Japan's Weekly Manga and Light Novel Rankings for June 3rd - 9th
Rank / This week's sales by copies / Cumulative sales / Titles
*1. 2,019,094 2,020,490 One Piece Vol.70
*2. *,405,097 *,405,482 Bleach Vol.59
*3. *,140,595 *,140,595 Worst Vol.32
*4. *,135,605 *,135,756 Claymore Vol.24
*5. *,134,842 *,134,842 Shokugeki no Souma Vol.2
*6. *,133,733 *,133,733 Nisekoi Vol.7
*7. *,127,101 *,127,101 SKET Dance Vol.31
*8. *,*90,814 *,*90,814 Medaka Box Vol.21
*9. *,*84,547 *,*84,547 Tegami Bachi Vol.16
10. *,*66,958 1,057,952 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.10
11. *,*62,848 1,556,230 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.1
12. *,*62,719 1,353,628 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.4
13. *,*62,601 1,478,044 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.3
14. *,*61,898 1,308,633 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.5
15. *,*60,589 1,110,146 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.9
16. *,*60,342 1,257,268 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.6
17. *,*60,025 1,518,599 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.2
18. *,*59,829 1,145,713 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.8
19. *,*59,259 1,170,246 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.7
20. *,*56,500 *,*56,500 Kanshikan Tsunemori Akane Vol.2
21. *,*45,890 *,*45,890 Koi Dano Ai Dano Vol.6
22. *,*43,988 *,*43,988 Aku no Hana Vol.8
23. *,*33,718 *,*33,718 Kekkai Sensen Vol.7
24. *,*31,221 *,100,969 Tomehane! Vol.11
25. *,*30,457 *,332,884 Inu x Boku SS Vol.9
26. *,*30,056 *,*30,056 Ajin Vol.2
27. *,*29,629 *,202,721 Deadman Wonderland Vol.12
28. *,*29,537 *,*96,050 Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt Vol.2
29. *,*27,951 *,*27,951 Sankarea Vol.8
30. *,*27,561 *,476,251 Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic Vol.17
Rank 31-50
Light Novels and Anime/Manga related books
*1, 125,685 125,685 Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai Vol.12
*2, *70,350 *70,350 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Vol.10
*3, *66,441 *66,441 Accel World Vol.14
*4, *46,841 194,824 Kagerou Days Vol.3
*5, *37,012 *37,012 Durarara!! Vol.12
*6, *33,796 *33,796 High Kyuu!! Shousetsuban!! Vol.1
*7, *30,505 *30,505 Nisekoi Urabara Vol.1
*8, *15,940 171,217 Koyomimonogatari
*9, *15,612 113,047 Shingeki no Kyojin INSIDE KOU
10, *13,377 *13,377 Gintama Characters Book Dekobon
11, *10,981 *10,981 Intellectual Village no Zashiki Warashi Vol.3
12, *10,149 *23,148 Shounen Onmyouji Vol.39 "Ononoku Hitomi ni Kuchi-zusame"
13, **9,235 **9,235 Seitokai Tantei Kirika Vol.4
14, **8,981 **8,981 C3 -C Cube- Vol.17
15, **8,609 879,831 Toshokan Sensou Vol.1 Small Size Edition
16, **8,240 350,836 Kagerou Days Vol.1
17, **7,271 304,199 Kagerou Days Vol.2
18, **7,214 578,064 Toshokan Sensou Vol.2 Small Size Edition
19, **7,204 **7,204 Strange Moon Housekibako ni Utsuru Tsuki
20, **6,707 494,307 Toshokan Sensou Vol.3 Small Size Edition
21, **6,325 432,369 Toshokan Sensou Vol.5 Small Size Edition
22, **6,207 471,936 Toshokan Sensou Vol.4 Small Size Edition
23, **5,906 389,082 Toshokan Sensou Vol.6 Small Size Edition
24, **5,815 **5,815 Oushuu Youitan Vol.7 Sangetsu Usagi to Himitsu Hanazono
25, **5,524 **5,524 GunParade.March 2K Nishi-kaigan-hen Vol.1
26, **5,480 **6,545 Tsugunai no Shirabe
27, **5,213 119,187 Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Vol.1
28, **5,204 **5,204 Yajuu wa Tasogare no Mori de Ai ni Deau
29, **5,106 159,194 Toaru Majutsu no Index: New Testament Vol.7
Source: Oricon Youtaiju
20 of 62 Comments Recent Comments
so bitch means hardcore brocon ?
then i should wait for GodlyKyon clarification.
if that's the meaning of " bitch" i should say he is Wrong.
Jun 24, 2013 5:41 AM by Superfaraway
so bitch means hardcore brocon ?
Jun 24, 2013 5:20 AM by symbv
Mary Sue is not the same as bitch. If you know OreImo the attitude of the imouto towards her brother, at least up till late in the series, is what GodlyKyon means for "bitch" I think.
All the discussion makes me wonder how much Mahouka GoldyKyon knows and how much OreImo Superfaraway knows.
i admit i only watch Oreimo Anime S1.
and only skimmed S2 and oreimo novel. so yes, i only know the Ending of Oreimo.
so bitch means hardcore brocon ?
Jun 24, 2013 5:14 AM by Superfaraway
All the discussion makes me wonder how much Mahouka GoldyKyon knows and how much OreImo Superfaraway knows.
Jun 24, 2013 4:44 AM by symbv
What fhe phuck? Mahouka has the same character premise as Oreimo, not this shit again.
Siscon & Incest ?
