Jul 27, 2016 8:23 AM
1. We she ever get any good development(by good development i mean good personal development, not just walking with Hayate like she's DLC of Hayate.exe)? 2. If so, which episode(s)? 3. Will she have anything to do with main plot of the show? 4. How many total lines will she have in future episodes(not counting "Hayate!", "So fast", "Beautiful..." etc, that just repeater, not actual lines)? Yes i'm not happy with how writers treat Mirage, and that's nothing to do with winning or losing the triangle. Today is July 27, let's see when will she can finally have some actual development or writers just like to treat her like shit. |
D-JoeJul 27, 2016 8:30 AM
Jul 30, 2016 4:55 AM
I hope she will get one otherwise this series can just be renamed "Macross Freyja" |
Jul 31, 2016 7:56 AM
Oh hey, in episode 18 she had like 6 lines, what a improvement compare to episode 17! |
Jul 31, 2016 8:48 AM
the thing you called 'deveploment' is meaningless, cause she will autowin when Freyja died. |
Jul 31, 2016 9:52 AM
alyya said: the thing you called 'deveploment' is meaningless, cause she will autowin when Freyja died. Meaningless win if she had no development at all. |
Jul 31, 2016 12:09 PM
alyya said: the thing you called 'deveploment' is meaningless, cause she will autowin when Freyja died. Why would she ever autowin when hayate's interest is all towards Freyja and he could care less about Mirage at all. |
Aug 2, 2016 6:04 AM
Aug 2, 2016 6:41 AM
I really hope for more development and more scene for mirage. Its unfair she still hasnt get any meaningful scene. As for relationship with hayate, i'm a bit hopeless for this. I sincerely hope she will win hayate..but the way the writer treats her makes her chance very slim. And that crying scene in ep 16...daammn that breaks my heart |
Aug 2, 2016 9:08 AM
That's just Kawamori way. Need I remind you? MC meets a playful EXCITING Idol and they get into trouble Oh look fireworks Now openly in front of someone who starts showing affection for MC and is clearly interested in him: Then the said rival ends up eavesdropping upon a lovely scene, starts crying and then procceeds to get herself drunk: Meanwhile The MC and the exciting Idol have what pretty much amounts to unspoken love confession over a celebration (P.S. this is the second to last episode, literally) An episode latter, the finale: Wow, who would have thunk, the more mature, less "exciting", non idol girl won. Now let's repeat the same pattern for every single macross show(except 7 where, really, music won, with the platonic friendship with an older alien girl as a runner up) Its kind of hilarious that in terms of Delta you can literally see same scenes from that spoiler already. To answer the OP, Mirage is bound to get focus once Lady M is revealed, since at least two or three relevant people with M in her name are from her family. ZetaZaku said: Or maybe it will just end like Frontier and Hayate will pick the wind over any girl. Watch the movies. They also explained already that the wings quote has nothng to do with triangle choice. |
AhenshihaelAug 2, 2016 9:15 AM
Aug 2, 2016 9:27 AM
Yeah its messed up how they are treating mirage at this point like a side character but hey if they are trying to give screen time to freyja because she is meant to die later I understand. But give mirage a bone too all she got from this series so far is a friendly hug and some misunderstandings. Well alto from macross f called ranka's name a bunch of times too and had his attention for awhile in the show, but sheryl still won so let's be patient ep 20 might be the turn around for mirage. |
Aug 2, 2016 12:05 PM
Hallowghoul said: Yeah its messed up how they are treating mirage at this point like a side character but hey if they are trying to give screen time to freyja because she is meant to die later I understand. But give mirage a bone too all she got from this series so far is a friendly hug and some misunderstandings. Well alto from macross f called ranka's name a bunch of times too and had his attention for awhile in the show, but sheryl still won so let's be patient ep 20 might be the turn around for mirage. Sheryl still had a lot more interactions and development than Mirage... |
Aug 2, 2016 6:07 PM
Yeah let's hope they'll follow the same pattern. Actually i think there's still hope for mirage. Even tho she doesn't get much focus on ep 17 and 18, they still add small detail where mirage stares in jealousy in those eps. That can be somekind of hint that they will make her comeback in later eps. Maybe because she can't hold her feelings anymore. |
Aug 3, 2016 1:39 AM
