Historical Manga

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Historical Manga (2,572)
Manga, 1992Finished5 vol, ? chp

The life story of the mythical first emperor of Japan, Jinmu.

Manga, 2017Finished3 vol, 15 chp

A mystery series that takes place in Ouka where Western European culture is flourishing. From his personality and the fact that he comes from a good family, you would never guess that Shoujirou Kisaragi secretly loves dresses deep down. He secretly helps to solve the strange phenomena that happens with dresses.

Manga, 2015Publishing? vol, ? chp

The 4-koma manga imagines if Japanese historical figures such as Queen Himiko, the warlord Oda Nobunaga, and samurai Sakamoto Ryouma were cats.

One-shot, 2010Finished? vol, 1 chp

Renald la Toul. His position in the Royal Art Academy was unlawfully snatched from him by an old art-mate. The day of his expulsion, a lady sees him sketching a little girl with his father in the park, and requests for him to draw her portrait for her Omai. It seems like if there are gods that cast something away.There are also gods that gather things up. Renald finds hope among the misfortune. Strike a brush of hope on a canvas of life!

SerializationLaLa DX
Manga, 1989Finished4 vol, 27 chp

The story tells of a boy named Izumo who is the prince of Nakatsu a country where his uncle, Furune, is the king. He is a hot-blooded man full of justice, but he doesn't quite understand what his position entails; sometimes his behavior is somewhat overwhelming. It is then, assassins lurking in foreign merchant ships will take Furune for surprise. (Source: Benjanet, translated)

SerializationComic NORA
Manga, 2018Finished1 vol, ? chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationYoung King OURs GH
Manga, 1989Finished3 vol, ? chp

Those who know their ninjas know Ayame, daughter of Hattori Hanzo of the Iga ninja clan. Even though she is a woman, she has exceptional talent as a ninja. With Oda Nobunaga in the lead, the war consuming Japan is winding down to an end, and Hanzo was planning to have her lead a normal life. That is when a chance for Ayame to become the mistress to Nobuyasu, Tokugawa's heir, arose. Ayame and Nobuyasu had feelings for each other, but that dream never came true. Hanzo dies a sudden death, Ayame succeeds Hattori Hanzo's name, and vows to live as a man! (Source: Media Do International/K.K. HarperCollins Japan)

SerializationPetit Comic
Manga, 2009Publishing? vol, ? chp

The story is about the personification of japanese trains.

SerializationComic Flapper
One-shot, 2020Finished? vol, 1 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationGrand Jump
Manga, 2013Finished1 vol, 4 chp

Tamako is a noblewoman of the Taishou era. Having recently come of age, her family tries to wed her to a suitable man befitting her rank to continue the family line. When the social pressure is so intense she becomes ill, she falls in love with Dr. Terashima, a physician of lowly birth working for her family. Will she break social conventions for love or will she conform to her family's expectations?

SerializationZoukan flowers
Manga, 2012Finished1 vol, 7 chp

Manga version of Emile, or On Education by Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Manga, 1987Finished1 vol, ? chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manga, 2008Publishing? vol, ? chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manga, 2002Finished1 vol, 5 chp

As if having giant monsters and robots threatening to destroy it wasn't bad enough, Japan now faces another crisis: demons. Kijimutan tells the story of Yuna, a young samurai woman seeking to feed her own ambitions as well as to fulfill her own sense of self. As Yuna and her faithful friend, Musashi, go on their journey, they come face to face with the Shouki, the evil spirits seeking to destroy the very hearts of the people. Faced with the possibility that there might be an enemy within every person they encounter, the two warriors will have to struggle in order to succeed. The Shouki may be a great threat, but the greatest peril to their quest might lie within the heart of Yuna herself. (Source: MU)

