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animegate - is this actually going to be a thing?

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May 11, 2018 6:42 AM

Mar 2015
Manaban said:
Kuma said:

tokyo current conservative goverment is doing it right at now...

I'm kind of wondering if you read the post if this is your response to it.

i simply pointing out that conservative goverment japan is bigger threat we should care than animegate... for example is what tokyo is doing literaly now... i am agree, i just add example most recent case why we should care.... animeget is like very trivial things compared to this...

Manaban said:
I have concerns about how the west could push for censoring anime and manga as well, but the issues there and what the tokyo conservative government has allowed are quite different, if you look at what the UN has pushed for them to apply and what BBC reporters tend to do about the subject, which gives off a pretty strong indication that yes, the changes would still be more massive and restrictive to certain kinds of content than what the Japanese Conservative Government is doing - and yes, I'm aware of that, they've even tried to hit things like TLR before and it didn't go through, it is a problem and I'm not at all trying to downplay it (and 15poundfish even called them the biggest threat currently in his post, which is definitely something I agree with and why I'm kind of baffled at why you're pointing this out to him.) Currently the biggest threat is hitting distribution in the west and gaining influence that way, and yes, there has been pretty strong flags being raised that yes, the kind of censorship the west could apply is much more restrictive than what the current Tokyo government lets pass by. And it's kind of ironic, because the sort of "Japan just gonna handwave all foreigners" mindset is also pretty misplaced and that was recently proven as much when there was a diplomatic outcry from Mongolians over a gag featuring kids drawing a dick on Ghenghis Khan's forehead in a manga not so long ago, which was more or less kowtowed to.

well, this is also misunderstood... foreigner influence in japan is escalated, just not the west... in fact, US is fall from number 1 to number 4 for oversea profit... the one who credited the most for rise is china, taiwan, and korea... so again, while oversea profit does more important than ever, it still not like west can dictate on japan what they produce...

and UN never push japan to censor to it, it's just one of suggestion... it's already answered with rejection by woman ministry of japan anyways...

also if it's does deemed offensive, usually it's the sompany on it's own that automaticaly retreated, not goverment actually giving respons... other than mongolian case, there is jojo and noragami case... it's interesting note that it's not because they are follow it, it usually the company just admit, apologize, and change it... it's unlike the west, controversies doesn't give a company free marketing and fame... shame culture japan probably the one caused it... they are affected not because they are actually affraid of oversea market, they are affraid it's hurt their own company reputation... japan has really high pride on it...

Manaban said:
I also don't like how people are instantly making this issue of potential censorship ab SJW versus anti-SJW matter a lot in this thread and other places where it's been brought up, and I find people trying to handwave it or provide tu quoque points about current issues of this in Japan (like you're very much doing here) to be a bit ignorant over the sort of precedent that's already started to form. While there is a degree where people can overboard about it and become paranoid, this isn't at all a misplaced concern thus far and it's jaw-dropping to me how many otherwise reasonable people just try to ignore it or dismiss it or make it into something that's more left versus right than it is a matter of potential censorship worming its way into the medium even more than it currently is present.

it's called false dilemma btw... it's easier scapegoat... people demand easier simplier explanation of everything, ignoring how complex the issue is... again, i am not trying to make it like that either, i just showing there is complitely misunderstood and false accusation direction that need to be cleared... the "western extream leftist" doesn't actually have that much foot in japan.. it's something much closer and more powerful that actually has power in japan we need to aware of... i don't want people misunderstood that shimoneta or gintama get cencored because "evil leftist"... but in fact done by BPO, a jaanese conservative parents organitation... so if we has cencorship problem in the future, we need to clarify from where it is first.... maybe i am the one that being overreacted because i already has this kind of discussion in here, as it shown in this thread again....
KumaMay 11, 2018 6:47 AM
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
May 11, 2018 7:54 AM
Jun 2015
Kuma said:
lol, the only one affected is the west... i couldn't care less...

the problem is in japan country it self, lots of conservative nuts try to ban educational manga about hentai history....

so yeah, realistically i would care more about oldman on the goverment who actually has power to limiting anime expression than rondom basement dwellers....

There is a possibility that the West could influence the Japanese Anime industry depending on its popularity and how studio's pander to the Western demographic. Dr. Strange and Iron Man 3 is actual proof of self censorship of comic book character's because of the Chinese demographic. Its not inevitable that this will happen to anime as it becomes more popular in the West but its a possibility especially when simulcasts are an actual thing. It also doesn't matter what the average Western anime fan believes is unacceptable in anime. All it takes is the opinions of a few individuals or certain interest groups with influence to create the perception that censorship needs to happen. Ignoring Feminists is not going to make them go away, if that was true we would not see no platforming of speakers on college campuses, or most of western media often having progressive/feminist propaganda.

