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name an anime that looks great despite it's clearly low budget

Jul 15, 2023 5:21 PM

Oct 2019
making gold from copper kind of deal.

when it's clear that the director and by extension staff were good enough to make the show look great when they were clearly not given a lot to work with.

either with pure style, or cutting the exact right corners for it to still work.

for me it's by far and beyond Mars Red (which you should totally watch by the way, it's easily the most underappreciated anime on this website. if you are a fan of "show don't tell" or further more, if you are a fan of "stage plays" which is what the show is based on, you are going to LOVE it. also the soundtrack is a 10/10)

it's clear that the show didn't have the biggest budget. the movement of the characters is kept to the bare minimum, and even then they STILL had to use cgi for larger crowds. 

but purely with it's art, and direction, it manages to look far better than your average anime. 


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Jul 15, 2023 5:25 PM
Jun 2007
I have a hard time judging budget, but last season's Isekai One Turn Kill Neesan really stood out to me in that way. i mean the first 5 or so episodes had a extremely garbage OP with chibi stills over a seemingly cheap track, then they got the "proper" OP. Animation quality at peak was absurd, ED was extremely good and I actually watched the whole thing (still not sure why). It sticks out like a sore thumb in all the weirdest ways to me.

E: maybe that's more a case of mismanagement, and i think that also applies to the monogatari series. BECK always looked "cheap" to me but I truly love the style. Might be a better pick. Usually a truly good show no matter the timeframe can compensate for budget with stylistic choices.
utamaruJul 15, 2023 5:30 PM
Jul 15, 2023 5:31 PM
Aug 2018
Ping pong the animation. The low budget works in its favor.
Jul 15, 2023 5:33 PM

Oct 2019
bpcrash said:
Ping pong the animation. The low budget works in its favor.
you sure that has low budget?

I haven't watched it, but from the clips I have seen it just seems like a show with a weird art style... not something that would be low budget. the animation seemed pretty smooth from what I remember, kinda like mob psycho, sketchy and simple look, but great animation.
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Jul 15, 2023 5:33 PM

Dec 2013
utamaru said:
I have a hard time judging budget, but last season's Isekai One Turn Kill Neesan really stood out to me in that way. i mean the first 5 or so episodes had a extremely garbage OP with chibi stills over a seemingly cheap track, then they got the "proper" OP. Animation quality at peak was absurd, ED was extremely good and I actually watched the whole thing (still not sure why). It sticks out like a sore thumb in all the weirdest ways to me.

E: maybe that's more a case of mismanagement, and i think that also applies to the monogatari series. BECK always looked "cheap" to me but I truly love the style. Might be a better pick. Usually a truly good show no matter the timeframe can compensate for budget with stylistic choices.
Monogatari Series had a. massive budget as a matter of fact, with star-filled cast and ungodly animation. 
It still remains as one of the most successful shows ever released and its sales are basically second to none too. 
SHAFT been flexxin' both the budget and animation abilities. 
Jul 15, 2023 5:34 PM
Jun 2007
LacrimaMosa666 said:
utamaru said:
I have a hard time judging budget, but last season's Isekai One Turn Kill Neesan really stood out to me in that way. i mean the first 5 or so episodes had a extremely garbage OP with chibi stills over a seemingly cheap track, then they got the "proper" OP. Animation quality at peak was absurd, ED was extremely good and I actually watched the whole thing (still not sure why). It sticks out like a sore thumb in all the weirdest ways to me.

E: maybe that's more a case of mismanagement, and i think that also applies to the monogatari series. BECK always looked "cheap" to me but I truly love the style. Might be a better pick. Usually a truly good show no matter the timeframe can compensate for budget with stylistic choices.
Monogatari Series had a. massive budget as a matter of fact, with star-filled cast and ungodly animation. 
It still remains as one of the most successful shows ever released and its sales are basically second to none too. 
SHAFT been flexxin' both the budget and animation abilities. 
I mean that it was mismanaged in places, not that it had a small budget. Used it more as an example.
Jul 15, 2023 5:39 PM

Oct 2019
utamaru said:
I have a hard time judging budget, but last season's Isekai One Turn Kill Neesan really stood out to me in that way. i mean the first 5 or so episodes had a extremely garbage OP with chibi stills over a seemingly cheap track, then they got the "proper" OP. Animation quality at peak was absurd, ED was extremely good and I actually watched the whole thing (still not sure why). It sticks out like a sore thumb in all the weirdest ways to me.

