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Would you still give a high rating to a well-made anime even if it promotes messages against your beliefs?

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Aug 7, 2022 5:14 AM

Feb 2010
If I actually think the anime is promoting or glorifying something harmful or dangerous in a way that isn't clearly parodical or cynical and actually makes people buy into its ideals, then yes, I will hate that anime, if I care enough. But I can really only remember one case of that in my 7k anime that I've seen and that's Shigatsu and how it handled mental health as if getting bullied and forced into extremely uncomfortable situations is somehow healing and not traumatizing when done by a cute girl that's dying. I found it disgusting and don't wish anyone who suffers from trauma irl to ever meet a person like that who's insistent on traumatizing them even deeper. And somehow all of that is being frames as a good thing in the show and is supposed to be touching instead of disgusting. I couldn't get over it and still hate the show for it today.

There's also some shows that clearly promote nationalism and related ideals (Mahouka & Gate come to mind), but they're usually so silly and hard to take seriously that I enjoy them for how dumb and entertaining they are. I don't really condone that kind of messaging, but it doesn't bother me nearly as much as misrepresentation of mental health which is way more universal of a theme. Although I hate the expression, you could say I can ironically watch and enjoy those kind of shows because of how heavy-handed the propaganda is. Shigatsu was different because I saw so many people actually praise it for how it handled trauma and mental health when it literally showcased the absolute worst and most harmful way of dealing with it, and that just made me turn from just not liking the show to treating it like it's actively harmful.

Hrybami said:

I may be wrong, but if an anime was supposed to be propaganda then it wouldn't be a fictional story. Because if it was the work as a propaganda, it would mean that the fiction affect the reality and that is pretty clear that it isn't case. Unless the creator's goal was to promote things to the 0.1% of people who can't tell the difference between fiction and reality, then this "promotion" is not any more effective than trying to boil water by shaking it with a spoon.

That's a pretty naive take tbh. Propaganda is often a lot more subtle than just telling you lies about reality. That's usually just the emergency version of propaganda used in immediate wars and stuff like that, but we're still faced with propaganda in our media during peaceful times. Stuff like how every villain in a hollywood movie tends to be from the ethnic background of whoever is america's #1 enemy at that time (russian during the soviet era, muslim after 9/11 etc...) is clearly propaganda in some way to unite the populace against the idea of a common enemy (and how they look like), for example. It doesn't need to be deep-fakes of real politicians or whatever to be propaganda, always portraying certain things in extremely positive or negative ways in fiction is also a form of propaganda that will tricker down to the minds of the people if kept up for long enough. Movies like The Birth of a Nation or even American Sniper clearly contain elements of propaganda despite not being documentaries but fictionalizations.

You can also talk about chinese media in that regard, where certain topics are banned, certain scenes get removed or rewritten for release there and you rarely see a movie that doesn't at least have some sort of sub-theme that's deeply rooted in chinese culture. All of that happens in fictional movies because the chinese government knows the power of fiction to impact the minds of viewers. It's usually less about direct propaganda straight-up trying to tell people what to do or think, but more about subtle values being transmitted by fiction, especially over time when it's common in a lot of stuff to the point where it becomes the accepted norm for viewers. For example the red scare in the US was, among other things, heavily supported by propaganda in film and media, always making communism/socialism look evil for decades to the point where you can't even have a conversation about the topic now, 30+ years after the fall of the soviet union, with most americans because their hatred for these ideologies is so deeply ingrained into their DNA at this point.

Stuff like that does happen and it does work very well and it has very little to do with people being unable to tell the difference between reality and fiction. People don't need to believe a specific story actually happened to buy into the idea that some of the underlying values are reflecting the real world to some degree (like which side in a conflict is 'evil' and which side is 'good', even if told through a fictional story). And that's how media/fiction can shape our perception of the world. Heck, Hollywood is one of the biggest and most successful tools of america's imperialism to this day, spreading the american way of thinking globally to generations of people. Stuff like the american dream and they way it is portrayed in movies and TV is for the most part just a propaganda tool to show the world how great america is compared to the rest of the globe, for example.