The thread discussion is not about who is the greater threat to anime presently because most agree its the Japanese conservatives and the Japanese government. What the thread is about is the possibilities of censorship from the West as Anime becomes mainstream and normalized. Government censorship from the West will affect the purchase of content in their respective countries but not the production of anime itself unless the country is large enough like China. What can happen is for localization groups or Western companies that influence the creative process to censor anime directly while its in production. The leverage they could have over Anime is the perception of losing the western demographic or by removing funding if they have a large stake on the production committee. Media companies in general in Western countries are almost always left leaning which is why Feminists are a possible existential threat to anime.
May 11, 2018 8:00 AM

Mar 2016
The West loves subversive trash and hates sincerity. The thing I would worry about isn't censorship, but the funding of projects that sneer at their audience in an obnoxious, affected way.
May 11, 2018 5:10 PM
Jan 2009
SunnyOWX said:
Assuming most western anime doesn't even pay for official stuff of anime and stuff, I doubt they can affect the anime industry too much

Japan generally doesn't give a fuck about reaching out to overseas audiences as you can see from how Japanese games and stuff are often prohibited to be sold outside of Japan, but now there's this "globalization" thing that I'm worried about that might affect the industry

If they didn't, then they wouldn't give all those simulcast streaming rights to CR, Funi, Sentai Filmworks, and other companies.
May 11, 2018 7:37 PM

Mar 2015
15poundfish said:
Kuma said:
lol, the only one affected is the west... i couldn't care less...

the problem is in japan country it self, lots of conservative nuts try to ban educational manga about hentai history....

so yeah, realistically i would care more about oldman on the goverment who actually has power to limiting anime expression than rondom basement dwellers....

There is a possibility that the West could influence the Japanese Anime industry depending on its popularity and how studio's pander to the Western demographic. Dr. Strange and Iron Man 3 is actual proof of self censorship of comic book character's because of the Chinese demographic. Its not inevitable that this will happen to anime as it becomes more popular in the West but its a possibility especially when simulcasts are an actual thing. It also doesn't matter what the average Western anime fan believes is unacceptable in anime. All it takes is the opinions of a few individuals or certain interest groups with influence to create the perception that censorship needs to happen. Ignoring Feminists is not going to make them go away, if that was true we would not see no platforming of speakers on college campuses, or most of western media often having progressive/feminist propaganda.

The thread discussion is not about who is the greater threat to anime presently because most agree its the Japanese conservatives and the Japanese government. What the thread is about is the possibilities of censorship from the West as Anime becomes mainstream and normalized. Government censorship from the West will affect the purchase of content in their respective countries but not the production of anime itself unless the country is large enough like China. What can happen is for localization groups or Western companies that influence the creative process to censor anime directly while its in production. The leverage they could have over Anime is the perception of losing the western demographic or by removing funding if they have a large stake on the production committee. Media companies in general in Western countries are almost always left leaning which is why Feminists are a possible existential threat to anime.

and again, it's not like the west can dictate what japan should produce... especially for late night shows that what mostly people on the west enjoy... they are not big and not giving lot income to begin with... if we talking about DBS for example, sure they will care, but it's not like they will change DB complitely just for satisfying western market... it's probably the cencorship in tv or licencing distribution on the west...
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
May 11, 2018 8:07 PM

Aug 2017
To summarize it all up:
United States is not Japan. They have more important things to worry about than drawn girls with big boobs. Nothing's gonna happen. End of story.
May 11, 2018 8:20 PM

Jan 2008
It doesn't matter much in the actual end because a good majority of the community doesn't even buy licensed anime but instead watch rips of Japan releases.

