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Sep 23, 2018 1:42 PM

Jan 2013
Not finishing things makes me anxious in general, and that includes the anime series I watch.

weetI guess, as long as I have life, all I can do is fight with all my might.
Sep 23, 2018 1:46 PM

Nov 2016
When starting out I'd say watch everything in its fullest to kind of understand the medium. But, when your used to anime drop anything at any point you feel bored. Unless you're told otherwise by someone who's taste you feel is decent.
Sep 23, 2018 1:50 PM

Jan 2014
for many its become like having +500 contacts in linkedin or facebook. something they need to show off. some kind of inferiority complex there.
Sep 23, 2018 2:04 PM

Nov 2017
I hate people who watches anime just so they can brag about it.
Heck, some even watches in 2x+ speed just so they can put it in their fuckin' Completed. I watch solely cause of enjoyment and I have a bad (Good?) habit of finishing what I start that's why I try to finish even the shittiest anime(s) no matter how long it takes. Besides, I do that so I can take part in it's hate conversations too. (Haven't watched many shitty anime though)


So many anime, So little time!

Sep 24, 2018 1:59 AM
Dec 2013
I watch anime for entertainment and am not a completionist, so I continue the anime that I like and sometimes drop the anime that I don't like.
Sep 24, 2018 2:23 AM

Mar 2017
I just want to watch all my PTW then I'm gone for good
Sep 24, 2018 2:48 AM

Apr 2014
IcecreamDrew said:
I just want to watch all my PTW then I'm gone for good

I have around 30 anime in my PTW and I already know I'm never watching all of them. Then there's you with 500 PTW.
A stupid thread deserves a stupid answer!
Sep 24, 2018 6:26 AM

Sep 2013
I watch anime for both completion and entertainament, I mean, if I feel like watching something even tho I think I'll hate it I'll watch it anyways if I feel like it ( tokyo ghoul root a, for example)
I just find something that I enjoy watching and watch it till the end, I feel bad for not completing the story because I find it bad, so I just end up watching everything. Being someone that likes to complete everything doesn't mean that it's not enjoying anime, it just mean that they like to watch everything till the end.
Sep 24, 2018 6:35 AM

Aug 2016
I just watch whatever seems interesting to me.
Who are you and why do you show your hostility towards a complete stranger whom you've not once spoken with before. Are you seriously asking to get blocked? Well, if that's what your intent is; to tempt me into throwing hands with someone as lowly and insignificant as you, then i may grant your wish provided you articulate yourself a bit better when trying to spite a person of my wavelength.
Sep 24, 2018 6:43 AM
Sep 2018
It's funny how we have changed so much within the years. What happened to enjoying the classic Cowboy Bebop or Trigun? It's like we evolved and lost the point of why anime exists.
Anime is pathetic. So am I for being a part of this community.
Sep 24, 2018 10:46 AM

Mar 2017
Prince said:
IcecreamDrew said:
I just want to watch all my PTW then I'm gone for good

I have around 30 anime in my PTW and I already know I'm never watching all of them. Then there's you with 500 PTW.

time will tell, slowly but surely, I know I can ( I hope )
Sep 24, 2018 11:02 AM

Jan 2016
Personally I just want the things I've watched sorted out(and and ocd like obsession at that) and also this site is a platform to communicate with people who is as passionate about anime as I am(thanks to the sorting feature they have) . I think this is the appeal of this site tbh. I mean you've got Goodreads for books, got Letterboxd for films. Are you gonna say these sites are for pissing contests between bookworms and film buffs too?

Plus, it isn't too hard to update your list after watching a few episodes of stuff. Like it takes a few seconds or so lol.
ethotSep 24, 2018 11:10 AM
Sep 24, 2018 11:30 AM

Nov 2016
Did you know there is a way to mark an anime show as on hold or watching. its incredible.
You can also make your list secret. well thats what i heard but i dont care who sees because noone cares. people are just living their lives. they are not following me around to see what shows ive completed. atleast i hope not
Sep 24, 2018 12:12 PM
Apr 2016
I dropped to many anime this season cause I have not enough time watching it. But the funny thing is I already finish rewatching back 4 anime, chihayafuru, Antarctica, denpa onna, and oregairu. Guess I'm not the type to watch for the sake of completion. So are there some of Mal user actually treat the completion as trophy hunter like on ps4?
Sep 24, 2018 12:16 PM
Jul 2018
CapitalistGod said:
Personally I just want the things I've watched sorted out(and and ocd like obsession at that) and also this site is a platform to communicate with people who is as passionate about anime as I am(thanks to the sorting feature they have) . I think this is the appeal of this site tbh. I mean you've got Goodreads for books, got Letterboxd for films. Are you gonna say these sites are for pissing contests between bookworms and film buffs too?

Plus, it isn't too hard to update your list after watching a few episodes of stuff. Like it takes a few seconds or so lol.

It's not something I think about, or feel like i need to do. I go from one anime to the next...and when I am keeping up with 30+ different anime, they all end at different times. Also don't just watch 2-3 episodes at a time. while i'm waiting for new episodes to come out, I find something i haven't seen or rewatch older stuff. It's basically all I do in my free time.
It just seems like it would be too much trouble, and I don't really feel like i gain anything out of it. MOST of the time I will know if I've seen something or not, regardless of remembering anything about it. There are MANY anime I've seen that I don't remember ANYTHING about. I'm sure there are many people like that. I also don't mind rewatching anime if I've forgotten about it, that makes it even better! I love it when it's been long enough since I've seen an anime that I can rewatch it as if I'm seeing it for the first time again.
I just don't see any point in the list.
It serves no purpose for me.

ZodiarkCSR said:
I dropped to many anime this season cause I have not enough time watching it. But the funny thing is I already finish rewatching back 4 anime, chihayafuru, Antarctica, denpa onna, and oregairu. Guess I'm not the type to watch for the sake of completion. So are there some of Mal user actually treat the completion as trophy hunter like on ps4?

yes. I've also seen MANY people who make light of it.
Like I believe I watch a LOT of anime, but I'm not doing it to brag or compete. I don't have any end-game.

I see people who talk about the anime they've watched as if they are superior to others, and it's really annoying...especially when it's painfully obvious they are stretching the truth. Like I don't doubt there are MANY people like me who watch as much if not MUCH more... but like.. those people actually have a different mindset towards it. They wouldn't casually brag about it like it's nothing. Like this kid who says he watches literally ALL anime and "stopped counting after 4k" over the 20 years he's been watching anime since he was 2 years old. LoL.

Like, I am a decade older than him and have CLEAR memories of watching anime 20 years ago. There wasn't an abundance of anime to choose from like there is now. Not only that, it was a VERY expensive hobby back then if you wanted to watch more than what little bit they showed on television in the west.
It seems like he thinks anime has always been this abundant. I'm like no man, you say you've been watching anime since the 90s being born in 1995, but you know nothing about the anime boom. Look at seasonal anime now. ok. I get it, you've been watching a lot of anime lately, and you think you can say it's always been like that, but it hasn't.
Jump to 2008, 10 years ago. Look at the difference, between then and now. Now jump back a whole nother 10 years to 1998. Sit the fuck down kid.
removed-userSep 24, 2018 12:27 PM
Sep 24, 2018 12:23 PM

Aug 2016
IcecreamDrew said:
I just want to watch all my PTW then I'm gone for good

That's a very tall task, but I like the dedication.

I remember when I was at 600 PTW. I'm getting closer to that promiseland
Sep 24, 2018 12:39 PM

Aug 2017
Long and proud no-dropper here. I like to watch anime no matter how shitty it is. You can find entertainment if the show is shit. "So bad it's good".
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
Sep 24, 2018 12:43 PM

Dec 2008
I used to but anymore I'll give a series 2 episodes. If I don't like it I delete it from my hdd and move on to try another series.
Life Is Short But Intense.
Sep 24, 2018 12:50 PM

Sep 2017
I am not a completionist when I watch anime. However, I do understand the mentality because I am like that way for books. Sometimes it is really satisfying reading as many endings as beginnings. Also, sometimes reading far into a book or a series is what is really needed to appreciate it, as beginnings can be clunky and boring with all the setting up, world building, and character introductions.

I’m less like this with anime because I just have less patience with it. Also, a lot of anime have unsatisfactory endings due to sequel baiting for sequels that may never come or just being an advertisement for the source material. The way a lot of manga anime is based off of is written to go on and on with no ending in sight is also a contributing factor as well .
Sep 24, 2018 1:03 PM

May 2018
jarring said:

It just seems like a kind of pissing contest for weebs.

There are completists outside the anime fandom - TV series completists, book completists, comics completists ect...weird people everywhere.

jarring said:
There are so many people who started watching anime in the 90s when they were toddlers...I guess it makes it sound more realistic when they claim to have watched 6k+ anime.

I don't get you.
I am 45 and I literally started to watch anime at the end of the 70's. Even my first movie watched in cinema theatre was anime (Nagagutsu wo Haita Neko).
But you know, there was very little anime available for me back then - mostly kodomo. Can't count more than 40 before 2000 and the longest was Sailor Moon (and I missed some episodes because they were on TV and I hadn't programmable VCR).
Can't understand your logic. Are oldfarts like me forbidden to watch anime, or there are some scientific conclusions that they can't enjoy it or what?

jarring said:
Then there are kids claiming to be fluent in Japanese after watching a bunch of subbed anime.

But I know guy or too that went to study japanese language because of anime...and the stopped watching anime but that's another story...

About dropping...I drop a lot. "Classics" (Naruto at 10/220, One Piece at 724), "masterpieces" (EVA at 2/26, Ergo Proxy at 3/23) and keeped watching really stupid stuff. Don't care much how other anime fans perceive me. This list and statistics are only for my usage...because I am oldfart I forgot easily, duuuh.
Sep 24, 2018 1:20 PM

Apr 2011
I've only dropped about 5 series or so, but finished most of them years down the line, and most of those dropped were due to something like my hard drive broke and then I couldn't find it again (this was all about 10 years ago or so).
I complete every anime I start for a couple of reasons:
1. Anime do sometimes get better after the beginning.
2. While not every anime I watch is good, they almost all have at least one good part I can enjoy, so it doesn't become a chore.
3. No matter the story, I don't like dropping it in the middle and not knowing how it ends.

Besides, I don't try every seasonal, just ones that seem interesting to me or get a lot of praise.
Sep 24, 2018 1:23 PM

May 2018
jarring said:
watching anime like AS AN OTAKU when they were a toddler in the 90s.. that seems like a stretch right?

Is watching unlike an otaku considered lower quality watching? Not enjoyable enough?

By the way, how do you watch like otaku? Cosplaying, making some sort or ritual, feverishly commenting every scene on-line?
I am doing it the same way as in my childhood - sitting (preferably comfortably) and following what is happening on the screen... If this is the wrong way may be I don't deserve to use MAL?

jarring said:
It just feels like they are trying too hard to compete.
Like they want to be on the same level as me???
I don't want to feel like I'm on a certain level?

Maybe this is only in your head?

jarring said:
I see people who talk about the anime they've watched as if they are superior to others

I have completed and enjoyed Ojisan to Marshmallow thus I feel superior to anyone who hasn't!!!
alshuSep 24, 2018 1:43 PM
Sep 24, 2018 1:28 PM

Oct 2014
That sounds like an awful reason to watch Anime. I only made a list (which started in a notepad on my computer), so I could remember all what I've watched. I only made a MAL account so that I could organize it a bit better. Just more convenient to have everything in one site (your list, a database, and a forum for discussion).
Sep 24, 2018 11:10 PM
Jul 2018
alshu said:
jarring said:
watching anime like AS AN OTAKU when they were a toddler in the 90s.. that seems like a stretch right?

Is watching unlike an otaku considered lower quality watching? Not enjoyable enough?

By the way, how do you watch like otaku? Cosplaying, making some sort or ritual, feverishly commenting every scene on-line?
I am doing it the same way as in my childhood - sitting (preferably comfortably) and following what is happening on the screen... If this is the wrong way may be I don't deserve to use MAL?

jarring said:
It just feels like they are trying too hard to compete.
Like they want to be on the same level as me???
I don't want to feel like I'm on a certain level?

Maybe this is only in your head?

jarring said:
I see people who talk about the anime they've watched as if they are superior to others

I have completed and enjoyed Ojisan to Marshmallow thus I feel superior to anyone who hasn't!!!

First of all "as an otaku" was something I added in for some reason. Basically what he told me was "I started watching anime when I was 2-3 years old and I NEVER STOPPED. I watched it 24/7" Like, he became an addict, and obsessed with the medium when he was 2-3 years old. He's clearly compensating. There are many people who pull shit like this and it's annoying.

As someone who is older than him, it is incredibly hard to believe.

Never heard of anime playing in theaters back then. though I was born in 86, so I can't say I was around. But I do remember anime being pretty much nonexistent in the for like.. speed racer. and it was still just a cartoon. AFAIK people didn't start making fun of the dub till after anime became common knowledge in the late 90s early 2000s. Sci-Fi channel started playing it at select times around the early mid 90s and gained a little traction(especially Akira). Also possible for several people to be lucky enough to have caught neotokyo on MTV's Liquid Television, but that's pretty rare. I watched both of these programs, but I'm not even sure I caught Neotokyo, though I have clear memories of "anime" on MTV. Everyone knows what happened after Cartoon Network started playing DBZ and Sailor Moon.

As someone who is younger than you, is what I say hard to believe?

Old people can watch anime, I'm a grown adult. You are basically proving my original point though. There wasn't a lot to choose from. Very true, I was there. I went to suncoast regularly to buy anime on VHS...I didn't know any better though, and it was plenty to me. The selection was just...nothing like it is now.

It sounds to me like he's been recently watching a lot of anime due to the availability of streaming, pretty much just like everyone who watches anime. However, for some reason, he thinks he can act like it's always been this easy to watch anime, so a number like 6k sounds reasonable to him if he projects the delusion that he's been streaming the same amount of anime since the late 90s when he was born.

This was my point. People are delusional. His age was only a piece of evidence.
Sep 24, 2018 11:16 PM
Jul 2018
I'm watching anime now-a-days for the sake of completion, that's because I'm losing interest in it, it's the only hobby I have rn and I don't want to let it go yet. So, I force myself to watch but still, I end up liking it after watching few episodes
Sep 24, 2018 11:16 PM

Sep 2018
I'm not sure what's wrong with being a completionist. Dropping a show just because you don't like it or aren't enjoying it doesn't make you enjoy anime any more imo. I think it is important to watch things you don't like in order to better understand the things you do like. Dropping shows because you're too lazy to finish them is just hedonism plain and simple.

Plus you can't really say you didn't like something & also all the reasons it was bad with full confidence unless you've seen it all. Often to say you didn't like something requires a greater knowledge than to say you did.
Sep 24, 2018 11:30 PM
Jul 2018
Oogata9618 said:
I'm not sure what's wrong with being a completionist. Dropping a show just because you don't like it or aren't enjoying it doesn't make you enjoy anime any more imo. I think it is important to watch things you don't like in order to better understand the things you do like. Dropping shows because you're too lazy to finish them is just hedonism plain and simple.

Plus you can't really say you didn't like something & also all the reasons it was bad with full confidence unless you've seen it all. Often to say you didn't like something requires a greater knowledge than to say you did.

So you think it's your job to watch anime? Do you get paid for it? j/w cuz I just might understand being a completionist in this case.

Also, I don't agree with your second statement. I understand your reasoning, but I don't think it's necessary to indulge in "bad" to know "good". While it's true that indulging in something "better" gives you knowledge that it's "better", it was not necessary to have indulged in the previous "bad" taste testing to understand what "quality" came thereafter. All THAT does, is create bias.
Sep 24, 2018 11:35 PM
Oct 2012
I watch certain anime for the sake of completion because I have a policy of finishing what I started. I certainly want to increase my watch count, but I don't do that by forcing myself to watch shows that I am not even interested in the first place.

In response to the people saying that they can understand Japanese after watching anime, I certainly find that to be slightly true. In my case, I studied Japanese for the sake of watching anime shows that don't air in my region (which means watching from Japanese source). I did become interested in Japanese language and learned several phrases and vocabs, though I'd never claim myself to be good at it, I simply "know" it.
Sep 25, 2018 12:02 AM
Jul 2018
hersonlaef said:
I watch certain anime for the sake of completion because I have a policy of finishing what I started. I certainly want to increase my watch count, but I don't do that by forcing myself to watch shows that I am not even interested in the first place.

In response to the people saying that they can understand Japanese after watching anime, I certainly find that to be slightly true. In my case, I studied Japanese for the sake of watching anime shows that don't air in my region (which means watching from Japanese source). I did become interested in Japanese language and learned several phrases and vocabs, though I'd never claim myself to be good at it, I simply "know" it.

I don't understand the "count" thing. It doesn't make since to me. It doesn't have any meaning. Do you get a cookie for every anime you complete?

I only watch anime because I enjoy watching it. the cookie is the anime itself. There are anime i'd be like "I wish this show would never end".

On that note, you don't have to read or respond to the rest of this, just adding onto my thread.
I don't think all anime should be like that, especially ones with long progressive arcs. They tend to be repetitious, and I get bored of them. It's why I put down DBZ during the Namek saga, growing strong distaste for it. It's also why I tend to stray from most all shonen. I'm the opposite of most people when it comes to shonen, I like the episodic "filler" in these shows, but not the actual content because it's all the same.
The first show that comes to mind that I wished never ended was Little Witch Academia. Episodic fantasy? yes please. People wonder why Cowboy Bebop was so successful, but the answer is right there.
Story progression is great and all, especially for movies...but the truly great shows that stand the test of time are all episodic. Just look at Gunsmoke, it's still airing after 68 years. People are still watching that shit. It never gets old for them. Even the black and white seasons are being aired.
don't get me wrong, i love a good anime with a complex plot backed by relatable character development that keeps me immersed.
I just think it's best for anime like that to be least in comparison to the typical shonen.
Also, I've always felt this way. I didn't need any experience.
Sep 25, 2018 12:23 AM
May 2009
Curiosity, correlations, analytic patterns and the joy derived from not only the process but also the shared conversation following. Who am I, what do I like, how do I share my interests with my friends or strangers. The hobby consists of more than the unreflected or habitual act of consuming - neither is bad. Why wouldn't one administer systematically and brag about not retaining the system, if it wasn't for some narrow-minded form of self-gratification to separate into they "analysers" and us "consumers." To genuinely understand you don't have to look further than inherent human desires for patterns.
Sep 25, 2018 12:34 AM
May 2009
Even if you don't seek to discuss, your list is a powerful tool for discovery on this site. Tags, scores, time intervals and several other values can be used to analyse and discover new series' that have a higher probability to suit your taste.
Sep 25, 2018 12:56 AM
Jul 2018
Eisigerhauch said:
Curiosity, correlations, analytic patterns and the joy derived from not only the process but also the shared conversation following. Who am I, what do I like, how do I share my interests with my friends or strangers. The hobby consists of more than the unreflected or habitual act of consuming - neither is bad. Why wouldn't one administer systematically and brag about not retaining the system, if it wasn't for some narrow-minded form of self-gratification to separate into they "analysers" and us "consumers." To genuinely understand you don't have to look further than inherent human desires for patterns.

AFAIK a completionist is a form of a perfectionist, which is a defense mechanism. I'm glad you said this, as you kind of just tripped me out, causing me to remember my own experiences as a perfectionist "artist". Though it seemed like being a perfectionist was what made my art "good", especially when trying to draw realism...all it did was cause tunnel vision, and i'd often find myself boring a hole into the paper. All that was required of me was to draw, but i just ended up wasting time on irrelevant details, instead of focusing on the big picture.

reminds me of a particular questionnaire i first found in a song. I've heard it's called the Oxford Capacity Analysis. I've also heard that it was given as a form to the people of Japan looking for jobs. It does seem to be similar to the OCA, but I have no other information about it being used to find work in Japan.

removed-userSep 25, 2018 1:14 AM
Sep 25, 2018 1:04 AM

Dec 2016
Lunilah said:
jarring said:
I just don't get the appeal of this site other than the forums.
It just seems like a kind of pissing contest for weebs.
To touch on this. I actually really love looking at the numbers for what i've watched, especially using Graph's analytics, it gives me a lot to think about. I compare and contrast my ratings between shows a lot, try to define my tastes more and think carefully about how i feel about certain themes. In general it's made me more conscious about myself, i enjoy things more, and i also hate things more.

Best thing I find in this thread !!
Sep 25, 2018 1:12 AM

Sep 2014
I love anime and watch it purely for self-enjoyment. I do not watch anime for the sake of completion. But BECAUSE I love anime, keeping track of my list is fun, for me. I want to see how many animes I've watched, how many times I've rewatched etc etc. Am I competitive...? Maybe, but that's definitely a very, VERY small fraction of my feelings towards anime and my list. Besides, I handle my list from a third party application (Taiga). I log on to MAL every day to check out new series or new episodes that've been released or maybe if I get any messages from someone. And I'm afraid I haven't updated my list in quite a while.

As someone other people have said here, I don't believe people who watch anime because of completion really enjoy watching it and that's a little sad.
Sep 25, 2018 1:19 AM

May 2018
jarring said:
Basically what he told me was "I started watching anime when I was 2-3 years old and I NEVER STOPPED. I watched it 24/7" Like, he became an addict, and obsessed with the medium when he was 2-3 years old. He's clearly compensating. There are many people who pull shit like this and it's annoying.

And this is one guy and he is obviously exaggerating. Yes, there are many like him but why suggesting that everyone from the "old guard" is the same?

jarring said:
Never heard of anime playing in theaters back then. though I was born in 86, so I can't say I was around. But I do remember anime being pretty much nonexistent in the U.S...

But I am from Eastern Europe. Also the cinemas back in the 70's and 80's were reclining old movies for decades. Like Nagagutsu wo Haita Neko is from 1969 but I watched it approximately in 1978 (was 5 years old) and it was dubbed in our local language. Not much memories from then but I rewatched it after 2000 and even recognized some scenes.

jarring said:
save for like.. speed racer.

Well, even I know that you guys had more than that, like Astro Boy, Gigantor, Star Blazers...later Robotech ect.

In the 80's we had Kagaku Kyuujo-tai TechnoVoyager aka Thunderbirds 2086 and this was even before the original british marionette show from the 60's came to us.

jarring said:
and it was still just a cartoon.

Animes are cartoons...and I got what do you mean but then in my country every cartoon or other kids show was clearly labeled form where it comes - USSR, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, France, USA (mostly Hanna Barbera shows) I could easily distinguish the japaneses ones.

jarring said:
There wasn't a lot to choose from. Very true, I was there. I went to suncoast regularly to buy anime on VHS...I didn't know any better though, and it was plenty to me. The selection was just...nothing like it is now.

Yes, I am confirming one of your points also I don't disagree entirely but you are assuming too much just for the sake of your friend.
Sep 25, 2018 1:49 AM
Jul 2018
alshu said:
jarring said:
Basically what he told me was "I started watching anime when I was 2-3 years old and I NEVER STOPPED. I watched it 24/7" Like, he became an addict, and obsessed with the medium when he was 2-3 years old. He's clearly compensating. There are many people who pull shit like this and it's annoying.

And this is one guy and he is obviously exaggerating. Yes, there are many like him but why suggesting that everyone from the "old guard" is the same?

jarring said:
Never heard of anime playing in theaters back then. though I was born in 86, so I can't say I was around. But I do remember anime being pretty much nonexistent in the U.S...

But I am from Eastern Europe. Also the cinemas back in the 70's and 80's were reclining old movies for decades. Like Nagagutsu wo Haita Neko is from 1969 but I watched it approximately in 1978 (was 5 years old) and it was dubbed in our local language. Not much memories from then but I rewatched it after 2000 and even recognized some scenes.

jarring said:
save for like.. speed racer.

Well, even I know that you guys had more than that, like Astro Boy, Gigantor, Star Blazers...later Robotech ect.

In the 80's we had Kagaku Kyuujo-tai TechnoVoyager aka Thunderbirds 2086 and this was even before the original british marionette show from the 60's came to us.

jarring said:
and it was still just a cartoon.

Animes are cartoons...and I got what do you mean but then in my country every cartoon or other kids show was clearly labeled form where it comes - USSR, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, France, USA (mostly Hanna Barbera shows) I could easily distinguish the japaneses ones.

jarring said:
There wasn't a lot to choose from. Very true, I was there. I went to suncoast regularly to buy anime on VHS...I didn't know any better though, and it was plenty to me. The selection was just...nothing like it is now.

Yes, I am confirming one of your points also I don't disagree entirely but you are assuming too much just for the sake of your friend.
alshu said:
jarring said:
Basically what he told me was "I started watching anime when I was 2-3 years old and I NEVER STOPPED. I watched it 24/7" Like, he became an addict, and obsessed with the medium when he was 2-3 years old. He's clearly compensating. There are many people who pull shit like this and it's annoying.

And this is one guy and he is obviously exaggerating. Yes, there are many like him but why suggesting that everyone from the "old guard" is the same?

jarring said:
Never heard of anime playing in theaters back then. though I was born in 86, so I can't say I was around. But I do remember anime being pretty much nonexistent in the U.S...

But I am from Eastern Europe. Also the cinemas back in the 70's and 80's were reclining old movies for decades. Like Nagagutsu wo Haita Neko is from 1969 but I watched it approximately in 1978 (was 5 years old) and it was dubbed in our local language. Not much memories from then but I rewatched it after 2000 and even recognized some scenes.

jarring said:
save for like.. speed racer.

Well, even I know that you guys had more than that, like Astro Boy, Gigantor, Star Blazers...later Robotech ect.

In the 80's we had Kagaku Kyuujo-tai TechnoVoyager aka Thunderbirds 2086 and this was even before the original british marionette show from the 60's came to us.

jarring said:
and it was still just a cartoon.

Animes are cartoons...and I got what do you mean but then in my country every cartoon or other kids show was clearly labeled form where it comes - USSR, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, France, USA (mostly Hanna Barbera shows) I could easily distinguish the japaneses ones.

jarring said:
There wasn't a lot to choose from. Very true, I was there. I went to suncoast regularly to buy anime on VHS...I didn't know any better though, and it was plenty to me. The selection was just...nothing like it is now.

Yes, I am confirming one of your points also I don't disagree entirely but you are assuming too much just for the sake of your friend.

If I did suggest such a thing, it was not intentionally.
I do not believe all completionists or perfectionists have such delusions as this.
I am only implying that the completionist or perfectionist purports them.
I believe that without such defense mechanisms, the delusions would disappear.

AFAIK we did not have any of the anime you mentioned in the U.S.
At least, not on cable or public television.
Not on the channels I got with comcast cable anyways.
Though my immediate family didn't have it, it didn't seem like satellite had them either from what I watched with extended family and friends.

As I said before, the only anime we had AFAIK was Speed Racer, and nobody knew it was from Japan until anime became common knowledge.
We did have american adaptations of anime such as Voltron, as well as collaborations such as Thundercats, but they were not known to us as anime.

What exactly am I assuming?

Oh btw, my favorite movie when I was little was animé, called Gandahar which was translated by Isaac Asimov and known as "Light Years" in the states. It was French, which I was aware of later when I rewatched it around 12-14 years old, though probably not at the time I first watched it between ages 5-7. I only learned it was "anemay" relatively recently. Iirc i first pronounced Japanese animation as "aneem". I found it interesting to find there was nudity in it, because I had no recollection of there being any despite it being the most nostalgic thing I have ever experienced.
I find prejudice is a deep subject. If I am prejudice without my awareness, I'd like to know. I don't like to assume. I try to keep possibilities open. Although similar, I feel that sometimes prejudice is beyond self-control, and requires intervention.
removed-userSep 25, 2018 1:56 AM
Sep 25, 2018 2:36 AM

May 2018
jarring said:

AFAIK we did not have any of the anime you mentioned in the U.S.
At least, not on cable or public television.
Not on the channels I got with comcast cable anyways.
Though my immediate family didn't have it, it didn't seem like satellite had them either from what I watched with extended family and friends.

This just speaks about your narrow perspective - you haven't access to the right channels or something.
I have encountered many topics from americans that have watched and liked Star Blazers (Uchuu Senkan Yamato), Robotech (Macross + Southern Cross + Mospeda) and many more (Gachaman, Orguss ect).

I couldn't reach all available anime in my country too. For example Voltron + Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs were airing on Second Chanel...just in the time slot when First Chanel was airing the central news and our family had only one TV I missed important common ground with other anime fans from my region.
Also remember missing Lupin III: Lupin vs. Fukusei-ningen. It was named "The Secret of Mamo" (we never knew that Lupin III is a franchise) and I skipped the opportunity to watch it in cinema (one of those recycled old animated movies that someone thought is suitable for kids)...because this Mamo name sounded so dumb to me...and later all the other guys in school were commenting Fujiko's tities (we were 10 years or sm) but I was out of the loop.

jarring said:
What exactly am I assuming?

You are assuming from you somehow narrowed perspective that everyone has the same anime experience.
But for example how about the guys from Western Europe? They had way richer anime catalogue then you and me?

More exactly dessin animé.
alshuSep 25, 2018 2:42 AM
Sep 25, 2018 2:53 AM
Jul 2018
I love watching anime more than anything. But after I joined anime, I find it amusing to see my complete list increasing. It's like a small joy to move the "plan to watch" to "completed"

But also I, sometimes, don't drop the animes that I don't enjoy partly because I don't like the number increasing in my drop list but aslo because so that I don't forget the taste of bad anime and keep appreciating good animes
Sep 25, 2018 2:54 AM
Jul 2018
alshu said:
jarring said:

AFAIK we did not have any of the anime you mentioned in the U.S.
At least, not on cable or public television.
Not on the channels I got with comcast cable anyways.
Though my immediate family didn't have it, it didn't seem like satellite had them either from what I watched with extended family and friends.

This just speaks about your narrow perspective - you haven't access to the right channels or something.
I have encountered many topics from americans that have watched and liked Star Blazers (Uchuu Senkan Yamato), Robotech (Macross + Southern Cross + Mospeda) and many more (Gachaman, Orguss ect).

I couldn't reach all available anime in my country too. For example Voltron + Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs were airing on Second Chanel...just in the time slot when First Chanel was airing the central news and our family had only one TV I missed important common ground with other anime fans from my region.
Also remember missing Lupin III: Lupin vs. Fukusei-ningen. It was named "The Secret of Mamo" (we never knew that Lupin III is a franchise) and I skipped the opportunity to watch it in cinema (one of those recycled old animated movies that someone thought is suitable for kids)...because this Mamo name sounded so dumb to me...and later all the other guys in school were commenting Fujiko's tities (we were 10 years or sm) but I was out of the loop.

jarring said:
What exactly am I assuming?

You are assuming from you somehow narrowed perspective that everyone has the same anime experience.
But for example how about the guys from Western Europe? They had way richer anime catalogue then you and me.

More exactly dessin animé.

I didn't assume that. I made a point to say "as far as i know" = "AFAIK." "I believe." "From what was available to me on comcast cable" etc

and ofc people have watched those anime.. many have seen them. But it's a different story if they have watched it when it was new and on American television. I have NEVER heard of such things coming from a U.S. citizen unless it has something to do with their profession like someone who worked at Suncoast, Animerica, Viz media, or Funimation for instance.

Even the kids from the states I speak about, say they watched them on VHS lol. They don't dare to say they saw them on TV because well.. it's pretty much unheard of(before cartoon network). shit seeing someone else that watched anime on the sci fi channel is somewhat of an exotic beast.

Also, it is very rare for me to meet an anime fan that is older than me, much less, 10+ years older.

Don't you think, that if anime as known as "anime" was on television in the U.S. during the 70s and 80s, we'd have much more evidence from gen x and Baby boomers that it was?

The very few American Gen x and Baby boomers that I know of that watched anime were in the business--either in marketing or advertisement.

yeah i know--"dessin anime"--i just shortened it for the sake of irony.
Sep 25, 2018 3:20 AM

May 2018
jarring said:
I have NEVER heard of such things coming from a U.S. citizen unless it has something to do with their profession like someone who worked at Suncoast, Animerica, Viz media, or Funimation for instance.

Even the kids from the states I speak about, say they watched them on VHS lol. They don't dare to say they saw them on TV because well.. it's pretty much unheard of(before cartoon network). shit seeing someone else that watched anime on the sci fi channel is somewhat of an exotic beast.

This shows how unpopular anime was back than and how american centric was the TV programing. In other countries (like mine) we usually knew when we were dealing with foreign product.

jarring said:
Don't you think, that if anime as known as "anime" was on television in the U.S. during the 70s and 80s, we'd have much more evidence from gen x and Baby boomers that it was?

Never watched those shows, but as I mentioned above eventually anime was not popular enough to be so distinctive...but that doesn't mean that it didn't existed and that some nurds didn't appreciated it.

I adopted the term "anime" in the end of the 90's. Firstly a was calling it "manga" (because of the logo from the VHS releases - "Manga Video") but later understood my mistake. Before that I was calling it simply japanese animation.

jarring said:
yeah i know--"dessin anime"--i just shortened it for the sake of irony.

Yep, I was joking too.
Sep 25, 2018 3:43 AM
Jul 2018
alshu said:
jarring said:
I have NEVER heard of such things coming from a U.S. citizen unless it has something to do with their profession like someone who worked at Suncoast, Animerica, Viz media, or Funimation for instance.

Even the kids from the states I speak about, say they watched them on VHS lol. They don't dare to say they saw them on TV because well.. it's pretty much unheard of(before cartoon network). shit seeing someone else that watched anime on the sci fi channel is somewhat of an exotic beast.

This shows how unpopular anime was back than and how american centric was the TV programing. In other countries (like mine) we usually knew when we were dealing with foreign product.

jarring said:
Don't you think, that if anime as known as "anime" was on television in the U.S. during the 70s and 80s, we'd have much more evidence from gen x and Baby boomers that it was?

Never watched those shows, but as I mentioned above eventually anime was not popular enough to be so distinctive...but that doesn't mean that it didn't existed and that some nurds didn't appreciated it.

I adopted the term "anime" in the end of the 90's. Firstly a was calling it "manga" (because of the logo from the VHS releases - "Manga Video") but later understood my mistake. Before that I was calling it simply japanese animation.

jarring said:
yeah i know--"dessin anime"--i just shortened it for the sake of irony.

Yep, I was joking too.

I believe I called it "ANEEM" because that's how I heard it pronounced on the sci-fi channel. When Cartoon Network eventually started airing it, they advertised it as "anemay" on the channel.

I am not denying the possibility of there being anime on television elsewhere...
I'm just saying in my 32 years of experience in living in the United States of America, I have never heard of it airing anywhere before the Science Fiction channel, MTV, and Cartoon Network.

Shit, I remember introducing the medium to my entire school... and later on, a friend somehow got a hold of a VHS recording of the original Dragonball, subbed and uncut... blew my mind. I never found out how he got a hold of something like that. lol. Maybe he had a VCR that could copy VHS(those were incredibly expensive). There were no commercials, so it was probably most likely, but i don't think i'll ever know for sure.

Also knowing when dealing with a foreign product might have something to do with age. I'm sure localization also has something to do with it.

I mean, even though speed racer had such HORRIBLE dubs, I never met anyone who knew it was Japanese before the popularization of anime in the late 90s.
It was just like an epiphany for everyone all at once.

And yeah it's possible.. they are just so few and far between, they might as well be mythical beasts that don't even let themselves ever be known.

I have a half-sister who is a decade older than me that is a huge nerd. All of her friends were nerds, and she ended up marrying the biggest nerd i've ever met. lol. They mostly just read though. Their house is like a fucking library. They're also in the SCA(society of creative anachronism). It's basically like a community that does renaissance fairs. She did get me into collecting art trading cards. Boris Vallejo, Luis Royo, William Stout, and Jim Warren were my favorites. Not anime though. I introduced anime to them lol.
Sep 25, 2018 4:22 AM
Jul 2018
Lets face it, a large number of anime fans are on the spectrum somewhere. Having to finish things they don't like is no different to train spotters that have to tick off as many numbers as possible to try and complete their book.
Sep 25, 2018 6:13 AM

Sep 2017
Anime is a form of entertainment for me. If I'm not entertained, I'll drop it without any hesitation.

“If you live for yourself you’ve only got yourself to blame. So I can’t really blame anyone else and I don’t have any regrets.”


Sep 25, 2018 6:34 AM

Aug 2013
All this "pissing contest" thing sounds nonsense to me. But then I remember there are different kinds of people so I guess there's that.
Someone also said that they don't list rewatches because they are not in a competition of how many days they've spent watching anime... And just, wow. Personally I list rewatches because, you know, it's a thing you CAN do on MAL. But oh well, if you take into account that it's been a month since I watched anime, I guess it's not hard to see why it blows my mind that there are people who are in a competition.
Sep 25, 2018 9:29 AM

Jun 2015
OP You only have 10 completed animes. Please go watch some more anime and acquire more knowledge about it before participating in the forums.

Thank you.

Sep 25, 2018 10:09 AM

May 2017
I use the list so that I know what I have watched so far cause I was in some situations where I couldn't remember everything I watched or I remember the plot and all but I didn't know the name. And in those anime where some that were really emotional for me and that I loved a lot, so I use the list just so I don't forget what I have watched so far.
Sep 25, 2018 10:15 AM
Aug 2017
I mostly watch anime for the fun of it. I sometimes do start a series that I don't enjoy, but I will watch it all the way through, mainly to complete it.
Sep 25, 2018 11:44 AM

Aug 2013
I am a bit of a completionist, so OP might find my reply useful, evem if I'm not exactly the type of person he described.

I rarely drop animes (just 5 on my list and planning to rewatch and complete 3 of them) just because they could always save themselves or are enough short to not be a burden; that said my 1s are different since I just wanted to see how bad they could get.

I aso try to watch every entry of the franchises I began simply because leaving them unfinished bothers me, if I start a story might as well stick to the end.

I don't see value in having a long list, it's merely there to keep record of what I've seen and my tastes changing over time (my memory is bad, I probably wouldn't recall most stuff I've seen without the list).

As for the last point, I started watching anime seriously, well kinda, at 14 since before I just wached everythong thrown at me through my tv; in fact, most of the stuff I've seen as a kid isn't on my list simply because i watched it jumping from one ep. to the other without continuity.
Sep 25, 2018 12:27 PM

Apr 2008
I cannot just watch an anime I dislike just for the sake of completing it, it feels like a chore to me. I would rather not push through some shitty series just to try and finish it, and try to find something I enjoy watching instead. I like to think I have watched a lot of anime as I have been watching since the 90's but not compared to some. I however, do not watch anime consistently and I re watch a lot.

At least MAL got rid of their stupid top user lists that they had when I first joined. Users who completed the most anime was one of the lists, as well as users with the most dropped series, most anime on their PTW list etc. and it showed up on the main page of the site. It was even more of a pissing contest, than it is now.
SevenSep 25, 2018 12:57 PM
Sep 25, 2018 3:57 PM

Dec 2011
I realized early on that modes of entertainment are not my homework. I don't have to finish that book or movie or show if I don't want to. When it stops being fun, I'll just stop and move on to something else. I have no problem dropping anime when it no longer inspires.

If you stop obsessing over the numbers, listing should be something completely personal to you and only you know how you want to use it. I will say though, it became way more meaningful when malgraph came into existence. I found myself exploring titles I wouldn't normally watch just to see how it would affect the analytics, and the achievements helped push me to watch anime I'd been meaning to get around to but lacked motivation to start. I became more thoughtful of how I consume anime overall.
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