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Is HD or UHD better?
Jan 15, 2015 3:44 PM

May 2014
[b]Comparison of 4K vs Standard HD:


[b]Standard HD:

Personally, I think it's pretty easy to discern the difference in quality between the two. 4K givers off brighter colors, higher resolution...looking at it is like looking at a whole new world. HD however looks rather pixelated, the colors are darker and more drab, and there's no life in it at all.

Which do you think looks better? Discuss.
IzayaJan 15, 2015 7:16 PM
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Jan 15, 2015 3:44 PM

Oct 2014
Jan 15, 2015 3:45 PM

Jul 2013
4K is obviously better


TororuNoKaoJPG said:
Jan 15, 2015 3:50 PM

Jan 2013
4K probably looks better on a screen that supports it, cause honestly the 4K image looks like complete garbage. What's with the outlines around the shapes? There's artifacts all over the place too.
Jan 15, 2015 3:50 PM

Apr 2012
Do you need to ask?

Which is better an A or an B (Grades), 20% or 5$?

There is nothing to ask about it, 4k is objectively better.
The single reason going for a smaller resolution is file size. In the days of Terrabyte HDDs for a a few bucks its really not an issue.
Jan 15, 2015 3:52 PM

May 2014
Syrup- said:
4K probably looks better on a screen that supports it, cause honestly the 4K image looks like complete garbage. What's with the outlines around the shapes? There's artifacts all over the place too.
Sharper colors I imagine. The artifacts are annoying, yeah
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Jan 15, 2015 3:54 PM

Jan 2013
-Taiyou said:
Syrup- said:
4K probably looks better on a screen that supports it, cause honestly the 4K image looks like complete garbage. What's with the outlines around the shapes? There's artifacts all over the place too.
Sharper colors I imagine. The artifacts are annoying, yeah
honestly if we could make better use of this technology it has potential. But until we get past 255RGB methods it's not going to work.
Jan 15, 2015 4:03 PM

Dec 2014
gives off brighter colours wtf is this some quad pixel bullshit?
Jan 15, 2015 4:06 PM

Jan 2009
UHD is better but file sizes will be bigger
Jan 15, 2015 4:08 PM

Jan 2015
Obviously UHD but it's not that supported in any category. Its time will come but as of right now I can't see the purpose?
If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end - Sakata Gintoki
Jan 15, 2015 4:12 PM

May 2014
Syrup- said:
-Taiyou said:
Sharper colors I imagine. The artifacts are annoying, yeah
honestly if we could make better use of this technology it has potential. But until we get past 255RGB methods it's not going to work.
We'll just have to wait and see for now. I'm sure that's in the works, but people like Samsung are so thirsty for dat cash cow milk, so it's a matter of time I suppose
Nemmie said:
Obviously UHD but it's not that supported in any category. Its time will come but as of right now I can't see the purpose?
Yeah, most likely later in this decade or sometime next decade, it will become more mainstream. Apparently people are trying to record their shit (you know, studios and the like) in 4k, so it really is just a matter of time.

I personally like 4k.

Mod edit: Double post merged
AversaJan 16, 2015 12:48 PM
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Jan 15, 2015 4:19 PM

Apr 2012
-Taiyou said:
Nemmie said:
Obviously UHD but it's not that supported in any category. Its time will come but as of right now I can't see the purpose?
Yeah, most likely later in this decade or sometime next decade, it will become more mainstream. Apparently people are trying to record their shit (you know, studios and the like) in 4k, so it really is just a matter of time.

I personally like 4k.

I already got a 1440p Monitor, 4k is just one step more. Its not going to take that long.
Jan 15, 2015 4:24 PM

Jan 2013
honestly though I wish we had way more colors than we do now. 255 RGB is so limiting (and we have gross banding because of it). We've been stuck with it for more than a decade now too. When will we move on?
Jan 15, 2015 4:26 PM

May 2014
baki502 said:
-Taiyou said:
Yeah, most likely later in this decade or sometime next decade, it will become more mainstream. Apparently people are trying to record their shit (you know, studios and the like) in 4k, so it really is just a matter of time.

I personally like 4k.

I already got a 1440p Monitor, 4k is just one step more. Its not going to take that long.
Seiki apparently sells 4k TVs for super cheap. They're like the cheapest 4k on the market. While it might not compare to the bells and whistles Samsung offers on their line of 4k TV, through Seiki, you'll be getting more bang for your buck.

I bought a Seiki 4K tv, and watching anime on it is like a dream come true.
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Jan 15, 2015 4:26 PM

May 2014
Syrup- said:
honestly though I wish we had way more colors than we do now. 255 RGB is so limiting (and we have gross banding because of it). We've been stuck with it for more than a decade now too. When will we move on?
When color science evolves I guess, lol. It might not ever happen at all. Again, it's just a mtter of waiting.
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Jan 15, 2015 4:39 PM

Jan 2009
Picture N°1 isn't even 4K, only UHD.
Picture N° 2 isn't even Full HD or what is commonly perceived as "HD".