Unlike games, we don't have to worry about localization and licensing processes, rather just hope there are simulcasts for rips or fansubbers to sub.
May 12, 2018 12:44 AM
Jun 2015
Kuma said:

and again, it's not like the west can dictate what japan should produce... especially for late night shows that what mostly people on the west enjoy... they are not big and not giving lot income to begin with... if we talking about DBS for example, sure they will care, but it's not like they will change DB complitely just for satisfying western market... it's probably the cencorship in tv or licencing distribution on the west...
They definitely can if they financial leverage over the production of anime. You don't seem to understand that businesses operate on maximizing profits with the least amount of time. If Anime was popular enough to sell 100,000 copies per volume of any action shounen with western censorship you would see a decline of anime of other types immediately. Why would anyone make an Ecchi/Moe/SOL anime if they make 100X the profit in the same amount of the time?
May 12, 2018 12:57 AM

Mar 2015
15poundfish said:
Kuma said:

and again, it's not like the west can dictate what japan should produce... especially for late night shows that what mostly people on the west enjoy... they are not big and not giving lot income to begin with... if we talking about DBS for example, sure they will care, but it's not like they will change DB complitely just for satisfying western market... it's probably the cencorship in tv or licencing distribution on the west...
They definitely can if they financial leverage over the production of anime. You don't seem to understand that businesses operate on maximizing profits with the least amount of time. If Anime was popular enough to sell 100,000 copies per volume of any action shounen with western censorship you would see a decline of anime of other types immediately. Why would anyone make an Ecchi/Moe/SOL anime if they make 100X the profit in the same amount of the time?

if that profit must taken by ignoring already estabilished fanbasses and market and possibly pissing them, will they still taking it? i don't think so....
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
May 12, 2018 9:26 PM

Apr 2015
So it looks like I was right, UK really did run into trouble because of these articles and apparently even staff was shaken up.

Anime UK News

All of this because of a couple of articles on one website? Feminists really have nothing better to do.
May 14, 2018 12:18 PM
Jul 2018
The entire Anime & Manga community would gather their banners for war.
May 14, 2018 12:37 PM

Apr 2018
Japan rarely makes anime with the western audience in mind. Sure, they might throw in a disney reference here and there, but they don't say "hmm, maybe we should take this part out for the american kids watching this". I wouldn't worry about it. What I would worry about is that somehow SJW's get certain anime banned in certain places. Remember, the US can't do shit about what other countries are doing, but what they can do is ban things in their country. Lolicon is already questionably legal in a handful of states ("cough" Texas), so the idea of this happening is not that far fetched.
May 17, 2018 8:37 PM

Apr 2015
Another update on the situation in the UK concerning UK Anime Network and the controversy their animegate podcast caused. There's an article up explaining what happened along with statements from those involved:

Sakura Anime News Article

FoeToeMoe said:
Lolicon is already questionably legal in a handful of states ("cough" Texas), so the idea of this happening is not that far fetched.

Didn't they arrest people over this already? I think its already illegal here. Or maybe its another of those "Grey legal lines" where no one wants to give a definitive answer or challenge it.
May 17, 2018 8:58 PM

Mar 2018
We have bigger things to fear in anime. More isekai.
Aug 19, 2018 10:17 AM
Aug 2018
Hey everyone; first time here and glad to be. Been an anime fan since like a kid, hell I remember when I would wake up early Saturday mornings to watch DBZ and Ronin Warriors on WB way before Toonami ever got to them. This must've been like 1994/1995 timeline. Also remember my first exposure to anime being some show on Syfy (when it was still called Sci-Fi Channel) and some dude in a cave w/ equipment exploding and there were flashing red and blue lights...thankfully I'm not suspect to seizures.

Anyway, I've been really getting back into watching anime more regularly since about a year ago, and it's dawned on me how much this medium means to me. It inspired me to start drawing as a kid, and has given me so many ideas as I've grown up. As a creative force, I have immensely enjoyed anime (and manga) and will continue to do so....and with that said it's troubling to know that something could befall the consumer side of the industry over here in the West in a way that *could* harm it, or even the industry as a whole.

I know about GamerGate, and I mostly avoided it. I know about ComicsGate, and I've mostly avoided it (since I don't even read superhero comics anyway :/). Yeah there were some idiots in both but the vast majority I feel had their goals (or at least initial goals) in the right place, and there are very valid concerns in both that have still yet to be resolved. But now with this AnimeGate, I feel it's unavoidable for me and I already know which side I'd fall upon.

What strikes me as odd is the notion that there is some level of gatekeeping or toxicity in the anime community to warrant a "gate" to begin with, because from my experience, that hasn't been the case. I've met people of all shapes, colors (well, *human* colors, not like green or something like that), gender, creed etc. while going through school via anime and animation as a whole. Practically all of whom I'd say are good people. If anything I'd say the anime community is one of the least offending in regards to any "gatekeeping", and while you may have a few ignorant types into the can say the same about ANY media, so why specifically target anime for that?