Manga, 2021Publishing? vol, ? chp

Shaoran (Xiaolian) is an orphaned girl who lives alone in the mountains at the very nook of an impoverished village. One day, an envoy from the palace arrives and scouts her to to be a lady-in-waiting for the imperial harem. This was how a wild girl raised on the mountains was able to live in a luxurious palace working as a lady-in-waiting, however... On her first day (due to various reasons), Shaoran had suddenly become a criminal after slapping one of the consorts. Though execution appeared certain, she was specially pardoned and demoted from a lady-in-waiting to a maidservant in charge of odd jobs. She is ridiculed by the other consorts as the, "Princess of Odd Jobs," however, this is where her rapid advance begins. She implements reforms to the worn-down palace and optimizes her chores through the knowledge she learned from her life of living in poverty, earning the gaze of the other ladies-in-waiting and the imperial consorts alike. Continuing these course of events, Shaoran's name spreads through the imperial palace, reaching even the emperor's ears... (Source: Shousetsuka ni Narou, translated)

SerializationComic Gardo
Manga, 1986Finished1 vol, 6 chp

Set in the 1950s, this is the whimsical tale of the girl Lucky and a rather odd department store. (Source: MU)

SerializationPetit Flower
Manga, 2017Finished3 vol, 15 chp

When I noticed, I was surrounded by a bunch of people wearing kimonos. When I looked into the river water, what was there was a young child... Eh, it's me!? The place where I washed ashore was a gaudy neighborhood, Yoshiwara. Huh? But it looks like the ones behind the lattice are men. The one who picked up the still young me from that strange place was an old man from a brothel called the "Amazuki Brothel." The place I was brought to was a red light district filled with men. It seems that over here, men who had no choice but to become prostitutes were called yuudan (male courtesan). Then I was given the name Nogiku and made to hide from the female customers and provide assistance. For some reason I was also given courtesan training, but I'm not male!! I don't want to learn how to seduce women!! (Source: Shousetsuka ni Narou, translated)

Manga, 1995Finished1 vol, 7 chp

Collection in which most of the stories take place at the end of the Second World War. Higa gives us an inside look at the battle of Okinawa, from the first signs to the consequences, through different points of view of inhabitants, soldiers, Japanese and American, in this war where there is neither good nor evil, neither good nor bad, only a cruel feeling of absurdity. The men are in turn overwhelmingly stupid, full of wisdom or infinitely touching in their humanity. (Source: MU)

SerializationBig Comic
Manga, 2013Finished2 vol, ? chp

In Egypt around 2500 BC, with orders from Pharaoh a big scale construction was in progress. A construction for a 'grave'..? And for only one person..? This is the story the daily lives of lazy men (and sometimes women) in ancient Egypt.

SerializationMonthly Action

Having found a clue of his birth parents through his legendary Seven-Star Sword, Hikoza's journey continues to the northern land of Japan. (Source: MU)

Manhua, 2016Finished? vol, 196 chp

An imperial guard traveled through time and arrived in a little girl's home. Lonely and desperate for love, she treated him as her boyfriend. But he kept in mind his unfinished task in his world and yearned to go back. He promised to come back to be with her but failed. Will they meet again? This time, let me travel through time and love you in your world... (Source: MangaToon, edited)

Manga, 2023Publishing? vol, ? chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manga, 2013Finished4 vol, 22 chp

Set in Bakumatsu, the era that spelled the end of the shoguns' rule over Japan. The story follows Hijikata Toshizou, a Shinsengumi police force member who was nicknamed the "Demon Vice-Commander" in real life.

SerializationYoung King OURs
Manga, 2023Publishing? vol, ? chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationShounen Sirius
Manga, 2010Finished2 vol, 11 chp

Manga version of Analects by Confucius.

Manga, 2016Finished1 vol, 10 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manga, 1971Finished3 vol, 18 chp

The adventures of Zubaban, a rogue samurai who meets some friends along the way, including a African man named Golongo who has a pet lion named Shingo, and the French heroine Jeanne d'Arc, who join forces with him to take down the terrible Shijoumaru, which later reveals himself to be a much more powerful enemy they can think of.