Well I wouldn't exactly say that Mirage is out of the running, anything can happen. I don't mind Frejya being the chosen girl but I do have points to add about Mirage. -In episode 13 if I remember...she saved Hayate from falling to his death after his plane exploded, so feel free to say saving one's life is of no value. -Love is a feeling that cannot be predicted correctly all the time. - Frejya got lots of screen time with Hayate but in small amounts each episode and macross delta is 25 episodes so we shouldn't jump the wagon so soon. -Hayate was dense towards both girls. -Hayate only had a blush on his face recently in episode 17 for Frejya if I remember, doesn't mean no blushing for Mirage for now. -Hayate wasn't feeling embarrassed about Mirage pressing her boobs against her was because of what was at stake, if she tries it again casually well know what to expect.(episode 14 I think) So unless some people are implying that Hayate should have just get embarrassed and cause the mission to fail, feel free to do so. -Frejya became a femme fatale(not that accurate but I think you get my meaning) in episode 18 when her song sent Hayate overdrive Var(more intense than Messer) and he crashed his plane when the song ended which could have killed him. -Mirage is very warrior-like till she doesn't want to be honest she might hit her limit soon. -Mirage's possible quality time might be more enough to stand up against the odds. (although her supposed points come from saving his life). I am merely pointing out things that seem to have been long forgotten by the recent events for the sake of you tradition supporters.(Bring up points not tradition!). Personally I prefer Mikumo over the main girls ever since she appeared in the 1st opening after them right before title pops in. I won't deny that I had a longing for the delta aka triangle to be 3 girls(Mikumo, Mirage and Frejya) after one guy hehehe. After Mikumo in my like list is Makina hehe. Anyway I hope my points helped you guys feel a bit better. Frejya supporters continue to support Frejya you have my support too for Frejya choice. PS:Just because I state the points above doesn't mean I am ignoring all of the Frejya points :) And please stop shooting tradition, it isn't the most solid point == Did Sheryl win without some quality time but through pure tradition? Of course not. FACT. Shoot out facts if you wanna defend Mirage or Frejya instead of hopes, tradition(repeating myself here again) and changes or declaring the supposed love triangle resolved because it hasn't since Macross Delta is 25 episodes not 17 or 18 episodes. The "Frejya will win" forum should be titled "Frejya may win". (I can agree with the points there but not see it as an endgame nor agree with the will win). ALSO, just because I pointed things out doesn't mean Mirage will win. |
alterzeroAug 3, 2016 2:12 AM
Aug 3, 2016 3:00 AM
Sheryl did win through tradition. She was more mature, she did not want to be an idol forever and she had a more "normal" more adult form of love. Ranka was pretty much a naive joyful child, her biggest dream was to be an idol like Sheryl, her love was idealized childish infatuation, etc. Mind you - winning through tradition does NOT invalidate getting more or less characterization . IT just means that the story fits certain pattern overall. |
AhenshihaelAug 3, 2016 3:05 AM
Aug 3, 2016 4:13 AM
alyya said: the thing you called 'deveploment' is meaningless, cause she will autowin when Freyja died. I defined the tradition from above which is quite distasteful(no offence alyya) and various older women will always win from others in the forums and of course people saying Mirage will win because she is older. I probably shouldn't have used these definitions. I will gladly conform to your definition then if that is how the macross tradition is properly defined. I am glad you defined tradition that way. And this serves as a clarification to what my "tradition" meant earlier on before getting supposedly corrected. |
alterzeroAug 3, 2016 4:20 AM
Aug 3, 2016 9:37 AM
Yeah it's pissing me off the way Mirage isn't even getting screen time other than the "watch out Hayate" during fights and her being sad in the corner alone. I hate how the child like Heroines always seem to be favorites in every anime. Anyways we still have a couple more episodes left so I hope their is some development for her. Lastly if she wins by default because frejya dies or something than I hope they never get together. Nothing more of a slap in the face if hayate pulls a "I settled for you because my first interest died" type of shit. |
Aug 3, 2016 9:45 AM
Holmes15 said: Yeah it's pissing me off the way Mirage isn't even getting screen time other than the "watch out Hayate" during fights and her being sad in the corner alone. I hate how the child like Heroines always seem to be favorites in every anime. Anyways we still have a couple more episodes left so I hope their is some development for her. Lastly if she wins by default because frejya dies or something than I hope they never get together. Nothing more of a slap in the face if hayate pulls a "I settled for you because my first interest died" type of shit. Because the more mature ones are often bland as hell, the ones that get fans are incredibly cute and young looking themselves, have sex appeal that's superior to the younger characters, or are the likable ones while the younger characters are bland and unlikable. |