If a neo-Nazi happens to watch anime, then I don't care, because that doesn't affect MY personal ability to enjoy the anime I watch. And, at the end of the day, they are just a fan; in the off-chance I'm discussing anime and they try pushing neo-Nazi interpretations of things in a show I've seen, I will simply out-debate them and leave it at that. All the same, I do not care if an SJW watches anime; again, they're just a fan, and them watching it doesn't somehow affect MY ability to enjoy the medium any more or less than I already do. I'm not going to have a thought in the back of my head of "oh noes! An SJW and neo-Nazi might be watching this show too! Now I can't enjoy it!!"; I don't think most people think like that xD

That's something I agree w/ the Sakura site's articles on; to me any push for an "animegate" is going to come from both sides, both SJWs and alt-right, and particularly the extremes of both. One will try cherry-picking examples of online toxicity from fans (even as little as someone legitimately making fun of Kim K.'s anime taste as if they're "gatekeeping" or "mansplaining" anime to a woman), the other will try cherry-picking examples of dubs deliberately changing lines into hard-leftist drivel, and both sides exaggerating those examples as if they are epidemics when they aren't.

I haven't mentioned the actual media much because like so many in the thread have already said, the anime production companies, producers, directors etc. aren't particularly affected or concerned with the antics of Western fans when it comes to things like this. They make things for the Japanese market, that's their biggest concern. However, I also know that the anime market in Japan today is not as strong as it once was, and there's been a big consolidation of anime to focus on a very particular customer.

I'm also worried that w/ some of recent arrests (the Ruroni Kenshin creator's arrest for example), those kind of events could see efforts from parts of Japanese government that may squeeze the local anime market even harder, having the effect of studios needing to rely more on foreign markets after all. There's also the fact that, if indeed there is some kind of "normalization" of anime in the West (dunno if that means the same thing as mainstream. To me it seems like anime isn't as ubiquitous in American mainstream as it was in the early '00s, but that could've been a different type of "mainstream"), anime studios could see the potential money (or impression of potential money; that saying "Get Woke, Go Broke" didn't come out of nowhere xD) impossible to pass up. Studios that in particular want to increase their budgets might see a need to cater more specifically for a global audience, and that would mean curtailing to social norms being curated by Western media.

There were some people earlier saying that companies listening to feedback from customers to make changes isn't censorship; well in the hard definition of the word, you're right, it isn't. But Western media (news, Hollywood etc.) has been a bastion of propaganda since the late 1800s, selectively indoctrinating and programming generations of people into falling in line with certain ideas. This isn't a conspiracy theory, either; there's lots of informative work out there that backs this up.

So, it isn't too far-fetched to think companies like Funimation, Crunchyroll etc. could be influenced by Western news journalists (or people working at those very companies with goals of their own) to buy into certain socio-political agendas and make changes in their business practices to produce products catering to such things. Especially if there are large groups of people (who may or may not actually be supportive anime fans i.e *buying* the work as it is released in the states) who already have similar viewpoints.

I am not saying that everyone who is an SJW has been indoctrinated into that ideology. I am not even saying all SJWs are bad, because for myself I only use the term "SJW" for the absolute extremists within the progressive left. The ones who feel they can dictate what the rest of society should be like so that they can feel better. And to be perfectly fair, I do not think everyone who gets labeled "alt-right" is a neo-Nazi or misogynistic, hateful person, but I AM willing to acknowledge there are those at the very extreme ends of that side who very likely are. But like the absolute extreme "SJWs" on the left, they are a numerical minority who just bark very loudly.

However, the reason people tend to see stuff like these "gates" as being pushed by the extremes of the progressive left is because, traditionally, it's been that way for some time now. The people who write the kind of articles that belittle concerns into a "gate", or antagonize entire fandoms, or run the companies that create product to push very aggressive political agendas through...happen to be the sorts that fit the "SJW" label. That's just how it is.

I personally would be just as upset if they were extreme "alt-right" types, too, because again, it's just two sides of the same coin, politicizing things in a VERY narrow and specific regional lenses. Either way, it hurts the true fandom and artists/creators of the medium, who end up getting used as pawns in this game.

Anyhow, that's all I wanted to say for now, because as you can see I have a tendency to write a lot. But I'll definitely keep learning more about this whole situation, hoping that it doesn't become what things like GameGate became for that industry, because that'd personally wreck me and even piss me off xD.
Aug 19, 2018 10:25 AM
Aug 2018
MartinAcademia said:
Gator said:
I don't get it, what is the thing you fear exactly?

