Anime & Manga News

Anime DVD & Blu-ray Market in Japan Grows 20% Year-on-year

by dtshyk
Jan 20, 2011 4:37 PM | 40 Comments
Oricon released the annual market report of the DVD and Blu-ray media in 2010. The total sales of anime DVD & Blu-ray in 2010 rose 20% from a year earlier.

Chart1: Anime DVD & Blu-ray Sales in Japan from 2008 - 2010

Chart 2: Breakdown chart of Blu-ray sales in Japan

Chart 3: Breakdown chart of DVD sales in Japan

The whole media sales in 2010 was 107.1 % compared to the previous year. The growth is attributed to the two-fold increase in the anime Blu-ray sales, which makes up 62.7% of the whole Blu-ray market.

Source: Oricon
Related topic: Severe Estimation of US Anime Market in 2010

20 of 40 Comments Recent Comments

711 said:

You are putting words in my mouth, please re-read my previous post if you really think I said that.

your saying most people like english dub anime


The outcome of that study doesn't say a thing about our current topic of discussion, but even if it did the company behind it is called "MarkMonitor". I do not believe a single crap coming from them and you shouldn't either. If you are unsure about why I suggest you look up for some info on TorrentFreak (it's a site).

good anime they want to watch it right away

Entertainment is not a basic human right, don't feel entitled to it just because.

your explanations are all applied to the minority and thus considered subjective

im not putting words into your mouth though, im telling you the consensus and what are the most probable reasons why sub anime are most viewed and why crunchyroll is successful of using the internet as the business

and that study is related to your reply to me earlier that statistics on utorrent for example is not that important, and now you just clearly said that even this study/statistics is nothing, again your thinking in terms of subjectivity and not base on facts, ye statistics is not perfect answer but its better than one man speculation

P.S. im gonna stop watching this topic now, because clearly your point of view is not base on the consensus/statistics or the majority, and the lag on MAL is too bad lol i got hard time editing this post of mine again and again and again

Jan 23, 2011 5:10 AM by deg

FOE-tan said:
Well, there a lot of hits this year with the Dissapearence of Haruhi, K-ON!!, Angel Beats, Durarara, One Piece: Strong World and that Gintama movie all doing extremely well. There's no way 2011 will be able to match that, unless Ghibli Borrowers does extremely well. Even then, it will need support from other anime, and I'm just not seeing it, although I do expect Nichijou to do well regardless of the KyoAni fans complaining about not having new Haruhi/FMP like they always do.
In 2011, Madoka Magica, Upcoming Gundam Unicorn, Fate/Zero and K-On movie (if it will be released this year), can outmatch any of those.

Jan 22, 2011 11:44 PM by ringoo4


You are putting words in my mouth, please re-read my previous post if you really think I said that.

your saying most people like english dub anime


The outcome of that study doesn't say a thing about our current topic of discussion, but even if it did the company behind it is called "MarkMonitor". I do not believe a single crap coming from them and you shouldn't either. If you are unsure about why I suggest you look up for some info on TorrentFreak (it's a site).

good anime they want to watch it right away

Entertainment is not a basic human right, don't feel entitled to it just because.

Jan 22, 2011 12:50 PM by 711


then this study is nothing to you ->

and your saying fansubs positive effect like better translation and that japanese is better suited for anime are all subjective to me? well look around more then, the consensus/statistics of most users in most anime sites are all watching subbed anime

well to not get off-topic, ill just repeat that Japan should embrace the internet already as a business, they should learn from Crunchyroll

one thing that you are right though most people are lazy thats why streaming sites imo are gonna be a massive hit, because its just go and play, and not go on the steps of installing media player and then download and then play

but your saying most people like english dub anime more than sub anime is not at all true, because of what i already mentioned and of course people hate to wait if they see a trailer of a good anime they want to watch it right away so they wont wait for a english dub of it that takes like years before being shown

Jan 22, 2011 3:49 AM by deg

ios said:
just look at torrent sites and how many download fansubs get
most American teenagers watch anime too but they do it via internet now, my evidence again are the amount of torrenters for fansub anime

Unlike music companies would like you to believe torrent swarms don't spell that much information at all. I am not bashing saying it's insignificant, but without a fixed number of the audience legal and illegal anime get, a seeder/leecher count won't say much.

We can argue about increase/decrease in viewer count and/or popularity of the medium, but definitely we can't assume "there are more people watching subbed" with this information alone, specially when the community itself is somewhat fragmented which makes even more difficult coming up with said numbers.

As far as censoring goes if we take the usual TV viewer (which is the main target of the butchered anime you mention) they are just after availability, nothing more. DVD's and streams in the other hand target a completely different audience, and for these people they either do a proper job or loose money but that is a different matter.

