Japan's Weekly Blu-ray & CD Rankings for Jul 1st - 7th
Rank / This week's sales by copies / Cumulative sales / Titles
*1, 10,269 *10,269 Ao no Exorcist Movie
*2, *9,720 **9,720 Hataraku Maou-sama! vol.1
*3, *6,491 *34,744 Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love 2000% vol.1
*4, *6,415 *47,151 One Piece Film Z - Limited Edition
*5, *3,826 *15,195 One Piece Film Z - Regular Edition
*6, *1,660 *13,650 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure vol.6
*7, *1,555 *25,271 Sword Art Online vol.9
*8, *1,359 *13,856 Kotonoha no Niwa
*9, *1,155 381,946 Evangelion: 3.33 You Can (Not) Redo
(cut-off 1,155)
*1, 10,992 *,*39,178 One Piece Film Z - Regular Edition
*2, *8,698 *,**8,698 Ao no Exorcist Movie
*3, *8,226 *,*51,475 One Piece Film Z - Limited Edition
*4, *2,687 *,*28,894 Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love 2000% vol.1
*5, *2,257 *,**2,257 Ao no Exorcist Movie
*6, *2,119 *,**2,119 Hataraku Maou-sama! vol.1
*7, *1,898 *,**1,898 Aikatsu! vol.4
*8, *1,786 *,**1,786 One Piece 15th Season Gyojin-shima hen vol.8
*9, *1,285 *,*12,437 Kamiusagi Rope: Warau Asa ni Fukukitaru tte Maji ssuka? vol.1
10, *1,179 *,*11,695 Kamiusagi Rope: Warau Asa ni Fukukitaru tte Maji ssuka? vol.2
11, **,957 *,***,957 Ixion Saga DT vol.8
12, **,952 *,169,585 Evangelion: 3.33 You Can (Not) Redo
13, **,930 *,***,930 Naruto: Shippuuden Tokubetsu hen [Chikara: Kuro]
14, **,916 1,193,968 Tonari no Totoro
15, **,770 *,**6,929 Hetalia: The Beautiful World vol.2
16, **,692 *,**2,597 Peeping Life: Tezuka and Tatsunoko Production Wonderland
17, **,662 *,**3,398 Kotonoha no Niwa
18, **,556 *,**5,987 Sword Art Online vol.9
19, **,513 *,506,806 Majo no Takkyuubin
20, **,472 *,**3,019 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure vol.6
21, **,444 *,120,394 Mimi wo Sumaseba
22, **,413 *,**2,713 Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic vol.7
(cut-off 413)
CD Single
*6, 17,770 *17,770 Gintama: Kanketsu-hen - Yorozuya yo Eien Nare theme song "Genjou Destruction"
12, *8,952 **8,952 Mimori Suzuko "Yakusokushite yo? Issho dayo!"
13, *7,393 **7,393 Terashima Takuma "Star Tail"
17, *3,432 **3,432 Diabolik Lovers Character Song vol.2 Sakamaki Kanato "Setsudan(Kirisaki)★ Butoukai(Carnival)"
22, *2,790 **2,790 Pokemon Best Wishes! Season 2: Decolora Adventure OP "Natsu meku Sakamichi"
27, *2,201 *17,664 Love Live! School Idol Project lily white from μ's "Binetsu kara Mystery"
34, *1,884 **6,447 Aikatsu! OP/ED "Diamond Happy / Hiari/Hitori/Kirari"
38, *1,582 162,067 Kakumeiki Valvrave OP "Preserved Roses"
32, *1,366 *24,691 Katanagatari OP "Hakushu Gassai Uta'awase"
54, *1,272 114,149 Crayon Shin-chan Movie 21: Bakauma! B-Kyuu Gourmet Survival Battle!! theme song "RPG"
58, *1,077 *13,119 Zettai Bouei Leviathan ED "Truly"
60, *1,062 *43,035 Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love 2000% character song "Idol Song: Tokiya Ichinose"
(cut-off 1,000)
CD Album
*4, 20,985 20,985 Yanagi Nagi "Euaru"
19, *6,702 45,642 ClariS "Second Story"
20, *5,844 23,251 Shingeki no Kyojin Original Soundtrack
43, *2,053 *2,053 Love Live! School Idol Project Radio μ's Kouhoubu ~NikoRinPana~ vol.1
55, *1,602 *9,501 Aoi Shouta "Bluebird"
69, *1,327 *5,220 Manga Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Drama CD
75, *1,181 10,138 "iDOLM@STER Million Live!" The iDOLM@STER LIve The@ter Performance 03
90, *1,022 *1,022 Psycho-Pass Radio Kouankyoku Keijika 24-Ji "Kyouakuhan Kakuho no Shunkan SP"
(cut-off 1,000)
Source: Oricon Youtaiju
20 of 111 Comments Recent Comments
Shaft and Aniplex can afford to make a few Sasami-san@Gambaranai series with all the money they make on Monogatari and Madoka.