Aug 3, 2016 10:17 AM
Hoppy said: Holmes15 said: Yeah it's pissing me off the way Mirage isn't even getting screen time other than the "watch out Hayate" during fights and her being sad in the corner alone. I hate how the child like Heroines always seem to be favorites in every anime. Anyways we still have a couple more episodes left so I hope their is some development for her. Lastly if she wins by default because frejya dies or something than I hope they never get together. Nothing more of a slap in the face if hayate pulls a "I settled for you because my first interest died" type of shit. Because the more mature ones are often bland as hell, the ones that get fans are incredibly cute and young looking themselves, have sex appeal that's superior to the younger characters, or are the likable ones while the younger characters are bland and unlikable. They are bland because they don't get screen time and development. If one heroine is focused on majority of the time then of course the other(s) will seem bland. I don't know it just might be me but I can't see a naive squeaky voice heroine (frejya in this case) as a romantic interest. I see them more as a little sister.. |
Aug 4, 2016 2:19 AM
I want development of mirage too, not in triangle thing but in her personal development. She is a jenius and i think kawamori will surprise us with her skill improvement. If she ending up with hayate i think it will be too force of romance development. I know most of male want her to win but remember there is a female macross fan too and most of it want freyja to end up with hayate. But still in the end it's up to the writer whose the ending ship will be tho ^^ |
kamiyagamiAug 4, 2016 3:12 AM
Aug 4, 2016 7:38 AM
Hoppy said: Holmes15 said: Yeah it's pissing me off the way Mirage isn't even getting screen time other than the "watch out Hayate" during fights and her being sad in the corner alone. I hate how the child like Heroines always seem to be favorites in every anime. Anyways we still have a couple more episodes left so I hope their is some development for her. Lastly if she wins by default because frejya dies or something than I hope they never get together. Nothing more of a slap in the face if hayate pulls a "I settled for you because my first interest died" type of shit. Because the more mature ones are often bland as hell, the ones that get fans are incredibly cute and young looking themselves, have sex appeal that's superior to the younger characters, or are the likable ones while the younger characters are bland and unlikable. Mirage has more sex appeal than freyja i think...her body is...well...more developed than freyja. And she's not bland.. She just still hasn't got the chance to show her real side.. She's a tsundere...she tries to look strong on the outside while actually soft in the inside.. It's my personal opinion ofcourse... It doesn't mean freyja isn't cute, but to me she's more like lil sister type of cute. |
Aug 4, 2016 9:33 PM
judemathis said: Mirage has more sex appeal than freyja i think...her body is...well...more developed than freyja. (...) It doesn't mean freyja isn't cute, but to me she's more like lil sister type of cute. aaa niii mééé :) I like them both, whereas in the original show (which I watched earlier this year) I liked the idol for the first few episodes, and hated her not long after she became an idol. And I didn't even know there was going to be a love triangle, so when the show started pushing the older woman I was initially incredulous, but then I was like "Aw yeah, that's hot!" But I still thought the idol would win, which was depressing. (SDF is still the only other Macross I've seen, because man, I started this '92 show called Sailor Moon....) Delta feels like a harem with a Tenchi-type gold-hearted self-friendzoning asexual male lead, compared to Ichijou turning into an a creepy otaku fanboy of the disinterested idol. Not having seen the formula play out in any other Macross, it's incredibly weird to see Delta framed by SDF, despite my having a total opposite preference in the girls. A Mirage victory is alright with me, but when she's sadly looking on from the corner and I really don't care, is that my problem? Cuz I think it's the show's. (Well, admittedly I'm assuming that whatever qualities she wants to learn from Hayate can be acquired by means other than sexual intercourse. That's a reasonable assumption, isn't it?) Conclusion: yet again, Delta would be better if it didn't have to be a Macross show. |
nDroaeAug 4, 2016 9:38 PM
Aug 5, 2016 8:25 AM
#22 Idol Mirage just put this out |
Aug 5, 2016 7:07 PM