AuthorNagai, Go
SerializationShounen Sunday
Manga, 2023Publishing? vol, ? chp

The manga is about a girl named Eidai Shuku, who searches for missing people, while a great war is approaching. During her travels, she meets a young man who is not skilled in horse riding or martial arts, but becomes extraordinarily strong during a battle. (Source: ANN)

Manga, 2021Publishing? vol, ? chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manga, 2007Finished1 vol, 4 chp

A fantasy adaptation of the classic Chinese novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms." In a time of war, the Kingdom of Wu struggles with the ominous power of the Imperial Seal. (Source: M-U)

SerializationComic Sangokushi
Manga, 2021Publishing? vol, ? chp

The manga centers on an extremely shy and shut-in samurai in Japan's peaceful Edo period. He is preoccupied every day by thoughts of harm, and his hobby of seeing the poster girls of every tea house. (Source: ANN)

Manhwa, 2010Finished? vol, 1 chp

A young master with love troubles. A short story with an unexpected ending! (Source: MangaUpdates)

AuthorKim, Yun A
Manga, 2013Finished11 vol, 56 chp

Set in recent times during some dynasty. A young girl plunges into the inner palace, where the Empress Dowager wields tremendous power. This is the start of Sango's Chinese adventure! (Source: Clairparfait)

AuthorAoki, Tomo
SerializationMystery Bonita
Manhwa, 1996Finished4 vol, ? chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manga, 1955Finished1 vol, 9 chp

A story about a young aspiring judoka set during the Meiji period.

Light Novel, 2015Finished1 vol, ? chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manga, 2017Publishing? vol, ? chp

The manga is based on the story of the Chinese explorer Xu Fu, who is ordered by the Qin Dynasty emperor Shi Huang-di to seek the elixir of eternal life. He and his men arrive in a primitive Japan and, according to the magazine's teaser, bring with them more than just their advanced culture. (Source: ANN)

SerializationGrand Jump
Manga, 2008Finished6 vol, 52 chp

Shion's world is torn apart when she is forced to flee her invaded home, leaving behind her father, mother, and little brother, and face the fact that some people she had known all her life had betrayed her. Now, armed with all the knowledge and skills her parents and teachers have given her, she must find the other 6 people who carry portions of her father's secret. (Source: MangaHelpers) Included one-shot: Volume 6: Kunoichi Mahouden (pilot)

SerializationBusiness Jump
Manga, 1998Finished12 vol, ? chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manga, 2000Finished1 vol, 12 chp

Critics of the book say it distorts history by claiming that Taiwanese women volunteered to be comfort women for Japanese soldiers during World War II. Such claims were backed by comments from petrochemical Chi Mei Corporation Chairman Hsu Wen-lung whom the author cited as confirming that no women were forced into prostitution. Taiwan legislators and other protesters stormed Taipei's biggest bookstore, grabbing the books and setting it on fire on the sidewalk. On 2 March 2001 the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of China barred Kobayashi from travel to Taiwan, igniting objections from high ranking government officials including National Policy Advisor Alice King. President Chen Shui-bian spoke out in defense of King and Kobayashi stating that freedom of speech is the right of everyone and must be safeguarded. The ban was lifted on 23 March 2001. (Source: Wikipedia)

Manga, 1988Finished1 vol, ? chp

Stories of German Panzer crews from the beginning of the Second World War in 1939 to its end in 1945.

Manga, 2017Finished1 vol, 6 chp

An anthology of Shinobi no Kuni by various mangaka.