Jul 15, 2013 3:52 AM by hpulley
And should I say these three monsters are busy with other cash cows? Aniplex has madoka, kodansha has the titans and shaft just got their drug fix from weekly shounen jump for doing nisekoi...
Jul 15, 2013 3:29 AM by bippo
SnK OP, Linked Horizon, looks like the long wait helped rather than hurt sales, pent up demand. Second OP not so good IMO but on the same disc anyway... hence the delay in releasing it.
I wonder how the Valvrave OST will sell? I really enjoy it but expect it will do nowhere near what SnK's OST did. The SnK OST is pretty much a song album while Valvrave OST is... more of an OST so may not sell as well but there are some very good tracks on it so I hope it sells well for an OST.
Will 12 volumes hurt Monogatari SS? I will buy it regardless but I wonder if some will balk at 70000 yen for the series. Steep but surely the first volumes at least will sell well, episode 2's steam guarantees that.
Jul 15, 2013 3:07 AM by hpulley
DVD Daily
**8 **9 *10 *11 *12 *13 *14 週
**2 **8 **6 *12 **5 **5 **5 | -- | ONE PIECE FILM Z Regular Edition
*** *** *** **2 **2 **4 *12 | -- | Initial D Fifth Stage 7
**5 *15 **8 *19 *12 *13 *15 | -- | ONE PIECE FILM Z Limited Edition
*27 *** *** *** *28 *29 *23 | -- | Tonari no Totoro
*** *** *** *23 *24 *** *** | -- | OreGairu. 1
**9 *30 *26 *** *** *** *** | -- | Ao no Exorcist Movie Limited Edition
*** **7 *27 *** *** *** *** | -- | Seitokai Yakuindomo Kaette Kita OVA2
*** *14 *** *** *** *** *** | -- | Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san. Z 2
BD Daily
**8 **9 *10 *11 *12 *13 *14 週
*** *** *** **9 **3 **5 **3 | -- | OreGairu. 1
**6 *13 **8 *** *17 *** **5 | -- | Hataraku Maou-sama! 1
**3 *12 **7 *17 *10 **6 **6 | -- | ONE PIECE FILM Z Limited Edition
**4 *15 **9 *** *11 **8 **7 | -- | ONE PIECE FILM Z Regular Edition
*12 *20 *19 *** *18 *17 *11 | -- | Eva 3.33
*** **5 *17 *** *12 *19 *16 | -- | Kara no Kyoukai Box
*** **2 **5 *14 *13 **9 *18 | -- | Railgun Box
**9 *17 *** *** *** *20 *19 | -- | Kotonoha no Niwa
**5 *14 *12 *** *** *** *20 | -- | Ao no Exorcist Movie Limited Edition
*** **3 **6 *18 *** *13 *** | -- | Seitokai Yakuindomo Kaette Kita OVA2
*** **6 *10 *** **9 *** *** | -- | Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san. Z 2
*** *** *** *19 *** *** *** | -- | Yuyushiki 2
**7 *** *13 *** *** *** *** | -- | UtaPri 2000% 1
*20 *** *** *** *** *** *** | -- | SAO 9
Jul 15, 2013 3:01 AM by Ejc
T.M.R×水樹奈々 Linked Horizon
Preserved Roses 自由への進撃
月 **,*** **,***
火 45,523 58,770
水 24,968 26,681
木 11,933 13,447
金 *9,994 10,397
土 10,557 *9,912
日 *7,518 **,***
初動 115,074 119,207
Jul 15, 2013 1:32 AM by symbv
On the other hand SnK volume 1 just hit the 11th spot on the yearly amazon. Past nanoha which as 60k?? IIRC? Wow. Looks like it will beat madokavol1 now. I can't still say if it will beat monogatari second season or utapri when the averages come. SUSPENSE BABY!!
Jul 15, 2013 1:27 AM by bippo
Looks like Free/monogatari/HDD/Symphogear will be the top 4 this summer. SxS is climbing up as well but I bet it wouldn't catch free. Almost all of the other shows are doooown low on amazon. I'm expecting illya and nepnep to do massive sales but oh well.
For me, I am more disappointed that some original anime seem to be doing really badly - Fantasista Dolls was tipped to be one of the candidates to sell very well in this season but it is now lingering in the bottom tier, and then there is WoKakeru (i.e. Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou) which fares even worse.
Jul 15, 2013 12:22 AM by symbv
Also SnK and nekoshiro are doing a battle on amazon these few hours while steins;gate bluray box and akb are laughing at them. It will be a fun week.
Jul 15, 2013 12:01 AM by bippo
So... anyone want to take a punt at what will be the top selling anime bluray in the next sales list? It's not exactly clear.
I'm guessing at Railgun, though.
Jul 14, 2013 10:23 PM by symbv
I'm guessing at Railgun, though.
Jul 14, 2013 7:55 AM by kuuderes_shadow
DVD Daily
**8 **9 *10 *11 *12 *13 *14 週
*** *** *** **2 **2 **4 *** | -- | Initial D Fifth Stage 7
**2 **8 **6 *12 **5 **5 *** | -- | ONE PIECE FILM Z Regular Edition
**5 *15 **8 *19 *12 *13 *** | -- | ONE PIECE FILM Z Limited Edition
*27 *** *** *** *28 *29 *** | -- | Tonari no Totoro
*** *** *** *23 *24 *** *** | -- | OreGairu. 1
**9 *30 *26 *** *** *** *** | -- | Ao no Exorcist Movie Limited Edition
*** **7 *27 *** *** *** *** | -- | Seitokai Yakuindomo Kaette Kita OVA2
*** *14 *** *** *** *** *** | -- | Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san. Z 2
BD Daily
**8 **9 *10 *11 *12 *13 *14 週
*** *** *** **9 **3 **5 *** | -- | OreGairu. 1
**3 *12 **7 *17 *10 **6 *** | -- | ONE PIECE FILM Z Limited Edition
**4 *15 **9 *** *11 **8 *** | -- | ONE PIECE FILM Z Regular Edition
*** **2 **5 *14 *13 **9 *** | -- | Railgun Box
*** **3 **6 *18 *** *13 *** | -- | Seitokai Yakuindomo Kaette Kita OVA2
*12 *20 *19 *** *18 *17 *** | -- | Eva 3.33
*** **5 *17 *** *12 *19 *** | -- | Kara no Kyoukai Box
**9 *17 *** *** *** *20 *** | -- | Kotonoha no Niwa
*** **6 *10 *** **9 *** *** | -- | Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san. Z 2
**6 *13 **8 *** *17 *** *** | -- | Hataraku Maou-sama! 1
*** *** *** *19 *** *** *** | -- | Yuyushiki 2
**5 *14 *12 *** *** *** *** | -- | Ao no Exorcist Movie Limited Edition
**7 *** *13 *** *** *** *** | -- | UtaPri 2000% 1
*20 *** *** *** *** *** *** | -- | SAO 9
Jul 14, 2013 3:01 AM by Ejc
Jul 13, 2013 3:55 PM by hpulley
Don't movies usually sell more than 10K?
Jul 13, 2013 2:59 PM by hpulley
Jul 13, 2013 2:53 PM by GodlyKyon
What caused it to shoot up so high all of a sudden anyway? I legitimately don't understand these massive spikes sometimes. You'd almost have to be in Japan to understand what's going on to cause them it feels.