nDroae said: judemathis said: Mirage has more sex appeal than freyja i think...her body is...well...more developed than freyja. (...) It doesn't mean freyja isn't cute, but to me she's more like lil sister type of cute. aaa niii mééé :) I like them both, whereas in the original show (which I watched earlier this year) I liked the idol for the first few episodes, and hated her not long after she became an idol. And I didn't even know there was going to be a love triangle, so when the show started pushing the older woman I was initially incredulous, but then I was like "Aw yeah, that's hot!" But I still thought the idol would win, which was depressing. (SDF is still the only other Macross I've seen, because man, I started this '92 show called Sailor Moon....) Delta feels like a harem with a Tenchi-type gold-hearted self-friendzoning asexual male lead, compared to Ichijou turning into an a creepy otaku fanboy of the disinterested idol. Not having seen the formula play out in any other Macross, it's incredibly weird to see Delta framed by SDF, despite my having a total opposite preference in the girls. A Mirage victory is alright with me, but when she's sadly looking on from the corner and I really don't care, is that my problem? Cuz I think it's the show's. (Well, admittedly I'm assuming that whatever qualities she wants to learn from Hayate can be acquired by means other than sexual intercourse. That's a reasonable assumption, isn't it?) Conclusion: yet again, Delta would be better if it didn't have to be a Macross show. ROFL brother... Dying right now. |
Aug 5, 2016 11:36 PM
TSK TSK, at least post the 2d one. |
Aug 7, 2016 1:20 AM
Fai said: That's just Kawamori way. Need I remind you? MC meets a playful EXCITING Idol and they get into trouble Oh look fireworks Now openly in front of someone who starts showing affection for MC and is clearly interested in him: Then the said rival ends up eavesdropping upon a lovely scene, starts crying and then procceeds to get herself drunk: Meanwhile The MC and the exciting Idol have what pretty much amounts to unspoken love confession over a celebration (P.S. this is the second to last episode, literally) An episode latter, the finale: Wow, who would have thunk, the more mature, less "exciting", non idol girl won. Now let's repeat the same pattern for every single macross show(except 7 where, really, music won, with the platonic friendship with an older alien girl as a runner up) Its kind of hilarious that in terms of Delta you can literally see same scenes from that spoiler already. To answer the OP, Mirage is bound to get focus once Lady M is revealed, since at least two or three relevant people with M in her name are from her family. ZetaZaku said: Or maybe it will just end like Frontier and Hayate will pick the wind over any girl. Watch the movies. They also explained already that the wings quote has nothng to do with triangle choice. Okay, but to be fair you did leave out a lot of stuff, it wasn't like there wasn't a BUNCH of development between Hikaru and Misa before hand, in fact she kissed him before Minmey did. The only reason Minmey even got that ridiculous amount of attention in those final 9 episodes (even though Hikaru was living with Misa during the time skip!?), was because the network people wanted the show to last longer, that's why the ending is so jarring and semi frustrating. The episode where Hikaru kisses Minmey goodbye and saves the woman he wants (Misa) was supposed to be the ending. That's why Hikaru suddenly having feelings again for Minmey like an episode later made no sense, it wasn't supposed to happen. It was a mid production decision. Also, regarding both SDF and Frontier... Both of them had rather abrupt, dissatisfying endings... and BOTH made movie sequel/retellings that not only satisfied the fans, they solidified the main pairings and which girl is consistently chosen. [and honestly, both times, it not only made sense for the main characters to chose said love interest, it also made sense within the story narrative.] I hope that Delta either picks up the pace w/ Mirage... or... makes Freyja less creepy if she's the true winner here. [She herself is okay, but if her stupid hair glows when she's aroused ONE MORE TIME... /what is this? a weirdass hentai? It keeps bugging me, more and more. Just- No.] |
AngelicTotoroAug 7, 2016 1:33 AM
Aug 7, 2016 2:46 AM
Well yea but SDF also had 10 episodes more than Delta(and I kind of disagree that the episodes were jarring - I found the whole post-war part genuinely satisfying because not many narratives explore "and what then?" aspect of it). And while it was influenced by production, that is the pattern Kawamori keeps using for every Macross afterward Frontier had that ending because Kawamori was talked into making Frontier movies. The original intent of Frontier ending was to be pretty much how movies ended. As for Mirage - well we still have 7 episodes to go. That's almost an entire cour. If Mirage has no attention to her by Ep 22, then we will know for sure, but so far, anything is possible and it fits the pattern. |
Aug 7, 2016 3:45 AM