Both Pictures aren't the same and depending on how the Effects, Brightness and Motifs are used, you could make an Image look more appealing, even when having less Pixels. In other Words: both manipulated Pictures have been deliberately chosen to give the Impression that much more Pixels are that much better.

I don't even need 720P "HD-Ready" for my Anime, so I don't really care about 4K. But I'll eventually buy one when they'll get in the Price Spectrum of normal, Full HD Monitors and I'll need one, because my old one got broken or something.
NoboruJan 15, 2015 4:47 PM
Jan 15, 2015 5:14 PM

May 2014
Noboru said:
Picture N°1 isn't even 4K, only UHD.
4k and UHD are the same thing for the record.
Picture N° 2 isn't even Full HD or what is commonly perceived as "HD".
Yes it is. Anything between 720 and 1080 is HD, at least in my book.

Both Pictures aren't the same and depending on how the Effects, Brightness and Motifs are used, you could make an Image look more appealing, even when having less Pixels. In other Words: both manipulated Pictures have been deliberately chosen to give the Impression that much more Pixels are that much better.
Prove it.
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Jan 15, 2015 6:27 PM

Jan 2013
-Taiyou said:
Syrup- said:
honestly though I wish we had way more colors than we do now. 255 RGB is so limiting (and we have gross banding because of it). We've been stuck with it for more than a decade now too. When will we move on?
When color science evolves I guess, lol. It might not ever happen at all. Again, it's just a mtter of waiting.
We have the colors for it, and we know almost everything there is to know about optical perception of light. The reason we haven't moved forward is probably because people are too comfortable with 32bit color. We literally have to just light up the screen in more fractions to get more colors. It's ezpz

or you know, maybe I'm just a pseudo-scientist and I should get a PHD before I start spouting bullshit.

-Taiyou said:
Noboru said:
Both Pictures aren't the same and depending on how the Effects, Brightness and Motifs are used, you could make an Image look more appealing, even when having less Pixels. In other Words: both manipulated Pictures have been deliberately chosen to give the Impression that much more Pixels are that much better.
Prove it.

what is dithering?
Jan 15, 2015 6:32 PM

May 2014
Isn't it possible to get 24 bit color, which is more high res?

And I know what dithering is, I just don't believe that that's why these pictures look so good.
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Jan 15, 2015 6:44 PM

Jan 2013
-Taiyou said:
Isn't it possible to get 24 bit color, which is more high res?

And I know what dithering is, I just don't believe that that's why these pictures look so good.
24 bit color is even less colors dude (16,777,216 as opposed to over a billion) so I think you're getting it confused with dpi/mega pixels maybe?

also both those samples didn't look that great to me tbh.
Jan 15, 2015 7:00 PM

May 2014
Mmm, I see. I'll edit the OP later. If they still look bad, I'll concede, though I was just going to do that anyway.

I probably am mixing up dpi with color bits lol. So I suppose 48bit is better then, huh?
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Jan 15, 2015 7:01 PM

May 2014
That and I switched the cables with my 4K cable for my computer, and yeah, that sample looks like shit lol, even with the right output.
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Jan 15, 2015 7:06 PM

Jan 2013
-Taiyou said:
That and I switched the cables with my 4K cable for my computer, and yeah, that sample looks like shit lol, even with the right output.
Yeah that also has a lot to do with it. I'm converting DVI to VGA, and it's a CRT monitor so it would never ever be able to see it the same way a 4K monitor sees it. poor life is real. I swear a 4K monitor is the first thing I will buy when I get a job lol
Jan 15, 2015 7:10 PM

May 2014
4K monitors are the best so you'll deffo enjoy it. You might want to get a Seiki U Vision cable as well (just in case). It upscales 1080p to 4K, under the right circumstances. I'm probs gonna change my graphics card in my computer to one that can support 4K that doesn't need to be 30Hz along with the cable I mentioned, so we'll see.
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Jan 15, 2015 7:17 PM

May 2014
Heads up: OP has been edited with (hopefully) better samples
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Jan 15, 2015 7:21 PM

Aug 2008
I'll stick to my vector displays.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
Jan 16, 2015 8:41 AM

Jan 2009
4K or 4K2K or 4096 x 2160/2304 Pixels (depending on the Format 19:10 or 16:9) isn't the same as Ultra HD or Quad Full HD or 3840 x 2160 Pixels (= 2*1920*2*1080=4*1920X1080).

"4K" means at least a horizontal Resolution of 4000 Pixels and the Cinema Standard is 4096x2160P while in a 16:9 Format it would be 4096x2304P.

I can't see the 2nd Picture. Also, when you make a Comparison, you should make sure to use the same Motif with the same Camera Settings and not purposely a bright and colorful Picture as one Example and a dull and monotonous Picture as another, because you can do the same the other way around:

4K 16:9

Full HD
NoboruJan 16, 2015 8:46 AM
Jan 16, 2015 10:35 AM

Jan 2013
das da same image mane
Jan 16, 2015 11:33 AM

Jan 2009
Reload the Page and/or quote me. I've also provided Links to the Images just in Case.
Jan 16, 2015 12:00 PM

Oct 2014
Isn't this quite obvious?
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Jan 16, 2015 1:24 PM

May 2014
I have tested it out, and I can say with confidence that once it comes out, people are going to love it.