As for the huge popularity of the Love Live franchise, hpulley, Thanglong and Ejc have been talking about this for quite a while in the Love Live thread in News Board as well as the Love Live subforum - about the momentum of the franchise since the end of the anime. Basically although LoveLive has a fairly solid progress the last few years as a 2.5D idol movement with focus on CD release coupled with PVs in anime style characters (with a back story to tell). The real break came with the TV anime series. Here the full story of the background of Love Live is finally updated (with a few changes), finalized and fleshed out. The anime did a superb job in 1) making the character design so much more appealing 2) gave the characters a lot more cute and fun moments in various situations and encounters so that people start to feel they know the characters and get attracted by them - this made the fan art on Love Live explode in amount and help sustain its popularity after the TV series ended. On top of that, the franchise kept rolling out news about Love Live after the TV series ended: character election, new CDs, 2nd season announcement, live concerts, games on mobile phones, new merchandises, new collaboration projects. So the attention has never been moved off Love Live all these past months. This of course helps keeps anime sites and forums talking and BD/DVD selling.
So is Love Live just a merchandise juggernaut too? I know the character song discs do well but what else?
Perhaps this can gives a glimpse (some non-Love Live products somehow got in the list too but anyway you can get an idea of the range of products Love Live has, and this list is just a partial list - anime stores like Animate or Gamers may have its own range of products too)
Jul 13, 2013 6:18 AM by symbv
Jul 13, 2013 5:19 AM by hpulley
Jul 13, 2013 3:26 AM by bippo
OreGairu. 1 is back in stock at Amazon and it shows here!
DVD Daily
**8 **9 *10 *11 *12 *13 *14 週
*** *** *** **2 **2 *** *** | -- | Initial D Fifth Stage 7
**2 **8 **6 *12 **5 *** *** | -- | ONE PIECE FILM Z Regular Edition
**5 *15 **8 *19 *12 *** *** | -- | ONE PIECE FILM Z Limited Edition
*** *** *** *23 *24 *** *** | -- | OreGairu. 1
*27 *** *** *** *28 *** *** | -- | Tonari no Totoro
**9 *30 *26 *** *** *** *** | -- | Ao no Exorcist Movie Limited Edition
*** **7 *27 *** *** *** *** | -- | Seitokai Yakuindomo Kaette Kita OVA2
*** *14 *** *** *** *** *** | -- | Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san. Z 2
BD Daily
**8 **9 *10 *11 *12 *13 *14 週
*** *** *** **9 **3 *** *** | -- | OreGairu. 1
*** **6 *10 *** **9 *** *** | -- | Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san. Z 2
**3 *12 **7 *17 *10 *** *** | -- | ONE PIECE FILM Z Limited Edition
**4 *15 **9 *** *11 *** *** | -- | ONE PIECE FILM Z Regular Edition
*** **5 *17 *** *12 *** *** | -- | Kara no Kyoukai Box
*** **2 **5 *14 *13 *** *** | -- | Railgun Box
**6 *13 **8 *** *17 *** *** | -- | Hataraku Maou-sama! 1
*12 *20 *19 *** *18 *** *** | -- | Eva 3.33
*** **3 **6 *18 *** *** *** | -- | Seitokai Yakuindomo Kaette Kita OVA2
*** *** *** *19 *** *** *** | -- | Yuyushiki 2
**5 *14 *12 *** *** *** *** | -- | Ao no Exorcist Movie Limited Edition
**7 *** *13 *** *** *** *** | -- | UtaPri 2000% 1
**9 *17 *** *** *** *** *** | -- | Kotonoha no Niwa
*20 *** *** *** *** *** *** | -- | SAO 9
Jul 13, 2013 3:08 AM by Ejc
So is Love Live just a merchandise juggernaut too? I know the character song discs do well but what else?
Jul 12, 2013 3:08 PM by PeacingOut
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The sales is also almost double the previous best record (at 69k) for the group, previously under the name "Sound Horizon", set in 2010.
Jul 15, 2013 8:54 PM by symbv