Best thing to do is to leave tradition out of the equation as anything is possible. *SPOILERS* Janet got the Frejya birthday(episode 16 Forum) part entirely wrong. Blushing is defined as the development of a pink tinge in the face from embarrassment or shame. Hayate didn't blush during that birthday episode at all because there was no pink tinge(I have rewatched it a few times). Those were tiny black expression lines without a pink/red tinge probably for being shy.(We can be shy for many things right? Also I could be wrong about this so sinning myself in advance). That was probably an expression of shyness because previously Frejya had the Hayate staring at her rune issue since it was considered perverted previously and now she's got no issue so of course he would be taken aback.To be clear, the issue here is that the "blushing" is not as Janet said since it doesn't follow the dictionary's definition of blushing(heck not even google's). Another thing, wouldn't you think about running after your friend or lover or love interest(giving you Frejya shippers the benefit of the doubt) if you are concerned? AnimeReviewerSin there for Janet : desperation. (I don't mind Frejya winning too but we gotta get the facts right). Although Frejya did blush in the next episode together with Hayate, the one involving the old couples and how her singing has changed. Another thing, die hard Frejya shippers think that Mirage breast pressing episode meant Hayate had no interest. For all we know Hayate was too focused on the mission and it meant getting the whole colony killed if he messes up or hell at the end of the episode if he chose to react and blush and panic...he and Mirage could have fell to their deaths when the gravity was restored and we will be hearing Axia~Daisuki de Daikirai~ playing in the background again. Don't get me wrong I loved Axia, just referencing how it was played during Messer's last stand which resulted in his death(mainly talking about how it is associated with death in this sense).The die hard Frejya shippers expect Hayate to follow the stereotype "main character MUST blush when getting pressed by boobs" for Mirage to get a point. This stereotype is not always a must and it comes to show that Hayate got his priorities right. AnimeReviewerSin to myself: It is because I am trying to use logic when anime can at times be not logical.(most illogical one, Master Asia kicking a skyscraper in G GUNDAM! How do I explain that? Kungfu masters are superhumans? Still loved the anime though). Episode 14 showed a great teamwork between Hayate and Mirage. Another thing regarding tradition bullets...lets not use it. What has Mirage done to be significant? One notable moment she saved Hayate from falling to his death. He showed concern that she risked her ass to save his life as she could have gotten killed. I didn't read the earlier forums but I will put an AnimeReviewerSin for those that state tradition because they had such a good point to back Mirage up and spamming tradition is a weak bullet cuz this is macross delta so lets use macross delta points. Also, a sin for myself in case the Mirage saving Hayate point was mentioned in the forums but I didn't read(My sin is ignorance). Here's a good supporting point for you Mirage shippers, in the early episodes Hayate killed an Aerial Knight to save Mirage even though he didn't want to kill anyone. Tell me that Hayate doesn't give a shit about Mirage, Frejya shippers. None of the Aerial Knights have died when Hayate defended Frejya and walkure for now. (Not ignoring Keith's eye injury but hey he isn't dead). One more thing I am not ignoring the development between Hayate and Frejya, but there are FACTS(only way to shrug off facts is being bias or being delusional or in denial) in this anime series that shouldn't be ignored. My points might seem to be mainly against Frejya shippers(to their credit, they are putting up a better argument) but this is a Mirage page so I will give what I can for the Mirage shippers. Heck I am even shooting both shippers. Pretty sure the die hard Frejya shippers won't take note of this and the Mirage shippers who believe in tradition will continue firing tradition. It's all up to you guys after all. I am just sitting on the fence here observing and shooting wherever I can. I am fine with either ships...however...HAIL MIKUMO (in the hail hydra way). RUDANJAL ROM MAYAN!(Solely for Mikumo...don't care about winderemere). She was a goddess in episode 18 at the scene where background music stopped and her hair got loose. Sin to myself, fanboying(not really but I find her more interesting) over Mikumo than the main girls because it is easier to look at both sides without being bias. |
alterzeroAug 8, 2016 6:51 AM
Aug 15, 2016 4:20 AM
She killed it in the last episode :') That scene with Mirage scolding them was pretty good. |
Sep 25, 2016 10:41 AM