Mass SJW campaign against anime and its fans. Its what happened with video games. Gamergate was real ugly and now games are politicized and many get censored.
gosh dang it it's not any of the SJWs damn business so they should just stay out of the picture entirely
Aug 19, 2018 10:27 AM
Aug 2018
jal90 said:
I don't understand, are you afraid of anime getting criticism if it becomes mainstream? Are you afraid of people having opinions?
I'm not afraid of people having opinions it's them having opinions on things they may not be well-educated on
Aug 19, 2018 10:34 AM
Aug 2018
15poundfish said:
Kuma said:

and again, it's not like the west can dictate what japan should produce... especially for late night shows that what mostly people on the west enjoy... they are not big and not giving lot income to begin with... if we talking about DBS for example, sure they will care, but it's not like they will change DB complitely just for satisfying western market... it's probably the cencorship in tv or licencing distribution on the west...
They definitely can if they financial leverage over the production of anime. You don't seem to understand that businesses operate on maximizing profits with the least amount of time. If Anime was popular enough to sell 100,000 copies per volume of any action shounen with western censorship you would see a decline of anime of other types immediately. Why would anyone make an Ecchi/Moe/SOL anime if they make 100X the profit in the same amount of the time?

This is why it's important to pay attention to companies like Netflix; personally I think they could be a big boon for the anime market (I highly enjoyed the BLAME! CG anime film last year, even tho it's probably nonsensical if you haven't read the manga), but that money brings power, and with great power comes great responsibility, like that one series famous for that line said.

Netflix (and apparently now Amazon, too) are betting big on anime and animation in general, but they need to remember the reason they even bothered in the first place was because of the fandom for existing works, not because that fandom secretly wants these companies to push political agendas in their own co-productions to then try and force on the fandom. There may be select concepts to what they want to put out there that aren't inherently bad, but they can DEFINITELY make the mistake of trying to be too draconian in showing them off, and that's when people rightfully tune out.

Basically, if you're Netflix and you want to fund another Outlaw Star (...hey, I'm still hopeful on that one!), be my guest, but make sure it's still Outlaw Star, and not some reanimated husk of a corpse with none of the original soul, only there so you can shove in Trump/GOP jokes every other sentence. No thanks, we don't care about your feelings on that stuff and we certainly don't care enough for you to hijack a show to turn it into your soapbox.
Aug 19, 2018 11:29 AM
Jul 2018
Gator said:
I don't get it, what is the thing you fear exactly?

Go to a site called ResetERA and you will know exactly what to fear.
Aug 19, 2018 11:41 AM
Aug 2018
Hias said:
Good grief, threads like this are apparent why the anime/gaming communities are ridiculously toxic and full of reactionary attitudes. Anything that goes outside of the norm or any story elements, characters etc that are encouraged are immediately labeled as "SJW Propaganda", apparently anything else is an agenda and the big bad Leftists(tm) are coming after the white hetero male's favorite anti-social hobbies.

Gamergate was only a big deal because some idiots couldn't handle the idea of a woman criticizing attitudes in the gaming industry and the trends that discouraged any sort of diversity or representation. So in response they send her and others death threats and rape threats. Very classy.

The issue is a lot of the people in journalism and running the companies that make the attacks on the fandom and want to push these big changes (usually through force) have mainly been very hard left-leaning. I don't think it's fair to label all progressive-lefts as SJWs, but the very hardcore extremists of that sort? Sure, by all means.

But like the SNN articles also mentioned, it's NOT just political voices on the left trying to push things, it's those on the right as well, so I do have issue w/ people who it's ONLY "SJWs" doing this stuff (as a whole), even if it's mainly those sorts at the heads of the Western companies that are.

Also, you shouldn't use selective instances of negativity (of any sort) to portray the whole as being that way. I've also seen some suspect posts in the thread but I won't say the anime community as a whole is toxic b/c of that (honestly I haven't seen anything that's really "terrible", tbh). But by you jumping to stereotypes to criticize the people you disagree with, that isn't a good look imho. You don't even know the gender, ethnicity or sexuality of these posters so why bother with that?

