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What do you like/dislike about the Anime community?

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Apr 20, 2012 11:48 AM

Feb 2010
Scruff said:
Now I know some people are fine with that, but personally, I do care what people think of me.

But why would you care? I just don't understand. At the end of the day it does not matter, only thing you have done is not being yourself.

When I say to someone "I enjoy fishing" they normally respond with a, "oh, cool that's neat".

Yes but fishing is nowhere near anime. People understand what fishing is. They don't understand how a 20y/o guy can watch cartoons or hentai, nor how guys can watch MLP:FiM. The problem is not in the "weeaboos" but in the people who perceive the hobby and what experience they had with it.
Like if they were pushed in-to watching something, when they don't like anime, or some dude/girl shouting "baka", "desu-ne", etc, they will have bad impression, but in the first place it's dumb to judge just by few people about the whole community.

When I mention I like Anime it's a massive downer on the conversation.... I instantly lose points with that person; so now I've taken to hiding that fact entirely. "Hiding my power level" basically.

If they're not interested in "Why and because you like something?", why even bother with a discussion? Choose more accurately with whom you are having discussion, not a random closed-minded dumbass.

Why hide something you like? It's not like some weird sex fetish.. and even then it doesn't matter what others think of it. Just to leave better impression? That's pretty pathetic trait to have. I don't have any problem to say that I love "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" and I like Hentai as well. Maybe the problem is within you and people around you not the "weeaboos".

And don't push that on to other people. I don't know what kind of waeboos you guys have met, but the ones I know are blatantly extravagant and pushy.

That is pretty much common sense.

I've been rude to some just to get the message to them, but all in all they're nice people, just too much obsessed with hobby, you have to make them to know that something is enough.
Apr 20, 2012 12:22 PM

Apr 2012
BorisSoad said:
Immahnoob said:

- It seems the "Anime Community" looks too much at the "cover" and doesn't look at the "contents", at least most of them, I see a lot of "ecchi/hentai haters".

This is interesting. I thought Hentai was mostly 'cover', meant for masturbation? Is this not true? Can it be deep? I can't tell because of lack of any experience with Hentai.

I gave an example, and added HENTAI because I think it's quite on par but its over level of ECCHI with just a bit. I meant mostly for the ecchi part. I did find some hentai with story tho, but those lack the most "interesting" part of the genre.

I think I should EDIT, I forgot these ain't my usual forums, so people don't know me. I'm not only talking about ecchi/hentai, but about people that just look at art and are like "Oh this anime is crap", I see lots of them.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 20, 2012 12:39 PM

Sep 2011
one-more-time said:

But why would you care? I just don't understand. At the end of the day it does not matter, only thing you have done is not being yourself.

one-more-time said:

If they're not interested in "Why and because you like something?", why even bother with a discussion? Choose more accurately with whom you are having discussion, not a random closed-minded dumbass.

one-more-time said:

Why hide something you like? It's not like some weird sex fetish.. and even then it doesn't matter what others think of it. Just to leave better impression? That's pretty pathetic trait to have. I don't have any problem to say that I love "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" and I like Hentai as well. Maybe the problem is within you and people around you not the "weeaboos".

These are all lines from someone who's watched way too many american teen-drama shows. Yes, it's good to express yourself and not care about the opinions of others and accept your true-self and all that;

but in the real world that's not how it works. I have to get try and get along with everyone and anyone no matter how stupid and ignorant they are. Because they are my colleagues, sometimes my boss, my school mates, my underclassmen I'm mentoring, my students I'm teaching, my teachers etc. I need to keep face around these people; so telling them I fish is a perfectly acceptable hobby. Yet telling them I watch Japanese cartoons will not land me any jobs or respect... they'll just think of me as a weird kid who watches cartoons.

One example; I'm director of medics at my school... one of the fellow directors "caught" me playing fate/stay night on my laptop during my free period and now he treats and talks to me like I'm retarded. He's ignorant and all, but I have to deal with him because he is my colleague. This has definitely put a stress on that interpersonal relationship. That's why I think it would have been better to hide it in the first place.

See what I mean now? Real world. Real Problems.
Apr 20, 2012 12:53 PM

Apr 2012
Scruff said:
one-more-time said:

But why would you care? I just don't understand. At the end of the day it does not matter, only thing you have done is not being yourself.

one-more-time said:

If they're not interested in "Why and because you like something?", why even bother with a discussion? Choose more accurately with whom you are having discussion, not a random closed-minded dumbass.

one-more-time said:

Why hide something you like? It's not like some weird sex fetish.. and even then it doesn't matter what others think of it. Just to leave better impression? That's pretty pathetic trait to have. I don't have any problem to say that I love "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" and I like Hentai as well. Maybe the problem is within you and people around you not the "weeaboos".