Fai said: That's just Kawamori way. Need I remind you? MC meets a playful EXCITING Idol and they get into trouble Oh look fireworks Now openly in front of someone who starts showing affection for MC and is clearly interested in him: Then the said rival ends up eavesdropping upon a lovely scene, starts crying and then procceeds to get herself drunk: Meanwhile The MC and the exciting Idol have what pretty much amounts to unspoken love confession over a celebration (P.S. this is the second to last episode, literally) An episode latter, the finale: Wow, who would have thunk, the more mature, less "exciting", non idol girl won. Now let's repeat the same pattern for every single macross show(except 7 where, really, music won, with the platonic friendship with an older alien girl as a runner up) Its kind of hilarious that in terms of Delta you can literally see same scenes from that spoiler already. To answer the OP, Mirage is bound to get focus once Lady M is revealed, since at least two or three relevant people with M in her name are from her family. ZetaZaku said: Or maybe it will just end like Frontier and Hayate will pick the wind over any girl. Watch the movies. They also explained already that the wings quote has nothng to do with triangle choice. Aww, poor Fai. You spent soo much time on traditions that it backfired in the end. Perhaps you shouldn't have made such quick assumptions and relied on something so unreliable like "muh traditions" eh? |
Sep 25, 2016 12:34 PM
FlamingMangos said: Fai said: That's just Kawamori way. Need I remind you? MC meets a playful EXCITING Idol and they get into trouble Oh look fireworks Now openly in front of someone who starts showing affection for MC and is clearly interested in him: Then the said rival ends up eavesdropping upon a lovely scene, starts crying and then procceeds to get herself drunk: Meanwhile The MC and the exciting Idol have what pretty much amounts to unspoken love confession over a celebration (P.S. this is the second to last episode, literally) An episode latter, the finale: Wow, who would have thunk, the more mature, less "exciting", non idol girl won. Now let's repeat the same pattern for every single macross show(except 7 where, really, music won, with the platonic friendship with an older alien girl as a runner up) Its kind of hilarious that in terms of Delta you can literally see same scenes from that spoiler already. To answer the OP, Mirage is bound to get focus once Lady M is revealed, since at least two or three relevant people with M in her name are from her family. ZetaZaku said: Or maybe it will just end like Frontier and Hayate will pick the wind over any girl. Watch the movies. They also explained already that the wings quote has nothng to do with triangle choice. Aww, poor Fai. You spent soo much time on traditions that it backfired in the end. Perhaps you shouldn't have made such quick assumptions and relied on something so unreliable like "muh traditions" eh? Please bullshit more. Shitty writing has nothing to do with tradition. The second half of Delta was pretty much mostly absolute trash. IF all you take from it "OMG SHIPPIN GWEEE", then please talk in few years when you actually grow up. |
Sep 25, 2016 1:06 PM
Fai said: FlamingMangos said: Fai said: That's just Kawamori way. Need I remind you? MC meets a playful EXCITING Idol and they get into trouble Oh look fireworks Now openly in front of someone who starts showing affection for MC and is clearly interested in him: Then the said rival ends up eavesdropping upon a lovely scene, starts crying and then procceeds to get herself drunk: Meanwhile The MC and the exciting Idol have what pretty much amounts to unspoken love confession over a celebration (P.S. this is the second to last episode, literally) An episode latter, the finale: Wow, who would have thunk, the more mature, less "exciting", non idol girl won. Now let's repeat the same pattern for every single macross show(except 7 where, really, music won, with the platonic friendship with an older alien girl as a runner up) Its kind of hilarious that in terms of Delta you can literally see same scenes from that spoiler already. To answer the OP, Mirage is bound to get focus once Lady M is revealed, since at least two or three relevant people with M in her name are from her family. ZetaZaku said: Or maybe it will just end like Frontier and Hayate will pick the wind over any girl. Watch the movies. They also explained already that the wings quote has nothng to do with triangle choice. Aww, poor Fai. You spent soo much time on traditions that it backfired in the end. Perhaps you shouldn't have made such quick assumptions and relied on something so unreliable like "muh traditions" eh? Please bullshit more. Shitty writing has nothing to do with tradition. The second half of Delta was pretty much mostly absolute trash. IF all you take from it "OMG SHIPPIN GWEEE", then please talk in few years when you actually grow up. Fai said: FlamingMangos said: Fai said: That's just Kawamori way. Need I remind you? MC meets a playful EXCITING Idol and they get into trouble Oh look fireworks Now openly in front of someone who starts showing affection for MC and is clearly interested in him: Then the said rival ends up eavesdropping upon a lovely scene, starts crying and then procceeds to get herself drunk: Meanwhile The MC and the exciting Idol have what pretty much amounts to unspoken love confession over a celebration (P.S. this is