Anime & Manga News

BL Web Manga 'Mahou Shoujo Ore' to Get Anime Adaptation

by tsubasalover
Aug 4, 2014 6:25 AM | 99 Comments
According to a banner via Yaraon, BL web manga Mahou Shoujo Ore will get an anime adaptation. More information will be revealed at a later time.

Saki Uno is a member of the new idol group Magical Twin. She admires Mohiro Mikage from the popular idol group STAR☆RICE and would like to do anything for him. Her wish comes true one day when she becomes a male Mahou Shoujo!

Web manga link:

Source: Yaraon

Mahou Shoujo Ore on MAL

20 of 99 Comments Recent Comments

amayih said:
kandiiyuutaamu said:

The looked both of the websites highlighted when you sent this comment a few days ago. I found that the two of them are very nice and interesting, do you happen to know the names of these two mahou shounen mangas' by the way?

The first one is: 魔女っ子少年マジカルピース / Majokko shounen Magical Piece / Witch boy Magical piece (official English name, on the bottom of the page)
But I think there is no manga (yet?), this one it's a game

The second one: おじまじょ / Ojimajo (middle-age (ojisan) men!) 5 (I'm not sure if "5" is because there are 5 or because it's the 5th drama CD but I guess it's the 1st CD so...)
Not sure is there is something else than the drama CD (probably no manga) they were only games then, that sucks but thanks for giving me the information anyway. I will commit it to memory.

Aug 9, 2014 4:06 PM by kandiiyuutaamu

Mahou shounen?

I'm in!

Aug 7, 2014 9:00 PM by Hiryu12

kandiiyuutaamu said:
Shadow-Chan said:
I know I will be watching!
The news started around last June. Well now thanks to the new banner.

IKR. An anime of this or even this would be awesome too.

The looked both of the websites highlighted when you sent this comment a few days ago. I found that the two of them are very nice and interesting, do you happen to know the names of these two mahou shounen mangas' by the way?

The first one is: 魔女っ子少年マジカルピース / Majokko shounen Magical Piece / Witch boy Magical piece (official English name, on the bottom of the page)
But I think there is no manga (yet?), this one it's a game

The second one: おじまじょ / Ojimajo (middle-age (ojisan) men!) 5 (I'm not sure if "5" is because there are 5 or because it's the 5th drama CD but I guess it's the 1st CD so...)
Not sure is there is something else than the drama CD (probably no manga)

Aug 7, 2014 8:20 AM by amayih

Shadow-Chan said:
I know I will be watching!
The news started around last June. Well now thanks to the new banner.

YumeHunter said:
Goddamnit I wanted a real male mahou shoujo anime.

IKR. An anime of this or even this would be awesome too.

The looked both of the websites highlighted when you sent this comment a few days ago. I found that the two of them are very nice and interesting, do you happen to know the names of these two mahou shounen mangas' by the way?

Aug 7, 2014 4:06 AM by kandiiyuutaamu

Omg. I need it

Aug 6, 2014 8:26 PM by MaahHeim

Well that's...confusing.

Is it really BL when the main character gender-bends?

Aug 6, 2014 11:25 AM by ChronosXIII

Hmm...quite intrigued by this. Will look out for it xD

Aug 6, 2014 9:56 AM by removed-user

Sounds absolutely fantastic, will watch.

Aug 6, 2014 8:51 AM by fueille

ohh lmao i saw a bit of this on twitter already :D

i'll check it out

Aug 6, 2014 8:26 AM by Mayuka

Face_Faith said:
kandiiyuutaamu said:

Hmmm......Well, looking back on that previous comment I realised that the anime is not an actual mahou shounen anime; more like an anime that parodies few or more arch-types seen from various anime, put together into the harem standard as well as being in a comedy format.
I am not sure what the first and actual mahou shounen is/was to be honest. Sorry.

Uh... not that I even checked the page. It said "The second male magical girl of all time" in what I quoted, and that is definitely not the case (if I ignore the "male [...] girl" part and think of it as something like "mahou shounen"). Then you would be underestimating (Japan's) creativity. It would also be dumb to restrict the number of such thought up characters to ones only appearing in (aired) anime.

How would I underestimate Japan's creativity? Well yeah, sure I have not seen like thousands of every anime they produced in each year, whether they are old or modern or both. Additionally, I would not dismiss them all as generic or stereotypical (even though most anime series use similar themes, storylines and characters, thus copying each other). Furthermore, not even gonna start making comparisons of them either.

Aug 5, 2014 4:10 PM by kandiiyuutaamu


Aug 5, 2014 11:01 AM by xpaula

What the hell?!?! BL Mahou Shoujo?? That..........that sounds awesome!! I'll watch this :3

Aug 5, 2014 7:11 AM by Tengai

kandiiyuutaamu said:
Face_Faith said:

And how is doing so exactly related to what I said?

Hmmm......Well, looking back on that previous comment I realised that the anime is not an actual mahou shounen anime; more like an anime that parodies few or more arch-types seen from various anime, put together into the harem standard as well as being in a comedy format.
I am not sure what the first and actual mahou shounen is/was to be honest. Sorry.

Uh... not that I even checked the page. It said "The second male magical girl of all time" in what I quoted, and that is definitely not the case (if I ignore the "male [...] girl" part and think of it as something like "mahou shounen"). Then you would be underestimating (Japan's) creativity. It would also be dumb to restrict the number of such thought up characters to ones only appearing in (aired) anime.

Aug 5, 2014 3:52 AM by Face_Faith

I think I heard of the webcomic before.

Aug 5, 2014 1:13 AM by ReaperCreeper

Sounds like something along the lines of astronomically bizarre level of Aikawa Ayumu from Korezom. That shit was glorious and i hope this will be too.

Aug 5, 2014 1:04 AM by Amiluhur

ahahaha that pic Looks like a new series will take the anime side of the internet by a storm

I don't know...

Not much a fan of BL

They should have just made the protagonist an actual male, because you know the truth him/her being female shall eventually come out, or maybe something like if she/he reaches a certain goal she/he becomes a male permanently (it being BL this is more likely, huh).

mahou shounen it's literally one of the firsts, they're making things too complicated, I think

Aug 4, 2014 8:10 PM by FloralHimegimi

So it's like the male version of Kampfer. This is pretty cool!

Aug 4, 2014 8:07 PM by Vongole

Crossdressing isn't inherently funny or entertaining for me, and this sounds too dumb to take seriously.

So I doubt I'd really enjoy this unless it really went above and beyond.

Aug 4, 2014 7:46 PM by Red_Keys

Shadow-Chan said:
I know I will be watching!
The news started around last June. Well now thanks to the new banner.

YumeHunter said:
Goddamnit I wanted a real male mahou shoujo anime.

IKR. An anime of this or even this would be awesome too.

I would love to see those two (LOOOOL THANKS FOR MAKING MY DAY HAHAHAHHA)

Aug 4, 2014 7:43 PM by kimustache

Hahahahaha... sorry I laughed. :D

Aug 4, 2014 7:36 PM by Lambdaa-

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