E: maybe that's more a case of mismanagement, and i think that also applies to the monogatari series. BECK always looked "cheap" to me but I truly love the style. Might be a better pick. Usually a truly good show no matter the timeframe can compensate for budget with stylistic choices.
if we're talking mismanaged budget, I think not doing CSM's action in full 2d is the biggest example of that.

not that it looks bad as it is, but they had enough money to make 12 different eds!!

they had 0 reasons to cut corners there knowing how much the anime community hates cgi, specially with them aiming for an international success 
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Jul 15, 2023 5:41 PM

Aug 2020
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040. It lacks movements but has spectacular colours and dark shading making up for that. And the OP is fire (use headphones)
Jul 15, 2023 5:42 PM

Sep 2018
The dark and shoujo-esque atmosphere of Baraou no Souretsu looks amazing to me. This anime is clearly low budget: it relies on still frames quite a lot, reminding me of the old classic Kanashimi no Belladonna.
Jul 15, 2023 5:46 PM
Aug 2018
APolygons2 said:
bpcrash said:
Ping pong the animation. The low budget works in its favor.
you sure that has low budget?

I haven't watched it, but from the clips I have seen it just seems like a show with a weird art style... not something that would be low budget. the animation seemed pretty smooth from what I remember, kinda like mob psycho, sketchy and simple look, but great animation.
I do believe it was a low budget but I don't know for sure. That was what I got from watching it, even though I also found the sketchy/simple look nice. There were some questionable instances of reused animation, and to be honest the clips you probably saw were the moments where they had to make it count. But they really made the whole thing work though, in my opinion.
Jul 15, 2023 5:49 PM

Oct 2019
Nirinbo said:
The dark and shoujo-esque atmosphere of Baraou no Souretsu looks amazing to me. This anime is clearly low budget: it relies on still frames quite a lot, reminding me of the old classic Kanashimi no Belladonna.
I actually really wanted to watch that one for this exact reason.

but everyone said it's REALLY rushed. so I skipped it. 
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Jul 15, 2023 5:54 PM

Aug 2020
Ping Pong the Animation is the closest one. The odd style makes things even cooler.

Jul 15, 2023 5:55 PM

Aug 2020
And I just read what you said about Ping Pong so let me add Beck. The animation is quite bad sometimes but the story is good.

Jul 15, 2023 6:46 PM

Sep 2018
APolygons2 said:
Nirinbo said:
The dark and shoujo-esque atmosphere of Baraou no Souretsu looks amazing to me. This anime is clearly low budget: it relies on still frames quite a lot, reminding me of the old classic Kanashimi no Belladonna.
I actually really wanted to watch that one for this exact reason.

but everyone said it's REALLY rushed. so I skipped it. 

It is rushed, it's as if the entirety of AoT were adapted in 48 episodes (wrong example, that would actually be an improvement).

The manga is the best way to have a better understanding of the story, but I still think that the anime is worth watching for the things that only anime can do, and I don't say this for every adaptation. The anime has a bigger issue though: censorship at a very crucial moment of the story, that is impossible to defend.
Jul 15, 2023 6:50 PM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
For example, Kemomo Friends has its own weird charm in that animation. It doesn't look so good but at the same time it does. Dunno how to explain.
Jul 15, 2023 7:11 PM

Aug 2016
The first season of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Part 1 and Part 2 adaptation). The usage of still shots, color changes and SFX was cleverly made, probably compensating for the lack of actual animation during this particular season.
"Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!" - Bill & Ted´s Excellent Adventure

Check my introduction to Char´s Counterattack interest stack if you´re interested in watching UC Gundam. Also check my Legend of the Galactic Heroes OVA Chronological Watch Order for LoGH info!
Jul 15, 2023 8:25 PM

Jan 2021
Neon Genesis Evangelion, like the production was so low in budget that the last couple of episodes were done with a lot of stills and reused scenes and even crayons, but the mecha fights of the earlier episodes were so incredibly well animated, that I got very surprised because I knew the reputation about Evangelion having "bad animation", but Anno's incredible direction managed to turn said blatant budget limitations in a unique minimalist aestethic that I just adore.
Jul 15, 2023 8:33 PM

Oct 2019
Ionliosite2 said:
Neon Genesis Evangelion, like the production was so low in budget that the last couple of episodes were done with a lot of stills and reused scenes and even crayons, but the mecha fights of the earlier episodes were so incredibly well animated, that I got very surprised because I knew the reputation about Evangelion having "bad animation", but Anno's incredible direction managed to turn said blatant budget limitations in a unique minimalist aestethic that I just adore.
I have been always so confused by that.

eva clearly has some cut corners, but I genuinely think it's a great looking show. I absolutely can not understand what are people complaining about.

maybe if end of eva didn't exist, I would get the hate for the ending, but well, it does exist so...
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Jul 15, 2023 8:45 PM

Apr 2021
Gotta love people getting to talk about shows having """""""clearly"""""" low budgets as if they are able to completely tell how much money each project had, even though animation is not some sort of gacha dispenser where you get more quality proportionate to how much you spend. Animation is a hard work, and there are way too many factors involved that ultimately decide how a show will look, specially in an industry as bad as anime's.
APolygons2 said:
utamaru said:
I have a hard time judging budget, but last season's Isekai One Turn Kill Neesan really stood out to me in that way. i mean the first 5 or so episodes had a extremely garbage OP with chibi stills over a seemingly cheap track, then they got the "proper" OP. Animation quality at peak was absurd, ED was extremely good and I actually watched the whole thing (still not sure why). It sticks out like a sore thumb in all the weirdest ways to me.