the second to last episode, literally) An episode latter, the finale: Wow, who would have thunk, the more mature, less "exciting", non idol girl won. Now let's repeat the same pattern for every single macross show(except 7 where, really, music won, with the platonic friendship with an older alien girl as a runner up) Its kind of hilarious that in terms of Delta you can literally see same scenes from that spoiler already. To answer the OP, Mirage is bound to get focus once Lady M is revealed, since at least two or three relevant people with M in her name are from her family. ZetaZaku said: Or maybe it will just end like Frontier and Hayate will pick the wind over any girl. Watch the movies. They also explained already that the wings quote has nothng to do with triangle choice. Aww, poor Fai. You spent soo much time on traditions that it backfired in the end. Perhaps you shouldn't have made such quick assumptions and relied on something so unreliable like "muh traditions" eh? Please bullshit more. Shitty writing has nothing to do with tradition. The second half of Delta was pretty much mostly absolute trash. IF all you take from it "OMG SHIPPIN GWEEE", then please talk in few years when you actually grow up. Traditions is bad writing in general and yet you kept bringing up traditions like, it's a great thing and now that Mirage lost. You talk about bad writing? What? |
Sep 25, 2016 1:44 PM
FlamingMangos said: Traditions is bad writing in general and yet you kept bringing up traditions like, it's a great thing and now that Mirage lost. You talk about bad writing? What? I'm not going to heavily delve into the tradition debate, but I don't think that was the point of Fai's message: More like that story has better execution than Delta's. As for Mirage, for someone build as the main character, she isn't doing a great job in that department other than her role as part of the triangle. (I read somewhere (correct me if I'm wrong) that Messer's character was suppose to be Mirage's, but the producers found they would be too much alike, so they decided to make her different?) Even the supporting characters, like the power-point-heavily-expositioned Berger or one of the Walkure girls, have more focus/screen time/character development/involvement in the story's plot than her. (In fact, the latter half of the show is more focus on the Windemeres (which is nice to understand their side of the story) than having much involvement from the three main characters). One can remove her from the show in its entirety, and she still would not have an overall impact to it. On the contrary, she has good development as a "supporting character", and I doubt many would complain if she has that role from the beginning. |
endlessabyssSep 25, 2016 3:57 PM
Sep 25, 2016 3:59 PM
endlessabyss said: FlamingMangos said: Traditions is bad writing in general and yet you kept bringing up traditions like, it's a great thing and now that Mirage lost. You talk about bad writing? What? I'm not going to heavily delve into the tradition debate, but I don't think that was the point of Fai's message: More like that story has better execution than Delta's. As for Mirage, for someone build as the main character, she isn't doing a great job in that department other than her role as part of the triangle. (I read somewhere (correct me if I'm wrong) that Messer's character was suppose to be Mirage's, but the producers found they would be too much alike, so they decided to make her different?) Even the supporting characters, like the power-point-heavily-expositioned Berger or one of the Walkure girls, have more focus/screen time/character development/involvement in the story's plot than her. (In fact, the latter half of the show is more focus on the Windemeres (which is nice to understand their side of the story) than having much involvement from the three main characters). One can remove her from the show in its entirety, and she still would not have an overall impact to it. On the contrary, she has good development as a "supporting character", and I doubt many would complain if she has that role from the beginning. "supporting character"? just plot device NPC, same for Mikumo, same for Keith, when staff needs one of them, come here, when they're not needed, then they just being kicked out from the room. And even though like i said i don't really care triangle, but still, broke a tradition by gave the other characters bad written treatment? such confidence. |
Sep 25, 2016 4:03 PM
Either I should have coined a better term, or have it your way to call them. My point is that she does not suit the role as a main character. |
Sep 25, 2016 4:05 PM
endlessabyss said: Either I should have coined a better term, or have it your way how to call them. My point is that she does not suit the role as a main character. I agree your "she does not suit the role as a main character" point, but she and some other characters role are even worse than "supporting character". |
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