Though I'm not rich/spoiled. In fact, my family is generally a mid class fam at that, lel. I was just lucky Seiki was selling them for cheap, aha.
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Jan 16, 2015 1:44 PM

Nov 2014
Jan 16, 2015 2:00 PM

Jan 2009

SSDs are already established and in a affordable enough Price Range to get at least Windows+Programs on it. Newer Laptops mostly have either one or some Sort of SSD Cache included. Booting from a HDD without even having a SSD Cache is so like 1980-2010.
It's possible to get over 100 fps in Games, even with Middle Class Setups, however, you'll most likely need to tone down Graphic Details/Effects as well as Anti-Aliasing and you'll probably need to overclock it a little bit. Naturally, if you want Ultra Settings on demanding Games with over 100 fps, you need to have a more costly high-end Setup you've described.
Jan 16, 2015 2:11 PM

Jan 2013
SubaTonic said:
Was waiting for an even bigger nerd than me to come and correct every single thing like always. I should really just shut the fuck up and drink myself shitfaced instead...Anyway, I guess I'm "so 2010" because all I have is my 1TB mechanical and it does everything fast enough for my liking.
It's better to get shut down than to say nothing at all man. It provides answers to misconceptions that people might have.
we luv u don't stop posting ;_;
Jan 16, 2015 2:18 PM

Jan 2013
SubaTonic said:
Booze is already out. Y'know, it gets pretty disconcerting to realize, time and time again, that every single debate or argument you get into just makes you look like a fucking retard. I used to be the most tech savvy person I knew, but the world's gone and passed me by while I dropped out of high school and sat here in fucking stasis for eight years. I don't know anything anymore and I should stop pretending I do. Bottoms up.
If that is your desire you can become anything you want. Even an alcoholic. What I mean is if you wanna go catch up and become savvy again, it's your decision to make.

but yeee bottoms up o/
Jan 16, 2015 2:21 PM

Jan 2013
SubaTonic said:
Knowledge isn't going to do me any good anymore.
you're stuck in a problem only where only actions matter dude. Go get your highschool. It's never too late.

dude there's like 50yo people at the school I'm going to for dropouts and they're getting their highschool. Fuck man pull yourself together before you get to be 50 and sad like them
Jan 16, 2015 2:29 PM
Jul 2018
You're misunderstanding. I'm not going to need an education, and I'm never going to be 50 in high school.
Jan 16, 2015 2:50 PM

Jan 2009
SubaTonic said:
Was waiting for an even bigger nerd than me to come and correct every single thing like always. I should really just shut the fuck up and drink myself shitfaced instead...Anyway, I guess I'm "so 2010" because all I have is my 1TB mechanical and it does everything fast enough for my liking.

Ah common! Please don't get sad over every little Thing... >>

I don't even consider myself as a "nerd" or even someone with that much Knowledge with Computers; I'm only someone who is a little bit interested in this Stuff and all I know about it is what I picked up from Experiences and computer-related Articles and Discussions.

It's also ok to be content with only having a HDD and it was only a bit of an Exaggeration. Truth is, with Windows 8/8.1 you can get decent enough Boot Times due to the Fast Boot (short Explanation and how to turn it off/back on) or if you just put your Device in Sleep Mode/Hibernation.
But when you have the Money to buy an additional, external HDD for more Storage and/or as an additional Backup, you'll have the Money to get at least a decent 120GB SSD, which would be sufficient for your OS and most - if not all - Programs. And when you've once used a SSD, you'll most likely never want to put up with a HDD again.
Jan 16, 2015 7:35 PM

Apr 2012
I can watch 720 and never once think "I wish this was in higher resolution".

You're limited by your screen, eyes, not watching in pitch black silence, and the fact you're usually getting too involved with the storyline and things to be picking out the minute details in frames. Adjust the colour settings on your tv for more colour :P

Unless you're made of money and fancy scoffing at the proles with their quaint Blu Rays.

damn technology makes me mad sometimes
Jan 18, 2015 1:59 AM

Sep 2008
Thread Moved.
Moved from Casual Discussion to Games, Computers & Tech Support.
Jan 18, 2015 11:48 AM

Nov 2011
if we're talking about files in hard disk, then HD is better, and here's why:
1. the difference in quality is not noticeable unless you have a 4K monitor, and even then, HD files look good enough in most cases.

2. 4K resolution is irrelevant when watching anime, which are usually made in ~720p resolution anyway
very few anime are even made in ~1080p (and none made in 4K)

3. UHD have better resolution, but at the cost of humongous file size.
A video that is 1GB or less in 720p could be 100gb+ in 4K resolution
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