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Case over. No indictment in the Ferguson case

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Nov 25, 2014 9:01 PM

May 2010
The thing I'm most surprised about...

Some jackass violent robber somehow lied in the hearts of hundreds and somehow gained their total trust that he would never try to take a gun from a police officer.

And that his acquaintance wouldn't lie about it and say that he didn't.

Some guy who got caught on camera literally forcing his way through and stealing shit wouldn't POSSIBLY do anything that would deserve to get him shot. No way. So we need to riot over it so the other side understands this.

And then not so long ago you hear of a cop, getting caught on camera, buying food for some random kid he didn't even know as a random act of kindness, and later found shot in his car. What do the police do? Not riot over it. They must have recognized that their guy totally deserved it.
Nov 25, 2014 9:20 PM

Jul 2014
PoeticJustice said:
MdDaniels said:

He looks Hispanic so he is Hispanic as far I am concerned.

Also he was proven innocent, didn't you hear the news?

OJ was innocent to, I guess he didn't kill anyone right? The evidence obviously supported him

Zimmerman is a rather average ordinary citizen, you sound like you're desperately trying to swallow your own shit.

The man was judged solely on facts, he or anyone else should not be crucified due to a bunch of morons and their hurt feelings.
Nov 25, 2014 9:40 PM

Mar 2012
Josh- said:

So yes, the outcome would have been different. The justice system would have been allowed to run its course, and people would have more time to think "rationally" about the issue. The tone would have changed. Whether or not you agree with them, many are interpreting the no-trial result as "an expression of how little black life is worth in America" or something of that nature.
The reason Grand Jury indictments are so common is because the system is broken. The DA usually uses a Grand Jury to present the "state's best case" selectively picking which evidence supports his theory (the presumed guilt of the defendant) and only presents that. The whole purpose of the Grand Jury was to protect the citizen against frivolous law-suits brought forth by the state.

My father is a prosecuting DA, homicide/gangs, in one of the most highly respected DA offices in the country. He agrees with me that the purpose of the DA (prosecutor) is NOT to present the "state's best case" but to present all of the facts and only move forward with a case when there is no shadow of a doubt that the defendant is guilty.

To bring a man to trial without clear and overwhelming evidence is NOT justice served, it is not letting the justice system run it's CORRECT course, and you obviously do not understand the purpose of the justice system whatsoever.

Finally, the idea that the people who came to Ferguson for riots would have not rioted, regardless of any decision brought forth by any jury is absurd. They came to riot, and they were going to riot no matter what. Innocent or guilty, trial or no.
Let's go bowling.
Nov 25, 2014 10:21 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Thrashinuva said:
The thing I'm most surprised about...

Some jackass violent robber somehow lied in the hearts of hundreds and somehow gained their total trust that he would never try to take a gun from a police officer.

And that his acquaintance wouldn't lie about it and say that he didn't.

Some guy who got caught on camera literally forcing his way through and stealing shit wouldn't POSSIBLY do anything that would deserve to get him shot. No way. So we need to riot over it so the other side understands this.

And then not so long ago you hear of a cop, getting caught on camera, buying food for some random kid he didn't even know as a random act of kindness, and later found shot in his car. What do the police do? Not riot over it. They must have recognized that their guy totally deserved it.

I don't fully agree with the rioting either but I don't think this is about him stealing the cigs anymore. That's really not the issue right now. Even if he did steal, he didn't deserve a fatal shot for stealing. Now if there is any other reason for him to be shot at, like say if he actually did punch Wilson or tried to reach for Wilson's gun, that's a different story. Still, Brown was unarmed, and if Wilson felt like Brown was a threat enough to start shooting at Brown, I think seven shots was unnecessary.

And about that last part, did that really happen? That's terrible, and it's unfortunate bad can happen to good people too. Anyways bottom line is, while I agree that the riots are going overboard, I just wanted to mention once again that there's really no point in mentioning the stealing part of the story anymore. (Most) people are probably not rioting because "Some guy who got caught on camera literally forcing his way through and stealing shit wouldn't POSSIBLY do anything that would deserve to get him shot", but more because they are angry about the the decision not to indict Wilson.
Nov 25, 2014 10:24 PM

Jun 2010
JustALEX said:
Holy shit....Black people are literally the biggest sore losers ever.