Manga, 2006Finished1 vol, 16 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationDengeki Daioh
Manga, 2012Finished1 vol, 3 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationNext Comic First
Manga, 2010Finished8 vol, 82 chp

The year is 1953. Japan has begun her recovery from the war, but economic hardship still plagues the people of the country. In these times, the people of Japan chose movie theaters as their escape from the hardships of reality. Imagine this fact: the base salary of a government official was 12,820 yen per year. At the time, a 2 liter bottle of beer was 107 yen, while a movie ticket was 125 yen. Yet, every year, 1 billion people visit the theaters to follow the magic of the movies. Kudou Takeru, a freshman actor, and Kazama Shinichirou, a freshman director, both delve into this booming industry to pursue what they love. Their ambitions are rooted in a past promise made during the war, a promise of uncompromising pursuit of a "real" cinema. They aim to bring life to the "fake" and glamorous status quo of the cinema industry, by employing what they believe to be the pure form of theater: realism. (Source: MangaHelpers)

Manga, 2011Finished1 vol, 6 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manga, 2007Finished1 vol, 6 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manga, 2006Finished1 vol, 6 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationComic B's-LOG
Manga, 1974Finished3 vol, ? chp

During the time of the great dynasties of Japan, 5-year old Nana-hime and a little boy vowed that they would marry each other, but they were tragically separated without ever learning each other's true identities. Now, at the age of 17, Nana-hime is still unmarried and her mother is restless. She forces her daughter to try to enter the imperial court, and miraculously succeeds. Much to her chagrin, Nana-hime will now serve as lady-in-waiting to nobleman Hikaru Genji, the most infamous playboy of his time...

SerializationShoujo Friend
Manga, -Finished1 vol, 5 chp

Once upon a time there lived a sultan, and he had tree sons. And the youngest was stubid, stubborn and ill-mannared. But than appears a person, that can take in hand a young prince... (Source: M-U)

Manga, 2005Finished5 vol, ? chp

A drama set during World War II where a submarine carrying a secret weapon attempts to stop a planned third atomic bombing of Japan. (Source: flixster.com)

Manga, 2015Finished1 vol, 3 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationNext Comic First
Manga, 2020Finished3 vol, 19 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manhwa, 2015Finished1 vol, 7 chp

Story of Hector, prince of Troy...

Manga, 2009Finished2 vol, ? chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manga, 2012Finished1 vol, ? chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manga, 2022Finished3 vol, 15 chp

This story takes place in Paris, 19th century France. Céline is 14 years old and has no dreams, no ambitions, and no idea what she wants to do—a girl of few expressions who seems as if she "came from the moon." When she arrives in the capital, she meets an old gentleman who offers her a "work where you experience jobs," but what could this mean? Perhaps Céline will learn more about herself in this rapidly developing city of Paris. (Source: Mag Garden, translated)

SerializationComic Garden
Manga, 2019Publishing? vol, ? chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manga, 2002Finished9 vol, 98 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationYoung Jump
Manga, 2017Publishing? vol, ? chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationFlowers (Monthly)
Manga, 2010Finished1 vol, ? chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manga, 2000Finished2 vol, 11 chp

Fictional Space War loosely based on WWII. Story centers on the lives of a 4-men squadron.

Manhwa, 2002Finished1 vol, 5 chp

5 short stories about vampires, dragons and more otherworldly creatures.

Manhwa, 2015Finished10 vol, 102 chp
Sil Sil

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationDaum Webtoon
Manga, 2012Finished2 vol, ? chp

The beginning of the fifth century—the flourishing Roman Empire has been attacked by the Visigoths and is becoming a lawless state. Julia, the daughter of an aristocrat, escapes the chaos and conflagration that fills the town—but is then captured by the mob. A strong Visigoth man accompanied by a wolf saves her at the last minute. The man with the long blond hair is Wulfric, the King of Wolves! Julia thanks him, but he only takes her in his arms and says, "Rome is ours. And so are you." Julia is abducted as a slave! A historical epic of love and fate! (Source: Harlequin/SB Creative Corp.)

