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Mar 2, 2016 10:09 PM

Nov 2011
Honestly I remember when it first came on TV I put it off do to its art and assumed it was a poor attempt to immigrate the success of Family Guy but lately it's ended up as one of my favorite shows. I don't like it as much as South Park (ofcourse I've been a devoted fan for a while) but I definitely prefer it to the Seth Macfarlene shows (all of which I enjoy as well). I think the reason I enjoy it so much is because it seems more character driven than the other animated sitcoms which seem to rely more on gags and shock humor. In that sense it seems like a nice balance between Family Guy and King of the hill having King of the hills character driven elements but Family Guys cartoonist absurdity.

Also Bob's burgers parodied the greatest manga of all time so extra points for that.
EmperorDemonGavaMar 2, 2016 10:17 PM
Mar 2, 2016 10:11 PM

Dec 2015
I freaking love bobs burger.

Louise is best girl!
Banner credit to @turnip
Mar 2, 2016 10:14 PM

Nov 2011
KonaKoffee4 said:
I freaking love bobs burger.

Louise is best girl!

So I just noticed for the first time today her eyes are not the same sized and shape 0.o
Mar 3, 2016 2:13 AM
May 2009
KonaKoffee4 said:
I freaking love bobs burger.

Louise is best girl!

Definitely. Was skeptical to try the series, but turned out to be really good.
Mar 3, 2016 9:39 AM

Nov 2015
Show is awesome! Definitely an acquired taste(which is ironic given the series at hand) but I love it! So funny, interesting characters, the whole bit.
Mar 3, 2016 6:04 PM

Nov 2008
Eh, you could not pay me enough.....mostly for these reasons:

1. What does the character designer have against chins? o_____O

2. Why is a man voicing female characters? o_____O

Just nope. That's the art is really bad.

Mar 3, 2016 6:18 PM

Nov 2011
Chiibi said:
Eh, you could not pay me enough.....mostly for these reasons:

1. What does the character designer have against chins? o_____O

2. Why is a man voicing female characters? o_____O

Just nope. That's the art is really bad.

You're worried about chins yet you watch Moe anime? Also females voice young male characters all the time. I get why the opposite may seem odd but it actually works in this case.
Mar 3, 2016 7:39 PM

Nov 2008
Waifu_Strangler said:

You're worried about chins yet you watch Moe anime?

Eh? Moe characters certainly DO have chins. Like all anime characters, they have everything a human is supposed to have, just exaggerated. I think they look more like people than the "people" on that weird cartoon. lol

Women voice male characters to give them a youthful-sounding voice because studios don't use boy children because boy children's voices change as they mature. That's why Arnold from the cartoon Hey Arnold had about five different voice actors (they used real kids).
It doesn't work for a man to voice a young girl because girls DON'T sound like men.

I don't know you would even.....

Mar 3, 2016 7:52 PM

Jul 2010
Yeah, Im a fan of Bob's Burgers, got into it from watching Archer, you know that the main characters (Bob) and (Sterling Archer) are voiced by the same person- H. Jon Benjamin
Mar 3, 2016 8:22 PM
Jul 2018
Haha yeah, I love it. At first I didn't get into it, but after a few episodes I really started to enjoy it. I have liked H. Jon Benjamin ever since he was Coach McGuirk on Home Movies, hilarious.
Mar 4, 2016 2:06 PM
Jul 2018
I love it, I even dragged my dad into watching it.
Mar 5, 2016 5:32 PM

Dec 2015
Yeah it's pretty decent. (except season 2 which mostly sucked)
Kristen Schaal, H.Jon Benjamin, Eugene Mirman and Dan Mintz are all excellent voice actors.
Mar 6, 2016 12:05 AM

Apr 2008
I'd watch it if it's on, but I wouldn't go and marathon/binge-watch it or anything

You are afraid to die, and you're afraid to live. What a way to exist.
Neale Donald Walsch

Mar 6, 2016 12:49 AM

Jun 2008
If this were an anime Louise would be the greatest loli of all time...seriously she's too damn awesome.
Mar 6, 2016 12:58 AM

Jan 2011
It's King of the Hill good.
Mar 6, 2016 1:30 AM

Aug 2013
I've seen random episodes (the MLP episode, talking toilet episode, episode where the aunt was only drawing anuses) and they were good but I wouldn't say I'm a big fan really. I would put my favorite adult animated sitcoms above it ( American Dad, Moon Beam City, Boondocks, Southpark). It's better though than Family Guy and Cleveland show and doesn't seem boring like King of the Hill.
Mar 6, 2016 1:51 AM
Jul 2018
I've liked the few episodes i've seen but I never find it interesting enough to feel like going out of my way to watch it.
Mar 6, 2016 3:29 AM

May 2015
I have seen a few episodes and i liked it but i have not seen enough to call myself a fan.