Get the fuck over it.

The evidence is NOT in your favor....

Too fucking bad.

And great response by burning your fucking city to the ground, as if that will make anything better...

Oh and guess what everyone?!

Black people have risen to the top of the "Oppression Olympics!"

Thanks to Ferguson they now reside in the Gold medal position....overtaking Women as the most oppressed group in the nation!

Congrats Black DID win something!
Your sweeping statement addressing all black people makes it hard to take you seriously.
Nov 25, 2014 10:26 PM

Feb 2013
Can somebody with intimate knowledge of the case and every last piece of evidence tell me exactly what should have happened? I feel like I shouldn't have any issue finding someone like that, because it seems that a good portion of MAL and the rest of the world have some form of ESP that's telling them that the cop is guilty of a crime.

I mean, are we sure we're not just mad that the cop isn't going to jail just because we feel he should for shooting a black man? Are we being emotional and irrational? Goodness me, of course not. Obviously we'd all be much more understanding and better behaved if this sham of a case went to trial, even if in the end, he's proven to be not guilty of a crime.

Case doesn't go to trial. Injustice.
Case goes to trial. Cop is acquitted based on evidence supporting his claim of self-defense. Injustice.
Case goes to trial. Evidence doesn't support case. Cop is found guilty anyway. Justice.

People are never satisfied unless someone burns at the stake. It doesn't matter if we know that the system is broken, as long as it works in our favor, we're happy with it. When it doesn't, we throw a tantrum, just like any other kid who doesn't get that toy they wanted.
Nov 25, 2014 10:42 PM
Feb 2014
GNExia236A said:
JustALEX said:
Holy shit....Black people are literally the biggest sore losers ever.

Get the fuck over it.

The evidence is NOT in your favor....

Too fucking bad.

And great response by burning your fucking city to the ground, as if that will make anything better...

Oh and guess what everyone?!

Black people have risen to the top of the "Oppression Olympics!"

Thanks to Ferguson they now reside in the Gold medal position....overtaking Women as the most oppressed group in the nation!

Congrats Black DID win something!
Your sweeping statement addressing all black people makes it hard to take you seriously.

Thank you.

I refuse to answer your question Josh/Nope, take it to PM if you really want to know why.
Nov 25, 2014 10:48 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Most people probably are too lazy or too tired to read through all the documents and people who do only pick out a few parts to share with everyone else on the internet. And yeah, I don't really know if anything would change even if Wilson went to trial unless he is found guilty. The LA Riots happened because the police were acquitted of charges, so if that happened with Wilson, there would probably still be riots, idk. I don't have enough knowledge either, neither about the evidence nor about the justice system, so I would like someone to answer your question too. My main issue with this is about police brutality. I don't really know what to think of the conflicting testimonies either. But like I said earlier, my opinion on this is just that it seemed unnecessary to shoot seven times, causing Brown's death.
Nov 25, 2014 10:52 PM

Aug 2014
Nov 25, 2014 10:54 PM

Jan 2013
tingy said:
Most people probably are too lazy or too tired to read through all the documents and people who do only pick out a few parts to share with everyone else on the internet. And yeah, I don't really know if anything would change even if Wilson went to trial unless he is found guilty. The LA Riots happened because the police were acquitted of charges, so if that happened with Wilson, there would probably still be riots, idk. I don't have enough knowledge either, neither about the evidence nor about the justice system, so I would like someone to answer your question too. My main issue with this is about police brutality. I don't really know what to think of the conflicting testimonies either. But like I said earlier, my opinion on this is just that it seemed unnecessary to shoot seven times, causing Brown's death.

If the cops were using 9mm it makes sense to shoot that many times. That round is shit in terms of stopping power.

The major problem with the case is IF he's found guilty. That would turn a number of cops away. Nvm the US seems to want its police militarized, given the defense reports and training runs they do, they seem to fully expect a civilian uprising in the coming years.
Nov 25, 2014 11:07 PM

Aug 2014
Drakehawk said:
Give this man a cookie. No, a fucking medal!
Nov 25, 2014 11:09 PM
May 2007
This police chief in Milwaukee has got it. Everyone should watch it. This doesn't apply to the community of Milwaukee, but to everyone. To anyone who is a resident of Milwaukee, I think your police chief is a good man.

