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Do people who have a mean score of over 7 like everything they watch?

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May 26, 2016 9:35 AM

Jul 2012
Assuming MALgraph is to be trusted the global average mean score on MAL is 7.14. That being said having a mean score over 7 is considered to be a completely average viewer.
Conversely you could argue that if the mean score is higher than 8.15 they're being too forgiving or generous, while conversely if you have a mean score below 6.15 you're probably too harsh and pessimistic.
As for the people who throw around 10s everyone has their own system, if their system is only score the shows they loved a 10 and leave everything else blank sure it throws off their mean score. But really it's not a system that's enforcing everyone to rate really anything at all.
But all these things basically fall under one large umbrella, people will rate however they want and they will generally gravitate towards shows they would enjoy. Thus will rate based on the enjoyment that was given. In addition as several people have said they won't even go through the trouble of adding a dropped show to their list and/or scoring it.
GamerDLMMay 26, 2016 9:38 AM
May 26, 2016 9:36 AM

Dec 2015
-Senpai- said:
RikkuSama said:
Yo look. You're talking about anime casuals, right?
They are more or less the opposite of anime elitists and elitists are imo people that don't enjoy anime... while anime casuals are the ones who pretty much enjoy everything. This means anime casuals wins.
I don't see any problem !

Watching mediocre series and call it masterpiece is not winning...

Hmm.. I feel it is. Cuz that's your opinion, but they also have an opinion.

May 26, 2016 9:39 AM

Jan 2014
Level of weebness has nothing to do with the way you rate what you watch afaik. And the way you rate what you watch differs from user to user: your definition of a 10 isn't the same as that of your neighbor, and their definition will differ from that of their neighbor (i.e. nope, 10 doesn't mean "le best of ALLTIEM" to everyone).

Also the mean score doesn't really mean much by itself, since there could be a variety of scenarii behind it that don't match your hypotheses: for eg. a user might have watched a number of average/decent shows, but their average score might be raised thanks to the few very good ones they've completed and rated highly. The number of anime watched, how wide their rating spectrum is, and lots of other variables to take into a consideration before making assumptions. (now that i think about it, maybe the median would be a better indicator?)

and like some ppl already said, if the users you're talking about "literally liked everything they watched" i can assure you their mean score would be muuch higher than just 7
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Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
May 26, 2016 9:41 AM

Sep 2015
RikkuSama said:
-Senpai- said:

Watching mediocre series and call it masterpiece is not winning...

Hmm.. I feel it is. Cuz that's your opinion, but they also have an opinion.

But their opinion is unvalidated because it doesn't resemble mine.
NasalShark said:
I'd love to squeeze your nipples until they look like a purple slushie, Senpai.

May 26, 2016 9:42 AM

Nov 2015
RikkuSama said:
Yo look. You're talking about anime casuals, right?
They are more or less the opposite of anime elitists and elitists are imo people that don't enjoy anime... while anime casuals are the ones who pretty much enjoy everything. This means anime casuals wins.
I don't see any problem !

Casuals? Nah..
I know plenty of so called 'elitists' who have a mean score over 7..
May 26, 2016 9:43 AM

Mar 2015
Maybe, just maybe we choose anime carefully based on our taste and preferences and when we find something that isn't as entertaining as we thought it would be, we drop it instead of sitting through it like a masochistic bitch.

There are at least 30/35 shows I tried watching but didn't end up liking them enough to sit through them. So, I dropped those by 4th/5th episode and never bothered to update my list and give those a rating.