I know it is popular enough to receive a pinball table at this day and age so it must be better than i think.
Mar 6, 2016 11:26 PM

Nov 2011
DrGeroCreation said:
I've seen random episodes (the MLP episode, talking toilet episode, episode where the aunt was only drawing anuses) and they were good but I wouldn't say I'm a big fan really. I would put my favorite adult animated sitcoms above it ( American Dad, Moon Beam City, Boondocks, Southpark). It's better though than Family Guy and Cleveland show and doesn't seem boring like King of the Hill.

I'd put it above American Dad but very little beats South Park imo.
Mar 7, 2016 2:37 AM

Jun 2008
Hey guys.....I just found someone else who's a HUGE fan of Bob's burgers....enjoy...

Mar 7, 2016 5:08 AM

Feb 2014
JustALEX said:
Hey guys.....I just found someone else who's a HUGE fan of Bob's burgers....enjoy...

Oh my fucking God that was cringe-worthy - It makes me sad at just how popular she is & how many people will follow her word ignoring all her bias.
Where the fuck did Monday go?
Mar 7, 2016 9:09 AM

Dec 2015
DarkStarr96 said:
JustALEX said:
Hey guys.....I just found someone else who's a HUGE fan of Bob's burgers....enjoy...

Oh my fucking God that was cringe-worthy - It makes me sad at just how popular she is & how many people will follow her word ignoring all her bias.

I thought she actually made some good points. Now excuse me while I go look out the window to make sure it's not raining blood or something.
Mar 7, 2016 9:20 AM

Dec 2012
Watched a couple of episodes in TV. Not a fan. Like someone else said the art is very ugly, it looks really gross. And the voice of that girl with glasses is so creepy and off putting.

The humor itself didn't seem special. I guess it's the type of show that has to grow on you.
Mar 7, 2016 3:14 PM

Feb 2014
Bobby2Hands said:
DarkStarr96 said:

Oh my fucking God that was cringe-worthy - It makes me sad at just how popular she is & how many people will follow her word ignoring all her bias.

I thought she actually made some good points. Now excuse me while I go look out the window to make sure it's not raining blood or something.

In that video alone there was loads of double standards.
In fact, pretty much everything she said was.

Also stereotypes don't equal sexism.
Being a nerdy girl (even though Pheaby was much more than that) also isn't sexist, hell, she's one of the best written characters I've ever seen in a sitcom, how she can come to the conclusion of sexism in that situation (and most situations she mentions) is beyond me.
Where the fuck did Monday go?
Mar 7, 2016 3:51 PM

Aug 2013
Waifu_Strangler said:
DrGeroCreation said:
I've seen random episodes (the MLP episode, talking toilet episode, episode where the aunt was only drawing anuses) and they were good but I wouldn't say I'm a big fan really. I would put my favorite adult animated sitcoms above it ( American Dad, Moon Beam City, Boondocks, Southpark). It's better though than Family Guy and Cleveland show and doesn't seem boring like King of the Hill.

I'd put it above American Dad but very little beats South Park imo.
No character from it is as good as Roger and Stan for me. The father really pales in comparison to Stan.
Mar 7, 2016 3:57 PM

Nov 2011
DrGeroCreation said:
Waifu_Strangler said:

I'd put it above American Dad but very little beats South Park imo.
No character from it is as good as Roger and Stan for me. The father really pales in comparison to Stan.

That's fine but I feel the family in Bob's Burgers is tighter and has better chemistry than the Family in American Dad ofcourse American Dad is more gag driven. That said it's a bit unfair to compare the dad's I mean Bob plays the part of the straight man which in these kind of shows is unusual aside from King of the hill.
Mar 7, 2016 4:10 PM

Aug 2013
Waifu_Strangler said:
DrGeroCreation said:
No character from it is as good as Roger and Stan for me. The father really pales in comparison to Stan.

That's fine but I feel the family in Bob's Burgers is tighter and has better chemistry than the Family in American Dad ofcourse American Dad is more gag driven. That said it's a bit unfair to compare the dad's I mean Bob plays the part of the straight man which in these kind of shows is unusual aside from King of the hill.
The parents working together in the burger place and the kids being young thus closer to their parents would make the family tighter compared to Stan's family considering Haley is 18 already, Steve is 14 and generally hangs with his friends and as a CIA agent Stan would be out on missions a lot of times. The family does bond sometimes though.