I don't exclusively put the blame on black people. I know white guilt white people who are pissed about it too just for the reason they hate their own white privilege and all that mumbo jumbo. A good percentage of these people probably don't give a shit about someone who gets shot by a gang banger. Why care about someone who got shot by a cop trying to defend himself from an attacker that was 3 times his size? Why isn't Chicago rioting over the senseless murders that happen there by criminals? Why riot over the death of an accused criminal?

Yeah, race does play some part in this, but we can't put all the race blame on the whites. I know some very racist black people, Chinese people, Mexican people, and Japanese people, too. I have met assholes of virtually every background who just simply hate because of another's ethnicity and nothing more. This isn't about color of skin but content of character at this point and these "protestors" regardless of nationality should really be observing that innocent 5 year old girl in Milwaukee who died in her father's arms.
Nov 25, 2014 11:20 PM

Nov 2012
jascol said:
Nope said:
I wonder this as well, I guess he means the community is bad? But if so this can apply to all other 'board communities'. I think there's only like 2 bad apples in this thread anyways while the others are just joking although it can be pretty offensive.

Unfortunately you appear to be just yet another white supremacy obsessed drone who cares more about the color of one's skin than the people around you with it. We just got blindsided by one of your supposed friends, and you don't care because you know he's a troll? Why would you befriend a troll in the first place? Please tell me you see something wrong with this picture.
Did you misquote me by accident?
Nov 25, 2014 11:23 PM

Aug 2014
MaiTai said:
MdDaniels said:

Thug does not mean black male

Get rekt m8
Nov 25, 2014 11:27 PM

Aug 2007
StopDropAndBowl said:

Finally, the idea that the people who came to Ferguson for riots would have not rioted, regardless of any decision brought forth by any jury is absurd. They came to riot, and they were going to riot no matter what. Innocent or guilty, trial or no.

I would love to see your source for this.

Aikareos said:

I refuse to answer your question Josh/Nope, take it to PM if you really want to know why.

You refuse to answer because you were caught trolling. Simple as that.
Drunk_SamuraiNov 25, 2014 11:34 PM
Nov 25, 2014 11:39 PM

Nov 2012
MechaKiryu said:
MaiTai said:

Get rekt m8
lol but they're all rappers who say thug and thug life in their songs, you can even see Tupac with thug life tatted on him.
Nov 25, 2014 11:42 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
RedArmyShogun said:

If the cops were using 9mm it makes sense to shoot that many times. That round is shit in terms of stopping power.

Hm okay that makes more sense then. I didn't really do my research on the gun so I wasn't sure what you meant about the 9mm until I search up what "Sig Sauer, a P229 .40 caliber" was. Well then I guess it comes down to whether or not Brown really charged back at Wilson when he turned around, causing Wilson to keep firing at Brown because he felt threatened. Then again, I don't suppose it matters much what Brown actually did if Wilson really felt that he himself was in danger right? I know police are authorized to shoot if they feel they will be in danger, so it depends on Wilson's perception. No one will know exactly how Wilson felt in that situation unless they were Wilson...therefore even if Wilson possibly lied (not saying he did, just accounting for possibly), his reason for shooting would then be plausible. That's what I think might the reason behind for not indicting Wilson is getting at then...? Still, isn't 150 feet kind of far? But if you think you're in danger, then things might seem exaggerated, idk.
Nov 25, 2014 11:44 PM
Feb 2014
Fine, this thread is garbage. Is that OK?
Nov 25, 2014 11:49 PM
Jan 2014
Drunk_Samurai said:

Aikareos said:

I refuse to answer your question Josh/Nope, take it to PM if you really want to know why.

You refuse to answer because you were caught trolling. Simple as that.

if u cant see any reason at all why this thread as well as why this section is garbador supreme i question your intellect
sacredswordsNov 25, 2014 11:53 PM
Nov 25, 2014 11:51 PM
Jan 2014
Nope said:
jascol said:

Unfortunately you appear to be just yet another white supremacy obsessed drone who cares more about the color of one's skin than the people around you with it. We just got blindsided by one of your supposed friends, and you don't care because you know he's a troll? Why would you befriend a troll in the first place? Please tell me you see something wrong with this picture.
Did you misquote me by accident?

nope i was just making sure i wasnt the only member of the kkk around here
Nov 25, 2014 11:54 PM
Feb 2014
jascol said:
Aikareos said:

I refuse to answer your question Josh/Nope, take it to PM if you really want to know why.