On the contrary, I find people with mean score near or lower than 5 to be weird. Or, what's the point of watching shitty anime that you know you will never like and will never be good!
Unless of course, you are some sort of a professional critic or something.
May 26, 2016 10:17 AM

Apr 2014
out of the animes iv watched i given a 10 to the one IN MY OPINION gave me the best hype of excitment i ever had while watching it.

if i enjoyed something so much and loved it, it gets a 10 from me , regardless fo what you think, i dont give everything a 10, some animes are just meeh or eww or hey its good but not great.

its called having an opinion.
May 26, 2016 10:19 AM

May 2014
I think my mean score is around 9. You know why. I only watch things I think I'll enjoy. I'd almost argue that the "weebs" (which is a dumb term to use on this website of all places) are the people who have low average scores because they'll watch anything just because it's an anime. I have 213 completed shows with around a 9 average just cuz I enjoy everything I watch. I just really like anime. I don't force myself through a show I know I'll hate, so I don't have any low scores.
May 26, 2016 10:20 AM

Dec 2015
-Senpai- said:
RikkuSama said:

Hmm.. I feel it is. Cuz that's your opinion, but they also have an opinion.

But their opinion is unvalidated because it doesn't resemble mine.
Alright ! :(
Gesu- said:
RikkuSama said:
Yo look. You're talking about anime casuals, right?
They are more or less the opposite of anime elitists and elitists are imo people that don't enjoy anime... while anime casuals are the ones who pretty much enjoy everything. This means anime casuals wins.
I don't see any problem !

Casuals? Nah..
I know plenty of so called 'elitists' who have a mean score over 7..

Oooh really? Didn't know that ! Sorry then! I clarify what I said, and I change the term 'elitists' to 'people who rate anime as if they hated it'

May 26, 2016 10:27 AM

Mar 2012
zal said:
Mamster-P said:
Wtf? some ppl like me are just easily entertained, we love anime as a whole and dont gI've a shit to "criticize" what we watch
Then BlazBlue: Alter Memory must have been really awful since ruined your perfect mean score xD

OT: No, simply because the definition of weeb is not related to the score.

very rarely do i watch an anime and this, "wtf is this complete garbage?"

yea.... i did think that about blazblue
May 26, 2016 10:33 AM

Nov 2015
Doomdoctor said:

On the contrary, I find people with mean score near or lower than 5 to be weird. Or, what's the point of watching shitty anime that you know you will never like and will never be good!
Unless of course, you are some sort of a professional critic or something.

Why do people look at trainwrecks? Hell, sometimes they're even fun to look at..

Besides, don't need to be paid monthly to be critical of things..
May 26, 2016 10:38 AM

Jan 2015
Last time I rated an anime 10 was in 2015 summer season, last time I rated anime 9 was in 2016 winter season, last time I rated an anime 8 was 1 week ago....does it make me a weeaboo prince??? My mean score is 6.50+
May 26, 2016 10:39 AM

Jul 2013
Doesn't mean they are necessarily weebs, but more like people who enjoy a lot of things. Unless they (try to) speak Japanese in their daily life or are ashamed of not being Japanese, they are not weebs.
May 26, 2016 10:40 AM

Aug 2014
Gesu- said:
Doomdoctor said:

On the contrary, I find people with mean score near or lower than 5 to be weird. Or, what's the point of watching shitty anime that you know you will never like and will never be good!
Unless of course, you are some sort of a professional critic or something.

Why do people look at trainwrecks? Hell, sometimes they're even fun to look at..

Besides, don't need to be paid monthly to be critical of things..
True, but having a mean score of 3 or below while having over 500 shows watched means you clearly hate a majority of what you watch(ed), so why watch anime in the first place? A mean score of 5 is ok tho, since that essentially means you enjoyed half of what you watched and disliked the other half.
May 26, 2016 10:42 AM

Nov 2015
Snappynator said:
Gesu- said:

Why do people look at trainwrecks? Hell, sometimes they're even fun to look at..

Besides, don't need to be paid monthly to be critical of things..
True, but having a mean score of 3 or below while having over 500 shows watched means you clearly hate a majority of what you watch(ed), so why watch anime in the first place? A mean score of 5 is ok tho, since that essentially means you enjoyed half of what you watched and disliked the other half.