I guess you are right he is a rare straight man character.
Mar 7, 2016 4:25 PM

Nov 2011
DrGeroCreation said:
Waifu_Strangler said:

That's fine but I feel the family in Bob's Burgers is tighter and has better chemistry than the Family in American Dad ofcourse American Dad is more gag driven. That said it's a bit unfair to compare the dad's I mean Bob plays the part of the straight man which in these kind of shows is unusual aside from King of the hill.
The parents working together in the burger place and the kids being young thus closer to their parents would make the family tighter compared to Stan's family considering Haley is 18 already, Steve is 14 and generally hangs with his friends and as a CIA agent Stan would be out on missions a lot of times. The family does bond sometimes though.

I guess you are right he is a rare straight man character.

Well what I meant is the family is more prone to trying to kill each other and completely shunning other each other and each other's problems. It's an issue with Seth Macfarlene shows in general especially in Family Guy making Meg the butt of the joke like Peter making it obvious he wants to get rid of her. That's not to say they don't have those bittersweet bonding moments but between all three Seth Macfarlene shows the family's relationship is put aside for gags though it's less an issue in The Cleveland show. I still watch and enjoy all three I'm just pointing out I think it's a weakness but judging by Seth Macfarlenes success his formula seems to work. I just prefer character driven comedy to gag driven.
Mar 7, 2016 7:16 PM

Aug 2013
Waifu_Strangler said:

Well what I meant is the family is more prone to trying to kill each other and completely shunning other each other and each other's problems. It's an issue with Seth Macfarlene shows in general especially in Family Guy making Meg the butt of the joke like Peter making it obvious he wants to get rid of her. That's not to say they don't have those bittersweet bonding moments but between all three Seth Macfarlene shows the family's relationship is put aside for gags though it's less an issue in The Cleveland show. I still watch and enjoy all three I'm just pointing out I think it's a weakness but judging by Seth Macfarlenes success his formula seems to work. I just prefer character driven comedy to gag driven.
They don't see eye to eye all the time but they aren't constantly trying to kill each other and don't care about each other's problems. Stan had Hayley shot once but that was to desperately prove to her that people kill people not guns. NON of the family members of American Dad are treated as terribly as Meg who is nothing but a butt monkey character. Steve and Roger regularly hang out and help each other, Francine has a soft spot for Roger unlike Stan who sees him as a lazy good for nothing, Francine and Stan have had some close romantic moments , Haley and Steve although they might have some sibling rivalry have worked together to help each other such as the time they worked together to break up a couple so that Steve could be with the girl and Haley could be with the guy and the time when both joined a female skating league, even Stan and Roger who are at loggerheads with each other bond sometimes.

Don't automatically group American Dad with Family Guy just because both are done by Seth, they are very different. American Dad shits on both Family Guy and Cleveland Show. It's Seth's best adult animated sitcom.
Mar 7, 2016 7:28 PM

Nov 2011
DrGeroCreation said:
Waifu_Strangler said:

Well what I meant is the family is more prone to trying to kill each other and completely shunning other each other and each other's problems. It's an issue with Seth Macfarlene shows in general especially in Family Guy making Meg the butt of the joke like Peter making it obvious he wants to get rid of her. That's not to say they don't have those bittersweet bonding moments but between all three Seth Macfarlene shows the family's relationship is put aside for gags though it's less an issue in The Cleveland show. I still watch and enjoy all three I'm just pointing out I think it's a weakness but judging by Seth Macfarlenes success his formula seems to work. I just prefer character driven comedy to gag driven.
They don't see eye to eye all the time but they aren't constantly trying to kill each other and don't care about each other's problems. Stan had Hayley shot once but that was to desperately prove to her that people kill people not guns. NON of the family members of American Dad are treated as terribly as Meg who is nothing but a butt monkey character. Steve and Roger regularly hang out and help each other, Francine has a soft spot for Roger unlike Stan who sees him as a lazy good for nothing, Francine and Stan have had some close romantic moments , Haley and Steve although they might have some sibling rivalry have worked together to help each other such as the time they worked together to break up a couple so that Steve could be with the girl and Haley could be with the guy and the time when both joined a female skating league, even Stan and Roger who are at loggerheads with each other bond sometimes.

Don't automatically group American Dad with Family Guy just because both are done by Seth, they are very different. American Dad shits on both Family Guy and Cleveland Show. It's Seth's best adult animated sitcom.