These are all lines from someone who's watched way too many american teen-drama shows. Yes, it's good to express yourself and not care about the opinions of others and accept your true-self and all that;

but in the real world that's not how it works. I have to get try and get along with everyone and anyone no matter how stupid and ignorant they are. Because they are my colleagues, sometimes my boss, my school mates, my underclassmen I'm mentoring, my students I'm teaching, my teachers etc. I need to keep face around these people; so telling them I fish is a perfectly acceptable hobby. Yet telling them I watch Japanese cartoons will not land me any jobs or respect... they'll just think of me as a weird kid who watches cartoons.

One example; I'm director of medics at my school... one of the fellow directors "caught" me playing fate/stay night on my laptop during my free period and now he treats and talks to me like I'm retarded. He's ignorant and all, but I have to deal with him because he is my colleague. This has definitely put a stress on that interpersonal relationship. That's why I think it would have been better to hide it in the first place.

See what I mean now? Real world. Real Problems.

Yes, it's true, you must try to get in good relationships with everybody, even tho each one of them is a complete idiot. "Normal people" are intolerant, ignorant and stupid. Each one of us must have "another face", or otherwise the "normal people" will see us as awkward.

Yes, whatever you say one-more-time you can't be that sincere with people around you, to be honest I was like that once, but now it's different. I finally understood that you need to not act like yourself around idiots, especially when you "need" them, or you work with them. You need them to take you seriously.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 20, 2012 12:59 PM
Mar 2012
I'm not a violent man but I would beat up that fellow of yours. Not because of anime - fuck anime. I just can't stand ignorance and stupidity. Especially if people treat you badly because of their own retardation. Strangely it never happens to me even though I don't keep any of my hobbies a secret.
Apr 20, 2012 1:02 PM

Apr 2012
Dedai said:
I'm not a violent man but I would beat up that fellow of yours. Not because of anime - fuck anime. I just can't stand ignorance and stupidity. Especially if people treat you badly because of their own retardation. Strangely it never happens to me even though I don't keep any of my hobbies a secret.

Maybe because they know it's better if they don't mess with you, where I live people know me as not violent but they fear me because of how I'm made. I hate stupidity and ignorance too, but I never resort to violence as I know my words hit a lot harder. When I resorted to violence I just got into more trouble and just made people around me fear me even more.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 20, 2012 1:08 PM

Mar 2012
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Apr 20, 2012 1:08 PM

Feb 2010
Scruff said:
These are all lines from someone who's watched way too many american teen-drama shows.

No, I don't watch such things.

I am what I am, and will always stand for it.

Yes, it's good to express yourself and not care about the opinions of others and accept your true-self and all that; but in the real world that's not how it works.

Oh give me a break, if you cannot accept yourself as who you are - it does not mean that "In the real world that's not ho it works."
Just seems you'll do anything to stay around someone just not to be alone or outsider.

I have to get try and get along with everyone and anyone no matter how stupid and ignorant they are. Because they are my colleagues, sometimes my boss, my school mates, my underclassmen I'm mentoring, my students I'm teaching, my teachers etc. I need to keep face around these people; so telling them I fish is a perfectly acceptable hobby.

Stop caring so much about others opinion. If your hobby is changing their attitude about you.. then it's the problem in those people, why the fuck would you care about what the ignorant people think? No, I'm really interested in - WHY?

Yet telling them I watch Japanese cartoons will not land me any jobs or respect... they'll just think of me as a weird kid who watches cartoons.

Exactly what I was trying to say, it's not because of the "weeaboos" but because people don't understand it and prejudge, or just simply to say they're stupid.

One example; I'm director of medics at my school... one of the fellow directors "caught" me playing fate/stay night on my laptop during my free period and now he treats and talks to me like I'm retarded. He's ignorant and all, but I have to deal with him because he is my colleague. This has definitely put a stress on that interpersonal relationship. That's why I think it would have been better to hide it in the first place.

I'd troll the guy with Hentai VN's.

Why are you considering "it would have been better to hide it in the first place" after seeing that the guy is complete dumbass? NO, REALLY? WHY?.........

See what I mean now? Real world. Real Problems.

No, I'm missing the point here - Why do you care? Why?
More like "Real world - full of retards."

Don't you feel sad for your self after taking the fake mask off?
Apr 20, 2012 1:11 PM

Mar 2012
I have to agree that while easier said than done, it is possible to 'be yourself', if not perfectly then at least to a fairly high degree. 'Be yourself' is a really loaded phrase though, there doesn't seem to be any concrete definition of it.
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Apr 20, 2012 1:12 PM
Mar 2012
one-more-time said:

Stop caring so much about others opinion. If your hobby is changing their attitude about you.. then it's the problem in those people, why the fuck would you care about what the ignorant people think? No, I'm really interested in - WHY?

Not the guy you asked and I'm also not faking my personality (yet - there may come a time when I have to) but it's obvious, isn't it? Humans are social creatures. They basically need each other to survive and acceptance is gravely important for that. Sure, when you're a student you can be yourself all you want with your fellow classmates (and you probably won't talk with your teachers about your interests) but when it comes to responsible adult life and work, sometimes you have to play it safe.
Apr 20, 2012 1:13 PM

Apr 2012
one-more-time said:

See what I mean now? Real world. Real Problems.

No, I'm missing the point here - Why do you care? Why?
More like "Real world - full of retards."

Don't you feel sad for your self after taking the fake mask off?

Can I join once again? I'm doing the same as Scruff, I feel sad when I take off this mask, but it's surely not because they don't know me, actually it's funny how most of them think they know me. I feel sad because they're that stupid.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 20, 2012 1:37 PM

Feb 2010
Dedai said:
Not the guy you asked and I'm also not faking my personality (yet - there may come a time when I have to) but it's obvious, isn't it? Humans are social creatures. They basically need each other to survive and acceptance is gravely important for that. Sure, when you're a student you can be yourself all you want with your fellow classmates (and you probably won't talk with your teachers about your interests) but when it comes to responsible adult life and work, sometimes you have to play it safe.

I've never been social creature, simply because I hate human species from a bottom of my heart.


I was lucky with my colleagues, they found it weird but they didn't change their attitude about me. Sadly enough had to quit job due to my health issues. And the jobs before - I wasn't hiding something so just they don't think weird of me, never had issues about something just of my hobbies, simply because I was doing the job at my best.

Immahnoob said:
I'm doing the same as Scruff, I feel sad when I take off this mask, but it's surely not because they don't know me, actually it's funny how most of them think they know me. I feel sad because they're that stupid.

What I was trying to say is:
After taking your mask off, haven't you asked a question "Why am I doing this? What for? Is it really worth it?"
Apr 20, 2012 1:44 PM

Sep 2011
No, you've got it completely wrong. As soon as I come home, I get together with friends, we watch all the current airing anime with a couple of drinks, they go home, I finish my Homework and then watch an episode or two of cowboy bepop (or whatever I'm watching at the time), play some Osu and then sleep. Rinse and repeat. I see nothing wrong with that and completely enjoy it. I don't like the way you instantly class me as "sad".
Apr 20, 2012 1:52 PM

Mar 2012
I want to watch Clannad and cry with someone. Not joking.
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Apr 20, 2012 1:54 PM

Apr 2012
one-more-time said:
Dedai said:

Immahnoob said:
I'm doing the same as Scruff, I feel sad when I take off this mask, but it's surely not because they don't know me, actually it's funny how most of them think they know me. I feel sad because they're that stupid.

What I was trying to say is:
After taking your mask off, haven't you asked a question "Why am I doing this? What for? Is it really worth it?"

Why? That's a good question, it's because I'm looking for acceptance I suppose. I don't want to be alone, I can overcome my big ego and my pride and act somewhat different.

I think even acceptance from these retards is enough, I can't live only with myself can I? Better than entering depression, so it's worth it.

So overall, I do this because it's human nature, what for, because I need acceptance, I suppose it is, otherwise it's not worth it if I want to become mentally-ill. Living in a different country, with a different language is quite hard, you know.
JoshSalas said:
I want to watch Clannad and cry with someone. Not joking.

Hehe, you like Clannad huh? I'd watch it with you, too bad the distance is too big.
ImmahnoobApr 20, 2012 1:58 PM

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 20, 2012 2:07 PM

Mar 2012
It's the thought that counts. I'll just cry into my stuffed Dango by myself.
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Apr 20, 2012 2:12 PM

Mar 2012
How rude.
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Apr 20, 2012 2:13 PM

Apr 2012
FatherAnderson said:
What I hate about the Anime community was pretty much summed up with what happened for the past 3 pages.

That means you pretty much hate every forums and communities on the internet.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 20, 2012 2:27 PM

Apr 2012
FatherAnderson said:
Immahnoob said:

That means you pretty much hate every forums and communities on the internet.

This is actually pretty much correct. There's not many people I meet on forums that I like.

Why do you still stick to it then? Masochist? Anderson was a masochist D:. Oh well, I don't mind the hatred. Carry on.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 20, 2012 2:34 PM

Mar 2012
I still maintain that this whole 'must stay on topic' thing is one of the strangest forum rules I've ever come across.
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Apr 20, 2012 2:34 PM

Apr 2012
FatherAnderson said:
Immahnoob said:

Why do you still stick to it then? Masochist? Anderson was a masochist D:. Oh well, I don't mind the hatred. Carry on.

I stay because there are some people I like talking to. But this is of course getting off topic, so I am going to back out of this conversation.

It's not off topic, we're talking about likes and dislikes, and you dislike the "communities" in general. So I'm actually trying to find out why, and maybe try to talk about it. It's legit.
JoshSalas said:
I still maintain that this whole 'must stay on topic' thing is one of the strangest forum rules I've ever come across.

It's easy to surpass sometimes. But some other times the thread just stops because everything that we could talk in it was already discussed.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 20, 2012 2:48 PM

Sep 2011
FatherAnderson said:
Immahnoob said:

I stay because there are some people I like talking to. But this is of course getting off topic, so I am going to back out of this conversation.

Smart guy. I'm going to let this die now.
Apr 20, 2012 3:03 PM

Mar 2008
Hmm a lot of people who like anime can be artistic or have interesting personalities (of course some really boring people like it too)

Its also interesting people steriotypically think ugly nerdy people but in actually a large variety of people watch it and i personally know some very sexy girls that could be models that like anime
Apr 20, 2012 4:45 PM

Aug 2009
I love everything about the anime community!!!!!!!!!!! ^_____^ Especially those kawaii people who glomp people and freak out over asians!!!! And those people who legitimately think that their taste is superior to other people's!!!!

Oh but one thing I HATE is people who like things that aren't Japanese!!!!!!!!! Why call yourself an anime fan if you watch ENGLISH DUB and not live off of pocky?!?!!?!?!? >__< XD
Apr 20, 2012 5:07 PM

Apr 2012
I like the sense of community that comes with loving anime, people seem far more tolerant of the sub-genres and the fans that come within it.

One of the things I don't like (and this goes for most any form of entertainment) are the people that spread hate just for the sake of starting an argument.
Apr 20, 2012 5:21 PM

Jan 2012
Scruff said:


People who write in blue (or any other bright) colour on forums (you know who you are) and decorate their MAL page like some sort of Myspace Profile.

@ OP: You trying to indirectly contact me with that first part?

Its not like its even hard to read. I find colored posts relaxing to read compared to the monotone color of black every post. Well maybe not when people post in light gray, but even then, its not that annoying.

As for the "myspace" thing, meh. Your opinion. I don't do that and it doesn't bother me when someone else does it either. What's wrong with an awesomely decorated profile, unless you're bothered that their profile 1-ups yours.

But maybe we should all type in black. Maybe we should all also have "Scruff" for a username and have our profile look just like yours. Maybe we should all just conform and lose all individuality because you apparently don't like the way some people express their individuality. *Have a facepalm*


...Random posts recently? Are you just posting now for the sake of posting?
Solo-MaroApr 20, 2012 8:48 PM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 20, 2012 6:22 PM

Mar 2012
Most of my posts in this thread are perfectly reasonable sans a few, I don't know what you're talking about. I admit that I was posting for the sake of posting a bit yesterday, was trying desperately to procrastinate.
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Apr 21, 2012 1:28 AM

Apr 2012
JoshSalas said:
Most of my posts in this thread are perfectly reasonable sans a few, I don't know what you're talking about. I admit that I was posting for the sake of posting a bit yesterday, was trying desperately to procrastinate.

NoooOOooooOooo. So you weren't posting seriously. I'm sad now.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 21, 2012 1:41 AM

Apr 2012
brainstorm5 said:
perverted 12 old kids trying to act like pedophiles

Your likes or dislikes?

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 21, 2012 1:50 AM

Apr 2012
brainstorm5 said:
Immahnoob said:
brainstorm5 said:
perverted 12 old kids trying to act like pedophiles

Your likes or dislikes?

oh i thought its what you dislike, sorry

Why would I dislike it? They're the easiest to troll.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 21, 2012 2:49 AM

Jul 2011
*The ones who aren't boring
*The ones who are different
*The ones who are aliens, time travelers, and espers
*The ones with moe qualities
*Big Boobs

*People who go out of their way to tell me anime I enjoy is shit.
*Super arrogant anime fans(most of the ones I've met are like this.)
*Children who go to conventions are mostly annoying.
*People who complain about the show's artwork quality when it's just a different style.
*People who refuse to watch anime with fanservice or perverted things happening in the anime.
*People who prefer subs or dubs.
*People who imply that watching anime they've watched will actually make you a fan of anime because you "aren't one now."
*People who wince or cringe at the mention of a Japanese word spoken in the middle of an English sentence.
*People who are too loud.
*People who won't speak to you unless you entertain them.
*Most people.
Apr 21, 2012 4:35 AM

Jan 2012
v1046-r said:
*Blah Blah

*Just about everyone.

I like you.

....Anybody, what's a hipster, so that everything is clear?
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 21, 2012 4:56 AM

Apr 2012
RedStarLight said:
v1046-r said:
*Blah Blah

*Just about everyone.

I like you.

....Anybody, what's a hipster, so that everything is clear?

Someone like "I don't watch what everybody watches, I'm just too good for that, Naruto sucks, Bleach sucks, One Piece sucks.". Like he's rejecting everything that is mainstream. If everybody is playing Diablo 3 a hipster will play Diablo 2 so he will not be mainstream.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 21, 2012 7:01 AM

Jul 2010
1) Lots of trolls on MAL.

2) In general, my experience of the anime watching community in the US is that they are kinda awkward people, but I've had only good things to say about those from other countries.
Apr 21, 2012 12:15 PM

Feb 2012
The community aspect of it. No matter where you live, who you are or how old you are, anime fans always have something to talk about with each other.

If it were not for anime, I would probably have n
ever met my best friend OR husband!

The other day, two of my anime loving friends were over at my house, I showed them my list and we spent half the afternoon cackling over my comments and remincing about the old club.

I'm right you're wrong people. I can't stand how people state their personal thoughts as certainties. Personally, I prefer subs over dubs but I have found a few dubs that I viewed as worth my time. Streaming vs Downloading, anime vs manga, unless you produced the stuff yourself or were the mangaka for the series, you don't know, you think. It's your hypothisis, NOT a theory or a Law. Please keep that in mind. If more people talked like that, there would be less drama in the world.

Drama and the maturity level of some of the fans. This may be a problem unique to the anime club I used to run with, but all of them, including me somewhat up till the time I got engaged, had the maturity level of six year olds at times.
The lack of general hygene at conventions lol.

Somewhat the forums on MAL. I'm kinda looking for another anime community where the mods allow game threads and things are a bit more relaxed. I mean, really, an anime community is never going to be completely serious. And topics reappear WAY too often. Ah well, at least I haven't found many trolls in the threads I haunt.
Apr 21, 2012 1:45 PM

Apr 2012
sisgood said:

Somewhat the forums on MAL. I'm kinda looking for another anime community where the mods allow game threads and things are a bit more relaxed. I mean, really, an anime community is never going to be completely serious. And topics reappear WAY too often. Ah well, at least I haven't found many trolls in the threads I haunt.

I did tell you guys that the MAL Forums are gonna die soon, nobody believed me. Seriously, Mods exaggerate with the rules, forums are slow, no new things added and old ones were removed and never implemented again, there are not enough members on the forums = activity is low.

It's sad.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 21, 2012 1:54 PM

Jun 2008
Immahnoob said:
sisgood said:

Somewhat the forums on MAL. I'm kinda looking for another anime community where the mods allow game threads and things are a bit more relaxed. I mean, really, an anime community is never going to be completely serious. And topics reappear WAY too often. Ah well, at least I haven't found many trolls in the threads I haunt.

I did tell you guys that the MAL Forums are gonna die soon, nobody believed me. Seriously, Mods exaggerate with the rules, forums are slow, no new things added and old ones were removed and never implemented again, there are not enough members on the forums = activity is low.

It's sad.

If it's about not allowing stupid game threads then i prefer low activity. If you wanna play games then go play a real game instead of wasting your time and feeling the forums with stupidity.
Btw i see you are new, have you yet no discover the episode chapter discussion forums? That's where lots of activity happens and that's where it should be. It's an anime site after all.,
Apr 21, 2012 2:19 PM

Feb 2012
Monad said:
If it's about not allowing stupid game threads then i prefer low activity. If you wanna play games then go play a real game instead of wasting your time and feeling the forums with stupidity.
Btw i see you are new, have you yet no discover the episode chapter discussion forums? That's where lots of activity happens and that's where it should be. It's an anime site after all.,

As long as it is segregated from other sections, where's the harm? It also bugs me that the cooler games, the ones that required you to THINK like, the, "What Anime Quote is This Game" have been killed while stupid, easy ones like "Last Letter First Letter" started a new thread and hasn't been called out for it.
I tend to like to play forum games as I am waiting for my streamed anime to load properly. I don't see how I am "feeling" anything with stupidity.
Apr 21, 2012 2:28 PM

Apr 2012
Monad said:
Immahnoob said:
sisgood said:

Somewhat the forums on MAL. I'm kinda looking for another anime community where the mods allow game threads and things are a bit more relaxed. I mean, really, an anime community is never going to be completely serious. And topics reappear WAY too often. Ah well, at least I haven't found many trolls in the threads I haunt.

I did tell you guys that the MAL Forums are gonna die soon, nobody believed me. Seriously, Mods exaggerate with the rules, forums are slow, no new things added and old ones were removed and never implemented again, there are not enough members on the forums = activity is low.

It's sad.

If it's about not allowing stupid game threads then i prefer low activity. If you wanna play games then go play a real game instead of wasting your time and feeling the forums with stupidity.
Btw i see you are new, have you yet no discover the episode chapter discussion forums? That's where lots of activity happens and that's where it should be. It's an anime site after all.,

You mean Anime Discussion forums? And what should we discuss there? "OH LOOK WHAT X DID IN THE ANIME, LETS DISCUSS ABOUT HOW ITS OBVIOUS HE DID IT!"

Are you fucking kidding me?

I don't want games, I want REAL DEBATES, REAL TROLLS, I want to see the POWAH OF DA FORUMS!

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 21, 2012 2:35 PM
Feb 2012
I dislike ppl who complain about animes getting dub when their money isnt even going to help the company that dubs the anime.
I desire money. Not because I am poor or because I am greedy. It is because with money I will gain power and with that power I will be able to change the world.
Apr 21, 2012 3:18 PM

Mar 2008
- people who judge ANY anime before having watched it at all (I mean it's ok as long as you keep it to yourself, but as soon as someone says asasffsö sucks but hasn't even tried to watch 1 episode.. =_=)
- people who claim sub is always better than dub/manga is always better than anime (and vise versa)

- pretty much everyone else ^^
Apr 21, 2012 4:54 PM

May 2010
v1046-r said:
*The ones who aren't boring
*The ones who are different
*The ones who are aliens, time travelers, and espers
*The ones with moe qualities
*Big Boobs

*People who go out of their way to tell me anime I enjoy is shit.
*Super arrogant anime fans(most of the ones I've met are like this.)
*Children who go to conventions are mostly annoying.
*People who complain about the show's artwork quality when it's just a different style.
*People who refuse to watch anime with fanservice or perverted things happening in the anime.
*People who prefer subs or dubs.
*People who imply that watching anime they've watched will actually make you a fan of anime because you "aren't one now."
*People who wince or cringe at the mention of a Japanese word spoken in the middle of an English sentence.
*People who are too loud.
*People who won't speak to you unless you entertain them.
*Most people.

Some of your likes and dislikes are contradicting
Apr 21, 2012 7:05 PM

Mar 2012
He sounds like a pretty big anime hipster imho.
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Apr 21, 2012 8:30 PM

Mar 2012
I like that no one he likes is allowed to have a preference of subs or dubs.
Apparently, having an opinion is bad.
Apr 21, 2012 9:20 PM

Aug 2007
Off the top of my head the biggest dislike for me is people who don't know the definition of fan. Such as a person saying you're not a fan because you pirate anime instead of buying it.
Apr 22, 2012 12:02 AM

Jul 2011
Kazeshini said:
Some of your likes and dislikes are contradicting

Apr 22, 2012 2:56 AM

Apr 2012
JoshSalas said:
He sounds like a pretty big anime hipster imho.

Yeah, a bit.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 22, 2012 4:03 AM

Feb 2008
I like anime.

I dislike other anime fans.

Apr 22, 2012 4:10 AM

Apr 2012
AlanViBritannia said:
I like anime.

I dislike other anime fans.


You dislike the entire Anime Community.

Seems legit.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
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