Manga, 2017Finished2 vol, 16 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationComic Gene
Manga, 2017Finished2 vol, 12 chp

The story of a girl cursing destiny and a girl who believes in miracles, in the worst era of Europe. (Source: MU)

SerializationMorning Two
Manhwa, 2024Publishing? vol, ? chp

Hong Doo-kke, who lived on a secluded island to escape the Imjin War, ventures into the sea on the anniversary of his father's death to find a sea anemone. However, he is reborn into an alternate Joseon era in another world...! In this alternate Joseon era, a curse afflicts men, causing their descendants to wither. Reincarnated as Hong Doo-kke, he faces a challenging trial alongside Princess Somyeong to overcome this curse. Will Hong Doo-kke be able to break the curse of this alternate Joseon era and ascend to the throne? (Source: Lezhin Entertainment, translated)

Manga, 1993Finished1 vol, ? chp

The story of a young, happy-go-lucky Japanese officer over the course of World War II. In 1940, he goes to Mongolia to help a nomadic family who rescued him during the Soviet-Japanese War of 1939. He decides to live with his Mongolian friends, but he is accidentally conscripted into the Red Army. At the Battle of Moscow in 1941 he becomes a prisoner of war of the Germans, but eventually is allowed to join the Waffen-SS, in which he becomes a Tiger tank crewman. And that's just the start of his adventures...

Manga, 2017On Hiatus? vol, 2 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manga, 2012Finished1 vol, 7 chp

Manga version of the Chinese classic text Laozi by Laozi.

Manga, 2016Finished7 vol, 63 chp

The series focuses on the former Prime Minister of Japan, Hayato Ikeda, during the post-war economic boom of Japan in the 1960s. (Source: ANN)

Manga, 2009Finished7 vol, 33 chp

Based on one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature, Suikoden (Water Margin).

Light Novel, 2007Finished2 vol, ? chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manga, 2022Publishing? vol, ? chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manga, 1995Finished8 vol, ? chp

The Kingdom of Lebadang is a place where no modern person has ever visited. Lebadang is unknown to the rest of the world and protected by a divine spirit. Saho Kanna was a doctor in engineering aboard a flight to Australia when, after a bout of tremendous turbulence, he finds himself awaking in a four-poster bed fit for a king. Maybe he has arrived in Australia? Or his flight changed course and landed in New Zealand? Disheveled, Saho tries to explain his situation to no avail. And why is everybody referring to him as "Your Holiness?" Perhaps this is all a strange dream. Saho can't possibly be a Saint, can he? (Source: Fantasista Inc.)


In 1916, in Fukagawa-ku, Tokyo, there was a cheerful young man, Keisuke Hanamori, and Yoshifumi Shirakiku, who had an unappealing beauty. Hanamori, who is working as a part-time worker at the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, is taken to the Director General of the Horticultural Research Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce. So he was told about a fairytale-like incident... It is a Taishou Noir detective story made by two diametrically opposite men. (Source: Comic Natalie, translated)

Manga, 2012Publishing? vol, ? chp

A story inspired by real-life Japanese lord Mito Mitsukuni.

Manga, 1999Finished3 vol, ? chp
Nue Nue

Erotic drama set in the Edo period. The nue is a mythical beast, a kind of chimera, which is a living bad omen. The main character, a pretty boy who often dresses like a girl to trick lecherous men out of their pocket money, resembles the nue in that he appears to be bad news for everyone whom he meets. His chivalrous manners attract women, too. The other main character is a strikingly handsome samurai who is unsure if he can trust the nue boy’s love. Is it just an act? (Source: Goldbird)

Manga, 2009Finished2 vol, ? chp

Her past was a dark country And Iantha Kethley was trapped at its borders, never quite able to escape the one defining moment of her life. Until the day she held Robert Armstrong at gunpoint—and he offered her a future she'd never dared imagine! Rob Armstrong, Lord Duncan, swore he'd not be mere protector of Iantha Kethley, but true partner as well, for this sweetly vulnerable woman had a spine of surprising steel—a necessary attribute to face the danger that stalked her still. Her need drew him to her; her courage held him by her side—where he'd willingly remain, bound by honor, passion... and love! (Source: MU)

One-shot, 2017Finished? vol, 1 chp

A superhero retelling of the life of Hiraga Gennai, a famous Japanese poet and scholar of the 18th century.