I wasn't automatically grouping them because they were both by Seth Macfarlene I was just saying that's part of Seth Macfarlenes style. Also if we're going to count Roger as part of the family you have to count Klaus too who is often treated much like the Meg of the show (Which is a shame because he's my favorite character). I didn't mean to insinuate they didn't care for each other but they will do some pretty nasty shit to each other. It works though caus it is a gag comedy so its not really a bad thing.
Mar 7, 2016 7:52 PM

Aug 2013
Waifu_Strangler said:

I wasn't automatically grouping them because they were both by Seth Macfarlene I was just saying that's part of Seth Macfarlenes style. Also if we're going to count Roger as part of the family you have to count Klaus too who is often treated much like the Meg of the show (Which is a shame because he's my favorite character). I didn't mean to insinuate they didn't care for each other but they will do some pretty nasty shit to each other. It works though caus it is a gag comedy so its not really a bad thing.
Ok my bad there. Klaus is ignored sometimes but his advice is also sought by different family members on different occasions and there was the episode where Steve did feel bad for using him to win at water poloand di make it up to him. There is no way you can put him in the same category as Meg who is always singled out for abuse especially by Peter. They don't generally do nasty things to each other only Stan or Roger might do something stupid or narcissistic that might negatively affect the family. The only really terrible things is when Roger had Jeff taken away by Roger's alien race. Jeff though is an in law not an immediate part of the family. Also the time when Roger tried to kill Steve for insulting him in his book.
Mar 7, 2016 8:20 PM

Nov 2011
DrGeroCreation said:
Waifu_Strangler said:

I wasn't automatically grouping them because they were both by Seth Macfarlene I was just saying that's part of Seth Macfarlenes style. Also if we're going to count Roger as part of the family you have to count Klaus too who is often treated much like the Meg of the show (Which is a shame because he's my favorite character). I didn't mean to insinuate they didn't care for each other but they will do some pretty nasty shit to each other. It works though caus it is a gag comedy so its not really a bad thing.
Ok my bad there. Klaus is ignored sometimes but his advice is also sought by different family members on different occasions and there was the episode where Steve did feel bad for using him to win at water poloand di make it up to him. There is no way you can put him in the same category as Meg who is always singled out for abuse especially by Peter. They don't generally do nasty things to each other only Stan or Roger might do something stupid or narcissistic that might negatively affect the family. The only really terrible things is when Roger had Jeff taken away by Roger's alien race. Jeff though is an in law not an immediate part of the family. Also the time when Roger tried to kill Steve for insulting him in his book.

I wasn't saying Klaus is treated as bad as Meg but it would be nice to see him made more a prominent character in the series instead of just generally being there to make a joke about how pathetic he is. I really enjoyed it when they threw him out for being stinky but later he took over the house and even killed all those wild animals.
Mar 7, 2016 9:49 PM

Nov 2014
No, this show tries to hard to be funny and original when it is not.
ReaperCreeper said:
It's King of the Hill good.
How dare you to compare koth to this garbage.

Mar 7, 2016 10:03 PM

Jan 2011
ExTamplier said:
No, this show tries to hard to be funny and original when it is not.
ReaperCreeper said:
It's King of the Hill good.
How dare you to compare koth to this garbage.
>Not seeing how clean burning fuel and quality burgers go together.
Mar 7, 2016 10:04 PM

Nov 2014
ReaperCreeper said:
ExTamplier said:
No, this show tries to hard to be funny and original when it is not.
How dare you to compare koth to this garbage.
>Not seeing how clean burning fuel and quality burgers go together.
What am I supposed to see?

Mar 7, 2016 10:12 PM

Jan 2011
ExTamplier said:
ReaperCreeper said:
>Not seeing how clean burning fuel and quality burgers go together.
What am I supposed to see?
The follies of your way.
Mar 7, 2016 10:21 PM

Nov 2014
ReaperCreeper said:
ExTamplier said:
What am I supposed to see?
The follies of your way.
Lack of good english, maybe.

Mar 8, 2016 11:44 AM

Nov 2011
ExTamplier said:
No, this show tries to hard to be funny and original when it is not.
ReaperCreeper said:
It's King of the Hill good.
How dare you to compare koth to this garbage.
Its literally like a successor to King of the hill focusing on character driven comedy. How does it try too hard?
Mar 8, 2016 12:47 PM

Nov 2014
Waifu_Strangler said:
ExTamplier said:
No, this show tries to hard to be funny and original when it is not.
How dare you to compare koth to this garbage.
Its literally like a successor to King of the hill focusing on character driven comedy. How does it try too hard?
I watched about 8 episodes and all I saw were gross jokes about who produce saliva more, how old people fuck and capoera shit. There are too many "jokes" that try to appeal edgy teans. It is disappointing to see same VA for Archer in a piss poor unoriginal comedy. Nothing that was not done before by other shows that did it much better first time around. Also it does not help that all characters were straight up stolen from other shows, ex. from Daria.

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