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how many of your favorite characters are evil?

how many of your favorite characters are evil?
May 12, 2:12 AM

Jan 2009
i notice only android 18 is the evil character on my faves so far but she is reformed now though so how about you?

and if you have many evil favorite characters does it tell something about you? what about the opposite does it mean youre a saint?
degMay 12, 2:18 AM
May 12, 2:13 AM

Feb 2020
Zero (0). Gaaruru can be a little bit mischievous sometimes, but she's not really evil.

SerafosMay 12, 2:18 AM
May 12, 2:16 AM

May 2019
Only one and just because she was possesed by a demon, Queen Aldra from Queen's Blade.
May 12, 2:17 AM
Aug 2018
None of my characters are truly evil, irredeemable, or future hell dwellers.
May 12, 2:25 AM

Dec 2022
None of them. Sunako and Fremy are far from morally pure, but they don't possess that malevolence and indiscriminate vindictiveness that characterises a properly evil character.

Shaded Horizon

May 12, 10:04 AM

Feb 2020
Only Junko is the outright evil one among my favourite.
May 12, 10:53 AM

Oct 2010
I have 0 evil characters in my favs unlike most people who have evil ones but they say they are good.
May 12, 11:24 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to Catalano
I have 0 evil characters in my favs unlike most people who have evil ones but they say they are good.
@Catalano you got light, eren and makima in your faves lol

anyway if youre talking about me i never said im a saint i consider myself lesser evil

i notice youre making me your enemy keep it up villain
May 14, 1:29 AM

Jan 2023
Most of my favorite characters are good people, but for some of them it's a bit more complicated.

Yami definitely has a very dark past, even though I'd say she is now a good person.
Masuzu and Nyaruko both make some things that are fairly questionable but I think we can see them as good people overall.
May 14, 1:44 AM

Jan 2019
Askeladd is the only one of my faves I'd consider evil

May 14, 7:17 AM

Mar 2012
None, I have only one favorite character and he's not evil #ConradDidNothingWrong
May 14, 7:55 AM

Jan 2020
Only L's boyfriend. And Guts is just Guts.
May 14, 8:08 AM

Jun 2020
No one. I only like nice characters.
May 14, 8:11 AM

Aug 2020
None, they all did good things in their lives.

May 14, 8:11 AM

Dec 2018
Sailor Galaxia was a witch.
Also Rintaro Okabe if he counts since he's a mad scientist.

May 14, 8:17 AM

Aug 2018
Only 2 I think. Johan Liebert and Light Yagami

"The most amazing and interesting story in this world ever existed is the story of the world itself where all stories happened"
-Hassaan Lightstone-
May 14, 8:18 AM
Oct 2019
Akane Minagawa
Yomi Isayama
Hanekawa (if you count Black Hanekawa)
Meiko Shiraki and Sayo Minakami for being antagonist in their respective stories. Though that doesn't necessarily put them evil I would have the same argument about Black Hanekawa.
May 14, 8:19 AM

Nov 2023
Most of them are like morally grey at worse
May 14, 8:25 AM

Jul 2016
Many of them, villainous dommy mommies are the best.
May 14, 8:33 AM
May 2021
Most of my favourite characters have committed evil deeds, yet they aren't outright evil. They exist in shades of evil. All of them are morally grey and complex.
May 14, 8:33 AM

Jan 2020
Well, given the alignments of each one:

True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, True Neutral, Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Good, Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Neutral Good.

Nope, none of them is evil.
May 15, 6:17 AM

Jan 2023
Xellos maybe.

Akemi Homura could be, depending on how you look at she, heh.
May 15, 6:25 AM

Jun 2019
They all operate on a basis which conforms with their own internal logic. Just like all people out in the 3D "real" world. So none. I certainly wouldn't say any are "evil".

But the concept inherently lacks legitimacy and validity to me. It isn't something tangible. It's a mythological construct, best reserved for old mythology and Biblical texts. "Evil" is more how some people view others' actions, especially when they lack the basis to understand them, or said actions are extremely detrimental to their own well-being and interests, or both. It's more how a person or people are viewed and described by others. Not how they view themselves and what motivates them themselves.