If the quality is "ok" I don't see them going out of their way to snatch a original copy of said show. How many people to this day still think Sanji actually keeps a lolipop in his mouth? How many people still settle for HorribleSubs quality Naruto/Bleach for instance and think they are getting a high quality release? It's all about laziness (and Apple is the master of catering for the masses sloth, but I digress ¬¬)

ios said:

"small negative side of fansubs compared to the positive it brings
"and lets face it translation of fansubs is better too, and not to forget the voices of the japanese are more better suited for anime"

This is subjective to you, subjective to the anime title, subjective to the dub cast and subjective to the fact that you are probably native speaker in English (or at least a Latin based language). Don't take this as a fact because it is definitely not. I could take for instance the recent Clannad:After Story release to show you the reality is a bit different than you paint it to be.

Jan 22, 2011 3:29 AM by 711

711 said:

General audience is too lazy to read, I don't know what could make you think otherwise.

there are more people watching subbed anime than dubbed anime, just look at torrent sites and how many download fansubs get, and their are lot of anime forums like one here in MAL and the people on there are all watching subbed anime more

711 said:

I also can't understand where your stance on censoring comes from. You just seem to give too much credit for the Cartoon Network audience, they couldn't give a crap about censor in the first place.

well thats subjective to only you then, because like i explained already the amount of those downloading from fansubs are a lot and because this fansubs releases are not censored, like some fansubbers says on american license holders of anime, they provide fansubs to give the same experience as what the japanese viewers has, you may tell me reading subs is not part of japanese viewing though but thats small negative side of fansubs compared to the positive it brings like immediate availability, non-censored or same amount of censoring in japan, and lets face it translation of fansubs is better too, and not to forget the voices of the japanese are more better suited for anime

711 said:

The reason why anime is not that popular in the US for me comes from the CCA (and the likes), they made cartoons/comics into something childish and after a few decades of this it's just something you take for granted. I really can't count how many times I got people telling to me to "grow out of anime" ¬¬

i dont know about this one, all i know is that most American teenagers watch anime too but they do it via internet now, my evidence again are the amount of torrenters for fansub anime, with utorrent it indicates the IP of a seeder or leecher and i mostly see American Flag in it


and im forgetting something this one ->
most download on file hosting sites too not just torrents and XDCC IRC downloading,

and ofcourse streaming sites, youll be surprise on the amount of Americans youll find on CrunchyRoll for example and we all know CrunchyRoll is same as the fansubs experience but with a price tag, so what im saying here is that Fansubs is not the only reason for low sales of anime in America, so Japan should learn something from CrunchyRoll

Jan 22, 2011 12:02 AM by deg


You are interpreting it wrong.

What that actually means is that the publishers have "6 strikes" before they get done for good, it does not mean they have 6 free passes ;)

Jan 21, 2011 3:22 PM by 711

711 said:

Moe/Loli and Ecchi now will all be relegated to the dark corners of the adult section, thus murdering 16+ series and/or anything lower than this that falls under the ambiguous terms proposed by the law, so I hardly think what you describe is possible, unless they manage to give some "artistic value" to HSOTD and the likes... but then again, for me any manga is art, but it's hard to grasp what goes on with the elderly in power on Japan.

But to be honest, there were a time I thought Ishihara was pulling a Lelouch on us making the most absurd possible law just to unite the fragmented fanbase/industry and thus making it stronger by getting rid of the "evil" he created... but I think reality is not such a nice place :(

There is actually something in that the bill which supports my theory that allows a certain amount of works harmful to minors without consequences. As long as it's not yaoi, yuri, or has school uniforms in it (These are banned regardless). I found it.

Publishers that have over 6 works deemed to be harmful material within a one year period by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government shall be subject to referral to their respective self-regulatory bodies for addressing the repeated offenses. Any further breaches within the following 6 months, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government will have the authority to release the name of the company to the public, and the Governor will have the authority to issue opinions and evidence to support that opinion.

Jan 21, 2011 2:51 PM by Hoppy


Moe/Loli and Ecchi now will all be relegated to the dark corners of the adult section, thus murdering 16+ series and/or anything lower than this that falls under the ambiguous terms proposed by the law, so I hardly think what you describe is possible, unless they manage to give some "artistic value" to HSOTD and the likes... but then again, for me any manga is art, but it's hard to grasp what goes on with the elderly in power on Japan.

But to be honest, there were a time I thought Ishihara was pulling a Lelouch on us making the most absurd possible law just to unite the fragmented fanbase/industry and thus making it stronger by getting rid of the "evil" he created... but I think reality is not such a nice place :(

Jan 21, 2011 2:05 PM by 711

At first, I thought both rose, but that's DVD & Blu-ray in addition. Looking at them separately instead, the Blu-ray sales rose but the DVD sales dropped... Although it's not like the latter are dropping as much as the former are rising.

Jan 21, 2011 12:53 PM by Face_Faith

MorningGlory said:
I think Ishihara's intention has a reverse affect on Anime industry.I am not sure his act will do any good to Anime or not but I think only time will tell .

Now that I think of it, remember Nintendo back in the 80's, they had a policy of 5 games made by one gaming company per year. This led to sub companies being formed which had affiliations with a main company such as Square when they wanted to make more than 5 games. This could be applied to Ishihara's bill since the limit of explicit works in a company per year is 5, this would enable sub studios to pop up and then more than 5 anime/manga that doesn't meet his extraordinarily strict guidelines could be made.