You refuse to answer because you were caught trolling. Simple as that.

if u cant see any reason at all why this thread as well as why this section is garbador supreme i question your intellect

Garbador should be UU, absolutely disgusting that filth is NU.
Nov 26, 2014 12:02 AM

Jul 2014
JustALEX said:
Holy shit....Black people are literally the biggest sore losers ever.

Get the fuck over it.

The evidence is NOT in your favor....

Too fucking bad.

And great response by burning your fucking city to the ground, as if that will make anything better...

Oh and guess what everyone?!

Black people have risen to the top of the "Oppression Olympics!"

Thanks to Ferguson they now reside in the Gold medal position....overtaking Women as the most oppressed group in the nation!

Congrats Black DID win something!

If serious this is really fucked up and just a ridiculous thing to say.
Nov 26, 2014 12:14 AM

Jun 2008
GNExia236A said:
Your sweeping statement addressing all black people makes it hard to take you seriously.

Are you seriously taking anyone in this thread seriously?


Race bait thread is more cancerous than gun debate threads.

But want a SERIOUS response?

Here it is....seriously.

Many Black people (NOT ALL) feel like they are constantly on the short end of the stick in society....some of it DOES have to do with racism, there is no doubt about it, but a lot of it DOESN'T.

Racism is very much alive in America, just like Sexism and any other type of irrational bigotry.

That doesn't mean you go bat shit angry when you don't get your way....regardless of whether you think justice or injustice has been served.

Why do we make so much fun of feminists and SJWs?

Because they trivialize every fucking thing and scream MISOGYNY or RAPE or some other bullshit.

Many black folks (NOT ALL) have done the same.....they scream out RACISM and INJUSTICE for things that have nothing to do with what they claim....or at the very least it is exaggerated.

To make things absolutely worse....the people involved in all the horrific riots only make the REAL racists and oppressors take that action as confirmation bias towards their bigoted beliefs.

And if you can't see through hyperbole and cynical sarcasm then maybe you need to quit the internets......SERIOUSLY!
--ALEX--Nov 26, 2014 1:13 AM
Nov 26, 2014 12:55 AM

Dec 2010
Josh- said:

Former New York state Chief Judge Sol Wachtler famously remarked that a prosecutor could persuade a grand jury to “indict a ham sandwich.” The data suggests he was barely exaggerating: According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. attorneys prosecuted 162,000 federal cases in 2010, the most recent year for which we have data. Grand juries declined to return an indictment in 11 of them.

That's a really interesting statistic, especially given some of the details of the case that you elaborated on in the post prior. I'd be curious as to their reasoning for deciding not to indict; it's possible that they thought that sending the case to trial would have been even more detrimental to the community, even though you'd think the opposite.
Nov 26, 2014 1:26 AM
Nov 2008
Josh- said:
dity said:
i dont think the local walgreens did anything to deserve being looted.
Josh- said:
Things To Stop Being Distracted By When A Black Person Gets Murdered By Police

I don't agree with everything here (the author's use of the word murder, for one), but this is still a very relevant article.
any excuse.
no-thanksNov 26, 2014 1:46 AM
Nov 26, 2014 1:34 AM

Aug 2013

Guy kills 2 grown ups and 1 kid while driving too hard and gets a punishment of 120 hours of community service, no riots here.

Americans with their view of racism is pathetic, just because a white guy shot a black guy all hell breaks loose lawl.
Nov 26, 2014 4:33 AM

Mar 2012
Legendre said:
I'd be curious as to their reasoning for deciding not to indict; it's possible that they thought that sending the case to trial would have been even more detrimental to the community, even though you'd think the opposite.

Easy to answer:

Normally, the reason it is so easy to get an indictment is because the burden on the prosecution is incredibly light. He/She usually provides only the evidence which supports his/her theory of guilt and neither the defendant nor the defense is allowed to make counter arguments. Normally there is little to no witnesses being interviewed either.