I don't want to disgress too much, but I always find it funny when people think propaganda cannot and does not happen in fiction. The people who hold those beliefs so firmly are usually the easiest targets for it too, because they don't even realize when it happens, which is all the time, just subtly. I'm sure you yourself hold some values that have been absorbed from or at least shaped or supported by seeing them over and over again in fiction to the point where you don't even question them but just take them for granted, as facts. We all do. The only difference is whether you're trying to be aware of it or are in denial about it, the latter being the ideal case for it to work.
I probably regret this post by now.
Aug 7, 2022 5:28 AM
Ooga Booga

Jul 2020
I would need beliefs to begin with to rate based around them.

smoochie smoochie[/center]
Aug 7, 2022 5:44 AM

Sep 2014
Alcoholicide said:
If I actually think the anime is promoting or glorifying something harmful or dangerous in a way that isn't clearly parodical or cynical and actually makes people buy into its ideals, then yes, I will hate that anime, if I care enough. But I can really only remember one case of that in my 7k anime that I've seen and that's Shigatsu and how it handled mental health as if getting bullied and forced into extremely uncomfortable situations is somehow healing and not traumatizing when done by a cute girl that's dying. I found it disgusting and don't wish anyone who suffers from trauma irl to ever meet a person like that who's insistent on traumatizing them even deeper. And somehow all of that is being frames as a good thing in the show and is supposed to be touching instead of disgusting. I couldn't get over it and still hate the show for it today.

There's also some shows that clearly promote nationalism and related ideals (Mahouka & Gate come to mind), but they're usually so silly and hard to take seriously that I enjoy them for how dumb and entertaining they are. I don't really condone that kind of messaging, but it doesn't bother me nearly as much as misrepresentation of mental health which is way more universal of a theme. Although I hate the expression, you could say I can ironically watch and enjoy those kind of shows because of how heavy-handed the propaganda is. Shigatsu was different because I saw so many people actually praise it for how it handled trauma and mental health when it literally showcased the absolute worst and most harmful way of dealing with it, and that just made me turn from just not liking the show to treating it like it's actively harmful.

Hrybami said:

I may be wrong, but if an anime was supposed to be propaganda then it wouldn't be a fictional story. Because if it was the work as a propaganda, it would mean that the fiction affect the reality and that is pretty clear that it isn't case. Unless the creator's goal was to promote things to the 0.1% of people who can't tell the difference between fiction and reality, then this "promotion" is not any more effective than trying to boil water by shaking it with a spoon.

That's a pretty naive take tbh. Propaganda is often a lot more subtle than just telling you lies about reality. That's usually just the emergency version of propaganda used in immediate wars and stuff like that, but we're still faced with propaganda in our media during peaceful times. Stuff like how every villain in a hollywood movie tends to be from the ethnic background of whoever is america's #1 enemy at that time (russian during the soviet era, muslim after 9/11 etc...) is clearly propaganda in some way to unite the populace against the idea of a common enemy (and how they look like), for example. It doesn't need to be deep-fakes of real politicians or whatever to be propaganda, always portraying certain things in extremely positive or negative ways in fiction is also a form of propaganda that will tricker down to the minds of the people if kept up for long enough. Movies like The Birth of a Nation or even American Sniper clearly contain elements of propaganda despite not being documentaries but fictionalizations.

You can also talk about chinese media in that regard, where certain topics are banned, certain scenes get removed or rewritten for release there and you rarely see a movie that doesn't at least have some sort of sub-theme that's deeply rooted in chinese culture. All of that happens in fictional movies because the chinese government knows the power of fiction to impact the minds of viewers. It's usually less about direct propaganda straight-up trying to tell people what to do or think, but more about subtle values being transmitted by fiction, especially over time when it's common in a lot of stuff to the point where it becomes the accepted norm for viewers. For example the red scare in the US was, among other things, heavily supported by propaganda in film and media, always making communism/socialism look evil for decades to the point where you can't even have a conversation about the topic now, 30+ years after the fall of the soviet union, with most americans because their hatred for these ideologies is so deeply ingrained into their DNA at this point.