Result: There could be more emphasis on Moe, Loli, and Ecchi since it will get the contracts and money. The only side effect is that there will be no fanservice for girls since Yaoi is banned regardless and no Yuri either. Also, anime with heavy plot will be affected unless they have those restricted elements in them.

It's irony with a side of repeating history on a different medium, unfortunately if this happens and it results in really bad quality in the above 3 genres then an anime crash may result, unfortunately if my theory is correct and this law results in an overflow of anime studios, Ishihara will actually succeed in destroying anime. In other words I don't think he'll just eliminate anime in a few months or a few years, his bill will lead to the gradual process of decline of anime due to oversaturation of the industry.

Jan 21, 2011 12:31 PM by Hoppy

I think Ishihara's intention has a reverse affect on Anime industry.I am not sure his act will do any good to Anime or not but I think only time will tell .

Jan 21, 2011 12:13 PM by MorningGlory

Cashdaxxx said:
Japanese didn't felt the recession xD

Japan is in a de facto recession (for decades) and youth unemployment is much higher than the US or Europe even though their unemployment is much lower than in the US or Europe. The Yen is strong but unemployment and such is high for certain demographics.

The New Japanese Order led by Ishihara and his Anime Extinction Bill most likely will make these gains extinct come July providing the bill gets overturned, and/or he gets a change of heart (unlikely but possible).

Jan 21, 2011 8:27 AM by Hoppy

last year was not sa bad so stop bitching around people

Jan 21, 2011 7:41 AM by Mr_Gutts

One should be very careful with the conclusions he/she takes out of this. NO, these numbers do not relate to piracy at all and they do not spell out the companies profits or losses, stop reading between the lines stuff that just isn't there.

I would like to know how much of this would be from single buyers. I think it's pretty obvious that if the moe/ecchi saturated landscape we have is selling this well, it's mostly due to otakus driving the charts up the sky with their fetishistic shows. I wouldn't be surprised if the actual number of customers are in decline, it's just that poping 70US$ per disc they wouldn't need that many people actually making the purchase to make the charts go up.

IF the market was indeed that huge, one could speculate that at least there would be enough of their population aware of bill 156 to be able to oppose it instead of not having a clue or not caring to even stop voting for that misogynistic, homophobe and senile Ishihara-san.


General audience is too lazy to read, I don't know what could make you think otherwise. The problem is simply that bad dub is bad, and this is even more aggravating when you are a native speaker on said language. It's much more difficult for people to acknowledge a bad Japanese dub than it is to detect a bad English one for instance.

I also can't understand where your stance on censoring comes from. You just seem to give too much credit for the Cartoon Network audience, they couldn't give a crap about censor in the first place.

The reason why anime is not that popular in the US for me comes from the CCA (and the likes), they made cartoons/comics into something childish and after a few decades of this it's just something you take for granted. I really can't count how many times I got people telling to me to "grow out of anime" ¬¬

Jan 21, 2011 7:35 AM by 711

dtshyk said:
mikhailn said:
See? So what's all this BS about *illegal uploaders are causing the downfall of the anime industry*

Severe Estimation of US Anime Market in 2010
Chart: Anime DVD & Blu-ray Market in US (2005 - 2010)

ive been thinking maybe Americans dont like english dub anime anymore, i advice Japanese studio to stop the middle man on their business like Funimation, and just make subtitle on their releases in english and directly sell them to Americans, they need to further study this though as thats just my observation

and maybe American channels like Cartoon-Network are being hated already because of too much censoring, thats another possibility too why Americans get bored on supporting anime

Jan 21, 2011 4:58 AM by deg

Well, I don't think the anime industry is falling. In fact, I already kind of see that in 20 years at least that animes will even overtake cartoons. Sure, the industry may be changing (into moe and etc), but not falling. A new age requires a new genre of entertainment :D

On another note, BDs are really advancing through the market. Also, animes really do sound the best on blue-rays. Surprised though, that Japanese are still keeping on their conservatism, because of almost the lack of foreign music and films...

Jan 21, 2011 4:52 AM by koleare

dtshyk said:
mikhailn said:
See? So what's all this BS about *illegal uploaders are causing the downfall of the anime industry*

Severe Estimation of US Anime Market in 2010
Chart: Anime DVD & Blu-ray Market in US (2005 - 2010)

Like anyone gives a crap about the US anime industry. Pardon, anyone who isn't FROM the US.

Jan 21, 2011 2:58 AM by DmonHiro

Government is a Pure lie anyways

Jan 21, 2011 2:36 AM by Eternal_Shield

Well, there a lot of hits this year with the Dissapearence of Haruhi, K-ON!!, Angel Beats, Durarara, One Piece: Strong World and that Gintama movie all doing extremely well. There's no way 2011 will be able to match that, unless Ghibli Borrowers does extremely well. Even then, it will need support from other anime, and I'm just not seeing it, although I do expect Nichijou to do well regardless of the KyoAni fans complaining about not having new Haruhi/FMP like they always do.

Jan 21, 2011 2:31 AM by Rosa_FOEtida

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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