In this case, possibly(probably?) due to prosecutor bias, the DA elected to provide ALL of the available evidence, and not withhold the evidence which countered the theory of guilt. Subsequently the Grand Jury, given all available evidence, decided that there was not enough evidence of guilt to even justify a trial, much less a conviction. They ruled that the state had no chance of winning a trial against Wilson and thus voted to not indict.

The outrage among the knowledgeable people is that the DA almost NEVER provides all evidence. That the DA did here is, in their minds, an example of a (white)figure of authority protecting "his own". Surely this (white) DA has been much more selective with his evidence in times when the defendant was an accused (black) drug dealer.

The problem with this thinking lies here: regardless of intent, the due process played out as it was originally designed AND as it should always play out.

The original purpose of the Grand Jury was not to be a fast-track indictment for the prosecutor. It was intended to prevent citizens from being brought to frivolous trials (trials where there is a serious lack of evidence against the defendant). In fact, many black civil rights leaders have argued that the Grand Jury system is a powerful tool of disenfranchisement and racism, because many innocent blacks are indicted with selective evidence, and then convinced to plea down in order to prevent a trial/full conviction.

It is terribly wrong to use the Grand Jury system to harm blacks. It is equally wrong to use the Grand Jury system to harm white cops. We should be thankful that the DA used his discretion wisely in this case, and angry that he (and most others) do not do so when the defendant is black.

Any way you look at it, the Grand Jury returned the right verdict: no indictment. The people rioting don't care about Brown, and they don't care about justice. They care about getting their own and assuaging their own hurt feelings by whatever problems they've ever faced by smashing some innocent man's window and stealing his property.

They are narcissists of the highest order. This was never about Brown, or Trayvon, or Rodney King, or MLK, or Malcom X, or civil rights. This was always about them.
StopDropAndBowlNov 26, 2014 6:20 AM
Let's go bowling.
Nov 26, 2014 6:14 AM

Jan 2014
Ban judges.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Nov 26, 2014 6:19 AM

Jul 2011
I blame Obama
Nov 26, 2014 9:23 AM

Mar 2012
ParaParaJMo said:
Why care about someone who got shot by a cop trying to defend himself from an attacker that was 3 times his size? Why isn't Chicago rioting over the senseless murders that happen there by criminals? Why riot over the death of an accused criminal?
If you have to ask these questions, then you don't understand the context.

Chised said:
Guy kills 2 grown ups and 1 kid while driving too hard and gets a punishment of 120 hours of community service, no riots here.

Americans with their view of racism is pathetic, just because a white guy shot a black guy all hell breaks loose lawl.
Same goes for you.
JoshNov 26, 2014 9:30 AM
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Nov 26, 2014 9:56 AM

Jan 2011
Josh- said:
the context

What the fuck is that?
Nov 26, 2014 10:09 AM
Apr 2013
The evidence that shows evidence are selective is needed.
I don't see all witnesses are speaking to protect the cop.
I do see some bias against the cop by making assumptions. But it's clearly noted so it wont affect the bill.
Nov 26, 2014 10:30 AM

Mar 2012
JonyJC said:
Josh- said:
the context
What the fuck is that?
I guess satire isn't your thing. But satire aside, it's an incredibly valuable report, that is both well written and well researched. It's required reading for anyone ignorant enough to say anything along the lines of: "But why care about this, specifically, when other stuff happens that is equivalent/worse??"
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Nov 26, 2014 11:05 AM

Mar 2012
StopDropAndBowl said:
Any way you look at it, the Grand Jury returned the right verdict: no indictment.
Anyway you look at it, maybe. I'm not saying that Wilson is definitely guilty—I don't know and, more importantly, I haven't taken the time to look at all of the evidence in detail—but his innocence is certainly not obvious. Have you read Wilson's testimony? It's wildly implausible. It starts at about page 200, for anyone interested. Brown, having just robbed a store, actively (and violently) confronts a police officer? Brown punches a police officer in the face, more or less unprovoked? Brown calmly hands the stolen goods to his friend saying "hey man, take these", while continuing the unprovoked beatdown? Wilson carefully and thoughtfully considers all of his options, before deciding that he can't effectively use any of them except his gun? Wilson didn't use mace because he has contacts and his eyes are sensitive? Maybe it's true! Maybe so. But come on. You can't tell me that doesn't sound like a fresh load of bullshit. And that's only the beginning.