Aug 19, 2018 11:43 AM

Oct 2010
WeebFromMars_18_ said:
jal90 said:
I don't understand, are you afraid of anime getting criticism if it becomes mainstream? Are you afraid of people having opinions?
I'm not afraid of people having opinions it's them having opinions on things they may not be well-educated on

People will have opinions on stuff they experience whether they are experts at it or not. As do all of us. If that scares you I wonder how can you survive in this forum.
Aug 19, 2018 11:48 AM
Jul 2018
Japan won't listen to Western SJW people, heck the industry only goes to the West for the sake of a few extra bucks on their hands. Most Anime fans in the West don't even buy the anime dvds, don't buy enough merchandise, don't get enough Manga, or even get enough benefits to the Japanese creators to give a damn. Heck only a few extreme otaku even buy a lot, and that certainly aren't the SJWs making these stupid rants.
Aug 19, 2018 11:53 AM

Nov 2009
WeebFromMars_18_ said:
MartinAcademia said:

Mass SJW campaign against anime and its fans. Its what happened with video games. Gamergate was real ugly and now games are politicized and many get censored.
gosh dang it it's not any of the SJWs damn business so they should just stay out of the picture entirely

Imagine thinking videogames are politicized or censored just now.
Aug 19, 2018 11:55 AM
Aug 2018
Juss100 said:

As it happens I was later drawn into anime because I noticed a lot of diversity and boundary pushing both good and bad. I think Sailor moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Vision of Escaflowne for instance, are incredibly much the product of your “SJW” mentality what with their empowered female heroes and themes of abuse, oppression, homosexuality and so on. All brilliant shows. On the flip side I loved Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, Evangelion which are more products of masculine cultures but all awesome.

This is actually a good reason why the current nastiness coming from sites like Vice, Mel w/e etc. is completely laughable; they act as though the medium has not produced works like Utena (likely b/c the people who write those articles haven't seen them, b/c why would they? They don't really watch anime anyhow, it's just the current hot-button trendy thing to talk about to them :/) and that there aren't fans who like those works.

And, they HAVE to portray it that way in order for their arguments to not fall apart. Anime has ALWAYS been pretty diverse, as you said. But people like the writers at Vice or Mel, and certain political think-tanks, have to play revisionists history and pretend that isn't the case, so that they can manufacture a problem where there is none. It's a classic tactic, actually.

So they'll manufacture the problem to manufacture the outrage, and then manufacture the solution. Agit-prop, it happens all the time in various mediums, various places. It's their attempt to control the narrative. And this actually isn't about them wanting to see *real* diversity or representation, but rather a VERY narrow definition of what in *their* eyes is "diversity" and "representation".

The issue isn't, for example, of there not being LGBT characters in an anime, but rather they aren't narrowly defined in a very particular way that *explicitly* defines that entire character through their sexuality, and turns everything back to their sexuality. That's limitation, but if they narrow the scope, it lets them control the narrative easier, and ultimately it's all about control.

These are the same people who would (or are probably planning to) cherry-pick examples of potentially racist depictions of black people, Jews, Hispanics etc. to try making implication of anime and the fanbase at large, despite the fact you can find multiples of counter-examples of characters falling into those descriptions who aren't stereotyped and happen to be well-written (tho to the sorts writing those Vice or Kotaku articles, the fact they aren't usually *explicitly* about their ethnicity defining their character is what would be made the issue).

It's all hogwash when you think about it.

Padoru_Padoruuu said:
Gator said:
I don't get it, what is the thing you fear exactly?

Go to a site called ResetERA and you will know exactly what to fear.

Dear Lord, that place is practically unreadable. A decent gaming thread every now-and-then (like the JRPG one, or retro threads by *very* specific members who actually know what they're talking about), but 98% of the "site" is garbage content.

They also have a weird obsession ripping on Reddit and 4Chan, tho they're better sources for gaming news and insider info these days (hmmm, wonder if "that's" the reason why xD)
hadapaAug 19, 2018 11:58 AM
Aug 19, 2018 11:59 AM

Apr 2018
They be having soft porn for their music mvs but then they come and conplain about anime
Aug 19, 2018 12:03 PM

Nov 2009
hadapa said:

Dear Lord, that place is practically unreadable. A decent gaming thread every now-and-then (like the JRPG one, or retro threads by *very* specific members who actually know what they're talking about), but 98% of the "site" is garbage content.

Mate, you are posting on a site with literal neo-nazi holocaust deniers running rampant.
Aug 19, 2018 12:14 PM

Sep 2017
people that think animegate will ever be a thing are the flat earthers of the anime community.
Edward Elric > your waifu

Aug 19, 2018 12:18 PM

Dec 2015
"animegate" ? Really?

Because of your lying title, I read those articles for nothing. There is press revelation nor secret spying involved, even something remotely valuable or somewhat reminiscent of the Watergate scandal, You shouldn't invoke names you don't master.