It's on par with attributing lightning to the work of fierce and angry gods in the clouds because the actual tangible material and scientific basis for it was previously not known and understood.
WatchTillTandavaMay 15, 6:29 AM
May 15, 8:12 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to WatchTillTandava
They all operate on a basis which conforms with their own internal logic. Just like all people out in the 3D "real" world. So none. I certainly wouldn't say any are "evil".

But the concept inherently lacks legitimacy and validity to me. It isn't something tangible. It's a mythological construct, best reserved for old mythology and Biblical texts. "Evil" is more how some people view others' actions, especially when they lack the basis to understand them, or said actions are extremely detrimental to their own well-being and interests, or both. It's more how a person or people are viewed and described by others. Not how they view themselves and what motivates them themselves.

It's on par with attributing lightning to the work of fierce and angry gods in the clouds because the actual tangible material and scientific basis for it was previously not known and understood.
@WatchTillTandava That quite the in depth analysis of the word evil, but I think for most people it just means "deliberately harmful"
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
May 15, 9:09 AM

Jun 2019
Zarutaku said:
That quite the in depth analysis of the word evil, but I think for most people it just means "deliberately harmful"

Yes, but what many people choose to describe and define as "deliberately harmful" as opposed to not is extremely self-serving and selective, because for most people it's a term designed and utilized to "other" people who go against and threaten their own material self-interest while absolving themselves or anyone or anything in service of their own interests and advancement of the need to be placed in the same "evil" category with all its associated stigma and baggage.

The way that most people use it, whether referring to fictional characters or actual offscreen people, has always also to me had an implication of something somehow beyond and outside of humanity - something unnatural, whereas in reality every single conceivable thing a human could ever do or even think to do is as natural as anything a whale, lemur, or slime mold could do. Yet using this term has this moralistic mythological bent to it which seems to seek to imply that some actions or intentions are demonic, fantastical, magical, etc., rather than just normal nature and biology in flux.

Obviously in anime, and also in other mediums which give life to fiction, there are sometimes supernatural and non-human entities which are given personhood as characters and they may be conceived of and designed to be and fill out the role of what constitutes "evil" in the colloquial usage and popular imagination - maybe by the original writer and creator themselves. But I just think it's a flawed concept at its root.

You mentioned "deliberately harmful", but someone can seek to be deliberately harmful because it serves, in their mind, some greater good and is preferable to the alternative of not doing whatever it is. I would say not "deliberately harmful", but "cruelty for the sake of cruelty" - as in, the cruelty alone is the point and nothing else, which best epitomizes what the meat of the word is trying to get at. Not for proactive defense, not for revenge or imposition of subjective justice, not for wealth or power or lust or envy or rage. But purely for the infliction of suffering for its own sake. But in reality, even that has a cause, so while I understand how it is used colloquially and why it is used that way, I think it just oversimplifies at the expense of accuracy.

WatchTillTandavaMay 15, 9:13 AM
May 15, 11:19 AM
Oct 2019
Only one is definitively evil. One of them is kinda made to look like a villain in his earlier appearances, but isn't actually that bad, and two of them were killing machines 6,000+ years ago, but they're fine now.

So I guess just one, but if you ask Schwi fans, they'd say at least two.
May 15, 12:08 PM

Aug 2018
Makima & Esdeath are the only characters which I would consider evil, though Reinhard & Roberta are probably too morally grey to be outright good while at the same time not outright evil.
May 15, 12:11 PM
Jul 2018
Nanachi could probably make a defense, but Fran is pretty much evil.
May 15, 12:35 PM

Apr 2022
The one above all. I don't need another

Hey dude
May 15, 1:25 PM

Jan 2021
2 evil dudes, both standing at the top of the list
May 15, 1:38 PM

May 2018
Haruo Niijima
Ryouko Hakubi (being an ex space pirate and all)
Spike Spiegel (as an ex member of The Syndicate)
Doronjo-sama (yeah, the purest form of sexy and evil in one body...a bit incompetent tho)

So kinda-lika four.
May 15, 1:56 PM

Apr 2015
2, but it is a point of view... 4 if you open for Chaotic neutral lol
May 15, 3:48 PM

Jul 2013
I dont like evil must be insane to like evil characters lol...

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