That alone should merit a trial, in my mind.
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Nov 26, 2014 11:24 AM
Apr 2013
The police was trapped in his car.
He was trying to get out to take the two for inspection as they were not going to cooperate. He then even stopped the car in a way to block the road. But the two men mostly Brown block his door and took offensive. It's nonsense for a normal citizen to do so, it's not if someone who may have stolen stuff and not ready to be arrested.

How ordinary is it to rob a store in American's view I wonder. It seems every kid can do so if they wish and the police shouldn't be too serious and let the two suspects go as they were not willing to cooperate.

He can choose whatever he want during a fight. It's not like online game you can pause the screen and make some fancy options. He did not even have a shortcut key like F1 for potion F2 for sword.
Nov 26, 2014 11:39 AM

Jul 2014

"thug life" etc, they adopt it themselves, eat shit.
MdDanielsNov 26, 2014 11:43 AM
Nov 26, 2014 12:50 PM

Mar 2012
Josh- said:

The testimony doesn't seem to have any problems that most eye-witness testimony has. It's unreliable, the person adds in considerations that didn't exist, maybe e white-washes other ones.

Inconsistency in one person's testimony is NOT enough to merit a trial. That in no way satisfies even the already low standards of probable cause.
Let's go bowling.
Nov 26, 2014 1:09 PM

Jul 2014
Any country in its right mind (Japan) should keep the country ethnically homogeneous, racial diversity just gives birth to conflict and self-loathing. The united states is a failed experiment. Any country that thinks it is a good idea to divide the country ethnically is just opening up a can of worms for the sake of opening up a can of worms, basically the negatives far outweigh whatever benefits there are.
Nov 26, 2014 1:20 PM

Aug 2013
MdDaniels said:
Any country in its right mind (Japan) should keep the country ethnically homogeneous, racial diversity just gives birth to conflict and self-loathing. The united states is a failed experiment. Any country that thinks it is a good idea to divide the country ethnically is just opening up a can of worms for the sake of opening up a can of worms, basically the negatives far outweigh whatever benefits there are.

How you can deny being a racist while posting bullshit comments like this is beyond me.
Nov 26, 2014 1:40 PM

Jul 2014
Fantasee said:
MdDaniels said:
Any country in its right mind (Japan) should keep the country ethnically homogeneous, racial diversity just gives birth to conflict and self-loathing. The united states is a failed experiment. Any country that thinks it is a good idea to divide the country ethnically is just opening up a can of worms for the sake of opening up a can of worms, basically the negatives far outweigh whatever benefits there are.

How you can deny being a racist while posting bullshit comments like this is beyond me.

If we're going to make stupid comments and accusations, the whole of Japan must be racist as well, and you must also be racist for enjoying racist entertainment from Japan.

By your standards racism is not wanting to embrace racial Marxism, and Japanese entertainment does not embrace racial Marxism and neither does Japan.

Opening a can of worms for the sake of opening up a can of worms.
MdDanielsNov 26, 2014 1:50 PM
Nov 26, 2014 2:16 PM

Aug 2007
MdDaniels said:
Fantasee said:

How you can deny being a racist while posting bullshit comments like this is beyond me.

If we're going to make stupid comments and accusations, the whole of Japan must be racist as well, and you must also be racist for enjoying racist entertainment from Japan.

By your standards racism is not wanting to embrace racial Marxism, and Japanese entertainment does not embrace racial Marxism and neither does Japan.

Opening a can of worms for the sake of opening up a can of worms.

Your responses denying you are racist are so cute. :3
Nov 26, 2014 2:26 PM

Aug 2013
MdDaniels said:
Fantasee said:

How you can deny being a racist while posting bullshit comments like this is beyond me.

If we're going to make stupid comments and accusations, the whole of Japan must be racist as well, and you must also be racist for enjoying racist entertainment from Japan.

By your standards racism is not wanting to embrace racial Marxism, and Japanese entertainment does not embrace racial Marxism and neither does Japan.

Well at least they are not black, they would be setting fire to the forum, shooting the admins and screaming oppression whenever someone tells them that is wrong.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if any business would want to set up shop in an area that has a large black presence, this is all too much of a common occurrence when black people start moving in. Blacks kill white people and other black people far more often than white people kill black people, yet it is only an issue with these hypocrites when it is a white person killing a black person, the hypocrisy is outrageous.