AuthorNuma, Shun
SerializationJump GIGA
Manga, 2022Publishing? vol, ? chp

Set during Japan's Taishou Era, the golden skull Golden Bat must face off against a mysterious cult serving his archenemy Nazo in militaristic pre-war Japan! (Source: MangaDex)

Manga, -Finished5 vol, 26 chp

The upheaval resulted in the further weakening of central authority, and throughout Japan regional lords, or daimyo, rose to fill the vacuum. In the course of this power shift, well established clans such as the Takeda and the Imagawa, who had ruled under the authority of both the Kamakura and Muromachi bakufu, were able to expand their spheres of influence. There were many, however, whose positions eroded and were eventually usurped by more capable underlings. This phenomenon of social meritocracy, in which capable subordinates rejected the status quo and forcefully overthrew an emaciated aristocracy became known as gekokujō which literally means "the underling conquers the overlord." One of the earliest instances of this phenomenon was Hōjō Sōun, who rose from relatively humble origins and eventually seized power in Izu province in 1493. Building on the accomplishments of Sōun, the Late Hōjō clan remained a major power in the Kantō region until its subjugation by Toyotomi Hideyoshi late in the Sengoku period. Other notable examples include the supplanting of the Hosokawa clan by the Miyoshi, the Shiba clan by the Oda clan, and the Toki by the Saito. (Source: M-U)

SerializationShounen Sirius
Manga, 2016Finished2 vol, 12 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationBig Gangan
Manga, 2005Finished11 vol, ? chp

A 4-koma comedy parodying famous samurai generals and historical events.

AuthorOoba, Kai
SerializationComic Flapper
Manga, 2010Finished1 vol, 5 chp

Included one-shots: Micro Black Girl, Mothman

Manga, 2009Finished1 vol, 4 chp

1. Yoake no Yami ni Nemuru Koi 2. Hidoro no Uta 3. Umi Yukaba 4. 2009-nen no Umi

Manga, 2003Finished1 vol, ? chp

Set in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Zhu Yingtai is a young lady from a noble family who disguises herself as a man in order to study. On the way she meets Liang Shanbo and they become sworn brothers. Yingtai falls in love with Shanbo, but Shanbo always thought that she was a guy, and when he FINALLY finds out that Yingtai is a girl, her parents have already arranged a marriage for her... This Chinese legend is equivalent to Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet. (Source: misOramen)

Manga, 1983Finished1 vol, ? chp

Gassou tells the story of the young men who were part of the Shougitai, a group of former Tokugawa retainers who fought to oppose the Meiji government in the final days of the Tokugawa Shogunate. (Source: ANN)

Manga, 2019Publishing? vol, ? chp

After her family perishes in a fire, Sakura is sold to the Yoshiwara neighborhood. Her life intersects with Gin's, and everything changes. A forbidden love between a prostitute and her boss, set in Edo times with the famous red-light district as a backdrop. (Source: MU, edited)

SerializationSho-Comi X
Manga, 2018Finished2 vol, 8 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manga, 2017Finished2 vol, 14 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manga, 2021Publishing? vol, ? chp

Set in the 19th century, Moeyo Ken follows the life of Toshizou Hijikata, vice-commander of the Shinsengumi.

Light Novel, 2012Publishing? vol, ? chp

(No synopsis yet.)

Manga, 2012Finished9 vol, 50 chp

Once upon a time a thousand years back from now, there was a legendary man that trembled Japan, in the era of peace. The man was Musashibou Benkei. Spending his time as a priest soldier under control of Honen of Mount Hiei, he started to feel the emptiness of his own overwhelming power somewhere down the line. One day, Honen descended the mountain with his armed priests including Benkei. And Benkei happened to see...... Why he was born, how he should live. Only heaven knows the meaning of his life. It is an unprecedented saga of a man with passion for Japanese people. (Source: MU)

SerializationMonthly Hero's
Manga, 2016Publishing? vol, ? chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationComic it