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Using 'cheap' tatics to make the viewer emotional

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Mar 12, 2018 5:44 AM

Dec 2015
Not reading the entire threat but if any of y'all talks shit about angel beats prepare to fight
Mar 12, 2018 5:47 AM

Jan 2011
NTR seems to be a quick and easy way to rile people up.
Mar 12, 2018 5:54 AM
Jul 2018
Nostalgik said:
Maelstrom said:
honestly I'm fine with characters dying to make us feel more emotional but most anime fail at this because their death is exaggerated or predictable.

bad example

good example

I didn't watch Naruto but how is the girl in Shigatsu a "Good example"? Her death can be seen coming since the first quarter of the show almost
i think you misunderstood it... try reading again
Mar 12, 2018 6:31 AM

Oct 2014
NihilisticLoner said:
The cheapest tactics to make the viewer emotion in anime I've seen are:

-Have the characters scream and cry about their feelings, like an autistic kid who's unable to communicate (even though the latter would be FAR more compelling drama)
-Melodramatic backstories (*coughs* Angel Beats)
-Using little kids (only reason people cried over Nina was because FMAB is so popular)
-Having other characters be sad about an underdeveloped character's death, so that the audience will care, because they sympathize with the characters, not the character that actually died.

There are no cheap tricks tbh.
Only tricks that are done well and done poorly.

Like a death of a underdeveloped character just doesn't work indeed. But if the characters are not sad about it then it would only make things worse because it makes the rest look like assholes.
But then again Death only works well if:
- the show has good characters
- if the death affects the cast
- if it also can happen to major characters
- if death is not used to much in a short timespan
And above all, if death is permanent, no ressurection or fake death and etc.

And the Nina case is not just shocking because she was a young kid, it was shocking because it was her father who did that to her.
Plus ppl prefer how FMA did it over how FMAB did it. In fact many who watched the 2003 version found that Brotherhood did it poorly.

And yh characters screaming out and stuff gets annoying. It works a lot better if the character had a more subtile approach like talking softly for example. But we ppl also tend to raise our voice when emotions run high but we don't sound obnoxious when we do it.
And yes having an drama about an authistic kid sounds like a compelling story which makes me wonder why almost no anime does that.

And Angel Beats.... Dam does every character have to have a sad backstory? Doing that to all the characters will only backfire by cheapening it as a whole. Having characters with no sad backstory along with ones who do actually makes it better.
Plus Melodrama already screams BAD to me to.
Mar 12, 2018 6:41 AM

Oct 2014
Maelstrom said:
honestly I'm fine with characters dying to make us feel more emotional but most anime fail at this because their death is exaggerated or predictable.

bad example

good example

The 3rd Hokage is indeed a good example.
Seeing a examplary strong character die so early is also shocking.
His death also had impact on the whole village and showed a Passing the torch when Tsunade became the 5th.

Heck one of the themes of Naruto is passing the Torch. Just look at the chain of Hokages.
The 3rd was student of the 1st and the 4th was a student of pervy sage who was a student of the 3rd (and was also the 1st choice for becoming the 5th until he denied it and brought Tsunade into it), then the 4th was the sensei of Kakashi who became the 6th and who became the 7th? Naruto who was Kakashi's student.
Mar 12, 2018 6:45 AM
Jul 2017
Rabt said:
Or a cheap way would be to kill every single interesting character...
Akame Ga Kill

This is the real shit. The real cheap tactics I adore so much!

"To rule the time is to control the world" - Amane Suzuha
Mar 12, 2018 6:50 AM

Oct 2010
NihilisticLoner said:
The cheapest tactics to make the viewer emotion in anime I've seen are:

-Have the characters scream and cry about their feelings, like an autistic kid who's unable to communicate (even though the latter would be FAR more compelling drama)
-Melodramatic backstories (*coughs* Angel Beats)
-Using little kids (only reason people cried over Nina was because FMAB is so popular)
-Having other characters be sad about an underdeveloped character's death, so that the audience will care, because they sympathize with the characters, not the character that actually died.

-People scream and cry about their feelings all the time, specially if they are traumatic, shocking or very painful. Not sure why you dismiss something that is very natural right from the beginning. If you think showing despair and extreme sadness is cheap by default you are being reductive and random.
-Again, reductive. A lot of people have terrible backstories and yes, they have an effect in their psyche. And among other things it's utterly stupid to complain about the characters of Angel beats all having horrible and sad past lives because that's THE WHOLE POINT AND PREMISE OF THE SERIES.
-I haven't watched Brotherhood but in the first FMA there were many other elements than your cheap and reductive statement. The fact it was her own father, the relationship Ed and Alphonse had with both of them, the psychological element of seeing somebody you were fond of turned into something horrible by somebody you trusted, the ethical considerations for Alchemy that the main characters were already pretty sensitive about due to their own background.
-Depends on the focus. If the focus is to put yourself in the character's shoes, then sure. But if, say, a character observed from the MC's viewpoint acts erratic and affected by a sad event that happened off-screen and the whole point is that there is a communicative barrier from the very premise that you, or you in the MC's shoes, haven't witnessed or empathised with their suffering, that is actually very valid.
Mar 12, 2018 7:03 AM

Jul 2015
@Deknijff ? I fail to see how the stock footage of Utena has anything to do with cliché uses of soundtrack. If anything, Utena does extra efforts in the soundtrack department with tracks for each duel, more than one composer, and a couple interesting gimmicks and choices.

I do have problems with stock footage but the root of the evil isn't the same. Stock footage is an attempt at saving budget, and can be done in decent ways (I'll take Utena's stairway scene over the stock footage of Sailor Moon every day). It's also still better IMO than enduring 2 mins of pointless filler mouthflap dialogue. Putting the same tear-jerking piano track in every sad scene, on the other hand, doesn't save anything. Except maybe efforts and creativity.
Mar 12, 2018 7:08 AM

Jan 2016
'Cheap trick' everyones has right to complain or be critics until they realizes how it's hard to move reader/viewer hearts

i don't know so, iam rarely complain about stories
Mar 12, 2018 9:14 AM

Nov 2008
I wouldn't say that it's a cheap trick...
Like in Made in Abyss when the mc was gonna die I didn't give a crap just wanted her to die because I didn't like her
When a character I feel somewhat attached to dies, then I kinda feel emotional lol like Akame ga kill.... Mine's death was emotional af...
It's neither cheap nor forced rather it's a common tactic..but again it depends upon the show...
Like in Made in Abyss, I felt it was forced...
And why would someone be emotional over a "cheap/forced" tactic?

This post is ASS-backwards and reeks of poor taste. Please fix it.

Mar 12, 2018 9:30 AM
Oct 2017
Deknijff said:
@Clebardman well if that would mean more stolen art work taken from Gustav Klimt there is no reason to complain am I right ?

why do people praise the OP so much? i think using klimt is brilliant but mashing cat-eared fanservice anime girls with klimt is so pastiche and unaesthetic that it comes off trashy
Mar 12, 2018 9:45 AM

Oct 2017
Chiibi said:
I wouldn't say that it's a cheap trick...
Like in Made in Abyss when the mc was gonna die I didn't give a crap just wanted her to die because I didn't like her
When a character I feel somewhat attached to dies, then I kinda feel emotional lol like Akame ga kill.... Mine's death was emotional af...
It's neither cheap nor forced rather it's a common tactic..but again it depends upon the show...
Like in Made in Abyss, I felt it was forced...
And why would someone be emotional over a "cheap/forced" tactic?

This post is ASS-backwards and reeks of poor taste. Please fix it.

Am I supposed to reply to this?
I just read my post..
And I think it's too late to edit it
Mar 12, 2018 9:53 AM

Nov 2008

And I think it's too late to edit it

It's never too late to edit a post. There is no time limit. XD

But really, MiA is brilliant and AgK is crap, dude. :/

Mar 12, 2018 10:03 AM

Oct 2017
Chiibi said:

And I think it's too late to edit it

It's never too late to edit a post. There is no time limit. XD

Hey by ass-backwards, did you mean I was wrong about MiA OR what I typed wasn't in order?
Chiibi said:

But really, MiA is brilliant and AgK is crap, dude. :/

Nah you're wrong, MiA's crap and overrated. AgK's way better than MiA.
Mar 12, 2018 10:16 AM

Nov 2008
Chiibi said:

It's never too late to edit a post. There is no time limit. XD

Hey by ass-backwards, did you mean I was wrong about MiA OR what I typed wasn't in order?
Chiibi said:

But really, MiA is brilliant and AgK is crap, dude. :/

Nah you're wrong, MiA's crap and overrated. AgK's way better than MiA.

Are you INSANE?

Akame Ga Kill is one of the laziest shows I've ever seen! All it does is introduce characters and kill them in the span of two episodes. The writing is shit. The characters have one personality trait. Everyone loves Tatsumi for no good reason. There was no explanation for why Mine would die from injuries that were less serious than the ones she suffered in previous episodes. She dies because the show decided that. The show itself doesn't know if it's a comedy, a horror, or a bad dating sim.

Ratings between the two:

Akame Ga Kill


Made in Abyss


Only an idiot would argue the first show is better in terms of writing, production quality, characters, design, creativity, etc. :/

Mar 12, 2018 10:22 AM
Nov 2017
If the emotion is forced i.e the situation is subjectively not developed well, then I guess you can consider it 'cheap.' Otherwise not at all

man_of_culture said:

The author intentionally kept the audience without the important information about the main character's father, and only feed us with selective information that portrayed him as an excessively bad parent, when in fact he was not.

The story is told from the perspective of Tomoya. At the time, he himself did not see the hidden side of his father, and only saw what the 'bad' sides

man_of_culture said:

The author made the main character act badly toward the father based on that limited information, like as if the main character did not know all the facts.

But he didn't though? Tomoya didn't realize his fathers sacrifice until his grandmother(?) told him about what really happened.

man_of_culture said:

Then in the end, the author reveals all the facts about the father and therefore suddenly completely changing the perspective of the audience, when the audience should be given the same information the main character had from the beginning in order to realistically see/judge the situation.

Like I mentioned before, even Tomoya himself didn't know his father was actually good. Even so, the story is generally not told from an omnipotent perspective. The audience follows Tomoya and only really knows information as seen through his perspective save for a few situations

Not saying you don't have any rights to hate C:AS, but at least get the information right :P (unless of course, I'm wrong)
Mar 12, 2018 10:33 AM

Oct 2017
Chiibi said:

Hey by ass-backwards, did you mean I was wrong about MiA OR what I typed wasn't in order?

Nah you're wrong, MiA's crap and overrated. AgK's way better than MiA.

Are you INSANE?

Akame Ga Kill is one of the laziest shows I've ever seen! All it does is introduce characters and kill them in the span of two episodes. The writing is shit. The characters have one personality trait. Everyone loves Tatsumi for no good reason. There was no explanation for why Mine would die from injuries that were less serious than the ones she suffered in previous episodes. She dies because the show decided that. The show itself doesn't know if it's a comedy, a horror, or a bad dating sim.

Ratings between the two:

Akame Ga Kill


Made in Abyss


Only an idiot would argue the first show is better in terms of writing, production quality, characters, design, creativity, etc. :/

Just re-read everything I said, I didn't even try arguing about anything. Did I?
And I am not in the mood either since I am having exams these days.
Mar 12, 2018 11:11 AM
Jul 2018
jal90 said:
NihilisticLoner said:
The cheapest tactics to make the viewer emotion in anime I've seen are:

-Have the characters scream and cry about their feelings, like an autistic kid who's unable to communicate (even though the latter would be FAR more compelling drama)
-Melodramatic backstories (*coughs* Angel Beats)
-Using little kids (only reason people cried over Nina was because FMAB is so popular)
-Having other characters be sad about an underdeveloped character's death, so that the audience will care, because they sympathize with the characters, not the character that actually died.

-People scream and cry about their feelings all the time, specially if they are traumatic, shocking or very painful. Not sure why you dismiss something that is very natural right from the beginning. If you think showing despair and extreme sadness is cheap by default you are being reductive and random.
-Again, reductive. A lot of people have terrible backstories and yes, they have an effect in their psyche. And among other things it's utterly stupid to complain about the characters of Angel beats all having horrible and sad past lives because that's THE WHOLE POINT AND PREMISE OF THE SERIES.
-I haven't watched Brotherhood but in the first FMA there were many other elements than your cheap and reductive statement. The fact it was her own father, the relationship Ed and Alphonse had with both of them, the psychological element of seeing somebody you were fond of turned into something horrible by somebody you trusted, the ethical considerations for Alchemy that the main characters were already pretty sensitive about due to their own background.
-Depends on the focus. If the focus is to put yourself in the character's shoes, then sure. But if, say, a character observed from the MC's viewpoint acts erratic and affected by a sad event that happened off-screen and the whole point is that there is a communicative barrier from the very premise that you, or you in the MC's shoes, haven't witnessed or empathised with their suffering, that is actually very valid.

1) People in real life are much stronger than that, ESPECIALLY the Japanese (a culture taught to control their emotions). Reaching that breaking point takes a lot longer, and only idiots or people with mental disorders, scream in public.
It's much easier to get the audience to sympathize with a character screaming and crying about their problems, then a character who just keeps quiet, looks a little sad, talks a little, like the entire cast in House of 5 Leaves which, btw, had only ONE scene of a character crying, and there was still no screaming, or even talking.

2) So? This is fiction. Not reality. The purpose is to be entertaining, not tell a documentary. People in real life go to the bathroom. Why don't we see anime dedicated to that? A lot of people don't have melodramatic backstories. The characters in Angel Beats could've still had tragic, but much more subtle backstories, like struggling with a mental disorder, being poor.
But anime ALWAYS takes it to the highest level possible. By putting in rape, murder, child abuse, child rape! Fuck subtletey! anime says.

3) Few episodes of screentime. Didn't know much about her other than she has a dog, a dad, and she's happy.
WHY did the author choose her to be a little girl? Why couldn't she be an adult?
Making tragic child characters instead of tragic adults makes it FAR easier to draw out the feelz from the audience.
I felt bad when Hughes died because his personality was just great.
Nina? She's every little girl.

4) Well, then I'm autistic. Because I don't feel terrible or cry for fictional characters because they feel bad about other fictional characters.

Bourmegar said:
NihilisticLoner said:
The cheapest tactics to make the viewer emotion in anime I've seen are:

-Have the characters scream and cry about their feelings, like an autistic kid who's unable to communicate (even though the latter would be FAR more compelling drama)
-Melodramatic backstories (*coughs* Angel Beats)
-Using little kids (only reason people cried over Nina was because FMAB is so popular)
-Having other characters be sad about an underdeveloped character's death, so that the audience will care, because they sympathize with the characters, not the character that actually died.

There are no cheap tricks tbh.
Only tricks that are done well and done poorly.

Like a death of a underdeveloped character just doesn't work indeed. But if the characters are not sad about it then it would only make things worse because it makes the rest look like assholes.
But then again Death only works well if:
- the show has good characters
- if the death affects the cast
- if it also can happen to major characters
- if death is not used to much in a short timespan
And above all, if death is permanent, no ressurection or fake death and etc.

And the Nina case is not just shocking because she was a young kid, it was shocking because it was her father who did that to her.
Plus ppl prefer how FMA did it over how FMAB did it. In fact many who watched the 2003 version found that Brotherhood did it poorly.

And yh characters screaming out and stuff gets annoying. It works a lot better if the character had a more subtile approach like talking softly for example. But we ppl also tend to raise our voice when emotions run high but we don't sound obnoxious when we do it.
And yes having an drama about an authistic kid sounds like a compelling story which makes me wonder why almost no anime does that.

And Angel Beats.... Dam does every character have to have a sad backstory? Doing that to all the characters will only backfire by cheapening it as a whole. Having characters with no sad backstory along with ones who do actually makes it better.
Plus Melodrama already screams BAD to me to.

Akame ga Kill misses the mark for everything you listed, but most people like BlackCriticGuy still got the feelz.

Probably the reason no Japanese creator has made an anime/manga about struggling with a mental disorder, is because they're too afraid of talking about other real-life issues.
Mar 12, 2018 11:14 AM

Oct 2013
bitchassdarius said:
Deknijff said:
@Clebardman well if that would mean more stolen art work taken from Gustav Klimt there is no reason to complain am I right ?
why do people praise the OP so much? i think using klimt is brilliant but mashing cat-eared fan service anime girls with klimt is so pastiche and unaesthetic that it comes off trashy
if you say so
I find it very aesthetically pleasing
so depends on person I guess
Clebardman said:
@Deknijff ? I fail to see how the stock footage of Utena has anything to do with cliché uses of soundtrack. If anything, Utena does extra efforts in the soundtrack department with tracks for each duel, more than one composer, and a couple interesting gimmicks and choices.

I do have problems with stock footage but the root of the evil isn't the same. Stock footage is an attempt at saving budget, and can be done in decent ways (I'll take Utena's stairway scene over the stock footage of Sailor Moon every day). It's also still better IMO than enduring 2 mins of pointless filler mouthflap dialogue. Putting the same tear-jerking piano track in every sad scene, on the other hand, doesn't save anything. Except maybe efforts and creativity.
the transformation sequence is also cliche though
making music also costs money so I don't see a problem with them using the same song if it saves money and they're pleased with the OST they made for the show
Chiibi said:
Akame Ga Kill is one of the laziest shows I've ever seen! All it does is introduce characters and kill them in the span of two episodes.
list of characters who didn't die 2 episodes after being introduced

Chiibi said:
Ratings between the two:

Akame Ga Kill


Made in Abyss


Only an idiot would argue the first show is better in terms of writing, production quality, characters, design, creativity, etc. :/
lol posts ratings to try and justify point by relying on flock mentality

You posting 2 reviews also is meaningless honestly. @ZSTGL_IMA could just do the very same but with reviews that fit his opinion just as you have here
Mar 12, 2018 11:16 AM
Oct 2017
Deknijff said:
[/spoiler]so depends on person I guess

this legit just looks like some shit a 17yo would post on her deviantart
Mar 12, 2018 11:22 AM

Oct 2013
bitchassdarius said:
Deknijff said:
so depends on person I guess
this legit just looks like some shit a 17yo would post on her deviantart
.It looks as it looks I guess my dude.
Mar 12, 2018 11:28 AM

Feb 2016
subrashijohnsan said:

man_of_culture said:

The author intentionally kept the audience without the important information about the main character's father, and only feed us with selective information that portrayed him as an excessively bad parent, when in fact he was not.

The story is told from the perspective of Tomoya. At the time, he himself did not see the hidden side of his father, and only saw what the 'bad' sides

man_of_culture said:

The author made the main character act badly toward the father based on that limited information, like as if the main character did not know all the facts.

But he didn't though? Tomoya didn't realize his fathers sacrifice until his grandmother(?) told him about what really happened.

man_of_culture said:

Then in the end, the author reveals all the facts about the father and therefore suddenly completely changing the perspective of the audience, when the audience should be given the same information the main character had from the beginning in order to realistically see/judge the situation.

Like I mentioned before, even Tomoya himself didn't know his father was actually good. Even so, the story is generally not told from an omnipotent perspective. The audience follows Tomoya and only really knows information as seen through his perspective save for a few situations

Not saying you don't have any rights to hate C:AS, but at least get the information right :P (unless of course, I'm wrong)

Of course you are wrong, unless Tomoya was a complete retard.
Mar 12, 2018 11:45 AM

Oct 2010
NihilisticLoner said:
1) People in real life are much stronger than that, ESPECIALLY the Japanese (a culture taught to control their emotions). Reaching that breaking point takes a lot longer, and only idiots or people with mental disorders, scream in public.
It's much easier to get the audience to sympathize with a character screaming and crying about their problems, then a character who just keeps quiet, looks a little sad, talks a little, like the entire cast in House of 5 Leaves which, btw, had only ONE scene of a character crying, and there was still no screaming, or even talking.

No. People in real life are not much stronger than that. Picture for instance a mother who just lost her child. She loses her temper, cries and much likely ends up in a hospital receiving treatment for her emotional shock. And I don't know where do you get that people in Japan are taught to control their emotions, because Japanese fiction is culturally very expressive. You said that stuff in other thread and I tackled it specifically, I guess we didn't come to discuss it in the end.

NihilisticLoner said:
2) So? This is fiction. Not reality. The purpose is to be entertaining, not tell a documentary. People in real life go to the bathroom. Why don't we see anime dedicated to that? A lot of people don't have melodramatic backstories. The characters in Angel Beats could've still had tragic, but much more subtle backstories, like struggling with a mental disorder, being poor.
But anime ALWAYS takes it to the highest level possible. By putting in rape, murder, child abuse, child rape! Fuck subtletey! anime says.

It is an established plot point that the characters in Angel Beats are there after suffering particularly sad and disturbing events when they were alive, it's part of the premise, therefore if you want to call the show forced in that you are getting it wrong for starters.

On the other hand, please pick one and also try to make sense with the previous statement. Do you want fiction to match reality, or do you want it to diverge?

NihilisticLoner said:
3) Few episodes of screentime. Didn't know much about her other than she has a dog, a dad, and she's happy.

That is different than "using kids is cheap", which is what you said. More understandable that way.

NihilisticLoner said:
WHY did the author choose her to be a little girl? Why couldn't she be an adult?
Making tragic child characters instead of tragic adults makes it FAR easier to draw out the feelz from the audience.
I felt bad when Hughes died because his personality was just great.
Nina? She's every little girl.

Because a little girl is innocent and naturally well-intentioned, which displays a bigger contrast with the evil intentions of an adult around her, and which naturally creates a bigger sense of repulsion. Same reason why in real life we are more horrified when a child is murdered or raped than when an adult is, or why we are more shocked when a child shows some genuinely evil and twisted behavior than when an adult does.

Because the whole point of the sequence is how innocents can suffer the consequences of the moral corruption associated with alchemy.

Because it hits the main characters harder because somebody who did or intended no harm had to suffer through this.

Because the main characters themselves lost their mother, who they both idealized, and are particularly sensitive about parent-chidren relationships that go wrong.

Because of their own relationship with alchemy and the emotional burden they carry due to that.

Because they knew Shou and Nina before and it was very shocking for them to discover this side of Shou and this whole change in the relationship he had with his daughter that it suggested.

Because they felt betrayed both in their personal ideals of alchemy and in the confidence they had for Shou.

Seriously, stop calling things cheap just by premise. It doesn't work like that.

NihilisticLoner said:
4) Well, then I'm autistic. Because I don't feel terrible or cry for fictional characters because they feel bad about other fictional characters.

I didn't call you autistic, just to clarify. And I don't know what are you answering here.
jal90Mar 12, 2018 11:50 AM
Mar 12, 2018 12:06 PM
Jul 2018
jal90 said:
No. People in real life are not much stronger than that. Picture for instance a mother who just lost her child. She loses her temper, cries and much likely ends up in a hospital receiving treatment for her emotional shock. And I don't know where do you get that people in Japan are taught to control their emotions, because Japanese fiction is culturally very expressive. You said that stuff in other thread and I tackled it specifically, I guess we didn't come to discuss it in the end.

You're comparing apples and oranges.

jal90 said:
therefore if you want to call the show forced in that you are getting it wrong for starters.

Where in my post did I ever call Angel Beats "forced"?

jal90 said:
On the other hand, please pick one and also try to make sense with the previous statement. Do you want fiction to match reality, or do you want it to diverge?


jal90 said:

That is different than "using kids is cheap", which is what you said. More understandable that way.

So do you agree or disagree?

jal90 said:

Because a little girl is innocent and naturally well-intentioned, which displays a bigger contrast with the evil intentions of an adult around her, and which naturally creates a bigger sense of repulsion. Same reason why in real life we are more horrified when a child is murdered or raped than when an adult is, or why we are more shocked when a child shows some genuinely evil and twisted behavior than when an adult does.

Because the whole point of the sequence is how innocents can suffer the consequences of the moral corruption associated with alchemy.

Because it hits the main characters harder because somebody who did or intended no harm had to suffer through this.

Because the main characters themselves lost their mother, who they both idealized, and are particularly sensitive about parent-chidren relationships that go wrong.

Because of their own relationship with alchemy and the emotional burden they carry due to that.

Because they knew Shou and Nina before and it was very shocking for them to discover this side of Shou and this whole change in the relationship he had with his daughter that it suggested.

Because they felt betrayed both in their personal ideals of alchemy and in the confidence they had for Shou.

Seriously, stop calling things cheap just by premise. It doesn't work like that.

Okay, that all makes perfect sense. But at the same time, you literally said that I was right:
using a child character to suffer, is easier to draw out an emotional reaction from the audience.

jal90 said:

I didn't call you autistic, just to clarify. And I don't know what are you answering here.

I never implied that you implied that I was autistic.
In your last paragraph, you said something about there being a technique to draw out an emotional reaction from the audience, by having the characters act emotional over something.

You're doing EXACTLY what 99% of people online do when arguing:
ignoring my other key points, in a low-attempt, to win the argument.
You haven't adressed the following that I have said:

"It's much easier to get the audience to sympathize with a character screaming and crying about their problems, then a character who just keeps quiet, looks a little sad, talks a little"
"But anime ALWAYS takes it to the highest level possible. By putting in rape, murder, child abuse, child rape! Fuck subtletey! anime says."

If you continue to ignore my other points I will stop any further attempts, at discussing or arguing with you.

EDIT: my definition of, "cheap tactics" to draw out an emotional response from the audience, is simply, writing tactics that are incredibly easy to implement. Which ESPECIALLY includes using little kids, like Nina that have almost 0 development in regards to their personalities and backstories.
removed-userMar 12, 2018 12:09 PM
Mar 12, 2018 12:17 PM

Nov 2008
Deknijff said:
lol posts ratings to try and justify point by relying on flock mentality

ANN doesn't lie.
You posting 2 reviews also is meaningless honestly. @ZSTGL_IMA could just do the very same but with reviews that fit his opinion just as you have here

You can't post something that doesn't exist. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Mar 12, 2018 12:18 PM

Aug 2015
NihilisticLoner said:
Probably the reason no Japanese creator has made an anime/manga about struggling with a mental disorder, is because they're too afraid of talking about other real-life issues.

There are tons of works that touch upon mental disorders, like major depressive disorder, PTSD, social anxiety, dissociative identity disorder, schizophrenia, paranoia, and even though it usually isn't outright stated canonically, some characters are speculated to have autism and show traits of it. Not sure where you're getting the idea that Japanese authors don't talk about mental disorders.
Mar 12, 2018 12:22 PM

Oct 2010

Okay, you didn't call Angel Beats forced. You tried however to dismiss its choice when it's not only perfectly justified, it is implemented in the premise. So if you want to base your antagonism on this point in this nitpick, I'll gladly give you that.

"Cheap" has a clear negative implication here, in the context of the thread, so if you don't want to follow that implication please tell me beforehand and I won't further discuss. Because "it's easier" is not a negative.

Also next time you give me the regurgitated self-victimized shit about ignoring your other points I'm so sick of reading, I straight put you on ignore. You are hitting a nerve here and I'm not going to play your game.
Mar 12, 2018 12:38 PM

Oct 2013
Chiibi said:
Deknijff said:
lol posts ratings to try and justify point by relying on flock mentality
ANN doesn't lie.
You posting 2 reviews also is meaningless honestly. @ZSTGL_IMA could just do the very same but with reviews that fit his opinion just as you have here
You can't post something that doesn't exist. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I expected low effort but this is even lower than I had anticipated xD
Mar 12, 2018 12:42 PM
Oct 2017
i like when anime useing cheap titties to make viewer emtional
Mar 12, 2018 12:46 PM
Jul 2018
jal90 said:
Okay, you didn't call Angel Beats forced. You tried however to dismiss its choice when it's not only perfectly justified, it is implemented in the premise.

I never criticized Angel Beats for making its characters have tragic backstories. I criticized it for giving its characters melodramatic backstories.

jal90 said:
"Cheap" has a clear negative implication here, in the context of the thread

I DID mean to use "cheap" negatively. "Cheap", in my book, means easy in a bad way.

jal90 said:
so if you don't want to follow that implication please tell me beforehand and I won't further discuss

Wait...are you saying you wrote half an essay's worth of a post, with the purpose of replying ONLY to the part where I used the word, "cheap"?

jal90 said:
Also next time you give me the regurgitated self-victimized shit

I am not victimizing. I am calling out on your bullshit, on you having (BEFORE) attempting to argue with someone while purposely ignoring their arguments.

jal90 said:
ignoring your other points I'm so sick of reading

Ah, but you weren't sick of reading 90% of my essay-long post.
Bias? Or are you just desperate to cover up your cheap tactic of ignoring what I said, to give yourself an upper hand?

jal90 said:
I straight put you on ignore

Nobody has any business in deciding who you put on ignore or not, so go ahead.

jal90 said:
You are hitting a nerve here and I'm not going to play your game.

Hypocrisy. I played no game. I adressed literally EVERYTHING you have said, just as I do with everyone else. But YOU purposely ignored key things I said to give yourself an upperhand in the argument.

Signifie said:
There are tons of works that touch upon mental disorders, like major depressive disorder, PTSD, social anxiety, dissociative identity disorder, schizophrenia, paranoia, and even though it usually isn't outright stated canonically, some characters are speculated to have autism and show traits of it. Not sure where you're getting the idea that Japanese authors don't talk about mental disorders.

Anime/manga that touch upon those disorders do them purely for over dramatic effect. Depression seems to always last temporarily, and it's portrayed as a character just moping. Schizophrenia and paranoia like in Higurashi are used to create high-tense stories (even though plenty of people with schizophrenia and paranoia still love normal lives). Characters with DID have destructive psychotic personalities.
And those are all (aside from social anxiety) incredibly negative and powerful disorders: none of them are more down-to-earth like ADD.

The only character I've seen showing VERY strong signs of autism is Mashiro from Sakura Pet, based on the clips I've seen. And given that anime's reputation, I don't think it seriously focuses on her autism.

In the end, mental disorders are simply handicaps to our every day lives.
However, anime always (from my experience) treats these mental disorders as harbingers of normal lives: like if you have a mental disorder, you are fucked.

If you know more anime that directly touch upon mental disorders in much more down-to-earth ways, then I'd love it if you could recommend them to my under my profile.
Mar 12, 2018 12:54 PM

Sep 2016
I guess it can feel like that in 2 scenarios:
1. For some reason the emotional scenes fell flat for the viewer who still knows the scene was supposed to make him feel bad yet he didn't.
2. The author is trying way too hard to give the feels by throwing every sad thing they can think about (like, arguably, clannad and less arguably elfen lied) and doesn't think about investing the viewer in the story.
Mar 12, 2018 1:00 PM

Nov 2008
Deknijff said:
Chiibi said:
ANN doesn't lie.
You can't post something that doesn't exist. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I expected low effort but this is even lower than I had anticipated xD

To elaborate, I mean you are NOT going to find a person with the mental capacity to intelligently write a positive review on AgK and a negative one on MiA.

Is all I'm saying. Because on an objective level, MiA is the superior show in every aspect. Don't PRETEND it isn't. People who know the basics of Writing 101 would recognize this.

Mar 12, 2018 1:01 PM
osmamthus wine

May 2014
NihilisticLoner said:
Anime/manga that touch upon those disorders do them purely for over dramatic effect.
NihilisticLoner said:
However, anime always (from my experience) treats these mental disorders as harbingers of normal lives: like if you have a mental disorder, you are fucked.

Fite me! Just kidding, please don't

-Yuri!!! on Ice has anxiety
-Space Brothers has Panic Disorder
-3-Gatsu no Lion has depression
-Inuyashiki (arguably) has Anti-Social Personality Disorder
-Ajin (arguably) has two cases of Antisocial Personality Disorder
-Welcome to the NHK (arguably) has social anxiety
-Koe no Katachi (arguably) has depression
-People have said House of Five Leaves has social anxiety, but it's been too long since I've seen it for me to argue for or against it.
-NGE has anxiety
-Dive!! (arguably) has anxiety and anorexia (or some other ED)
-Kuuchuu Buranko is literally about mental illnesses, holy cow
When I say "arguably" I mean it's not confirmed in canon or by creators, but I could provide clear evidence in that a character exhibits behaviors and thought patterns similar to those who have the disorder.
There's probably more, this is all I can think of for now. And I know you said to put on your profile, but I was responding to the thread anyway, so *shrug*
Some of these you've seen, some of them you've dropped, I'm just saying, just because you haven't noticed and/or it's not up your alley, doesn't mean it's not there.

OT: Something that I realized from what Nihil said--over-dramatic reactions. I think soft, broken words are more powerful than loud sobbing and wailing. I mean, yeah, I'll probably bawl along with the characters, but it won't stick with me. What sticks with me more are more the words said than the reactions themselves.
OfDeathandLoveMar 12, 2018 2:21 PM

Mar 12, 2018 1:12 PM

Oct 2013
Chiibi said:
To elaborate, I mean you are NOT going to find a person with the mental capacity to intelligently write a positive review on AgK and a negative one on MiA.
Sure sure whatever you say

Im pretty sure though if one would even bother posting something like that you'd say its unintelligent because it doesn't agree with your stance
Chiibi said:
Is all I'm saying. Because on an objective level, MiA is the superior show in every aspect. Don't PRETEND it isn't. People who know the basics of Writing 101 would recognise this.
I haven't watched MiA so I'm not pretending anything here
Mar 12, 2018 1:17 PM

Nov 2008
Deknijff said:

Im pretty sure though if one would even bother posting something like that you'd say its unintelligent because it doesn't agree with your stance

Uh no.
Unlike a LOT of people on here, I am not retarded. >:/ I value a well-written opinion that can provide backup for what it is trying to prove.

I haven't watched MiA so I'm not pretending anything here

*bashes head into wall*

..........then stay out of this, maybe?

Mar 12, 2018 1:19 PM

Oct 2010
Oh dear.

NihilisticLoner said:
jal90 said:
Okay, you didn't call Angel Beats forced. You tried however to dismiss its choice when it's not only perfectly justified, it is implemented in the premise.

I never criticized Angel Beats for making its characters have tragic backstories. I criticized it for giving its characters melodramatic backstories.

Yeah, I see you said melodramatic. Can you tell me what melodramatic means? Because there are two options. You either are correct and mean theatrical and dramatized, which has no correlation with "easy" or "cheap", or you are following the meme definition and calling the show forced and fake. Pick one and we'll talk.

NihilisticLoner said:
jal90 said:
"Cheap" has a clear negative implication here, in the context of the thread

I DID mean to use "cheap" negatively. "Cheap", in my book, means easy in a bad way.

And I haven't fully understood the nature of this "bad" way. So tell me please.

NihilisticLoner said:
jal90 said:
so if you don't want to follow that implication please tell me beforehand and I won't further discuss

Wait...are you saying you wrote half an essay's worth of a post, with the purpose of replying ONLY to the part where I used the word, "cheap"?

Are you going to stop fucking projecting on every phrase I say?

NihilisticLoner said:
jal90 said:
Also next time you give me the regurgitated self-victimized shit

I am not victimizing. I am calling out on your bullshit, on you having (BEFORE) attempting to argue with someone while purposely ignoring their arguments.

So you are on the attacking side then? Fine. Show me when.

NihilisticLoner said:
jal90 said:
ignoring your other points I'm so sick of reading

Ah, but you weren't sick of reading 90% of my essay-long post.
Bias? Or are you just desperate to cover up your cheap tactic of ignoring what I said, to give yourself an upper hand?

Keep projecting. Also, excellent way to decontextualize what I say here by fragmenting the quote. Too bad that people can read the original posts here.

NihilisticLoner said:
jal90 said:
I straight put you on ignore

Nobody has any business in deciding who you put on ignore or not, so go ahead.

Don't worry, I can go on for a bit longer.

NihilisticLoner said:
jal90 said:
You are hitting a nerve here and I'm not going to play your game.

Hypocrisy. I played no game. I adressed literally EVERYTHING you have said, just as I do with everyone else. But YOU purposely ignored key things I said to give yourself an upperhand in the argument.

Oh sure, you play no game:

-You tell me that I ignore arguments when all you told me is "apples to oranges" to my first quote, and when you completely deny the weight of my whole argumentation about the case of Nina based on a single little point of that quote where you, in your imagination, interpret that I'm reinforcing the validity of your point, when the rest of the post and also that one is specifically against your interpretation. I didn't say it was "easier". I said it created an emotional scenario that made the scene more impactful for both the characters and the viewer, because there is an added theme of innocence and vulnerability.
-You tell me that I ignore arguments when I answered specifically everything I quoted.
-You tell me that I ignore your arguments in purpose because I want to low-key win an argument and make you look bad and whatever victimized shit you make up for yourself instead of assuming that maybe I didn't notice, maybe you didn't word, or maybe I didn't want to tackle specific points of your post because I don't discuss with you to prove you overall wrong but to confront specific ideas and viewpoints that stem from your larger essay posts.
-You answer me stuff that is completely unrelated ("Well, then I'm autistic" oh yeah, you weren't victimizing yourself I guess) while fully dodging what I say there (which is that your statement can't be taken as an absolute and you have to observe context).
-And now you are talking about some shit in past discussions I don't know or give a fuck about, or some personal beef you have with me that I couldn't care less for.

If you want to appear as the most self-absorbed, passive-aggressive and moronic manchild I've encountered on the internet you are doing a great job.
jal90Mar 12, 2018 1:38 PM
Mar 12, 2018 1:26 PM

Jun 2008
The Winner for most manipulation of viewer's emotions?


I mean Jesus Christ...I still don't understand how people found this shit to be a masterpiece.

It's overly-dramatic, FORCES the audience to feel every fucking episode!

And at the was all magic?!


Mar 12, 2018 1:28 PM

Jun 2008

I know it's off topic....but I LOVE this picture because of the scene and what Momo does to Nana.

Mar 12, 2018 1:30 PM

Oct 2013
Chiibi said:
I haven't watched MiA so I'm not pretending anything here
*bashes head into wall*

..........then stay out of this, maybe?
I don't really feel like staying out of it when you're just saying stupid shit on AGK honestly
But you shouldn't have a problem with me commenting here since I haven't comment or said anything directly about MiA and never said one is better than the other and just commented your arguments are weak such as posting 2 random reviews and posting ratings to justify your opinion being objective by relying on strength in numbers
--ALEX-- said:
I know it's off topic....but I LOVE this picture because of the scene and what Momo does to Nana.
You be trying to ruin a perfectly good picture Alex

and you saying After Story forced you into feels?
Mind posting a picture of your eyes from the event so I can confirm if it was rape or if you're just being tsun?
DeknijffMar 12, 2018 1:36 PM
Mar 12, 2018 1:37 PM

Nov 2008
Deknijff said:
I don't really feel like staying out of it when you're just saying stupid shit on AGK honestly

"Stupid shit"?
I watched the show and found it very disappointing. I retract nothing. It is not well-written or well executed and the characters are not fleshed out and just die when plot demands it.

They are not "two random reviews" they are "reviews by people who have seen a LOT of anime and have been reviewing them as an actual job." They are detailed and analyze all low points and high points. They do a HELL of a lot better job than 90% of the reviewers on MAL, at least. Including myself.

Mar 12, 2018 1:51 PM

Oct 2013
Chiibi said:
"Stupid shit"?
I watched the show and found it very disappointing. I retract nothing. It is not well-written or well executed and the characters are not fleshed out and just die when plot demands it.
Well sorry you felt disappointed. I too felt slightly disappointed by the anime since it removed the rape from the manga and killed off both my ships
Mar 12, 2018 1:56 PM

May 2015
Anyone who uses Clannad as an example for this has no idea what they are talking about.

Mar 12, 2018 1:58 PM

Nov 2008
Deknijff said:
Chiibi said:
"Stupid shit"?
I watched the show and found it very disappointing. I retract nothing. It is not well-written or well executed and the characters are not fleshed out and just die when plot demands it.
Well sorry you felt disappointed. I too felt slightly disappointed by the anime since it removed the rape from the manga and killed off both my ships

If it REMOVED rape, I'd say that's an improvement. XD

Sorry about your ships. But at least you have the manga version.

Mar 12, 2018 2:01 PM

Feb 2011
oh hey look it's a clannad afterstory thread
Mar 12, 2018 2:09 PM
May 2017
Violet Evergarden is a show that uses cheap tricks to gimme the feels so well I almost shed tears a few times (seriously). it looks wonderful, it has direction oriented towards creating strong emotional responses, it sounds amazing (music and voice acting) and it's written in a simple, but effective way, all to the goal of eliciting an emotional response. just below the surface, as is commonly the case with anime, it's quite shallow and nonsensical and has marginal appeal to the realist in me.
all this means, really, is that these cheap tricks work.
"Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them."
David Hume
Mar 12, 2018 2:23 PM

Dec 2016
@Lunafleurette gurl if you got the time, grab some popcorn and go through this entire thread.
A+ entertainment right here.
Mar 12, 2018 2:47 PM
Feb 2017
So having good characters in an anime is a 'cheap' tactic. (According to whatever review you read)

Mar 12, 2018 2:59 PM

Mar 2018
I cried over Clannad After Story because I was sad my favorite loli died.
Mar 12, 2018 4:51 PM
Jul 2018
jal90 said:

Yeah, I see you said melodramatic. Can you tell me what melodramatic means? Because there are two options. You either are correct and mean theatrical and dramatized, which has no correlation with "easy" or "cheap", or you are following the meme definition and calling the show forced and fake. Pick one and we'll talk.

In this case, I'm trying to use both definitions: character backstories in Angel Beats are incredibly dramatic (hence melodramatic) which in turn feels cheap, in a easy and bad way.

jal90 said:
And I haven't fully understood the nature of this "bad" way. So tell me please.

Cliched and overdramatic as fuck. Angel Beats had a character's backstory be that they were abused by their parents. Insanely cliche and dramatic.

jal90 said:
Are you going to stop fucking projecting on every phrase I say?

Why aren't you being clear? What do you mean "projecting every phrase" you say?
All I'm doing is literally replying to everything you're saying.

jal90 said:

Keep projecting. Also, excellent way to decontextualize what I say here by fragmenting the quote. Too bad that people can read the original posts here.

How can I decontexualtize anything you say, when I literally quote and reply to EVERYTHING you're saying?
Unlike you and 99% of everyone else on MAL.

jal90 said:

You tell me that I ignore arguments when all you told me is "apples to oranges" to my first quote

What part of that is a, "game"? I can't recall any backstory in anime that involves a mother going through grief because of her kid. Every tragic backstory I hear in anime is always, "I was raped/bullied/abused".
I was just saying that you were comparing two different things.
Sorry I wasn't clear enough.

jal90 said:
and when you completely deny the weight of my whole argumentation about the case of Nina based on a single little point of that quote where you, in your imagination, interpret that I'm reinforcing the validity of your point, when the rest of the post and also that one is specifically against your interpretation. I didn't say it was "easier". I said it created an emotional scenario that made the scene more impactful for both the characters and the viewer, because there is an added theme of innocence and vulnerability.

I'm not denying anything you said. You're right. Making Nina a child helped create more of an emotional response. What part of that doesn't reinforce my point that it's, "easier to make a child character suffer"?

jal90 said:
You tell me that I ignore arguments when I answered specifically everything I quoted.

You did not quote those 2 important points that I had made. Nor did you reply to those points. Unless I missed something.

jal90 said:
You tell me that I ignore your arguments in purpose because I want to low-key win an argument and make you look bad and whatever victimized shit you make up for yourself instead of assuming that maybe I didn't notice, maybe you didn't word, or maybe I didn't want to tackle specific points of your post because I don't discuss with you to prove you overall wrong but to confront specific ideas and viewpoints that stem from your larger essay posts.

You're perfectly right. I assumed that you, like literally everyone else who starts going back-and-forth with me using essay-long posts, was trying to seriously argue. And I assumed because you didn't directly reply to certain things I said, that you were using an underhanded tactic to win the, "argument".

jal90 said:
You answer me stuff that is completely unrelated ("Well, then I'm autistic" oh yeah, you weren't victimizing yourself I guess) while fully dodging what I say there (which is that your statement can't be taken as an absolute and you have to observe context).

I'm confused here. Could you be clearer?

jal90 said:
-And now you are talking about some shit in past discussions I don't know or give a fuck about, or some personal beef you have with me that I couldn't care less for.

What? When did I bring up "past beef" or "past discussions"?

jal90 said:
If you want to appear as the most self-absorbed, passive-aggressive and moronic manchild I've encountered on the internet you are doing a great job.

Then you haven't interacted with people on MAL enough.
Because if you think I'm bad, you're gonna want to kill the others, half as much as I want to shoot up my school.
Mar 12, 2018 5:22 PM

Oct 2010

Glad that we are coming to better terms here. My complaints are only as a reaction to yours, that is, I'm fine if you just quote a paragraph to say that it's apples to oranges but I found it funny that you were so aggressive telling me that I ignore points on purpose and then basically dismissed my paragraph with a one-liner and didn't put in context. Either way I don't agree with your appreciation there because the specific example is not what matters, but rather, that in emotionally investing and stressful situations people lose their temper and don't act perfectly balanced.

Regarding your decontextualization: when you quote this fragment like that, it looks like I'm telling you that I ignore your other points in the discussion because I'm sick of reading. What I'm fed up with is the attitude of creating a shield of toxic counter-reaction where one of the parts plays the victim role and the other is suddenly put in a situation of having to answer to accusations. This is not how discussions should go and it's not just you, I can't bring myself to feed any interaction that goes like that. Justifying myself for stuff I never intended puts me in an awkward position in a discussion and I'm insecure enough about my wording to add more unnecessary pressure.

If you didn't intend to refer to my past attitudes, that's a bit of wrong interpretation on my part, and I'm glad it is. I just thought that when you said this:
NihilisticLoner said:
I am not victimizing. I am calling out on your bullshit, on you having (BEFORE) attempting to argue with someone while purposely ignoring their arguments.

You meant exactly what I'm reading here, that my so-called attitude of ignoring arguments on purpose happened before. If you didn't then I'm so glad because that's some huge and nasty controversy we don't need to get into.

It seems we don't agree on the final verdict of how things are made easier, or easier in a certain bad way we are clearly not sharing the wavelength well enough to understand each other on. It's fine and all. But again, to restate my point, Nina being a child doesn't make the emotional reaction "easier", not in a way that cheapened the moment at least, but it adds elements. Caring more for a child in this circumstance is natural because they are seen as more innocent and vulnerable people, my point being that these elements factor in to build the overall emotional response. They are not there to make it easier, but more complex and impactful, and arguably a different kind of.

So, here it goes. Hope everything's set and we can either be back to normal or politely agree to disagree.
jal90Mar 12, 2018 5:26 PM
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