^ Both quotes are clearly racist comments. The initial post I responded to is, as well. You're basically promoting segregation by saying a country "in its right mind" would keep itself limited to one race.

Speaking of that.. You say that Japan is "in its right mind" since the country is majority Asian, yet you don't seem to realize ANYBODY IS FREE TO MOVE TO JAPAN. If a large group of white and black people decided to move to Japan, nothing is stopping them. Keeping the country one race isn't Japan's mindset.
Your train of thought is basically "Japan is mostly Asian, so that means they must be trying to keep the country ethnically homogeneous", and that is insanely moronic. Gtfo of here with that logic.
FallingSn0wNov 26, 2014 2:30 PM
Nov 26, 2014 2:33 PM

Mar 2012
StopDropAndBowl said:
Inconsistency in one person's testimony is NOT enough to merit a trial. That in no way satisfies even the already low standards of probable cause.
I think it is, given that it's coming from one of the two most important witnesses (and the other one is dead). But suppose it's not enough. Well, it's hardly the only inconsistency. (Sorry if you have to strain your eyes to read the top row.)

Then there are other big questions: Did he really need to use his gun? Did he need to shoot again after Brown ran away? Did he need to keep shooting after hitting Brown once? How about after the second time?

The only way I can interpret the result it that the grand jury bought into Wilson's "childish racial fantasy" (as one writer put it), which is pathetic.
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Nov 26, 2014 2:54 PM

Jul 2014
Drunk_Samurai said:
MdDaniels said:

If we're going to make stupid comments and accusations, the whole of Japan must be racist as well, and you must also be racist for enjoying racist entertainment from Japan.

By your standards racism is not wanting to embrace racial Marxism, and Japanese entertainment does not embrace racial Marxism and neither does Japan.

Opening a can of worms for the sake of opening up a can of worms.

Your responses denying you are racist are so cute. :3

Your posts saying nothing at all are even more cute. :3

Fantasee said:
MdDaniels said:

If we're going to make stupid comments and accusations, the whole of Japan must be racist as well, and you must also be racist for enjoying racist entertainment from Japan.

By your standards racism is not wanting to embrace racial Marxism, and Japanese entertainment does not embrace racial Marxism and neither does Japan.

Well at least they are not black, they would be setting fire to the forum, shooting the admins and screaming oppression whenever someone tells them that is wrong.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if any business would want to set up shop in an area that has a large black presence, this is all too much of a common occurrence when black people start moving in. Blacks kill white people and other black people far more often than white people kill black people, yet it is only an issue with these hypocrites when it is a white person killing a black person, the hypocrisy is outrageous.

^ Both quotes are clearly racist comments. The initial post I responded to is, as well. You're basically promoting segregation by saying a country in its right mind would keep a country limited to one race.

Speaking of that.. You say that Japan is "in its right mind" since the country is majority Asian, yet you don't seem to realize ANYBODY IS FREE TO MOVE TO JAPAN. If a large group of white and black people decided to move to Japan, nothing is stopping them. Keeping the country one race isn't Japan's mindset.
Your train of thought is basically "Japan is mostly Asian, so that means they must be trying to keep the country ethnically homogeneous", and that is insanely moronic. Gtfo here with that logic.

Well racial diversity does lead to conflict. Damaging racism isn't an issue inside an homogeneous country because people are not divided by race. If you shove all different types of people in to the same space and expect them to just get along there is undoubtedly going to be conflict and injustices, so if we throw race in to the list of differences there is going to be even more conflict, all for the sake of what exactly? this is why racial diversity is evil.

"Japan is mostly Asian, so that means they must be trying to keep the country ethnically homogeneous"

Japan is trying to keep its country ethnically homogeneous as compared to countries like Sweden and the united kingdom, countries that are actively trying to embrace racial diversity which has led to all kinds of injustice and evil.

Like Rotherham in the united kingdom, where over a 1000 children were sexually abused by migrants and police allowed them to get away with it for years because the police didn't want to be seen as racist. In Sweden, if you make the factual connection between migrants and rape you will get shut down.