E: maybe that's more a case of mismanagement, and i think that also applies to the monogatari series. BECK always looked "cheap" to me but I truly love the style. Might be a better pick. Usually a truly good show no matter the timeframe can compensate for budget with stylistic choices.
if we're talking mismanaged budget, I think not doing CSM's action in full 2d is the biggest example of that.

not that it looks bad as it is, but they had enough money to make 12 different eds!!

they had 0 reasons to cut corners there knowing how much the anime community hates cgi, specially with them aiming for an international success 

1. Chainsaw Man having multiple EDs had zero impact on the series' quality, specially since most of the time, OPs and EDs are made completely separately, with different staff from the main series. Even for JJK, the anime does not look like the openings.

2. Using CG, even if it's extensive, does not equal "cutting corners". There was an interview a few months ago with the CG World magazine showing how they made THREE different models for Denji, with varying levels of detail depending on how close he would be to the camera. That does not sound like "cutting corners" to me.
Jul 15, 2023 9:15 PM

Oct 2013
I think Kill la Kill, despite looking gorgeous and having good animation full of crazy sequences, had budget not as high as many would've thought. At least I read the studio didn't have huge budget. Heck, I even read they had slightly lower budget than many seasonal shows from back then.
Jul 15, 2023 9:15 PM

Oct 2019
Oongbuh said:
Gotta love people getting to talk about shows having """""""clearly"""""" low budgets as if they are able to completely tell how much money each project had, even though animation is not some sort of gacha dispenser where you get more quality proportionate to how much you spend. Animation is a hard work, and there are way too many factors involved that ultimately decide how a show will look, specially in an industry as bad as anime's.
APolygons2 said:
if we're talking mismanaged budget, I think not doing CSM's action in full 2d is the biggest example of that.

not that it looks bad as it is, but they had enough money to make 12 different eds!!

they had 0 reasons to cut corners there knowing how much the anime community hates cgi, specially with them aiming for an international success 

1. Chainsaw Man having multiple EDs had zero impact on the series' quality, specially since most of the time, OPs and EDs are made completely separately, with different staff from the main series. Even for JJK, the anime does not look like the openings.

2. Using CG, even if it's extensive, does not equal "cutting corners". There was an interview a few months ago with the CG World magazine showing how they made THREE different models for Denji, with varying levels of detail depending on how close he would be to the camera. That does not sound like "cutting corners" to me.
Mars red which was my example, did clearly have a low budget.

it would be very obvious if you had seen it. yes it is always some guess work, but that doesn't mean telling is impossible. using  ""Clearly"" is just a small exaggeration, since we can never know the exact numbers.

yes the eds are done by different teams.... but I was talking about budget. and money is money no matter where you throw it.

if it's not cutting corners, then it's just a bad choice. CSM gains nothing from having 3 character models. you argue that the weight ed metal can give helped the katana man vs chainsaw man fight, but that is the only place it could even be argued.

even if there are 3 models, it's still bad budget management. pouring money into creating 3 separate models when doing it in all 2d would be better.

I am not against cgi. I think if used well it can be a huge improvement. but this just felt dumb, it felt like they used it when it wasn't necessary. and they didn't do anything to make it work as well as, or better than 2d.

there are countless anime that are better looking because they used 3d. 

attack on titan s1, demon slayer, death parade, every orange show, X&Y, 86, highschool of the dead....

in these shows 3d was used to either make shots that would be extremely expensive, or impossible to do in 2d. 

one thing that never works well, is switching the character model from 2d to 3d. it just doesn't work unless you're really good at hiding it. 

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Jul 15, 2023 9:19 PM

Oct 2019
Galletita said:
The first season of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Part 1 and Part 2 adaptation). The usage of still shots, color changes and SFX was cleverly made, probably compensating for the lack of actual animation during this particular season.
honestly, super true.

they arguably look better than part 6 just because of that alone. even though part 6 clearly had a lot more money poured into it.
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Jul 16, 2023 1:03 AM

Apr 2023
What does "looking low budget" even mean? I feel like thats kinda pointless without sources.

So i´ll provide one:

Average Budget, but still. OPM S1 still looked great with that.
Jul 16, 2023 1:14 AM
Jul 2018
Revolutionary Girl Utena has some solid visuals considering the amount of reused and slightly tweaked shots and sequences it has.

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