;s obvious that even int his universe, the technology would move forward. It's like people already forgot about the black lighsaber which actually looked like a machete and worked like a miniature black hole (it was featured in one of the animated prequels).
VincentHarkonnen Jan 1, 2016 8:08 AM
Happy New Year! :)
VincentHarkonnen Oct 15, 2015 1:41 PM
Tell me about it, it made me feel like the protagonist of Doom 4 when the Revenant was tearing his arms off. ...wait, did I just said ARMS?

How's MGS V, by the way? Have you unlocked the glorious Wormhole upgrade yet? :D
VincentHarkonnen Sep 28, 2015 1:30 PM
Hey, slow down a little! I've just arrived to Africa today, and only completed the first main mission there! *laughs* On the other hand, I've also captured all animals in Afghanistan already, so you can guess what I've been doing for so long. And no, I don't even have Quiet yet, but at least I've got a maxed out D-Dog bond - it allows you to change his fur color and give him an artificial eye if you don't like the scar/eyepatch. I went with eyepatch while changing him to a white wolf, even if the German Shepherd color scheme looks nice too. Now if only D-Horse wouldn't take ages to max the bond with, because I've heard that reaching the maximum bond with him allows you to use the flaming pegasus the Man On Fire rode in the prologue while chasing you :D By the way, are you securing the outposts just to get the new codenames for your emblems too? I'm almost done with my emblem, I used the deathstalker I've captured (a scorpion species you can capture in Afghanistan) as my front graphic, wrote "Chemical Venom" underneath it and now I just need a biohazard symbol as the background graphic to make it look my wet dream. *laughs*

Heh, I actually love Just cause 2, so adding Mad Max to the mix seems fine to me, even if I don't like the melee combat - I never was a fan of the freeflow combat in Arkham games, I'd rather have a regular Beat 'Em Up combo system with a lock on and a dodge roll.
VincentHarkonnen Sep 25, 2015 3:31 PM
*laughs* Clearly there is such thing as destiny :D Might as well start playing Diablo and Painkiller to make the unholy trinity whole. *laughs*

As much as I'm still unable to play Mad Max (I need a PS4 for that), I did buy MGS V yesterday on PS3 :) For a last gen port, it's actually pretty good, having the exact same amount of content as PC/PS4 version, just with slightly worse graphics. So far I'm after the part where I had to secure the Honey Bee launcher, now I need to kill three generals attending some meeting. Knowing me, I'll get sidetracked again while hunting animals. I already got myself a bear because I got lost once and went to some isolated hilltop where I got mauled by the aforementioned animal, before I captured it after dying to it once. And how about you? :D Have you saved D-Dog? :D
VincentHarkonnen Sep 23, 2015 2:35 PM
666 shared anime, this is how a new national holiday is born. As the legends say, every time someone hits 666 shared titles with the other person, a Mexican plumber gives paizuri to some unfortunate fella as a sacrifice.
VincentHarkonnen Aug 22, 2015 2:11 PM
Heh, my actual first FPS was Lifeforce Tenka from 1997, it was a fully 3D game too and boy, did it scare me as a kid :D I do have to admit though, looking back at it now, not only did it have a terrific Soundtrack (like many Psygnosis games back then), but I actually like how throughout the game you basically had this machine gun which worked like Judge Dredd's weapon as your only mean of defense. It wasn't as dynamic as Quake, with how there was no rocket jumping as it all took place in tight corridors, but at least it had a Cyberpunk setting rather than Dark Fantasy.

Tell me about it, it's like back in the NES/SNES era where every licensed game had to be a sidescrolling platformer, even a game based on the Wayne's World. Actually, everything had to be a sidescrolling platformer back then :D
VincentHarkonnen Aug 20, 2015 2:50 PM
Yeah, I've actually beaten it twice (once on Normal to get all weapons and once on Professional) and it was a very enjoyable game, even more so with the atmosphere of its missions, it really reminded me of The Punisher with how it mixes this gritty, realistic setting with downright comic book-esque tropes, like the whole Meat King's Party mission and the Beldingford Manor. I also liked the finale a lot, as you could at least be stealthy throughout the whole thing. I'm currently playing Blood Money at last, I do like how the mission in theatre ends with the scene which started the events of Contracts :D Right now I'm at the mission where you need to save Agent Smith again (It's so nice that 47 gets his own damsel in distress), so I'm still at the beginning.