Stuff like that does happen and it does work very well and it has very little to do with people being unable to tell the difference between reality and fiction. People don't need to believe a specific story actually happened to buy into the idea that some of the underlying values are reflecting the real world to some degree (like which side in a conflict is 'evil' and which side is 'good', even if told through a fictional story). And that's how media/fiction can shape our perception of the world. Heck, Hollywood is one of the biggest and most successful tools of america's imperialism to this day, spreading the american way of thinking globally to generations of people. Stuff like the american dream and they way it is portrayed in movies and TV is for the most part just a propaganda tool to show the world how great america is compared to the rest of the globe, for example.

I don't want to disgress too much, but I always find it funny when people think propaganda cannot and does not happen in fiction. The people who hold those beliefs so firmly are usually the easiest targets for it too, because they don't even realize when it happens, which is all the time, just subtly. I'm sure you yourself hold some values that have been absorbed from or at least shaped or supported by seeing them over and over again in fiction to the point where you don't even question them but just take them for granted, as facts. We all do. The only difference is whether you're trying to be aware of it or are in denial about it, the latter being the ideal case for it to work.

I refused to believe it's the norm for most people. As it turned out those attempt at propaganda are the reasons why people generally make fun of China and America so I don't feel it can be applied to the larger portion of the population. Or if that is truly the case, then I've always thought people were smarter than they actually were.

And no, I'm probably the least person on MAL who would take a fact for granted. My vision of reality is that the hard truth only lie where it can be demonstrated through fundamental maths. I don't even take the concept of time and space as fact, so let alone some bs messages spread through some entertainment devices.
Aug 7, 2022 5:48 AM

May 2016

Shin Sekai Yori is a 10/10 series, even though it falsely asserts that violent revolution is the wrong way to change a corrupt society.

This glorious signature image was created by @Mayumi!

I am the Arbiter of Absolute Truth, and here is my wisdom:

"Anime was always influenced by the West. This is not news.
Shoujo is the superior genre primarily aimed at young people.
Harem/isekai are lazy genres that refuse any meaningful innovation.
There is no 'Golden Age.' There will always be top-shelf anime.
You should be watching Carole & Tuesday."
Aug 7, 2022 6:04 AM

Jun 2015
MonkeeDan said:
I would need beliefs to begin with to rate based around them.
Right, this question does not apply to nihilists like yourself.
Aug 7, 2022 6:06 AM

Apr 2012
That really depends on whether we're talking "different feelings and opinions" or "objectively incorrect", and also how damaging, if at all, the message is, and simply whether it makes a good case for it or a stupid case for it.

But often, you don't even have to be judging the message actively for it to cause big problems. My favourite example of this is from a Doctor Who story called Androids of Tara. Much of this is about the threat that a "false prince" will become the new king, instead of the rightful heir. This leads to me not really enjoying the story, because I judge the notion that the first born prince should become the new ruler to be the ultimate in nepotism. But when watching the story, it merely manifests as me simply not caring about this thing which all the "good" characters think is important. And I just get bored.
Aug 7, 2022 6:42 AM

Oct 2011
I look at more than an anime just being well made when I decide what to rate it. Storytelling, characters, art and how it made me feel so including moral messages. But a bad message probably wouldn't make me rate it any lower compared to all those other things being good or poor.
Aug 7, 2022 7:17 AM

Jun 2014
Depends on how deeply and seriously I hold those views, and how much they're promoted in the show. Initial D is just glorification of illegal street racing, which I obviously don't condone, but I still gave it a pretty high rating. I used to be a teenager with petrolhead friends, so I understand the appeal. And at the end of the day, the characters generally act honorably (even the guy tailgates random people seems to stop acting scummy after being humbled) with the idea of the main character being kind of aimless before finding his true calling being relatable.
Aug 7, 2022 11:39 AM

Aug 2010
Beliefs are lies. I'm open minded, so yea.
Aug 7, 2022 6:12 PM
Jul 2018
Maybe, as long as it doesn't attack my personal beliefs.
Aug 7, 2022 6:53 PM

Jun 2016
People who say you can be objective when facing an art gosh...

I don't see how I can find an anime that ''promotes'' things like pedophilia good. I don't see how it makes good writing.
Aug 7, 2022 6:57 PM

Oct 2014
Anime which have moral critiques from me, independent from the story, do affect my enjoyment which effects my score. But not enough to hinder a high rating. I still gave Mushoku Tensei a 7.

I don't believe in the Devil.
You should. He believes in you.
Aug 7, 2022 11:55 PM

Oct 2008
When an anime bores me I give it at most a 4/10 and at least a 2/10.