People with mean scores of below 4 are slightly messed up in the head tho tbh..
Obligatory: @Deago
May 26, 2016 10:44 AM

Dec 2014
my mean score is like 7.50
1-5 ratings are pretty much non-existent to me because 6 is bad enough. If it was a 5 or less, I wouldn't have watched it in the first place.
May 26, 2016 10:47 AM

Mar 2015
Gesu- said:
Doomdoctor said:

On the contrary, I find people with mean score near or lower than 5 to be weird. Or, what's the point of watching shitty anime that you know you will never like and will never be good!
Unless of course, you are some sort of a professional critic or something.

Why do people look at trainwrecks? Hell, sometimes they're even fun to look at..

Besides, don't need to be paid monthly to be critical of things..

For me, most trainwrecks don't fall into the "So bad it'd Good(or entertaining)" category. While sometimes bad anime can be a pretty entertaining watch like many ecchi shows. But I fail to see the point or appeal of completing a boring and bad anime or an anime that I know, I won't like.

Heck, I even dropped UBW second season not because I thought of it as a boring or a bad anime (I didn't), but because the overall themes and execution was beyond my comfort zone(and I disliked Shirou).
May 26, 2016 10:50 AM
Jun 2015
Orevataf said:
It could but not necessarily. For example, if you really know what you like you tend to become really good at choosing shows with time. So even before I watch a show, there's a strong probability that I'm going to like it. Shows below 7 tend to not feature in my list because I smelled bullshit and never watched them to begin with.

This. I have such a high mean score because I watch series I know I'll probably enjoy beforehand.
May 26, 2016 10:54 AM

Dec 2015
I dont know man, I am just lil bit above 7. So I dont even know what to think lel
May 26, 2016 10:58 AM

Feb 2016
You have to consider also the number of anime seen by that person, cause usually the first chosen are always the best in term of tastes (as i did) then you start picking a lil bit of everything and the rating goes down
May 26, 2016 11:01 AM
Jan 2013
Anyone who scores at all is a weeb
gone bai bai
May 26, 2016 11:02 AM
Apr 2016
Everything is relative, ask for their reasoning if anything....
May 26, 2016 11:04 AM

Mar 2015
Grades are just grades, weebs and elitists doesen't exist ;)
May 26, 2016 11:09 AM

Aug 2015
Is this b8? >.>

@Gesu- , what makes you think people with mean score lower then 7 aren't weebs or haters?
May 26, 2016 11:18 AM

Nov 2015
Z-Dante said:
Is this b8? >.>

@Gesu- , what makes you think people with mean score lower then 7 aren't weebs or haters?

They're weebs too.
It's just that they fall into a higher position in the weeb hierarchy..
May 26, 2016 11:19 AM

Oct 2015
lol that thread title


On topic: I think people with high mean scores just use the rating system differently. Doesn't reflect on their standards or intelligence.
May 26, 2016 11:28 AM

Aug 2015
Gesu- said:
Z-Dante said:
@Gesu- , what makes you think people with mean score lower then 7 aren't weebs or haters?

They're weebs too.
It's just that they fall into a higher position in the weeb hierarchy..
Before we had just weebs and elitists... Now we have different level among them too >.> ?
May 26, 2016 11:33 AM

Oct 2015
A variety of factors which have already been addressed for the most part. Some people simply like to enjoy their shows and not care about anything else. Others may have a different rating system from the standard. There are also those newer to the medium and/or those whose taste has yet to be refined.

None of the above is necessarily wrong.
May 26, 2016 11:38 AM

Nov 2015
Z-Dante said:
Gesu- said:

They're weebs too.
It's just that they fall into a higher position in the weeb hierarchy..
Before we had just weebs and elitists... Now we have different level among them too >.> ?

If you have a mean score > 5 and have all of the 'big 6' elitist anime in your favorites you're top of the table stuff m8..
May 26, 2016 11:46 AM

Feb 2013
They're just numbers xD People get too worked up over this.

