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Pretty good. I see some people mention Aria, but I personally don't think this will top it...but it is only the first episode. I'll be looking forward to some more slice of life.
saxophone15 said: Pretty good. I see some people mention Aria, but I personally don't think this will top it...but it is only the first episode. I'll be looking forward to some more slice of life.
I don't think it can top Aria either, but the style is very reminiscent and that's good enough for me to be excited. A great start.
It was weak, shallow, empty... but judging it by its genre (slice of life), it was actually very adorable, heart-warming, and enjoyable to watch. Ridiculous condensation of moeness scared me a tad, but after seeing that there's no fan service, I accepted it - after all, it only adds more charm to the story.
4/5 for this episode, but I feel that it may become a pretty good SoL anime.
Awww! This anime is sooooo cute and adorable! And the attention to detail in just about everything is just masterful. Satelight has really improved over the years! Plus the OP and ED themes are great! And Yune...d'awwww!
Yune is so absolutely adorable. Claude is actually not as mean as I'd expected him to be from the synopsis. I quiet like him. The music and atmosphere and scenery was just perfect. Satelight did a great job with the animation.
Very cute story, I can tell it's going to be one of my favorite this season.
Expected more tension from Claude, but instead he turned out to be a nice guy. I suppose this will just be one of those heart-warming series. (Not to say that's bad ^_^)
Nice OP and ED, the OP is likely the song that is suited to be listened while walking through streets :D
I thought that Yune will get scolded by Claude, a surprise for me that he didn's scolded her :D
It's a nice thing though, somehow I don't want to see people(or anime character) getting scolded or something like that -_-
I hope that I could French from this though, but it's still okay :D
the opening is said by French, the closing is said by Japanese, good for me ;D
Ah what a lovely heart warming series! I love the French aspect which initially drew me to the series and it's 19th century too. Will certainly be continuing this series, the art and music are beautiful.
I like anime, where the action takes place outside of Japan, in Europe and historical.
Quiet, pleasant and sweet. Nice to watch. I do not like France, but still I like it (It is a pity that it is not UK)
I adore this series already. Everything in this episode was perfect.
I've been waiting for a series that gave off the same feeling as Aria. Looking forward to this 100%, but I'm not expecting this to surpass Aria in anyway.
LOLIA the imagination
5/5, 9/10
I like what you did there. Yes really has that aria atmosphere. Relaxing hearth and warming. Hoping this one will get a second season also.
A slice of life anime that doesn't take place in Japan for once... I already love it. The charm of this series is really captured in the scenes of Paris. Beautiful animation! And the characters seem cute and realistic, as well. Loved the scene where Claude bows to Yune. Very touching, indeed.
Atenias said: The main girl annoys me, acting to be cute but is actually a fox in disguise. I don't like loli-anime.
And what is with the French narration?
Yune is innocent, there's not even a sign she's a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Read the synopsis, takes place in 19th century France, expect French Narration. Gosick had French everywhere which has almost the same theme and the same location.
bwahahachick said: A slice of life anime that doesn't take place in Japan for once... I already love it. The charm of this series is really captured in the scenes of Paris. Beautiful animation! And the characters seem cute and realistic, as well. Loved the scene where Claude bows to Yune. Very touching, indeed.
I thought that was rather adorable, Claude finding a way to communicate his regret to Yune.
I was kind of surprised Yune could understand and speak French though. I wonder if she had already been learning beforehand? (Which would explain why she wanted to go to France?) I realize kids can pick up languages pretty quickly, but this episode was her first day in France, if I understand correctly.
this is anime is very refreshing!!!
Really nice, calming episode for me, Yune was just CUTE!!! XD
wanna see the next episode, especially the part where she eats the cheese!!!
Hmm, it was all right. I really do quite like the character designs, but Yune's voice is kind of annoying lol. Kind of a slow episode. I'll watch a couple more episodes though :P
I didn't think Yune would be so young. She seems like, 9 or 10 years old maybe O_O OP and ED were both all right, they fit but not my style. Was a bit confused about the whole Japanese / French thing, but it made more sense that she could understand everything. We'll see how this goes, I suppose :P
Im glad ive spent these 20 minutes on it. I first thought it's another loli-something(typical reaction for this kind of cover), but actually noone seems perverted yet ;d
9/10 for great first ep, i didnt knew i wanted to watch something like this, but now i know :D
Claude is just like me. We have the same mindset... Even the same name. I think the only difference is the hair colour. Oh, and I speak French, too ._.
I might love this show, <3
its so heart warming in a way and Yune is just so cute, and nice
She makes me want to pet her head <3
Well the OP and ED are nice, I wonder when the OP or ED will be out to get..
I do want xDD
lol I like her kimonos they're so beautiful~
anyways, I give the first episode a 10/10
since... meh why not xDD