In the united states, if you look anywhere you will see how Asians, whites and blacks naturally gravitate towards areas where their race is the majority.

You may think your intentions and your beliefs are good, but the outcome certainly won't be.

Also I love how it is fine for Africans countries to say they want to protect their national racial identity, but for a white or maybe Asian country to say the same it would called racist.

"nothing is stopping them" it is not easy at all and there is very little incentive to do so, which is why people who go there do so because they love the country, which is how it should be for every country. Unlike the united states where you can just walk across the border, or in Europe where they encourage more migrants to their countries just for the sake of it.
Nov 26, 2014 3:08 PM
Apr 2013
There's no way US can be like Japan suddenly. In fact, Japan has undergone multiple ethnic phase long ago. The current Japanese is a mixture of ancient Japanese, Chinese, Koreans etc. We collectively call them Japanese/Asians as we cannot differentiate them.
Nov 26, 2014 4:31 PM

Aug 2013
MdDaniels said:
Well racial diversity does lead to conflict. Damaging racism isn't an issue inside an homogeneous country because people are not divided by race. If you shove all different types of people in to the same space and expect them to just get along there is undoubtedly going to be conflict and injustices, so if we throw race in to the list of differences there is going to be even more conflict, all for the sake of what exactly? this is why racial diversity is evil.

"Japan is mostly Asian, so that means they must be trying to keep the country ethnically homogeneous"

Japan is trying to keep its country ethnically homogeneous as compared to countries like Sweden and the united kingdom, countries that are actively trying to embrace racial diversity which has led to all kinds of injustice and evil.

Like Rotherham in the united kingdom, where over a 1000 children were sexually abused by migrants and police allowed them to get away with it for years because the police didn't want to be seen as racist. In Sweden, if you make the factual connection between migrants and rape you will get shut down.

In the united states, if you look anywhere you will see how Asians, whites and blacks naturally gravitate towards areas where their race is the majority.

You may think your intentions and your beliefs are good, but the outcome certainly won't be.

Also I love how it is fine for Africans countries to say they want to protect their national racial identity, but for a white or maybe Asian country to say the same it would called racist.

"nothing is stopping them" it is not easy at all and there is very little incentive to do so, which is why people who go there do so because they love the country, which is how it should be for every country. Unlike the united states where you can just walk across the border, or in Europe where they encourage more migrants to their countries just for the sake of it.

Who's shoving and forcing anybody into the same space? That's not how America (or any other country that is diverse) became diverse. I can't think of a single diverse country where people don't have the option to move if they so desire. So, given that, I think there's a clear difference between diversity and, as you say, forcing multiple races into the same place. I'm not going to deny racial diversity has lead to some (emphasis on SOME) conflict throughout history, but the pros vastly outweigh the cons. Diversity of race leads to diversity of culture, which means diversity of thought. Look at it as exposure to variety leading to a greater variety of ideas and options. Both of those are invariably better to have more of than less. I'd rather not live in ignorance.
FallingSn0wNov 26, 2014 4:34 PM
Nov 26, 2014 5:13 PM

Jul 2014

"Who's shoving and forcing anybody in to the same space" It is being engineered that way.

What I was saying before about how people in the USA tend to gravitate towards communities where they are an ethnic majority, the government has been trying to socially engineer those of a different race to move in to communities where they are not the ethnic majority, obviously this isn't natural and is going to create conflict somewhere, all for the sake of the shitty communist diversity experiment.

"but the pros vastly outweigh the cons. Diversity of race leads to diversity of culture, which means diversity of thought."

Baseless Marxist crap, what diversity really does is shit up society by creating cultural conflict, Japan for example would sink given how distinct their culture is.

Different cultures do not exist alongside each other well at all, the space between them becomes a breeding ground for hatred, so the natural thing to do would be to eliminate the culture that makes every country so diversely different from each other and special.

It is evil.
MdDanielsNov 26, 2014 7:17 PM
Nov 26, 2014 5:35 PM

Jan 2014
Just came in here to identify the racists.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Nov 26, 2014 7:02 PM

Sep 2013
Just came to post this :)

Nov 26, 2014 7:05 PM
May 2007
"We get a big community of hipsters in town, waving their signs about oppression, fascism and Nazism, and their last experience with police was in their D.A.R.E. class."-Minn. police chief
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