Oh wow, it makes the already good game look even better :D So, have you got used to Quake without Strogg yet? :D
Junchi Aug 18, 2015 12:27 AM
Az Armitage-dzsel egy nagy problémám volt, ami viszont olyan kolosszális méreteket öltött, hogy megpecsételte végül az egész anime sorsát: Ezt a cuccot szerintem nem 4 epizódra kellett volna tervezni, hanem egy 13 részes sorozatra. Ahhoz képest, hogy mennyi minden, egyébként érdekes témát dobott fel (a gépek átveszik az emberek helyét, miközben azok attól félnek, hogy kiszorítják őket a munkáikból, az életükből vagy radikálisabban nézve letaszítják őket a tápláléklánc csúcsáról, miközben utóbbiak pont azt vetik fel, hogy miért készítették el őket, ha nem is kellenek nekik), inkább az akcióra fordította a nagyobb figyelmet, amivel még nem lett volna probléma, de engem sokkal jobban foglalkoztatott ez az ízig-vérig cyberpunk-kérdéscsokor, ami végre nem GitS-féle agyonfilozofált pszeudo-intellektuális próbálkozás volt, hanem tényleg a műfaj azon szára, amit még én is szeretek. 13 epizódban esélyesen jobban elfértek volna a dolgok - maradt volna idő az eksönre, a karakterekre, a kérdésekre, a világra is.

DE, hozzá kell tegyem, így sem volt rossz, szal ahhoz képest, hogy kisebb elvárásokkal ültem neki, annál kellemesebb meglepetés ért. A karakterek mondjuk (Armit leszámítva) meglehetősen vázlatszerűek lettek (még az a hapsi is, aki Armi társa volt) és a grafika elsőre valóban nem tetszett, de aztán megbarátkoztam vele, bár ebben sokat segített a kellemes animáció is. A vége pedig valóban egy kicsit MEH, mind megvalósításra, mind a konklúziót illetően, de ettől függetlenül is az egyik legkorrektebb cyberpunk OVA, szal az ilyen Black Magic, meg Parasite Dollsokhoz viszonyítva egy igazi főnyeremény.

Ami az Overlordot illeti: Az első rész után még egész lelkes voltam, szal ez a SAO-s "OMG, MMO-ban ragadunk" koncepció kapott egy egészen jópofa felvizezést, ahogy a főhős kiismeri egy egészen más szemszögből a game világát, az NPC-kkel beszélget és barátkozik, ráadásul még olyan tervei is vannak, hogy ha már imba karakterként bent rekedt, akkor az a minimum, hogy meghódítja ezt a világot. A kezdés tehát jó, viszont utána nagyon hamar átmegy ilyen standard fantasyba az egész, az otaku-fanservice is elég erőteljes és ami működött még az elején, az is kezd szépen-lassan atomjaira hullani. Ráadásul külön idegesítő, hogy a szolgái szinte minden epizódban fényesre nyalják az uruk seggét és erről valahogy nem tudnak leakadni. Nem mondom, azért így is ellehet nézegetni, de kötve hiszem, hogy ez 4-5 pontnál többet érne a végére.

Btw Jormungand? Látom, folytattad a White Foxizálódást, bár nekem ez a cucc már annyira nem tetszett, noha azt aláírom, hogy ez volt talán az utolsó vállalható próbálkozásuk, a többi már vagy nagyon crap (Akame, Hatarku Maou) vagy még "belenézni sem éri meg" kategória (SoniAni, Usagi Desu whatever). Azért a Steins;Gate-et még nézd majd meg valamikor tőlük. :)
VincentHarkonnen Aug 17, 2015 4:48 PM
Yeah, I feel the same way. Sometimes it wo-Whoa, my mean score on MAL is 5.26? I've just noticed that while typing, I really am the ungrateful piece of a walrus shit./sarcasm

Also, I've started playing Hitman: Contracts today. It's actually much better than I was expecting it to be, the gameplay is much more pleasant compared to Hitman 2, as the disguises actually work this time, you can run as much as you want to an extent and crouch walking is much faster, plus the syringe is a less of a hassle to use compared to the anesthethic. Right now I'm on the Budapest mission, what I've learned from it is that Hungary is haunted by the shirtless ghosts. Still, getting past the mission with a nuke took me two hours, gotta love how easy it was in the end, but I was messing up the easiest things while wasting my time on planting the bug ont he car even if it wasn't necessary. Also, dat music. I still like how this game provided me with a couple of jumpscares, all because the sound is really strangely mixed in the PS3 version - some sounds are just insanely loud, like the gunshots in the Opening sequence, or that damn sound of a car being lifted by a crane in the nuke mission, which doesn't end even if you'll skip the cutscene, so you're completely deaf for a couple of seconds. Or maybe the crane was just that old that you can hear it from a mile away.
VincentHarkonnen Aug 12, 2015 3:13 PM
Yeah, I remember Ricz telling me that it was being advertised as the "pinnacle of Hungarian animation" or something, along with the lies about the quality of the CG. To balance it out, there's a Polish animated film coming out supposedly at the end of this summer. Here is the trailer. Say what you want about the animation quality, but the music is truly something./sarcasm It's like the most unfitting thing they could choose, it's like playing Duke Nukem Theme in the background of a video showing someone's grandma knitting :D This movie was in production since 2000. Yup, this is how poorly funded our animation is. And it's never a good sign when a movie or anything for that matter gets pushed back since 2007. Actually, Duke Nukem Forever is a good example.

Oh wow, thanks for showing me Bolivar, this reminds me of Space Thunder Kids and the other Korean anime rip-offs with glorious editing where things jump jump in your face and keep repeating constantly. Now I want it on MAL so I could put in in my favourites :D
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