Second time I fall for this kind of trap, shame on me. -_-

@Padoru_Padoruuu "gamergate" ? Thanks, looks like the persons behind this word are actually at fault.
Though, it's not a reason to make their bastardization more common through multi-usage.
Rei_IIIAug 19, 2018 11:01 PM
Aug 19, 2018 12:39 PM
Aug 2018
Bernrika said:
Mate, you are posting on a site with literal neo-nazi holocaust deniers running rampant.

Well that could maybe *possibly* be true, but at least I know I won't get banned for (honestly) accidentally misgendering or deadnaming someone xD.
Aug 19, 2018 3:05 PM
Jul 2018
Rei366 said:
"animegate" ? Really?

Because of your lying title, I read those articles for nothing. There is press revelation nor secret spying involved, even something remotely valuable or somewhat reminiscent of the Watergate scandal, You shouldn't invoke names you don't master.

Second time I fall for this kind of trap, shame on me. -_-

It's related to Gamergate not Watergate, which was obviously a far more serious matter...
Aug 19, 2018 6:02 PM

May 2010
MartinAcademia said:
I just found a series of articles online that have me worried:

Normalizating Anime
Attacking the Fanbase
Political Pressure
Corporate Influence

Basically, the author sees the same worrying warning signs for our industry that were there just before gamergate started, and then again before the comic book fiasco we now see. Normally I'd have dismissed something like this but I myself noticed way more political threads on forums recently and it is true the mainstream media have been talking about our hobby way too much and taking shots at us too. I just hope this is a phase and doesn't actually get worse.

I just got back into anime, I really don't need this shit.

They've been censoring anime over the years now. It's just in different ways (the ultraviolence, for example).

To be honest, anime is rife with equal opportunity hating. You just have to point out the other gender equivalent just to tell them they should fix the entire system rather than point out one facet. That's because, at the end of the day, tropes were established because they sell.
Aug 20, 2018 2:54 AM
Jul 2018
isn't that resetera site like the anime equivalent of the onion
i thought it was bad satire
Aug 20, 2018 3:07 AM
Jul 2018
nicethings said:
isn't that resetera site like the anime equivalent of the onion
i thought it was bad satire
Oh, my sweet summer child
Aug 20, 2018 3:11 AM
Apr 2018
Hias said:
Good grief, threads like this are apparent why the anime/gaming communities are ridiculously toxic and full of reactionary attitudes. Anything that goes outside of the norm or any story elements, characters etc that are encouraged are immediately labeled as "SJW Propaganda", apparently anything else is an agenda and the big bad Leftists(tm) are coming after the white hetero male's favorite anti-social hobbies.

Gamergate was only a big deal because some idiots couldn't handle the idea of a woman criticizing attitudes in the gaming industry and the trends that discouraged any sort of diversity or representation. So in response they send her and others death threats and rape threats. Very classy.

Except that’s not what happen there’s was no death threats/rape threats

Gamergate was about ethics in gaming
Aug 20, 2018 3:20 AM

Feb 2015
Good thing Japan couldn't care less about some seething western SJWs.
Aug 20, 2018 3:32 AM

Nov 2009
Also the OP is quite funny, given that censorship/corporate pressure/ etc is already a thing presented in anime.

Neane93 said:
nicethings said:
isn't that resetera site like the anime equivalent of the onion
i thought it was bad satire
Oh, my sweet summer child

Kiwifarms is another good site. If you like stalking and harassing people online.
Aug 20, 2018 3:39 AM
Jul 2018
I don't think they will stop or care for any female SJW's or censorship in Anime itself only the country itself will be able to decide if they shall allow the anime to have anime tits and etc. Honestly i think its kinda dumb on the fact that people actually care about this and waste their time on doing something like this. Just kinda proves to show that they have nothing really better to do but complain on everything on the world, they do not see the fact that people watch it as entertainment yes maybe there is some real MESSAGE there but meh i choose to ignore it [1]. Anime has already gotten so far without this thing and look at it now, but yeah anime does have its bad stuff (Don't really ask me about this cause Im all for anime and i love MY HUGE ANIME GIRLS WITH GOTHIC FRILLS). In my eyes anime girls that would act cute and feminine are already good as it is if SJW or those people are so triggered then ask them to make their own "good" or "decent" anime instead of complaining on what is created.

**To address the normalizing fact i only believe to the point in where random people jump on the train to bait out the community and squeeze the money, people talking about this are i think squeezing the reputation and name. I guess what i am trying to say is when you hear the name "Kim Kardashian" on a anime board you'd be like why is she even talked about here which just spreads her name around, its just a tool for putting the name out there for fame or maybe actually cause they like anime and "want" more people to get into it or either because they want anime sponsorship.