Thinking ratings make someone a superior person and fan is just silly.

Just chill and enjoy the animu's! Or don't enjoy them xD Either way is fine.
May 26, 2016 11:47 AM
Aug 2015
I have a mean score of 7.68, but the catch is that I usually watch anime with a score over an 8, with a few couple exceptions here and there.
May 26, 2016 11:48 AM

Jan 2016
I'm just picky, i can lower it pretty fast if i begin to watch ecchi and harem shows.
May 26, 2016 11:49 AM

May 2015
GamerDLM said:
Assuming MALgraph is to be trusted the global average mean score on MAL is 7.14.

Yay I'm nearly exactly on the mean

A+ - 9/10 A - 9 A- - 8 B+ - 8 B - 7 B- - 7 C+ - 6 C - 6 C- - 5 D - < 5

I want it to be possible for my opinion to be able to be compared to the mean score on mal
May 26, 2016 11:55 AM

May 2015
The purpose of any show is to entertain,toy with your emotions and a lot of other stuff. If the show managed to hit that mark then by all means I would give it a 7 only those that really went deep and captivated the viewer would get a 9 or 10.I rate my shows based on enjoyment and based on the factors above.What intrigues me is why do you even care about other people's rating?
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May 26, 2016 11:56 AM
Oct 2014
People with a mean score over 7 are people with a mean score over 7. That's all you can generalize about them.

Maybe they use a different scoring system that tends to cluster toward the top end of the scale. Maybe they're good at choosing which anime to watch. Maybe they haven't watched much anime and their high score means they haven't had time to get tired of the tropes and cliches. Maybe they've just gotten lucky and haven't seen any shows to bring their score down.

Without objective, firmly enforced guidelines about how to rate a show, a person's average rating is simply a curiosity, nothing more. And I don't see MAL getting objective, firmly enforced guidelines any time soon. Nor would I want them to.
May 26, 2016 12:01 PM

Jul 2015
So, am i considered a weeb because of my score?
May 26, 2016 12:01 PM

May 2013
My mean score is 6.97. Yes!!

I'm safe.
May 26, 2016 12:03 PM

Sep 2015
My mean score is like, 8-something, but that's mostly because I'm not too deep into the guidelines that MAL puts by the numbers for the ratings because I think it kind of lowballs it.

I just think of it being like 10 would be scoring a 100 on a test, 9 would be scoring a 90, 8 would be scoring an 80, and so forth. Basically, I don't think 5 is a good rating for average because an average anime to me would still be a passing grade, just not with flying colors. Not a 5/10 or anything, that feels way too low.

So that's probably why my mean score is higher than most, I think, not because I'm a megaweeb who is madly in love with everything he watches. An 8/10 means very good to some people, but it's just easier for me to visualize that anime as being a "B" as a letter grade and so I rate it accordingly.

May 26, 2016 12:06 PM

Mar 2013
I think it's more psychological than anything else. I know it was with me. I didn't want to give anything too low of a score simply because I thought it was mediocre. So if something is mediocre and you give it a 7, anything you like more than that is higher and anything you think sucks you turn off, you're gonna have a very high mean score.

Also it has to do with people who have just watched less things. If you've only watched 20 shows, you probably gave all of them killer ratings(and they were probably the more popular/highly rated works) or you hated them and will never watch anime again and never signed up for MAL in the first place.
May 26, 2016 12:08 PM

Feb 2015
I Think my Mean Score is 8 or higher.

I mean, I only watch Anime or Read manga that I have some information on before hand, that way I know out of the gate that it will be some worth the watch.
I mean every anime will have it's fan and I can't blame anyone who just love's and rate's everything with a 10, does their score affect me? No.

Also I think Lisbon nailed it../thread
May 26, 2016 12:14 PM

Jan 2012
In my case, i rate them based in enjoyment.
So maybe many of the animes i have watched doesn't really deserve a 10, but i truly enjoyed them.
I only rate below a 7 when the anime doesn't have something interesting (i try to avoid the ones that i think i wont like)

May 26, 2016 12:15 PM

Jul 2014
Being a weeb more or less means that you think Japan is an absolutely flawless culture, and that all cultures pale in comparison to it. Liking anime so that your score is above 7 just means that you usually like most of the anime you watch, and it has no bearing on how highly you view Japan as a whole.

People really need to stop finding new excuses just to insult others for their own enjoyment...Liking anime to any extent, great or small, doesn't mean "You're a weeaboo"...

Also, because relevant:
AzureNatlis99May 26, 2016 12:22 PM
If most toxic anime fans' criteria and standards for considering problematic instances in anime "acceptable" were made into books, they'd be full of plot holes.
May 26, 2016 12:24 PM
Jul 2018
I don't buy the whole "I have a high mean because I know how to pick my anime."
Let's face it, I've been watching anime longer than some of these users have been alive. Do they honestly think they know how to pick their shows better than me? Yeah, right...

You have a high mean score because you don't respect the MAL rating scale and think that every mediocre title deserves a 7 or even an 8. And that's fine. You do you. Just remember that every time you give a shitty show a high score just because, you're basically making it hard for people like me who rate according to the guidelines.

But MAL ratings don't mean crap anyway. What happens if an anime just randomly attracts the "hurr durr, give everything a 10" crowd?
What happens when you put it next to an anime that attracted mostly the "5 = average" guys?

The system is messed up. Screw MAL ratings.
May 26, 2016 12:25 PM

Aug 2010
Because I only finish shows that I like, long has gone time where I tortured myself with shows that I don't like so I can just mark it as finished and put it on my list. If I don't find something at least "fine" or "good" I will not finish it, will drop it or put it on hold but won't log it it most cases, only time when I log something as dropped is if I really disliked it.

"One must die and one must live. No victory, no defeat. The survivor will carry on the fight. It is our destiny... The one who survives will inherit the title of Boss. And the one who inherits the title of Boss will face an existence of endless battle."

May 26, 2016 12:31 PM

Jul 2015
lol I have a mean score of: 8.09 so what am I. People with a high mean score watch anime they like and if they don't like an anime they dropped it.

That's how easy it is.
IruMay 26, 2016 12:35 PM
May 26, 2016 12:32 PM

Aug 2015
Weeb=Someone that's crazy about Japanese culture (aka Japan).

So how does a high average score make you a weeb?
Doesn't that mean that the person in specific is someone that really enjoys anime a lot? ;P

But I'm not going to deny that I'm a weeb, tho, lolz.

And what some guys allready said the most obivious reason w hy average scores are high is, because most people tend to avoid the series they don't like.

I for example avoid comedy and ''cheesy?'' anime.

May 26, 2016 12:36 PM

Dec 2012
I don't score comparatively. Just because I gave Monster a 10 doesn't mean I can't give K-On the same score. MAL's rating system is but an over simplified reflection of my very complex thoughts towards shows, as I tailor scores to match the contents of the shows. So if I enjoyed a comedy, I won't say "not deep enough, 5/10." No, I score on how funny it was.
May 26, 2016 12:37 PM

Apr 2014
Seeing that 7 in my book means OK, so a show that isn't special or something, I don't see why I would be a weeb because my margins of rating things are different.
May 26, 2016 12:40 PM
Nov 2014
Better question would be, why do people with a mean score below 6.5 even watch anime if they don't like it?

And the reason why I have a more or less high mean score is that I read what the anime is about before watching it. So I'm pretty much only watching things that I might like, and ignore everything that I don't. It'd be stupid to waste my time on things I don't think I'd like, when I have plenty of things that I know I will enjoy.
May 26, 2016 12:43 PM

Dec 2014
Some people just aren't impossible to please, unlike some people on this website
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