If an anime annoys or pisses me off however, I give it a 3/10 or 1/10.

So to answer your question, if it pissed me off, out of sheer spite I'd rate it lower than it deserves.
Aug 8, 2022 5:32 AM

Feb 2019
Deago said:
Would you still give a high score to an anime that you thought had good writing and execution, as well as being well-animated and directed, but subtely promotes moral messages contrary to your personal beliefs (such as incest, slavery, or paedophilia) simply because you rate anime from an objective standpoint or based on enjoyment and ignore subjective ethical principles?

Incest, slavery and paedophilia are objectively wrong. Your question is both loaded and stupid.
Well I for one already loved Lain.
Aug 8, 2022 12:57 PM

Jun 2015
O_T_T said:
Deago said:
Would you still give a high score to an anime that you thought had good writing and execution, as well as being well-animated and directed, but subtely promotes moral messages contrary to your personal beliefs (such as incest, slavery, or paedophilia) simply because you rate anime from an objective standpoint or based on enjoyment and ignore subjective ethical principles?

Incest, slavery and paedophilia are objectively wrong. Your question is both loaded and stupid.

Then you don't understand what 'objectively' means because you lack basic historical and cultural knowledge.
Aug 8, 2022 1:11 PM

Jun 2022
If its subtle I probably won't even notice it so yes. but if it isn't subtle it depends on how much it is promoting those beliefs and what exactly those beliefs are.
Aug 8, 2022 1:16 PM
May 2021
Deago said:
O_T_T said:

Incest, slavery and paedophilia are objectively wrong. Your question is both loaded and stupid.

Then you don't understand what 'objectively' means because you lack basic historical and cultural knowledge.

But somehow you can rate anime from an objective standpoint while also saying that slavery and pedophilia are not objectively wrong. You can analyze anime on a TECHNICAL level, but that is different from objective.

However, if I were to watch a technical marvel that was horrific and promoted abhorrent views and was based in an abhorrent worldview that slavery and pedophilia were moral imperatives then I would be able to rate the technical ability of the anime high while saying that the anime was one of the worst things ever created despite being a technical marvel.
Aug 8, 2022 1:41 PM

Jun 2022
First off, personally, I've never seen an anime that actually "promotes" such things, listed by OP.

Secondly, usage of subject matter as a plot device or whatever is ≠ to the "promotion" of said subject matter, including the subjects listed by the OP.
Aug 8, 2022 2:15 PM
May 2008
RealIllusions said:
Deago said:

Then you don't understand what 'objectively' means because you lack basic historical and cultural knowledge.

But somehow you can rate anime from an objective standpoint while also saying that slavery and pedophilia are not objectively wrong. You can analyze anime on a TECHNICAL level, but that is different from objective.

However, if I were to watch a technical marvel that was horrific and promoted abhorrent views and was based in an abhorrent worldview that slavery and pedophilia were moral imperatives then I would be able to rate the technical ability of the anime high while saying that the anime was one of the worst things ever created despite being a technical marvel.

I kinda agree with this to be fair, but the " promoted abhorrent views and was based in an abhorrent worldview "- part is such an iffy part. We, as a society drew a totalyy arbitrary line on what's an abhorrent world view and what is acceptable. Like for example vengeance or killing is something we society is against, and we totally love revenge stories which is a murderfest (John Wick or God of War, for example) where we just ignore the " abhorrent worldview" part.

Also, we consider a lot of stuff abhorrent even though if you try objectively look at it you just can't really argue aginst them. For example incest.
Aug 8, 2022 2:33 PM
Neet Specter

Mar 2022
I refuse to give any ratings on any anime to feed your unhealthy obsession with ratings and reviews...some of you don't even watch the anime, only influence voting by giving false ratings to promote popular shows like its a competition who see what ends the day on number 1 spot ...
ryo-sanAug 8, 2022 2:41 PM

Aug 8, 2022 3:13 PM

Dec 2009
I only care if the story is good and coherent, if it checks those 2 points I don't give a damn if it contradicts my values, because is fiction and because artistic freedom is important for quality works
Aug 8, 2022 3:18 PM

May 2021
It would be the same as giving a poorly made anime a low rating, but one that supports my beliefs. I would rate it as it deserves to be rated.

Aug 8, 2022 3:40 PM

Aug 2020
I don't find myself enjoying media that is TOO different from my beliefs so I don't generally finish those in the first place, or if I do, my utter lack of enjoyment has a significant impact on the rating. That said, even if I don't agree with something, if I can see any value in it, I'm still gonna rate it decently high even if I personally didn't enjoy it.

So basically, I'm pretty flexible when it comes to stuff that is more sublte and in the realm of personal views, but very much not flexible when it comes to stuff humanity as a whole generally considers an inexcusable crime (rape, pedophilia, etc.), even if it's a fantasy world running on its own set of rules.
SleepySeraAug 8, 2022 3:52 PM
Aug 8, 2022 3:48 PM
May 2021
UTMAN said:
RealIllusions said:

But somehow you can rate anime from an objective standpoint while also saying that slavery and pedophilia are not objectively wrong. You can analyze anime on a TECHNICAL level, but that is different from objective.

However, if I were to watch a technical marvel that was horrific and promoted abhorrent views and was based in an abhorrent worldview that slavery and pedophilia were moral imperatives then I would be able to rate the technical ability of the anime high while saying that the anime was one of the worst things ever created despite being a technical marvel.

I kinda agree with this to be fair, but the " promoted abhorrent views and was based in an abhorrent worldview "- part is such an iffy part. We, as a society drew a totalyy arbitrary line on what's an abhorrent world view and what is acceptable. Like for example vengeance or killing is something we society is against, and we totally love revenge stories which is a murderfest (John Wick or God of War, for example) where we just ignore the " abhorrent worldview" part.

Also, we consider a lot of stuff abhorrent even though if you try objectively look at it you just can't really argue aginst them. For example incest.

You cute the quote too soon. The abhorrant worldview I gave as an example was that slavery and pedophilia were a moral imperative. I did that because I think that while incest is gross I can see instances where it's not morally wrong, however, slavery and pedophilia are different and are ALWAYS wrong
Aug 8, 2022 4:00 PM

Sep 2020
If the story is well written I don't care if it shows the most darkest aspects of mankind.

A big example being Berzerk.
Lost my old account in the hacking accountpocalypse
Aug 8, 2022 4:06 PM
Apr 2018
Deago said:
Would you still give a high score to an anime that you thought had good writing and execution, as well as being well-animated and directed, but subtely promotes moral messages contrary to your personal beliefs (such as incest, slavery, or paedophilia) simply because you rate anime from an objective standpoint or based on enjoyment and ignore subjective ethical principles?

That's a good question. For example, I really like the first two Evangelion rebuild movies and use to give them a 10/10, but after rewatching them I really disliked all the religious references especially in the 2.0 movie, so I ended up giving them lower scores for that plus 3.0 and 3.0+1.0 being awful movies. To conclude, I think I do give lower scores if it has stuff that goes against my personal morals/beliefs. I'm not perfect, obviously, but yeah. I definitely do base my scores around those factors as well.
Aug 10, 2022 5:42 AM

Feb 2019
Deago said:
O_T_T said:

Incest, slavery and paedophilia are objectively wrong. Your question is both loaded and stupid.

Then you don't understand what 'objectively' means because you lack basic historical and cultural knowledge.

Cultures that condone such acts are likewise objectively wrong. In fact a culture seeing such acts as anything less is entirely due to a subjective perspective.

Not to mention that, regardless of both those points, "it was Ok in the past" is not a valid argument in any context. You would first need to show that whatever cultures you're thinking of are in the objective right, which, I'll save you the trouble, they aren't.

I shall also point out, so that you are aware - the fact that you disagree with an act as obviously heinous as paedophilia, well, you can imagine what my conclusion about you as an individual is.
Well I for one already loved Lain.
Aug 10, 2022 10:47 AM

Oct 2019

as long as the message is well put together, and knows how to handle itseld right, not only i won't get bothered by it, i will like it more.
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Aug 10, 2022 10:56 AM
cinnamon girl ♡

Apr 2021
no i am a very opiniated person, something that dishonors my values doesn't make me like it. so no
Aug 10, 2022 1:13 PM

Jun 2015
O_T_T said:
Deago said:

Then you don't understand what 'objectively' means because you lack basic historical and cultural knowledge.

Cultures that condone such acts are likewise objectively wrong. In fact a culture seeing such acts as anything less is entirely due to a subjective perspective.

Not to mention that, regardless of both those points, "it was Ok in the past" is not a valid argument in any context. You would first need to show that whatever cultures you're thinking of are in the objective right, which, I'll save you the trouble, they aren't.

I shall also point out, so that you are aware - the fact that you disagree with an act as obviously heinous as paedophilia, well, you can imagine what my conclusion about you as an individual is.

And how would you demonstrate that we currently and objectively know what is moral, when the future humanity from your perspective would say that we, the present ones, are also objectively wrong? In any case, how do you prove the morality of contentious issues like abortion, religions, prostitution, naturism, veganism, gun law, drug law, same-sex marriage, or the 'objective' age of consent? Who decides what constitutes "moral objectivism"? You? Your God?
DeagoAug 10, 2022 1:52 PM
Aug 10, 2022 4:30 PM

Sep 2021
I'd probably rate it higher than something I agree with.
Aug 10, 2022 4:31 PM
Aug 2022
Yes, why wouldn't I? If it's fmab where Edward is an athiest Idc, since fmab is dogshit anyways.
Aug 10, 2022 4:50 PM
Jul 2019
The answer is yes, undoubtedly.

If you want to even attempt to critique anime in any serious way, you must leave your personal bias, experiences and ideology at the door. It seems silly to me that you could be so against a show like, attack on titan - which blatantly explores themes of imperialism - enough to trash it just because you don't like imperialism (as you should), despite the fact that the show has so much else going for it beyond the shallow depiction of its political structure.

Did this anime deliver its message? Did this anime make use of its production style? Did this anime tell a captivating story? These are questions that you can explore through so many lenses other than your own personal beliefs.

You should be objective in reviewing anime, however, your subjective experience with a show can greatly influence how you look back at it in nostalgia.
Aug 11, 2022 4:01 AM

Feb 2019
Deago said:
And how would you demonstrate that we currently and objectively know what is moral, when the future humanity from your perspective would say that we, the present ones, are also objectively wrong?

First, you're dodging the question. You are claiming such acts aren't objectively wrong, you need to demonstrate that. For you to ask me to show the opposite suggests you have no genuine justification for thinking what you do, and instead choose to rely on an Appeal to Ignorance.

Second, you have absolutely no way to know what future civilisations will think, you are merely hoping that they hold a negative view of us, since that suits your position. It's also completely irrelevant, since I've already established that what is acceptable within particular cultures during their existence does not inform objective morality.

In any case, how do you prove the morality of contentious issues like abortion, religions, prostitution, naturism, veganism, gun law, drug law, same-sex marriage, or the 'objective' age of consent?

I would have you first prove any of those issues are contentious or currently relevant. You're clearly trying to distract from the point.

Who decides what constitutes "moral objectivism"? You? Your God?

The definition of the word "objective" tells you exactly how it is defined. Trusting that you aren't looking it up as you read, do you know what the word means?

Anyway, you haven't attempted to reinforce your earlier argument in relation to culture. You may want to try and do so, otherwise I shall have to conclude you've conceded there.
Well I for one already loved Lain.
Aug 11, 2022 7:09 AM

Jun 2019
What does "promote" mean in the context you're employing the term? Because far far too many people use it entirely too loosely and interchangeably with "depicting". As if a series or film depicting someone saying, thinking, or doing something is promoting it, whereas in actuality it's adding detail to the plot and characters of a story. Sure, the way something is framed can be interpreted as propaganda to advance a particular single idea or entire set of values or ideology, but in truth, because humans are inseparable from bias, that's something present, intentionally or not, in all artwork, all entertainment, and all media. It's just that it usually goes undetected and invisible to people when it agrees with, affirms, and reinforces their already pre-existing beliefs and worldview.

The closest thing coming to something turning me off or annoying me due to an element of perceived messaging potentially either indicative of the writer's own viewpoint or as a result of being subject to external pressure (bureaucratic committee design oversight, social media pressure mobs, etc.) was the pervasive anti-age gap propaganda in Higehiro.

Nemo_Niemand said:
If something is against my beliefs I just drop it. Why should I endure it in the first place?
And it's not about incest, slavery, pedophilia or something controversial like that. It's something more subtle.
For example, Inuyasha. A guy and his gang brutally murders and eats a whole village, including little kids. And then the main heroine be like: "Wait, I think he is not this bad. Actually, he is a good guy". And then he periodically appears in the show and gets portrayed as someone kind and generous. No atonement for his deeds. It was not even mentioned anymore. As if it was something unimportant and absolutely ok.
That was a big no for me.

You should specify that he was/is a youkai. Humans are considered a lower form of life and food for some youkai. It's really no different than humans eating a whole group of cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, sheep, or goats.
WatchTillTandavaAug 11, 2022 7:18 AM
Aug 11, 2022 9:43 AM

May 2018
WatchTillTandava said:

Nemo_Niemand said:
If something is against my beliefs I just drop it. Why should I endure it in the first place?
And it's not about incest, slavery, pedophilia or something controversial like that. It's something more subtle.
For example, Inuyasha. A guy and his gang brutally murders and eats a whole village, including little kids. And then the main heroine be like: "Wait, I think he is not this bad. Actually, he is a good guy". And then he periodically appears in the show and gets portrayed as someone kind and generous. No atonement for his deeds. It was not even mentioned anymore. As if it was something unimportant and absolutely ok.
That was a big no for me.

You should specify that he was/is a youkai. Humans are considered a lower form of life and food for some youkai. It's really no different than humans eating a whole group of cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, sheep, or goats.

But I still don't think it's ok for a human heroine. Like, a guy considers you a lower form of life and a food and murdered/ate many of your kind before, while you keep saying that he's a good guy. That's strange.

Aug 13, 2022 2:03 AM

Jun 2015
JaniSIr said:
I mean, what beliefs are we talking about exactly?
Kinda hard to say without specific examples.
Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World
The message: Sex slavery is good as long as your slaves are well treated.
In case you think this anime is well-written, well-excuted, and well-animated, would you still give it a high rating if you oppose sex slavery?
Aug 13, 2022 2:13 AM

Jul 2021
Deago said:
JaniSIr said:
I mean, what beliefs are we talking about exactly?
Kinda hard to say without specific examples.
Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World
The message: Sex slavery is good as long as your slaves are well treated.
In case you think this anime is well-written, well-excuted, and well-animated, would you still give it a high rating if you oppose sex slavery?
I specifically decided to add that series to my PTW list because it's messed up.
Aug 13, 2022 2:20 AM

Jun 2015
JaniSIr said:
Deago said:
Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World
The message: Sex slavery is good as long as your slaves are well treated.
In case you think this anime is well-written, well-excuted, and well-animated, would you still give it a high rating if you oppose sex slavery?
I specifically decided to add that series to my PTW list because it's messed up.
Okay, that doesn't answer anything, but please return later after watching it and tell me if you deducted points from the work BECAUSE it promotes sex slavery.
Aug 13, 2022 3:01 AM

Jul 2021
Deago said:
JaniSIr said:
I specifically decided to add that series to my PTW list because it's messed up.
Okay, that doesn't answer anything, but please return later after watching it and tell me if you deducted points from the work BECAUSE it promotes sex slavery.

There is no way either of us will remember this conversation minimum 6 weeks from now.
Aug 13, 2022 3:04 AM

Jun 2015
JaniSIr said:
Deago said:
Okay, that doesn't answer anything, but please return later after watching it and tell me if you deducted points from the work BECAUSE it promotes sex slavery.

There is no way either of us will remember this conversation minimum 6 weeks from now.

Not if I add a screenshot of this conversation on my profile.
Aug 13, 2022 3:24 AM

Jul 2021
Deago said:
JaniSIr said:

There is no way either of us will remember this conversation minimum 6 weeks from now.

Not if I add a screenshot of this conversation on my profile.

Please don't do that.
Anyway, having a morally grey or straight up horrible protagonist can make for really entertaining stories.
You could probably find something that makes me mad too though.
Aug 13, 2022 3:24 AM

May 2021
I don't rate anime, so I will change the term "high rating" here into "I liked it." Monogatari series is one of my favorite anime and it included incest, pedophilia. Does that means I'm supporting them? No. I admit they were disturbing, but it simply doesn't matter, because the greatness in other qualities are what made me like Monogatari. I can simply ignore mistakes on something I like, it doesn't matter, this is just a videography entertainment which purpose is to gain fun.