Not only that, But a sister that is an overachiever, with a loser brother and a bad relationship... She ia obviously the main heroine as per rule of first heroine
actually sister is MARY SUE and her brother is a GARY STU. i assume you don't like marysue and garystu stuff. am i right ?
That depends on how they're portrayed... Is the mouto a bitch also?
you don't know the story or what ?
the brother is one of the Strongest person in the Novel.
most people don't like GARY STU , so i understand you.
Is the mouto a bitch also?
what do you mean ? i assume you mean MARY SUE ? yes she is also mary sue.
Jun 24, 2013 4:34 AM by Superfaraway
What fhe phuck? Mahouka has the same character premise as Oreimo, not this shit again.
Siscon & Incest ?
Not only that, But a sister that is an overachiever, with a loser brother and a bad relationship... She ia obviously the main heroine as per rule of first heroine
actually sister is MARY SUE and her brother is a GARY STU. i assume you don't like marysue and garystu stuff. am i right ?
That depends on how they're portrayed... Is the mouto a bitch also?
Jun 24, 2013 4:01 AM by GodlyKyon
It's a bit difficult because many online reader wants it Free
Jun 24, 2013 2:47 AM by hpulley
What fhe phuck? Mahouka has the same character premise as Oreimo, not this shit again.
Siscon & Incest ?
Not only that, But a sister that is an overachiever, with a loser brother and a bad relationship... She ia obviously the main heroine as per rule of first heroine
actually sister is MARY SUE and her brother is a GARY STU. i assume you don't like marysue and garystu stuff. am i right ?
Jun 24, 2013 12:30 AM by Superfaraway
What fhe phuck? Mahouka has the same character premise as Oreimo, not this shit again.
Siscon & Incest ?
Not only that, But a sister that is an overachiever, with a loser brother and a bad relationship... She ia obviously the main heroine as per rule of first heroine
Jun 23, 2013 11:00 PM by GodlyKyon
What fhe phuck? Mahouka has the same character premise as Oreimo, not this shit again.
Siscon & Incest ?
Jun 23, 2013 10:23 PM by Superfaraway
Also, is the Durarara novels bad or something? Those are lower sales that what I would hav expected
Jun 23, 2013 10:03 PM by GodlyKyon
I've seen series like worst and crows consistently make the top japanese sales lists, but nobody outside of Japan seems to know it even exists.
because the manga scanlation is slow and not complete
don't blame them for not knowing this series outside japan. and don't blame the translator too.
luckily in my country, Crows already release till volume 24
it's a bit difficult because many online reader wants it Free
Jun 23, 2013 8:41 PM by hakazee
Jun 23, 2013 5:48 AM by Radiene
I've seen series like worst and crows consistently make the top japanese sales lists, but nobody outside of Japan seems to know it even exists.
because the manga scanlation is slow and not complete
don't blame them for not knowing this series outside japan. and don't blame the translator too.
luckily in my country, Crows already release till volume 24
Jun 23, 2013 5:08 AM by hpulley
I've seen series like worst and crows consistently make the top japanese sales lists, but nobody outside of Japan seems to know it even exists.
because the manga scanlation is slow and not complete
don't blame them for not knowing this series outside japan. and don't blame the translator too.
luckily in my country, Crows already release till volume 24
Jun 22, 2013 7:22 PM by hakazee
I've seen series like worst and crows consistently make the top japanese sales lists, but nobody outside of Japan seems to know it even exists.
because the manga scanlation is slow and not complete
Jun 22, 2013 6:39 PM by hpulley
I've seen series like worst and crows consistently make the top japanese sales lists, but nobody outside of Japan seems to know it even exists.
because the manga scanlation is slow and not complete
Jun 22, 2013 5:06 PM by hakazee
I'm also so happy to see Shokugeki no Souma doing so well. I've started reading the manga only recently and I practically devoured it.
Shokugeki is more likely to get one earlier. As an ecchi, it stands a chance above Ansatsu for the first spot. I'm thinking maybe an year, an year and half in to it's serialisation will be enough material for a one cour season. Ansatsu could also do similar, though studios might wanna milk it a bit more by waiting a bit longer since it sells so much more than Shokugeki.
Jun 22, 2013 1:02 PM by yhunata
I've seen series like worst and crows consistently make the top japanese sales lists, but nobody outside of Japan seems to know it even exists.
A few do. Like me :P
Crows is really good. I read it when there was around 80 chaps out and put it on hold. Now I'm waiting until it ends.
What's sad is that months before I read Crows, I read Worst. I stopped reading for whatever reason and later started reading Crows without realizing they were connected. Then I was like... this all sounds familiar! :O And yea... connected the dots. :P
It's a good series, I just gots to be in the right mood to read it. I also want to read the other sequel... :D
If you like those, try Rookies. It has the same style and is also really great. I wish more of these types of mangas got translated. :(
Jun 22, 2013 12:16 PM by DarkAngelz
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Mary Sue is not the same as bitch. If you know OreImo the attitude of the imouto towards her brother, at least up till late in the series, is what GodlyKyon means for "bitch" I think.
All the discussion makes me wonder how much Mahouka GoldyKyon knows and how much OreImo Superfaraway knows.
Imma gonna start digging, don't sorry about it, didn't have time t look Mahouka before...
so bitch means hardcore brocon ?
then i should wait for GodlyKyon clarification.
if that's the meaning of " bitch" i should say he is Wrong.
Symbv was right, being perfect doesn't necessarily mean a bitch to the bro. Though Mary Sues may be irritating in circumstances, they could be goddesses(very nice people) as well
Mod Edit: Please do not double post.
Jun 24, 2013 5:26 PM by GodlyKyon