[1] I don't mean that i support the idea of sexism or etc just saying that i think its not really such a big issue and that we are all content with mostly whats happening right now in the world, only some people honestly do not feel that way but what makes it really the judge for all of us only a certain few

*** My idea's are honestly everywhere what i'm gonna say in conclusion is that Censoring and Etc all gotta "sh ft ut SHHH" (Shut the hell up) and deal with it, celebrities just want to jump on "anime" hype train

"If you haven't had gothic lolitta frills sitting on your face, you haven't seen heaven yet."

Aug 20, 2018 3:41 AM
Jul 2018

Anime is a direct competitor to the Jewish poison called Hollywood, the Jews will identify it as a new threat to the NWO and will accordingly request the CIA to conduct a hit job on the "negative effects" of anime.
Aug 20, 2018 6:30 PM

Jan 2018
This thread is one of reason why I decided to watch gate.
Aug 21, 2018 8:29 PM

Aug 2018
Dlwuik said:
people that think animegate will ever be a thing are the flat earthers of the anime community.

Yeah am I right who would think animegate would be a thing like thats a no no for me definitely
Aug 22, 2018 7:54 AM

Aug 2016
Neane93 said:
Anime is a direct competitor to the Jewish poison called Hollywood, the Jews will identify it as a new threat to the NWO and will accordingly request the CIA to conduct a hit job on the "negative effects" of anime.

You know what won't help people take you seriously? Blaming crap on the Jews all of the time. Seriously. Please.

Also, you're forgetting all of the rich goyim in Hollywood, the media, and in politics that hate Israel.

To quote Michael Jordan, "Stop it. Get some help."
Aug 22, 2018 8:04 AM
Jul 2016
anime is dead anyway, the only series worth watching are the old ones, and yeah with the odd exception, but that's the basic trend, animegate or no animegate.
Oct 10, 2018 5:56 PM
Dec 2011
animegate will happen its happening now wake up heres proof
Oct 10, 2018 6:05 PM

Nov 2008
gunslinger90 said:
animegate will happen its happening now wake up heres proof

It won't last long, remember unlike gaming, it's easier to find raws and fansubs. Comics lost the battle because they were very niche by the time SJWs attacked it although at least one of the SJW comicpros is about to be sued to the ground, but that will just put a damper on the attacks on fans, it's too late to save the comics industry.

Oct 10, 2018 6:17 PM
Dec 2011
Professioona yes you can say good bye to tits hintai even thoe it small %s and echhi and other things
Oct 10, 2018 8:41 PM

May 2009
here we go again, people on the internet again being afraid that other people on the internet have opinions they disagree with and claiming that other people are out to get them
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Oct 10, 2018 9:54 PM

Jun 2011
GlennMagusHarvey said:
here we go again, people on the internet again being afraid that other people on the internet have opinions they disagree with and claiming that other people are out to get them

Inclusion is for the weak. Persecute the outsiders.
I wish Cowboy Bebop never existed.
Oct 10, 2018 11:17 PM
Jul 2018
Any issue with a topic (insert subject here)gate

Western SJW's are likely to have finished their course before they even could have an influence on anime.

Its been happening for decades were uninspired corporate/political influence affects what anime is chosen.
My hero academia wouldn't happen without that.
Oct 10, 2018 11:57 PM
Jun 2015
Abominable said:
Any issue with a topic (insert subject here)gate

Western SJW's are likely to have finished their course before they even could have an influence on anime.

Its been happening for decades were uninspired corporate/political influence affects what anime is chosen.
My hero academia wouldn't happen without that.

No, this isn't true at all. Western SJWs are downstream useful idiots of the international cultural elite. This same elite is already attacking Japan with anti-nationalist propaganda, pro immigration propaganda and have already have Japan in their paws with the Japanese constitution. Anime is never going to be safe from them or Japanese culture. The fans of anime in all nations must resist and never finance the subversion SJW companies like Crunchyroll. If you support Crunchyroll or Funimation you are destroying anime.
Oct 11, 2018 9:18 AM

May 2009
Ahegyao said:
GlennMagusHarvey said:
here we go again, people on the internet again being afraid that other people on the internet have opinions they disagree with and claiming that other people are out to get them

Inclusion is for the weak. Persecute the outsiders.
How about no, you crazy xenophobe?
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
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