On the other hand, I could dislike something that has the exact same elements simply because I disliked them and I don't find what would made it to be likeable.

Liking anime is subjective and always ever subjective, case closed.

Aug 13, 2022 3:45 AM

Jun 2015
Aruchemist said:
Liking anime is subjective and always ever subjective, case closed.

I know, I just used the phrase "rating anime objectively" to make a bait question for those who claim to rate anime objectively. Users who know me well know that I have always been opposed to 'objective rating'.
Aug 13, 2022 3:59 AM

Jun 2015
JaniSIr said:
Deago said:

Not if I add a screenshot of this conversation on my profile.

Please don't do that.
Anyway, having a morally grey or straight up horrible protagonist can make for really entertaining stories.
You could probably find something that makes me mad too though.
But you're missing the point. Depicting a horrible protagonist does not automatically imply that the author is attempting to make sense of the protagonist's morality; in fact, when the author is attempting to persuade an audience to further an agenda, they depict the characters with the agenda as 'good', while characters who oppose the agenda as 'bad'.

For example, depicting an isekai enslaver protagonist treating his slaves well and the female slaves as agreeable, while depicting those opposed to the protagonist as ugly one-dimensional rapists is typical pro-slavery propaganda; implying that slavery is good as long as you treat your slaves well.
Aug 13, 2022 4:08 AM

Apr 2016
I would argue that there is no such thing as an "objective" review or rating in a medium as subjective as entertainment media. Everybody has different standards for what they consider good or bad and how these things should be measured "objectively". The only truly objective things about an anime are things like "is it in color or black and white" for example. I rate based on my personal enjoyment because that's the only metric that really counts to me when it comes to entertainment media anyway.
Aug 13, 2022 4:08 AM

Jul 2021
Deago said:
JaniSIr said:

Please don't do that.
Anyway, having a morally grey or straight up horrible protagonist can make for really entertaining stories.
You could probably find something that makes me mad too though.
But you're missing the point. Depicting a horrible protagonist does not automatically imply that the author is attempting to make sense of the protagonist's morality; in fact, when the author is attempting to persuade an audience to further an agenda, they depict the characters with the agenda as 'good', while characters who oppose the agenda as 'bad'.

For example, depicting an isekai enslaver protagonist treating his slaves well and the female slaves as agreeable, while depicting those opposed to the protagonist as ugly one-dimensional rapists is typical pro-slavery propaganda; implying that slavery is good as long as you treat your slaves well.

Do you know what made me mad? Made in abyss depicting child labor, and yeeting kids into certain death as good.
Aug 13, 2022 4:15 AM

Mar 2012
No I won't, I won't enjoy such a series in the first place because I'm sure it will have multiple scenes that I would find annoying or straight up piss me off. I still make exceptions to psychological horror stuff though these types are supposed to be messed up to begin with, I don't think they are doing it to promote any messages.
Aug 13, 2022 4:21 AM

Jun 2015
Pit93 said:
I would argue that there is no such thing as an "objective" review or rating in a medium as subjective as entertainment media. Everybody has different standards for what they consider good or bad and how these things should be measured "objectively". The only truly objective things about an anime are things like "is it in color or black and white" for example. I rate based on my personal enjoyment because that's the only metric that really counts to me when it comes to entertainment media anyway.
Yes, I was simply baiting those who claim to rate objectively.
Maou_heika said:
I still make exceptions to psychological horror stuff though these types are supposed to be messed up to begin with, I don't think they are doing it to promote any messages.
Yes, those don't count.
DeagoAug 13, 2022 4:24 AM
Aug 13, 2022 8:53 AM

Aug 2013
I watched a great anime once. It was going to give it at least a 9 but... the ending.

I hated it a lot. It was overly positive, there's no way any normal person would think like that. I could hear the voice of the author saying "no matter how badly others treat you, never hate humanity or stop believing in it". I wanted to puke and got so angry I gave it a 1.

This happened more than once, my 1 is actually "I found this anime to be against my personal believes to an offending level".
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